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ffigh iiiodc,-l c-f a sl.

cldcd 4-wim cable WELS Yuu&

1-frli Frcqucacy
1-rccjucncy model of a 8llicldcd 4-wixt. ciic,-iTy
cncr.y c.ab1c WLUNS Yeumick

High Frequency model of a shielded 4-wire energy cable

Y. Weens, N. Idir, J.J. Franchaud, R. Bausi6re
Laboratoire d'Electrotechnique et d'Electronique de Puissance (L2EP)
Universit6 des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
F-59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, FRANCE
Tel: +33 (0) 320.43.42.35.
Fax: +33 (0) 320.43.69.67.
E-Mail: yannick.weens@>
URL: http://www.univ-lillel .fr/12ep/

(<AC-cable>, <<Modelling>, <MC/EMh., «Converter machine interactions>».
In Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD) applications, most cables connecting the electronic voltage source to the
ac-motor are multi-wire and shielded. The various inductive and capacitive effects are at the origin of high
frequency phenomena that require models with distributed parameters as in transmlssion lines. From
curves showing the evolution of the cable impedance with frequency, and under the assumption of
choosing appropriate models, it is possible to calculate the values of the numerous parameters of the
model from design tool software. This paper deals with the modelling of a shielded 4-wire energy cable,
with the determination of the values of the parameters R, L, C and G of the energy cable, in order to
obtain an equivalent electric model which is valid both in the time and frequency domains. The obtained
results show that the proposed model reproduces the oscillations of current induced by the hard switchings
of the power converter with a difference lower than 10% when compared to experimental measurements.

1. Introduction
The study of the common mode and differential mode disturbances in ASD requires having valid high
frequency models of the power electronic converter and the driven machine, but also of the cables
connecting the converter to the machine. If such models are commonly used for transmission lines, those
of the energy cables are still to be built. Previous works [1] allowed obtaining a high fiequency model
valid both in the time and frequency domain for a 10-meter long unshielded 2-wire cable. This paper deals
with a 5-meter long energy cable with 4 wires a shield. The investigation has been carried out in the same
manner tha for the unshielded 2-wire cable:
Identification of the low frequency values of the equivalent model parameters.
Utilization of a ladder R-L and R-C network circuit to model the influence of the frequency on the R,
L, C and G cable parameters.

2. Shielded 4-wire cable model

The geometrical characteristics of the shielded 4-wire cable under study are indicated on fig. 1.

DEl 2005 -- L)i--;c11i
I2'rcelcn ISBN :90-75815-08-5
ffigh Frcqucacy iiiodc,-l c-f a sl.cldcd 4-wim cable WELS Yuu&
1-frli l-rccjucncy model of a 8llicldcd 4-wixt. cncr.y cable WLUNS Yasmick

