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Nombre: García Salinas Víctor

Matrícula: A07029402

Nombre del curso: ingles ll

Nombre de la
Actividad: MII-U2- Actividad 4. Práctica de la gramática del Módulo II

Nombre del tutor: Irene Elías

Fecha de entrega: 27/05/2015

1) Forma 3 oraciones usando "used to" comparando hábitos en el pasado con acciones
actuales. Subraya los verbos.

1. I used to play soccer, now only play hockey

2. I used to dance hip hop but now i dance classic ballet.

3. She used to eat pudding but now she eats icecream

2) Forma 3 oraciones expresando causa y efecto usando "if + presente simple" con "will
+verbo", Subraya "if + presente simple" y "will + verbo".

1. If you exercise, you will feel better.

2. If you study enough, then you will get good grades.

3. if you go to the show with me, we will have a great time

3) Forma 3 oraciones usando verbos compuestos. Escoge tres de la siguiente lista:

break down, call back, call off, check out, cross out, fill out, figure out, put on, sit down,
turn off, take after.

Subraya los verbos compuestos.

1. I need you to call me back; I want to talk with you.

2. Do not play with the phone that break down.

3. Call off my appointment This afternoon, I can’t arrive on time.

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