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Danan – Sales & Marketing


• Medical Information
Apa itu tekanan Darah ?
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Hypertensi ?
Hypertension by Category
Bagaimana seharusnya mengukur tekanan darah ?

• Kekurangan dari Tensimeter Merkuri / Aneroid

• Selling point Omron Tensimeter digital & nebulizer
• Omron Clinical Validation
• Omron Professional Blood Pressure Monitor
• Omron Professional Nebulizer
Part 1
Omron Healthcare Overview

Our Products 4/n

Providing a wide range of health/medical care products

for households and professionals

Home-use digital
blood pressure monitors
Spot Check Monitor
Digital thermometers Cardiovascular
screening monitors

Activity monitors
Fully Automatic BPM
Walking posture meter
Electric tooth brushes
Sleep Sensor

Sleep Duration Trackers

Electronic muscle stimulators Visceral Fat Monitor

Portable ECG
Electronic muscle stimulators Nebulizers

Home Use Medical Use


ISO 9001 Quality management systems

ISO 14000 Environmental management systems

Medical devices – Quality management

ISO 13485

Part 1
What is Blood Pressure?

What is Blood Pressure?

 Tekanan darah : Dorongan pada dinding arteri karena

jantung berkontraksi untuk memompa darah ke seluruh
tubuh SBP
 Systolic blood pressure (SBP) : Tekanan darah pada
arteri ketika jantung berkontraksi untuk memompa darah 120 mmHg
ke seluruh tubuh
 Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) I
Tekanan darah pada arteri ketika otot jantung relaksasi DBP

Systolic Blood Pressure Diastolic Blood Pressure

Heart Heart
Left Aorta Left
atrium atrium Aorta

Left Aorta contracts

ventricle Left ventricle
Valve Valve closed
Force to arterial walls
Blood Pressure Values
- Daily Fluctuations
Factors that Affect Blood Pressure

 Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi tekanan darah diantaranya aktivitas

fisik, faktor emosi dan sebagaianya
 Sangat disaranakan untuk mengukur tekanan darah setiap hari untuk
mengetahui tren tekanan darah karena tekanan darah selalu berubah terus
sepanjang hari karena banyak faktor


Causes of
Bathing BP Fluctuations Physical
(mandi) Exercise


Part 2
What is Hypertension?

Mengapa perlu mengukur tekanan darah di rumah ?

Proportional mortality (% of total deaths )


Cardiovascular Hypertension
Communcable,mate 30%
rnal,pernatal and patients
conditions 29.1M

Others NCDs

Diabetes Respiratory
3% 7%
Data from world health organization NCD country profiles 2011

Penyakit yang disebabkan gaya hidup akan terus meningkat

The Dangers of Hypertension

 Hipertensi seringkali tidak mempunyai gejala

 Jika tidak dirawat, hipertensi dapat merusak atau membuat pembulah darah
menjadi keras atau sering disebut arteriosklerosis
 Pembuluh darah yang keras meningkatkan resiko komplikasi penyakit seperti
stroke, gagal ginjal, gagal jantung dan sebagainya



Heart failure,
angina pectoris,

Chronic kidney

Blood Arteriosclerosis
Vessels obliterans
Part 1
Hypertension Category

Hypertension Category

White-coat and Masked Hypertension

White-coat Hypertension Masked Hypertension

BP is usually normal but is high when visiting BP is usually high but is normal when visiting
the doctor the doctor

BP is

BP is
Normal OK!

Visiting Visiting
Doctor Doctor

Time of day Time of day14


Klasifikasi Hipertensi Menurut WHO

Kategori Sistolik Diastolik

Optimal < 120 < 80
Suatu keadaan Normal < 130 < 85
di mana Normal-Tinggi 130 - 139 85 - 89
Tekanan Darah Tingkat 1 ( Hipertensi Ringan) 140 - 159 90 - 99
di atas Normal Tingkat 2 ( Hipertensi sedang ) 160 - 179 100 - 109
yang sifatnya Tingkat 3 Hipertensi berat > 180 > 110
permanen Hipertensi sistol terisolasi > 140 < 90

Prevalensi di Indonesia sebesar

33,3% ( 81 orang dari 243 orang)
Part 5
How Should We Measure Blood Pressure?

