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THIS book is one which ought to form part of every collection of the
literature of the South African War.
For several reasons:
First, because it gives more fully than any other book yet published an
account of the Boers and their leaders as they appear in the eyes of the Dutch
of South Africa. Hitherto with few exceptions our public has had to form its

opinion about the Boer Generals and Statesmen from the narratives of their

enemies. In this book we have the Heroes of the War painted by one who is

one of their own people, who shares their aspirations, who has lived their life

and who therefore possesses the first essential for giving us an accurate portrait

of the men of whom he writes.

Secondly, because it is only by reading this book that we English can
understand how it was that the whole non-English world regarded with horror and
indignation the British devastation of the two Republics. For this book, trans-
lated into many languages, has been the chief source from which the European
peoples drew their ideas of the Boers and their leaders. It says little for our

willingness to hear both sides that it was not until the close of the war that
the book could be published in England. If our people had but seen the
burghers as they may see them in the pages of this book, they would surely have
recoiled from the perpetration of the crime against humanity with which the
British Government stained the annals of the Empire at the dawn of the Twen-
tieth Century.
Thirdly, and this is the most important reason of all, in this book we may
refresh our souls and strengthen our hearts by looking once more upon the
Heroes win) have compelled a wondering world to recognize that the Heroic
Age is not yet closed and that Nature's teeming womb is still producing sons



whose deeds of high emprise are worthy to rank with the most famous exploits
recorded in the annals of classic Greece and Rome. The conduct of the British
in devastating the Republics with a ruthlessness worthy of Hyder Ali and Genghis
Khan has made us all ashamed of the race to which we belong. But the Boers
from the highest to the lowest have restored our faith in mankind. Humanity,
which has been disgraced by the policy of those who slew 20,000 children and
5,000 women in the concentration camps and then reduced the men to submission

by exposing the remnants of their womenfolk to death by torture of starvation

and outrage among the Kaffirs of the veldt, has been redeemed by the heroic
constancy, the chivalrous magnamity, the unconquerable devotion of the Boers.
A hundred years hence it is probable that, even in England, no one will
remember the names of Kitchener, of Roberts and of Buller, excepting as men
remember the name of Xerxes or of Cornwallis. As the fame of Leonidas pre-
serves from oblivion the name of the Persian barbarian who sought to overwhelm
Hellas by the immensity of his armaments, so Lord Milner will probably live in
history by reason of the reflected refulgence of the heroic patriotism of President

Steijn. Let no one say that this is to take too optimistic a view of the justice
of history. It is not a hundred years since Andreas Hofer died. Every school-
boy is familiar with the exploits of that indomitable Boer of the Tyrol. Who
is there even among our students that can recall without an effort the names
of the generals who hunted him to death?

"Great wars come and great wars go

Wolf-tracks o'er new-fallen snow

and many a time and often in the annals of the past a nationality has been
brought to birth by the labour pains of invasion and conquest. Before the war
there were three sets of Dutch-speaking men in South Africa. They were divided
politically and they were very far from recognizing each other as a brotherhood,
members one of another by common sacrifices in the past and common aspirations
in the future. To-day, in the fiery furnace of a devastating war, all differences
have disappeared. Out of the dust and confusion of the three years' war there
has emerged an Africander nation one and indivisible, baptized in the blood of
heroes and consecrated by the nameless graves of thousands of women and little

children, who died martyrs to the Fatherland. Once again, "Freedom doth forge
her mail of adverse fates," and British ascendancy in South Africa will be found
tb have received its death-blow when British Ministers proclaimed the annexation
of the Republics.
For my part, as a British Imperialist in the only true sense, I venture to

hope that the British flag may wave long over South Africa. But the condition
without which the permanent retention of the British flag becomes impossible
is the recognition in South Africa, as in Canada and as in Australia, of the right
of the Africanders to govern their own country in their own way, with an in-

dependence as absolute and unfettered as if these were Republics in name as well

as in fact. If, in the days to come, a Boer Prime Minister occupies Mr. Rhodes's
house at Groote Schuur, as the first Premier of Federated South Africa, and if

the permanent majority of white men in the new Commonwealth are left as free
to shape their own destinies to their own liking as the Australians, without
interference from Downing Street, then the British flag may be left flying over
South Africa. If not, not. The issue rests with Britain. With the flag, if we
are just and loyal to our old Liberal English principles; without the flag, if we
continue to trample Liberty and Justice under foot, the Africanders will rule
South Africa.
And when the United States of South Africa come into existence, both
Briton and Boer will look back with honour and reverence and gratitude to the
Founders of the New Commonwealth, the Heroes of War, whose story
the late
is told in this volume, which it is my privilege to commend to the attention
of my countrymen.

7a """'3/ 19 ° 3
• -


rpHE deep silence which broods over the Veldt falls with a sense of oppression
upon the heart, as though the soul, heavy with the spirit of prophecy, quailed
before the awful presentiment of coming horror.
But as yet all is calm and peaceful.
As far as the eye can reach, the tall grasses wave in the breeze, here in

golden radiance, reminding one of northern corn-fields, there, near some hidden
stream, shimmering in emerald splendour. Above stretches the deep blue dome
of heaven; on the far horizon, what is that? Clouds? Mountains? Neither: it is

A horseman, mounted on a small wiry-looking pony, canters lightly across
the Veldt. His dress proclaims him half farmer, half hunter. Yellow riding-boots,
tightly-fitting breeches, a simple grey jacket, his very business-like rifle his

bandoleer amply supplied with ammunition give him a somewhat martial

appearance. The bearded, sun-burnt face looks resolute, rugged, stern, and would
be forbidding, but for the frank expression of the clear blue eyes:


He rides like one who knows every inch of the ground. No wonder, for

it is his inheritance! Bright with the blood of his ancestors, wrested from
wild beasts, wrested from savages wilder still, it is his! And he means to

keep it and to hand on his inheritance to his children, as his father did before

him, even at the price of his life.

The fathers conquered a wilderness; the sons by the sweat of their brow
turned it into a garden. But not in agriculture alone have they succeeded. Their
State, though young, is promising; their legislation is wise; they have done
much for trade and education. Tn their determined efforts towards civil and
intellectual progress, they have done bravely. At the Paris Exhibition of 1900,
the Transvaal received special distinctions for her public schools, for both
elementary and advanced education. Who dares dispute the Boer's rights?

Examine and accept them, for he has paid his purchase-money in blood and
tears, in endurance and heroism. He holds his own by right of humanity,
justice and, if you will, sentiment; for he has planted the poetry of his simple
Arcadian life into this new soil: the poetry that sings of the hero who fights

not for honour and renown, but for the highest instinct that God lias planted in the

\ i i PROEM.

human heart: the love of liberty; the love of wife and child; the love of house
and home: the poetry of clean living and pure thinking. Then came the
discovery of gold. And as the pure flame attracts the winged insects of the
night, so the gleam of the precious metal drew the outcasts of the world and the
greed of the Outlander speculator. Peace and calm have gone. Will they ever return?
With good-natured hospitality, the Boer stood aside and allowed the stranger to
plunder rich treasure hidden in his mountains. But, when, encouraged by this for-
bearance, the stranger insolently proclaimed himself lord of the soil, when he had
worn out the Boer's patience with ever-increasing greed and new demands, then, at
the Boer woke to the danger which threatened his independence, his liberty

and his life. He resolved sternly that he would not let the stranger rob him
of all that he holds most sacred, but that he would once and for all make a
mighty effort to rid his country of these parasites. But now a mighty power
is incensed against him. In London, the Stock Exchange, which buys where it

cannot command, is an important factor in politics. And so regiment after

regiment crosses the sea to fight the Boer:


With veiled face and a moan of anguish, idyllic poetry flees before the din
of battle. Will she return, now that the rude dust of arms has subsided? Or will
the hyenas of greed, the Cosmopolitan Parvenus, reign in the Land of the Lions?

What heroes our stalwarts proved themselves! All the world rings with
their praises. Surely, surely, it cannot be that all this heroism will be in vain;
that the whirlpool of might will draw them down into its black abyss
Nations gazed with throbbing hearts upon the tragedy. Anxiously they
watched the struggle; and to the love and sympathy of our kindred these
sketches are dedicated. However imperfect and incomplete the picture, it shall
attempt to place before them in a true light the iniquity of this unhappy war
and to do justice to our brave brothers, who laid down their lives gladly
that their children might be free.
Would to God that the author of these sketches might be able to revise
and complete them on the soil of a happy South Africa!

The Hatjue.
Managing Director "Neclerland" Publishing Co.




WHILE the north coast of Africa figures in history from the earliest
times of antiquity, the interior and South remained long unexplored.
Imagination, however, was busy with the Dark Continent, and it is
needless to say that, in that age of ignorance and superstition, the most
extraordinary fables prevailed regarding the land and people. Till then the
adventurers had kept to the coast; but science came to their assistance
with her new discoveries, and at length they ventured out upon the open
sea. During those years, Christopher Columbus, with the help of Spain,
was able to carry out his long-cherished plans, and started on his voyage

i it
of discovery to find a western passage to India.
ii 11 ji •
t» i i
1>ias rouu(is j*«
The Portuguese tried southern-most

to reach the same goal by the south and east, and in this way Bartholomeo point otAfrua
Dias arrived at the southern promontory in the commencement of i4 86.
The King of Portugal named it the Cape of Good Hope, for the dream
of an ocean-route to the Far East seemed about to be realized. The Cape,
as well as the whole of South Africa, was looked upon as a Portuguese
possession. But no one troubled about the new acquisition, and it became No
Man's Land. At the end of the sixteenth century, Spain and Portugal
were no longer the great Powers that they once had been, but had handed
over their commercial supremacy to England and the Netherlands. In
several Dutch towns, and especially in Amsterdam, the trade in Indian
spices became very important.
In March 1602, the Dutch East India Company first came into existence. ^5"^,%^,
It used to take many months to reach India by way of the Cape. Traders India company
were always face to face with the danger that water and provisions might
fail them before they came to the end of their journey. A station midway,
where they might obtain water, vegetables and fresh meat, would be a
most desirable acquisition. The Cape —
No Man's Land —
provided such
a station. About 30 miles north of the Cape, they found a bay, providing

a convenient landing-place. Here they laid the foundations of Cape Town;

from here path-tinders and pioneers started to explore the interior, bringing
the surrounding country, where the Hottentots, Namaquas and Kaffirs were
waging constant warfare, under subjection and cultivation. Religious and
political persecution, want of elbow-room in the Old Country, love of adventure:
these are the great factors in founding and filling colonies.
van Riebeek The first large batch of emigrants landed at the Cape in 1652, under
a e
Cape: i652. the charge of the Dutch naval surgeon, Jan Anthonie van Riebeek. A gardener
and his wife Annetje are specially mentioned as having been the first
to put spade in South African soil. Soon other colonists followed, settled
The colonists
near Capetown
F inand planted wheat, maize, tobacco and vegetables.
1 i n 1 1 1
distinguish themselves trom the townspeople, they called themselves Boers

farmers or planters. In the aggregate, however, they called themselves Burghers

or 'rije Burgers..
I Up to this time, the colonists had come from Holland, but
immigration of soon Germans and Danes joined them. Then came the Revocation of the Edict
1H88-16S9. of Nantes, and 150 fugitives found a new home on African soil. The
new-comers did not arrive empty handed, but brought with them many
precious gifts, invaluable to the young community. Not the least amongst
these was vine-culture. Soon the different nationalities amalgamated,
split up again into groups forming small communities, and pressed forward
into the interior, subjugating the natives and cultivating the wilderness.
Meanwhile, Spanish and Portuguese adventurers, driven by the greed of
gold, had crossed the Atlantic and settled in the New World. They had
not the stamina of the hardy settlers at the Cape. More than half of
them became merged in the native population and soon ceased to be the
dominant race. A hardier race, strong and resolute like ourselves, the
English Puritans, had settled in New England, during the ten years of
South African colonization. These two groups of colonists, those of the
Cape and New England, developed, as was but natural, into a powerful
white aristocracy. Both possessed in the highest degree stern resolution
and the governing instinct of the Germanic races. The passionate love of
liberty was equally strong in either.
success crowned the efforts of the hard-working colonists, and
their circumstances became easier, the population increased rapidly, and it
became necessary to penetrate further and further inland, and to drive
back the natives who opposed them. Small towns and villages sprang
up to the east and north of Cape Town. The impulse to trek onward
and ever onward impelled them to the same extent as it did their cousins
in North America towards the Far West. In the year 1786, a great number
Foundation of of colonists crossed the Karoo, founded the town of Graaf Reinet, and
itm* opened up the great Fish River on the northern boundary of the Colony.
Their chief mistress at the Cape, the Dutch East India Company,
watched their progress with anything but sympathetic eyes. She looked
upon the Boers as her subjects, who were not so difficult to govern
so long as she kept them crowded together in a small station like Cape
Town. But she had to realize, and she did not like it, that the young
community had reached maturity, and that it would no longer remain attached
to her apron-strings.
They had passed through invigorating perils with wild beasts and savages,
and become what thev were: strong, virtuous, self-reliant. Such men as

they cannot be kept in subjection. Again and again they felt that
they had good cause of complaint against the tyrannical laws of the
Company. In the year 1795, following the example of the seceding states of The Boon of
North America, the Boers of (iraaf Reinet declared their independence, not, deoure their
e eodence
indeed, of Holland, but of the Dutch East India Company. By the end f gJ P
the eighteenth century, Holland began to collect troops in Cape Colony:
in all, three regiments: the Swiss, Wurtemberg and Luxemburg Regiments.
The happy isolation of Cape Colony had come to an end. She began to
take her place amongst the maritime nations, for her geographical position
was a most important one. Over 100 ships entered Cape Town harbour
during the year. The population was 15,000, of whom 6,000 were foreigners.
The principal trade with India had fallen into the hands of England.
The flourishing Cape Colony would be an exceedingly valuable acquisition
to her; and accordingly, when the French Republic in 1795 drove the House of
Orange from Holland and founded the Batavian Republic, England claimed
the right of succession to her foreign possessions. In the autumn of
1795, an English fleet appeared off Cape Town, landed troops and took
formal possession. After the Peace of Amiens, in 1803, the Colony Avas
handed back to Holland. But this peace, after all, was only an armistice,
and, when the war recommenced in 1805, England retained the Colony. More
8 6
troops were landed, and the Dutch were signally defeated at Blauwberg, on the the Dutch and
ta k es possession
8th of January J 1806. England
~ obtained the whole ColonyJ
almost without a of. „ ajie Colon]
. . „. TT . .

struggle, and the possession was ratified by the Congress of Vienna in 1815. isor.
Under the sovereignty of England, the life of the Boers, as well as
that of the amalgamated colonists of different nations, assumed new pro-
portions, not merely on account of the English government, though
that brought many improvements with it, but on account of the innovations
which followed in its train. In the effort at expansion in foreign countries, it
folloAvs that the colonists must come into frequent collision with the natives
When these natives are well armed and naturally brave, the task becomes
a formidable one , and strong measures have to be put in requisition to
acquire and retain new territories. Fierce enmity between conqueror and
conquered is the natural result. Add racial antagonism to the above, and
it is easilv understood with what difficulties the pioneer
in a new land Antagonism
, ,

has to contend. Now it is to the interest of a government that a colonist between natives
should remain a useful, obedient subject, and, in order that he may not
outgrow this usefulness and become a power instead of a "means towards
the end," the government is tempted to a certain extent to uphold the
native interest. To do so creates a counterpoise to the growth of the colonist,
which latter may become a danger to a weak government. That this is
so was proved by the action of the Government in North America, when,
during the revolt of the seceding states, in 1775, they found a powerful
ally in the Indians, who destroyed the farms of the settlers and committed
the most outrageous cruelties. The colonists at the Cape were forbidden
to carry arms; consequently, they were quite unable to protect themselves
efficiently against the predatory propensities of the natives. But what
embittered them and offended them more than anything else was the fact that
the police force was made up of Hottentots, a race which they considered
inferior to their own slaves. To the free Africander, high-mettled and
impatient of control, this appeared an unendurable insult.

A new grievance arose. As early as the seventeenth and eighteenth cen-

turies, England held a monopoly of the slave-trade. We learn from so
reliable a source as the English historians themselves that it was of
all their trades the most lucrative and important. The English traders flooded
the colonies with slaves, in spite of the remonstrances of the settlers, as
was shown in North America. During the Avars that followed on 1792,
.almost the entire foreign trade passed into English hands; consequently, the
importance of the slave-trade assumed a secondary consideration. Besides,
important voices in Parliament were raised against it, and it had, of
necessity, suffered greatly after the secession of the American Colonies.
In 1808, a law was passed suppressing the slave-trade, and a certain sum
was voted as compensation to planters and farmers. The number of slaves
owned by the Boers was estimated at 35,000, the greater part of whom
were imported by English traders, and the rest made up of Hottentots,
Kaffirs and other natives,
arifsand uie° Up to this time, nobody had troubled about the religion of the native;
Boers -
but, under the British sovereignty, the London Missionary Society became
exceedingly active. In India, where politics and religion go hand in
hand, discretion is exacted from the missionaries, and thus an effective
curb is put on extravagant religious zeal; but here, where they met
with no resistance, except the reserve of the Boer and his strict supervision
and discipline over his domestic slaves, they soon outran all discretion
and became a most disturbing influence. Add to these conditions the
Boer's objection to the English language, and you get a fair idea of the
opposition and even enmity that was bound to be the result of the situation
In order to increase their importance as against the Boers, and to ingratiate
themselves with the authorities, the missionaries eagerly lent an ear
to any idle gossip, in some instances going so far as to accuse the Boers
of the most heartless cruelties towards the slaves: needless to say, without
the slightest foundation. A great number of men and women were brought
befor the circuit assizes. The charges were proved to be silly stories with
no foundation on fact. But, for long years afterwards, colonists spoke of
the indignity to which they had been subjected by being brought to trial
on such flimsy pretexts, and these sessions come to be known as the u black
circuit." Impressions are apt to be written in stone instead of sand
when they fall upon natures of such depth as that of the Boer. And so
it happened that he could never rid himself of the belief that the mission-

aries were spies and "unjust counsellors," where his interests were con-
cerned, and that the Government always sided with them and always
to his disadvantage. The mischief which these exaggerations, not to use
a harder and less euphonious term, did in England is only now being realized.

^ie Boers °f Graaf Reinet were possessed of the most invincible passion
by England, for independence. They rose in the year 1815. The punishment meted out
bioodshedTi8ifi. to the rebels was unduly severe and exceedingly injudicious. The executions
of six of them were carried out in a particularly cruel way, on the 9th
of March 1817, at Slachter's Nek. This bloodshed helped to raise a
barrier between the two nations, which will not easily be passed this side
of Judgment Day. It had the same effect on the Boers as the so-called
Boston slaughter on the Americans.
It became evident to the Governor that a counterpoise was needed to

keep the Boers in check; consequently, English emigrants were in every way
encouraged to settle at the Cape. At the close of the year 1820, 5,000
new colonists had settled in South Africa. No doubt this influx of
Britons was one of the chief reasons why, after 1825, English became
the official language, although the old colonists had been allowed to
retain theirs when they were handed over to England in 1806. The consequences
of this measure were serious for the Boer, as, not being conversant with the
English language, he was handicapped in defending his rights or watching
over his interests. si££?i£i.
The mostserious innovation occurred during the year 1834, namely, the
abolition of slavery. Parliament passed a bill to the effect that all slaves
should be liberated and their owners compensated. The Boers did not
seriously oppose this measure; all they insisted on was a fair compensation.
But the compensation was made payable in England. Fiscal matters were
then managed in a peculiar way, to put it mildly, and so it happened
that the middlemen were able to put large sums into their pockets,
while the Boers received little or nothing. In many cases, those who
had formerly been, if not wealthy, at least well-to-do, were threatened
with absolute ruin. Still they were compelled to liberate their slaves.
But for agriculture and for the breding of cattle native labour was absolutely
necessary in this semi-tropical climate. This labour being set free the

country was overrun with idlers and vagabonds. The sixth Kaffi
War: 1834 " 1835 -

The most important of the so-called Kaffir wars broke out in 1834
to 1835, shortly after the abolition of slavery. The Kaffirs crossed the
borders in thousands, robbing, burning and murdering. Sir Benjamin
d'Urban drove them back with the assistance of the Boers. But this did
not please the home Government. D'Urban was recalled, and the tract of
country restored to the Kaffirs. Not only that, but the colonists had
to pay the cost of the war , their complaints being entirely ignored.
These flagrant injustices: Hottentot police; the bloodshed at Slachter's
Nek; the official introduction of the English
O language:
.. of„Part of, the
O O ' the abolition .. .

slavery; the partisanship displayed in the Kaffir wars: all these irritated Boers leave
the colonists to the utmost. Nothing remained but to give way, to trek torf; others'
onward into a distant countrv, far from English
° territory, where the Boer" ma nat , OM ,V
,. ",. , - • CapeTown: 1836.
. . . .
might live as he chose to live and manage his domestic matters a
workmanlike and practical way. In their minds, no doubt, was the
Biblical example, where the oppressed of old set out for the Promised
Land to seek and find freedom.
A part of the Boer Colony, who had reconciled themselves to English
law, remained in Cape Colony. So, from 1836, we have had two kinds
of Boers: those who chose to sit still at Cape Town and those free Boers
who were on the trek, but always hampered and persecuted by the British.
New-comers from Cape Colony joined the great caravan till it numbered The "Great
10,000 souls. Two small divisions, under van Rensburg and Trichardt, trekked
northwest, but were nearly all murdered by the Kaffirs; the larger part passed
over the Drakensberg, into the flowering garden of Natal. The leader of the
Boers, Piet Retief, had obtained a formal concession of the country from the
chief of the Kaffirs, Dingaan, who, however, treacherously attacked the caravan,
cutting down the leaders and many women and children. This bloodshed was
committed on the spot where now stands the village of Weenen, or "Tears."

Boer victory gained a complete victory over the Zulus

Tlie Boers concentrated, and ^
over the Zulu .

Kaffirs on Din -on the 16th of December 1888. This victory is celebrated every
no-'miMv'' L888. y earon "Dingaan's Day." Pietermaritzburg was built on the spot on
which it was won. The hopes of the Boers centred in this prospect of a
new and safe home. Here they laid the foundation of their Republic. Only
a few years afterwards, in 1842, the English Government took forcible
possession of the territory. Again the Boers took up their pilgrim's staff
and wandered forth in search of freedom, under the leadership of Andries
^ Some remained there, founding
Boers found the Pretorius. They re-crossed the Drakensberg.
t >rangeFreeState " . .

uiuior Pretorius: the Orange Free State, between the Vaal and the Orange River, while
others crossed the Vaal. But they were not left there in peace for long.
On the 29th of August 1848, the Boers, consisting of 600 men, were attacked
England bv an English of 1200 and beaten at Boomplaats. England annexed
annexes the •'
° „ force„ r °
orange Free the Orange rree otate.
state: 1848.
p Qr a ^j^ time, Pretorius, on whose head a price, was set, started swith
four republics part of the wandering Boers to explore an unknown land toward the
in the Transvaal.
north They j oined the Boerg already settled j n t he Transvaal, and
conveiTtVonaso^' founded four republics: Potschefstroom, Lijdenburg, Utrecht and Zoutpansberg.
The Transvaal p or a time, English attention was diverted from South Africa by
government. the course of events of the Crimean War, and she agreed to the Sand
River Convention of 17 January 1852, granting self-government to the Boers
conv"en°ionT wno ^ a & settled across the Vaal. The only thing insisted on was that there
1 54 a t0n ° rny should be no slavery.
During the Crimean War, in 1854, the Orange Free
| h' o
Free state. ° State also obtained self-government by the Bloemfontein Convention.
The four Trans- The long desired goal seemed to have been attained at last! In
K bhcs
beconie one 1857 the four republics of the Transvaal became one under the title
south African f the South African Republic. The first President was Jyoung
Republic: I80S. . .
l &
Martmus Wessel Pretorius.
The Boers were divided into several sections consisting of those who
had quietly stayed in Cape Colony under British sovereignty; of those
emigrants who had stayed in Natal, also under British government; and,
lastly, of the free people of the Orange Free State, having Bloemfontein
for their capital, and of the South African Republic, with Pretoria for
their capital. England still continued to interfere with the internal expansion
of both Republics; and the cultivation of the land, educational measures,
and the hostile attitude of the Kaffirs greatly delayed their progress.
d^amom? fields Diamonds were discovered near Kimberley, in the Orange Free
near Kimberiey State, in
: 1869. Attracted by greed, tens of thousands flowed to the
into 'English spot, the majority of whom were English. The right of the Free State to
this valuable land was disputed, and she was compelled to relinquish it in
1876, receiving very inadequate compensation from England.
In order to obtain a road to the coast, the South African Republic
annexed the land at Delagoa Bay, which was unclaimed. But Portugal
insisted that she had taken possession of it in 1546. The President of
the French Republic was chosen as arbitrator; he decided in favour of
Portugal in 1875.
Battle of the Serious dangers were added to all this trouble. The Kaffir Chief Secucuni
vith the Kaffir invaded the north of Natal. T. F. Burgers, who succeeded the popular
Chief Secucuni
Pretorius as President, marched against Secucuni in 1876. The Boers destroyed
one of his forts, but were not strong enough to complete his punishment,

iind were compelled to turn hack. The treasury was empty, debts heavy,
and there were no means of getting money; besides, the Boers were divided
against themselves. The confusion in all parts of the South African
Republic was indescribable. Meanwhile. Europe had given England a free
hand. It began to be rumoured that there was gold in the Transvaal,
and that President Burgers could not make himself obeyed. The time
had come for England, it was said , to assert herself once and for
all: the Boers themselves were in favour of her doing so. Indeed, the
clever English agent succeeded in obtaining the signature of several
hundred townspeople who were in favour of British supremacy. On the En g land
strength of this document, Sir Theophilus Shepstone, on the 12th of Soutb African
Republic: 187T
April 1877, proclaimed the incorporation of the South African Republic
in the colonial possessions of England. British troops garrisoned Pretoria.
In vain the Republic sent envoy after envoy to London, Paul
Kruger among their number, to protest against this arbitrary proceeding,
this incorporation based merely on the signaure of a number of quite
unimportant Boers. The war with Cetevvayo supplied England with a
pretext for sending more and more troops into the Transvaal. Liberty
seemed gone. No representations could shake the ingenious belief in England
that she had the reversion of these valuable countries, if the proprietors
were unable to hold their own with or without foreign assistance.
Although the English rulers were liberal in promises to compensate
the Boers for their loss of liberty with self-government and so forth, the
position in the Transvaal soon became unendurable, by reason of the
despotism of the rulers, who seemed to take a special delight in humiliating
their subjects whenever occasion offered. The same consequences that
followed a similar policy of exasperation, more than a century earlier,
in North America and in Switzerland, now made themselves felt in the The Boers lf ,

Transvaal. Despair broke down all barriers. A national meeting was held.* " ransvaal

on the 13th of December 1880, in the remote plain of Paardekraal, establish their
near Krugersdorp, which resolved upon the restoration of the South
African Republic, and appointed Martinus Pretorius, Paul Kruger and
Pieter Joubert as provisional administrators. More and more trusted
Boers joined, and, on the 16th of December, "'Dingaan's Day," the celebrated
day which will for ever be green in the memory of Boers yet unborn,
the day when the Zulus were so gloriously defeated, a large gathering, with
hands uplifted to Heaven and hearts throbbing with heroic resolve, swore
that they would set their country free once more, or die in its defence.
In order to erect a monument to the vows that thrilled their hearts,
each Boer took up a stone and solemnly added it to the gradually growing
heap. To me there is something ineffably grand in this simple, yei
powerful, display of the sentiment that filled each soul to over-flowing:
it corresponds with the splendid, virile character of the men.

The Boers collected, 4,000 strong, on the road from Pretoria to Natal.
near Heidelberg. Their plan was to cutoff the English garrisons, and especially
the road to Natal. The southern boundary was of no importance, the Orange
Free State being neutral.
The first victory was gained as early as the 20th of December 1880, at
Bronkhorst Spruit, under Frans Joubert, when the English garrison at
Lijdenburg attempted to join the troops stationed at Pretoria.

The British found themselves in an ugly position. It was not safe

to withdraw troops from Cape Colony, on account of the disaffection
which existed there, and the army at home was not ready, so they could
count only on India for reinforcements. With a force consisting of 4,500 men,
General Colley attempted to invade the Transvaal from Natal. He marched
through the pass of Laing's Nek. A thousand Boers lay in ambush and
defeated the British, inflicting severe losses, on the 28th of January
1881. The English were again repulsed at Ingogo River. Without
allowing himself to be discouraged, the general resolved to attack the Boer
lager at Laing's Nek from Majuba Hill. The British succeeded in
gaining the summit during the night of the 26th of February, 1881.
V ° ry
of°the BoVr9 When the sun rose, the Boers saw that they must either retreat under
the B ti s h
at Maiuba
Hill,^ the most difficult conditions, or storm the hill. They
' J
stormed. They J

, .. , m

1881. the three steep sides of the hill with surprising energy, and, inspired with
a noble rage, fell upon the British division and drove it off with heavy losses.
In all these encounters, the Boers seem to have had no artillery. Their
never-failing rifles did all the work, and their losses were very small;
but, in the measure as they were victorious, so were they also humble:
their jubilations consisted of a fervent prayer of thanksgiving to the
God of Battles, and their pity was expressed in their careful attention to
the wounded of the enemy of their country.
The victories gained by these death-defying farmersmade an extraordinary
impression in England. Public opinion became divided. One party insisted
that a large army should be sent to punish the rebels; the other
doubted if England would find it pay to continue the war. And Mr. Gladstone,
the Prime Minister, had the courage to join the peace party.
peace with En g -
land Pretoria

Tiie treaty J .

the Pretoria Convention.

p _ lm
was signed on the 3rd of August 1881, and was called
In this treaty, the Transvaal accepted the
supremacy of England concerning all foreign relations, and agreed to the
presence of an English resident in Pretoria, thereby acknowledging England's
suzerainty. England on her side annulled the annexation of 1877 and
declared the South African Republic to be absolutely free and independent
Paul Kruger
chosen President „..
. ..
The Triumvirate of Kruger, Joubert and Pretorius was
.. r» 1 t^-
of the new free followed, ml883, by the presidency of Paul Kruger.