r[I 0m!
PVC 299mm
[- r. l1 -.11
1 l.E5 II)

~~~o 1 26- 10D

_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L r

7 I
8 &5.10 FAll

a 2 nlS

Fig. 1: Structure of the cable under study

Contrary to the unshielded 2-wire cable, this geometry does not present a complete symmetry. However,
in order to prevent the model from being too bulky, the structure wili be considered symmetric, and the
shield is assumed to be ideal conductor. The comparison between simulation results and experimental

measurements will show these assumptions are justified. The elementary cell used to model a transmission
line is shown on fig. 2.
n L

' C'\

Fig. 2: Transmission line model
The model of the shielded 4-wire cable requires
-1 =-
(fig. 3): I i

A serial impedance Zs composed by a R and pEZP .zp

a L in series for each wire (thus 4 Zs and the -4 i T

associated coupling coefficient K thus 6 K). zljjZP

A parallel impedance Zp composed by a C la3 ]T-0 -

r r T

and a G in parallel for each wire pair (thus 6

Zp). W4
T~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-

A parallel impedance Zb composed by a C

I IZ zb zb zb
and a G in parallel between every wire and qR i I I

the shield (thus 4 Zb). Fig. 3: Shielded cable model

2.1. Low frequency cable parameters

The values of the various per unit length parameters
appearing in the impedances Zs, Zp and Zb at low
frequencies are determined from experimental measurements made on the cable at 500kHz using an

impedance bridge (HP4294A) in the following configurations:

Common mode test
The 4 wires are short-circuited at each side of the cable, and the values of the common mode parameters
of the equivalent model are obtained from measures made with the output switch closed (for RcM ad Lc4
then opened (for CCM and GcM).

DEl 2005 -- L)i--;c11i
IXcadcn ISBN: 90-75815-08-5 i,.2
ffigh Frcqucacy iiiodc,-l c-f a sl.cldcd 4-wim cable WELS Yuu&
1-frli l-rccjucncy model of a 8llicldcd 4-wixt. cncr.y cable WLUNS

Rcm I
R Li mH
cII Experimental results are:
RcM =46.8mLi2m, LcM= 82.6nHlm.
i. I,
C CM = 508pF/m, G cNM = 36.2glS/m.
cc:" .-- Grm
(.S? 1 1I
Fig. 4: Common mode set up

Differential mode test

The cable wires are short-circuited 2 by 2 at each end, and the values of the differential mode parameters
of the equivalent model are deduced from measurements made with the output switch closed (for RDN1 and
LDv), then opened (for CLDM and GDNI).
Experimental results are:
RDMI = 26.6mnl.m, LDMI = 185.8nHm.
CODN 207.6pF/m,
= GD\1 = 98.89plS/m.

Fig. 5: Differental mode set up

The low fequency values of the parameters model may now be deduced from these measured values.
2.2. Cable inductance and coupling
In order to have a model that is valid in common mode and differential mode, the couplings between the 4
inductances are taken into account by introducing a coupling coefficient K which is the same for each
coupling under the assumption of a symmetrical structure.

The inductance measured in common mode is The inductance measured in differential mode is
then defined by: defined by:
(1+3'K) (1) (2)

Lcm L


Fig. 7:Kiffretia mde ndlK
S)-< L

Fig. 6: Common mode inductance Fig. 7 : Differential mode inductance

The values of low frequency wire inductance L and the coupling coefficient K between 2 wires may the be
deduced from LCM and LDM : L = 222nH/m and K= 0.163.
2.3. Cable per unit length parameters
In the same manner, but without takdng other couplings into consideration, the values of the other
parameters may be deduced:

DEl 2005 -- L)i--;c11i
IXcadcn ISBN :90-75815-08-5
ffigh iiiodc,-l c-f a sl.cldcd 4-wim cable WELS Yuu&
1-fric Frcqucacy
l-rccjucncy model of a lcicldcd 4-wixt. cncr.y cable WLUNS Yasmick

Table I; Cable parameters values

Cable Conductor Capacitance Cb Conductance Gb C ' ConductanceGi

parameters parm.
resistance resibetween wire and between
shield shdwire and Capacitane
between C1 between 2
2 wireslwires

fonnulas R=4RCM C CCb M G

4 Ci = 4 Gi = C

results R = 187.4mnWm Cb = 217.2PF/m Gb = 9.05S/m Ci = 20. 1pF/m Gi = 1.43±S/m

3. Modelling of the cable parameters according to the frequency

All the parameters R, L, C, G of the cable model have values which vary according to the frequency.
Valuable information on these evolutions may be obtained only in the frequency range where they vary
linearly. With a 5-meter long cable, the first resonant frequency appears around 8Mz, and the linear