Two Methods for Measuring Blood Pressure

Auscultation Method
Mengukur dengan Mendengarkan Suara
Aliran Darah Pada Arteri Menggunakan Manometer Mercurial- type
Manometer dan Stethoscope manometer

Blood pressure is determined by

Cuff pressure
monitoring the sound of blood flowing
through the artery.
A stethoscope is used to listen for arterial
noise while pressure is slowly released
from the cuff. Cuff pressure is observed
using a manometer. Aneroid- type
Cuff manometer
Some electronic monitors with a built-in
microphone also use this method. Stethoscope

Oscillometric Method
Omron Menggunakan Teknologi Cuff pressure
sensor yang dapat Mendeteksi
Perubahan Pada Manset Saat Udara
dilepaskan Secara Perlahan

Blood pressure is determined by monitoring

the pressure of the cuff. Electronic monitor Electronic
Cuff sphygmomanometer
Omron monitors use this method to detect the
arterial vibrations created by the pulse while 17
pressure is slowly released from the cuff.
About Blood Pressure Monitoring
Masalah saat menggunakanTensimeter merkuri

1. Membuat telinga dan tangan terasa pegal jika melakukan pengukuran berulang-

About Blood Pressure Monitoring
Masalah saat menggunakanTensimeter merkuri

2. Harus dipastikan bahwa tensimeter sudah terkalibrasi untuk hasil pengukuran

yang tepat

Skala ukur yang cenderung

membuat hasil pengukuran
kurang akurat

About Blood Pressure Monitoring
Masalah saat menggunakanTensimeter merkuri

3. Efek yang buruk pada kesehatan dan lingkungan

Sulit untuk dibersihkan

→ Resiko terkena infeksi → Resiko terpapar merkuri
Problem with mercury devices

5. Ukuran Manset terbatas

16cm and below 17~40cm 40cm and above

(only some device up to 40cm)

× ×
Cannot measure pediatric
and obese patients with large arm
Omron Prof. Blood Pressure Monitor

Clinical Validation from International Medical Authority

All Omron Blood Pressures are clinical validated by :

1. America Association of Medical Instruments (AAMI)

2. British Hypertension Society (BHS)

3. European Hypertension Society (EHS)

Mercury Free Campaign

Scientific activities
Confidential 24/25

Omron’s BPMs have been used in many scientific studies on

home BP, including office BP measurement.

OMRON Source : PubMed

Keywords : Based on “home blood pressure”,

white coat hypertension and masked
hypertension, ect., including office BP.
Others includes manufacturers of 5 devices or
OMRON less, and manufacturer unknown.

Major 6 Journals : Limited to research papers

from Circulation, Hypertension, J Hypertension, J
Hum Hypertens., Am J Hypertens., and Blood
Press. Monit.

Exclusions : ABPM, Reviews, Letters, Comments

and Validation papers

Publication date : 2000 to July 2011

※ According to our own research

Promote accuracy of digital
(with reference to Coleman study)

53 % of aneroid devices were

found to be reading error and 13 %
of mercury sphygmomanometer.

Automated digital devices were

the most accurate with only 4.5 %
gave errors

( recommended level of 3 mm Hg )

About Blood Pressure Monitoring
Validasi Klinis
Tensimeter digital Omron memenuhi standard validasi internasional:

1. America Association of Medical Instruments (AAMI)

Kesimpulan : Menggunakan data yang dikumpulkan di Amerika Serikat dan Jepang .

Alat HBP 1300 telah lulus uji validasi sebagai alat yang akurat dan dapat digunakan pada orang
dewasa dan anak-anak 26/n

The accuracy of blood pressure monitoring equipment is very important. The following are the results of a study 1) that
examined aneroid manometers, mercurial manometers, and automatic monitors that use the oscillometric method to
record blood pressure, and their ability to accurately determine pressure.

