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Behavioral Model - 100 Points

How to Build a Town

Direct Instruction Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan #1


• Materials:
-Pictures of local missions, ranchos, pueblos, presidios in California
-Sound Equipment
-Butcher Paper
-KWL Chart
-Worksheet for ELD/ELA
-Song: Missions, Presidios, and Pueblos

• Vocabulary - List key vocabulary terms needed for this lesson

-Politics: System of government
-Economics: How we use money and how it affects towns
-Presidio: (Fort/Fortress) How we protect our town
-Mission: The place where people worship
-Rancho: Ranch/Farm land
-Pueblo: Community of people living together
-Neighborhood: Modern Pueblos

• Literature - List supporting literature or reading materials

-California Ranchos (We the People:Expansion and Reform series)
-California Missions and Presidios

2. OBJECTIVE (10 points) The social studies objective will state the learning that the students will attain by the
end of the lesson. Fill in the following objective for your grade level and unit topic.

After the lesson on the facts of __(ie maps, California, pueblos)________________students in grade ___4______will
identify, list and summarize information on the topic of ___(ie maps, California, pueblos)________by writing 10 facts both
orally and in writing with accuracy.

• State the cognitive taxonomy level (Bloom’s )

• List the standards met by this objective. Highlight in color the specific words in the standard that you are

Social Studies Standard 4.2 Element 2:

Students describe the social, political, cultural, and economic life and interactions among people of California from the
pre-Columbian societies to the Spanish mission and Mexican rancho periods.

4. Describe the daily lives of the people, native and nonnative, who occupied the presidios, missions, ranchos, and pueblos.
• CCSS ELA Standard
RI.4.6 Compare and contrast a firsthand and secondhand account of the same event or topic; describe the differences in
focus and the information provided.

SL.4.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse
partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly

• CCSS ELD Standard

SL.4.1 Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative discussions on a range of social and
academic topics

• College and Career Readiness Anchor Standard CCSS


Students will be able to compare and contrast the time of the Spanish missions, rancheros, presidios, and pueblos with
towns in California today by learning the definitions of the aforementioned terms. Students will be assessed on their ability
to recall facts on the social, political, economical lives of those living in California in pre-Columbian times. Listing these
facts will help students recognize the long-standing effects of politics, culture, and economics on society today.


Student can compare and contrast 10 Student can compare and contrast the Student can compare and contrast 1-5
facts of a pre-Columbian town with the 6-8 elements of a pre-Columbian town elements of a pre-Columbian town
present day. with the present day. with the present day.

Student can illustrate at least 5 Student can illustrate at least 3 Student can illustrate at least 1
characteristics of a Spanish town. characteristics of a Spanish town. characteristic of a Spanish town.

Students wrote grammatically correct Students wrote grammatically correct Student sentences contained many
sentences with little to no errors. sentences with minimal errors grammatical errors.

Students wrote sentences with great Students wrote sentences with great Students wrote sentences with great
detail. detail. detail.


Imagine that you are building a new town in a new world. You can build whatever you want and create whatever rules you
wanted. Today in class we will learn about missions, presidios, and pueblos and how they were used in the past to impact
the way we live today. We will explore how each mission, presidio, rancor, and pueblo worked to see how we share some
similarities and some differences with the people who lived in California a long time ago.

Discuss with your small group some important buildings, jobs, and people you would need in order to create a town that
would last a long time.

Types of Students:
3 ELL, 2 IEP

5. MOTIVATION FOR LEARNING STRATEGY - Anticipatory Set (5 points)

At the beginning of class, students will be prompted to think of different buildings and jobs they would need to create their
own sustainable city. After a 5 minute discussion with their elbow partners, we will list out the different buildings they
thought would be important to build a city. After highlighting key buildings that reflect the lesson, I will introduce the
vocabulary words (presidio, pueblo, mission, presidio). I will ask the class to listen to the youtube song and write down
some of the descriptions they hear in the song. After hearing the song, we will walk through the vocabulary words as a
Provide Rationale for why you selected this strategy and link to this particular group of students.