variation bandwidth is consequently too weak. So meaurements have been made on a 10-cm long cable,
for which the first resonant frequency is around 400MHz : The variations be considered as linear up to can

40MHz. Between 40 and 10OMHz (which wil be the limit of validity of the cable model) the variations of
the parameter values are obtained from trend curves. They are then transposed for a 1 -meter long cable by
shifting all the frequency dependant curves with the difference observed between parameter values for
these 2 cable lengths at 500kHz. The model keeps the arrangement shown on fig. 3.
3.1. Skin and proximity effects modelling
A ladder R-L network is built with 7 resistors and 7 inductors to take into account variations of conductor
resistance and inductance (impedance Zs) with frequency.
I 5
.~ ~ ~ ~5

' 1 dn l~~~~04nHl
1.4 lOnH
0.8 64
I 0.- mneasuremoent 2
12.6nH- nducarceresistnce 3

t mRasurement R-L networK n
340m lQnH
42O3 inductance X,X1.5
460nQO 1.120
2.4m6 nH 1
20riPM 4.48n H4 0.1' .
0.1 1 10 100
R(O L(f) Frequency {MHz)

Fig. 8 : Ladder R-L network (impedance Zs) Fig. 9: Experimental and simulation of R-L
network results

The values of the 14 elements are obtained by using a design tool software so that the variations of R and
L fit in with the experimental results.
3.2. Dielectric losses modelling
A ladder R-C network is built with 6 resistors and 6 capacitors to take into account variations of the
capacitance and the conductance between 2 conductors (impedance Zp) with frequency.

DEl 2005 -- L)i--;c11i
IXcadcn ISBN :90-75815-08-5

ffigh.Ficqumey model of a shicldei 4-wire caerg,y
inodel of a Q.cldcd 4-%.i. cable WELS Yuiek
1-Ugh htquency energy cable WLUNS Y4umick

25 200

, 11. 2t:F 30I F 1t.E-pF Z.2rF measurem-ent

1 1 1 ,/ capacitance

R-C network
16- ,/ CL
I 4-

-.- I DO
10 - nmeasurem ent

C onid ucta n cef


*/ so
R-C netweok

0 .! 0
0.1 100

Ciif{) (f) Frequency MHz)

Fig. 10: Ladder R-C network (impedance Zp) Fig. 1 1 : Experimental and simulation ofR-C
network results

The values of the 12 elements are calculated so that the variations of R and C fit in with the experimental
A second ladder R-C network is built with 6 resistors and 6 capacitors to take into account variations of
the capacitance and the conductance between each conductor and the shield (impedance Zp) with
frequency. The same model and the same method have been used to obtain the values of the R-C network
allowing to model the variations of the value of the impedance Zb according to the frequency:
150 1400
- 1)F 29 ipF 32.&-rF 40.E-pF * measuvement
_ capacitance ..1200
Rl-C network 100

1 0, a.^

c6 I DOG

I C. R-C network 40O A

01 1 10 100
Frequency rMHZ)
Fig. 12: Ladder R-C network (impedance Zb) Fig. 13: Experimental and simulation of R-C
network results

The values of the 12 elements are also calculated so that the variations of R and C fit in with the
experimental results.

4. Simulation of the cable

From the single cell model so obtained, a model with distributed parameters model formed by the series-
association of 32 identical cells has been used to compare the results of simulation with the experimental
results in both time and frequency domains.
4. 1. Frequency domain
The variations of the 5-meter cable impedance with frequency, in common mode configuration (output
switch on or off, fig. 4), were experimentally measured with impedance bridge (HP 4294A) between an

0.1 and 100MHz, and compared with the results obtained by simulation (fig. 14). The differences are
extremely weak until the first resonant frequency, and remain very limited until 100MHz in particular, :

E1?E 2005 -- I)rc:,den
Dresden ISB N: 0- 758 t5-oW-5
I "f
ffigh Frcqucacy iiiodc,-l c-f a sl.cldcd 4-wim ciic,-iTy cable WELS Yuu&
1-frli 1-rccjucncy model of a 8llicldcd 4-wiec cncr.y cable WLUNS Yeumick

the measured and simulated values of the resonant frequencies coincide perfectly for the various
amplitude peaks.



01 _-
0.1 13 o

Frequency (MHzf

Fig. 14: Evolution ofthe cable impedance in common mode test

The same comparison has been carried out under differential mode conditions (with output switch on or
off: fig. 5), and the same conclusions as for the common mode configuration may be drawn (fig. 15).


un- ............
0.1 1 I0 1e
Frequen cy (1M! Hz)