 53% of aneroid manometers and 13% of mercurial manometers did not satisfy European standards, where error is
tolerated within ±3 mmHg2). Only 5% (6 out of 134)of the automatic monitors did not.
 According to this report, automatic monitors feature the highest accuracy and are the most reliable. They are longer-
lasting and higher in quality.
 The automatic monitors used in this study were all made by Omron. The six monitors that did not satisfy the European
standard were discontinued models; all of the tested models made in 1999 or later perfectly satisfied the standard.

Error distribution in comparison with standard value ( 50% of errors are distributed within the frame)
Automatic (134 units)
Mercurial (83 units)
Aneroid (62 units) (Oscillometric)
Error (mmHg)

Error within
±3 mmHg

Standard pressure value (mmHg) Standard pressure value (mmHg) Standard pressure value (mmHg)

1) Coleman AJ et al. Blood Press Monit. 2005

2) EN1060-1:1996. Specification for non-invasive sphygmomanometers. Pat 1: general requirements. Brussels; 1996
About Blood Pressure Monitoring
Latar Belakang

Situasi Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit yang selalu dipenuhi oleh pasien
yang menunggu untuk konsultasi dokter.

About Blood Pressure Monitoring
Latar Belakang

Tenaga Medis melakukan pengukuran tekanan darah sekurang-kurangnya

100 – 500 pasien setiap harinya sebelum konsultasi dengan dokter.
About Blood Pressure Monitoring
Inovasi Omron

Dari Menjadi

1. Telinga dan tangan cepat lelah jika 1. Inflasi otomatis sehingga lebih mudah
melakukan pengukuran berulang- dan nyaman digunakan untuk
ulang pengukuran berulang
2. Adanya efek buruk pada lingkungan- 2. Bebas Merkuri
resiko terpapar merkuri
3. Adanya kekhawatiran mengenai 3. Dapat segera memeriksa akurasi alat
pembacaan hasil yang tidak akurat langsung jika diperlukan
karena alat yang tidak dikalibrasi
4. Alat dan manset dapat dibersihkan
4. Adanya kekhawatiran mengenai dengan mudah
infeksi karena alat sulit untuk
dibersihkan 5. Nyaman dalam pemakaian manset

5. Ketidaknyamanan dalam pemakaian

Omron Professional BPM

Omron Tensimeter digital Profesional

HBP-9020 HEM-907 HBP-1300 HBP-1100

Product Strategy

Outpatients Dept

General Wards
- Large & Medium size Specialist Clinics

Consultation Rooms

Specialist Clinics
- Small size Consultation Rooms

GP Clinics
Government Clinics
Product Strategy – Channel
Government Private Specialist GP
Hospital Hospital Clinics Clinics

Rawat jalan
& Poliklinik

konsultasi HBP-1100
dokter HBP-1300
• target small hosp & clinics
• target large hosp &
• tender projects
specialist clinics
Other Dept • Low price
• selling on spec & portable
• target on nurses

Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor for doctors in the

consultation room.

Designed for use in

clinics, doctor’s office,
hospitals and medical

Purpose of HBP-1100

Replace mercury used in clinics and outpatient dept in hospitals.

HBP-1100 use

Usage scenario: On consultation desk

 Mudah dalam penggunaanya
 2 metode pengukuran =
1. Full digital = otomatis
2. Menggunakan stethoschope = semi otomatis

 Battery (AA type) or AC operation

 Sangat Durable / Kuat untuk digunakan dalam skala rumah
 Ada indikator
1. Indikator battery low
2. Indikator Detak Jantung tidak beraturan
( irama Jantung / Aritmia )
3. Zero Indicator
( alat mengecek dulu, bila ada angka 0, alat siap digunakan
4. Motion Stop Indicator
Deteksi gerakan tubuh, alat akan berhenti deflasi 5 menit

Easy-to-use and Durable automatic
blood pressure monitor

An ideal assistant to nurses-

* No pain in the hands and ears from repetitive use
* Reduce individual difference in measurement
* No risk of mercury leakage
3 key features of HBP-1100

(1) Zero indicator

The device displays “OK” sign when it is ready for measurement.

Before each measurement, the monitor indicates that "zero calibration“ was successful.

