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4, AUGUST 2004

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This paper has presented acrobatic control of an underactuated two-
link robot called the pendubot. To achieve acrobatic control for the pen-
dubot, we have designed a fuzzy controller for keeping first link swinging
periodically while the second link maintains standing vertically. We have Intelligent Tracking Control for Robot Manipulator
derived an LMI design condition to realize acrobatic behavior. To ac- Including Actuator Dynamics via TSK-Type
complish the numerical feasibility design, we need to select carefully ref- Fuzzy Neural Network
erence fuzzy model dynamics by taking into account some constraints.
After selecting reference fuzzy model dynamics, an acrobatic controller Rong-Jong Wai and Po-Chen Chen
has been designed by solving the LMI condition. Simulation results have
shown the utility of the proposed acrobatic control. A next subject of our
study is to apply this control technique to the real pendubot system. Abstract—In this paper, a Takagi–Sugeno–Kang-type fuzzy-neural-net-
work control (T-FNNC) scheme is constructed for an -link robot
manipulator to achieve high-precision position tracking. According to
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Int. Conf. Fuzzy Systems, San Francisco, CA, Apr. 1993, pp. 1377–1382. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TFUZZ.2004.832531

1063-6706/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE


In general, robotic manipulators have to face various uncertainties in e = J m m + B m _m + m (2)
their dynamics, such as payload parameter, friction, and disturbance. v t = R a ia + La i_ a + K E _m (3)
It is difficult to establish an appropriate mathematical model for the
where e 2 R is the vector of electromagnetic torque; K T 2 R
n 2
n n
design of a model-based control system. Thus, the general claim of
these intelligent control approaches is that they can attenuate the ef- is the diagonal matrix of motor torque constants; ia 2 R n is the vector
fects of structured parametric uncertainty and unstructured disturbance of armature currents; J m 2 R n2n is the diagonal matrix of the mo-
by using their powerful learning ability without detailed knowledge of ment inertia; B m 2 R n2n is the diagonal matrix of torsional damping
the controlled plant in the design processes. However, the functional re- coefficients; m ; _m ; m 2 R n denote the vectors of motor shaft po-
constructed error, the tuning weights, and the high-order term in Taylor sitions, velocities, and accelerations, respectively; m 2 R n is the
series had to be bounded functions, and some inherent properties of the vector of load torque; v t 2 R n is the vector of armature input voltages;
robot manipulator were required in the design process (e.g., skew-sym- R a 2 R n2n is the diagonal matrix of armature resistance; La 2 R n2n
metry property, bounded system parameters and disturbances). is the diagonal matrix of armature inductance; K E 2 R n2n is the di-
For the most part of the robot manipulator control in the published lit- agonal matrix of back electromotive force (EMF) coefficients. In order
erature [1]–[4], actuator dynamics are typically excluded from the robot to apply the dc servomotors for actuating an n-link robot manipulator,
dynamic behavior to simplify the control design. However, actuator dy- a relationship between the joint position q and the motor-shaft position
namics perform an important part of the complete robotic dynamics, es- m can be represented as follows:
pecially in the factors of high-velocity moment, highly varying loads, m 
friction and actuator saturation [5]–[10]. Thus, there exist some interac- gr = = (4)
q m
where g r 2 R n2n is a diagonal positive-definite matrix of the gear
tions between robot and actuator dynamics that can not be neglected.

