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Genitourin Med 1993;69:3-8 3

Sexually transmitted diseases in nineteenth and

twentieth century India

Genitourin Med: first published as 10.1136/sti.69.1.3 on 1 February 1993. Downloaded from on 3 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
David Arnold

Although the current AIDS epidemic in India first systematically recorded. In the first half
might (if recent predictions of its likely impact of the nineteenth century STDs were known
prove correct) drastically transform the situa- to be widely present among European sol-
tion, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) diers. In 1805, for instance, an assistant sur-
have rarely in the past received the degree of geon of the East India Company in
attention their widespread distribution Trichinopoly in south India referred to the
deserved. The reasons for this neglect, briefly "great havoc" wrought by venereal disease
stated, are these-the official preoccupation among European troops stationed in the
with "major" epidemic diseases with high town.' But until the 1850s the incidence of
mortality levels, the limited constituency debilitating but rarely fatal STDs was over-
addressed by (or accessible to) state medicine shadowed by heavy mortality from cholera,
and public health services, and the powerful malaria, dysentery, and other causes.
cultural, social and economic forces which However, coming in the wake of the Crimean
have facilitated the spread of STDs while War and the reforms in army nursing and
inhibiting their effective observation and con- medical provision instituted by Florence
trol. Nightingale, the Indian Mutiny and Rebellion
of 1857-8 highlighted the atrocious state of
Historical epidemiology health among European soldiers in India. The
Some attempts have been made to identify uprising also raised the political commitment
syphilis and gonorrhoea in ancient Hindu to soldiers' health by increasing British
(Ayurvedic) texts, but the evidence strongly reliance upon white rather than Indian troops
suggests that syphilis at least was unknown-in for the maintenance of colonial power in
India before the early sixteenth century. Some South Asia. The Royal Commission on the
of the first references to the disease and its Sanitary State of the Army in India, which
treatment are to be found in the reported in 1863, stressed the imperative
Bhavaprakasa, a mid-sixteenth-century text, need for drastic improvements in the health of
reputedly the work of Bhavamisra, an European soldiers in India: venereal disease
Ayurvedic physician at Benares. At that date, was an important element in this.4 Moreover,
and for a long time subsequently, syphilis was as the scale of mortality among British troops
known in India as firanga or firangi roga, declined from 32 per 1,000 in 1860-64 to 15
terms which identified it with the firangis in 1890-94 and barely 4 in 1910-14,5 atten-
("Franks") or Europeans. Whatever the ori- tion shifted to leading causes of morbidity,
gins of syphilis elsewhere, it seems probable and in the army for much of the second half
that the disease was introduced to India from of the nineteenth century, STDs stood second
Europe by the Portuguese in the early six- only to "malarial fevers" as a cause of hospi-
teenth century.' By the early nineteenth cen- talisation.
tury, when the British had gained ascendency Though no clear distinction was yet made
over a large part of the subcontinent, syphilis between syphilis and other venereal infec-
was already widely disseminated, though the tions, the full extent of STDs in the army first
extent of its incidence can only be guessed at. became clear around the middle of the nine-
In 1808 a British doctor in Mysore ranked teenth century. In Bengal, the province in
syphilis next to smallpox as one of "the most which the majority of European soldiers were
destructive and most perilous disease[s] in stationed, 177 men out of every thousand
India", and claimed that few middle-aged were admitted to hospital in 1855 for the
males were entirely free of it.' treatment of STDs. Following the influx of
Historically and statistically, STDs in India large numbers of British troops during the
have posed two particular problems. The stig- Mutiny campaigns, the figure rose steeply to
ma attached to such diseases has, as else- 359 admissions per 1,000 men in 1859, only
where, encouraged their concealment while to fall back to 167 in 1867. The introduction
Department of their apparently non-fatal nature has resulted of the short-service system into the British
History, School of in their virtual absence from the mortality Army in 1870 resulted in an increased pro-
Oriental and African data. Information on morbidity has always portion of young, unmarried soldiers being
Studies, University of been seriously defective in India. Thus it was
London, Thomhaugh sent to India. By 1880 41 % of British soldiers
Street, Russell only in the army, where both the opportuni- in India were under 25 years old, with a fur-
Square, London ties for observation and the political impera- ther 34% between the ages of 25 and 29.
WC1H OXG, UK tives for detection and treatment existed side
D Arnold Though officially 12% of British soldiers were
Accepted for publication by side, and not among the civilian popula- permitted to have wives with them "on the
24 November 1992 tion, that statistical data about STDs were strength," the actual proportion was far small-
4 Arnold