Republic "T^. This treaty led to serious difficulties in the new Republic. Kruger, with
Du Toit and Smit, went to London, at the end of 1883, to try to put matters
on a right footing. They succeeded, on the 27th of February 1884, in
London Con-
vention annuls
concluding ~ the London Convention, whereby
o agreed that the
p. .

the suzerainty: Republic should be bound to the consent of the Queen only in its treaties

with foreign States. At the same time, England recalled her resident from
Pretoria. The suzerainty was abolished. In return, the Republic agreed to
a reconstruction of the boundary in the west in favour of England. By
garrisoning Bechuanaland and the desert of Kalahari, England placed a
wT edge between the possessions of Germany and the South African Republic.
It was to England's interest to cut off the Boers from the sea on the east
and from German South- West Africa in the west.
Discovery of After the London Convention of 1884, the success of the Boer Republics
d " fi lds in
v£-. ! j seemed to be assured. And so it might have been, were Africa not the land
Witwatersrand: •
in •
i n
1886. Acause of of surprises. Sometime before attention had been called to traces of gold. In

England™ 1886, the rich gold-fields of Witwatersrand were discovered, and it soon

became evident that the Transvaal was the richest gold country in the world.
With surprising rapidity, the gold fever spread among foreign invaders and
attracted large numbers of Outlanders to the Transvaal. The English
element was predominant, not so much on account of its numbers, as
of its constant pretences to constitute itself the leading power in South
Africa, thereby threatening Boer interests.
The laws of the South African Republic were not prepared to grapple
with this of exacting Outlanders of English extraction.
influx To give
them the franchise meant ruin. The authorities decided, in 1 89*3, that they
should be granted full burgher rights only after a residence of fourteen
years. By that time it was hoped to secure the exclusiveness of the
Republic. Unfortunately, it had already been lost by other means: the railroads.
In 1895, the line between Pretoria and Delagoa Bay was thrown open to
traffic; other lines went before or followed it. Johannesburg became the most
important city in South Africa and, at the same time, a centre of English interests.
Cecil Rhodes, the son of a Hertfordshire clergyman, amalgamated the dia-
mond quarries of Kimberley with the powerful De Beers Company in 1881.
He had founded the Chartered Company in 1889 and taken possession of
the land in the interior as far as the Equator. He rose to be Prime Minister
of Cape Colony, and no doubt ambition whispered in his willing ear many a
fanciful dream of a country stretching from the mouth of the Nile to the
Cape, where his influence would be paramount, and where the fabulous riches
of the land would be under his control. Already he was lord and master
of the Kimberley diamond quarries. Why should not the gold of Witwaters-
rand, together with Johannesburg, be brought under his, and therefore
under England's, dominion? All that was necessary was to tell abundant
lies about the Boers; to represent them as hindering technical and
industrial progress; and to surprise the world with an accomplished fact,
a i-onji d'Etat in the mining interest.
The Chartered Company had a force of its own in the territories north ^SuitaM the
and west of the Transvaal. At Christmas 1895, Cecil Rhodes assembled Jameson Raid; it
800 of these men under Dr. Jameson at Mafeking, for an invasion into
the Transvaal in the direction of Johannesburg, where a number of
conspirators, who had secretly armed, were to join and assist in the
downfall of the Republic, But the wary Boers were ready for them.
They waylaid the freebooters at Krugersdorp and forced them to surrender
unconditionally in the first days of January 1896. President Kruger showed
a noble clemency merely handing the peace-breakers over to England.
However a view was taken of this affair in England. Public
opinion ranged itself without reservation on the side of the men who,
it was said, were ready to do and dare for the honour of England, for
the expansion of British supremacy, and for the opening up of new
sources of wealth, as other daring Englishmen had done before them in
various parts of the world, especially in India. At the head of the
war party was Mr. Chamberlain, the Colonial Minister. The reasoning intrigue* a^inst
powers of England has lost their sense of proportion. Arguing from the Transvaal -

their easy victories over a few coloured races, they concluded that the
oppression of the Boer would be an equally easy matter. They lived to
learn their mistake.
After the Jameson Raid , the intrigues of the Outlanders became

even more formidable. The South African League was founded and
agitation kept alive by English capitalists and newspapers. Besides, all
sorts of complaints were lodged with the Transvaal Government and
disseminated by Mr. Chamberlain: complaints against the railway tariff;
the dynamite concession; the liquor laws with regard to natives; the pass
law; gold robberies; insecurity of life and property, and so forth. The
universal cure for all these grievances was to be found in full burgher
rights for the Outlanders. Mr. Chamberlain became the very willing medium
of all these complaints, sent note after note complaining that the internal
administration of the Transvaal was not in accordance with the Convention
of 1884, and insisted on its being altered.
The Boers were warned; they knew what must follow. They prepared
themselves for a serious emergency, and collected arms and ammunition.
Cape Colony possessed in Lord, then Sir Alfred, Milner a High Commissioner
after the heart of Mr. Chamberlain and the English Imperialists. In
une j 899, he met President Kruger in Bloemfontein in order to demand
ence at Bloeiu- 1

fontein between full burgher rights for all Outlanders in the Transvaal after five
* years' residence. This concession if it were made, would create a
Milne /: M9. ,

serious danger to the safety of the Republic, which was increased by

the fact that the British Outlanders, and especially the inhabitants of Jo-
hannesburg, had petitioned the Queen for full burgher rights in the
South African Republic. Kruger was quite ready to meet the concessionists,
as far as was consistent with the interests of his country. Every
Outlander in Johannesburg, without being naturalized, was granted an
immediate vote for the Town Council. After two years' residence, he could,
if he chose, become naturalized, when he would receive his vote for the
Second Volksraad, to w hose jurisdiction the mining, postal, telegraph and

traffic interests were subject. Twelve years' residence after naturalization

gave him full burgher rights, including a vote for the First Volksraad,
election of President, etc. These twelve years were, in 1899, reduced to
five, which, added to the two previous years of residence before
naturalization, made seven years, instead of fourteen as formerly.
However, the English Government insisted on five years. Following on this,
Mr. Chamberlain formulated a new demand, namely England's right of
suzerainty, which had been anulled in 1884.
tum* " October When the Boers realized that they had to deal not with just but ,

with arbitrary demands, their long-suffering patience was at last exhausted,
especially as their ultimatum, concerning the withdrawal of reinforcements
Commencement from the borders, had been contemptuously ignored in London. During the
Natai°? iioc- evening of the 11th of October 1899, the Boers crossed the frontier of
tober 1899.
Natal: those men of steel, whose duty it was to show that they were
worthy descendants of their heroic fathers; that the hard school of invigorating
danger and purifying fire through which they had passed had sown
and fostered in them that spirit of unquenchable independence which
only death itself could subdue.


I. your Queen only knew

If 3
II. Manners and Character of the Boers 7
III. The Boer in War 23
IV. Com Paul and Tante Sauna 37
The Transvaal National Anthem 44
V. President M. T. Steijn 51
The Orange Free State National A nth em 54
VI. Dr. W. J. Leyds 61
VII. A. D. W. Wolmarans 67
VIII. Cornells Wessels 73
IX. Ahraham Fischer 77
X. Schalk Willem Burger 81
XI. F. W. Reitz 87
XII. The late Commandant General P. J. Jouhert ... 95
XIII. General P. A. Cronje" 105
XIV. Commandant General Louis Botha 115
XV. Chief Commandant General Christian De Wet 129
XVI. General J. H. De la Rey 141
XVII. General Ben Viljoen 149
XVIII. The late Captain Danie Theron 155
XIX. Judge J. B. M. Hertzog 163
XX. J. C. Smuts 167
XXI. The three best-known Commanders in the Colony: General S. G. Maritz,
the late Commandant G. J. Scheepers, General G. H. Kretzinger . . 172
XXII. South African Wives and Daughters 179
Index of Places 189


1. Presidents S. J. P. Kruger and M. T. Steijn Frontispiece

To face

2. Views of Zoutpansberg 3
3. The Conference of Teachers of the South- African Kepublic: July 1897 ... 7

4. A Boer School at Visschershoek 12

5. A Boer School at Schietfontein 14
6. Inspection of a Boer Commando 23
7. The German Corps before the Battle of Elandslaagte 24
8. A Commando bound for Colenso crossing the Klip River 28
9. Boers in fighting line 32
10. President Kruger and Mrs. Kruger 37
11. Views of Heidelberg 38
12. President Kruger and President Steijn addressing the Boers in the Market Hall
at Kroonstad 4U
13. Coins of the South African Republic 46
14. President M. T. Steijn 51
15. Views of Bloemfontein 52
16. President Steijn in the Laager before Ladysmith 56
17. Dr. W. J. Leyds 61
18. Mr. A. D. W. Wolmarans 67
19. Mr. C. Wessels 73
20. The Wessels Family 75
21. Mr. A. Fischer .
22. Mr. Schalk Willem Burger 81
23. Views of Lijdenburg 82
24. Mr. F. W. Reitz 87
25. Mr. L. J. S. Malan 89
26. The late Commandant General P. J. Joubert 95
27. General Joubert at Breakfast in Laager before Ladysmith . .
xxvi LIST OF [ILLUSTRATIONS. 1 o liter

28 Bursting of the Dam of the Klip River near Ladysmith . 100

29. General P. A. Cronj^ 105
80. The late Colonel Comte de Villebois-Mareuil 107
31. General Cronje* before Kimberley 108
32. Burghers crossing the Vaal River 110
33. Commandant General Louis Botha 115
34. Commandant General Louis Botha and his Staff at Colenso . . 116
85. Boers Outposts near Colenso, on the Tugela River 119
36. The Heroes of Spion Kop 122
37. Outposts of Boers at van Reenen's pass 124
38. Chief Commandant General Christian De Wet 129
39. Commandant J. H. Olivier 133
40. Heliograph Corps of the South African Republic and Field Battery at Colesberg 134
41. General J. H. De la Rey 141
42. Major Albrecht 145
43. General Ben Viljoen 149
44. The late Captain Danie Theron 155
45. Danie Theron's Scouts on the Look-out 156
46. Judge J. B M. Hertzog 163
47. State-Attorney J. C. Smuts 167
48. Views of Cape Town 168
49. General S. G. Maritz 173
50. Maritz' Scouts on the Look-out .... 174
51. A typical Boer Girl 179
52. General W. Kolbe 181
53. Mrs. Louis Botha 182




1. An Ambulance Train 5
2. An old Boer Homestead in the Interior of the Transvaal 8
3. Boer Travelling Waggons 9
4. A typical Transvaal Boer 10
5. Kroonstad and views of the Valsch River 11
6. Central Hall of the State Museum at Pretoria '
7. The new Building of the State Girls' School at Pretoria 17
8. Front view of the State Gymnasium at Pretoria 18
9. The Class Room for free-hand drawing in the State Gymnasium at Pretoria . . 19
10. A House
Private at Pretoria 20
11. A Private House at Pretoria 20

12. A typical Boer family .21

13. Colonel A. H. Schiel 24
14. Arrival of a Transport at Elandslaagte .... .24
15. Gunners of the Transvaal State Artillery 26
16. Glimpses of Boer Camp Life: Arrival of Supplies
17. Glimpses of Boer Camp Life: Receipt of Intelligence 30
18. Glimpses of Boer Camp
Life: Resting ... ;i

19. Glimpses of Boer Camp

Life: A Field Cornet's Tent . . 32
20. Three Generations at the War :;.,

21. Paardekraal, near Krugersdorp . [2

22. The Paardekraal Monument 43
23. President Kruger on the Verandah of his Bouse, at Pretoria . . 48
24. The Doppers Church at Pretoria 49
25. President Steijn exhorting his Burghers at Smaldeel ... .58
26. Commandant P. Fourie 59
27. The Government Buildings at Pretoria 62
28. Law Courts at Pretoria 63
29. Daspoort near Pretoria 64
30. The New Arcadia Bridge at Pretoria . . 65
31. Loading up Ammunition for the Transvaal Artillery 68
32. Schalk Willem Burger . 69
33. Departure of the Hollander Corps from Pretoria: 6 Octoher 1899 70
34. Church Square at Pretoria 71
35. A destroyed Boer Farm T'.t

36. The late General Kock with his Staff at Elandslaagte 84

37. General Tobias Smuts , 85
38. Departure of the German Commando from Pretoria 90
39. Burgomaster Schutte of Johannesburg witnessing the Departure of the Burglar-:
4 November 1899 91
40. The Johannesburg Police off to the Front: 26 October 1899 92
41. Transvaal Howitzer made at Pretoria 93
42. General Joubert in his Tent before Ladysmith 98
43. Krupp Howitzers at work on the Platrand 99
44. The Artillery Barracks at Pretoria 100
45. Camp of the Field Telegraph Corps of the Transvaal Artillery 102
46. Rocket Signals 103
47. The restored Long Tom 107
48. English Prisoners of War from Paardeuberg 110
49. Transvaal Artillery Park 112
50. Glimpses of Boer Camp Life: Preparing Dinner LIS
51. The late General Lucas Mcijer 116
52. The Railway Bridge at Waschbank blown up with Dynamite 119
53. Another View of the Same .119
54. The late General Christian Botha 120
55. The Tugela Railway Bridge at Colenso destroyed: 16 November 1899 120
56. Boer Artillery engaged at Modderspruit (Nicholson's Nek) 121

57. Boer Artillery in action at Colenso: 15 December 1899 122

58. Viaduct in the Biggarsberg (Natal) wrecked by the Boers 124
59. The Railway Bridge over the Sunday River (Natal) repaired by the Transvaalers 124
60. General O. L. Beijers 126

61. Conference of Lord Kitchener and Louis Botha at Middelburg: 28 February 1900 126
62. Commandant General Louis Botha on horseback 127
63. The last Council of War near Bloemfontein 130
64. Armstrong Gun captured at Stormberg 133
65. Part of the destroyed Bridge over the Vet River .... 136
66. Another View of the Same 137
67. General De Wet, his secretary, some commandants and others at Potchefstroom 138
68. Military Attache's and their Adjudant, Mr. Fischer 139
69. Armoured Train captured at Kraaipan, 12 October 1899 .... .... 142
70. Transvaal Artillery with Howitzers at the Siege of Mafeking 143
71. Boer fort before Mafeking 145
72. General J. Kemp 147
73. Battle on the Tugela. Defence of Vaalkrans: 5 February 1900 150
74. Transvaal Mauser Bandoleer Waistcoat 151
75. Group of Boer Commandants an the Klip River, near Johannesburg .... 152
76. Ben Viljoen's Headquarters 153
77. Boer Cyclist 156
78. Tunnel near Laing's Nek wrecked by the Boers: South View 158
79. The Same: North View 159
80. Danie Theron's Scouts: At Dinner 160
81. Danie Theron's Scouts: Resting 161
82. Transvaal Maxim Gun 165
83. Commandant Fouche" of the Colony 171
84. The late Commandant G. J. Scheepers 176
85. General G. H. Kretzinger 177
86. A Transvaal Ambulance 182
87 and 88. Mrs. Berrett 184
89. The Father and the Bridegroom leaving for the War 185
90. Mrs. Lucas Meyer 186
91. The Family of General De Wet held as prisoners of war at Johannesburg . . 188


Maps of the Theatre of War:

1. The Cape Colony.

2. The late South African Republic and Orange Free State ... At end of book
'-'/'': T

A view of
tall* to res tram Maga os
so-called after the wife of General Joubert, and
Fort Hendrfna of
turbulent tribe of Kaffirs. Magato has now been dead some years, and on the occasion
latter fled to R hoc esia. and Two
the £s "expedition against his son, M'pefu, in 1898, the J
Z ^
this wild re won.
photographs showing a missionary station in the midst of
is destined to become the granary of
the Transvaal it is an eminently fertile distnct.



A T Bloemfontein, a Canadian officer reply that he must execute the orders

^* me of one of his experiences
told of his superior. The woman grew
in the war. A collision had taken excited and defended her rights, her
place, in the Ladybrand District, with hearth and home in a tremor of vehe-
a small Boer force, which, after a tough ment and passionate words. But at
contest, had been compelled to fall back saw that she must bow before
last she
before superior numbers. The order savage force, and, with the words well-
was given to burn down the house in the ing up from the innermost recesses of
neighbourhood of which the short fight her heart, she cried, full of passionate
had taken place. The mounted in- conviction:
fantry trotted up to the house and "Ah, if your Queen only knew what
surrounded it, while the officer of the was going on here if your Queen
patrol dismounted and knocked at the only knew!"
door. A youngmarried woman opened That belief, that sympathetic belief
it and appeared on the threshold with among the Africanders that all would
a child in her arms. The general's be different if Queen Victoria only
orders were repeated to her, and the knew of the struggle and suffering in
customary short interval was given her South Africa was made manifest to me
to remove some small portion of her time after time during the war. Every
belongings to a place of safety. At man, woman and child respected the
first, the Africander was silent, appar- old, grey Sovereign and placed a firm
ently not at once grasping the meaning and unshakable reliance in her sense
of the unexpected communication. It of justice. No disappointments, do
is true, she had heard the firing, but cruelties or acts of injustice committed
the fighting had taken place far from in her name could destroy that belief.
her house. She wished to know why Far above hatred for the Rand
her home was to be destroyed, and what capitalists remained their belief in her
was to become of her; the officer was whom they regarded as the lofty in-
only able to shrug his shoulders and carnation of the British sense of fairness.

When the war was fatally approach- Africa to be cast into grief and mourn-
ing, but onehope remained to the ing."
A fricanders: the Queen; and, starting A few weeks later, one Sunday, it
from Cape Town, a woman's movement was rumoured at Pretoria that Queen
spread over all South Africa. As women, Victoria was for peace. There were
they wanted to address the Gracious numbers w ho believed it at once, and

Lady in England to speak of the

, great joy arose. Many declared that
suffering which would fall upon mothers they had expected nothing else: "If the
and children, to appeal to her sense Queen only knew." But tha next day
of pity and justice. Rapidly, enthusiastic- the papers appeared with long telegrams
ally, with a recrudescence of trust in announcing new dispatches of troops
the future, the petitions were signed. to South Africa, foreshadowing new
Even many men saw safety in the demands to which it would be impossible
movement, encouraged their wives to to assent.
take part in it, and thousands of signa- All further hopes of better things
tures were collected. were vain. The storm-clouds gathered
At the same time, the late General ominously: no ray of light remained.
Joubert, Vice-President of the Trans- Hatred and bitterness blazed out anew
vaal, wrote his well-known open letter against Milner, Chamberlain, Rhodes and
to the Queen of England. To her, the the many others who were bent upon
highest, he carried his plaint for his the death of African liberty. Still, the
people which was being wronged; to her idea remained unsullied which the
he wished to depict the land in ashes Afrikanders had formed of Queen
and ruins, the Africanders in mourning Victoria. The women's petition had
and tears. And he, the man who had not been laid before her, Joubert's
suffered, with his people, the perse- open letter neither: thus argued the
cution of British ministers, believed, many. "If the Queen only knew," she
as those women believed, that his last would not have shown herself unrelent-
appeal to the highest authority would ing. Of course, there were others who
find a hearing in the royal palace. And reasoned more clearly, who strove to
the words came straight from his explain that Queen Victoria was above
heart: all things a constitutional monarch and
"It has perhaps never been brought had to bow before the will of the
to Your Majesty's notice why these people's representatives. But those
people could not live peacefully in their others were rarely in the majority.
land of adoption and birth." Slowly, bitterly, cruelly, the opinion
He felt that this must be so. She, of the minority became that of the
the noble Queen, could not have known of whole nation the savage warfare opened

all the suffering of the Africanders, all eyes to the horrible truth. But
else she would never have permitted it; every Africander, man or woman alike,
and the enthusiasm of his letter sounded retained the conviction that England's
powerfully and ferventl}': Queen did not approve of the war and
"No, Your Majesty! Ever in sup- would certainly not have approved of
plication to the Almighty, Who ruleth its conduct, "if the Queen only knew."
over Kings and Princes, and inclineth I have often tried to discover their
all to His great will, 1, Your Majesty's grounds for this belief; I have repeat-
humble petitioner, will never believe edly held long conversations with Boers
that Your Majesty will suffer the sacred and Boer women on the subject; but
rights of a weak, peace-loving people to I have never been able to discover the
be violated in your name, and South cause. Call it childish, if you will, call

itfoolish: yet there was something noble, the chivalry has been preserved 1>\ the
something sympathetic in that conviction. Boer in so many noteworthy ways. And
There was a pleasant familiarity, a on this basis it was easy to lead the
childlike truthfulness in the way in respect for the Queen of England to
which the Boers and their wives always the childlike ideal standpoint which it
spoke of the "Old Woman." The words, occupied among the Africanders.
written down in cold blood, may appear The Volksraad, in spite of all the
disrespectful when applied queen- to a complications with England, would never
empress; many may think that they have thought of omitting to adjourn
perceive some intention of sneering at on the 24th of May. That homage was
the late Queen and her sreat age. due to the aged Sovereign; even though
But you must have heard the tone the whole of England had turned against
in which the words were uttered in the Boers, they would not have deprived
order to be able to judge of the her of this significant homage the ,

meaning. homage which concerned her person,

Besides, a sneer of that sort is venerable in its grey old age. That
foreign to the Boer's nature; he was why the Volksraad adjourned on
entertains too sacred a respect forwomen, the 24th of May 1899, on the eve of
a respect which certainly does not de- the Bloemfontein Conference, and that
creasewith the ascent of years. The was why everyone thought the adjourn-
cause of this probably lies in the ment the most natural thing on earth:
Huguenot strain in his blood, of which "If the Queen only knew!"



FORMED INTO AN AMBULANCE-TRAIN. At the commencement ol the wax, the Nether-

lands South African Railway fitted up several railway-carriages for the conveyance of the
wounded with beds, drug-stores, and compartments for re-dl 'easing wounds. The last carriage
in particular, the large white ambulance-carriage, was a maBter-piece that did great credit to
the ingenuity of the railway-officials at l'rrtoria.


SHORTLY after the outbreak of the opened wide eyes each time a Boer
^ war , a lady of Africander birth passed, on horseback or on foot, with
found herself in English company. a polite "Good- day, doctor." So soon
Motives of human curiosity prompted as the man was comfortably in bed
a circle of well-bred Englishwomen to and well cared-for, the surgeon asked
form around her. An older lady, him the cause of his unconcealed sur-
hearing of this strange event, hurried prise, and was told that the soldier had
up, as fast as her dignity would permit heard that the Boers were little stunted
her , to gaze upon the marvel. No men, who lived in caves and wore long
sooner had she received a reply to her hair. It was the doctor's turn to be
eager "Where is she?" than she ex- surprised, and his amazement in no
claimed: way yielded to that of his patient.
"But she's not a Boer she's not
; During a sortie of the Ladysmith
black r garrison, a number of soldiers fell into
And no one laughed but the Afri- the hands of the Boers, who, as always,
cander herself. A similar thought had treated them very humanely. The
clearly occurred to all the rest. majority of the prisoners, slow to
A non-commissioned officer of the accept the inevitable, sulked and stood
Black Watch, the regiment which, at aloof. One of them, however, kept up
Magersfontein, on the 11th of December a lively conversation with his guards.
1899, so heroically and undauntedly Suddenly he asked:
marched to certain death, was taken "But where are the liners now?"
up by the Boer ambulance and carried "I am a Boer,'' was the answer.
to the field-hospital. The surgeon had This Tommy refused to believe. A
noticed that, during the progress man who talked English and who was
through the laager, the Highlander had dressed like everyone else could not be


a Boer; and, when at last he was no Bauern and peasants. The Boeren
longer able to doubt the man's truth- is the name of the Africander people,
fulness, he exclaimed: including those who do not practise
u But you're
not a barbarian, you're husbandry. Men
like Louis and Christian
quite an Englishman!" Botha, De Rey, De Wet and Hertzog
History does not relate that the Boer are proud to call themselves Boers, just
took this as a compliment at that given as Presidents Steijn and Kruger take
moment. pride in being so styled.
They are a handsome, sturdy race.
The men are tall and broad-shouldered.
A whole series of humorous in- Their features are often clean-cut, noble
stances might be quoted to show the and impressive and point in this distant
terrible misconception that prevailed generation to its descent from the best
among the English touching the South Huguenot families. Their hands are
African Boers, and that, which is worse, small and. well-formed, their feet are
still exists. People seem
unable to shapely. Their whole appearance is at
comprehend the and character
real nature once impressive and sympathetic.
of the Transvaaler and Free Stater. The Boer holds women in the
They seem unable to get away from highest respect , is always eager to
the meaning attached to the Dutch show them every civility and ready
word Boeren, and though the French- to defendthem against insult: and this
man writes Boers, the German Buren from sheer chivalry, and not from love
and the Englishman Boers, they all of fighting.
continue to seek for some connection At home he leads a placid, calm
between the Boeren and the paysans, and peaceful life. When, at five o'clock

in the morning, the daylight swiftly tobacco; and the stables and cattle-
spreads over the open veldt and across kraals on his farm are erected under
the firmament, he is already out of bed, his personal supervision. There is no
standing under his verandah, his trusty lack of work, therefore, at least in the
pipe in his mouth. Slowly he walks morning.
to the cattle-kraal and gives his in- In the afternoon, usually, the distant
structions to the Kaffirs who will
, rattle of wheels, or the clatter of horses'
presently drive the animals on to the hoofs, announces a visit. The family
veldt. He gives an eye to the pre- come outside and peer in the direction
parations, has a look round the stud- whence the sound comes. The speck
farm and inspects the kitchen-garden. on the horizon is sufficient to tell the
It is breakfast- time: till then he has Boer which of his neighbours is
only had a cup ot hot coffee. The approaching. His sharp eyes at once
whole family sit down to breakfast, and, recognize the horse or horses, for he is
when the meal is over, there is work familiar with the appearance of all the
for all. There is butter or cheese to beasts of draught or burden in the
make, darning- work to do, soap to be neighbourhood. Should the animals be
prepared , an ox or sheep to. kill or , unknown to him, then he watches with
meat to be salted or dried. but the greater interest for the approach
There are few things that the Boer of the stranger.
requires which he is not able to make For none who rides towards a Boer
himself. Even his shoes are constructed dwelling will easily pass by without
out of leather which he himself has alighting: he knows that he is welcome
tanned. He dries and cuts his own and that he will please the people by

BOER TRAVELLING WAGGONS. Harnessed with many oven — a full team

sixteen— the Boer waggon goes slowly, growling, creaking and jolting over the uneven n
At night shelters the whole family. The Kaffirs sleep underneath, at Least at the boors
during which the oxen rest, for the journey is made for the most part at night: in the
glowing heat of the day-time, the yoke scorches the hide from the oxen's necks. Tin-
household carries all cooking necessaries in the waggon, ami. when moving, even tin-
domestic furniture.

entering. The housewife at once offers If the guestis an European and

him a cup of coffee,and the husband gifted with powers of observation, it is
hands him his tobacco-pouch. Should to be hoped that he has not neglected
the visitor stay longer, or ask for hos- to talk at length with the Boer. The
pitality for the night, which is hardly head of the house is fond of a chat
ever refused, the Boer goes outside and and will try to make his visitor feel at
himself sees that the horses are pro- home. National politics are a subject
perly tended. The best of everything on which the Boer is particularly well-
is set before the guest, the best bed-room informed. He studies his political
is allotted to himand everything is
, newspapers eagerness which
with an
done to make his stay under the hos- makes it a pleasure for the editors to
pitable roof as pleasant as possible. write for him. No neighbour can make
And, in the morning, when he departs a call but politics become the first
and his horses have had their fill of and foremost subject of conversation.
food he owes his host nothing but
, And in the higher politics, too, events
thanks. The Boer will accept no money, do not escape him, even though he be
and, when the stranger takes his leave, not always quite up to date.
the whole family come out and shake Should the European prove to be
his hand as though he were an old a well-educated man, who does not in-
and tried friend. That is South African sist too much upon his knowledge , a
hospitality. proceeding which invariably puts the
Boer off, the latter will
turn the occasion to account
to gain information on
matters which were not
quite clear to him.
I myself have often
been asked questions by
Boers which struck me as
a proof of their desire for
"See , now you're a
Hollander, now you must
tell me a bit: how do they
mean to drain the Zuider
Zee?" was a question once
put to me by a transport-
rider on a subject touching
my mother country.
In the course of con-
versation, it appeared that,
years ago, the man had read
of this plan in a paper.
He had retained the subject
in hismemory until he
should come into contact
with a Netherlander. Indeed,
it gradually became manifest

to me that the Boer had read

A TYPICAL TRANSVAAL DOER. the article with great care,

and had employed his brains upon it. this quality:and I observed that the]
The questions he put to me gave evi- always sought the company of men
dence of the correctness of his judg- from whom they could learn something,
ment. I was then struck with the Boer's and that they would sit listening with
great common-sense. Later, on com- eager ears to the words of such men,
mando, when I came more closely into interrupting them from time to time
contact with Transvaalers or Free with pithy comments.
Staters, I noticed that they all possessed The old Boers, the Takharen or

Tanglehairs, us they are called in South inhabitants, spent ,£226,416 4*. 8(/. on
Africa, because of their shaggy and educational purposes, and the attendance
neglected manes, used in old days to at the schools increased by 13,900
teach their children by candle-light, in children between 1882 and 1898: a
the evening, to read and write, with convincing proof that the Boer is alive
the aid of the Bible, which no house- to the value of good instruction. 1

hold is without. This was good enough Ingeneral the Boer remains true
for the old times. Before the war to the simple traditions of his fathers.
broke out, however, no large Boer On Sunday, the Lord's Day, the day of
homestead but had its teacher, and, rest, the Boer and his family and all
where the Africanders were too poor the volk —the Africander expression
to allow themselves the exclusive luxury for the Kaffirs of the homestead —
of a tutor for their own children, they meet in the great dining and reception
sent them to the national schools, room The Boer and the members of
which enjoyed a State subsidy and the family occupy the chairs and the
provided an excellent education, or else natives squat respectfully on the floor,
had them educated by travelling teachers. close together against the wall.
, The
In 1898, the South African Re- old family Bible is laid on the table
public, with her few hundred thousand in front of the head of the house.