ratios for the n joints;  2 R n is the vector of control torque developed

Recently, the concept of incorporating fuzzy logic into a neural net-
work has grown into a popular research topic [11]–[13]. The integrated
fuzzy neural-network system possesses the merits of both fuzzy sys- at the joint side; q 2 R n is the vector of joint positions. According to
tems [14] (e.g., humanlike IF–THEN rules thinking and ease of incorpo- (1), (2), and (4), the vector of armature input voltages in (3) could be
rating expert knowledge) and neural networks [15] (e.g., learning and rewritten as
optimization abilities and connectionist structures). In this way, one v t = Ln _ + R n  + LnJ nq 111
can bring the low-level learning and computational power of neural
q + (RnB n + K En )q_
+(R n J n + L n B n ) (5)
networks into fuzzy systems and also high-level, humanlike IF–THEN
rule thinking and reasoning of fuzzy systems into neural networks. On where Ln = La (g r K T )01 , R n
= R a (g r K T )01 , J n 2
= g rJ m ,
the other hand, the Takagi–Sugeno–Kang (TSK)-type inference mech- B n = g 2r B m and K En = K E g r .
anism is the mostly used in the fuzzy neural network (FNN) schemes After the description of actuator dynamics, the mechanical behavior
developed up to now. Compared to the Mamdani fuzzy inference, the of an n-link robot manipulator is considered and expressed in the fol-
TSK-type inference mechanism provides more powerful representa- lowing Lagrange form:
tion. Moreover, since the output of the model has an explicit analytical
M (q )
q + C (q ; q_ )q_ + G(q ) + N =  (6)
form, it is possible to incorporate mathematical knowledge about the
_ q 2 R are the joint velocity and acceleration vectors, respec-
plant control, and its behavior can be analyzed using conventional con- where qq;
trol theory tools. Wang et al. [16] developed a new hybrid direct/indi- tively; M (q ) 2 R n2n denotes the inertia matrix; C (q ; q_ ) 2 Rn2n
rect adaptive FNN controller with state observer and supervisory con- expresses the matrix of centripetal and Coriolis forces; G(q ) 2 R n21
troller for a class of uncertain nonlinear dynamic systems. In this con- is the gravity vector; N 2 R n21 represents the vector of external dis-
trol scheme, a supervisory controller was appended into the FNN con- turbance tl , friction term f (q_ ) and unmodeled dynamics. Substituting
troller to force the state to be within the constraint set. However, a sign (6) into (5), the governed equation of an n-link robot manipulator in-
function existed in the supervisory controller may cause the chattering cluding actuator dynamics can be obtained as [10]
phenomena in the control effort. Gao and Joo [17] proposed a robust 111
M 3q + D (q ; qq;
_ q) + d = U (7)
adaptive fuzzy neural controller (AFNC) for identification and control
of a class of uncertain multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) non- where U 2 R n 21
represents the control effort vector, i.e., armature
linear systems. With the use of TSK fuzzy rules, the AFNC system input voltages; M (q ) = M n + M  (q ), and
M 3 = Ln [M n + J n ]
had good features such as fast learning speed and fast convergence
of tracking errors. However, prior system information and constraint (8)
conditions were required in the control process. Wai [18] addressed D (q ; qq;
_ q)
the application of an FNN control with TSK-type strategy to handle a f _  (q ; q_ ) + C (q ; q_ ) + B n ] + Rn [M (q ) + J n ] q
= Ln [M g
motor-toggle servomechanism. Although this control system can offer
+ [Ln C_ (q ; q
_ q)q_ + Rn C (q ; q_ )q_ + Rn B n q_ + K En q_
favorable tracking performance, a compensated controller was needed
_ (q ; q_ ) + Rn G (q )]
+ Ln G (9)
to curb the system trajectory in stable region such that this control
framework seems to be more complex. The aim of this paper is to d = LnM  (q )q111 + LnN_ + R n N : (10)
design an TSK-type FNN control scheme for the position control of
an n-link robot manipulator including actuator dynamics without the In (7), the term d is taken as the lumped dynamic uncertainty. Here,
the bound of lumped dynamic uncertainty is assumed to be given, i.e.,
requirement of system information and constraint conditions and the
compensation of auxiliary control design. kdk < db , in which k1k denotes the Euclidean norm and db is a positive
The control problem is to find a control law so that the joint position
vector q (t) can track a specific command vector q r (t) 2 R n . Define a
In general, the dynamic model of armature-controlled dc servomo- tracking error vector q~(t) 2 R n and an error function vector e(t) 2 R n
tors on an n-link robot manipulator can be expressed in the following as
form [10], [19]:
q~(t) = q r (t) 0 q ( t) (11)
e = K T i a (1) e ( t) =  _ (t) + K bq~(t)
q~(t) + K aq~ (12)

Fig. 1. Framework of T-FNNC system.