 When the power is already on, measurement is

 When the power is turned on, the entire indicator
started, "zero calibration" takes place from the
blinks and then "zero calibration" starts. When
ready screen (which shows "0"). When completed,
completed, OK appears.
OK appears.

3 key features of HBP-1100
(2) Mudah dibersihkan
Cuffs can be disinfected with alcohol
very easily.

(3) Ukuran Manset yang bervariasi

XL:42-50cm L:32-42cm M:22-32cm S:17-22cm

User-friendly functionality
•Dual Measurement Mode
Users can choose from two measurement modes- oscillometric
measurement and auscultation ( ) method with the latter
using stethoscope.

• Motion stop function

When body movement is detected, the device stops deflation
for 5 seconds.

• Irregular pulse Indicator –

Helps identify changes in heart rate, rhythm, or pulse which may
be caused by heart disease or other serious health issues. The
icon is also displayed when body movement is detected during
User-friendly functionality

• Wide range of cuff sizes, for use on adults and children of age
3-years and older
5 cuffs available: 12 to 50 cm arm circumference range
SS: 12 to 18 cm, S: 17 to 22 cm, M: 22 to 32 cm, L: 32 to 42 cm,
XL: 42 to 50 cm

• Battery replacement indication

icon prompts user that it is time to change the battery.


Passes the AAMI SP10 validation

Functions of HBP-1100

LCD Display on HBP-1100

HBP-1100 standard contents

Checking pressure accuracy

Main Unit
Measurement Parameter NIBP, PR
Dimension Main unit: 130 × 175 × 120 (mm)
5.12 × 6.89 × 4.72 (inch) (W×H×D)
AC adapter: 55 × 25 × 70 (mm)
2.17 × 0.98 × 2.76 (inch) (W×H×D)
Weight Main unit: Approx. 510 g (not including accessories and options)
AC adapter: Approx. 42 g
Display 7 segment LCD


Power Supply
AC adapter Input voltage range: AC 100 V to 240 V
Rated Current: 0.5 A
Frequency: 50/60 Hz
Output voltage range: DC 6 V ±5%
Dry cell battery Type: AA batteries, x4
Number of measurement times: 250
• Measurement conditions
- New battery (AA high-performance manganese)
- Ambient temperature of 23°C (73.4°F)
- Using M-size cuff
- SYS120 / DIA80 / PR60
- One 5-minute measurement time consisting of "cuff
measurement time + wait time"

Non-Invasive Blood
Pressure (NIBP)
Measurement technology Pulse rate accuracy
Measurement method Dynamic Linear Deflation method
Pressure display range 0 to 300 mmHg
Pressure display Within ±3 mmHg or 2 %
NIBP measurement SYS 60 to 250 mmHg
range DIA 40 to 200 mmHg
PULSE 40 to 200 /min
NIBP accuracy* Maximum mean error within ±5 mmHg
Maximum standard deviation within 8 mmHg
Pulse rate accuracy Within ±5 % of reading
Reference Standard: ANSI/AAMI SP-10:2002+A1:2003+A2: 2006/(R)2008
* Comparison with auscultation method performed by a trained professional.
DIA determined by the auscultation method is "K5".

HBP-1100 optional accessories

HBP-1300 Product Intro
Problem with mercury (or aneroid)

(1) Sakit ditangan dan telinga untuk frekuensi penggunaan yg

Problem with current automatic BPM

(2) Home BPM is not durable enough for professional use

Problem with current automatic BPM

(3) Ukuran manset terbatas untuk home BPM

16cm and below 17~32cm 33cm and above

× ×
Cannot measure pediatric patients and patients with large arm
OMRON Professional Portable
Blood Pressure Monitor HBP-1300

Clinically proven accuracy,

provides fast and reliable results

Durable and Easy-to-carry

Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor
Easy-to-use and Durable automatic
blood pressure monitor

An ideal assistant to nurses-

* No pain in the hands and ears from repetitive use
* Reduce individual difference in measurement
* No risk of mercury leakage
 Mudah
dalam penggunaanya
 2 metode pengukuran =
1. Full digital = otomatis
2. Menggunakan stethoschope = semi otomatis