Fig. 15: Evolution of the cable impedance in differential mode

4.2. Time domain

In the study of the unshielded 2-wire cable [2] and to put the cable under conditions getting closer to those
of adjustable speed drive, the input side of the cable had been fed by a buck converter, and the output

side had been connected on a 3-phase AC motor fed between 2 phases as show on fig. 16. The results
obtained by simulation were extremely close to experimental measurements.
In order not to increase too much the size of the models used for the generator and the load, a very similar
configuration has been used to test the model of the shielded 4-wire cable. The left side of the cable is fed
by a buck converter, with connection to the LISN by one of the conductors short-circuited with the shield
(fig. 16). At the right side of the cable, 3 conductors are connected to the 3 phases of the machine, and the
4th conductor, short-circuited with the shield, is connected to the earth.

DEl 2005 -- L)i--;c11i
I2'rcelcii ISBN :90-75815-08-5 i,.6
ffigh iiiodc,-l c-f a sl.cldcd 4-wim cable WELS Yuu&
1-frli Frcqucacy
1-rccjucncy model of a 8llicldcd 4-wixt. ciic,-iTy
cncr.y c.ab1c WLUNS Yeumick

LISN Buck converter Shlielded 4-wire cazle AC Motor


Fig. 16: Experimental set up for time domain anlysis

Power electr onic su pply mod el

The buck converter constitutes the most elementary form of a commutaton cell. The trasistor is a
MOSFET (JRFP45O), and a SiC diode (CSD 10060) was selected so that no addlitional disturbances
associated 200V
wth reverse recovery areiD
introduced. The0m
model of the buck converter was built from the
following elements:

tChe model of the MOSFET is improved SPICCE model using [3],

thie model of the diode is provided by the manufacture. An 8nH series stray inductance was added
~ ~ Z cm
:its value has been measured with impedance
Q QI bridge,
Q >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
the values of the parameters used to model the input filter capacitors and the parsitic elements of
the PCB lands were measured an impedance bridge too.
The model of the whole power converter is shown on fig. 17.

_ _ _- Ch~ ~ p MOSFET


0n 5nH 2.4 nS $DnHf spide]

Fig. 17:High frequency powr converter model

Load model
An c-motor has iducntive couplings and sty capaitances tt e more complex than those of a siple
inductive load. To takde
a pa of this complexity into account, the ac-motor was supplied as shown on fig.
16, and it is thus tis load configuration tchat has been modeled. The high frequency model of twhe load
consists diffe tal mode impedances
of 3 Zi and 3 common mode impedances AC]M with connecton
to the earth. The model of the impedances ZMManis obtained by observation of the variations of the
impedance ZAG h the frequency when the wndings of phases A and B are short-circuited and when the
phase C is not connected (fig. 18). The equivalent circuit of the load ZacG is presnted on fig. andthe
comparison of experimental and simulaton result is shown on fig. 20.

DEl 2005 -- L)i--;c11i
I2'rcelcn ISBN :90-75815-08-5 P.7X
ffigh Frcqucacy iiiodc,-l c-f a sl.cldcd 4-wim cable WELS Yuu&
1-frli l-rccjucncy model of a elilcided 4-wixt. cncr.y cable WLUNS Yasmick

ZD L2i
3000 4.50


OpH 22OnH

2S-O5pF 1.1 nF
0.1 I 1.0 o00
Frequency M Hz:

Fig. 18: Load ZAG Fig. 19 : Electrical Fig. 20: Variation of ZAG with frequency
connection equivalent circuit

The variations of the impedance Z4, when phases A and B are series-connected and without conection
to the earth (fig. 21), allows building a model of (2Z4IDM' I1 2Z41cM1). At low frequencies, the load appears
as an inductance, and the variations of this inductance with the fiequency are modeled by several series-
connected R//L cells. The impedance peak between 100kHz and 1MHz be modeled with 3 elements can

RLC connected parallel. The capacitor value (C'=250pF) is deduced from the negative slope of the
curve between 1 and 1OMHz. The resonance which appears over 10MHz can be modeled by a series-
resonant circuit: elements R'=25fl and L'=300nH are thus series-connected with capacitor C'.
The whole circuit used to model the load is shown on fig. 22. It does not take into account the oscillations
which appear on the experimental measurements beyond 5MIz (fig. 23).


;34 - 2F- W 11000

AJ - , K> 29 $
I Y3 5k (e 1

-F5\, (K1i

lkk IhlctM
l k 0111
e . Fr2eqLency {.IHz