When the schools of a State are in those teachers coming from abroad; granting
a flourishing condition, that State has reason money rewards for special successes obtained
to be proud of its intellectual development, in schools or classes at the yearly examina-
and not even her most prejudiced detractors tions; giving prizes for good school-books
dared to accuse the South African Republic and school competitions; assisting every
of vandalism, when it was once an establish- child over six who had attended a recog-
ed fact that she had obtained the highest nized school on so many days during the
possible distinction (Grand prix) at the Paris month; and helping to start village libraries.
Exhibition of 1900 for elementary, as well At Pretoria, the Government supported a
as secondary and advanced education. We State library, a State museum and the
must look into the school statutes, Article 8, Zoological Gardens, and always had an
dating from 1892, which remained in operation open hand for the needs of children of
until the commencement of the war, to learn poor parents. Special attention is to be
how this success was obtained by a young drawn to the fact that Government was
and thinly-populated State. It laid special authorized in lb96 (Article 15) to build
emphasis on the duties of parents towards schools in the Gold Fields, wherever it seem-
their children regarding education, while ed necessary and advisable, such buildings
the State was, first, to encourage the burghers to be erected at the expense of the State;
in willing co-operation and private initiative, and to nominate and pay instructors, as
and, when necessary, to give them every assis- iu other State-supported schools. In these
tance; secondly, to exercise supervision State schools of the Gold Fields, the children
over the subsidized schools by watching the of Outlanders could receive instruction in
religious and secular training of the future their own language for a small extra charge,
burghers, as far as might seem advisable and it was decided in these cases to intro-
to the Government; thirdly, to found an duce the Dutch official language only very
institution for the higher branches of edu- gradually, so as not to interfere with the
cation, for the instruction of those who steady progress and development of these
wished to become teachers, or were desirous Outlatider pupils.
of filling official posts. The Government showed the same con-
The Government was exceedingly generous scientiousness with regard to the supervision
in the encouragement of these semi-self- of schools. Six inspectors, chosen from
supporting establishments, due to the ini- among the teachers as the most efficient,
tiative of the individual. It voted considerable went on their appointed circuits during the
grants for all sorts of practical purposes, year, examining the pupils in all branches,
such as assisting in the founding and equip- appointing the standard and, in this way,
ment of school-buildings and houses for the not only superintending the work of the
teachers; paying the travelling expenses of teachers, but also giving valuable advice

This Bible is dear He has is the simple Sunday observance in
learnt to read and out of it,
write the country, and it will be seen from
and in hard times the Sacred Book has this that the attitude of the Boers
brought him consolation and renewed towards the natives is not exactly what
courage. it represented to be by some writers.

Opening the Bible with every mark allots to the Kaffirs who
The Boer
of respect, he reads a chapter simply work on his farm a pntch of ground
and with evident conviction, and then on which the natives erect their clay
offers up a prayer. Generally, one or two rondafel. This is a hut with a flat
psalms are next sung to the accompani- thatched roof, and of circular shape,
ment of a seraphine organ which al- , deriving its name from ronde tafel,
most every household possesses. This or round table. Here the native lives

to them, as well as to the school authorities, centres for advanced education and served
where such was required. In the outlying as models for other schools. Besides, it
districts, where there were as yet no schools, became necessary to put an end to the
they did all in their power to stimulate unjust accusations of negligence towards
the inhabitants to start them; and, as a the Outlander children and to give the
rule, the visits of the school inspectors were well-intentioned Outlanders an opportunity
looked forward to with pleasure, for the to have their children taught the national
Boers began to show a growing interest in, language by degrees, without interfering
and desire for, education. with the steady progress of education in
With regard to the third object in their native tongue.
view, the founding of an institute for higher The expenses incurred by the Ad-
education, the Government, with the sanction ministration for Education, including staff,
of the First Volksraad, went even further inspectors, etc., amounted, during the vear
than their original proposals. Not only 1898, to #226,416. This sum, voted' ex-
did they, in 1893, build a "State gymnasium" clusively for the purpose of education,
or college at Pretoria, containing both gym- proves the importance attached by the South
nasium and High School, where the results African Republic to a sound national
of the first final examination, held in 1898, education.
gave absolute satisfaction to the Govern- We will now add some general infor-
ment delegates, but they added a "State mation concerning facts which may interest
Model School" and, in connection with the reader.
this, a "Normal Training College," for those The majority of schools are situated
who wished to become teachers, and a State- on rivers, or streams which flow into those
supported school, which also very
girls' rivers.
shortly had a "Normal Training College" and Non-attendance in either town or village
High School added to it If it had not been schools was not frequent (only 15 per cent),
for the war, the School of Mines, which was and rarer still (9 per cent) in the peasant
founded at the commencement of the year schools, that is, in those schools which were
1897, would have developed into an edu- held on the farms. Compared with the
cational centre whose success was assured. statistics of schools in other countries, this
Students, before entering, were to pass is very remarkable, considering the diffi-
through the high school connected with culties with which the Boers had to contend
the gymnasium A deaf-and-dumb and in sending their children to school, such as
blind asylum was to have been founded the scarcity of labourers, locusts, unfordable
when the number of afflicted children in rivers, etc.
the South African Republic demanded it; Attached to the State school for girls
until then the deaf-and-dumb and blind was a boarding-house, where those coming
were sent to Worcester, in Cape Colony, from the country might be lodged and
if the parents wished it, partly or entirely, boarded at a moderate charge.
as the case might demand, at the expense At a similar economical rate, students
of the State. attending the State gymnasium and model
The founding of these so-called State school were received in houses provided
schools caused some divergence from the by the State and controlled by competent
principle of private initiative; but the State masters.
confined itself to a small number of edu- The buildings of the State gymnasium
cational institutions, which were in reality and School of Mines contained large lecture


was found impossible to complete the building, although the work was never entirely dis-

with his wife and children. He saves has to be pretty large before the Boer
the wages which he earns from the thinks of charging his roll- any hire.
Boer until he is able to buy a horse So soon as the Boer's youngest
or a piece of cattle, and slowly his child is able to walk, it receives a
property increases. When there is no little Kaffir mite as a play-fellow. The
work to be done for the Boer, he works piccaninny soon grows attached with
on his allotment. His wife and children all its heart to its hlein baas, or little
help the Boer's wife with the house- boss. Should the son take a wife and
keeping, and, when the children grow start on a farm of his own, his body-
big enough, they work with the others Kaffir accompanies him and at once
in the fields, or in minding the cattle. assumes a certain authority over the
The Kaffir's cattle are allowed to graze other natives of the place. When the
on the Boer's pastures, and the herd baas goes out with the waggon, the

rooms and laboratories, and abundant space The number of teachers, male and
was devoted to the collections and experi- female, trained in the South African Re-
ments of the State Geologist. public rose steadily every year, and had
There were twelve State schools in the reached a total of 158.
Gold Fields in 1898, numbering 1499 scholars There were hardly any schools to be
and 49 teachers. A third part of the latter found in the North-West, North and North-
consisted of English men and women, who, East of the Republic, for those districts were
although they did not understand a word not inhabited, or only very sparsely. Numbers
of Dutch, had been appointed and were of parents living in districts on the Natal
well paid. At Johannesburg there was a border sent their children to school in Natal,
flourishing German educational establish- or employed English tutors and governess-
ment, supported by the State. es. — Publishers' Note.


ment of the war, the buildings had not yet been inaugurated or inhabited. Ather the fall
of Pretoria, they were fitted up by the English as a hospital.

body- Kaffir is the one to accompany down as something more than flu-
him, and it is an unwritten condition average farmer that we know. There
that one of the latter's children shall is something of the country squire in
serve as the master's attendant when his manner, and one need but come
he goes on commando. This attendant into contact with him for a very short
carries the reserve of cartridges and time to observe that he is a man of
looks to the horses. race. With his clear head and his tall,
When the Kaffir grows too old to strong body, he is an example of the
work, no Boer will leave him to his mens sana hi corpore »<in<> theory.
fate. He is allowed to live peacefully The clear landscape, full of dazzling
on the farm to his last day. When light; the wide, open veldt; the general
he sees his baa*, there is not only absence of care: these tend to make him
reverence in his salutation, but some- an optimist. That is why he is the last
thing of gratitude in his eye. to lose his faith in ultimate victory,
The Boer is uncommonly kind to "Alles z"l recht hum: all will come right."
animals. He will never torture a horse, the favourite maxim of President Brand
nor injure any animal. It makes him of the Orange Free State, is an excellent
furious to see anyone ride a horse motto for the A.fricanders. Their
with its back sore from the pressure optimism is endowed with the im-
of the saddle. He permits no cruelty movable faith that everything will
to animals; and, keen sportsman though come out however gloomy the
he be, he will never shoot a bird if future may seem. Both young repub-
he has reason to believe that it has lics have met with many calamities in
young. past years, and the motto has always
His whole appearance marks him been verified.

so pretty and compact a building in a "peasant Republic." It bears ample testimony to the
generosity of both the Government and Volksraad in matters of education. The interior
corresponds in every respect with the exterior. The building contains both the High School
and Gymnasium.

It must be admitted that the Boers' hail-storms, the locusts, which in a

optimism often changes thought-
to short time are able to destroy all the
lessness. They are easily dejected, but crops, without the Boer having it in
they as easily recover all their belief his power to prevent it: these are all
in the bright side of the case. Their causes that tend to produce the spirit
optimism was the reason why they of resignation in the Africander.
rested for weeks after their victories The mutual relationship of the Boers
and gave the enemy time to concentrate is in general of a very friendly and
his forces. It was their optimism that companionable character. Quarrels and
led them to see no danger in the brawls are unknown plagues in South
smouldering fires at Johannesburg just Africa, and, however violently Boers
before the Jameson Raid. Their optimism, may often be opposed in politics, this
too, is at the bottom of their over- is to them no reason to be anything

confidence in men who know how to but sincere friends in all other respects.
turn their own eloquence and powers Even adherenceto opposed church
of flattery to crafty account. The parties, which was one of the chief
Boers' optimism unfits them for trade. points of difference in the two republics,
They are liable at one moment too would not lead to open or secret
readily to accept a proffered price, at hostility between two Boers. And the
another to judge that they can demand Boer is as calm in the home circle as
more than is obtainable in the cir- he is peaceable with his fellows. Peace
cumstances. and tranquillity reign in his household,
The fertility of the African soil, where all respect the authority of the
which requires little cultivation, the master of the house. He is moderate



in drinking; immoderate only in smok- places of honour in the room un-

ing. He puffs great clouds of smoke reserved for the English side-board
the whole day long. He takes up his with its bright mirrors, and the American
pipe so soon as he dons his jacket in seraphine organ, laden with pile- <>t
the morning, and does not put it down sacred music and English songs. The
till he stands in his shirt-sleeves at repertoire of original Africander songs
night. At meals he deprives himself is stilllamentably small.
of his pet indulgence only long enough This picture of an Africander home
to fill his stomach. A Boer who does is not, of course, a faithful reflection
not smoke is as rare an exception as of every Boer dwelling. Some arc
a Boer who is unmarried, or as one simpler. Numbers are much more
who is married and childless. luxurious. On many farms, especially
The Boer's house is generally in the Orange Free State, the house
spacious and airy. All the rooms are is arranged in the modern European
on one floor; attics and lofts exist only fashion, with a taste and richness free
in his stables, as receptacles for fodder from all excess or violent contrasts.
for horses and other cattle. His living- The place itself model farm, on
is a
room mostly serves as dining and which thousands of pounds have been
sitting-room in one. The floor is made spent on irrigation works, plantations
of pressed cow-dung, which becomes and the newest American inventions in
as hard as stone. His hangings and agricultural implements. Here the
carpets consist of the dressed skins of and milch-cows have coats that gleam
deer and roe-buck which he has shot. with well-being, the horses trample
and sheep which he has killed. The with good feeding, the sheep waddle
many small tables are adorned by in their thick and luxurious fleeces.
numerous framed family-portraits. The In the villages, the Boer remain-
20 iii:i;oi-:s of tiik ijokk war.

this little work. I

have only tried to sketch

the Boer in a few lines.
In so doing, I have
had neither the Trans-
vaaler nor the Free
Stater more particularly
in mymind's eye. Both
nations are so closely
akin in character that
I have treated them as
one. The Free Stater
may be a litte more
cosmopolitan than the
Transvaaler, but this
does not constitute a
sufficient difference to
warrant a separate de-
A PRIVATE HOUSE AT PRETORIA. lineation of character.
have struggled
faithful to his customs. He is out of for a sacred cause, both have fought
bed at the first sign of approaching with the same courage and perse-
dawn and enjoying the fresh morning verance both have suffered equally.

breeze. He retires early in the evening, Both wish to be considered together as

afterspending the day in work and in the representatives and combatants of
digging his garden. His dress and the Young Africander race.
manners differ in no way from those Mypen -sketches of their leaders
of the European: he is notable, however, and generals, as I have known them,
for his broad and sturdy figure, his are no more than they pretend to be:
big beard and his firm and healthy swift, transitory sketches. They are
tread. His wife and
daughters dress taste-
fully: sometimes with a
little excess of colour.
In company he shows
himself a lively talker,
especially when relating
personal experiences,
which he excels in
recounting without

It has not been my

intention in this chapter
to give a comprehensive
picture of the African-
der Boer. That would
require a volume of
greater dimensions than A PRIVATE HOUSE AT PRETORIA.

not the product of a life-long study the great men of second struggle
of their lives, actions and aspirations. for liberty better known
to the British
I learnt to know them in my capacity people, then shall have repaid some

as a journalist, and as such I have small part of the friendship which

drawn them: rapidly, briefly, trying to I have enjoyed at the hands of Afri-

display the qualities in which they canders, and niv sympathy for those
differ one from the other. gallant nations shall not have been
If this work should help to make in vain.




["remember reading an article in the higher than the Scotch; but, at the same
Daily Mail in which its correspond- time, he keeps in view the unpractical
ent, the late Julian Ralph, considered side of this heroism, and condemns it
the question of the value of the courage in his peculiar way with his stoical
of the British troops. And the conclu- "Therefore it's banja imprudent." Ami
sion which he came was that all
to so Julian Ralph and the Boer conn' to
the contempt of death displayed by the one and the same conclusion.
crack regiments had been of very little What we Europeans call courage,
practical use. It is a very fine thing that is contempt
to say, tor death, the
to march to a certain death with head Boer knows nothing of. do not
Yet 1

erect and without hesitation, like the agree with those who call him a coward.
Highlanders at Magersfontein, on the Circumstances have endowed him with
11th of December 1899, and the Canad- a quite different sort of courage
ians at the storming of Cronje's laager From generation to generation, the
at Paardeberg, on the 18 th of February descendant of two nations, both well-
1900; but of what use is it against the known for their contempt of death, the
modern repeating rifle, which hits with French and the Dutch, has learnt to
perfect accuracy at a great distance, place caution and stratagem on a higher
and which gives the marksmen behind level than courage. In his struggle
the trenches the incalculable advantage with the natives, who were sometimes
of being able to mow down almost am a hundred times as many a- those
number of assaulters before these have whose waggon camp the] attacked, he
reached their object? has learnthow to beat his enemy by
The Boer admires and respects that means of cautious tact and has taught
courage, and holds no British soldier that enemy to respect him. W ith a

contempt of death had to pay with a

even greater than hideous martyrdom.
that of the Euro- This method of
pean, the blacks in defence is inbred in
close hordes stormed the Boer, and has
the laagers only to been developed yet
be repeatedly driven further in the present
hack, in spite of the war.
small number of the Elandslaagte, where
defenders and the the Dutch and Ger-
bad, old-fashioned man Corps received
muskets. The pre- their baptism of
sence of the women blood on the 21st of
in the laager gave October 1899, and
the men courage to Magersfontein where,
tight to the utter- on the 11th of De-
most for wife ami cember 1899, the
child but at the
, Scandinavians met
same time imbued with their heroic
them with the ne- deaths: these are in-
cessary prudence not stances of the cour-
to throw away their age of the Europeans.
lives needlessly and, COLONEL A. H. SCHIEL, Commandant Together with the
in so doing, allow of the German Corps. Wounded at Elands- fight at Boshof,
laagte 21 October 1899, taken prisoner, and
the Kaffirs to gain transported to St. Helena. Colonel Schiel,
where the French
an advantage for who is here represented in the uniform General de Villebois
of Captain Commandant of Johannesburg the 5 th of
which the Boer's fell on
Fort, played but a very short part in the
dear ones would have war. April 19U0, these

ARRIVAL OF A TRANSPORT AT ELANDSLA ACTE. Slowly the oxen draw the enormous,
springless and, for the greater part, heavily-laden waggons over the uneven roads. A rope
is fastened to the foremost ox, and the team is led by a Kaffir, who walks in front, whilst
the Boer, walking alongside, wields his mighty whip, in the use of which he is so skilled
that he is able to catch up the smallest stone with it, or kill a bird on the wing.


compelled respect from the English by its uncommonly accurate shooting. The English
generals could not imagine that it was simple Boers who were serving the guns, and news
was constantly being sent into the world to the effect that the Transvaal and Free State had
taken German mercenaries into their service to work the artillery. Nothing is more untrue.
Together witli the police, the artillery formed the standing army of the Transvaal, and with
the former it was the only commando that wore a uniform.

will form brilliant and memorable pages The Boer is said to be a little too
in the history of oar second War of cautious and quick in leaving his
Independence: but at the same time they position when becomes a trifle hot
will bear witness against that contempt for him. I will not contest this state-
of death which is to be admired, but ment, nor would any impartial person
no less to be regretted. do so. But remember that no disci-

pline keeps the Boer to his place, and occur upon his farm, he decides without
that nothing more contagious than
is appeal, and for this reason he brooks
flight. Where, however, but a shade no thwarting (I, of course, except im-
of discipline prevails, it soon appears portant questions which concern the
that the Boer is indeed brave, even in judges or the civil authorities). It is

the sense which we attach to the word. therefore easily understood that it was
No one will deny the courage of the impossible suddenly to accustom him
Johannesburg Police, iror of the Free to military discipline on commando.
State and Transvaal Artillery. A Boer Arguments and reminders of the good
who continues to light until he realizes of the cause and the help of God were
the impossibility of holding his position, of great service, as President Kruger
and who retreats only at the very last mo- understood, who knew the burghers as
ment, deserves a more honourable men- though they were his own children.
tion than does the European soldier But for those there was no time in the
who advances with the knowledge that heat of the fight, and that which has
to turn round means certain and shame- the desired effect with a soldier trained
ful death at the hands of his officers. to discipline produced obstinacy in the
The European has contempt of death Boer, accustomed to command and not
in his blood; to advance cautiously, to to be commanded. Hence it came about
make use of every bit of cover as the that, when he refused to fight, no power
Boer does when attacking, he thinks on earth could compel him.
beneath him, and calls it cowardly. The In the earlier stages of the war,
Boer, on the other hand, takes a practical before Lord Roberts captured the Magers-
view: his object to injure the enemy,
is fontein positions on the 15th of Februarj
to spare himself, both in the highest 1900, the burghers were accustomed,
measure; in other words, the innate if leave was refusedthem to go home
tactics of the Kaffir wars. for a short time from commando, siniplj
Moreover, in the first year of the to go without leave. A burgher who
war, there was no one to hold back did not care to fight very easily with-
the Boer when he "changed his posi- drew from the action. He merely stayed
tion:" the favourite word for retiring. in or tried to be given some
It is true that a commandant or field job which kept him out of danger.
cornet might have tried to talk courage There were whole commandoes that
into the poltroon, or to hold him back acted in this way. The other Boers
by threats: sometimes even to bring him stamped these heroes with the charac-
back to his duty by means of blows; teristic title of la'erleggers, or camp-
but this exhausted all so-called forcible loungers, and. in the later stages of the
measures. The Boer has not the Eng- war. with the typical nickname oibush-
lishman's fear of a disgraceful death at lancers, hiding themselves as they
the hands of his officer. That is why did in the bush-veldt. The leader-, of
I have a greater admiration for the these camp-lounging commandoes or
brave Boer than for the death- scorning bush-lancers were generally officers who
Briton. were of opinion that it was in any case
It has often been asked why there better to lose your country than your
the Boer The patriotic burghers serving
was not more discipline in lit',..

commandoes. The answer is to be found under one of these commandants or field

in the character of the Africander. He cornets would join some other com-
is master of his own place: usually mando, where they could take a more
there no living being to be found
is active part in the fighting. On the
for hours around it. In all cases that other hand, burghers whose lives were

too dear to them to be sacrificed for Ibe posil ion taken up, he told him so;
their country, lefl their commandoes, it' and, if his opinion afterwards turned out
these were too far in the forefronl of to he collect, he would not fail to
battle, and joined the camp-loungers. remind bis general of it. This was
Bach man was free to join the the condition of things in the Boer
commando he preferred. Generally, Army during the first year of the war.
members of one family clung together, Still, genuine military discipline
so that it often happened that one field prevailed in some of the commandoes
cornet hud a dozen or more men of In theJohannesburg Police and the
the same name serving under him. They Transvaal and Free State Artillery,
dug their trenches together and lay in discipline was no less severe than in
one ditch during the righting. At the British Army. Those corps proved
Magersfontein, two members of one that the Boer had in him the makings
family were found lulled and four woun- of an ideal soldier, who combined with
ded in the same trench. the strictest obedience his innate instinct

t lie m- wire responsible for the safe conduct of the waggons. The] wire at the same time carriers
of news, not usually official news, and sometimes a trifle exaggerated. The latest news
spread through the Boer laager with wonderful rapidity.

It often happened that a man re- to seek cover when storming and cap-
ceived a week's leave and returned after turing positions. But no discipline on
an interval of
weeks. It was
three earth could ever turn the Boer into a
possible for punishment
to be adminis- military automaton.
tered under the military law; but this The artillery and police formed
rarely took place. In tine, the Boer the standing army of the Transvaal
on commando was nominally, but not and Orange Free State. They had
really, subject to discipline. The burgher been drilled in time of peace: the
did his duty of his own free will. He other commandoes had not. Vet there
knew his even his general,
officers, were some of the Boer officers who
personally, addressed them with the overlooked no offences and maintained
familiar jij and jou and criticized their a proper strictness. The cowards left
acts and orders in their presence. If these officers for less kwaaie kerels
he disagreed with the general touching (bad or "nasty" fellows), and through
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and read his dispatch, the commandant would call the burghers together, mount a plat-
form by preference an ox-waggon and read it out aloud to the attentive listeners gathered
, ,

around him.

this fact the quality of the commandoes mandoes made a stand against the
of the severer generals, commandants progress of the overwhelming numeri-
and field-cornets was naturally improved. cal superiority these
; did not, of
The absence of discipline in the course, consist of camp-loungers, but
Boer commandoes had its compensating of the sturdy burghers who had the
advantages. The Boer, in consequence, courage and the sense of duty to stand
acted more independently and did not firm under their brave and undaunted
lapse into a military machine, incapable leaders. And yet the Boers can hardly
of moving without orders. The Boer be blamed for not hampering the mighty
trusted mate.
his He knew that the march to Pretoria. Their forces were
latter was not likely to commit a blunder, becoming steadily smaller, and the Eng-
and he acted in harmony with him, lish no longer fought as before, but
without orders or preconcerted agree- restricted themselves to endeavouring,
ment. with their ten-fold superiority, to sur-
When this mutual confidence was round their enemy's forces and to
shaken and when the Boer no longer prepare for them the fate of Cronje
felt convinced that his comrade would and his followers. Had the Boers then
not, at a given moment, leave him in allowed themselves to be surrounded,
the lurch, then Lord Roberts' success the war would probably have ended
began, and the field -marshal cleverly much earlier than it did, as their
took advantage of the general loss of numbers would have shrunk through
that mutual bond in order to march capture to an even still more distress-
to Pretoria before confidence was ing extent.
restored. Had the Boers still possessed To take to flight and change
the old spirit which had rendered the whole method of warfare became
the assault of Spion Kop possible an immediate necessity. After the
on the 24th and 25th of January 1900, capture of Pretoria, General De Wet
Lord Roberts would have met with abandoned the grande guerre without
a very different sort of opposition. hesitation or delay, and, once Komati
As it happened, only a few com- Poort had been occupied, General Louis

Botha also took up the guerilla. The himself with slender rations, than for
Boers had no alternative. To the quarter the Englishman, who was given but
of a million British soldiers they could little rest. Each fresh success roused
oppose but some twenty thousand men; the Boer's courage. There was no fear
and their biff-gun ammunition was be- of recklessness on his side; recklessness
coming exhausted. The time for war is not in his nature; recklessness is
on a large scale was past. "Ixnija imprudent." He was fully in-
In the guerilla the Boer felt more at formed of every movement of the enemy:
home. He was now seldom attacked the British were in the midst of bis
by a force too powerful for his small country and surrounded by spies who
numbers; for he took care to evade were never at loss for means to transmit
any such force. He himself selected news. And, when the Boer did not
the detachment which he proposed to receive the information he required in
attack, and was therefore almost always the field, he went and sought it for
able to reckon on success. With the himself.
greatest cleverness, and relying on the Many ways were open to him. The
swiftness of his horse, he succeeded first and simplest of these the English
in escaping his enemy who knew
, themselves had taught him. He harnessed
the country so badly. He struck his oxen to his waggon, loaded it with
his blow, and, before there was a agricultural produce and drove to
chance of catching him he was
, market, to return with the desired data
gone. This life was less fatiguing for to his farm, and then to his commando.
the Boer, accustomed to sleep on the In this way, he even ventured into the
veldt, to shift for himself, to content British camp, where he sold his vege-

(JLIMPSES OF BOER CAMP LIFE: RESTING. The scouts have returned without meeting
the enemy, as is seen by their full bandoliers. The horses are off-saddled and enjoying
their feed. Tired, but alert, the warriors are snatching a few moments' rest.

tallies tn the Tommies with the consent Moreover, the equipment of the
of the officer on duty. Boer was so light that it was no ob-
It' saw no chance of spying in
lie stacle whatever to the swiftness of his
this then, aided by the all-
fashion, horse. His load generally consisted of
shrouding South African darkness, he his rifle and ammunition, a little kettle
slipped through the British lines at night, for boiling his coffee, a mug and a flask.
as Dame Theron did when he performed Finally, his great advantage over his
his famous feat of penetrating to Cronjes enemy lay in his ubiquitousness, which
invested laager at Paardeberg and back enabled him at any given moment
again. After a short stay amid the suddenly to increase his forces. A
British forces, he returned in the same commando which numbered a hundred
stealthy manner through theenemy'slines. men to-day would, if need be, consist
But, if this too was impossible, then of a thousand to-morrow. And, should
the Boer simply donned the English the enemy approach with a larger force
khaki, saddled a captured horse, and to destrov the little Boer commando.

in and is being read by the field cornet. Important orders appear to be expected, for the
Boers are armed and ready to march.

he, who otherwise always gallops, trotted, then the latter dissolved as it were into
according to all the rules of the Eng- the endlessness of the African veldt.
lish riding-school, to the town or camp, Each man went his own way, to meet
where his knowledge of the enemy's his comrades again at a place fixed
language and his own boldness enabled beforehand.
him to overcome all difficulties. In this Even in this guerilla warfare, with
way, the men of the Johannesburg Police the numerous dispersed commandoes,
paid repeated visits to several towns the English succeeded in com-
and camps. pletely interrupting the communica-
Another advantage of the Boer is tions between the different officers in
his dexterity in the harnessing and un- command. From the foremost post in
harnessing of waggons, carts and guns, Cape Colony to the most northerly
thanks to which he always gained on point in the Transvaal, communications
the enemy on the march: no small were regularly and unintermittently
advantage in guerilla warfare. maintained by dispatch -riders, who

easily passed through the British lines. Boer who, amid the rain of bullets,
Dr. Bierens de Haan, wlio worked for carried wounded comrade out of
eighteen months as one of the sur- the fighting line to the ambulance and
geons of the Netherlands Red Cross then calmly returned to his post, be-
Ambulance with the Boer commandoes, cause it was the right thing to do. To
con firms this fact and declares that leave a position had made so bad an
only once was General De la Rey cut impression on our European that he
off from communicating with his friends, had no eyes for the many cases in
for a space of three weeks. This was which the Boer laid down his gun and
the only case of interruption of the went to the aid of the British wounded
communication between the Boer com- calling for water, even though he ran
mandoes from the fall of Komati Poort, every risk of losing his life by it. Yet
on the 24th of September 1900, to the in this sort of contempt for death the
middle of April 1901. Boer was in no way deficient.
And the guerilla warfare the
in He has, however, given even greater
Boers have shoAvn that they too possess proofs of courage, which justly entitle
the particular quality which we Euro- the Free Staters and Transvaalers to
peans call courage or contempt of death. call themselves het volk vol heldenmbld,
The change in the manner of conducting the nation of Lord Roberts
the war necessitated continual attacks, issued his proclamations (of
where formerly they had been content to 31 May 1900 et seq.) The Boer,
act on the defensive. And as assailants who was greatly attached to his wife
they have shown themselves as undaunt- and child, who loved his land, which
ed as formerly when defending their by his hand and care had grown
positions. Again their great power to what it was, his farm-house, which
lay in their iron nerves, which formerly he himself had built, the orchard him-
enabled them quietly to await attack self had planted, his cattle that formed
and calmly to leave the enemy's fire his wealth, would have been able to
unanswered, until the British soldiers return to all these if he had laid down
had come within range of the Mauser. his arms. No more privations, no
difference in the meaning of more danger of death, no more
the word courage, as understood by parting from wife and child. The
the Europeans and the Boers, led to temptation was strong. His general or
only too great a disillusionment on the commandant had no power to prevent
part of the Europeans, especially at the him. He himself had been for months
commencement of the war. The Hol- on the veldt, he scarcely knew how
landers and Germans in the Boer ranks things were going at his homestead.
would often talk enthusiastically of a The retreating movement of his com-
feat performed by some reckless indivi- mandoes took him past his place. If
dual or other: he went home, he retained all: at least,
No," a Boer would drawl out in so he believed; if he went on, he lost
reply, '"that's a bit too imprudent, you all that for which his fathers and himself
see." had laboured for years. Nothing but
This condemnation would act as a his sense of duty, his love of his country
cold shower-bath upon the exulting could make him decide in this difficult
European and often closed his eyes to juncture.
other deeds showing a genuine contempt Every Boer stood face to face with
of death, but less striking, perhaps, his choice, and half of them passed by
than the storming of kopjes. wife and child and home, while it would
)ne did not hear him speak of the
< have been so much easier, so much

more advantageous and less disquieting mandant General and the Acting Presi-
to fall out of the commando in order dent, all had nothing to eat l>nt
to protect and care for wife and child. coarsely -roasted mutton and meal-pap,
Courage such as this must inspire and often not even that. We have
respect even in the bitterest foe, just heard that, towards the end, they had, at
as the tenacious perseverance with most, one blanket apiece wherewith to
which the struggle for independence was cover themselves at night against the
maintained, compels admiration. biting cold. He who has taken part
We have heard that the clothes of in the veldt South Africa can
life in
the Boers were ragged, that many of imagine the misery and privations. And
them only put on their shoes before yet the struggle was long maintained.
fighting, to save their last pair, already The Boers' sacred , fanatical love of
almost worn out. We have heard that, their country kept them in the field.
during the last months of the struggle, Who shall deny the majesty of such
from the lowest burgher to the Com- a resistance?