where K a , K b 2 Rn2n are positive-definite diagonal matrices of ad- the output variable of the fuzzy system; w is an adjustable parameter
justable variables. In order to achieve high-precision control objective, vector of the consequent part of the fuzzy system. Such a TSK-type
a RFLC system is introduced initially and its control algorithm is sum- FNN implementing the procedures of fuzzification, fuzzy inference
marized as follows. and defuzzification performs the mappings from an input vector to an
Theorem 1: Consider an n-link robot manipulator including actu- output variable. The input, rule and membership layers in the TSK-type
ator dynamics represented by (7), if the RFLC law is devised as (13) FNN are belong to the premise part of the fuzzy system, and the TSK
and its control gains are designed as (14) and (15), then the conver- and output layers are belong to the consequent part of the fuzzy system.
gence of tracking error and the stability of the RFLC system can be The inputs of the FNN are the elements in the error function vector, and
guaranteed the output of the FNN is the control effort vector. The signal propaga-
U fl = M 3 (e_ + K c q~ + 111
tion and the basic function in each layer of the FNN are introduced as
q ) + D (q ; qq;
_ q) + kr sgn(e) (13)
30 1
K c = M sgn(e)sgn(~ T
q~ )
(14) 1) Input layer transmits the input linguistic variables ei
kr = db (15) (i = 1; . . . ; n) to the next layer, where ei is the elements in
the error function vector, e .
where sgn(x) denotes the sign function of each element in the vector,
2) Membership layer represents the input values with the following
Gaussian membership functions:
According to Theorem 1, the stable control performance of the
RFLC system can be assured. However, if the system dynamics are
ji (ei ) = exp
0(ei 0 mij )2
perturbed or unknown, it is difficult to implement this control scheme j
(si )2
in practical applications, and the stability of the controlled system may
be destroyed. Besides, the chattering control effort could be induced where mij and sij (i = 1; . . . ; n; j = 1; . . . ; Np ) are, respectively,
due to the conservative selection of a larger control gain, kr . To ensure the mean and standard deviation of the Gaussian function in the j th
the stability of the controlled system despite the existence of the term of the ith input linguistic variable ei to the node of membership
uncertainties, a TSK-type fuzzy-neural-network control (T-FNNC) layer. It can be referred as the fuzzification procedure. For ease of
system is investigated in the following section. notation, define adjustable parameter vectors m and s collecting all
mean and standard deviation of Gaussian membership functions as
= [m 1 1 1 1 mN1 Nm21 1 1 1 m2NN 1 1 1 mn1 1 1 1 mNnN ]T 2 RN 21
In order to control the joint position of the robot manipulator more and s = [s1 1 1 1 s1 s2 1 1 1 s2
1 1 1 sn1 1 1 1 sn ]T 2 RN 21 ,
effectively, a T-FNNC system as shown in Fig. 1 is constructed in this where Nr = i=1 Np denotes the total number of membership
section. Moreover, a five-layer FNN as shown in Fig. 2, which com- functions.
prises the input, membership, rule, TSK and output layers, is adopted 3) The output of each node in the rule layer is determined by fuzzy
to implement the T-FNNC in this study. AND operation. Each node in this rule layer is denoted by , which
The basic configuration of the TSK-type FNN includes a fuzzy rule multiplies the input signals and outputs the result of the product. The
base that is composed of a collection of fuzzy IF–THEN rules in the product operation is utilized to determine the firing strength. It can be
following form [16]–[18]: referred as the fuzzy inference mechanism. The output of this layer

Rule l : IF x is F l ; THEN y = wx
is given as
where x contains the input variables to the fuzzy system; F l are fuzzy lk = k  j (e i )
sets characterized by their corresponding membership functions; y is
i (18)

Fig. 2. Structure of five-layer FNN.

where lk (k = 1; . . . ; Ny ) represents the k th output of the rule layer; with

wjik , the weights between the membership layer and the rule layer, l =[l l l ] T
are assumed to be unity; Ny is the total number of rules.
1 2 111 N

4) Fourth layer is the TSK layer, which represents the linear com-
Aw 1
1 Aw
2 111 Aw

bination function in the consequent part of the fuzzy system. Each Aw 2

1 Aw
2 111 Aw

node in this layer is denoted by

0 = .. .. .. ..
. . . .
0 w 0
1 A wN
2 111 A w

T q jq =0;...;n = wl q
k k
and ewl
k k
(19) [A
0 A 2
0 111 A N
0 ]
q =0
q =i=1;...;n
A 1
i w i
1 Aw 1
2 111 Aw