-I chose direct instruction strategy because I am building their funds of knowledge by introducing new
vocabulary terms. By asking leading questions, I will be able to guide the students to understanding.
-Think-Pair-share will be utilized in order to spur conversation as an aide for class discussion. This Universal
Design Strategy, will allow all EL students and students with IEPs to engage in conversation. Pair discussions
will also allow me as a teacher to monitor their understanding.
-By playing a song, I can cater to those who are auditory learners. Songs will help them mnemonically
memorize the vocabulary words in the song. As a quick review, this song can be used in future lessons to
review the concepts quickly.
-Students will learn how to list terms to organize their thoughts to see the similarities and differences between
the past and the present time.


Standards will be posted around the room visibly for students to read.


After the lesson on Spanish missions, presidios, pueblos, and ranches, you will be able to compare and contrast ten facts
about missions, presidios, rancheros, and pueblos with accuracy (orally and in writing)


Provide a rationale for why it is important to check for background knowledge. Link to your specific class/
group of students and their learning needs and styles.

-ELs will see the bridge behind background knowledge, most towns need the same types of buildings in order to
be sustainable. They will be able to connect their own memories with present memories and more easily correlate
words with the pictures shown on the powerpoint.
-IEP student will be able to aide in ______
-General Ed students will build their vocabulary and knowledge of their state.

Provide rationale for progress monitoring strategies you will use during each step of this activity. Explain your
strategy for calling upon students in an equitable manner.

-In order to monitor my students, we will have directed discussion about the definition of each term.
-During their small group discussions, it will be important for me to monitor discussions to ensure that the terms are
-Students will fill out their social studies journal to record definitions in order to remember. When the students write, it
will help them to remember terms and give them opportunity to refer back to the knowledge.
-It will be important to prompt discussions with good leading questions in order to help students to be directed towards
conversation and tie information with their own background information.

K (What we know) W (What we want to learn) L (What we learned)

We need police/police stations to How were presidios used in a
make sure there’s no trouble. similar way to police stations?
We need houses for people to live How are pueblos similar to
We need people in charge to make What is government?
big decisions
We need grocery stores and places How did the Pre-Columbian people
to get food get food before?
We need places for people to work Where did people work?

Provide a rationale for your selection of a strategy for providing comprehensible input for this lesson
for this particular group of students/class.

Explain how your strategy incorporates EL student’s background.

-I will facilitate and guide discussion to allow the EL students to grow in their literacy. By asking guided
questions, I will be able to assess each EL while also encouraging them to grown in their conversation skills.

• Go over vocabulary words which will be in the reading. List the key vocabulary words:
-Politics: System of government
-Economics: How we use money and how it affects towns
-Presidio: (Fort/Fortress) How we protect our town
-Mission: The place where people worship
-Rancho: Ranch/Farm land
-Pueblo: Community of people living together
-Neighborhood: Modern Pueblos
• View video clip… Source Title: _Missions, Presidios, Pueblos_
• Put a picture up on Power Point of each the pueblos, missions, presidios, and rancheros for the students to look
at as we read about them.

• MODELING SDAIE: Demonstrations and modeling

Provide a rationale for why you selected this strategy or manner of modeling the next lesson step
for this class.
-I will model compare and contrast by using a table to organize thoughts/ideas. Tables will allow students to
see the differences between both past and present. I will categorize each characteristic of the topic under
the appropriate column so that the students will see that all the characteristics in that column are related
while the adjacent column is different.
-Students will learn different note taking skills in their journals

Teach summarizing strategy: (select how you wish to teach this strategy. Ideas below. No need to use all.)

-I will draw a table for students to model after in their notes. One column will be titled with past, one with present. I will
explain that each row is a description of the title above. A title is a main idea that a note taker wants to describe.