 Baterai Rechargeable atau menggunakan adaptor

 Sangat Durable / Kuat untuk digunakan dalam skala rumah sakit
 Backligh + tahan benturan

 Inflasi bisa auto atau di setting 160, 180 mmHg

 Portable dilengkapi dengan handle
 Ada indikator
1. Indikator battery low
2. Indikator Detak Jantung tidak beraturan
( irama Jantung / Aritmia )
3. Zero Indicator
( alat mengecek dulu, bila ada angka 0, alat siap digunakan
4. Motion Stop Indicator
Deteksi gerakan tubuh, alat akan berhenti deflasi 5 menit

Durable and Easy-to-carry Automatic Blood Pressure

Monitor for Nurse
Purpose of introducing HBP-1300

1.Replace mercury
2.Replace Home BPM which is not suitable for
professional use
User scene: Spot-checking in general ward
Shock-proof Bumper
The shock-proof bumper
protects the device from
accidental falls.
It won’t break even if it falls
Sturdy from the bed!

Sturdy enough to survive

accidental falls, and allow you
to carry with ease. Splash-proof
Splash-proof body allows you
to use without concern for
accidental water spill.
Highly durable pump/sensor
The device has highly durable
pump and sensor for heavy
duty usage in the medical
Durable enough to survive
the heavy use in the
hospitals. Highly durable button
3 main features of HBP-1300

(1) High durability

3 main feature of HBP-1300

(2) Easy to carry

3 main features of HBP-1300

(3) Simple user interface

How HBP-1300 changes the operation

From To
Nurse spends a long time and get tired All nurse has to do is to carry the
from manually taking BP from each compact BPM to patient, wrap a cuff
patient from bed to bed. and press the start button. Less
burden and time.

Passes the AAMI SP10 validation

Ergonomic design
The handle allows users to carry the
device easily.
Designed for routine blood Backlight
pressure measurements. Enhanced LCD display with backlight make it
usability for nurses carrying the easier to view readings in dim
device from bed to bed and areas, such as hospital wards at
continuous blood pressure night.
Simple operation
Large start button and 3 small
buttons for less-frequently-used
functions. The device realizes
simple and enhanced usability at
the same time.

Easy maintenance
Easy to *clean with cloth moistened
with disinfectant
* Cleaning and disinfecting should be performed in accordance with your facility's infection
control practice.
Other features of HBP-1300

Professional grade cuff connector

Other features of HBP-1300

LCD display with backlight

Other features of HBP-1300

Auscultation mode
Other features of HBP-1300

Can be disinfected with alcohol.

Other features of HBP-1300

Cuff size

XL:42-50cm L:32-42cm M:22-32cm S:17-22cm SS:12-18cm

Other features of HBP-1300

Rechargeable battery
User-friendly functionality
•Dual Measurement Mode
Users can choose from two measurement modes- oscillometric measurement
and auscultation (AUS mode) method with the latter using stethoscope.

• Motion stop function

When body movement is detected, the device stops deflation for 5 seconds.

• Irregular pulse Indicator (disabled when used with auscultation mode)-

Helps identify changes in heart rate, rhythm, or pulse which may be caused by
heart disease or other serious health issues.

• Last reading display

• Long Battery life- Custom rechargeable battery that makes it possible to

provide 300 measurements with one charge.

• Power saving Auto Power Off- When the unit is powered by the optional
battery pack, the power automatically turns off after the set time elapses
should users forget to turn off the power.
When the unit is used with the AC adapter connected, the "Auto Power Off" setting does not operate.
User-friendly functionality

• Inflation Pressure Setting

4 options: Auto, 220 mm Hg, 250 mm Hg, 280 mm Hg

• Wide range of cuff sizes, for use on adults and children of age 3-years and
5 cuffs available: 12 to 50 cm arm circumference range
SS: 12 to 18 cm, S: 17 to 22 cm, M: 22 to 32 cm, L: 32 to 42 cm, XL: 42 to 50 cm

•Low battery indication

icon starts flashing prompts user to charge the battery pack.
When the icon changes to , the battery is too low for blood pressure
measurement. Charge the
Features of Unit

