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The Melting of Nickel

THIS discussion will be limited to malle- Malleable, commercially pure nickel is
able, commercially pure nickel and some melted in the acid open-hearth furnace.
high-nickel alloys, containing more than 50 The charge is sulphur-free, electrolytic
per cent of nickel, which are produced by nickel, containing 99.9 per cent nickel* and
The International Nickel Company, Inc. clean mill scrap.
a t its Huntington works, West Virginia, Monel, containing approximately two
from electrolytic nickel or from a nickel- thirds nickel and one third copper, is
copper sulphide matte. produced by roasting the nickel-copper
The principal sources of nickel are sul- sulphide matte to an oxide, smelting the
phides of nickel, copper and iron, which are oxide with charcoal in a 20-ton, acid open-
found in the large deposit of pyhhotite- hearth furnace, adding clean mill scrap,
pentlandite-chalcopyrite ores in the Sud- duplexing to a zo-ton, basic, electric-arc
bury area of Ontario, Canada. Pentlandite, furnace, and refining in this furnace with a
a complex nickel-iron sulphide, is the lime-fluorspar, carbide slag.
nickel carrier. Inconel, containing nickel, 80 per cent;
These ores are concentrated, roasted, chromium, 14 and iron, 6, is melted in
and smelted to remove considerable iron the '/-ton electric-arc furnace or the 3-ton
and sulphur and to produce a nickel- induction furnace. The charge is electro-
copper sulphide matte. Separation of the lytic nickel, ferrochromium and clean 'mill
component sulphides of this matte, fol- scrap.
lowed by electrolytic rehing, results in These are the fundamental operations.
the production of electrolytic nickel and High-nickel alloys are produced from one of
electrolytic copper; direct refining of a these three materials by additions of
selected portion of the matte gives the suitable amounts of manganese, aluminum,
nickel-copper alloy, Monel. silicon or copper. For example, the age-
hardenable alloy, K Monel, is produced
from Monel by the addition of approxi-
Melting of the metallic materials is done mately 3 per cent of aluminum, and D
in natural gas-£ired, acid furnaces of the nickel is produced from nickel by the addi-
open-hearth, or reverberatory, type, having tion of approximately 4.5 per cent of
capacities of 6 to 2 0 tons; in three-phase, metallic manganese.
basic, electric-arc furnaces, having capac- For conversion to rods, bars, sheet, strip,
ities of 7 to 2 0 tons; and in basic, high- tubing and wire forms, by hot-working and
frequency induction furnaces having cold-working operations, the molten ma-
capacities of fi to 3 tons. terials are teemed into ingots ranging in
size from 14 by 14 by 60 in., 3300 lb., to
Manuscript received at the office of the
36 by 36 by 48 in., 18,000 lb. All ingots are,
Institute June 15. 1946. overhauled mechanically before hot work-
Assistant Director of Technical Service ing.
on Mill Products. Development and Research
Division. The International Nickel Co., Inc..
New York. N. Y. Contains a small amount of cobalt.
I t is not difticult to melt metals and and was continued by him and his assist-
alloys providing adequate heat and con- ants to a most satisfactory c o n c l ~ s i o n I. ~t
tainers are available and the operator is is unfortunate that Mr. Bieber could not be
experienced. The operations described thus present a t this symposium and present his
far in this discussion are, therefore, not story in person. I n his absence, the follow-
unusual. A brief summary of them is ing summary will have to suffice.
necessary, however, to enable proper Mr. Bieber has pioneered in one form of
appreciation of the more important part high-temperature metallurgy. His work has
of the metallurgy of nickel and high- introduced a new era in the pyr~metallurgy
nickel alloys, which will follow; namely, the of nickel and the high-nickel alloys, and
treatment of the molten metals for has- contributed greatly to the increased
malleabilization. uses of these materials.