A 2
w i
Aw 2 i
111 Aw
2 i

where w denotes the unity links between the TSK layer and the
i 1 i 2 i N
k i i=1;...;n = .. .. .. ..
output layer. . . . .
5) Layer five is the output layer, and nodes in this layer represent A w N
1 A w N
2 111 A w
output linguistic variables. Each node yo (o = 1; . . . ; No ) in the [A A 1 2
111 A N
: (24)
i i i
output layer is labeled as , which computes the overall output as
the summation of all input signals. The output node together with The proposed T-FNNC scheme comprises a FNN control and its as-
links connected it act as a defuzzifier. It can be referred as the normal sociated network parameters tuning algorithm. The FNN control is de-
defuzzification procedure signed to mimic the RFLC law in (13) to maintain the robust control
performance without the requirement of system information and aux-
n N N n
iliary compensated control. Moreover, the network parameters tuning
y o = AT o
q q = Awl o
k k + eA w l
k k (20) laws are derived in the sense of projection algorithm [14], and Lya-
q =0 k=1 k=1 i=1
punov stability theorem [20] to ensure the network convergence as well
where Aoq denotes the adjustable parameters in the consequent part. as stable control performance. According to the powerful approxima-
Moreover, the output of the FNN can be represented in the following tion ability [11], there exists an optimal FNN control U 3FNN to learn
vector form: the RFLC law U fl such that
3 3 3
U fl = U 3 FNN (e; 0 ; 1 ; . . . ; n ; m ; s ) + "
3 3

y =[y 1 y 2 111 y N ]
= l+
0 e l
i i n
3 3
= 0 l + e 3 l 3 + " (25)
U (e; 0 ; 1 ; . . . ; n ; m ; s)
i i
 FNN (21) i=1

where " is a minimum reconstructed error; 3 0 , 3i i=1;...;n , m3 and If (ks^k < bs ) or

s3 are optimal parameters of 0 , i ji=1;...;n , m and s in the FNN. n
Thus, the T-FNNC law is assumed to take the following form: ks^k = bs and eT ^0 + ei ^i l ss^  0
n T
U = U^ FNN (e; ^0 ; ^1 ; . . . ; ^n ; m
^ s^) = l+
^ 0^ ei ^i^l (26)
i=1 s^_ = an+2 eT ^0 + ei ^i l s (32a)
^0 ,
^i , m
^ and s
^ are some estimates of the optimal parameters, as n
provided by tuning algorithms to be introduced later. Subtracting (26) If ks^k = bs and eT ^0 + ei ^i l ss^ > 0
from (25), an approximation error U ~ is defined as
n n n T
U~ = U fl 0 U = 0 l 3 3
3 3
ei i l +" 0 ^0^l 0 ei ^i^l s^_ = an+2 eT ^0 + ei ^i l s
i=1 i=1 i=1
n n
~0l +
^ 0~ ei ~il 3 + ei ^i~l + " (27) 0 an+2 eT ^0 +
n T
ei ^i l s s^s^ 2 T
i=1 i=1 i=1 ks^k (32b)

3 ^0 , ~i ji=1;...;n = 3i
~ 0 = 0 0
where i=1;...;n 0
^ i ji=1;...;n , and where a0 ; a1 ; . . . ; an ; an+1 ; an+2 are positive learning rates; bAi (i =
~ 3
l 0 l . In this paper, the linearization technique is employed to
^ 1; . . . ; n), bm , and bs are predetermined network parameter bounds.
transform the membership functions into partially linear form so that According to Theorem 2, the system information M 3 and yb do not
l in Taylor series to obtain [4]
the expansion of ~ need to be known or specified beforehand since the terms K c and kr
are not required in the T-FNNC system. As a result, the stable control
lm m l=
~ + lss
~ ~ + onv (28) behavior can be ensured without the requirement of system information

where m~ = m 0m
3 3 ^; onv 2 RN 21 is a vector of higher-
^ ; s = s 0s
and the compensation of auxiliary control design. The effectiveness

m 1 1 1 @lN =@m m ]Tjm =m^ 2

and robustness of the T-FNNC system can be verified by the following
order terms; lm = [ @l1 =@m
m @l2 =@m
R N 2 N ; l s = [ @l1 =@ss @l2 =@ss 1 1 1 @lN =@ss ]T js=s^ 2
experimental results.