TrtREE GKNBRATIONS AT THE WAR. The grandfather was 66, the father 48,
the son 15 years of age. The grandfather was too old lor compulsory enlistment:
the son too young; but neither deemed himself too old or too young to cany and
use a rifle for love of the mother-land. The father killed three English soldiers
before six others succeeded in overpowering him.


the end of May 1899,

ATstructed wasI
by my editor to accompany
in- But I felt so full
wind car-
spirits that the first puff of
of sheer animal

the President on his journey to Bloem- ried all sombre humours away with it
fontein, where the conference with Sir to dispel them in the vastness of the
Alfred Milner, the British High Com- African landscape. Dr. Heymans, the
missioner, was to take place. As the oculist, Mr. W. J. Fockens, the Presi-
representative of the Volksstem, I travelled dent's secretary, and I sat cheerfully
in the President's train. talking on the platform of the Presi-
The day of our departure was a dent's carriage, our eyes wandering over
glorious winter's day, full of radiant the veldt, majestic, all- subduing in its
sunshine that cheered the heart. The grandeur, in which trees, houses, kopjes
wide, pale veldt, the vast blue sky, the even, are lost as specks, as nothings.
fresh breeze which wafted wholesome Behind us, in the saloon, sat Oom
and invigorating perfumes to us from Paul, State Attorney J. C. Smuts and
out of Nature's infinity, the gentle move- the two members of the Executive Raad,
ment of the saloon-carriage: all tended A. D. W. Wolmarans and Schalk Willem
to produce an exhilarating mood. Burger.
I knew that the coming conference Our conversation grew livelier, inter-
with Sir Alfred Milner would be of mingled with frequent laughter, when
the utmost moment for South Africa; we found ourselves approaching a station.
a few days before our departure, State 1 stood up to see where we were, and,
Secretary Reitz had said to me: as it happened, my glance fell upon
"This is perhaps the last chance; the old President. I started: never had
if this conference produces no result, I him so serious, so bent, so old.
I shall expect war as almost a cer- Itwas painfully silent inside the saloon:
tainty." none of those present uttered a word.

President Kruger's eyes were more At the reception he even seemed

inflamed than they had been for a long jovial, and those who had gone to this
time since Dr. Heymans had treated function to read on his face how the
them; they stared ont before them with political situation stood went home with
an expression of utter sadness and pro- easy minds. Oom Paul was cheerful.
found grief. My cheerful humour fled, Oom Paul was confident. It was not
and I too was overcome with a sense the first time that President Kruger had
of melancholy. 1 knew Oom Paul only shown the world that it must not hope
as the pleasant talker, always full of to read on his face what was passing
jokes and anecdotes when travelling; as inside him. At the "rout" at President
a man who shortened the longest journey Steyn's, the same masterly acting, the
with his tales of hunting adventures same control of his emotions.
and personal recollections; as a man The two Presidents and their coun-
who could laugh so heartily and ge- cillors worked daily until late at night.
nuinely that he made others join in I did not again see President Kruger
his laughter, even if a great part of in his own circle until two days had
the story was lost because the Presi- passed. It was Sunday morning. Oom
dent speaks so indistinctly. Paul was sitting outside on the veran-
We steamed through the station. dah. The first thing that struck me
A number of people stood on the plat- was that he had laid aside his inse-
form and respectfully bared their heads. parable pipe. He sat quite alone, which
His Honour acknowledged the greet- was also not his custom. His eyes were
ing, but not with his usual friendly very red and the lids greatly swollen.
nod and merrily -twinkling eye. His I could see that he had been crying.
bow was absent-minded and sad. Our Dr. Heymans told me later that, in
talk outside dropped the ; sublime the morning, he had said to him:
landscape, the free air of heaven no "President, you've been greeting,
longer held us; our mood was gone and that's very bad for your eyes."
and did not return until much later "Yes," answered President Kruger,
when, at Kroonstad, where the train simply and very sadly, "I don't sleep now,
was stopped during the night so as not doctor: I cry the whole night through."
to disturb the President's sleep, we sat I went and sat with the President,
in the railway refreshment-room, listen- but the conversation flagged. There
ing to the gay conversation of Land- were long pauses of gloomy silence.
drost Papenfuss, of Bloemfontein, and At last he rose, on the pretext that
Major Albrecht, the Commandant of the the sun hurt his eyes, and went indoors.
Free State Artillery, who had received I went in search of Danie Wolma-
President Kruger at Viljoensdrift, the rans, who was walking in the garden,
frontier-station. also alone. He too had tears in his
The next day, during the second eyes and spoke with an ill- controlled
half of the journey, I was struck by tremor in his voice. Schalk Burger
the same appearance of gloomy serious- appeared from another part of the
ness worn by the President. But, at orchard, waxen pale against the black
Bloemfontein, when no longer in the of his hair and beard.
midst of his own circle, he became the Their sadness seized upon me. It
diplomatist once more. He strove to was a torture to see those tall, strong
assume a lively air while he was being men, with their past of sorrow and
welcomed at the station, and, thanks to strife, so utterly downcast. I shall
ihs iron will, succeeded; but the people never forget that morning. As I went
who saw him thought he had grown old. away, I heard Danie say to Fockens:

VIEWS Of HEIDELBERG. 1. Heidelberg a prospermia village lying ill the midst of the
Gold Fields, is the capital of the district of that name. 2. The building from which the
Vierkleur waves is the Landdrost's Court. 3 & 5. The little water-falls here reproduced
belong to the sights of the place. 4. The little sand-stone church gleams white in the
middle of the great market-place. It was at Heidelberg that President Kruger in the commen-
cement of 1898, unfolded the programme which granted a liberal franchise law-reforms and

other reforms of a far-reaching character.


"Andif we had done as they asked, o'clock the next day. The die was cast.
they would not have been contented. There was no drawing back.
There were other things to be settled, In August, after the offer of the
the High Commissioner said." five years' franchise had been made,
At that moment I did not know when the Times had expressed its
what Danie meant; now I understand satisfaction and the compliance of the
that he referred to the five years' Transvaal seemed to have improved
franchise and Sir Alfred Milner's remark even Mr Chamberlain's mood, a moment
that, in addition to the franchise, there of relief had been experienced at Pre-
were other things to be discussed, even toria: a very short moment, however,
though that were the principal one. for the telegram of the Outlander Com-
We left Bloemfontein by special mittee, with its impossible demands,
train at eight o'clock on the evening combined with Sir Alfred Milner's
of the 5th of June. The President irreconcilable attitude, had once more
went straight to bed, and I did not aroused the war spirit in England. More
seehim again till the next morning. troops were dispatched to South Africa.
He was less sad: the fact that both Mr. Chamberlain delivered his violent
President Steijn and the Free State speeches. The extended military posts in
Volksraad had approved of his line of Natal were pushed still nearer the
conduct during the negociations forti- Transvaal frontier, and the demands of
fied him. And had not Sir Alfred the British Government were constantly
Milner allowed it to appear, when increasing. The Johannesburg million-
closing the Conference, that in any aires, with Rhodes, their financial king,
case a good foundation had been laid at their head, triumphed. The Trans-
for further negociations? I knew this vaal must be destroyed.
two days later, when the report of the On such a day as this I had to
Bloemfontein Conference was published. congratulate Oom Paul! I felt that I
I then understood why Oom Paul had would almost rather die.
been in better spirits on his return "If we have war now, England will
from his journey to Canossa: all was not let go till she has strangled us,"
not yet lost. He was firmly decided to he had said a few weeks earlier, when
strain every nerve to save South Africa matters were not yet hopeless; and he
from a terrible disaster. If only Mr. added, "God alone can save us."
Chamberlain and Sir Alfred Milner had When I entered the great reception-
entertained the same noble resolve! room and saw President Kruger seated
in his big arm-chair, I remembered
# those final words. There he sat, up-
right, burly as ever. True, the features
It was the 10th of October, the were more wrinkled than before the ,

President's birthday. Dr. Engelenburg, eyes seemed sadder, but the wide mouth
the Editor of the Volksstem, had al- stood more firmly marked than ever in
ready gone to the South-East of the that rugged face. I could see in this
Republic with the early commandoes. signal representative of his people how
The duty of congratulating the Head bitter the coming struggle was to be,
of the State fell upon myself. Oom the fight for independence which would
Paul had asked that all public cele- "stagger humanity."
brations might be abandoned. The It was the day after the Battle of
times were too grave for merry-making. Elandslaagte (21 October 1899). Com-
The ultimatum had been dispatched. plete panic reigned at Pretoria. The
The limit of time would be up at five most exaggerated rumours prevailed.
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The German Corps had been cut to a special edition which showed that
pieces. Of the Hollander Corps, the the first tidings had been wantonly
few who where still alive had fallen exaggerated and that, tragic though
into the enemy's hands. The news it were the, Battle of Elandslaagte
became more unfavourable as the day was a glorious feat of arms for the
advanced. But, towards mid-day, the Boers.
olksstem received a very full tele- We of the staff of the Volksstem
gram from its special correspondent, felt that day thatmight be necessary

from which it appeared that the po- to appear on Sunday in order to sup-
sitionwas not so serious as those in press any mischievous and intentional
the capital imagined. I at once took panic. The people of the Transvaal
this telegram to the President's, where are a Christian people and we were ,

I found the Landdrost of Pretoria and unwilling to offend the religious pre-

PAARDEKKAAL, NEAR KRUGEESDORP. In the middle of the plain stands the monument
raised on the historic heap of stones. When England, in 1880, refused to restore the in-
dependence of the Transvaal, the burghers assembled here in large numbers, on the 13th of
December, and swore that they would gain their liberty or die. Each took up a stone and
threw it upon the others, as a token that he had registered his vow. Every five years, on
the anniversary of Dingaau's Day (16 December 1838), the Transvaalers assemble here to
render thanks to God for the victory gained in 1881. The photograph represents one of these

one or two other important functionaries judices of others. I therefore went to

sitting silent, with downcast faces. It ask permission to appear on Sunday if
was the commencement of the war and necessary. State Secretary Reitz had
the first defeat. Oom Paul was calm, no objection; he only wished me to
and he, the eldest, the man who felt consult President Kruger. The "fanatical
the loss most was advising everyone
, Calvinist," as the late Mr. Rhodes's
to wait for more reliable news. The admirers love to call the President,
first accounts had come from fugitives, could not understand why the State
'and the man who runs away", said the Secretary had sent me to him. The
President, "looks upon a tree as the issue would be for the good of the
devil. I have never believed the stories country. He cordially approved of the
of runaways," he added. suggestion.
The facts brilliantly justified the In the Volksraad the President's

President. At eleven o'clock the same large arm - chair , to right of the
evening, the Volksstem appeared with Speaker's chair, generally remained

empty. As a rule, the work of the ready to reply or at once to afford

legislature was as uninteresting as the desired information. Sometimes he
in most countries. Only when the was even too quick, so that the Speaker
President entered did the atmosphere had to motion to him to keep his seat.
become laden with an importance which I have never known him at a loss for
formed a sharp contrast with the im- an answer.
pression immediately preceding his He seemed younger in the Raad
arrival.The member who was speaking- than at home. Sometimes he was
would at once cease; the secretary cast able cleverly to postpone his replies in
a glance behind him over his right order to gain time for thought. His
shoulder, the deafness in such
Speaker gave a cases stood him in
little tap with his good stead. With
hammer on the a half-movement
table , the Presi- of his body, he
dent stepped to- would turn to the
wards his chair Chairman and ask
with simple
a what the last
"Good day, gent- speaker had said.
lemen," which re- And , when once
sounded weightily he had, after due
through the reflection ,
House. All the his answer he ,

members rose never had occasion

from their seats, to go back upon
and the Head of it, however expert

the State sat down the Opposition

beside the Speaker might show them-
and shook him by selves.
the hand. I know It would be
not whether it difficult to find a
was this greeting tougher or more
or the fact that indefatigable de-
he usually brought fender of a motion
important docu- than Oom Paul.
ments with him The Orders of the
I have always Voiksraad gave
noticed this sharp THE PAARDEKRAAL MONUMENT. him the right to
contrast without speak as often as
being able to account for the reason. he himself thought necessary. He was
It used also to strike me how entitled to answer each member separate-
greatly the forcible attitude of the ly.And so it happened that, when the dis-
President in the Raad differed from cussion was lively, His Honour probably
his attitude at home. He no longer established a record for parliamentary
sat huddled in his chair, with the eloquence. Once, when the revision of
troubled eye that gave evidence of his the Standing Orders was in question,
thought. He sat straight up, playing the Member for Barberton, Mr. 1\. K.
with some bit of paper which he found Loveday, moved that the President's
before him, apparently heedless, but privilege of debate should be limited like
really full of attention. He was ever that of the other members. He showed


Allegro moderato. Words and Music by K. F. van KEES.
Translation by E. J.

BE =^a3T7 ntrnrr r_XB= &1

Dostknowthat folk of he -roes' might, And yet so long cast down? It gives its

— z ZZJ-^-j ,__D 3_, » J_,

gZ3Z ^=g=^f~h-=== l_J ±zEEEEqE ri bdi p^=^ZJg__EEgE3

blood and weal outright, Great li-ber-ty to crown. Come, bur-ghers, set your ban-ners



streaming, Our suf-fer-ings are past; Pro-claim your glorious heroes gleaming We're free-born folk : at

-a — S-Fw-^-pi —#--#—Y]y<—»-+-Sv —h— *— *— -* — -p*'**-* — *-+-*-— — — »—\



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last! We're free-born folk. We're free-born folk. We're free-born, free-born folk at last!


SPJ^^}£teB^}gfe^^ :i^^^l

Dost know that land of dwellers rare Dost know that State still but a child
And yet so wondrous bright, In the world's comity,
Where Nature's marvels past eompare But yet by mighty Britain mild
Are lavishly in sight? Erstwhile declared free?
Transvaalers, loud your joy be singing, Transvaalers, noble was your fighting,
There where our brave men stand, Though held in scorn so great;
Where festive volleys loud are ringing, But God, Who's given us our righting,
There is our Motherland! Be praised for our free State!
That glorious land, Praise be to God,
That glorious land. Praise be to God,
There is, that is our Motherland! Praise be to God for land and State!

that His Honour had spoken no less sore after a defeat, and
hearing him
than forty- eight times to a single speak with genuine of the
motion. refusal of the Raad to accept one of
Discussion would sometimes wax his proposals. It was when the Gov-
violent in the President's presence. ernment, at the end of the Session of
Then he himself would give way to 1898, in the course of the revision of
vehemence, speaking excitedly and, with the Constitution, bad proposed to repeal
brusque movements and angry words, the restrictions touching the religious
displaying all his original impetuosity qualifications for members of the Volks-
of character. But, when one of the raad ,
public officials, etc. The First
members called his attention to his Raad wished first to consult the con-
excited attitude the President never
, stituencies in the matter of this con-
failed at once to perceive and honestly cession , whereas the President wanted
to acknowledge his error. to see his bill passed forthwith.
At such moments, Danie Wolmarans' His voice sounded more urgently
attitude, at the time when he was still that day than I had ever heard it:
a member of the Volksraad, was always pleading and almost weak. But the
very creditable: Raad stood by its resolve. The Presi-
"We are here to give our opinion, dent strove to justify his arguments,
President, and we must do so calmly," but his usually so loud and growling
he once said, after he had listened to voice was so sad as to impress the
Com Paul's outburst, standing motion- members, who came up to him in the
less in his place. dinner-hour with a "we couldn't do
I atonce looked towards His Honour, other than we did, President".
whom observation had sud-
this quick What a mighty, wonderful in-
denly calmed. It was a grand moment: fluence was Oom Paul's in the Volks-
the President felt sorry for his loss of raad and how well he knew how to

self-control, and Danie had succeeded exercise that influence for good in
in striking the exact note which gave matters of importance, and, thanks to
evidence of his resolution and, at the his superiority, to obtain that to which
same time, of his respect for the person others could not so easily have brought
of Oom Paul and of the venerable the Volksraad to consent! Though the
Head of the State. people now and then became stubborn
It did not often happen that a through the shameless exploiting of
Government motion defended by the "grievances," Oom Paul remained ever
President was rejected; but it happened the same and strove to remove those
often enough to give the lie to the grievances where he could. This would
contention that His Honour held the cost him trouble, exertion and care;
Volksraad in leading-strings. I re- but his iron will triumphed in the end.
member once seeing the President very One of the measures to which the

people were strongly opposed at the The President had foreseen this
commencement was the bill which opposition and continued, both in public
provided that, in the schools in the and in the home circle, so energetically
Gold Fields, the instruction in the four and indefatigably to defend the idea that
upper classes should be in English. The at last he won his cause after he had
people did not understand this measure pleaded it in the Second Volksraad also.
and regarded it as an insult to the The instances here quoted are those
national tongue. Besides, the shameless in which the Head of the State had
treachery of Jameson Raid of
the to battle most strenuously against
December 1895 was too recent in various currents. I could add hundreds
their memories when the proposition of cases of a less important character.
was laid before the people for their But I think I have shown sufficiently
approval. But President Kruger was that President Kruger always strove to
able to combat and remove all pre- meet the Outlanders, and that, even
judices. He defended Dr. Mansvelt's where the latter had spoiled the ground,
Gold Fields Education Bill with all his he smoothed it again with all the might
enthusiasm and persuasive power, and of his will, his character and his
slowly , after many explosions , the influence with his people.
people became reconciled to the idea. After the raid at Derdepoort in the
The bill was passed unanimously, Rustenburg District, on the 25th of No-
without discussion. vember 1899, at which eleven members
President Kruger received no thanks of the President's family were murdered
from the English. On the contrary, by the Linchwe Kaffirs, I again called
shortly before the South African diffi- upon His Honour. Mrs. Kruger was
culties, Mr. Chamberlain declared that, utterly crushed. The President himself
in the South African Republic, in- suppressed both sorrow and indignation,
struction was given only in Dutch in in order to discuss plans with the
the Government schools. The only Executive Raad to put a stop to
thanks uttered were the straightforward these murders. He forced himself to
words of Mr. Carl Jeppe, the Member preserve an outward calm and was the
forJohannesburg who , , after the bill most composed of them all. Piet
had been passed, said: Grobler and Hans Malan, his grandsons,
"In the name of the inhabitants of who were born in the Rustenburg
the Gold Fields, I thank the Government District, were excited and thought only
and the Superintendent of Education of reprisals. The President assured
(Dr. Mansvelt) for what they have clone, them that the Linchwe Kaffirs should
through this bill, for the Outlanders of be punished, but that the time was not
the Gold Fields." yet come.
The law regulating the establishment There you have the President:
and maintenance of the Johannesburg immovable, firm in council, calm and
Municipality also owes its existence sensitive. A mighty influence proceeded
mainly to the President's influence. from him and electrified all his surround-
The Second Volksraad and the people ings, all his people. That influence
behind it saw in this plan a disguised showed notably in this long and
carrying into effect of Chamberlain's anxious time of struggle. Full of
Home Rule scheme for the Witwaters- confidence in God, Who alone could
rand. near members of Oom
Even save His people, he continued to believe,
Paul's family, persons who visited his resigned to defeat, thankful for victory.
house daily, were among the most He, the man who had shared all
violent agitators against this plan. the weal and woe of his people from
COINS OP THE SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC. 1 and 2 are bronze, 3 to 8 silver, !) anil 10
gold. During the war, unstamped gold coins were in circulation.


at six o'clock in the morning, every caller was welcome.

his earlyyouth, was forced to leave sympathy could alleviate his pain. He
his country. His age, his failing eye- could do no more for his country and
sight prevented him from fighting his people but pray the live-long day.
amid his Transvaalers as he did in Those who have known Kruger, the
1880. He was obliged to live far from indefatigable thinker and worker, at
his wife, far from his house, in a Pretoria, cannot now picture his sorrowful
strange, chilly country, not all whose existence. His Bible is his only

consolation: in Holland, the Good Book but the capture of two of her grand-
never left his side. It is thence that sons was long kept secret from her by
he draws his strength. the President, because she, like most
And Mrs. Kruger shared her husband's Boers and Boer women, had more dread
conviction. When Mrs. A. D.W.Wolmarans of the fate of a prisoner of war than
arrived in Holland from Pretoria, she of death on the battle-field.
brought the grand old Kruger his In former years, Tante Sanna had
wife's assurance that she continued to shared all dangers with her husband. She
believe in the triumph of the republican bore all his sorrows with him, even
arms though she often did not know their
Oom Paul did not, however, like nature and only read them in his face.
the late General Joubert, stand in need She loved her country as well as he,
of the stimulation and encouragement she knew her people as well as he
of his wife, however dear she might does.
be to him. He, with his giant nature, I have been unable to picture
was in every respect the stronger. President Kruger without Tante Sanna.
And yet he found it difficult to do Each was the other's complement: he
without Tante Sanna, as Mrs. Kruger iron in body and mind, she weak, with
was called her care, her devotion,
: her belief, firm as a rock, in him, with
her old and tried dependence were so her cares, which she is no longer able
dear to him. Nevertheless, he kept his to give him. She died at Pretoria on
wife and politics apart, and would never the 19 th of July 1901.
go to her for advice in affairs of State,
as Oom Piet nearly always did to Mrs.
Tante Sanna derived her strength
and her confidence from her husband,
and, next to her religion, it was his
resignation that gave her the courage
to bear the heavy losses which the
war had brought her. She was admir-
able in the way in which she looked
up to her husband and leant upon
his strength.
She was dejected when the news
came that, in one of the early engage-
ments, ten of our burghers had been
killed. She still regarded the war in
the light of our old Kaffir fights,
where the Boers suffered hardly auy
loss, and, when Oom Paul observed
that she could think herself lucky if
the struggle did not cost 10,000 men,
she was silent and something seemed
to break within her. Not till that THE DOPPER CHURCH AT PBETOBIA.
Immediately opposite the President's house in

moment had she realized what this war Church Street West, stands this church, built of
cheerful red brick adorned with sandstone. Here
was to mean. President Kruger himself has often mounted the
pulpit to speak of God's Word to the cougre-
She bore the death and maiming gation. The edifice was known in every-day
of her children and grand-children with conversation as the "President's Church." It
was built in 1897, President Kruger contributing
resignation, for the sake of her countrv; I III. IIDII to the .-(.St.


LIKE the late President Brand, Pre- Steijn personally, and found it difficult
sident Steijn felt as much at home to talk of the "President," as is custom-
in the dwelling of the poorest Boer as ary.
in his own circle. When Steijn was This wide-spread acquaintance, how-
still and went on circuit, he
a judge ever, had its disadvantages. The
loved to go and rest in the simple burgher who had a complaint to make
dwellings where the Boer complained against the commissariat which refused
to him of the drought and the locusts him a new suit of clothes, or the
and the wife talked to him of the commandant who refused to give him
neighbours and the "folk." 1 To hold leave, made his way to Bloemfontein
simple converse with these people was and laid his grievance before "Teunis,"
to him a relief from his official duties. as he used to do in his own house.
He talked politics with them, learnt The complainant was not justified as
their ideas, their needs, and always against his superior: that would have
showed himself the born Africander, undermined prestige; but he never
free of all pride in his superior know- went away uncomforted. If the Head
ledge. of the State only knew of it, changes
To this intercourse the President would be made. And then the Presi-
owed the he was well-known
fact that dent had such a fatherly way of soothing
throughout his country and that he and consoling that most of the mal-
remained simply "Teunis" even after he contents derived a sense of resignation
had been elected Head of the Orange from it and left the house with the
Free State. Almost every Boer knew conviction that things were not so bad
after all and that, as a matter of fact,
The Kaffirs. the commissariat or the commandant was

in the right. But the hearing of all these country required the help of all, from
tales cost the President a great deal of time, the highest to the lowest burgher; his
so that he generally had to work till noble last attempt to ensure peace, when
late at night. war seemed no longer to be averted and
The advantage of this personal when he conducted his masterly corre-
acquaintanceship was that Steijn, who spondence with the High Commissioner
was a quick and excellent judge of at Cape Town.
character, knew the good and bad He never allowed himself to be led
qualities of all his officers. This was away by exasperation. He kept his
the reason why his choice of command- head cool during all the difficult days
ers was usually so excellent. This was from May 1899 to the outbreak of the
the reason why he was able to state war. Had there been but one chance of
with decision that such and such a arriving at an honourable solution of the
commandant was not fit for his post. difficulties, he would have seized upon
This was the reason why he could deprive it and employed his powerful influence

an officer of his rank in the full con- in that direction.

viction that he was doing right, as he He never showed himself hostile to
did on several occasions, by virtue of the English race; on the contrary, he
the powers given him by the Consti- entertained friendly feelings for it, how-
tution. ever true and genuine an Africander
The President was very rarely he may be. He was the man who,
mistaken. He discovered new talents, with his European education, his know-
and predicted the incapacity of command- ledge of the character of Boer and
ers in whom the burghers had the Briton, could have brought about
firmest confidence. De Wet and Hertzog the amalgamation of the two races in
are instances of men upon whom he South Africa. There was nothing he
depended when no one else as yet saw would have rather seen. His loyalty
anything in them. His knowledge of and honour, his lofty character pointed
character, of course, became more exten- to him as the right intermediary be-
sive since, and we may taken it for tween Africander and Englishman. The
granted that he gathered the best coun- truth and honesty of his convictions
cillors around him, just as De Wet never gave cause for suspicion. And
placed the strongest personalities at the now this man has been the soul of the
head of the several commandoes from Africander resistance to the British rule.
the moment when the appointment ot His respect for Great Britain, his belief
all officers was placed in the hands of in England's generosity: these he has
the chief commandant and no longer lost for ever.
left to the choice of the burghers. He was
never a daring optimist, like
Steijn himself is the personification his predecessor, Reitz.He foresaw that
of loyalty and honour. He is a loyal there would be reverses. They did not
burgher of his country, a loyal patriot, come upon him unexpectedly; and his
a loyal friend. No matter how high he calm, firm belief in the greatness of
might rise, his old friends, who had Africanderdom remained unshaken, even
been unable to follow him in his ascent in the face of uncontemplated disaster.
of the social ladder, could always reckon During his short political career,
on his affection. Loyalty and honour President Steijn showed himself
to be
have marked all his actions: his sacred a statesman who desired progress
will to carry out his political programme; of his country and who was able to
his determination to take up the rifle further that progress. Under his govern-
when the need was so urgent that the ment, bills were passed for the institution

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Words by H. A. L. HAMELBERG.
Music by W. F. G. NICOLAI.
Tempo >li marcia
Translation by E. J.

[E ^=V
1. Raise, raise, O bur-ghers, freedom's strain, Sing how our lit -tie

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folk doth reign! From fo - reign fet - ters free, In just - ice, law and

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der strong,
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From small things though our Land arose, Into our hearts do Thou inspire
We boldly face the Future's throes: A warm and pure religious lire;
To God our eyes we raise, And make us, here on earth,
Who trust Him as a strong fortress, The battle-field for life above,
Who build on Him, fear no distress, Grow t<> deserve that life of love,
Whom never storm dismays. Of happiness and worth.

Afire with love for our dear land, Should insolence our honour slight,
We march as brothers hand in hand Or violence drive us to the fight,
Through Fortune's smiles or stress. Our tempered steel to prove,
In trust and honour firmly bound, Then go we forth as lions bold:
As brothers we most surely found Our blood and goods as nought we hold
The nation's happiness. Beside the Land we love.

Protect, God, our country's Raad; With God for folk and fatherland!
Wisdom divine to itimpart, This war-cry strengthens aye our hand
Led by Thy father-hand, Even in the hottest fray.
So that its works may hallowed be The man who thus to arms doth fly
And blessed to the commonalty Has God, his buckler, him anigh,
And our dear mother-land. Is sure to gain the day.

Thy mercy and Thy love accord Then hail, thrice hail to our country,
To our dear President, O Lord; Folk, President, Raad in unity!
Let him through Thee be great. Even as in our song,
The duties which shall on him rest May the Free State and all its folk,
May he discharge with trust and zest Free from corroding vice's yoke,
For weal of folk and State. Flourish for ages long.

and maintenance of technical schools, which would have made the eastern
a model farm and an agricultural granary of all South Africa.
districts the
experimental station. In peace and in war, Steijn has
After deliberation with the German shown himself a great man, a noble
Government, he secured the services of man.
an excellent economist, a German civil In spite of his European education,
servant, for the establishment of the his easy ways, his pleasant manners,
model farm. And, whenever this offi- which made him a welcome guest and
cial had to combat the antipathy of a popular host, he remained faithful to
some of the Boers for such novelties the simple manners and customs of his
and for all that smacked of theory, it people. The mode of life was as plain
was President Steijn who supported the in Steijn's presidential residence at
economist, arranged everything accord- Bloemfontein as in Kruger's house at
ing to his wishes, and made him forget Pretoria. Steijn's house too was open
any unpleasantness by his personal to burgher.
every It was also the
kindness. meeting -place of the patres conscripti,
It was the same with the govern- who came there to read and chat and
ment veterinary surgeon, also a German; smoke when the business of the State
the same with the rest of the European was done. His doors were always wide
officials. The President was their re- open for foreign visitors, even as his
fuge and their consolation. If this un- glance is open for all, as his honest
happy war had never broken out, eyes reflect his loyal soul.
through Steijn's influence a net-w ork r
But, with all his simplicity, he showed
of railways would have been built, an innate distinction. His tall, broad

figure, his bearing


, his movements mark began to turn against the Boer. With

him out at once as an uncommon man. the "hands-uppers," President Steijn was
He is never lost in a crowd; on the always to blame, if the word blame
contrary, the crowd as it were groups may be spoken in this connection.
itself around him. Those Free Staters forgot that the
The mutual relations between the offensive and defensive alliance con-
two Presidents were curious and inter- cluded with the South African Republic
esting. Kruger was the simple Boer, after the Jameson Raid bound both
grown grey in politics, hardened by a republics mutually to stand by one
life full of cares, privation and suffering. another in case of war. They forgot
Steijn was the educated, cultured man that the great majority of the people
of Europe. One had studied in the of the Orange Free State and the South
school of theory, the other in that of African Republic had charged the ex-
harsh practice. Steijn was the typical ecutives of both States to contract this
representative of the younger Africander bond. They forgot that, before the
generation which was one day to hold outbreak of hostilities, the legislators
sway; Kruger the venerable type of the of the Free State had gone twice to
sturdy founders of two free nations. ask the opinion of their constituents,
Steijn showed his respect and esteem and that these, with the exception of
for his grey-haired colleague. Whenever a very small minority, had unanimously
he and the aged Kruger met, Steijn declared in favour of aiding the South
would surround the latter with all the African Republic by force of arms, if
care of a son for his old father. When war should become inevitable
Kruger groped about painfully with his One can understand that sheer egoists
hands and peered with difficulty from condemn the action of the Free State.
between his swollen eye-lids, it was But, wherever lofty and unselfish feel-
President Steijn who would be the first ings are valued, the attitude of the
to spring from his chair and ask: Free State will be understood and
"What's President looking for?" Steijn regarded not as a fool, but as
With touching care and gentleness, the true patriot, who furiously grasps
he would give Oom Paul his arm to the sword when a people of his own
help him in or out of his carriage, and, blood is attacked by a superior enemy,
Avhen the old President spoke, the when the existence of the Africanders
younger listened with genuine respect is in danger. For none will dare to
and unfeigned attention. assert that the independence of the Free
The great love of both for their Statewould not have been doomed so
country and people had brought them soon as the South African Republic
so close together, those two men so had become British territory and the
different in character and training. In land between the Vaal and Orange
the sorrowful days of the Bloemfontein Rivers bordered on
every side b}*

Conference, the young President was British possessions. Apart, therefore,

the elder's consolation. In those days, from all questions of sentiment, the
their friendship grew into a life-long resolve of the Free State to remain
sympathy. free or to perish with the Transvaal is
There are some who call it folly to be defended from a purely political
for the Orange Free State to have point of view.
thrown in her lot in the war with the Steijn's noble figure stands out pro-
South African Republic. Even some minently in the late contest. Even
Free Staters were of this opinion, Europe intuitively felt that he was the
especially when the fortunes of war soul of this heroic struggle of a small
W sar 1

> _
5 GO
£ a

people for its inde-

pendence, and the
opponents of his
federal policy whole-
heartedly acknow-
ledged his notable
adhesion to principles
~ o
? o for which he might
any day have been
called upon to sa-
crifice his life.