-I will show them how to write short, bullet point notes to explain their thoughts.

Rationale: What technology did you use and how will it help EL learners gain understanding of the lesson

-I will use youtube video for EL students to memorize and hear the song. Because the song is repetitive, students will be
able to hear words multiple times for understanding.
-I will use pictures in a powerpoint so that EL students will be able to correlate the text with the pictures.


Provide rationale for selecting a strategy for checking for understanding (Progress Monitoring) and
guided practice for this group of students/class.

-As students discuss with their elbow partners, I will monitor the discussions.
-Collect notes to check for completion

• Ask several of the students to repeat the instructions they have been given.
• Continue to check for understanding of the facts related to ______________________ through use of questioning
strategies both during and after the task is completed.
• The teacher will check for accuracy while students are working on assignment and provide oral feedback.

7. CLOSURE EL/SDAIE: Questioning for review

• Go back to the KWL chart and ask the students share one new thing they learned about presidios, pueblos,
rancheros, or missions.
• Fill in the L section of the chart.
• Ask some specific questions about each type of building (ie What did people who worked in the presidio do?)

Learning facts about_presidios, pueblos, rancheros, and missions_____.

K (What we know) W (What we want to L (What we learned) Q (What new questions
learn) emerged?)
We need police/police How were presidios used Presidios were used as
stations to make sure in a similar way to police fortresses to protect the
there’s no trouble. stations? towns.
We need houses for How are pueblos similar All the pueblos were
people to live to neighborhoods? grouped together and
everyone lived as a
We need grocery stores How did the Pre- People would get food
and places to get food Columbian people get from rancheros.
food before?
We need places for Where did people work? People would work in
people to work rancheros as cowboys or

• Ask the students if anyone has anything to add about where they have learned about ____________.
• Remind the students about key elements of the facts they have listed and what they now have learned.

Provide a rationale for the independent practice assignment/homework you have assigned based on
what you know about this class.

-Students will draw a picture to illustrate a pueblo, presidio, mission, and ranchero with specific details
identifying each building. EL students will benefit from illustration as they will be able to draw
correlative ideas from the text discussed during class. Students will be able to use their notes to write
one description below using complete sentences.

• Assign the students with an assignment to illustrate a picture of each building.

• Students can begin their assignment in class and complete it at home. They need to use good penmanship, correct
spelling and sentences, and correct capitals and punctuation.
• The homework will become part of their journal on patriotic symbols to be on their desks for parents to see at open


Students with IEP and 504 plans

IEPs/504 Plans: Number of Supports, Accommodations,
Classifications/Needs Students Modifications, Pertinent IEP Goals
English Learners 3 • T-Chart Graphic Organizer (p.86 99 Ideas and Activities for
Teaching English Learners with The SIOP Model by MaryEllen
Vogt, Jana Echevarria ) Using a T-Chart will help students
classify and organize information.EL will be able to see the
visible differences between the past and present.
• Canned Questions (p.77 Vogt, Echevarria) All students will
be given an opportunity to write questions about the topic
at hand. English Learners will have an opportunity to be
exposed to the different questions of their classmates.
• Adapted Venn Diagram (p.96 Vogt, Echevarria) The Adapted
Venn Diagram is another visual processing aid that will help
students to compare and contrast the differences between
the past and present. By using a venn diagram, students will
also be able to see the similarities between the two eras.
IEP 2 • Word Cards (p.52 Visible Learning for Literacy by Fisher, Frey,
Hattie) IEP students with visual processing needs will be given
an assignment to draw word cards in order to understand the
new vocabulary words.
• Collaborative Learning with Peers (p.67 Fisher, Frey, Hattie) By
learning with peers, IEP students will learn how to build
communication with their classmates.
• Word and Concept Sorts (p. 54 Fisher, Frey, Hattie) IEP
students will learn how to group concepts with the correct


In their illustrative journals, students will draw a picture of a Spanish building and be able to
list a total of 10 different elements of California from the past.