Prior to 1870, nickel was used chiefly in

The process of malleabilization includes
alloys that contained up to approxi-
four essentials:
-mately 2 5 per cent nickel. I n that year,
I. Deoxidation t o remove harmful oxides.
Fleitmann, in Germany, demonstrated that
2. Degasification to remove carbon mon-
pure nickel could be made sufficiently
oxide, nitrogen, or 'hydrogen.
ductile for hot-working and cold-working
3. Fixing of harmful elements.
by the addition of a small amount of
4. No injurious effect from the malleabi-
magnesium. This operation came to be
lizing materials added.
known as " deoxidation." I t was followed,
As far as is known, no single addition
without appreciable variation, for nickel
element satisfies all four of these require-
and the high-nickel alloys to about 1930,
ments. Aluminum will deoxidize, but it
, even though its results were never entirely will not fix harmful elements; calcium will
satisfactory and were inadequate for the
deoxidize and fix sulphur, but an excess of
more severe hot-working operations such as
it causes brittleness; phosphorus will con-
the rolling of sharp-cornered sections and
vert a harmful element such as calcium to a
hot-piercing of seamless tubing. I t pro-
harmless constituent, but will not remove
duced materials that could be hot-worked
gases; titanium will fix some harmful solid
well a t temperatures above about ISOOOF.,
and gaseous elements, but will not provide
but that would edge-crack if worked below
adequate deoxidation; and magnesium,
this temperature.
although sufficient for deoxidation and
By 1933, a fundamental study of deoxi-
fixation of sulphur, will not always provide
dation and associated phenomena of nickel
for adequate degasification, nor will it fix
and high-nickel alloys a t the Huntington
selenium or tellurium completely.
plant had been completed. This work
The treatment for optimum malle-
furnished adequate proof that deoxidation,
ability, therefore, requires the use of two
per se, was only a part of a treatment for
or more addition elements. This can be
these materials, which would give them
illustrated well by a description of the
adequate hot ductility, or malleability,
method used to evaluate optimum malle-
and cold ductility for all processing and,
abilization and by examples that describe
fabricating operations; and which would
the malleabiliziig treatment for. nickel,
prevent the alloys from being considered as
Monel, K Monel and Inconel. The former
"hot-short " or "red-short."
will be presented in detail as a contribu-
This work was begun under the author's
general direction by Clarence Bieber, ' U. S. Pat. No. 2150094.

tion to the 1947 Symposium on the Work- specimen cracks a t a specific temperature,
ing of Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys, and hot-rolling a t that temperature will result
will be described only briefly now. in fracture, checking or edge-cracking.
Examination of all the test specimens will
disclose those that have not fractured in
this hot-bending test and will give the
hot-working range for the material.
Evaluation of hot malleability by the The hot-upset test supplements the hot- '
ductility factors, elongation and reduction bend test. I t consists in heating a I-in.
of area, as determined by the short-time, cube of the nickel materials to tempera-
high-temperature tensile test, or by the tures of 1200° to 25m°F., with loo°F.
number of twists to rupture, as deter- intervals, and flattening it a t temp&ature
mined by the short-time, high-temperature to )Q-in. thickness with a single blow of the
torsion t e ~ t , ~is Jnot as reliable for nickel hammer. Freedom from edge-cracking in
and the high-nickel alloys as it is for'steels. the specimens determines the range of
For the nickel materials, the hot-bend and temperature in which the metal can be hot-
hot-upset tests are more useful because the worked satisfactorily.
deformation is practically instantaneous
and, therefore, duplicates more accurately
the heavy "bite" of a hot-mill roll or the
sudden blow of a forging hammer.
At the Huntington works of The Inter- Nickel.-Treatment of molten nickel
national Nickel Company, Inc., a 3 by 3 with only magnesium gives a . sound ma-
by IS-in., 50-lb. test ingot is cast, along terial that can be hot-worked satisfactorily
with the standard ingots, from each melt of over the temperature range of approxi-
each high-nickel material. Small bars, 0.5 mately 1600' to 2250°F. The preferred
by I by 6 in., are forged from this test treatment with small amounts of mag-
ingot and used for the hot-bend specimen. nesium, titanium and boron gives a pro-
This specimen is heated in a small electric duct that can be hot-worked a t all tempera-
furnace to temperatures from 1200° tq tures from approximately IIOOO to 2350°F.
2500°F., with I O O O F . intervals, withdrawn Mod.-Treatment of molten Monel
from the furnace and bent 180°, flat on it- with only magnesium or calcium gives a
self, a t temperature with a single blow of a sound alloy, which can be hot-worked
1500-lb. steam hammer. This operation satisfactorily over the temperature range
produces instantaneous .elongation of ap- of approximately 1700' to 2100°F. The
proximately 66 per cent in one inch a t the preferred treatment with small amounts of
outer surface and severe compression a t the aluminum, titanium, phosphorus or boron,
inner surface. If the test specimen bends and magnesium gives a product that can
without fracture a t a specific temperature, be hot-worked a t all temperatures within
the material can be hot-forged or hot-rolled the range, of approximately 1200' to
satisfactorily a t that temperature; if the 2 200°F.
K Momel.-K Monel is produced by
adding approximately 3 per cent of alumi-
H. K. Ihrig: The Effect of Various Ele-
ments qn the Hot-workability of Steel. Metals num Monel; cryolite is added
Tech.. A.1.M.E. (Oct. 1945); Trans. A.1.M.B. the furnace slag to remove aluminum oxide
(1946) 167.
8 C. L. Clark and J. Russ: A Laboratory from the molten metal. Although aluminum
Evaluation of the Hot-working Characteristics is a powerful deoxidizing element, the hot-
of Metals. Metals Tech., A.I.M.E. (Dec. 1945);
Trans. A.I.M.E. (1946) 167. malleability range of K Monel without

