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Top ten characters in Baptist history

In this list are included the ten most important people in Baptist history according to my own

understanding. I would like to mention two important characters in the history of Baptists

who, nevertheless, did not finish their days as Baptist. John Smyth (1570-1612) and Roger

Williams (1603-1683) are two of the most influential Baptists in history. However, John

Smyth joined the Mennonites at the end of his life, and Roger Williams’ beliefs about Baptists

are confusing and even some people reject that he was really a Baptist. Interestingly, both

are called founders of Baptists; Smyth is considered the father of Baptists, and Williams is

considered the father of Baptists in America. Finally, I would like to mention Martin Luther

King Jr. as one of the most famous Baptist in history. However, his major work was not

developed through the Baptist denomination but through social activism. His impact on

Baptist history itself is not as important as his great mark in the social history of America. In

this list, I include those Baptists who have influenced Baptist history in different areas as

religious liberty, missions, preaching, education, and others.

1. Thomas Helwys (1575-1616). Helwys was the founder of the first Baptist church in

England. He was an advocate of religious freedom and the separation of church and


2. William Carey (1761-1834). Carey is considered the father of the modern mission

movement. His passionate work in India is an example not only for every Christian

missionary but for every person who believes in Jesus Christ.

3. Edgar. Y. Mullins (1860-1925). Mullins was one of the most influential Baptists of his

time for his theology and leadership. He was president of the Southern Theological
Seminary, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, and president of the Baptist

World Alliance.

4. Richard Furman (1755-1825). Furman was the first president of the Triennial

Convention in 1814, the first Baptist national organization in America. He strongly

boosted education among Baptist.

5. Charlotte Moon (1840-1912). Lottie Moon was a Southern Baptist missionary who

spent more than forty years in China. Her work inspired many Baptists in America to

support missions. She is still remembered and honored among Southern Baptist

women and men as well.

6. William Graham (1918- ). Billy Graham is one of the most influential Baptist preachers

of the 20th century. He preached on radio, television, and live to millions of people all

around the world. He influenced Christians of all denominations and politicians as


7. Isaac Backus (1724-1806). Backus was a Baptist leader and preacher during the era

of the American Revolution. He was a Baptist spokesman for religious freedom.

8. John Clarke (1609-1676). Clarke was co-founder of the Colony of Rhode Island and

founder of the First Baptist Church in Newport, which was the second Baptist church

in America. He strongly emphasized religious freedom and separation church-state.

9. Obadiah Holmes (1610-1682). Holmes was the Pastor of the First Baptist Church in

Newport, Rhode Island for many years. He was a brave man who boldly faced

persecution for being Baptist.

10. Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892). Spurgeon is one of the greatest preachers in Baptist

history. He is still influential among Christians of different denominations.

Top five events in Baptist history

1. The rise of Baptists (1609). In 1609 John Smyth and Thomas Helwys came to believe

in the baptism of believers. They baptized along with a group of English separatist

that fled from England to Holland. Historically, there is no doubt that this is the origin

of the Baptist denomination.

2. The rise of the modern mission movement (1792). In 1792 was founded the Particular

Baptist Society for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Heathen, best known as

the Baptist Missionary Society. In 1793 William Carey, considered the father of

modern missions, was sent to India.

3. The rise of Baptists in America (1638). In 1638 was founded the first Baptist church in

America in Providence, Rhode Island. Less than two centuries later Baptists came to

be the largest and strongest Christian denomination in America. And American

Baptists still represent the main force of Baptists all around the world.

4. The formation of the BWA (1905). In 1905 was formed in London the Baptist World

Alliance. Today it is the largest Baptist organization in the world and the second

largest Christian organization. The BWA maintains an ecumenical dialogue with other

Christian denominations.

5. The formation of the SBC (1845). In 1845 the southern Baptists in America split from

the northern Baptists and formed the Southern Baptist Convention. Today it is the

largest Baptist denomination all around the world and the largest protestant

denomination in America.

Five Baptist distinctives

There can be other distinctive Baptist characteristics; however, in my opinion, these are the

five main features that make the Baptist faith distinctive:

1. Priesthood of all believers. Baptists have always emphasized the doctrine of the

priesthood of all believers. While many other Protestant groups embrace this belief

as well, Baptists have strongly emphasized it and have taken it to its ultimate

consequences. For Baptists, every human soul is competent to answer God on its own.

2. Baptism of believers. Baptists have always practiced the Baptism of believers. This

practice is, perhaps, the most characteristic and evident hallmark of Baptists. It is

what originated the name of Baptist. They find in the New Testament that the baptism

was intended for those who believe in Jesus and not for children.

3. Church autonomy. Since the beginning, Baptists have embraced the autonomy and

self-government of local churches. Just as every soul responds individually to God, so

do local churches respond to God. In some periods of history and within some

particular Baptist groups, this belief was so strong that they reject even Baptist

associations. The freedom that Baptist churches have cannot be easily found in other


4. Religious freedom. One of the most known and appreciated features of Baptists is their

insistence on religious freedom. Since the first Baptists, this has been a strong

emphasis. Perhaps it has to do with their condition of persecuted people. Anyway, it

also has to do with their understanding of the individual competency before God of

every human soul. Baptists are known for their fight for religious freedom not only

for Baptists or Protestants but sometimes even for other religions and atheists.
5. Separation Church-State. Finally, Baptists have emphasized throughout their history

that the State should not force anybody to believe in a certain set of doctrines. Since

everybody is free to believe whatever they want the State should not favor any

particular denomination.

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