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Parte 1

Answer the following questions:

1) How many FastEthernet interfaces does the switch have?
R// 24

2) How many Gigabit Ethernet interfaces does the switch have?

R// 2

3) What is the range of values shown for the vty lines?

R// CERO “0”, DE CERO A CUATRO “0””4” Y DE CERO A QUINCE “0” “15”

4) Which command will display the current contents of non-volatile random-access

memory (NVRAM)?
R//show running-config

5) Why does the switch respond with startup-config is not present?

R// porque no hay configuracion inical

Why is the login command required?

R// se require para establecer una seguridad y solo entre personal que esté permitido para
poseer el password

b. What is displayed for the enable secret password?

R// $1$mERr$ILwq/b7kc.7X/ejA4Aosn0

c. Why is the enable secret password displayed differently from what we configured?
If you configure any more passwords on the switch, will they be displayed in the configuration
file as plain text or in encrypted form? Explain.
R// todas las contraseñas que se ingresaron y se ingrsen van a quedar encriptadas ya que se
pidió este servicio para el switch
1) When will this banner be displayed?
R// Cada vez que alguein intente ingresar al switch

2) Why should every switch have a MOTD banner?

R// se puede entender que solo puedo ser un aviso normal , per ova mas allá de eso ya
que por cualquier ataque que pueda tener la red e ingresen al switch , se pueden
tomar acciones contra los hackers ya que se sobre avisó que solo podía ingresar
personal autorizado

Parte 4
What is the shortest, abbreviated version of the copy running-configstartup-
config command?

R// cop r s

Which command will display the contents of NVRAM?

R// cop run star
Are all the changes that were entered recorded in the file?
R// se encuentra guardadas en la NVRAM

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