er: only 3X7% in 1890, for example, with as Table STD deaths and cases treated in Bombay,
few as 2.8% in the infantry.6 The recourse to 1915-19`3
infected Indian prostitutes by young, unmar- Average
ried soldiers was seen to be the primary 1915-17 1918 1919
explanation for the high incidence of STDs in

Genitourin Med: first published as 10.1136/sti.69.1.3 on 1 February 1993. Downloaded from on 3 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Deaths from gonorrhoea 8 3 7
the army. The number of hospital admissions Deaths from syphilis 36 43 50
(identified in almost equal proportion with Total deaths 44 46 57
primary syphilis and with gonorrhoea) rose to Cases of gonorrhoea treated 18,749 17,154 21,423
Cases of syphilis treated 49,061 39,154 45,610
205 per 1,000 in 1875 and peaked at 522 per Total treated 67,810 51,308 67,033
1,000 in 1895.7 This was equivalent to more
than half the army being hospitalised each
year and the loss of more than a million mili-
tary man-days. Although the number of
deaths directly attributed to STDs was very were responsible for "much of the gynaeco-
small (less than 1% of the total in 1890), they logical disease which fills our women's hospi-
were a significant cause of invaliding from the tals, and also no doubt for much of the high
army (13-2%). Moreover, a figure of 522 per rate of infant mortality and the many miscar-
1,000 compared very unfavourably with the riages and still-births."'2
reported incidence of STDs among soldiers But, despite an increasing clinical aware-
in Europe (104 in Italy, 44 in France, 27 in ness of syphilis and gonorrhoea, statistical
Germany) and among British soldiers sta- information remained scarce. Some confirma-
tioned at home (212) or in other parts of the tion of the extent of STDs was given in data
Empire.8 After 1895, however, the rate of prepared for the Bombay Prostitution
admissions declined dramatically - to 276 per Committee of 1921-2 (Table). Since
1,000 in 1901, 117 in 1906 and 68 in 1909. Bombay in 1919 had a population in excess
By 1913 it was down to 53, virtually a tenth of one million, this suggests an incidence of at
of the 1895 peak.9 least 67 cases per 1,000, though some indi-
Among Indian soldiers the reported inci- viduals may have been treated more than
dence of STDs was far lower than among once in any given year. A survey by Sir John
Europeans. In 1877 the rate of admissions Megaw, Director-General of the Indian
per 1,000 was 27; in 1890 it was 41 and in Medical Service, in 1933 reported 37 cases of
1895, 31. However, these figures should be syphilis and gonorrhoea for every 1,000
treated with caution: Indian soldiers before patients attending hospitals and clinics: it
the First World War were subjected to far less was also estimated that there were as many as
medical scrutiny than British troops, and 5.5 million cases of syphilis and 7.5 million of
venereal complaints among them were proba- gonorrhoea in India at the time.'4 But surveys