LCD display

HBP-1300 Standard contents

Tabel pembanding HBP-1300 & HBP-11000
Spesifikasi Produk

Omron Professional BPM Omron Professional BPM

HBP 1300 HBP 1100

Oscilometric & Auscultation Mode Oscilometric & Auscultation Mode

1. Ergonomic Desain 1. Simple Design

- Memudahkan untuk dibawa ke - Sangat praktis ditempatkan di
ruang perawatan ruangan dokter atau fasilitas medis
2. High Durability lainnya
- Daya tahan alat tinggi untuk 2. High Durability
penggunaan terus-menerus di - Daya tahan alat tinggi untuk
RS penggunaan terus-menerus di RS
3. Tahan Benturan 3. Display Besar
4. Backlight - Mudah dalam pembacaan hasil

Profesional Automatic BPM
Selling point HEM-907
• HEM-907
• Desain khusus untuk penggunaan di Rumah Sakit/ Klinik = rawat
jalan, rawat inap, UGD
• Akurat standard presisi AAMI
• (Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrument)
• Dual Mode :
– Oscillometric Method = full otomatis
– Auscultation Method = menggunakan stateskop
• Bebas Merkuri
• Tekanan inflasi di diatur AUTO atau 100,140,180,220,280 mmHg
• Mudah dalam pengoperasian dan pelatihan
• Ada Menu Average
a. 2 atau 3 kali pengukuran = rata2
b. Ada menu timer = sebelum mulai pengukuran
3 menit, 5 menit, 10 menit
c. Ada menu interval waktu
5 detik, 10 detik, 1 menit, 2 menit
HEM – 907 ( optional Part )

Blood Pressure Monitor

Detail Unit – Main Unit HEM-907

Blood Pressure Monitor
Power Source
Battery pack: (4.8 VDC, 6W)
(Asesoris Optional)
Batterai dapat di charge
Secara otomatis akan mengisi saat AC
Adapter dicolokkan

AC adapter.

Berfungsi sebagai charger batterai

ketika di colokkan ke listrik

Professional BPM
Product Training
Automatic Professional BPM

• HBP-9020 Features :

• Rawat jalan
• Bebas Merkuri
• Mudah dalam pengoperasian dan pelatihan
• Layar LCD yang besar
• Layar LED dan Petunjuk penggunaan dengan
suara sehingga membantu pengukuran
• Mode Oscillometric
• Dual Sensor
– Pada siku dan Manset sehingga pengukuran
lebih akurat
• Dapat digunakan untuk ukuran lengan (17cm –
42cm lingkaran)
• Anti-bakteri untuk alat dan cover manset
• Hasil pengukuran dapat di cetak secara
otomatis ( Print out ) lengkap dengan tanggal,
sistolik,diastolik,pulse, MAP
Blood Pressure Monitor
Mengatur Posisi Manset
User yang berbadan tinggi dapat
mengatur posisi manset sesuai
dengan posisi yang nyaman dan Sensor Siku
benar Membantu user untuk posisi
pengukuran yang benar

Simbol lampu biru

menandakan bahwa
posisi lengan sudah

Dudukan Lengan
Support for correct measurement

From To
Elbow sensor

Sometimes the cuff is not Kentaro informs users of the correct place
applied on users’ upper-arms for cuff applying by sensing elbow.

Fixed cuff Moving cuff

Angle Control

Fixed cuff can prevent tall people from correct The moving cuff adjust the best angle
postures. That can influence the measurement result. for tall people.