RN 2N .
Theorem 2: Consider an n-link robot manipulator including actu-
ator dynamics represented by (7), if the T-FNNC law is designed as IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
(26) and the adaptation laws of the network parameters are designed
as (29)–(32), then the convergence of network parameters and tracking A two-link robot manipulator is utilized as one example in this study
error of the proposed T-FNNC system can be assured
to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme. Two per-
o oT o oT o
< bA0 ) or (A^0A^0 = bA0 and eoA^0^l  0)
turbed factors are given to verify the system robustness. One is the pa-
If (A^0A^0
rameter variation factor, that is the nominal mass with a tip load of 1 kg
_o T
A^0 = a0 eo^l (29a) weight, and the other is the joint friction factor, that is the increasing of
o oT o
If (A^0A^0 = bA0 and eoA^0^ l > 0) plastic disks between joint connection. To that end, four experimental
o T
^ ^oT A o conditions including two perturbed factors are adopted to demonstrate
A_^0 = a0 eo^l 0 a0 eol A
T 0 ^0 the robust property of the proposed control scheme. Conditions E1 and
o 2 (29b)
A^0 E2 denote the absence of joint friction with no tip load and 1 kg loading,
o oT o oT o respectively; conditions E3 and E4 represent the existence of joint fric-
If (A^i A^i < bAi ) or (A^i A^i = bAi and ei eoA^i ^l  0) tion with no tip load and 1 kg loading, respectively. The control ob-
o T
= ai ei eol^ (30a) jective is to control the joint angles of the two-link robot manipulator
o oT o to follow periodic sinusoidal trajectories. To show the effectiveness
If (A^i A^i = bAi and ei eoA i l > 0)
^ ^
T oT o of the T-FNNC system, the TSK-type FNN has two, ten, twenty-five,
o T ai ei eol^ A^i A^i
= ai ei eol^ 0
A_^i three and two neurons at the input, membership, rule, TSK and output
o 2 (30b)
A^i layer, respectively. It can be regarded that the associated fuzzy sets with
Gaussian function for each input signal are divided into NB (negative
If (km
^ k < bm ) or big), NS (negative small), Z (zero), PS (positive small) and PB (posi-
n tive big). That is, n = 2, Np = 5, Np = 5, Nr = 10, Ny = 25, and
km^ k = bm and eT ^0 + ^ 0
ei ^i l mm No = 2. Usually, some heuristics can be used to roughly initialize the
n T parameters of the FNN for practical applications, e.g., the mean and
^_ = an+1 e
^0 + ei ^i lm (31a)
standard deviation of Gaussian functions can be determined according
i=1 to the maximum variation of e . The effect due to the inaccurate selec-
n tion of the initialized parameters can be retrieved by the online training
If km^ k = bm and eT ^0 + ei ^i l mm
^ >0 methodology.
i=1 In order to exhibit the superior control performance of the proposed
n T-FNNC scheme, a proportional-differential (PD) control system based
^_ = an+1 [e
^0 + ei ^i lm ]T on model-free design is examined in the meanwhile [19]. The PD con-
i=1 trol system can be expressed as
n T
0 an+1 eT ^0 + ei ^i lm m
T (31b)
i=1 ^ U pd = K q~(t) + K q~_ (t): (33)

Fig. 3. Experimental position responses of PD control system at joints 1 and 2. (a), (b) Condition E1. (c), (d) Condition E2. (e), (f) Condition E3. (g), (h) Condition

The gains in these control systems are given as effort, the requirement of stability and the possible operating condi-
43 0 120 0 3500 0
K a= Kb =
0 145
K = The experimental position responses of the PD control system at
0 53 0 1500 four conditions are depicted in Fig. 3. Analyzing the experimental re-
70 0 sults of the PD control system, it can be discovered that if there are
K = a0 = 1500a1 = 1000a2 = 1700
0 10 tip load or joint friction inserted into the robotic system, the tracking
a3 = 0:9a4 = 0:9bA0 = 10; bA1 = 40bA2 = 20bm = 1 performance is degenerated apparently. Although the selection of large
bs = 1kr = 1: (34) control gains can improve this phenomenon, it will result in large con-
trol efforts and may excite the unstable system dynamics, especially
All the gains are chosen to achieve the superior transient control per- tune the differential gain. In industry, the conventional PD or propor-
formance in the experimentation considering the limitation of control tional–integral–derivative (PID) controllers have been