And yet his train-

ing was not such
as to inure him to
all the hardships
which he suffered and
is now suffering. At
an early age, he left
his country to qualify
as a lawyer in Hol-
land, but was called
to the bar in Lon-
don. On his return
to the Free State,
he set up as a bar-
rister, was appointed
a judge and, in 1896,
elected State Presi-
dent. The greater
part of his life, there-
fore, has been spent
not on the veldt and
in the open air, but
in offices and law-
E a
P3 a)
It is a regrettable
but, alas, an unde-
niable symptom that
many Republicans
who enjoyed a cer-
tain measure of
prosperity abandoned
the contest so soon
as their own property
was in danger. Many
of these well-to-do
burghers had all
the self-sufficiency
of the moneyed
class and lacked the

spirit and power of endurance of the an Washington. A sunstroke brought

ordinary Boers. Not so with President on an attack of paralysis, and, on
Steijn. Cheerfully, on his departure arriving, on the 9th of April 1902,
from Bloemfontein, on the evening of at Klerksdorp, where the conference
the 12th of March 1900, he left all with the Transvaal Government was
his comforts, all his possessions behind to take place, he received news thai
him. This was the first material sacri- his wife was lying seriously ill with
fice which his country, his people, his typhoid at Bloemfontein. Truly, Presi-
liberty demanded of him, and he joy- dent Steijn has been sorely tried: he
fully accepted his fate. After the occup- has been compelled to abandon the
ation of Kroonstad (12 May 1900), a ideal of freedom for which he fought
life of privation and wretchedness for nearly three years; he is perhaps
commenced for him. But he retained broken in health for life.
his spirits and, in adversity, set an May a consoling ray of light still
example to his burghers by the majesty break in upon the gloomy darkness
with which he bore all blows. He which surrounds this great and noble
compelled respect and admiration, and figure! Such an end as that which now
in the Transvaal and Orange Free State threatens a grand career surpasses
they believed in him as the man of tragedy.
the future.
All who have lately returned from
the Free State bear enthusiastic witness
to the nobility of Steijn's figure in the
midst of all these hardships. Calm,
full of confidence in the future , he
continued with unshakable courage to
fight the good fight. He accepted dis-
aster and reverses with resignation and
good humour. Victories and successes
filled him with calm gratitude. And
ever he showed himself the first burgher
in the land. He maintained his author-
ity with natural dignity. The civil
government was in his hands, and he
endeavoured , in spite of the difficult
circumstances, to keep up the model
government which the Free State has
always enjoyed. He remained the refuge
of those who sought for justice, the
umpire of his subordinates, the father
of his burghers, the father of his
And an unhappy accident suddenly
broke the strength of this South Afric- commandant IV fc'OUElE of the Freestate


"XX7E rusli into friendships on wings But, when he rose in importance and
^' when we are young, we go towards influence, he began to lose his blind
them on crutches as we grow old." faith in humanity, to enquire into
So spoke Dr. Leijds during the motives and to probe protestations. Un-
dinner which some intimate friends fortunately for him, a trusted friend
gave in his honour at the Grand Hotel had, at the very outset of his political
at Pretoria, just departure
before his career, abused his confidence and shaken
for Europe as Envoy Extraordinary his belief in the honesty of human
and Minister Plenipotentiary of the nature.
South African Republic. In later years, he lost another friend
It was not a very large assembly through the firmness with which he
that sat down to dinner. Among adhered to the cause he had sworn to
those present were high-placed officials defend. He was taught by sad experien-
and simple burghers, faithful friends ces the value of unselfish, sincere and
all,who did not flatter Dr. Leijds from honest friendship. Although his experi-
self-seeking motives, nor seek his society ences did not make him a misanthrope,
merely be able to boast of his
to they saddened his whole life, changed
acquaintance. the young, high-spirited man, whose
Before he filled the high and re- heart beat in quick response to every
sponsible position of State Secretary, all noble thought and ideal image, into the
could approach Dr. Leijds who desired serious man with the melancholy eyes;
to know him. Those who sought the deep sadness in their expression would
him then did so for his own sake strike you the instant you encountered
alone; there was no need to question them, and haunt you for long after.
their motives or distrust their sympathy. His flatterers increased in numbers: so

did enemies; and his heart grew

his in a fresh atmosphere of sincerity.
cold, but never to those whom he had Those were literally "stolen moments"
proved his trusted friends. He repaid which he was able now and then to
their devotion by an equally strong devote to his wife, his son and his
attachment, for he looked upon true little daughter. He felt this keenly,
friendship as the greatest gift this more than he allowed himself to show;
world could give. for Dr. Leijds is a most devoted hus-
His wife and children followed him band and an affectionate father. When
abroad: they were all that remained of at Pretoria, he spent every minute he
home; but it was an open question if could spare with his family.
his difficult task in Europe would allow He showed to the greatest advant-
him leisure to devote himself to his age in his domestic relations, when he

GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS AT PRETORIA. These buildings contained the offices of the

State officials, as well as the Chambers in which the representatives of the nation used to hold their
sessions. The raised flag shows that the Chambers were sitting when the photograph was
taken. At that moment, 10.45 a.m., several members were on the balcony, engaged iu earnest
conversation during the quarter of an hour's respite allowed them from their labours.

family. Time showed that it did not. could throw aside the trammels of his
During Dr. Leijds's residence in official life and be a child among his
Brussels, his duties kept him in close children. Dr. Leijds and his wife have
attendance at the office, and, in his succeeded in suppressing in their children
capacity of ambassador, his absences any sign of arrogance or self-conceit
were long and frequent. And I can which might so easily have shown it-

easily understand that he, the man who, self in them. He them up
by the aid of his own talents, mounted strictly. They worship him; to them
to the position of eminence which he the father is hero, teacher, friend. He
filled, must often have longed to flee watches over the progress of their edu-
the world of flatterers, to find, in the cation, takes the greatest pleasure in
intimacy of the home circle, a peaceful, talking to them on subjects likely to
genuine affection, to breathe once more interest and instruct them and the ,
DR. W. .1. LEIJDS. 63

hours are always only too short which is generally understood. His only aim
they are able to spend in one another's was to fulfil his arduous duties to the
society. How they must have missed best of his ability.
those delightful times during the period He is untiring in his capacity for
when he could only spare them a poor work. When other members of the
little quarter of an hour now and again! Government had retired for a well-earned
And all he will be able to leave rest,he would still be found at work
them is an unstained and honest name. with his confidential secretary or some
He is as scrupulous as Mr. A. D. W. other official; and anyone who saw the
Wolmarans in guarding the unsullied quickness with which he dispatched
integrity of his reputation. Every business would realize the enormous
speculator in the Transvaal who was amount of the work he got through.

THE LAW COURTS AT PRETORIA.. This building was finished just before the
English occupied Pretoria (5 June 1900), but had never been used. The British turned it
into a hospital. In a short time, this large building was full of sick and wounded.

desirous enriching himself at his

of Verbosity of speech he held in special
country's expense will bear witness to abhorrence. He understood to perfection
this. Over and over again, his answer the art of assuming an air of preoccupa-
to their solicitations has been: tion when people attempted unwarrant-
"Do not reckon on my support; on ably to trespass on his time, and he would
the contrary, be prepared for a deter- adopt an ultra-formal manner which
mined resistance, for I do not consider discouraged the most persistent talker.
that your proposals are to the advant- His eye seemed to penetrate to the
age of the country." very soul of the person with whom he
Such fearless independence made was conversing, stripping speech of its
him many enemies among those who superficialities and often getting nearer
were always ready to abuse the Trans- the core than the speaker intended.
vaal Government; and he never took Pretence and insincerity shrank away
the slightest pains to render himself abashed, when brought face to face with
popular, in the sense in which the word this silent man, whose virile face showed

walked past with an appearance

of such unapproachableness that
the most undaunted became
abashed and in many cases,

went away without having found

courage to proffer their requests.
Once outside, he was assailed
by others who fancied they
would have a better oppor-
tunity for their proposals and
their gossip by waiting and way-
laying him outside than if they
went to the office. If many of
these gentry were loitering about,
Dr. Leijds left the office by a
private door. At the Grand
Hotel at Pretoria, where he
stayed for a time during his
wife's absence in Europe, he
used a special door by which
to escape the importunate.
Outside business-hours, Dr.
Leijds was a most charming
companion and an interesting
conversationalist, who laid aside
all bureaucratic formality with
DASPOORT, near Pretoria, on the Pietersburg line. "Poort"
his frock-coat.
is the name given by the Africanders to aDy natural passage
between two mountains. The railway, which is hewn out of Next to President Kruger.
the rock, offers a number of picturesque views. Pretoria lies
in a basin surrounded by mountains, which only afford narrow it was Dr. Leijds who cried an
entrances to the town. One of the five forts for the defence
of Pretoria stands at Daspoort.
emphatic ''Halt'' to Mr. Cham-
berlain's political presumption:
no trace of the thoughts which moved and what Oom Paul his State
his mind. His answers to all business Secretary put into very convincing
questions were always so much to the shape. His clever lead showed the
point that they needed no further Executive Raad where they might follow
explanation; if there were no answer, a and skate lightly over the thin ice of
polite word or two cut the matter short. existing difficulties.
A Transvaal secretary of State The grey- haired President felt for
needed more time to accomplish thirty Dr. Leijds an admiring respect, which
or forty steps than the rest of mankind he never lost an opportunity of ac-
require for a walk of many miles. knowledging by word and deed. When
State Secretary Reitz once gave me a the latter, in 1897, returned from Europe,
most amusing description of incidents where he had gone for reasons of
that happened to him during a walk health, Oom Paul drove down to the
from his office to the stairs (about fifty station in person to receive his first
paces) it took an hour. He was besieged
: and most valued official.
at every step by people desirous of It is easily understood that the
speaking with him and detaining him. activities of a diplomatist are no subject
Dr. Leijds always showed great tact for the town-crier. The extent and
in suppressing importunate persons. He exigencies of his very arduous task can
DR. W. J. LEIJDS. 65

never be appreciated to their full extent he had not once been able to take up
by the outside world. However, as the the bow. Ardent lovers of music will
President, in his speech at the open- understand what such a privation must
ing of the Volksraad in 1809, expressed have meant to an enthusiast.
his full approval of the exertions of the His life was one continual course
embassy of the South African Republic, of uninterrupted work, care and endeav-
Ave may rest assured that Dr. Leijds's our; but his will-power and virility
efforts, in spite of all difficulties, were carried him through triumphantly. He
often crowned with success. sacrificed everything to his sense of
Another proof was the unanimous duty, although he gained in return
"reinstallation" of the Embassy, the first nothing but the thanks and appreciation
institution of which, in 1898, was of the Government; for the others did
carried by only a small majority after not see the fruits of his activity. Dis-
a heated debate. illusionment, opposition and calumny
The sole recreation which Dr. Leijds were his portion. But, even as his
permitted himself in his difficult vocation brother Boers were determined fight to
was music. He plays the 'cello exceedingly the last, so was he, as their Ambassador
well, and is a passionate lover of the in Europe, upheld by the integrity of
musical art. He delights in taking his motives and his love for his country,
part in string quartettes at home. When resolved to strive against the intrigues
I last met him, he mentioned with regret and treacheries of his adversaries until
that, during the whole time of his embassy, all was either won or lost.

THE NEW ARCA.DIA BRIDGE AT PRETORIA. This bridge, always called the Lion
Bridge for convenience' sake, connects the old town with Arcadia, one of its suburbs.
Arcadia and Sunnyside are the two quarters which spread most quickly, one pretty villa
rising after the other. Here the wealthier inhabitants of the capital resided. The Arcadia
Bridge forms the end of Church Street East, which begins at the Church Square.


^EXT to President Kruger, A. D. W. with whom I became acquainted in the

-^ Wolmarans was the most important Transvaal, and, during all the years
figure in the Transvaal political world: of my stay in the country, I do not
a man of determined will, of extra- remember to have seen him laugh
ordinarily clear insight into difficult three times. Political troubles and
questions, coupled with an amount of difficulties have made him so serious
common-sense that compelled respect, as to deprive him of all cheerfulness.
with an innate oratorical talent, a general Danie is a pessimist. Yet this is the
ascendancy over his fellows and great reason why he does everything with
diplomatic gifts. He was Oom Paul's all the application which he can devote
right hand, and the only man who to it. His pessimism comes from his long
could beat "Slim Piet" Joubert in political a member of the
career as
debate. LegislativeBody where more was

A. D. W. Wolmarans is known in demanded of him than of all the rest

every-day life as "A. D. W." or "Danie." of the Volksraad together. It is also a
There is but one "Danie," and that is result of indifferent health.
Danie Wolmarans. If you mentioned As a member of our legislature,
that name in the South African Republic, Danie's influence was so great that it
everyone would know that you meant no was exceptional for his proposals not
other than the Member of the Executive to be accepted. No committee was chosen
Raad, although he owns his Christian but Danie sat on it and became its
name in common with thousands in chairman and its very soul. His speeches
South Africa and with numbers of were followed attentively by all the
political people. members, and never failed to influence
He was one of the first persons the further course of debate. His voice

is not tine, but it is powerful; and, instinctively that, in the erstwhile

although the turn of his phrases is Briton, thecountry possessed an un-
not above reproach, his language is commonly crafty and cautious enemy,
pithy and forcible, and his expression who, under the pretence of promoting
persuasive, full of fire and conviction. progress, worked into the hands of the
He could often very sharp.
be He capitalists and constantly sided with
always had a ready, and he
retort the sowers of discord. Hence Danie's
knew how to place his proposals in so often too violent hatred for his colleague,
attractive a light that, though his a hatred to which many a page in
adversary felt certain of the victory, the minutes of the First Volksraad
Danie invariably succeeded in diverting bears witness.
at least some of his adherents. Still, Danie was no persecutor of
I have heard him press the late the British, as the words show which
Dr. H. J. Coster, at that time State he addressed to me when I met him
Attorney, so hard that the latter had lately at the Hague and he told me
to confess that his advice had been how the English had treated the Avomen
unsound. As a result of all this, there and children:
was none but entertained a profound You would almost hate all the
respect for A. D. W.'s powerful and English after that."
lucid common-sense. So that he still draws a distinction
Danie is a fanatic. R. K. Loveday, between the honest and the perfidious
Member of the First Raad for the English.
Barberton District, always found in him In all questions of importance,
an enemy who was too strong for him. President Kruger found a powerful
Loveday remained an Englishman at assistance in Danie Wolmarans. While
heart and cared nothing for the in- he remained a member of the First
dependence of which A. D. W. was the Volksraad, all, even the most desperate,
vigorous defender. Wolmarans felt attempts to take over the Netherlands


never at a loss : if there are no oxen to move his waggon, he does it himself. They are
strong iron-fisted fellows, those giants of South Africa.
A. D. W. WOLMAkANS. 69

South African Railway Company, before gain by his election as a member of the
the Government was in a position itself Executive Raad, whereas Danie did.
to work it satisfactorily, were frustrated The former was better suited as Chair-
and, in the same way, all motions to man of the First Volksraad, while the
cancel dynamite -concessions, in cases latter maintained his personality in his
where no breach of contract could be new career: Schalk Burger failed in
proved, were rejected. A. D. W. was this and lost his personal independence.
for progress, but for gradual progress, I remember hearing Dr. Leijds say,
not head over heels. "Look before you at his farewell dinner at Pretoria, when
leap" was always his motto. about to proceed to Europe as Minister
General Joubert acknowledged
Danie's superiority. The general
seldom appeared in the Volksraad.
He only put in an appearance
when he was sent for or when
the debate involved some matter
of importance. In opinion he was
generally diametrically opposed to
A. D. W. and his followers. "Slim
Piet" had a habit of sitting calmly
in his chair and playing with a
sheet of paper on his desk before
him, when attacked by any other
than Danie Wolmarans. No sooner
did the latter rise, however, than
the general turned his head towards
the speaker, only looking down
occasionally to take a note for his
reply. This reply was usually
far from pleasant. Still I have
never seen the g-eneral emerge
victorious from one of those
wordy contests, although he was
considered an excellent debater.
Schalk Willem Burger, who
was an even older Member of the SCHALK WILLEM BURGER.
Executive Raad than Danie, always
took sides with Joubert and, with him, Plenipotentiary of the Transvaal, that
constituted the power in our Government; he had never endeavoured to make
this came to an end, however, so soon himself popular. This is as true of
as Danie, with his much more brillant Danie. He is polite, but a man of
qualities, was elected to the Executive few words. To win anyone's favour, or
Raad. In proportion as Schalk Burger, to make a good impression by means of
who clung convulsively to General exceptional civility, does not lie in his
Joubert, lost his influence, A. D. W. nature. He is passionate and sometimes
became the same strong personality bitter in his passion. This fact, combined
in the governing body that he had, for with his continuous success and his
so many years, been in the legislative great influence, procured him enemies
body, the First Volksraad. and jealousies in the Volksraad. It is
Politically, Schalk Burger did not due to this that he was never elected

Chairman, although he was undoubtedly alleged have accepted carriages as

members and had been
the ablest of the presents, and this question was raised
Vice-chairman for many years. in the Legislature by the accused
Danie always felt wronged at these members themselves, Danie stated that
elections. It was evident that they he too had been offered a carriage
pained him. he bore none of his
Still after the concession had been granted.
fellow-members any grudge. He had refused, because he was of
opinion that a member of the Raad
should avoid even a semblance of
No one has ever been able to partiality in delivering his vote. Never-
accuse A. D. W. of the very slightest theless, the members who had accepted


There was not a foreigner in South Africa, with the exception of the British, who did not
take side with the Boers when war had once become inevitable. The Hollanders were the
first to form themselves into a corps, and they rendered invaluable services during the war.

act of dishonesty. He took scrupulous the gift had not, he thought, rendered
care to keep his name unstained. Anyone themselves in any way guilty of corrupt
who knows the habits of the concession- conduct in doing so.
hunters in South Africa, their endeavours In the months of the war,
to bribe all and several, can readily Danie was President of the Commissariat
imagine the offers that Danie must Committee. He used to start work
have had made to him. But even his at half-past seven or eight in the
greatest enemies are bound to allow morning and I would often see a light
the strictness of his honour. At the in his office-windows late at night:
same time, he was in no way eager to "Oom Danie work, so look-out,''
condemn others. When the Selati the black constable thought it his duty
Railway Company published its famous to observe to me, as he stood on
list of members of the Raad who were guard before Government Buildings and
A. I). \Y\ WOLMARANS. 71

noticed my glance at the light gleam- he is too tenacious of old notions and
ing through the drawn blinds. conditions."
In the daytime, I often saw A. D.W. That was the opinion of all admirers
in the Church Square examining horses of A. D. W's talent. Now the war
or inspecting stubborn mules. If things brought him his appointment as Envoy
were not going as they should in Natal, Extraordinary. He travelled through
Danie would pay a visit to the invested Europe and America, and came into con-
district, and soon everything was put tact with every manner of man.
right. With all its horrors, the war has at
He was not on commando like least done so much good. A. D. W.
S chalk Burger. He could hardly be will benefit more by his travels than
spared on the Executive Raad, and not another would; for he is studious and
at all on the Commissariat. It was has quick powers of observation and
not until everything was in full working remarkable perspicacity. He is the
order that it became possible to dispatch man of the future, and even Louis
him as a special envoy to Europe. Botha's successes in the field will not
"Danie should see something of the be able to injure his reputation in that
world; Danie must enlarge his views; respect.

CHURCH: SQUARE AT PRETORIA. On great Church festivals, such as Christmas Day,

Easter, etc., the Boerscome to Pretoria in their ox-wagons, pitch their tents in the Cburcb
Square, and remain for several days. On Christmas and the following day, the large
Church Square is so crowded that there is scarcely room for a foot-passenger to make his way.


pORNELIS Wessels is the typical Africa; they bought farms, which they
^ South African squire. His house worked with the utmost industry and
was at Bloemfontein, but he preferred care. One of their estates is situated
to live on his estate near the town. at Paardenberg, where Cronje surren-
Fond as he is of riding and hunting, dered on the 27th of February 1900.
he gave every attention to the manage- The Free State to a great extent owed
ment of his property. He is a her expansion to their untiring efforts
"Boer" from top to toe, and proud for advancement and improvement. Their
of it. His whole demeanour is charac- example encouraged others to follow in
terized by good breeding and shows their steps, and, in a comparatively
the sterling qualities of the Africander short time, the country between the
to the best advantage. It is his ambi- Orange and Vaal Rivers excelled all
tion always to perfect himself; his pride others in South Africa in point of
consists in not being tooproud to learn. agriculture and cattle-breeding. The
He is thoroughly well-informed on all Wessels, with their wealth and their
political and economical questions, ab- example, had developed the small sapling
solutely at home in knotty problems into a mighty oak.
concerning South Africa, and, with all In 1898, Cornelis Wessels set out
these distractions, he found time to on his travels to Europe and America.
manage his estate in such a way as to He not only visited the large cities,
find few or no rivals amongst his fellow with their treasures of art and culture,
squires. but lost no opportunity of seeing
Wessels' father owned the greater as much as possible of the agricultural
part of the De Beers property at Kim- districts.In this way he gained a
berley. He sold it for a considerable thorough insight into the husbandry and
sum. But, in spite of their wealth, the cattle-breeding of foreign countries. He
Wessels remained thorough Africanders: bought highly-bred horses and cattle,
they invested their money in South as well as the newest agricultural

Z. 60




O ©


machinery, and dreamed of countless He went to Europe as a member

improvements on his estate and of of the special embassy. Again he trav-
putting into practice the inventions of elled through the Old World and the
Europe and of America. These travels New. He places he had
revisited the
gave him insight and added seriousness seen during his first journey, where his
to his naturally earnest mind. He en- oratorical gifts had full scope, for now
countered riches and poverty, liberty he was addressing not a few, but thou-
and oppression, the advancement and sands of eager, though not always
demoralization of whole nations. The sympathetic listeners; for the opinion
healthy mind of the strong man gathered of many had become biased by the
these impressions and assimilated them. wrongful representations in the English
And these experiences taught him what newspapers. He felt the contrast between
was incumbent on the Free State: to the first and this second visit most
gain and keep the position which was keenly. The success of his speeches
her due as one of the most promising was greatly due to his own fine sen-
States in South Africa. sibilities. To make others feel one must
Wessels had no opportunity of ap- feel one's self. His audience were greatly
plying his knowledge for the advantage moved when, at the thought of the
of his country. Just before the war wrongs, the oppressions and the cruel-
broke out, he was still in Europe. He ties which his country was enduring,
might have remained there in ease and his voice rose to a tragic intensity,
luxury, joined by wife and children, which culminated in Zola's words,
and stayed abroad until the end of the "J'accuse
war. But a Wessels is always at his To him was entrusted the defence
post in the hour of danger. He was of a good cause, and he defended it

too sincere an Africander, too honest a most loyally. He tore off the mask
man to a single instant. He
hesitate from the face of hypocrisy and exposed
returned. Wessels possessed
in a great the vile lie in all its hideousness. As he
degree the power of control, not only, drew himself up to his full height, his
as Chairman of the Volksraad, over his magnificent figure showed to the utmost
associates, but, which is much more advantage, and there was true dignity
important, over himself. This power in gesture and voice, when he pointed
somehow made itself felt amid the to the two other delegates and said:
greatest parliamentary uproar of con- "We are African Boers whom British
tending factions. He was thus able to Jingoism delights in calling barbarian
control the passions which set heart and and uncivilized savages. We stand
brain on fire and which were but too before you; our brothers are as we are:
frequently calculated to lead to the most judge you between us and our accusers."
disastrous results. Wessels has suffered severe pecuniary
The Volksraad was no longer sitting; loss in this war. All his thousands of
so he devoted his power, his time, his oxen, sheep and horses are gone. He
means and his great gifts to the sacred has not one left. The news arrived a
cause for which the Boers were fighting. year ago that the last five hundred
At the call of duty, he left wife, head of cattle, which he had sent to
daughter and his highly - gifted son, Cape Colony before the outbreak of
the pride of his heart, alone, disconso- the war, had been seized by the British
late and unprotected, not knowing authorities. Wessels took the news
whether he might ever see them again calmly. It consoled him that he too
nor to what dangers they might be should in this way pay toll and tribute
exposed during his absence. to the mother-land.


man Mr. Fischer! That beautiful horses; he had few rivals in

AN amiable is

the impression which the Special

is the taste and knowledge that he displayed
Envoy of the Orange Free State makes in their purchase; and, when in Europe,
on all who approach looks
him. He had the pain of learning that his estate
standing between the two sturdy
spiritual, was devastated, his villa dismantled, his
Africanders, Wessels and Wolmarans. horses requisitioned, first by Lord Roberts
He has a pleasant smile and word for and then by other English officers; that
everybody and , at once promised his linen and silver decorated the dinner-
to become the most popular of the table of the Military Governor of
three delegates. He is a good conversa- the Orange River Colony: in short,
tionalist,but, for all his vivacity, is that all that of which he had been
quite well able to steer his own
as so proud was wilfully and ruthlessly
course as Wolmarans or Wessels. His destroyed.
distinguishing quality is tact. The Free State Delegate submitted
Abraham Fischer was a member of to these with an equanimity
the Executive Raad of the Free State which compelled the admiration of
and, by profession, a lawyer at Bloem- everybody who came into contact with
fontein. He lived in a pretty villa on him. But then Fischer is an optimist,
the outskirts of the town, provided with whereas Wolmarans is, as we know, a
every comfort which the modern Boer pessimist. At the time when the latter
considers necessary and proper to the felt that war was inevitable, the former's
social position which he occupies. He belief in a friendly solution remained
was well - known as the owner of unshakable: even when the South

African Republic had given up all hope more highly esteemed in the Orange
and was preparing to send off her ulti- Free State than Abraham Fischer, the
matum, Fischer advised dela}% in order "Politician." The terse and dignified
to support President Steijn in his last tone of President Steijn's correspondence
correspondence with Sir Alfred Milner, before the war betrayed Fischer's master-
a correspondence destined to lead to hand, and his style is easily recognized
nothing. President Kruger and the in many an official document which
Executive Raad of the Transvaal agreed leftthe Foreign Office at Pretoria during
to the proposal, so that they might the negociations. During the difficult
not have to reproach themselves with days preceding the 11th of October 1899,
not doing all that in them lay to he was constantly on the move, travelling
prevent this unhappy war in South between Bloemfontein and the official
Africa. residence of the Transvaal, now inter-
Abraham Fischer constituted him- viewing his own Government and Volks-
self the optimistic apostle of peace. raad, now interviewing the parliament
During the Bloemfontein Conference, in of the Sister Republic. He implored and
June 1899, he went again and again admonished all the friends of President
from President Kruger's house to Sir Kruger and the Boers to exert their
Alfred Milner's, and did everything in influence to the utmost to prevent the
his power to bring the parties to a war which the Johannesburg capitalists
mutual understanding. desired. The high officials of Bloem-
Calumny was abroad, whispering that fontein and Pretoria were working day
he was afraid of war, and was listened and night, but Fischer was even more
to, as calumny is apt to be: a proof indefatigable than any of them in his
how little even his own countrymen efforts at reconciliation, never entirely
knew him. His wife stayed at Pretoria abandoning the hope that the desperate
during the Conference, and many people and most bloody war might be
asked him why he had not kept her at averted.
Bloemfontein: And when, at last, in spite of all
"Draw your own conclusions", he his efforts, he had to acknowledge that
said. "Either I have let my wife leave war was inevitable, instead of being
the town because I consider the situation cast down and mourning his shattered
in South Africa to be absolutely peaceful illusions, he turned all his energy and
and quiet, or else I have sent her to ability tothe problems before him:
Pretoria because, surrounded by a ring how to carry through this most lament-
of forts, she will be safer there than able crisis to a satisfactory and, if
she could be here." God willed it so, victorious conclusion.
His questioners were no wiser than The South African Republic owed much
they were before they got this ambiguous to Fischer: no wonder that, when Dr.
answer. Leyds retired as Secretary of State, all
That is way: an indiscreet
Fischer's eyes were turned towards the Member
question leads to nothing with this adroit of the Free State Executive Raad. Had
jurist. If necessary, he will know how he accepted the canditature, he would
to evade without committing himself
it, have had the united votes of the Volks-
in any way. His cleverness and presence raad. But he was too much attached
of mind, his keen insight and, above to Bloemfontein, to his Free State, to
all, charming personality built up
his exchange these for the thankless task
a practice which brought him great of becoming State Secretary of the
Avealth; but all this was before the South African Republic. Pressure was
war. Even President Steijn is not brought to bear upon Fischer, but in

vain: he preferred
to remain in the
place which had
seen him <n*o\v
into manhood.
The Trans vaalers
mourned his con-
stancy: the Free
Staters rejoiced
in it.