bly significantly under-reported.10 of selected urban or institutional populations
Between the Mutiny and the First World did not necessarily provide a reliable guide to
War, STDs were viewed by state medicine the health status of the bulk of the popula-
almost exclusively in the context of army tion-those who lived in the countryside.
health and efficiency. In a manner that In several fields of medicine and public
reflected colonial priorities at the time and health India's independence in 1947 marked
the limited nature of the state's medical con- (or coincided with) a significant shift in state
stituency, there was little apparent concern attitudes and resource allocation. But this was
about the incidence of STDs among civil- rather less the case with STDs, which for ten
ians-apart from the prostitutes associated years after independence saw no fresh initia-
with the army. Increased awareness of STDs tives or improved techniques of reporting and
came partly as a result of debates over the surveillance. In his annual report for 1953 the
regulation of prostitution in Indian cities and Director-General of India's health services
cantonments and the slow growth of public remarked that in the absence of an India-wide
health facilities. It also followed from the survey, it was difficult even to estimate the
work of the Royal Commission on Venereal extent of STDs in the country. Because of the
Diseases in Britian (1912-16). Its members "stigma attached to the diseases", hospital
included Mary Scharlieb who had previously and dispensary records were the only sources
practised medicine in India and who of information. They suggested that incidence
remained influential in women's medical cir- was particularly high in seaport and industrial
cles there. The development of a women's towns, but also in certain hill districts."' In
medical movement in India from the 1880s subsequent reports the Director-General fur-
onwards was itself important in revealing the ther noted that, despite some initiatives by
extent of STDs and related conditions among individual states of the Indian union, little
Indian women and children. A report on the had been done at an all-India level to co-ordi-
Jafar Suleman Dispensary for women and nate information and to compile a more com-
children in Bombay by the pioneer woman prehensive record. He had no doubt,
doctor Edith Pechey recorded that among the however, that "Venereal diseases constitute a
2,817 patients examined in the second half of major health problem in the country".'6 In
1884, 74 women and 23 children were suffer- the mid-1950s, about 800,000 cases of STDs
ing from syphilis; 55 had gonorrhoea." M. I. (with almost equal numbers of syphilis and
Balfour, a leading member of the Women's gonorrhoea) were treated in hospitals and dis-
Medical Service, remarked in 1924 on the pensaries throughout India, but some states
basis of thirty year's work in India, that STDs provided more reliable information than
Sexually transmitted diseases in nineteenth and twentieth century India 5