11. THEORETICAL OVERVIEW: Provide an overview of the theoretical basis

a. Direct instruction was used in this lesson because new concepts and terms were being introduced. Direct
instruction allows explicit explanations so that the students will be able to build foundational concepts for
future lessons. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to discuss the daily lives of those living in
California of the past. By using several different strategies to teach the children, all students will be able to

Structure of Knowledge
Note: Please Use the new version of cognitive taxonomy.

Cognitive Level Rationale for using this Lesson Model in relationship to the cognitive level.
Highlight/color the cognitive levels that fit with the Lesson and provide a rationale for your


Using methods of compare and contrast, students will be able to identify the similarities and differences
Analyzing between the daily lives of people today and the past, showing how the past has shaped the present day.
With the data provided, students will be able to scrutinize data and organize it with a table chart.
Students show their understanding of the vocabulary words by drawing a picture with the descriptors
Applying given for each word.


Through the use of the song as well as their Illustrative Journals, students will be able to more
Remembering easily retain the information taught to them. Audible learners will have an opportunity to learn
through listening to the song.

Instructional Preparation Reflection Checklist

Complete the following reflective check list for each lesson in your unit. You can add or delete
items in the check list. This is to help you become aware with the components you have
included in your lessons which will also help you write your commentaries for the EdTPA

Lesson Summary of Instructional Preparation

Adaptation Features for Focus Students
Link all Adaptations to Lesson Objective/Standard
Select and explain only what you used in each box and why. Delete the unused ideas.
Preparation Scaffolding Grouping Adaptation
o Background o Modeling o Whole group o EL
Knowledge Teacher will model a table As a whole group, we will Students will be given a
Students will discuss their which will serve as a tool for discuss the different small group time with the
backgrounds and ideas comparing and contrasting. elements of a Spanish teacher while other small
for a new town in small Students will transfer town in early Californian groups meet together. The
discussion groups. information to their illustration times. We will discuss the teacher will guide
o Strategies Used o Independent Practice K-W-L chart to check their understanding by asking
o Resources Selected After writing a descriptive background knowledge on questions.
o E-resources sentence of each vocabulary important buildings in a o Other
Students will listen to a word, students will be given an city.
song about Missions, opportunity to illustrate the o Pairs
Presidios, and Pueblos. vocabulary words. The teacher Students will work in pairs
Students will be shown will assess the depth of their to discuss the new town
lyrics and encouraged to understanding upon collecting that they would build.
sing along. the illustrative journals. o Works Independently
As the teacher discusses
the specific descriptions of
a past Spanish town,
students will fill in their own
table as modeled by the
Integration of Processes Application Assessment Objective
o Reading o Hands on o Rubric o Linked to Standard
Students will read the text Students will be given an o Group o Integrated with
presented to them on the opportunity to illustrate their o Written Language Arts
powerpoint. Select vocabulary words. o Oral o Age Appropriate
students will be chosen to o Meaningful
read the text. By linking the past with the
o Writing present time, students will see
Students will write full the bridge between eras. They
sentences comparing and will be able to understand how
contrasting Spanish towns we have been influenced by
with modern Californian the past.
towns. Students will share o Engaging
their background Students will be asked leading
information (K), and will questions that will aid in
read the objective for the understanding.
o Listening
Students will listen to the
song to help memorize
the different aspects of a
Spanish town.
Students will also listen as
the class is lead in a time
of discussion about
Spanish towns.
o Viewing
Students will be able to
view the pictures on the
powerpoint and will be
given an opportunity to
draw their own town.
o Vocabulary
Students will be given a
list of vocabulary words to
listen for during the

Notes for next lesson:

o Strengths/Weaknesses of Lesson based on your data from students and the assignment results etc.

o Students needing more help

o Content adaptations

o Reading skills

o Vocabulary clarification
Note: In order to receive all points all lesson components must be

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