Fischer and
Wolmarans were
the men of the
"Closer Alliance."
They perfected and
carried out the
plan originated
by the two Pre-
sidents at their
meeting at Vil-
joensdrift, after
the election of
Judge M. T. Steijn
as Head of the
Orange Free State
in 1896. Public
attention was cen-
tred on the per-
sonalities of those
two men who,
during the act of
federation, were
second in import-
ance only to the
two Heads
State. Fischer is
distinguished for
his greatknow-
ledge, Wolmarans
for his common-
sense, a quality
which he shares
with Kruger.
Where Wolma-
rans is wanting
in learning, his
deficiency is amply
supplied by his
Free State col-


8 CHALK Willem Burger is the man port,Burger was the man whose praises
of the Industrial Report of 1897, were sung by the anti- Africander press.
which procured him the reputation, Paul Kruger, the obstinate, must make
among Rand and
the capitalists of the room at the presidential election for
their followers ,being a very pro-
of Schalk Burger, the enlightened man,
gressive Transvaaler, and which, among who would bring unequalled prosperity
many of his own countrymen, won to the country, according to the ideas
him a name for rashness. Not that of the millionaireswho were unable

any person for a moment

impartial to imagine any other form of prosperity
doubts Schalk Burger's sentiments to be for the South African Republic than
those of an ardent and upright Afric- that in which they gained the greatest
ander: he is as true a patriot as the advantage. Stormy meetings were
best of them; but it was manifest held, verbatim reports of which were
from the Report that as President of
, published in the English papers. Schalk
the Industrial Commission, he had allow- Burger stumped the country, fol-
ed himself to be too much led by lowed wherever he went by a staff
his advising members, and that all that of English journalists, who saw to the
advice had confused him. In short, the puffing. But the Boers refused to be
report which he himself signed and caught. Schalk Burger and Joubert
which was headed by his name together did not obtain as many votes
altogether reflected the opinion of the for the presidency as old Kruger alone.
self-seeking mining speculators. It even The Boers saw a danger to their in-
contained inaccuracies which Schalk dependence in the retinue of hostile
afterwards cordially regretted. journalists and in the praises of the
At the time of the Industrial Re- Rhodes press. They did not ask

whether Schalk had demanded this ad- I began to read: first General
vertisement, or whether it had come to Joubert's letter, and then the leading
him unasked and undesired. They article commenting on the letter. The
condemned him because of it and , Volksstem attacked Oom Piet smartly.
Burger became its dupe. Even his Schalk Burger listened attentively,
English protectors withdrew their sym- with knife and in hand, and, fork
pathy after he had suffered his defeat. when I had he immediately
Schalk Burger who had made his
, began to find fault with the Volks-
first public appearance as a member of stem for writing such misplaced articles
the Executive Raad with the Industrial against the Vice-president at so serious
Report, took greatly to heart the clear a time.
proof of the people's distrust of his I was silent, because 1 did not
policy. His appearance grew more think it right to embark upon a dis-
serious, and it seemed as though no cussion in the old President's presence.
smile were ever again to brighten his Besides, neither Oom Paul nor A.D.W.
face. He wore a more sorrowful had uttered a word.
air than of old. Schalk felt that he Schalk was of opinion that the
had been wronged. Some of his ad- general was entitled to speak at any
versaries had, without rhyme or reason, time , especially as he was not taking
accused him of English sympathies; part in the conference. The Star
and this embittered him. Thenceforward had continually urged that Oom Piet
he took sides more firmly than before should accompany the others to Bloem-
with General Joubert. He began to fontein, and Burger also seemed to
seek his strength in Slim Piet, and deplore his absence.
defended the latter when and wherever As soon as the war broke out,
he was attacked. Schalk Burger with General Joubert
While the Bloemfontein Conference for Natal. He had formerly been
was in progress, I went one after- Commandant of the Lijdenburg District,
noon to President Kruger, who had which he had also represented in the
asked me to read to him the number First Volksraad and he became a ,

of the Volksstem containing a defence, general in the late struggle. He did

written by Joubert himself, of his not distinguish himself particularly,
attitude on the franchise question. any more than in 1880 and 1881,
A few days before the conference, the when he held the Lijdenburg garrison
general had allowed himself to be invested during almost the whole War
interviewed by a reporter of the Jo- of Independence without compelling
hannesburg Star, and had declared it to surrender to his superior force.
himself in favour of the extension of Schalk Burger has very great capacity
full burgher rights after a five years' as an administrator, but he seems to
residence in the country. Delivered on lack the necessary energy as a leader
the eve of the important conference, in the field.
this utterance was undiplomatic, to say He is an excellent speaker and
the least of it. compels the close attention of his
Oom Paul was at dinner. He sat audience. His speech on the occasion
at the head of the table. On his right of the opening of the extraordinary
sat Danie Wolmarans and on his left session of the Volksraad, in January 189 G,
Schalk Burger. I was given a chair immediately after the Jameson Raid,
next to the President, between him and will always live in Transvaal history
Schalk. as a limpid utterance of the truest
"A bit slowly," asked the President. patriotism.

VIEWS OF LIJDENBURG. Lijdenburg, in the East of the Transvaal, is the district where
the late Actirjg President ofthe South African Republic, Schalk Burger, was born. With
its high mountains, its luxuriant vegetation, and its many water-falls it is one of the loveliest
districts in the Transvaal. 2) Pilgrim's Rest is the centre of the Cape gold industry. 6) Market-
Square, Lydenburg.


1899. J. H. M. Kock, the gallant old Transvaaler, Member of the Executive Raad, died
at Ladysmith , on the 31st of October 1899, of inflammation of the lungs contracted on
the field of battle, where he was wounded and lay long in the pouring rain before the
English ambulance found him. His illness was increased by sorrow at his defeat. His
son, Judge Kock, fell into the hands of the enemy, but was exchanged by General White
after his father's death. Count Zeppelin was killed after firing off all his ammunition and
eventually defending himself to the last against the charging Lancers with his whip.
Colonel A. H. Schiel was till the end of the war a prisoner at St. Helena. Albedyll succeeded
him in his command. With the exception of Potgieter and the lieutenant of the Transvaal
Artillery, who did not take part in the battle, the others are all members of the German
Corps, of which Dr. Elsburger stood at the head of the ambulance.

At such times, Schalk Burger was Burger generally sat silent and intro-
in his element. spective. He had no lack of words,
Schalk Burger, in every- day life, is however, in the Volksraad, when ad-
silent and as it were constantly sunk in dressing the members. Then he was
thought. The long, narrow face, waxen as fluent as you please never had to

in colour, crowned with the curly black pause for a word and his speeches

hair and ending in the dark goatee, was were both lucid and powerful.
generally lowered, as the lean and As Chairman of the First Volks-
slender figure in the frock-coat hurried raad, he ruled debate in a manner to
busily along. A
single word, however, which none other has attained. He
and he would at once stop and listen was strict, permitted no unparliamentary
with complete attention to his inter- expressions to be used and at once

locutor. He was short in his replies, for suppressed any departure from the rules
he had no time to converse with people of the assembly. The Raad owed it
at length, but everyone could be sure of to him that, during his chairmanship,
being civilly informed by him. the sittings were shorter and more
While the President, when travelling, business was done than in later years.
was always chatty and talkative, Schalk That chairmanship was the best time

of Schalk Burger's life. Then, all His character and will are not so strong
honoured him. Then, all Lijdenburg as those of Danie Wolmarans, but, on
was proud of its member. the other hand, he has gifts which are
No sooner, however, was he elected superior to A.D.W.'s. He is a better
a member of the Executive Raad, than administrator, and knows better how to
he became too progressive. His clear manage people. He is unquestionably
intelligence had long shown him that a capable statesman, and yet the only
the Transvaal, with her many foreigners, reason why he was temporarily appointed
had become a different country, and to fill the presidency was that he and
that it was no longer practical to State Secretary Reitz were the only
maintain patriarchal laws which had remaining members of the Executive
been made exclusively for a nation of Raad. Piet Joubert died on the 27th
farmers. Those laws must be revised. of March 1900; Jan H. M. Kock
As a member of the Volksraad, he had succumbed, on the 31st of October 1899,
worked zealously towards this object- to the wounds received at Elandslaagte
As a member of the Government, he ten days before; Piet Cronje was a
wished to go further and went too prisoner at St. Helena; and Danie
far. As Chairman of the Industrial Wolmarans was in Europe.
Commission, he had taken upon himself
a task which was above his powers,
and it was very easy for the experts,
his advising members, to lead him off
the scent with all sorts of sophisms.
Schalk at that time was still too
willing to believe thatall men were
as honest, honourable and upright as
He was ill able to keep his own
counsel. He spoke when he saw or
heard anything that appeared wrong in
his eyes, and showed dislike for anyone
to whom he could not show respect.
He was as strict with himself as
with others. He knew no relaxation.
He devoted his life to his country.
He worked with uninterrupted zeal,
and was always prepared, even after a
tiring day, to enlighten committees of
the Volksraad on Government matters.
He never gave an opinion before making
a thorough investigation and yet he,

often based his opinions on those of

others, because he was easily influenced. GENERAL TOBIAS SMUTS OF THE TKANSVAAE.


true patriot is this genuine Africander, And later, when the first Nether-
A whose grey hair and beard contrast lands ambulance arrived at Pretoria,
so strikingly with his heart full of our State Secretary was present at the
youthful fire and animation. railway -station, not only to welcome
State Secretary Reitz was proud to this aid from abroad in the name of
see his two sons come from Bloem- his Government, but also to meet his
fontein to be among
the first to take eldest son, who had forsaken his studies
the field with the Pretoria contingent. in Holland now that his country was
Calmly, with no expression on his in danger:
face but that of paternal love and "That's right, my lad," he said,
pride, he stood on the steps of with a pressure of the hand that told
Government Buildings and watched his all the rest.
children ride away to fight for African I stood close beside him and
liberty. They were still children, those realized at that moment that our second
two sons of his. When they wrote to Government official was one of those
him of their determination to go on Africanders who would go on fighting
commando, he answered that the time till the overwhelming attack on their
had not yet come for them to fight for independence was beaten off or sub-
their country, that they were still too jected them. And I was not surprised,
young. But they threw their father's therefore, when I heard that he had
admonition to the winds and came himself taken up the Mauser at a time
to Pretoria. He looked at them proudly: when it was more than ever a case
he recognized in them his own spirit, of life and death with the Republics:
his own blood. "If a people deserves freedom," he
^ ^*
L. J. S.
the editor of "0« Land" at Cape Town, was, in i 90
I,. J. S. MALAN, Soon fter'"^^as"
he was
the Cape Parliament instead of Schreiner, the
ex-Prime Minister.
imprisonment for reprinting from English papers details concerning
sentenced to 12 months'
General French's action in the Heidelberg District.
F. W. RELTZ. 89

wrote, "it deserves to fight for that writings through the clash of arms. He
freedom," can take pride to himself for having
And he signed the maxim with rifle helped to enlighten public opinion in
in hand. Europe and to explain away misconcep-
Reitz is a poet. Dry statesmanship, tions on the Continent. None of the
political worries have not been able to high-placed persons in the South African
kill his love for all that is noble and Republic has done more than he to
beautiful. He even looked for poetry bring to a better way of thinking people
in politics, seeking to realize the words whose ideas were obscured by the
of the Dutch poet: deliberate lying of the Jingo press.

Poetry is everywhere, all the world For that purpose he could always find
around; time; and whatsoever person of any
The question is, by whom she may, importance that visited the Transvaal
and by whom not, be found. capital could always be sure of finding
He, the found her.
poet, When in State Secretary Reitzone who was
Olive Schreiner wrote her noble defence ready to listen to him for hours and
of the Africander cause, her Words in afford him all the information that
Season, he became enthusiastic and, he was able and at liberty to give. If
in his admiration for the inspiring style, he was busy by day, then the visitor
had the work translated into Dutch and would be his guest in the evening, and
spread broadcast over South Africa. He he himself would sit up working late
himself found time to bestow his literary at night to make up for the time lost.
gifts on a revision of the translation. Everyone esteemed in Reitz the kindest
A Century of Wrong, that long and most courteous of men.
list of bitter accusations against the Hundreds have betrayed this confi-
British Government, a second attempt
is dence placed in them by the State
in that direction, to convince the mul- Secretary, and have gone home and
titude by means of the poetic word. continued to slander the country where
True, this pamphlet is for a great part they enjoyed an hospitality which
the work of the young State Attorney asked for nothing in return but that
and Assistant Commandant General, the truth should be told. They have
J. C. Smuts, butit clearly betrays the in- mocked at his enthusiastic patriotism.
spiration of the State Secretary, who They have made fun of his too great
conceived the scheme of the volume. optimism. They have ascribed to
And, shortly before the war, appeared weakness of intellect his noble animation
his open letter to his friend Blignaut, for the future of his people. They have
that old and tried official, the Government twisted hiswordsandemployedthem in the
Secretary of the Orange Free State. That service of lies to excite men's passions
open letter was the cry of anguish of still further. They have repaid his civil-
a man who saw days of suffering dawning ity, his courtesy, his hospitality, his
for his people, but who also felt that pains, his kindly exertions with taunts,
the immediate future would prove to sneers and calumnies.
be that period of suffering through which Any other man would long have
every nation must pass before it be- abandoned his efforts to bring others
comes really great and independent. That to repentance. Not so Reitz: with his
letter was the ardent and inspired utter- noble and joyous nature, he persisted
ance of an upright, honest love of his with a tough determination which none
country. would have suspected in him, and which
Reitz made a noble endeavour, and he himself began to show only when his
his mighty voice still rang out in his all-controlling patriotism made persistence

necessary. He started from the very All the Rhodesian papers in South
sound stand-point that it is better to Africa upon him, fiercely, insolently,

be deceived in ten people and bring one libelling him and defiling his loyal,
to repentance than leave all the eleven honest character, only because they had
in darkness. His attachment to this found him to be a steadfast, zealous
theory, despite his many
disappointments, Africander who refused to be bought
certainly pointed to a sacred enthusiasm by Jingo flattery. Reitz forgave them
for the rightfulness of the Africander their personal attacks: he considered
cause. those beneath his notice.But what he
The English Jingoes at Johannes- never forgave was the campaign of
burg deceived by their under-
were calumny which was waged only in
estimate of this enthusiasm. In 1897, order to bring down a cruel war
when Reitz was elected, they thought upon South Africa. So soon as he
that the new State Secretary would began to speak of the politics of the
prove to be as feeble in character as Rhodes press, he lost all self-control.
he was in frame, and that his well- The State Secretary was popular
known good -nature would become an throughout South Africa and owed his
instrument in their hands. They were popularity to his kindliness, to his good-
mistaken. He remained good-natured, humoured cheerfulness, to his enthusiasm
sometimes too good-natured, but his for noble and beautiful things. But
kindliness cooled so soon as his love what arouses one's surprise is that, in
for the Africander people was called the midst of all the cares of State,
into question. This was soon made he was able to keep these character-
clear to the Jingo breed, who there- istics uusullied. Whatever troubles and
upon began to attack and vilify the worries the day might bring with it,
man whom they had but lately flattered. no promise to deliver a literary lecture,


the Germans with the Boers was as keen as that of the Hollanders. The commando was dis-
tinguished for the energy and endurance of its men.
F. W. REITZ. 91


THE BURGHERS 4 November 1899.

or take the chair at a festive meeting, His good-heartedness cost him an

was allowed to suffer, nor did any one unspeakable amount of time, because it
ever notice by his voice, by any failing went against the grain with him to
in the spoken word, or decrease of cut short one who was long of speech,
cheerfulness or friendliness in the State or to refuse to listen to any that
Secretary's person, that an hour or two wished to speak to him. This leading
earlier he had been leading a serious trait in character was also shown
discussion in the Executive Raad on in his attitude towards his subordinates,
one of the notorious Chamberlain dis- whom he treated with the greatest hu-
patches. And it was his innate good- manity, and wdiose interests he was al-
nature, rather than his diplomatic attain- ways ready to champion in the Volks-
ments, that enabled him to retain this raad or Executive Raad.
equanimity. He could never bring him- Like all Africanders, he was very
self to disappoint other people, and was confiding. He thought that none could
always ready to sacrifice himself for be less genuine than himself, and he
their enjoyment or happiness. refused to believe in others' dishonesty
But woe to him who came into before he had certain proofs. The only
collision with his sensitive patriotism! exceptions were Sir Alfred Milner and .Mr.
He never refused a word of kindness Chamberlain, whom Reitz saw through
until he had discovered that his cour- from the commencement. His love of
tesy was being wasted on one unworthy his country caused him instinctively to
of it, on one, in other words, who in- suspectthese statement warlike intentions.
sulted his people and desired the de- Reitz was one of the first to entertain
struction of the country. Then he be- the conviction that, if the Bloemfontein
came angry and rough, and reproached Conference miscarried, war was bound
the offender in very plain-spoken terms. to follow.

Yet he retained the mastery over numbers. The conversation turned on

himself throughout the negociations: not this subject,and Reitz said:
for a moment did he allow himself to have never ceased to represent to
be carried away by the passions of the British that a war with the South
others. He was determined to preserve African Republic meant a struggle with
his conscience against the reproach of the whole Africander race, the Pan-
having, through over-haste, played into Africander war, which was represented
Mr. Chamberlain's hands. This modera- in England as a ridiculous and alarmist

tion was all the more noticeable in the bogie, because the Africanders in Cape
hot-brained Reitz. But he felt the Colony were content to live under British
responsibilities of his office, and, with rule. I agree; but the English forget

all the power of his strong will, sup- that our brother Africanders cannot
pressed his rage and excitement. He passively look on while we are being
shuddered before the bloodshed that exterminated and robbed of our liberty,
loomed before his vision. He was firmly the only thing to which we cling. It

convinced that the war would set all is not we who desired this struggle
South Africa aflame, and that is why of the Africanders against England; but
he determined to do all in his power irresponsible persons in South Africa
to prevent that the dispute with Eng- and ministers in England have set the
land should be referred to the ordeal feelings of the Africanders at defiance,
of arms. and blood is thicker than water."
Shortly after the outbreak of hostil- Reitz is a fanatic. His belief in the
ities, I was paying my daily visit to triumph of the Boers was constant. He
the State Secretary. The news had did not argue about it; he did not
come in that the Boers in Cape Colony endeavour to prove its correctness: he
had joined the Federal forces in large simply believed and doubted not. He


October 1899. No commando behaved more gallantly in the war than the Johannesburg
Police, which, with the other police and the State Artillery, formed the standing army of
the country. Originally the Johannesburg Police numbered over a thousand men. After the
Battle of Dalmanutha (?3 — 27 August 1900) their strength was reduced to less than two hundred.
They were the corps cVilile of the Transvaal Boers.
F. \\\ REITZ. 93

leftPretoria on the 2nd of June 1900, he treated as passing matters. For him
and was of good cheer, certain that he it was irretrievably written that Africa
would return, and that the Transvaal should one day belong to the African-
Vierkleur would wave once more over ders. In this fact he believed as firmly
Government Buildings. Whencesoever as, Christian that he is, he believes
he might be driven, he firmly believed in a world to come. And therefore
that he would return. His spirit was he fought, without flinching. There-
not to be broken, nor was his faith to fore he retained his cheerfulness, his
be shaken. He accepted his fate, not kindliness, amidst all his country's de-
with resignation, but joyfully. He did feats. Therefore, too, he was an in-
not complain, but simply said; spiriting force at that moment of ad-
"What God does is well done!" versity for the Transvaalers.
The struggle did not unnerve him: Reitz had become more closely
reverses but strengthened his convic- united with the humblest of the Boers,
tion. He was able to communicate this because he was as poor as any of them.
conviction to others. His faith was so He possessed nothing on earth but his
firm that the unbelievers and doubters Mauser. With the simplest burgher,
at last began to embrace some of his he had to look to the commissariat for
fanaticism. his clothes, his food, his tobacco. He
He wrote, in August 1901, to his was ready to suffer hunger with them,
wife in Hollandthat he was well and to share their poverty and privations,
of good courage. He could not be their misery and their cares, because he
otherwise. All the misery, all the loved his country and his people with
failures to overcome a superior force a passion that nothing could allay.




SPHERE are, alas, many people in gave himan air of falseness which
*- Europe who believe that Slim Piet, made an
unpleasant impression and,
as General Joubert was usually called rightly or wrongly, prejudiced many
by the Boers, was a traitor. This persons against him. Besides, his
assertion has always made a painful character was not open and square like
impression upon me. Joubert, who that, for instance, of Koos De la Rey.
will ever remain a proud figure in the He was essentially a trimmer, liked to
history of the South African Republic, remain on good terms with friend and
did not deserve of his country and foe, and ended by estranging both.
people that he should be slandered now But, when his land and liberty were
that he is no longer there to defend in danger, Joubert was as honest and
himself. true as the best patriot. He long
But the present great men of the advised the Government to yield to
Transvaal and the Orange Free State the British demands; but, when the
have continued to believe in Slim Piet. offer of a five years' franchise was
Men like President Steijn General
, declined by the British Government,
Botha, De la Rey and Beijers have never with an arrogant declaration that then'
ceased to recognize General Joubert's were other questions to be solved besides
military capacity, although several of the franchise; when, on the 8th of
them were his political opponents. September 1899, the British Government
It must be admitted that, in full sent its dispatch, which was called an
time of peace, Slim Piet's appearance ultimatum by the English press; when
was not sympathetic. His high, piping the news came that another 10,000 men
voice, his small, beady eyes, the sly were to be shipped to South Africa,
smile that played about his mouth then General Joubert too abandoned all

hope of an amicable settlement to the out to lead the military operations in

diplomatic situation. Thenceforward Natal in person.
he was bound to agree with them who For days and nights, during the
had said from the commencement that previous week, he had worked at his
the men in Downing Street wanted plan of campaign, which was not destined,
war and nothing else. From that however, to be carried out. The great
moment, Joubert made his preparations council of Avar held at Newcastle deter-
for the great struggle which was on mined at once to attack and render inef-
the point of bursting out. In the fective the Dundee garrison, and next
Transvaal capital there remained no to march on Ladysmith. In vain the
official persons who believed in a peaceful general pleaded in favour of his plan to
solution; but also there was none but leave a sufficient number of covering
hoped that the catastrophe might still men and guns in the Drakensberg
be averted. It was in those days that passes and to march with the main
Oom Piet wrote his touching letter to force to Pietermaritzburg, which would
England's great and honoured Queen. compel the garrisons of Dundee and
I do not know that he expected much Ladysmith to venture out on the open
good to come of his prayer for aid to veldt for the defence of the Natal capital.
that august lady. It would have been The spirit among the Boer officiers
different, he thought, if she had been in general was too eager for them
able to read his cry of anguish in to consent to march so far before
those anxious days —for like all Afric- coming into touch with the enemy.
anders he had a sacred respect for the Besides, the Pretoria Government feared
"Old Lady" — but he felt that his lest the English should cross the
letter would probably never reach her frontier, once they were behind the
hands. And yet he would leave back of Joubert's army. And, since,
nothing undone that might save the at that time every officer had an

situation. equal vote in the council of war with

And so a few more days passed, the Commandant General himself, Jou-
until the end of September approached. bert's plan was rejected.
News came to Pretoria that the British Joubert did not permit himself to
military posts had been pushed forward be for a moment cast down. Fortified
from Ladysmith to Glencoe and Dundee. by his patriotism, he forgot this rebuff
The danger of a collision, under the and continued to devote himself, with
pre vailing excitement, became very great, all his great talents, his iron industry
owing to the presence of a strong and his clear brain, to his difficult task
British force on the Transvaal frontier. as Commander-in-Chief.
The British orders were given on the Once again he displayed his tactical
24 th of September. The Natal Cabinet excellence in the investment of Lady-
had already given warning that such smith. That the British stronghold
an act could not be understood by the did not was not his fault. Each
Boers save as a declaration of war. time he planned an attack by storm,
The Transvaal Volksraad at once, the women of the Transvaal and Free
clearly and without concealment, ex- State were seized with terror, and all
pressed its surprise at this act. General the of high and low alike
Joubert still waited; but, at the end of was employed to counteract the plan.
the last week of September, it became Joubert had to fight against all this
necessary to guard the Transvaal frontier, influence and opposition, while his
and, when war was declared on the 11th adversaries were ever ready to criticize
of October, he too, the old man, set and condemn his acts.



had to reckon with all

In his clay, he had always opposed Joubert. They
and circumstances which,
soils of currents valued their precious bodies above the
in later days, were lost in the power- sacred cause of liberty, and, where their
ful stream of all-sacrificing patriotism lives were in danger, despised no means
that then animated the Boer combat- of ensuring their safety.
ants. The elements which afterwards Joubert, the old hero of the War of
fell out of the ranks were those which Independence, was pained by all those

events. His heart

bled when lie, the

prudent man, was

accused of reck- rja-
lessly endangering
human life, sis, ^ff|
for instance, on
the occasion of
the famous march
to Estcourt, in
d- ° B - »
November 1899, £ a 2 5" ^
« < '-1 -
with its masterly ?3 k I§
reconnaissance ac- n
i- o -
complished with 2 2 e» P

2,000 mounted
men. And I am con- 1 so w 2. W
vinced that all the 2 $ t <*a ;>

opposition was to a B c S' 3 O

rc £ 3
great extent the
cause of his death.
It certainly accent-
uated the dis-
order from which 4 -

he suffered.
« n S"2 f
Even on his
death - bed he ,

» o
thought of no- s- g.

thing but his coun-

try. He probably
feared that the
same silent forces
which had always
opposed him would
continue to
themselves felt
after his death;
and Joubert insist-
ed thatLouis
Botha, his political
opponent, but a
popular, young P O S
and very talented
leader, should be
appointed Com-
mandant General
in his place. And
this is the patriot
whom some call

traitor! Would
his detractors with my faith in his constant loyalty
that I could inspii

It is doubtful whether a man will made a attempt to recover

ever again arise in either Republic with Pieters Hill. Joubert was crushed, was
General Joubert's talent for projecting utterly dejected. He made no effort
a plan of campaign. Even Louis Botha to stop the flight of the burghers.
must acknowledge his deceased prede- On the contrary, he was one of the
cessor as his master. Joubert's plans and first, on the following day, to break
the manner of their execution always up the siege of Ladysmith with his
won him admirers in the council of laager. This his enemies never forgave
war. His great plan for the invasion him. But they forgot to take into account
of Natal was perhaps the only one, the fact that constant opposition and ill-
during the whole course of his long luck had undermined General Joubert's
and famous military career, to be character, which was never a strong one.
rejected. He knew how to explain his He required cheering and encouragement.
plans in such a way that they were In earlier days, it was his wife, the
almost always accepted with unanimity. stronger mind of the two, who used to
stimulate him
with a single
word. One need
but remember the
historic incident
of the 27th of
February 1881,
when Mrs. Jou-
bert called the
burghers to arms
while the general
was still dismayed
by the discovery
that Majuba Hill
was occupied by
(31 December the Transvaal Government wisely decided to provide the
Artillery with modern guns, and to enlarge the corps. This was done gradually, British soldiers.
and the best guns that money could buy were purchased. These barracks had
only been in use since a short while. The monument to the right, in front, was And yet Slim
erected to the memory of Major H. Pretorius, the first commander of the Artillery.
Piet was no cow-
ard, as might
But he was a After the
pessimist. appear to be suggested by the above.
Battle of Elandslaagte, on the 21st of In times of need, he feared no danger.
October 1899, he wrote to the Govern- He could retain his calm with shells
ment at Pretoria that the Africanders bursting around him. No bombs nor
had never suffered so great a defeat. bullets could make him retreat when
Is it a matter for wonder, then, that it was necessary that he should stand
he almost gave up courage when one his ground. He had all the fanaticism
reverse after the other struck the Boers; of the old Boers:
when Cronje was driven from his "If it is not God's will that I be
position at Magersfontein, on the 15th touched, the bullets will not harm me."
of February 1900, and, twelve days General Joubert had a fatherly
later, surrendered with 3,500 men; when care for his burghers. He did not
General Buller occupied Pieters Hill give them an easy time of it His
on the 27th of February and the Boers adjutants will bear witness to that:
in Natal were seized with panic? they had but little rest. But he
Another general would probably have never led them into unnecessary danger.
o j_;

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go V

2 h
a a;

He was as sparing his men's lives

of punished. The neutrals in Natal soon
as though those were his own. And
lives came to know that Joubert was inexo-
he treated those best who worked hardest. rably strict in this respect, and they
He could send lamentations to Pretoria, complained to him confidence
in full
day after day, on this matter or that. whenever any of their property had
But he did not complain on his own been taken by the burghers. The old
behalf: only on that of the burghers general took care that it should berestored
on commando. whenever possible; and, if not, the
"The English could have no better damage was invariably made good to
ally than the man who bakes the them. Then what a penitential sermon
bread for the laagers," he once wrote Joubert would read the offender! The
to the Government. "The contractor, miscreant used to feel more humiliated
it seems to me, wants to poison my by those words than by the punishment
men." that followed, and would think twice


FIRST LIEUTENANT P. C PAFF. This corps was excellently equipped. It possessed the best
and latest instruments, and did invaluable service to the Boer forces. It was remarkable
how quickly the Boers mastered all the details of field telegraphy.

This concern for their welfare won before he again attempted to take what
the hearts of the Boers, who knew was not his.
that, if they came to the general with a Despite his advanced years, Joubert
serious complaint, they would be helped. was capable of developing an extra-
But woe to them if they did anything ordinary amount of industry. For that
that conflicted with civilized methods matter, his whole appearance was that of a
of warfare! The looting at Newcastle, hale and hearty man, stalwart, with a
when Natal was invaded in October springy step and an irreproachable

1899, roused Joubert's fury. Certain high- horseman. He was able to work with
placed and influential persons who had his secretary till a late hour at night,
looked on passively were sent home in and in the morning, at day-break, he
disgrace. He would not tolerate them would again be up and doing. He was
in his sight. And he declared that, as watchful as the youngest of them all
thenceforth, all looting would be severelv No enemy would ever surprise his laager.

As a politician, Joubert was neither beat him on this field, and that was
so eminent nor so capable as he showed Wolmarans.
himself as a commander. He never Joubert's enemies and adversaries
clearly saw his political line before may say of him what they please: he
him. He always hesitated. But he was and will always remain a striking
was skilful in debate. There was only figure the history
in of the South
one man in the Volksraad who could African Republic.

ROCKET SIGNALS. Ladysmith was in sore straits during the latter part of the siege: unless help arrived
without delay, the town was hound to surrender. As the captain of a sinking ship sends up rocket after
rocktt in the hope of succour, so General White signalled night after night to Buller.


court-martial was being held at "I open the court-martial!"