others.'7 At the time independent India who were then said to have suffered in the
directed its attention mainly towards combat- wars of Venus, probably suffered more
ing such major epidemic diseases as smallpox from the wars of Mercury".2'
and malaria. STDs were regarded as less life- The use of mercury by practitioners of
threatening and so commanded a far lower India's indigenous medical systems to treat

Genitourin Med: first published as 10.1136/sti.69.1.3 on 1 February 1993. Downloaded from on 3 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
medical and administrative priority. Perhaps syphilis either followed the Europeans to
there was an element of moral judgement India in the sixteenth century or arose from a
involved too-that those who contracted similarly humoral understanding of physiolo-
STDs did so as a result of their own promis- gy and therapeutics. In addition, some Indian
cuity. International health agencies were also physicians recommended the use of sarsparil-
more inclined to fund eradication pro- la (a recent import from the Americas) or a
grammes for diseases like smallpox which had preparation of neem (margosa) leaves, a drug
important international implications, though widely employed and revered in Ayurvedic
WHO did help to provide money and peni- and folk medicine in India.22 Trials with sal-
cillin for a mass campaign in the Kulu Valley varsan began in India soon after the discovery
in Punjab in 1959, where the incidence of of the drug by Ehrlich in 1909, but, given its
STDs was reported to be as high as 30%.18 cost, its use (in the form of intravenous injec-
Only in the 1 960s and 1970s were more tions) was at first confined to British soldiers.
effective measures introduced to try to con- It probably contributed to, but came too late
tain STDs in India (see below). alone to have caused, the striking decline in
The advent of AIDS in the 1980s was not the incidence of venereal diseases among
at first regarded as a serious threat. India British soldiers in India between 1895 and
treated with complacency, even contempt, 1914.23 By the 1920s the use of salvarsan and
the idea that a disease identified with homo- neo-salvarsan was increasing, but some
sexuality and hence with the decadence of doubts were expressed about their safety and
Westem lifestyles could find an ecological their ability to effect a lasting cure for
niche in India: it was a white man's disease syphilis.24
and retribution for Western immorality. A The military authorities in nineteenth-cen-
medical administration already burdened tury India did not rely solely upon mercury to
with massive health problems-including try to deal with STDs in the army. From
resurgent malaria, cholera and tuberculosis- about the 1780s onwards lock hospitals were
was unwilling to recognise the existence of used to confine and treat prostitutes associat-
any additional threat to Indian health. In ed with the army and found to be suffering
1988 AIDS began to spread rapidly in India, from STDs. In the Madras Presidency, for
but official reluctance to admit the presence instance, there were up to a dozen such hos-
of AIDS has until very recently hampered pitals between 1810 and 1812: they treated
attempts even to define the scale of the epi- nearly 1,600 women a year and claimed to
demic. Although only 1,254 AIDS cases for "cure" 85% of them.25 But the career of
the whole of Asia had been formally reported India's lock hospitals was always controver-
to WHO by the end of 1991, 10,000 has been sial: they were for ever being abolished and
suggested as a more realistic figure. Recent then restored when no other adequate or
estimates put India alongside Thailand more acceptable means of medical policing
among the continent's principal AIDS and could be found.26 The military authorities
HIV-infected countries, with roughly 5 mil- found it preferable to tolerate, and even in
lion HIV cases each.'9 Bombay seems most effect to regulate and license Indian prostitu-
heavily affected. Reports indicate that a third tion in the cantonments as a way of exercising
of Bombay's 50 to 100,000 prostitutes are some form of medical and disciplinary control
already infected with HIV, and WHO experts over their troops and as a cheaper and more
have told the Indian Council for Medical convenient alternative to a substantial
Research that some 60,000 AIDS patients increase in the number of soldiers' wives
will need treatment in the city by 1995. Some allowed "on the strength". To deny soldiers
experts suggest that the epidemic in India is any kind of outlet for their sexual energies
set to exceed even the scale of AIDS/HIV in was thought impractical and dangerous to
Central Africa, with perhaps 5 million AIDS their physical and mental health. Thus rather
sufferers by the year 2000.20 than attempt to suppress prostitution in and
around the army barracks, lock hospitals were
Therapeutic and control measures reintroduced in the 1860s through a series of
Until the First World War the commonest cantonment acts in an attempt to combat ris-
treatment for STDs among both European ing levels of venereal disease. These measures
and indigenous medical practitioners was were consolidated in the Contagious Diseases
mercury. Mercury and its compounds were Act of 1864 which followed the lines of simi-
widely used by British physicians in early lar legislation in Britain, but this proved high-
nineteenth-century India to treat a wide vari- ly contentious. The Act was attacked by
ety of complaints, including cholera and critics in Britain as well as India for effectively
malaria, often with extremely adverse physical licensing, and thus approving, prostitution
effects. One East India Company surgeon and for causing needless harassment and
aptly remarked in the 1830s that indecent outrages to the modesty of innocent
"During the period of mercurial mania, women. But, moral issues apart, many doc-
how common an event was destruction of tors in India doubted the efficacy of lock hos-
the nasal and palatine bones; and the men pitals: the incidence of STDs among soldiers
6 Arnold