additional malleabilizing elements is only minor constituents, and the actual hot-forging
approximately 19ooO to 2100°F. The pre- and hot-rolling of the materials. Components
ferred treatment with small amounts of such as sulphur will affect the lower portion
titanium and magnesium, in addition to the of the hot-ductility range. If sulphur is present
in nickel, you will not be able to work the
aluminum, broadens the hot-malleability
material a t a lower temperature than about
range to approximately 1500~t o 2250°F.
1700 F. without fracture along the cold edges.
Inconel.-When Inconel is treated with a On the other hand, a material like calcium,
single element like magnesium or calcium, which may be found in molten nickel as a
the hot-working range is only about 1800" result of the contact between the molten
to 2350°F. and the ingots are usually gassy metal and the refractories, affects the upper
because of occluded nitrogen. Treatment range of hot ductility and must be counter-
with small amounts of aluminum, titanium, acted by a material that forms a compound
boron and magnesium gives a solid pro- with it, such as phosphorus or boron.
duct, which can be hot-worked readily in Materials that can cause difficulties in hot-
working of high-nickel materials are lead of the
the temperature range of approximately
order of 0.025 per cent, sulphur of the order
1 5 0 0 ~to 2350°F. - of 0.02 per cent, calcium of the order of
General.-The amounts of each element 0.02 per cent, and tellurium or selenium of
used to produce optimum malleability must the order of 0.001 per cent. Chemical analysis
be varied to suit the chemical composition is not always adequate to determine small
of the nickel material being treated, and amounts of these minor elements, therefore
its condition in the melting furnace a t the spectograph has been used.
the time of treatment.
The statement, " a hot-malleable range G. P. HALLIWELL.*--Can this method of
of 1 5 0 0 ~to 2350°F." does not mean t h a t fixation be applied effectively to cast nickel
the material cannot be forged or hot-rolled silvers for the improvement of their cold
a t temperatures below the minimum of mechanical properties?
this range. Actually, this can be accom-
plished, but it is not commercial because W. A. MUDCE.-I am not qualified to
speak about nickel silvers because we have
the alloy is too hard a t this temperature.
never produced that alloy. I can mention that
The experienced millman will prefer the production of the nickel castings, wherethe
always t o work in the upper portion of the nickel content is 50 per cent or more, the
hot-malleable range; and he has the d e h i t e treatment is similar to that. for wrought
assurance that the cold corners of a n intri- materials but not as extensive. There are two
cate forging or of a hot-rolled strip will not reasons for the difference. First, the higher
crack or check. melting point of the high-nickel materials
requires a different and usually higher grade
of refractory than is required for the copper-
DISCUSSION base materials or the aluminum-base mate-
rials; and second, and equally important,
(H. L. Burghoj presiding)
since the castings are not hot-worked, the
MEMBER.-I wonder whether there is any high degree of malleability required for the
satisfactory theory for the extremely interest- hot-workable alloys is not necessary in the
ing and complex malleabilization processes casting. If the casting is sound and has a ~

described? good ratio of strength to ductility, that is all

that is needed. Therefore, in castings we
W. A. MUDCE(author's reply).-I am not usually have a higher carbon content and a
sure it is as much a theory as a fact based
upon two methods of observation; these are
Director of Research. H. Kramer and Co..
chemical or spectographic analysis for the Chicago, Illinois.

higher silicon content than in the malleable MEMBER.-HOW much boron, phosphorus,
product to reduce the melting point and secure and titanium do you have in your residual
higher fluidity; the h a 1 treatment for de- malleable mixer?
oxidation and degassification is done only
with magnesium; and the auxiliary elements W. A. MUDGE.-That is a long story, and
such as titanium, boron and phosphorus are rather than take the time, I will refer you to
not needed. U. S. Patent No. 2,150,094.

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