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Poultry-domesticated fowl collectively, especially those valued for their meat and eggs, as

chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, and guinea fowl.

Eggs come from hens raised specifically to lay eggs, but chickens that are raised for meat are
called “broilers.” These chickens are typically white, and are bred specifically for optimal health
and size to produce a quality product for the consumer.

Broiler chickens are raised in large, open structures called houses, where they roam, explore, eat,
and commune with other chickens. Some (including free-range chickens) have varying access to
the outdoors, based on farmer preference.

Broiler chickens arrive at the farm at the same time, from the same hatchery, to maintain
biosecurity on the farm.

Feed additives-

According to the European Commission’s commonly accepted definition,

“Feed additives are products used in animal nutrition for purposes of improving the quality of feed
and the quality of food from animal origin, or to improve the animals’ performance and health,
e.g. providing enhanced digestibility of the feed materials.”

You thought that animals ate plants, or grass or some other ‘food’ natural to their ilk. But in
reality, in today’s factory farms, feeding livestock is a complicated endeavor fraught with
controversy and split opinions.


Allow a fish to breathe underwater. These are very delicate structures and should not be touched if
the fish is to be released!

Fish scales have a variety of functions ranging from protection to aqua dynamics, however, not all
fish have scales, according to VersAquatics. The Mailed Catfish, rather than scales, has bony
plates to protect its body.

Commercial Feed
Commercial feed includes all materials distributed for use as feed or for mixing in feed for
animals other than man. The term "Commercial Feed" shall include the categories of feed
ingredients, customer-formula feeds, pet foods, and specialty pet foods. Any feed that fits the
definition of commercial feed must be registered and approved by the WV Department of
Agriculture prior to distribution within the state.
Poultry farming, raising of birds domestically or commercially, primarily for meat and eggs but
also for feathers. Chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese are of primary importance, while guinea
fowl and squabs (young pigeons) are chiefly of local interest. This article treats the principles and
practices of poultry farming. For a discussion of the food value and processing of poultry
products, see egg and poultry processing.

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