continued to rise despite the regular inspec- women to improve their knowledge of STDs
tion and confinement of infected prostitutes and to familiarise them with current treat-
and the "cures" supposedly effected may only ment techniques." But further progress had
have been due to the temporary disappear- to wait until after independence.
ance or suppression of the symptoms of the After the introduction of salvarsan 40 years

Genitourin Med: first published as 10.1136/sti.69.1.3 on 1 February 1993. Downloaded from on 3 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
diseases.27 earlier, a further therapeutic breakthrough
The abolition of the contagious diseases came only with penicillin, which, by 1954,
legislation in Britain in 1886 created strong India was producing for its own use. But,
pressure for the authorities in India to follow since STDs were a low health priority in
suit. In June 1888 the House of Commons India immediately after independence, little
passed a motion condemning the compulsory advantage was taken of this: state govern-
medical examination of women there: the ments were preoccupied with "health prob-
Government of India was reluctantly forced lems of [a] more pressing nature", and hence
to comply with this resolution and repeal its "facilities for case-finding, contacts tracing,
own Contagious Diseases Act in 1888. follow up and welfare work suffered." It was
However, it was not prepared to abandon all somewhat naively hoped that an act for the
controls over army prostitution and through a "suppression of immoral traffic" (passed in
series of cantonment acts from 1889 onwards 1956) would itself have a "beneficial effect on
it retained many of the measures formally checking the spread of venereal disease
renounced the previous year. Despite the lim- through prostitution."'2 The Government of
ited success of lock hospitals earlier, it would India's first five-year plan (1951-56) virtually
appear that the strict controls introduced at ignored STDs, and only with the second, in
this time (coupled with health propaganda, 1957, were they brought into the mainstream
improved recreational facilities and perhaps of government health planning and funding.
changing moral values among the soldiers A Central Venereal Disease Organisation was
themselves) helped first to check and then established at a cost of Rs. 5,867,000 with the
reverse the progress of STDs in the army.28 promise of improved diagnostic and treat-
But clearly such coercive and institutional- ment facilities, new epidemiological control
ly specific measures had little relevance to measures and a health education scheme.
civilian society at large and the medical and STD clinics, hitherto a rarity, were to be
administrative controls exercised over army established at both state and district levels. In
prostitution were not replicated elsewhere. 1960 there were two state and 20 local clin-
Prostitution was not illegal and the police ics. By 1965 the number had risen to five and
authorities preferred that it remained openly 66 respectively and they were treating some
practised in specific areas of a city rather than 236,000 patients annually. Further additions
being driven underground and disseminated to the programme were made in the fifth and
more widely. At the end of the First World sixth five-year plans.3" These measures went
War few Indian hospitals and dispensaries some way towards tackling the problem of
had any facilities for the investigation and existing STDs on an all-India scale, but the
treatment of STDs and many wished to avoid spectre of AIDS in the 1990s raises new and
the stigma of association with them. As late as searching questions about the capacity of a
1933 it was remarked that in Calcutta, the Third World society like India to cope techni-
largest and wealthiest of India's cities, there cally and administratively with a calamity of
existed "practically no organised treatment" potentially much greater magnitude. The
for STDs.'9 Bombay was more enlightened AIDS Prevention Bill of 1989, withdrawn in
and in 1918 a special clinic was opened there 1992 offered a poor palliative, and India is
by the local branch of the Empire-wide faced, at a time of severe economic crisis,
League for Combating Venereal Diseases, with a sharply increased demand for scarce
intended to serve the city's red light district. medical funding, resources, and trained med-
Significantly, this was not a state initiative, ical staff.
though the Bombay government did con-
tribute to the clinic's running costs.30 Social, cultural and economic
As already indicated, the growth of a dimensions
woman's health movement was responsible As elsewhere in the world, AIDS in India has
for important new initiatives in the investiga- been a powerful reminder of the social and
tion and treatment of STDs. The Dufferin cultural context of disease in general and of
Fund had been set up in 1885 to provide sexually-related diseases in particular.
"medical aid" for the women of India and in Influential factors here range from the physi-
the course of its work it brought to light the cal and cultural environment and behaviour
extent of venereal infection among women. patterns of a society (or of specific groups
The Women's Medical Service, founded in within it) to the ways in which subjective
1914 as an offshoot of the fund and with understandings or "constructions" of disease
increased state support, tried to take up this shape public attitudes and inform state poli-
issue in a more systematic way. In 1918 cies.34 The nature of prostitution in India and
Dagmar F. Curjel of the WMS conducted an attitudes towards it (a subject too vast and
investigation into STDs among Indian complex to be discussed here) are clearly of
women and her report provided much anec- considerable importance in attempting to
dotal evidence for the prevalence of STDs understand this aspect of STDs in nineteenth
and their effects. One outcome of this was the and twentieth-century India. Marriages
introduction of special courses for medical between older men and sexually immature
Sexually transmitted diseases in nineteenth and twentieth century India 7

girls were sometimes cited as a reason why diers rose markedly in famine years because
many men sought the company of prostitutes, of the influx of unregulated women offering
with the result that both they and their child- themselves for prostitution at military bar-
brides in turn became infected with venereal racks and cantonments."6 The scale of prosti-
diseases. Prostitution itself has long had an tution in Bombay today remains a crude