Fig. 4. Experimental position responses of T-FNNC system at joints 1 and 2. (a), (b) Condition E1. (c), (d) Condition E2. (e), (f) Condition E3. (g), (h) Condition

widely used due to their simple control structure, ease of design, and TABLE I
inexpensive cost. However, successful applications of these model-free
simple controllers usually require manual parameters retuning before
being transferred to the process under control.
The experimental position responses of the T-FNNC system at four
conditions are depicted in Fig. 4. From the experimental results, os-
cillation transient responses are induced due to the roughly initialized
parameters of the FNN. By comparing Fig. 3 with Fig. 4, it is obvious
that the T-FNNC system shows a better performance than PD control
system after a period of time of learning. In order to display the supe-
riority of the proposed T-FNNC system clearly, the measure criterion
of mean square error (MSE) is introduced as follows:

where T is the total running time. The experimental comparison of

T MSE(ei ) for T-FNNC and PD control schemes due to periodic sinu-
MSE(ei ) = j ei (t)j dt (35)
T o soidal commands at four conditions is summarized in Table I. Though

the proposed T-FNNC system requires extensive computations for im- [16] C. H. Wang, T. C. Lin, T. T. Lee, and H. L. Liu, “Adaptive hybrid intel-
plementing the adaptive laws, it results in smaller tracking errors with ligent control for uncertain nonlinear dynamical systems,” IEEE Trans.
respect to the PD control system. According to the tabulated measure- Syst., Man, Cybern. B, vol. 32, pp. 583–597, Oct. 2002.
[17] Y. Gao and M. Joo, “Online adaptive fuzzy neural identification and
ments, the proposed T-FNNC system indeed yields the superior control control of a class of MIMO nonlinear systems,” IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst.,
performance than the PD control system. vol. 11, pp. 462–477, Aug. 2003.
[18] R. J. Wai, “Robust fuzzy neural network control for nonlinear motor-
toggle servomechanism,” Fuzzy Sets Syst., vol. 139, no. 1, pp. 185–208,
V. CONCLUSION Oct. 2003.
[19] R. J. Schilling, Fundamentals of Robotics: Analysis and Con-
This study has successfully implemented a T-FNNC system to con- trol. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1998.
[20] H. K. Khalil, Nonlinear Systems. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-
trol the joint position of a two-link robot manipulator including ac-
Hall, 1996.
tuator dynamics for achieving high-precision position control. In the
T-FNNC system, all the system dynamics could be unknown and no
strict constraints and auxiliary compensated control were required in
the control process. All adaptive learning laws in the T-FNNC system
were derived in the sense of projection algorithm and Lyapunov sta-
bility theorem, so that the network convergence and system-tracking
Fuzzy Behavior-Based Control of Mobile Robots
stability of the closed-loop control system can be ensured whether the
uncertainties occur. Experimental results of a two-link robot manipu- Prahlad Vadakkepat, Ooi Chia Miin, Xiao Peng, and Tong Heng Lee
lator in comparison with the PD control were also provided in this study
to compare and display the manipulative performance of the proposed
control scheme. According to the results as shown in Figs. 3 and 4 and Abstract—An extensive fuzzy behavior-based architecture is proposed
Table I, the joint-position tracking responses of the T-FNNC system for the control of mobile robots in a multiagent environment. The be-
havior-based architecture decomposes the complex multirobotic system
can be controlled to more closely follow specific reference trajectories into smaller modules of roles, behaviors and actions. Fuzzy logic is used
under a wide range of operating conditions and the occurrence of un- to implement individual behaviors, to coordinate the various behaviors, to
certainties. select roles for each robot and, for robot perception, decision-making, and
speed control. The architecture is implemented on a team of three soccer
robots performing different roles interchangeably. The robot behaviors
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