Fig. 21: Load4kB Fig. 22 : Electrical Fig. 23: Variation of ZAB with frequency
connection equivalent circuit
After several operations, we obtained the electrical equivalent circuit which represents 2ZNDN::

DEl 2005 -- L)i--;c11i
IXcadcn ISBN :90-75815-08-5
ffigh Frcqucacy iiiodc,-l c-f a sl.cldcd 4-wim cable WELNS Yuu&k
1-frli l-rccjucncy model of a 8llicldcd 4-wixt. cncr.y cable WLUNS Yasmick

0 ,

12 H 2M

i57mpeane Mfrqunc (1Lnuaton A

Fig.14 4o g s i l e Electricalr y alTentmcirc futhenFig.r2 eo u dn en s otZhDe ithe

as indicated fig.
on 16. The aim is to observe the waveforms of these variables at the moment when
transistor switchings occur, and to compare them with the simulation results obtained when cascading the
models of the buck converter, the shielded 4-wire energy cable,an the motor. There are only 2 types of
commutation in the buck converter according to whether the transistor is switched on or off [4]. The load

being inductive, the currents in the cable have the same value before the beginning and after the end of

Switching the transistor OFF

The obtained waveforms are shown on fig. 26a (input current), 26b (shield current) and 26c (common
mode current). For the first oscillations, no visible difference can be observed between the measured and
simulated waveformns including damping. Only does the oscillation frequency present a light difference,
which increases of course with time.

7 shJ im uisl3 o r

eras 3u.met

j1I0 1 1_2 1-4 1.! 2 -02 0U4 0C-& 12 1-4 1 9 2 Lt U2 D. 4 D.6 1 1.2 1.4 1.~ 2
rmfft tps} Time ~P55Tm ~ps

Fig. 26a : Input current Fig. 26b : Shield current Fig. 26c Common mode current
waveforms at turn-off waveforms at turn-off waveforms at turn-off

Switching the transistor ON

The obtained waveforms are shown on fig. 27. All the remarks made for the turn-on switching stili apply

Ellh 2005 - L)iv--;dc,-ii
IXcodcn ISBN :90-75815-08-5
ffigh Frcqucacy iiiodc,-l c-f a sl.cldcd 4-wim cable WELS Yuu&
1-frli l-rccjucncy model of a Bilicided 4-wixt. cncr.y cable WLUNS Yasmick

IneasLIrEmen i IA ) mseas Lremeni
simnulaiorn S

4 1

ii* 'iml-i/

a O.2 94 3 e 1 12 14 16 1.8 2 0 t 1 21 4 16 1-8 2 4 0.2 >4

4 ~6 4,8 1 l,2 1.4 1L- 1.8 z
T ime (ps} T! re (Ps) Trm p &]

Fig. 27a: Input current Fig. 27b: Shield current Fig. 27c Common mode current

waveforms at tum-on waveforms at tur-on waveforms at Win-on

5. Conclusion
The modelling of the cables connecting electronic power converter to an ac-motor is necessary to

calculate the amplitude of the disturbances induced by the transistor switchings, and to propose methods
to reduce or cancel them. A model of a shielded 4-wire cable has been proposed that can be used both in
time and frequency domain. This model does not consider the asymmetrical structure of the cable, but it
takes effects of skin andproximity into account, and introduces inductive couplings. Even by considering
the shield as ideal conductor, the elementary cell of the model contains 16 impedances, and the model

ofthe 5-meter-long cable uses 32-cascaded elementary cells.

High frequency models of the electronic power supply and of the ac-motor have been built with the same
The comparison between experimental and simulation results show that the proposed model allows to
reproduce, with a lower difference, the amplitude and the frequency of the most important oscillations of
current following the switchings of a power trasistor. This model should be able to be used when the
cable is connected to a 3-phase voltage-source inverter, and the load model does not require to be

6. References
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[3]. A. Briffaut Modelisation des interrupteurs form6es par t'association transistor-MOS+diode en serie

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[4]. N. Idir, J.J. Franchaud, R. Bausiere, 'Evatuation and reduction of common mnode currents in adjustable speed
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[7]. S. Inim, D.P. Neikirk, "Compact equivalent cirouit model for the skin effect", IEEE 7th topical lueeting on

Electrical performance of Electronic Packaging, 26-28 Oct. t998, pp. 128- 3t.
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Issuie: 5 Sept.-Oct. 2002, pp. 1297 1306.
, -

DEl 2005 -- L)i--;c11i
IXcadcn ISBN :90-7581508-5 11.10

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