Genitourin Med: first published as 10.1136/sti.69.1.3 on 1 February 1993. Downloaded from on 3 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
ambivalent status in India. It was sanctioned human index of the extent of the poverty in
by certain indigenous religious and social Indian society, as well as of the continuing
practices and, as in the case of the army, part- humiliation and exploitation of women. But
ly condoned by the colonial administration. the spread of AIDS in the city also reveals
At the same time prostitutes often served as another socio-economic strand. In order to
the vehicle for the expression of deep-seated live poor city-dwellers sell their blood to clin-
racial and cultural prejudices. In colonial ics and hospitals: controls have been inade-
medical and administrative culture Indian quate to prevent AIDS-infected donors from
prostitutes were condemned not just for the continuing to supply blood, thus spreading
"immoral" nature of their profession but also the virus beyond the prostitutes and their
in the belief that they were the means by clients. Like almost every other major disease
which venereal and other diseases (such as in India, AIDS is a disease of poverty: it is
typhoid) were communicated to otherwise more than just a sexually transmitted
"innocent" European soldiers and civilians. disease.37
Indian culture has long had a place for female India also has a drug culture. Opium,
temple servants (devadasis) and for courtesans hemp and other drugs have long been part of
who were also singers and dancers: the divid- the Indian tradition-with an extraordinary
ing line between their religious and cultural range of medicinal, religious and criminal
functions and frank prostitution has often usages. Perhaps this wide acceptance and
been obscure. But cultural traditions and availability of drugs created a certain predis-
social attitudes apart, other factors were also position towards intravenous drug use in
conducive to large-scale prostitution in colo- recent times. Certainly this is one of the
nial times and to the linkage with STDs. Port routes by which AIDS has spread in the last
cities like Bombay and Calcutta owed their few years in northeast India, close to drug
origins to European trade, conquest and producing areas of northern Burma. In
administration: like their equivalents else- January 1992 there were reported to be
where in maritime Asia - Jakarta, Bangkok, 30,000 drug addicts in the state of Manipur,
Hong Kong and Shanghai-they became 1,347 of them with AIDS.'8
important both as centres of international
trade and as critical links in the dissemination Past perspectives and present problems
of epidemic diseases. Just as Bombay was the This review of STDs in nineteenth- and
principal point of entry for bubonic plague in twentieth-century India suggests that in the
1896 and for influenza in 1918, so has it past-for a variety of social and administra-
served a similar role-importer, incubator, tive reasons-there has been a great reluc-
propagator-for AIDs in the 1 980s and tance or inability adequately to address the
1990s. The growth of Bombay and Calcutta problems posed by such diseases. To the con-
as international ports and major commercial siderable obstacles of cultural and social
and industrial centres was a factor in the taboos have been added the limited concerns
growth of their large prostitute populations. of colonial and post-colonial governments
In 1922 there were said to be 5,000 Indian and the sheer difficulty of monitoring-let
and more than 150 foreign (European and alone treating-STDs. In India other, more
Japanese) prostitutes in Bombay and over evidently lethal, diseases have commanded a
830 brothels: the city's police commissioner much higher public profile, and a corre-
estimated that there were actually twice this spondingly greater degree of state and profes-
number of prostitutes." Commerce and sional concern. The difficulty of tackling
industry drew large numbers of immigrant AIDS today is partly due to the very different
males to the cities, but women tended to nature of the disease but it is also a legacy of
remain behind in the villages resulting in a that long-term problem. Moreover, in India,
striking urban predominance of men and a now as in the past, the sheer scale of health
heavily skewed male/female ratio. The large problems and the paucity of resources present
number of prostitutes and brothels in major obstacles: poverty contributes both to
Bombay and Calcutta was one consequence the spread of a disease like AIDS and makes
of this demographic imbalance. its containment or eradication even harder
There is also an important socio-economic than in the affluent West.
element here. Although STDs like syphilis
and gonorrhoea may not normally be directly
related to poverty and malnutrition, they are 1 Jolly J., Indian Medicine Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal,
certainly not unrelated. The famines which 1977 (1st published 1901), pp. 3, 128-9
2 Ingledew to Physician-General, Madras, 23 Sept. 1808,
were such a frequent and devastating occur- Board's Collections F/4/345, India Office Library
rence in nineteenth-century India (and again (IOL), London.
3 J. W. Price to Superintending Surgeon, Southern
in Bengal in 1943) broke up families and Division, 10 Feb. 1805, Board's Collections, F/4/200,
drove women from the countryside into IOL.
4 Royal Commission on the Sanitary State of the Armny in India,
urban prostitution. Not only did they them- London, HMSO, 1863 (Cmd 3184).
selves fall prey to STDs: it was also noted 5 Balfour A. and Scott H. H., Health Problems of the Emnpire:
Past, Present and Future, London, Collins, 1924, p. 128.
that the incidence of such diseases among sol- 6 Annual Report of the Sanitary Commissioner with the
8 Arnold