Preview competitor

KENZ – RP 68,200,000 BIOSPACE –

E-Catlogue Price = 28,500,000.- E-catalogue RP 35,600,000.-
Local Distributor

Respiratory Category
Product Training
Compressor nebulizer C-900

• Product Information
• Selling omron professional Nebulizer
• Technology

Omron Professional Nebulizer
From To

1. Sangat cocok dan kuat untuk

1. Home Use penggunaan di rumah sakit
2. Durable for Hospital Use
2. Durable for home use
3. Lebih bagus dalam hal
Nebulization rate and
3. Laju nebulisasi dan
volume rate
volume uap untuk pemakaian
rumahan 4. Bebas silikon dan
penggunaan obat efisien
Selling point NE-C900
 Mudah dalam penggunaannya
1. Tidak perlu Jeda waktu, dapat digunakan dengan frekuensi
Pemakaian yg tinggi ( Hospital Use )
2. Nebulizer Kit = NebKit = sangat praktis
Baffle sudah menyatu
3. Nebkit Universal = dapat menggunakan nebkit selain
 Portable = dilengkapi handle
 Ukuran partikel kecil = 3 micrometer, capai alvaeolus
 Tekanan nebulisasi yang lebih besar dibanding home nebulizer
 Paket Pembelian =
• Masker anak – anak ( child Mask )
• Masker dewasa ( adult Mask )
• Mouthpiece ( Lewat mulut )
• Air filter ( dapat 5 pcs )
• Nebkit + Air plug + Main unit


 Asma merupakan penyakit

gangguan pernafasan yang
terjadi karena adanya pemicu
dan perubahan kepekaan bronkus

 Penyebab Asma :
1. Spasme bronkus (penyempitan saluran pernafasan bronkus)
2. Adanya inflamasi (peradangan)
3. Alergi
4. Banyaknya mukus atau sekret


• Dengan Omron V.V.T ( Virtual Valve Technology ) :

– Memaksimalkan terapi
– Free silikon
– Penggunaan obat lebih efisien
About Nebulizer Professional Omron
Ukuran Partikel
Nebulizer memungkinkan obat untuk mencapai organ target secara langsung
pada pengobatan saluran pernafasan.
Ukuran partikel yang diperlukan untuk nebulizer (MMAD)

nasal cavity

throat cavity
3um to 5um

Zona target untuk bronchus

pengobatan yang
efektif alveolus

Rata-rata MMAD NE-C900 adalah 3 μm

Product Value Proposition – NE-C900

Unique Selling Proposition

• High output compressor for universal usage – 7L/min @
100kPa mounted, efficient nebulization with most neb kits
• Easy preparation and cleaning – 2 part structure neb kit
makes it possible
• Easy Grip Handle – Easy to carry

About Nebulizer Professional Omron
Mekanisme kerja

Aerosol (3 µm)


Partikel-partikel kecil(15~30 µm)

Obat (Cairan)

Neb kit

Tekanan udara yang tinggi dari Compressor

Nebulizer dengan teknologi kompresor menggunakan kompresi udara

untuk membentuk partikel-partikel cairan obat yang didorong keluar oleh
komponen mesin jet sehingga menghasilkan aerosol.
About NE-C900
Correct use of NE-C900

Step 1 Step 4

Step 2

Step 5

Step 3

Step 6
Technical Data NE-C900

Nebulization Rate Approx. 0.4ml/min (by weight loss)

Particle Size ** MMAD Approx. 3m
Medication Cup 7ml maximum
Appropriate Medication 2ml minimum – 7ml maximum
Airflow / Compressor 7L/min @ 100kPa
Aerosol output *0.57ml (2ml, 1% NaF)
Aerosol output rate 0.08ml/min (2ml, 1% NaF)
Weight Approx. 2.2 kg (compressor only)
Dimensions Approx. 175 (W) x 110 (H) x 215 (D) mm

Contents Compressor, Nebulizer Kit, Air Tube (PVC,

200cm), 5pcs Spare Air Filters, Mouthpiece,
Adult Mask (PVC), Child Mask (PVC),
Instruction Manual
Omron Profesional Nebulizer U-17
• NE-U17
• Sangat ideal untuk penggunaan di Rumah
Sakit/ Klinik
• Volume udara dan laju nebulisasi dapat
• Tidak berisik
• Dilengkapi dengan layar LCD yang lebar dan
backlight sehingga membantu dalam proses
pengaturan alat dan lamanya nebulisasi
• Dapat dioperasikan selama 72 jam nonstop
• Kapasitas air  375 ml
• Ukuran partikel MMAD* 4,4 µm
• Laju nebulisasi 0 – 3 ml dapat diatur
• Kapasitas Obat 150 ml (min. 5 ml)
*MMAD (Mass Median Aerodynamic Diameter)

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