A Magersfontein, south of Kimberley. The jurists looked at each other
P. A. Cronje, called Piet Cronje for short, in dumfoundered amazement, and then,
dressed in his big, faded green overcoat, making the best of a bad bargain, sat
surmounted by a fanciful hat decorated down quietly. They had come simul-
with short ostrich-feathers, sat on the taneously to the wise conclusion that
top of the trench where the members they had best let matters rest as they
were assembled. A commandant of the were.
Free State who had been guilty of Piet Cronje did not believe in
insubordination towards a superior bandying words. He was accustomed
officer was on his defence. Before the to act as seemed best to him, without
commencement of the examination, a letor hindrance. Contradiction made
question arose between Judge Hertzog, him extremely angry, and only helped
the Free State jurist, and Judge J.Esser, to strengthen his own convictions.
the Transvaal jurist, as to the ad- General De la Rey was the only one
visability of the presence of the officers who was not afraid of him, and often
of the South African Republic. Dis- succeeded, but never without a stormy
cussion waxed warm; there seemed to interview, in bringing him round to his
be no chance of agreement between way of thinking.
the two lawyers. Oom became
irritated and restive during this wordy When arrived at Magersfontein as

debate; once or twice he beat the earth war-correspondent, General De la Rey

with an impatient, nervous fist, and was the first person I met He shook
then jumped suddenly into the trench my hand most cordially, and said, in a
and shouted in a thundering voice: hearty way:
nature. When the British before Kimberley made a breach in the trenches, and shell
after shell exploded around him, Villebois remained quietly at his post, though all near
him fled and five Transvaalers were severely wounded. No foreign officer who fought
on the side of the Boers was so deeply mourned as Villebois. He fell at Boshof on
the 5th of April 1900.

"Well, old
fellow, where have
you been all this
My reception
by Oom Piet was
of a very different
kind. He asked
me into his tent,
which contained
an iron bedstead,
a box and a table
on which stood a
desk for the sec-
retary. I noticed
how exquisitely
neat every thing-
was in the tent.
His wife w;is
making coffee and
offered me a cup.
Oom Piet, sitting
on the edge of THE RESTORED GUN LOXG TOM. During the night of 8 December 1899.
one of the guns, Long Tom, which bombarded Ladysmith, was rendered useless by
the camp-bed, the British. A. charge of dynamite placed in the muzzle did great damage.
But the destruction of the gun was by no means complete, and it was easily
asked: repaired. Long Tom was ready for work again in a very short time, and was dis-
patched by rail to Ottoskop, near Kimberley. The gun created no little dismay among
"How are the the inhabitants of the latter city.
people in Pre-
"All right, general." "Very well, then we shall catch
"Aren't they frightened?" them in the plain and shoot down every
"Not a bit, general. What should Englishman of them."
they be frightened of?" All the European officers could do
"When the war broke out they , was to shrug their shoulders: argument
asked me what they were to do, and I was out of the question. The British
told them to stay quietly at Pretoria. prepared to make this circuit, and Oom
Our burghers will put this business right." Piet was quite convinced that he could
The general laughed good-naturedlv repulse them. He sent off commando
at the fears of those one or two timid after commando; but it was of no use:
foreigners in the capital; he was so sure the enemy outnumbered them. In vain
that he would master the "Rooineks." was his short and terse command :

This conviction found full expression "Hurry; shoot clown the British to
in his answer to the fallen French the last man!"
Colonel, Count de Villebois-Mareuil, It could not be done. The English
and the Austrian Count Sternberg, cavalry galloped down between the
who suggested that the British, instead two hills, drove off the garrison
of risking a second frontal attack on and took up a strong position. This
the strong position of Magersfontein, secured the safety of French's brigade,
might, by making a turning move- which had commenced to deploy on
ment, attack from the east. Without the 11th of February 1900.
moving a muscle he said: During the evening, the Boer of-

Beers held a council of war at Magers- returning the salute; but it sent its
tmt fin the position was lost, the main
< : compliments.
camp surrounded, and Cronje cast down, "Where the devil is Cronje then?"
1 knowing what to do. He was ready
1< >t asked the officers, in dumfoundered
for a ret real with women, children, amazement.
waggons and so forth; but he had no "Don't know," drawled Draper, and
practical plans. asked to have the bombardment stopped.
Count Sternberg, who was present This was done. Meanwhile, orderly-
with Colonel de Villebois, trembling officers dashed off at a hand-gallop to
with indignation at the bare suggestion headquarters at Jacobsclaal, to report that
of such a move, called out: Cronje had made off. The British patrols
"Fly? I, an Austrian officer, fly? did not catch sight of him until about
Never!" eleven o'clock.
Villebois took the matter more From that moment, the British
quietly. He saw that nothing remained artillery-fire followed him, thundering,
but a retreat, and suggested the roaring, shaking earth and sky. His
route to Boshof, to the north-east of long train hindered mobility, and, fired
Kimberley. with great precision, the shells burst
Cronje said nothing. Captain Danie over the waggons, whilst the tired
Theron, who had no patience with inde- beasts, encouraged by yells and cracking
cision and who felt that something must whips, did their utmost. The British
be done without delay, offered to break did not venture to attack; the Boer
through the British lines with a thou- artillery, under the command of two such
sand volunteers and thus secure the undaunted German officers as von Dewitz
retreat of the Boer force. and von Heister, held the cavalry of
"You may put down my name at the enemy in check.
the head of the list," he said, with needed no wizard to tell that,
great determination. hampered as Cronje was by his slow
After a long consultation, the re- and heavy train, the British would over-
treat was decided upon. In the stillness take him and not only cut him off,
of the night, on the 15th of February but take him between two fires; there-
1900, the waggons were loaded up: as fore the commandants advised the
the whole convoy was going, no one general to leave the waggons behind,
wished to leave anything behind. The to ride forward with the burghers and
English got no wind of the move, and, take up strong positions. Cronje" curtly
at daybreak, the British guns sent forth refused. Firmly and sturdily he sat
their lightning from all sides, and shells his horse , a picture of wrong- headed
fell thick upon the place where, only obstinacy.
the day before, the laager had been. AtBrandsvlei, Chief Com mandantFer-
Draper, of the Transvaal Intelligence reira,of the Free State, sent a messenger
Department, who had remained behind to advise him to cross the drift
with the "Red Cross" and who objected and join him. Cronje refused, and
to having his breakfast spoilt by this declared that he would press on to
bombardment, improvised a white flag Paardenberg. De Wet did not approve
and went to the spot where through
, of this. He was afraid that the British
his field-glasses, he had seen some would occupy the hill and cut up the
British officers standing. He informed laager in the plain. Cronje declared
them, in his politest manner, that the that he knew what he was about, and

Boer army, much to its regret, had left that the position was impregnable.
without having the opportunity of He took up his position at the foot

of Paardenberg. What De Wet had then from another, and their situation
foreseen happened. The enemy forced became daily more serious. The roar
the Boers to evacuate the surrounding and thunder of the British guns was
heights and plantedtheirgunsthere. They heard in De Wet's laager day and
attempted to storm the laager two days night, and day and night saw confla-
later, on the 18th of February 1900, and grations in Cronje's laager. A few
met with frightful losses. Then com- burghers succeeded in escaping singly
menced an uninterrupted bombardment, and brought back the most harrowing
(ieneral De Wet and the war-commission descriptions of the condition of their
at Bloemfontein pressed Cronje by unfortunate comrades; but no w ord of r

heliograph to break with his burghers complaint came from the general. He
through the British lines, leaving returned curt answers to the sympathetic
women, children and waggons behind. enquiries of his brother-in-arms, De
The British would hurt neither women Wet.
nor children. Oom Piet heliographed Suddenlythe heliograph from
buck that there was no need for Cronje's laager ceased to send its
anxiety, his trenches were good. All message. De Wet became uneasy,
he needed was medical help. Every and, two days later, when an heroic
morning, De Wet asked for news by attempt to rescue the unfortunate
heliograph and always got the same burghers had miscarried, Captain Danie
answer , that all was well and that Theron volunteered for the dangerous
the enemy would not get the better post of fighting his way through to
of Cronje's burghers. Cronje, to see how matters stood. He
But the burghers were driven across found Oom Piet alone, sullen as ever
the river, first from one position and and as obstinately determined to hold


surrounded at Paardenberg, many heroic attempts were made by the Boers from outside
to rescue their comrades. The greatly superior forces of Lord Roberts' army rendered
these attempts fruitless. Still the Boers took several prisoners. Those represented above
were surprised at dinner. The photograph was taken on their arrival at Pretoria
(25 February 1900).


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on and the enemy a thorough

"give who would have defended his position
lesson once and for all," he said. When with such unshaken tenacity. His short,
tlif general heard of the futile attempt square tigure, his curt manner of
at rescue, he smiled grimly as much command, so much in contrast with
as to say, "No matter, I'm safe where his naturally friendly manner, all showed
I am." Danie Theron saw that the unconquerable stubbornness of the
those under Cronje did not share his man's nature.
optimism, but had again and again
tried to persuade the general to leave
all behind and cut his way through Itwas on the morning of the Battle
the lines. At last, Cronje had to of Magersfontein, on the 11th of
recognize that his obstinacy was losing December 1899, when General Wau-
him the great influence he once held chope, with a force of a few hundred
over those under his command, for men, having skirted the Boer position,
the burghers, under the protection of noticed a number of loose horses


the white flag, went over to the enemy galloping over the plain, and began to
by tens and twelves. At last he agreed shoot them down. Cronje' and his staff
to throw a wooden bridge across the of six officers happened to be near.
Modder River and join De Wet. The Oom Piet's sharp eyes noticed the grey
enemy got wind of the plan and set shadows moving to and fro unsteadily.
the bridge on tire with lyddite shells. He watched a moment, and then called
The anniversary of Majuba Day, 27 Fe- out excitedly:
u There the Rooineks;
bruary 1881, beheld the surrender of are shoot,
Cronje, the most disastrous event of lads, shoot!"
the war. Joined by two burghers from the
Grim, stern and sullen, brave Oom Kroonstad Commando, the seven men
Piet went into captivity. His hopes began to fire at the flitting shadows
of giving the British a lesson once and in the grey distance.
for all were at an end. Had it depended The first sunbeams pierced the
on him, he would have starved to death misty clouds with their golden arrows,
rather than agree to hoist the white and the soft grey veil was lifted from
flag. There is no other Boer general the fresh and smiling landscape. The

veldt wore its most beauteous dress of burgher, a mere boy, whose first battle
creamy white and softest green; dia- it was, and who was nearly driven cr;i/.\

monds glimmered in its folds, lending by the unceasing crack of the rifles.
it brilliancy and added beauty. And then, He saw the wounded soldiers totter
when the last flaky clouds , delicate and fall, and
others run about in

as cobwebs, had been put to flight by confusion, seeking a way of es<;ipu

the advance of the sun
fiery there , which they were never to find. The
lay between the boulders many a brave Boer fire gave them no chance. Nine
soldier, with clenched hands and arms men against two hundred! Cronje saw
upraised to heaven, as though, in his last that the enemy was much stronger, but
moment, he had called down God's he dared not lose time by sending for
curse upon his destroyer. They lay reinforcements. The Rooineks had to
where they had fallen those poor
, be beaten and Oom Piet beat them.

Tommies, their glazed eyes still open Some time afterwards I met the ,

and gazing upwards, as though the soul, young Kroonstad burgher again. When
winging itself for flight, looked to the he spoke of that morning, he put his
spirit of morning for guidance into hands to his head, shuddered and saidr
Eternity. Others hid their faces in "I dare not think of it; it drives me
Mother Earth's bosom, as though the mad; never again will I go on commando:
brilliant light affrighted them. And I am now with the Red Cross.''
piteous were the cries of the wounded for
water, to which their comrades, in their Cronje, the captive of St. Helena,
terror and confusion, lent a deaf ear. may not have shown himself possessed
"Shoot, boys, shoot!" had been of the great powers of strategy with
Cronje's cry, and his own Mauser had which he was credited before the war.
taken its full share in the work. But he has every right to his title of
"I can't go on," sighed a Kroonstad honour as '"Brave Oom Piet".


moment in camp life. The Kaffir is set to chop wood, called iron- wood on account
of its hardness. As soon as the potatoes are peeled and put on to. boil, preparations
are made to stew or roast the meat. An ingenious roasting-jack is contrived by tying two
pieces of this same iron wood together. The Boer has to look sharp about it, though:
there is not much time for meals when war is abroad.


SHORTLY before the outbreak of the he fought freely at Dundee, but without
^ war, when the Transvaal Volksraad distinguishing himself. Then Lucas Meijer
was appointing different leaders to fill fell ill, owing to the exhausting marches
the rank of general, no member of and fights that fellowed on the evacuation
our legislature thought of giving a vote of Dundee (22-26 October 1899). The
to Louis Botha. Louis was too young doctors prescribed absolute rest. Meijer
and had had no opportunity of displaying returned to Pretoria, and Louis Botha
his tactical qualities. He had risen assumed the temporary command. The
no higher than assistant field cornet. Utrecht and Vrijheid Commandoes held
Lucas Meijer, the senior member for Ladysmith locked in on the south. It
Vrijheid, for which district Botha sat was over these and the Wakkerstroom
as junior member in the First Volks- Commando that the young general held
raad, was appointed a general. He had command, and the taskfell to him of
been wounded in the neck in the war defending the Tugela positions against
of 1880-1881 and had given proofs Sir Redvers Buller's advancing army.
of great bravery in the Zulu War. Here Louis Botha established his
The appointment therefore was only name for good and all as an able
natural, and that Louis Botha was tactician. Personally he showed the
passed over is quite as intelligible. burghers where to dig the trenches.
Like so many others , like De Wet, He taught them how to conceal those
Kritzinger, Danie Theron, Beijers, Malan, trenches from the eyes of the enemy
he first displayed his great capacity by means of branches and foliage. He
during the course of the war. encouraged the burghers in their heavy
He was one of the first to take the work upon the hard rocky ground,
field. As Lucas Meijer's subordinate, work made still more unpleasant by

the scarcity of implements, enabling commander of the Tugela positions. Jt

the Boers to work only by turns. But was a great distinction for this young man
Louis Botha's friendly words, his of thirty-five. Some of his subordinates
encouraging talk and infinite patience looked upon him with a jealous eye;
kept up the burghers' spirits. Most but Louis disarmed envy by his kind-
of them had not even known him by ness, and, when the Battle of Colenso
sight before that time; but he enlisted had been fought, on the 15th of
the sympathy of the Transvaalers with December 1899, the malcontents
astonishing swiftness. His kindly glance. dared to attack the young general only
in whispers. Louis Botha had
chosen his positions so ex-
cellently that at no single point
did the garrison need strength-
ening. During the battle,
he was constantly at the most
important points. He gave
the orders to fire and fixed
the moment for the abandoned
British guns to be brought in:
he commanded the Boer artillery
to be silent, so that the Eng-
lish thought that the bridge
across the Tugela was not
covered by Boer guns and
allowed their two batteries to
advance too far. In a word, the
whole credit of this battle and
all the following battles on
the Tugela is due to him.
But Louis Botha remained
the same modest, patient man
as before.
Meanwhile, General Joubert
THE LATE GENERAL LUCAS MEYER, President of the First on the 27th of March
Volksraad of the South African Republic. The hero of Dundee and 1900, and, at his express desire.
Glencoe (20 October 1899), the brave warrior who was wounded in
the neck in the war of 1880-81, President of the former "New Louis Botha was made Acting
Republic," known, siDce 188*, as the Vryheid District, and leader of
the Boers who so successfully defeated the Zulus under Silepu in
Commandant General. It is
1884. He died suddenly, on the 8th of August 1902, soon after his easily understood that, by that
arrival in Europe.
time, there was none to cavil
at appointment.
this Every-
the patience with which he listened to one had built his faith upon the young
one and all in a moment won every general whom, six months earlier, the
heart. He knew how to lead his men members of the Volksraad had not thought
as very few officers did. worthy of a command. But it was an
the 6th of December 1899, Ge- unfavourable time at which Louis Botha
neral Joubert was taken to the hospital took up the command -in -chief The
at Volksrust to recover from the dis- Boers were demoralized. They no longer
orders brought on by the famous thought of making a stand against
march to Estcourt (22 November 1899). Lord Roberts' gigantic army. The
Louis Botha was appointed responsible positions had been spendidly prepared;
e; o o




but the burghers fled before there was occurred a purging of the ranks. But
any real danger. And the Boer army he was determined to make his power
became smaller at each mile that it felt behind the Boer lines. He was
retreated. Tempted by Lord Roberts' determined to show that not even a
specious promises in his proclamations of British army can protect a burgher
the 1st and 31st of May 1900, the who has betrayed his country. Patrols
combatants laid down their arms in of volunteers crossed and recrossed the
thousands. Louis Botha's kindness and Transvaal by his command, captured
patience were of no avail. Still he did the false patriots who had acted as
not lose courage. He called what had guides or shown other services to the



enemy, and brought them into the Boer quietly left Pretoria, on the approach
linos, where they of the English,
received their due when the in-
punishment. Due is habitants began to
hardly the right plunder a great
word here: if Presi- government store
dentSteijn and Louis full of provisions.
Botha had been less This looting was
gentle towards trai- reported to General
tors and insisted Botha, as was the
that they should state of complete
be sentenced to anarchy that pre-
death instead of vailed in the capital.
imprisonment, the Without a moment's
treachery would delay, he rode to
never have increased Pretoria, instituted
to that alarming a committee which
extent. was made respon-
But Louis Botha sible for peace and
is too gentle by order and the good
nature: a quality conduct of affairs,
which he shares charged a number
with all the Bothas. of mounted bur-
True , he brooks ghers with police
no breach of law duties, issued a
or order; but he He died November 19U2. proclamation calling
is not strong enough upon the inhabitants
to exact the utmost penalties of the law. to preserve order and then hastened
Scarce had the Transvaal Government back to his positions



This is a signal instance

of Botha's swift and able
methods. The most striking
proof was given in Sep-
tember 1900, when, in the
midst of the war, he found
time and opportunity tho-
roughly to reform the regu-
lations of the South African
Republic regarding the
commandoes. Till that time,
the officers of the Boer army
had been by the
burghers. After the inaugu-
ration of the new rules, on
the 6thof October 1900, these
appointments lay with the
Commandant General: a very
thorough change, rendered
necessary by the fact that
the personal element played
far too great a part in the
elections and often thrust
the claims of military capacity
into the background.
It is a remarkable thing
that, although Louis Botha
never with great
severity, everyone attached
great importance to his good
or bad opinion. Pretoria
had long been occupied, and
Louis de Souza, the former
Secetary of the War Depart-
ment, of which the Com-
mandant General was the
head, knew that Louis Botha
was "banjo, angry with him."
One day, when a friend got
per mission to leave the ca-
pital in order to join the
general, Souza asked him
kindly to put in a good word
for him with the young Com-
mander-in-Chief. And this
is one instance out of many.

Botha exercises an immediat nd calm, biue-grey eves, the manly face,

indescribable charm and a sympathetic the kind, attractive smile playing about
influence upon all who come into contact his mouth, the well-built, muscular form,
with him. The high forehead, fche the pleasan! manners all combine to

stamp him as a man of refinement and held in common with the late General
of clear common-sense. Whence did this Joubert. They were astonished to find
man derive his obvious culture? That that he often had reserves in hand on
is the secret of so many Boer characters. which they had not reckoned a simple :

He was born at Vrede, in the Orange secret, the explanation of which lay in his
Free State, a founded by his
village excellent distribution of the commandoes
father. In his youth, he watched the along the fighting line. They looked
sheep on the veldt. He has taught up to him with ever increasing respect,
himself all he knows. He speaks Dutch because he rejected all Lord Roberts'
and English fluently, and writes both brilliant offers and remained true to the

BOER ARTILLERY IN ACTION AT COLEXSO: 15 December 1899. On this wide

jjlain was fought the bloody battle which ended one of the greatest defeats experienced
by the English in the war. Through the plain winds the Tugela, to whose south bank
the English brought their guns. Two batteries, however, advanced too quickly and too
far. The lioers took advantage of this mistake to open fire from their trenches; and
the men working the guns and their escort fell. Seven times the English made heroic
efforts to save the guns; but the teams were shot down and the men trying to serve them
were each time driven back with heavy loss. Eleven guns with all their ammunition fell
into the hands of the Boers.

languages fairly well. He is acquainted cause of independence, when so many

with all the forms of European society, others had succumbed to temptation.
and is a gentleman in every sense of They were always drawing new strength
the word. He is a self-made man from his spirit, which remained un-
without the latter's brag and arrogance. daunted in the face of all reverses, from
He is the aristocrat of the healthy mind his kindliness, which remained imperturb-
in the healthy body. able, despite the endless privations
His burghers valued him for his which he cheerfully shared with the
prudence, which led them into no un- least of the burghers. The Boers, who
necessary danger, a prudence which he themselves are models of what patient

men should be, respected his patience, Botha was the right man in the right
and told exaggerated stories of his place as Commander-in-Chief. He gave
really very all the com-
great powers mandoes, even
of work. the smallest
The Repub- and most dis-
licans have had tant, his orders,
no more capable and all worked
tactician than according to
tli is young his plans, with
general.De la the exception
Key may be of De la Key,
more dashing, who acted quite
Ben Viljoen independently.
more gallant, Louis Botha
Beijers more was undoubt-
reckless, De edly the man
\\ et more art- for war on the
ful; but not one large scale. He
of them was has, it is true,
able to lay such displayed talent
excellent plans in the guerrilla,
as Louis Botha. but his force
Once he had did not lie

worked out a VIADUCT IN THE BIGGARSBERG (Natal), WRECKED WITH there so much
plan, it was DYNAMITE BY THE BOERS. as in the grande
complete in guerre. Two
all its details. These fitted together qualities lifted the Commandant General
like the links of a chain. That is why Botha above his predecessor. He did

TRANSVAALERS. The English repair bridges in the same manner, or else build a kind of
bridge in the bed of the river. These are, of course, only make-shifts, and (£uite unable to
resist the rapids, especially after the tropical rains, when the force of the current becomes
exceedingly strong.

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not lose courage so 1 Lertzog, Ben Viljoen,

quickly as Joubert, Kritzinger and others
and he had a greater all worthily replaced

talent for organi- their predecessors.

zation and adminis- In the First Volks-
tration. raad, Louis Botha
It is a remarkable was a calm speaker,
thing that the whole who thought every
of the Old Guard of subject out before
1880-1881 had fallen speaking, was never
out of the fight, and carried away by
that the war was excitement, always
being continued by kept within the limits
the younger African of parliamentary de-
generation. Piet bate. He had been
Joubert was dead, a member of the
General Kock killed, highest legislative
Piet Cronje a prisoner, body since 1896 and
Paul Kruger abroad, had, from the begin-
and Louis Botha, De ning, distinguished
Wet, De la Rey, himself by his clear-
Beijers, Jan Smuts, GENERAL C. L. BEIJERS of the Transvaal ness of judgment

Secretary to Acting
ERASER, State President
orderly. Schalk Burger.


Commandant General LOUIS KITCHENER, G. C B. K. C. B., Chief of Staff
Botha. BOTHA.

and especially by his innate good- and volunteers with the Boers, when
breeding. they learnt to know Louis Botha, grew
He was a Progressive in politics, enthusiastic on the subject of his
and was formerly an ardent defender character.
of Schalk Burger's policy, as set forth A curious fact, which
should be
in the well-known Industrial Report. In mentioned here, is Louis Botha,
1898, during the famous debate on the who lived in Natal as a youth, was
Dynamite Concession, he was in his once a member of the Natal Volunteers.
best form, and never, during my five Together with Lucas Meijer, he assisted
years' career as a Transvaal parliament- Cetewayo's son, Dinizulu, the Zulu chief,
ary reporter, have ] heard such brilliant to bring his fellow chief, Sibepu, into sub-
speeches as those delivered by Louis jection and thus restore order in Zululand.
Botha in support of the continuance In return for this aid, the Boers in 1884,
of the concession. as we know, received a large tract of
He was no partisan opponent of ground, the present District of Vrijheid,
President Kruger's methods of govern- as it has been called since li
ment. He was prepared to
support Oom Paul in every
good proposal, but also to
fight with all his might
against any measure of
which he disapproved.
However keen and des-
tructive his criticism, he
never forgot to observe
the forms of debate.
Often, during the adjourn-
ment, he would continue
his discussion with the
President, who usually
grew very excited, while
Botha remained ever
calm and polite. He
is affability personified,
listens toeverybody, and is
not strong enough roundly
to refuse a request. In
every- day life he is an ex-
ceedingly agreeable per-
son, feels at home wher- COMMANDANT GENERAL LOUIS BOTHA. lie was only 35
ever he may and is
be, years of agewhen apponted to Lis high position, owing to his rare abi-
lity. He won world-wide renown iu the battles in Natal: the Tugela,
able to talk on almost any Sp'ion Kop aud Vaalkrans. He is a great strategist. The grey which
he is riding was a gift from the inhabitants of Pretoria, and was
subject. Red Cross doctors presented to him after the Battle of Coleuso (15 December L899).


THE first time I met the now famous learning to know him as a man of very
general was at Jacobsdaal. General few words; but now, in his disappoint-
De la Rey introduced me. Oom Chris- ment, he growled and grumbled, with
jan gave me his hand, pressed mine his loud voice, and roughly and bluntly
hard, but said little. Perhaps I should rated the culprit. During those repeated
look upon him with other eyes now: outburts of temper, his otherwise dull
but I remember very well that, at that eyes flashed fire.
time, he did not make a great impression Later, I met General De Wet, at
upon me. Beside De la Rey, with the different times, at Magersfontein but ;

thinker's head and the dark, glittering he was always still and introspective,
eyes, De Wet seemed tame and spirit- almost shy. Piet Cronje and De la
less. Only the short, broad figure, the Rey were generals who had already
large swelling breast denoted great distinguished themselves, one in the War
bodily strength and muscular force, as of 1880-1881, the other in the present
in a bull. war. De Wet had not yet had an oppor-
That evening, the two generals started, tunity of showing his masterly talents.
with a patrol of 150 men, for the rear Probably he did not even feel the power
of the English position at Two Rivers, that lay concealed within him. In any
intending to blow up the railway line. case, the knowledge that the two Trans-
The expedition failed, because the man vaal generals were his superiors in
whose duty it was to work the dyna- experience evidently oppressed him. He
mite was unable to discharge the ex- felt drawn towards General De la Rey,
plosive. De la Rey was excited at the who was annoyed at General Cronje's
failure; but more furious was Oom
still inactivity. But, at the same time, lie
Chrisjan. Throughout the day, I had been was a little afraid of Oom Piet, who

always carried his plans through, of a patriot for the great men of his
stubbornly, rudely, and suffered no one national history.
by his side. De la Rev was not afraid The Boers did not think much, at
to tackle Oom Piet. He knew him in that time, of Oom Chrisjan. President
the Transvaal. But to De Wet Cronje Steijnhad sent for him from Natal,
was the much honoured hero of Pot- where he had the rank of commandant
chefstroom and the Jameson Raid. He with the commandoes, and promoted
looked up to him with the adoration him to general. The Free Staters

failed to see in what way De Wet thing right again. On that 18th of
had deserved this distinction. They February, all the commandoes fought
admitted that he was brave, but there bravely; but Cronje again was stubborn.
were commandants who had shown He refused to leave the women and
themselves in no way inferior to him children and his baggage behind and
in this respect. And so, in December to cut his way through the British
1899, when an election took place for lines. De Wet, who was now in command,
a Free Stater to command in chief on was constantly contriving new plans to
the Western border, the Burghers elected release Cronje. But the numerical
Ignaas Ferreira, the Commandant of superiority of the enemy was too over-
Ladybrand, to the post. General De whelming. Still he did not lose courage.
Wet received one vote less than his I distinctly remember the 23rd of
successful competitor. February 1900. De Wet had planned
Oom Chrisjan first made his mark a general assault. It was a daring
at Blauwbank, on the 15th of February scheme. All the mounted commandoes
1900. News had come that the English were simultaneously to storm the British
were marching from the South in the positions. Oom Chrisjan stood with his
direction of Koffijfontein. Cronje thought staff on a kopje, whence he could
that they meant to enter the Free State command the whole field. He saw the
by Koffijfontein, and sent De Wet, with burghers gallop bravely to within rifle-
his own brother, Commandant Andries shot of the positions. Then came the
Blauwbankto repel theinvasion.
Cronje, to rattle of rifle-fire. The men advanced,
Here De Wet captured the enemy's huge but were compelled to fall back. They
convoy, and, as often happens when an did not see the enemy, did not know
officer takes suddenly a fine prize, where nor in which direction to fire.

established his reputation. Everyone The brave Winburghers were swallowed

talked of De Wet and even, for a mo- up in the enemy's wedge-shaped position.
ment, forgot the defeat of Cronje, who The Lee-Metfords cracked from three
had, on the same day, 15 February 1900, sides. The Winburghers had to surren-
evacuated the Magersfontein position, der. There was no other escape from
and the news that had come to band death. We on the kopje saw this. It
of the relief of Kimberley. was a tragic spectacle. De Wet said
Oom Chrisjan showed his burghers not a word. Hecompressed his
at Blauwbank that he was no easy man lips tightly together, and his features
to deal with. He drove them back to assumed that biting aspect which I

their trenches with his whip when they have found again in- his later portraits.
attempted to fly, and they became so It was a resolute man that stood that
afraid of their angry general that morning on the kopje. But tears gleamed
they no longer dared retire. in his eyes.
Three days later, he arrived with In the early morning of the 27th
his commandoes at Paardenberg, where of February, I learnt from some Kaffirs
Cronje was hemmed in by the English. that Cronje' had surrendered. They
His fame preceded him: came from his laager, where the English
"De Wet is coming!" had let them go free. I refused to
And this shows the influence believe the fatal news, saddled my horse,
of a name. It was as though the and rode over to De Wet. I found the
burghers had suddenly been imbued general silent, and introspective as usual,
with fresh spirit. They had lost and asked him if he had received any
courage latterly owing to all their confirmation of the report. He too
reverses: but De Wet would put eveiy- had heard it, but did not believe it.
COMMANDANT OLIVIER, the hero of Stormberg; a great tactician. He and the
Transvaal Commandant. Lemmer, succeeded, notwithstanding the occupation of Bloem-
fnntein, in extricating the whole Boer force in the North of Cape Colony (21 March 1900),
without losing a gun, waggon or horse.