Government of India 1890, p. 57. 26 Ballhatchet K., Race, Sex and Class under the Raj: Imperial
7 Annual Report of the Sanitary Commissioner with the Attitudes and Policies and their Critics, 1793-1905,
Government of India 1895, p. 47. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1980.
8 Ibid., p. 46. 27 Editorials in Indian Medical Gazette, Apr. 1883, pp.
9 Annual Report of the Sanitary Commissioner with the 102-4; Apr. 1887, pp. 112-13; Brown D. B., "The pros
Government of India 1914, p. 23. and cons of the Contagious Diseases Act as applied to
10 Sanitary Commissioner 1895, p. 65. India". Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of

Genitourin Med: first published as 10.1136/sti.69.1.3 on 1 February 1993. Downloaded from on 3 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
11 First annual report of the Medical Women for India Bombay, n.s., 11, 1887, pp. 80-97.
Fund, 1884 in Home, Medical, 32, Sept. 1886, National 28 Ballhatchet, Race, Sex and Class under the Raj 1793-1903,
Archives of India, New Delhi. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, chapters 2 and 3.
12 Balfour M. I., 'Venereal disease in India', J7ournal of the 29 Maclean J. 'Opening address at the Medical Women's
Association of Medical Women in India, 12;3:1924, 15. Postgraduate Courses, Calcutta, June 26th 1933',
13 Report of the Prostitution Committee, Bombay, Government J7ournal of the Association of Medical Women in India,
Central Press, 1922, appendix D, p. 13. 1933, 21:6.
14 Report of the Health Survey and Development Committee I, 30 Bombay Government Order 7133, 23 Aug. 1919, General
Delhi, Manager of Publications, 1946, p. 123. Dept., Maharashtra State Archives, Bombay.
15 Annual Report of the Directorate-General of Health Services, 31 Balfour M. I. and Young R., The Work of Medical Women
1953, New Delhi, Ministry of Health, n.d., p. 17. in India, London, Oxford University Press, 1929,
16 Annual Report of the Directorate-General of Health Services, 59-60, 174.
1957, New Delhi, Ministry of Health, n.d., p. 38. 32 Directorate-General of Health Services 1953, p. 17; Annual
17 Ibid., p. 39. Report of the Directorate-General of Health Services, 1954-
18 Chopra R. L., 'Kulu Valley-mass V.D. control cam- 1956, New Delhi, Ministry of Health, p. 20.
paign, 1959', Indian J3ournal of Public Health, 1961; 33 Annual Report of the Directorate-General of Health Services
5:49-55. 1960, New Delhi, Ministry of Health, 1965, pp. 50-2;
19 Chin J., 'Global estimates of HIV infections and AIDS Health Services in India, 1981-82, New Delhi, Central
cases: 1991 '. AIDS 1991: A Year in Review, S57. Bureau of Health Intelligence, pp. 11-12.
20 Jayaraman K. S., 'AIDS in India: Disaster looms in 34 Brandt A. M. No Magic Bullet: A Social History of Venereal
Bombay', Nature, 346, 9 Aug. 1990, p. 499; Herald Disease in the United States since 1800, New York, Oxford
(Panjim), 7 Jan. 1992, p. 2. University Press, 1987; Fee E. and Fox D. M. (eds),
21 Clark J, 'Report on syphilis in H.M. 13th Light AIDS: The Burden of History, Berkeley, University of
Dragoons', Madras Quarterly Medical Jrournal, 1839; California Press, 1988.
1:409. 35 Report of the Prostitution Committee, Bombay. Government
22 Jolly, Indian Medicine, p. 2; Chatterji K. K. ed., Syphilis in Central Press, 1922. Appendix B.
General Practice, Calcutta, Butterworth, 1920, p. 328. 36 Clark, "Report on syphilis", pp. 385-6; Annual Report of
23 Annual Report of the Sanitary Commissioner with the the Sanitary Commissioner with the Government of India
Government of India 1913, p. 22. 1900, p. 25.
24 Chatterji, Syphilis in General Practice, Calcutta, Butter- 37 Karkaria BJ. "AIDS: You could be the next victim",
worth 1920, pp. 14-15. Illustrated Weekly ofIndia, 7 Jan. 1990, pp. 42-9.
25 Board's Collections, F/4/486, IOL. 38 Herald (Panjim), 9 Jan. 1992, p. 7.

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