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Complete the following sentences with the Conditional sentences

a) If it ___________________ (not/rain) enough, we __________________ (not/have) any
water to drink.
b) If there _______________ (be) too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the earth
______________ (get) too hot.
c) The earth _________________ (get) too hot if the greenhouse effect ____________
(continue) to get worse.
d) If we ___________________ (not/use) solar power and recycle and help the environment,
we ________________ (damage) the earth for the future.
e) If she _______________(not phone) me, she_____________(not know) about the party.
f) If you ___________(eat) too much, you _______________(get) fat.
g) If they ___________(go) out, they ________________(catch) a cab.
h) The mother ______________ (hit) him, if he ______________(break) the window.
i) If the TV _______________(break) down, I ________________(read) a book.
j) If you ________________(play) in the park, you ______________(not have) time to work
k) If the weather _____________(be) bad, you ______________(get) bored.
l) Peter _____________(be) sorry if Sally _____________(not came) to the party.
m) If you __________(do) it again, I ______________(scream)
n) Anne _________(be) so disappointed if she ____________(fail) her exam.
o) If I ____________(have) a bad mark in English test I _____________(will be) very
p) If you ___________(look) under your satchel, you _____________(find) the book.
q) I don`t know what my mother ____________(say) if I ___________(have) a bad mark in the
r) I _______________(miss) you very much if you __________(go) to another school.
s) If you ___________(not study) hard, you ___________(find) the test very difficult.
t) You ______________(have) trouble if you _______________(not go) to bed early.
a) If you ___________ (study), you ________________(have) good grades.
b) If she _____________(not stop) driking, she ______________(get) drunk.
c) If the dog _________(eat) the turkey, the man ________________(hit) him.
d) You ______________(die) soon if you ____________(smoke) too much.
e) Mr Spock ______________(have) na accident if he __________(drive) too fast.
f) If you _________(eat) too much, you ______________(get) weight.
g) If she _______________(not hurry) she _______________(not catch) the bus.
h) If we ____________(win) tomorrow, we ________________ (have) no problems.
i) If she only _____________(get) a draw, she ________________(need) two points from the
next game.
a) What ________________(happen) if you ___________(lose) tomorrow?
b) Who ________________(replace) him if he ____________(not be) all right?
c) I ________________(think) about that if it _____________(happen).
d) Peter will come if you ___________(phone) him.
e) They will buy a house if they __________(have) the money.
f) If you ___________(come) with me I will pay the dinner.
g) If I _________(go) to Paris, I will visit the museums.
h) If she ________ (do) someting wrong, They will shout to her.
i) If the weather is bad, We _________________(no pay).
j) You ______________(not get) better if you don`t take the medicine.

Fill in the blanks using the future with BE GOING TO and the verb in brackets.
I am going to eat am I going to eat?
you are going to eat are you going to eat?
she is going to eat is she going to eat?
he is going to eat is he going to eat?
it is going to eat is it going to eat?
we are going to eat are we going to eat?
you are going to eat are you going to eat?
they are going to eat are they going to eat?

1. ___________________________________ (you/ go) out tonight?

2. ___________________________________ (I/ stay) at home to watch TV?
3. _____________________________________ (we/ play) football tonight?
4. _____________________________________ (I/ Do) an exam tomorrow?
5. My brother learned to drive last year. ___________________________ (he/ buy) a new

Choose the correct form: WILL or GOING TO

1. Did you know that we probably won’t have/ are not going to have enough fossil fuels
to make energy?
2. I think I will start/ am going to start recycling now.
3. We must be careful to reduce, reuse and recycle or the climate will change/ is going to
4. Look at the sky … it will probably rain/ is probably going to rain Tomorrow.
5. Following some simple rules will help/ is going to help the environment.

k) Complete with should or shouldn’t.

m) 1. You …………………… solve the problem. It’s urgent.
n) 2. You …………………… interrupt. They are discussing something important.
o) 3. They …………………… put the music so loud. It will wake my parents.
p) 4. You …………………… find a doctor quickly. You’re very sick.
q) 5. You …………………… swim here. It’s dangerous.
r) You _______________ learn the vocabulary.
s) They _______________ smoke in the supermarket.
t) We _______________ eat in class.
u) We _______________ wash our hands before dinner.

1- SIT DOWN! _________________________________________________

2- WRITE ON THE BOARD! _________________________________________________
3- DON`T EAT OR DRINK DURING LESSONS! ____________________________________________
4- DON´T RUN IN THE SCHOOL BUILDING! ___________________________________________
5- DON´T CHEW GUM! _______________________________________________
6- DO THE HOMEWORK! ________________________________________________

1. Unscramble the letters to find the missing words

a) Many rivers, lakes and seas around the world are _____________ (lolpdeut).
b) We should __________ (veas) the animals in the world and let them live their natura
____________ (ahtatbi)
c) Everyone should start a ___________ (picnamag) against ____________ (llopuoint)
d) You shouldn’t throw ___________ (ishbubr) on the floor.
e) Help clean your school. Don’t drop _________ (iltert)
f) Our planet is in _____________ (ranged)
g) You can help your mom and dad ____________ (cyrecle) newspapers, cereal boxes,
cardboard, aluminium cans, bottles, jars, steel cans, plastic, and lots of other stuff!
h) You can help keep the air ____________ (nacle) by riding your bike to school.

2. Fill in the gaps to from a compound noun. Choose the right word from the table
Natural/ tropical/ aerosol/ ozone / acid/ industrial
a. The ________ layer d. _________ rainforests
b. __________ rain e. _________ cans
c. __________ waste f. __________ resourses
3. Complete the sentences using will or be going to.
a. Do you have any plans for this evening? Yes, I ___________ (have) dinner with Brad.
b. The music is too loud. Ok, I __________ (switch) it off for you.
c. Would you like to have tea or juice? Oh, I ____________ (have) tea, please.
d. We made our decision and we ______________ (stop neg.) our project.
e. Look at those big clouds! It ________________ (rain)
f. They haven’t decided yet. But I think they ______________ (find) something nice to wear.
g. I ______________ (go) to the shop for you this afternoon. What do you want?

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