And lie told me this with something wished to do so, but not he. He was
grim and resolute in voice, look and too grimly determined to contest every
bearing, as though he meant to say, inch of territory against the enemy.
"Come what may, it will make no And, in the evening, when he left
difference to my resistance". Bloemfontein, knowing that, the next
Poplar Grove March 1900) and
(7 morning, the English would make their
Driefontein (10 March 1900) were not unimpeded entry, he assured his friends
successes for De Wet. They showed that he would return one day when
that his strength did not lie in the grande the Free State was free again. This
guerre. was no bluster, but a sacred promise,
At Poplar Grove he was warned uttered in deadly earnest. The words,
in time by his scouts of the encircling so calmly spoken, gave fresh courage
movement of the enemy. He did not to his officers. De Wet's determination
strengthen his flanks. True, it would was contagious.
not have availed him against the superior From that day his epoch of fame
forces; but to neglect the precaution begins. The victories of Sanna's Post
was a mistake. (1 April 1900) and Reddersburg (5 April
Two days later, he defended the 1900) bade the fighting Boers be of
approach to Bloemfontein with 600 men. good cheer. De Wet hovered around
What could he do, however, against Bloemfontein. He cut off the Water
Lord Roberts' army? But it was a Works and held them in his possession
point of honour with him not to give until Lord Roberts began to march to
up the capital without striking a blow Pretoria (3 May 1900). He spoilt the
in its defence. The other officers had British joy at the occupation of Johannes-
134 iii:i;o]> <•!•• Tin; r.or.i; war.

burg by his victory over the 13th De Wet could lead his men into
Battalion of Imperial Yeomanry at any fight. They had unlimited confid-
Lindley (31 May 1900). He embittered ence in his generalship. They believed
the delight at the surrender of Pretoria in him fanatically. They followed him
on the 5th of June by capturing a as the Turks followed the green
large train of supplies at Honingspruit flag of Mohammed. He saved them
on the 6th and surprising the Derby- repeatedly when escape seemed hopeless
shires on the 7th. and when all the other officers were
De Wet had developed into the thinking of surrender. At such moments,
man he was thenceforward to show I have no doubt that De Wet's mouth
himself, the general whose talents again assumed that resolute fold. He
compelled respect from the very enemy. sat grimly for a while, huddled into
In the days of adversity, he had learnt himself, and then his plan was ripe.
what the Boer Army lacked: discipline. It was always a very simple, in no way
And, with all his strength of will and complicated, plan: the egg of Columbus,
all his strictness, he set himself to rule in fact. And its very simplicity ensured
his burghers. He lashed the cowards its unfailing success.
mercilessly. He seldom carried a rifle, As often as I read, in Europe, that
but he was never seen without his De Wet had been hopelessly surrounded
sjambok. He maintained an iron dis- and had still succeeded in escaping, I
cipline and was inexorable if his curt used to think of his own words:
orders were not swiftly carried out. He "A Boer first gets dangerous when
suffered no neglect of duty from common you succeed surrounding him.''
burghers or officers. His brother Piet, He uttered these words on the Modder
who had spent the time near Lindley River, at the time of the investment of
doing nothing, while Chrisjan himself Cronje, after he had barely escaped being
had acted with such great success at surrounded. This was the first time that
Roodewal Siding, was deprived of his he extricated himself from a British
rank, because he had allowed a convoy trap. How often he succeeded since! The
of 50 waggons, with a feeble escort, to Boers called him the "jackal," referring
enter Lindley unimpeded. In this way, to the craftiness with which he made
Oom Chrisjan showed himself to be his way through any outlet. And yet
severe, but just, refusing to overlook it was determination rather than craft-

any offence, even on the part of his iness. De Wet would not surrender.
own family. No offenders escaped him. He has said so himself:
The general, with his iron frame, "As long as it is possible and it —
which knew no fatigue, often inspected is always possible —
for me to get
his pickets at night in person. His through, escape and fight again, I
burghers were more afraid of being shall do so. When necessary, I shall
surprised by their general than b}^ the run away, and, if the others will not
enemy. And, notwithstanding his harsh- follow me, I shall run away alone. But
ness, all his men remained with him. surrender and lose our liberty: never!"
Only a very few had run away to other He prefered to take any dangerous
commandoes or surrendered. The others work on himself personally, if he feared
were faithful to him to the death. They that another might fall back or waver
admired him for his uprightness, his at the crucial moment. He, with his
fairness, his strict justice, his courage, nerves of steel, knew neither fear nor
his resolution, his calmness in the hesitation.
presence of danger. His mighty will And he always escaped the threat-
swayed them all. ening danger. History tells of the

most wonderful deliveries. The traitor dangerous to his enemies, who, at

who brought a patrol take De
to such times, seemed to perceive his pres-
Wet prisoner when staying at a ence at three or four places at once.
certain place found the bird flown when In those rare days of inaction, he
he returned. When the greater part thought out new plans and suddenly
of his followers were captured, De Wet broke from his rest and darted through
escaped, as at Bothaville, on the 5th the country, striking his blows with
of November 1900. When his pursuers inconceivable swiftness and sureness.
thought that they had him at last, he When necessary, in a few days he
was far away. They thought to find would gather a great force round him,
him in a house: it so happened that he which as suddenly dispersed. Slowness
was sleeping outside. This happened did not exist for him. He felt that
many times. Innumerable attempts were the enervating influence which he exer-
made catch him, and all failed,
to cised over the enemy lay in the rapid-
whereas his plans to escape invariably ity of his operations and movements,
succeeded. His men saw in this a and he had carried discipline to so high
higher Hand Which spared him. He a pitch that his men executed all his
had become to them the apostle of commands immediately and swiftly. He
their liberty, and he wielded an une- had taught the slow-moving Boer, whose
qualled power over them, which he "steady on, man" lay always on his
knew how to employ with rare tal- lips, to be quick and resolute in all
ent in the service of his country. At things.
one time, he was with this commando; De Wet, the man who square of
at another, with that. Accompanied build and square in cannot
only by a few trusted followers, he endure half-patriots. He preferred to let
rode through the land. To-day he was them go from his commandoes, rather
here; to-morrow there. He needed little than remain. He himself sacrificed all
rest. He took it when he could. And for liberty. He expected his followers
it was then, perhaps, that he was most to be prepared to do as much. The

STATE). On the retreat from Kroonstad, the Boers blew up the bridge almost in the faces
of the astounded British. The work of destruction was admirably planned: of five arches,
three were blown to the ground.


honest enemy he respected. He treat- military attache, was fatally wounded
ed his prisoners as well as, in the at Sanna'sPost and had to be left
circumstances, he could. But on traitors behind in a farm-house, because De
to his nation he swore vengeance. He Wet had no ambulance with him, he
would have liked to make short work stood long by the bed-side of the
of all the Boers who acted as guides wounded man, holding his hand in
to the enemy of their country, of all his own. The tears stood in his eyes
his countrymen who had taken up as he expressed his regret at having to
British arms to fight against him and leave the gallant young Hollander, and
his faithful followers. He
could for- he could not tear himself away until
give, though he could not understand, his commandoes were far ahead with the
a man who took the oath of neu- booty.
trality because he was weary of the Under a hard and sombre husk,
struggle for independence but that a
; De Wet conceals a noble kernel, a sen-
man should assist the enemy made him sitive heart, an honourable character and
furious. For De Wet is passionate and a sacred love of country.
hot-tempered. He would fly out against It was shortly after he had heard
his highest officer as against the lowest of the destruction of his homestead.
burgher. But, when it was a question He rode off accompanied by only two
of saving his fellows at the risk of his faithful comrades, Generals Froneman
own he knew no moment's hesita-
life, and Piet Fourie. It was a flying, silent
tion and would
at once obey the impulse ride. When they approached his place,
of his heart. The loss of a burgher De Wet rode on alone, while the two
who had done his duty touched him officers posted themselves on a neigh-
deeply, though he said little, the sombre, bouring kopje. The great general re-
silent man. mained long away. He knelt bv the
When Lieutenant Xix, the Dutch grave of one of his children and prayed

and then, with one last look, printed his sacred conviction that he saw a
the image of the destruction deep in higher Power in all things, and he was
his memory. Then he returned to his prepared to accept his lot, whatever it
two silent companions, and the ride might be, at the hands of the Supreme
back was resumed with the same silence Being. But this he had said to Eng-
as before. This time there gleamed no land, that his death or his capture
moisture in De Wet's eyes; but his face should not put an end to the struggle
was set and pale and the lips pinched in the Free State. In one of his well-
together. known speeches, delivered shortly be-
For long, no one knew of this pil- fore his invasion of the Cape Colony,
grimage to De Wet's destroyed dwelling, he said:
until General Fourie told the story "Should I drop out of the fight, 1




to Dr. van Broekhuizen the predi-
, have appointed my successor."
kant at Pretoria. At the same time, I And, when a man like De Wet
have never heard the assertion con- spoke thus, it was safe to rely that
firmed that De Wet declared that this the successor would have been worthy
piece of destruction should cost Eng- of his master.
land seven millions. To believe such
a tale would be to do an injustice to
the noble impulses of Oom Chrisjan's
character. De Wet
represented the borough of
General De Wet was aware of the Boven Modder River in the Volksraad.
power and influence which he wielded. With his resolute spirit of independence,
But he modestly denies that he pos- however, he took up his duty in the
sessed any special gifts. He declared as manner which he thought best. He

was chary of speech and, when he had whether De Wet would have been re-
anything to say, was brief and to elected.Not that he would have cared,
the point. On the other hand, when for he was never a man who strove for
unimportant subjects came under dis- power and consideration. Nor had the
cussion, he disappeared from the Volks- tortuous paths of politics any attraction
raad and went to Johannesburg- or Kim- for him. He did not understand them,
berley on business. Many of his con- perhaps refused to understand them.
stituents refused to be reconciled to this He may not have shone in the Volks-
view which their representative took of raad, but he was always a man of
his duties, and it was an open question strong and doughty character.


(Holland). (Norway) (France).


(United States of (Russia). (Orange Free State). (France).
the to keep up with the Doer Commandoes, because of the latter's mobility;
dangerous too, as was proved by the loss of the Netherlands attache, Lieut. Nix, who was
mortally wounded at Sanna's Post (1 April 1900). Bnt they were always eager to be present
at the interesting Boer incursions and enthusiastic in their praises of Boer tactics.


GENERAL, hadn't we better go and the place a little unheimisch, and, at

talk somewhere else?" any rate, was not able to devote as
It was at Magersfontein on a cool
, much attention as I could have wished
and lovely morning, towards the end of to the conversation. The Transvaal
December 1899. General Cronje and general, on the other hand, was too
his staff had come to make their morning- much engrossed in it to take much
inspection of Major Albrecht's laager, notice of the shells falling around us.
where I had spent the night as the Wewere speaking of the evacuation
guest of the Free State Artillery. Oom of the positions at Two Rivers, on the
Piet had climbed Spionkopje with his 28th of November 1899, when General
officers, who stood examining the British De la Rey had commanded the position
camp at Modder River, also known as Two which had been most vigorously bombard-
Rivers, through their field-glasses. Oom ed by the English. Evening fell, and,
Koos De la Rey remained talking to me. for the first time since his advance
He wore a white silk necktie round his to the relief of Kimberley, the enemy
throat and a large grey wide-awake had been unable to force the burgbers
on his head; in his left hand he held to retire. The English were falling
a piece of biltong, in his right hand a back, when suddenly General Cronje,
formidable- looking knife, with which who commanded the combined Repub-
he cut the sun-dried meat into slices, lican forces, gave the incomprehensible
holding them down on his knife with his order to evacuate the position. Furiously,
thumb and thus conveying them to his De la Rev exclaimed:
mouth. Three or four shells had burst at "But don't you see we've kept the
a hundred paces from us, for the English Held?"
were wishing us good-morning. I found Cronje, stubborn as ever, stood to

his opinion. The Fauresmith

commando had been driven from
its positions and this, to his
mind, made a longer stand at
Two Rivers unpractical. The
orders of the general com-
manding-in-chief were executed;
but when, next morning at
day-break, two of the Boer
guards visited the abandoned
positions, there was no English-
C r^J ci
man in sight.
"My son was killed there,"
General De la Rey resumed,
"but his loss did not cost me
so many tears as the abandon-
•a* a
ment of the Two Rivers posi-
tions. Had Ave remained there,
3 =s o
the English would have been
compelled to fall back upon
Great River; for there is not
f o
,M P O
<« enough water for so many
men and beasts between Modder
River Station and the Orange
River. Once we had got them
back so far, we could easily
have effected a junction with
our forces under Grobler and
Hendrik Schoeman at Coles-
|S« This subject made Oom
Koos so sad and affected him
s *
so greatly that he paid no
« u
attention to the shells bursting
-< •£ g
around us.
The morning and the con-
W £ S
versation will remain in my
a to
memory all my life long.
c° s °\
Melancholy sounded in his
« voice: I read sorrow in his
H '3cH honest eyes. It made me shiver

to hear him say:

"My son was killed there,
< o 2
but his loss did not cost me so
CL-j *- , ,

many tears as the abandonment

Sh ®
of the Two Rivers positions.''
p It was the first time I had
heard the cause of liberty raised
in such sacred earnest above
everything, even above a

father's love for his child; and and, on the 7th of March 1902, at
those words always returned to my Tweebosch, he captured General Lord
memory when, afterwards, I learnt how Methuen and his force.
De la Rey had defended his positions Wherever things were going badly,
to the last. On each occasion I felt De la Key was sent forthwith. When
within myself how much pain, how the Boer commandoes on the Western
many scalding tears those retreats must frontier, south of Kim berley, were refusing
have cost him. to act together, De la Rey went down
One who saw the general but a to restore harmony and effect the ad-
short while ago has told rue that his vance towards Great River. Unfortu-
hair and beard have turned quite white. nately, while he was on his way to Mafe-
I can easily imagine it; but it was not king, the Boers were driven from their
necessary for him to add that his spirit positions at Belmont, on the 23rd of
remained unbroken. I knesv that. I November 1899, and, two days later,


None but Boers served these howitzers. The precision of their aim was much admired by
the foreign officers who saw them in action.

knew Oom Koos. He was the most on the 25th, they had to yield before
energetic of all the Transvaal leaders. superior forces at Rooilaagte, or Graspan,
He was at the same time the most although on this occasion De la Rev
irreconcilable. He would have grimly took part in the battle. I have already
defended his independence to the death. described above to what good purpose
He was the De Wet of the South he fought at Two Rivers.
African Republic and can boast of Gradually, mutual confidence among
having achieved the first success in the burghers was restored. If General
this war and also the last great Boer Cronje, however, had succeeded in car-
victory. On the 12th of October 1899, rying out his plans, the Battle of
at Kraaipan, he derailed and captured Magersfontein would certainly have been
the armoured train and took Captain lost as well. Oom Piet, who could never
Nesbitt, V.C.j and his 30 men prisoners; give up his peculiar preference for po-
MAJOR ALBRECHT, commandant of the Free State Artillery, the man who
turned histwo hundred men into a model corps. By birth a German, after taking part
in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71, Major Albrecht was charged by the Free State
with the formation of a corps of artillery-men. He acquitted himself of his task with
true German thoroughness: his corps was an example of bravery, strict performance of
duty, and capacity. Major Albrecht was taken prisoner in General Cronj£'s surrender
at Paardenberg, on the 27th of February 1900.

sitions on the kopjes, in spite

of the fatal results of these p O
positions experienced by the Boers Ed
at Belmont and Rooilaagte, had
ad £)
again had trenches dug in the
mountain -side. General De la
a h
Hey, however, brought all his £"^

influence and persuasive power W
to bear upon the council of war
to have ditches dug at some
distance from the mountain. His 2 ta

advice was taken and, in con-

sequence, the English chance
of hitting their aim became so
much the smaller. Oom Piet,
however, refused to be recon-
ciled to these tactics, until the
bombardment before the Battle
of Magersfontein made their use
as clear to him as day. The
o £.
whole day, from noon till after
sun-down, the English searched
the kopjes from top to bottom
with 48 guns. The result was
that five burghers were slightly CD

<1 a
Oom Piet's trenches lay full
of splintered shells and rocks.
In Oom Koos's positions, where a
the Transvaalers were sheltered,
one shell only had fallen;
while the Boers in those ditches
had not been troubled by the
broken pieces of rock , which
usually cause more men to be
killed and wounded than the shells
Meanwhile, General Schoeman
was allowing himself to be
turned out of his finest positions
at Colesberg and running every
chance of being surrounded.
De la Rey was sent down to
aid him, and soon all the lost
positions were recovered.
Still, he was allowed no
rest. On the 15th of February
1900, Magersfontein was evacua-
ted. Kimberley was relieved
and Cronje surrounded on the
16th. Oom Koos received orders to often happens with undisciplined forces.
display his talents again. He was de- But then De la Rey kept a sharp eye
layed, however, at Bloemfontein, and on his burghers. Should he catch one
Cronje had surrendered before De la of them wavering, he would at once
Key, with his best commandoes, was able drive him on, or contemptuously send
to reach him. him away; and, when necessary, he led
AtPriefontein, near Abraham's Kraal, the attack at their head.
on the 10th of March 1900, the enemy His orders were short, but to the
came in touch with the combined forces point. At Two Rivers, the entire escort
of the two friends, De Wet and De la of Major Albrecht's Free State Artillery
Rey; and, although panic had set in, ran away. The major had no one to
the latter succeeded in keeping his dispatch with news of his critical posi-
burghers together. The Johannesburg tion; but De la Rey had noticed it.
and Pretoria Police made a gallant He saw that the English were advancing
stand. De la Rey was everywhere. towards the kopje where the guns stood,
He inspired his men as usual but, ; sent for his brother and said, simply:
the superiority of numbers was too "Take three hundred men and bring
great, and at last, when the British in the guns."
bayonets gleamed at a short distance The guns were saved; but of the
and the dark circle of the surrounding- whole force under the orders of Oom
troops came ever menacingly nearer, Koos, probably no other man would
the Boers fled. Oom Koos had given have been able to execute this command.
the order to retreat. His keen glance De la Rey hates sitting still: to
had taken in the situation, and he saw him, work, action are a necessity. Gen-
that this was no time for hesitation. eral Cronje, who, after the Battle of
The occasion was too pressing. Magersfontein, spent nearly two months
This watchfulness, this care never in inactivity, was a mystery to him.
to overlook a trifle which might prove Oom Piet had to listen to many a
fatal were De la Rey's characteristic hard truth from his lips; but De la
qualities. They served him in attack, Rey could never move him to action.
they were of use to him in defence. The No one was more disappointed with
Aveak point in a position, a cordon, a Cronje"s much -praised strategy than
line struck him it were by instinct.
as Oom Koos, who was really glad when
At Two he was surrounded,
Rivers, he was sent from Magersfontein to
with 1,600 men, but scarcely had he Colesberg, where work awaited him.
perceived the clanger threatening him, He was not the man to stand under
when he at once saw the place where other generals, even though he knew
he could break through, and swiftly how to obey. He was too energetic, too
executed the manoeuvre which cost him pushing for others. He himself was
hardly a life. always more thorough than his superiors.
Another quality that distinguished He was quite able to act independently.
him as a general was his knowledge His commandoes, we know, were the best
of men. When he gave a difficult or clad and best fed of them all. This is
important order, he knew the man whom no matter for surprise: they lacked neither
he entrusted with it. When it became food nor clothes so long as the English
necessary to undertake a decisive and imported them. Oom Koos took care
undaunted attack, he selected the bravest that his commandoes captured new sup-
of his fighting men, and there was no plies as they required them.
danger of the plan miscarrying through This was one of the reasons why
any case of individual cowardice, as so his burghers remained so undauntedly in

the field, in spite of cold and privations. used to criticize him severely as an
Another reason, of course, was their administrator; and, on such occasions,
confidence in Oom Koos's tactics; and he would sometimes say more than was
a third was to be found in his personal seemly in the mouth of one of the
character. He has a violent temper: representatives of the people towards
that is not to be denied. The dark the grey Head of the South African
eyes of his characteristic head clearly Republic. But, like most passionate
point to his passionateness. And yet people, he was always the first frankly
he was not impetuous. He never hurried to ask for pardon, and he can boast of
where importantquestions were concerned. having made very few enemies.
And he as honest as the day.
is He
did notkeep his opinion to himself,
but told it roundly, whether flattering
or offensive. He despised cowards and
liars with all his heart, and, when he
flew out at them, made them feel
small and humiliated. He made no
bones of punishing a coward with his
cartridge-belt or sjambok. Liars and
cowards stood in terror of him; yet
he turned many a poltroon into a hero.
Oom Koos was never sullen and
surly like Cronje. He is affable, but
serious. He has not Louis Botha's
attractive smile; but, by the bed-side of
the sickand wounded, his dark eyes
would express all his sympathy. And
the same man who had sat weeping by
that bed-side would sign a traitor's death-
sentence with features riged as iron.

In the First Volksraad, Oom Koos

sat as Member Lichtenburg.
for He
was very regular in his attendance;
spoke often, but not too often; was
liable to terrible fits of temper; and
was afraid of nobody. He respected
President Kruger as a statesman, but GENERAL J. KEMP.


FROM policeman to general. That is had already resigned his billet as a

Ben Viljoen's career. guardian of the peace. He determined
Not so very many
years ago, the to live by his pen alone. His little
man destined be called upon to be
to paper succeeded, for no one can write
Assistant Commandant General had been such pleasant Africander as Ben Viljoen.
a policeman at Roodepoort, near Gradually he became the man in
Krugersdorp. But he always felt an Krugersdorp. The burghers elected him
impulse for higher things, and soon a field cornet and, later, commandant
there began to appear in Land en of the corps of Mounted Volunteers
Volk, at Pretoria, a series of cau- which he had levied. In spite of all
series on the Volksraad signed "Klein these distinctions, he did not look upon
Joggom." Our representatives sometimes himself as a man of importance: he
grew angry at the jokes which Little remained a wag, with an imperturbable
Joggom made at their expense but , good temper, who made friends with
they were obliged to admit that his all the world.
gossip was often amusing. Various As an officer, he learnt to know
nicknames which he gave to the Joubert better, and repeatedly attacked
members became popular. These cau- him in his paper. He had no patience
series were his first steps on the slippery with Joubert's administration, which
path of politics. At that time he was seemed to him too complicated. After
still a decided Joubertite. the Jameson Raid Ben became a

Humorous journalism alone was Krugerite, and when, at the last presi-
not enough to satisfy Ben Viljoen's dential election, the proprietors, in the
ambition; he wanted to be something face of his vehement and excited
more than a mere tattler, and he protests, sold Ons Folk to the Schalk
founded a paper of his own at Krugers- Burgerites, Ben would not own himself
dorp, which he called Ons Volk. He beaten, but at once began to support

Kruger's candidature with another paper, And so Ben became dignified. He

the Voortrekker, and enjoyed the satisfaction no longer took part in all sorts of
of seeing that Ons Volk was unable to uproarious jokes, and he devoted himself
hold its own against its new competitor. with his usual energy to his new duties,
The member of the Second Volksraad while happily retaining his sense of
for Johannesburg was to retire. Ben humour and his genial conversational
Viljoen was nominated as the candidate powers. In the Volksraad, he showed
of the anti-capitalists and elected. himself a good speaker and an opponent
Ben now became dignified. He dressed of half measures.
himself, in accordance with the rules of I heard, at the time, from an
the Raad, in black from top to toe, and authoritative source that, in one of the
for his own pleasure and adornment bought secret sittings of the Volksraad before
a grey top hat. This conventional attire the war, Ben had a violent difference
suited him quite as well as his police with Mr. R. K. Loveday, then Member
or cavalry uniform, for he is a fine- for Barberton, which ended in Ben's
looking man. His is not, however, being ordered by the Speaker to apolo-
the regular Africander type. He is gize to his colleague. Ben apologized
slender, with clear-cut features, a dapper for the words he had used, but not
moustache, clean-shaven cheeks and for the tendency of his remarks. He
chin , and hair cut in the English had spoken with conviction and declared
fashion. The ladies think him charm- that he would stick to his guns. I
ing; his colleagues in the Raad thought do not know whether the story is true,
him one of the best of fellows. but I believe it, first, because I have


Viljoen's commando defended the position with great pluck. There was a hand-to-hand
fight, but, in spite of their great numbers, the British were unable to capture a single gun.
All admiration is due to the Boers for their determined resistance, and to the heroism displayed
by General Ben Viljoen, who brought off a gun when the artillerymen who served it had all
been shot down.

..., A A "«

TEANSVAAL MAUSER BANDOLEER WAISTCOAT, worn by the Boers, who used to ornament
them with the numbers and badges of the British regiments. There is a monogram of tin; South
African Republic on the pocket in the centre. The police who formed the regular army wore
this monogram on their shoulder-pieces. The arms in the centre of the last row are those
of the Orange Free State.

no doubt of the truthfulness of my strange that he was the only one to

informant, who was in a position to perform the feat.
know, and, secondly, because I know AtLadysmith,theEnglish never attack-
Ben's excitable but upright character. ed his cam]), but contented themselves
In fact, I was surprised to hear with bombarding him from time to time.
later that, as commandant of the Krugers- General Joubert who saw thai

dorpers, he dealt very calmly with his Spion Kop was an important point of
people, preferring to argue with them defence, sent Viljoen down to the
rather than storm at them. Tugela, in November 1899, to occupy
Moreover, he never lost his cheer- the hill. He remained encamped on
fultemper and never became despondent. the kop until the 10 th of January
He showed himself to be indefatigable, 1900, without being troubled by the
implacable and young, strong and British. Then he received orders to
tough. occupy the Vaal Krans, and scarcely
In the early part of the war, the had he left Spion Kop before the
conditions were not favourable to Ben's English stormed it (23-24 January 1900).
distinguishing himself. At Elandslaagte At last, on the 5th of February
(21 October 1899), he succeeded in 1900, the English attacked his position,
extricating his commando in safety; but with so great a force that he was
although, at first sight, it seemed unable to hold the Vaal Krans. By

his personal courage he saved a Maxim- mained an hour without off-

Nordenfeldt gun from the hands of saddling, and
rode on, not quite so
the enemy. This crack feat compelled merry, but as full of good courage and
the admiration of the British and as high-spirited as ever.
inspired one of Mr. Winston Churchill's Ben is a man who takes a joyful
finest letters in the Morning Post. view of life, but, at the same time, he
On this occasion, Ben experienced the is serious enough not to become in-
poisonous effects of the lyddite shells. different when
things come to the
He obtained sick leave, and, on return- worst. A cheerful mood reigned in
ing to commando, took part in the his camp, and his tent was the source



This picture'was taken just before the great battle on 28 May 1900, when all the forces united
under Lord Roberts were needed to capture the positions held by 2,000 Boers. Lord Roberts
succeeded, but only after he had encountered the most determined resistance. His losses
were very heavy. Johannesburg was occupied by him on the 31st of May.

engagement at Pietershill (27 February which fed the general sociability and
1900), marched to Van Tonder's Nek, good-fellowship.
repelled an attack of the Natal Volun- The English soldiers had a sort of
teers, and occupied Laing's Nek in the fearful admiration for Ben Viljoen.
general retreat. They had read such horrors about him
On the 28 th of May 1900, he in the Jingo papers that they imagined
played a prominent part in the fight the most terrible things. In the British
at Klip River, near Johannesburg, and camp at Ladysmith, he appears to have
persuaded the Boers to make their been regarded as one who combined
unexpected stand against the mighty every attribute of savagery in his own
British army. After the battle he person. Ben was heartily amused at
rode into Johannesburg at night, re- the tales concerning himself which

reached him from time to time, but he refused to have them brought before
did nothing to keep up his reputation, him: the poor beggars must be tired;
was never rough towards the prisoners and, producing two bottles of beer and
and, on the contrary, treated them as a couple of tins of meat, he said:
well as he could. "Here, give them that, and let
Whenever Britishprisoners were them have a good night's rest."
brought into camp, their first question It was his own . ration that he had
was: sent them.
"Is Joubert here and where is that An English prisoner once said to
man Viljoen ?" Ben:
And then, when they saw "that "General, they used to call you a
man Viljoen," they refused to believe devil in our camp."
it was he. They had imagined someone "Well," answered Ben, "that repu-
very different: a rough, uncivilized man, tation will do me no harm: you fellows
who murdered every Briton that fell will run away quicker from a devil
into his hands. than an angel."
One day a telegraphist and a corre- Tommy laughed and thought the
spondent,who had escaped fromLadysmith, Boer general right, although the latter,
were brought into his camp. They had with his pleasant, smiling face, looked
wandered about for nights together anything but diabolical. It was a
without seeing a chance of getting characteristic answer of Viljoen, the
through the Republican lines. They smart journalist numbers of whose

did not dare surrender: they feared lest pithy Africander maxims are in circulation.
they should be shot on the spot by The words which he uttered shortly
"the barbarous Boers." At last they before the outbreak of the war, "God
fell into the enemy's hands. Viljoen and the Mauser," became the battle-
was informed of their capture. He cry of the Boers.


rPHE eyes and ears of General De Wet, the men in khaki like flies, with this
-- and the boldest of all the Boer difference , that , whereas the latter
combatants: that's what Danie Theron decrease in numbers in winter, the saucy
was. scouts became ever more numerous. At
He was short and slender, youthful, night, they rode beside the British
almost boyish, in appearance, a little patrols, and, by day, hovered about the
awkward movements, but proud
in his enemy's camps in endless disguises. They
and daring in his manner. He was a talked English or Africander, Scotch,
crack horseman, a magnificent swimmer, Irish or Welsh, as the occasion demanded.
an excellent cyclist, an untiring runner, They were Boers bringing their produce
the toughest and most persevering of to market, or British soldiers loitering
men. Among his comrades he was the amid their comrades in arms. They
jovial talker who loved a good joke ventured close up to every position, and
and loved a good song. On active dared attack every force when necessary.
service and in the field, he was the They sold their lives dearly, but preferred
leader who was able to make his fol- to (reserve them, if the speed of their

lowers do anything by his example and horses and the sureness of their aim
a single word of encouragement. In could save them. They were tricky and
peace, he was an attorney, at Krugers- venturesome, and enjoyed rare good luck.
dorp; and, in the late war, was promoted To lure an English patrol into an
to captain of a corps of scouts. ambush was their delight; cleverly to
Theron's Scouts were the torment protect themselves against a snare was
of the British's army. They knew its their second nature. They were the best
numbers and its movements with aston- where all were good, ever the first in
ishing accuracy. They swarmed round danger, ever the last to retire. Their

enemy knew Danie well and was too

well aware of the powerful and in-
dispensable help which he proved to
the slim De Wet. After the incident
of Honingspruit, on the 6th of June
1900, I heard English officers
"If only we could lay hands
on Theron!"
Surely this was the most flattering
compliment that Danie could hope
to be paid.
When the war began to seem
inevitable, towards the end of
September 1899, Danie Theron
called, in the newspapers, for a
cyclist corps,which would serve to
carry and dispatches and
perform scouting work. At first,
he derived little satisfaction from
his call. The Boers thought that
the intention was to escape from
danger! But, so soon as the cyclist
service was organized and the
burghers saw that no rivers or
heavy roads, no hostile patrols,
no bullets of the enemy could stop
BOER CYCLIST. The Cyclist Corps consisted of young the dispatch-riders, they began to
men of the better classes. Their superior education had not
made tliem weaklings. They were in perfect training. Not respect the corps.
only were they able to keep their seat all day long, but they At Ladysmith and on the
were ready to carry their bicycles on their backs wherever the
roads were impassable. Rivers did not trouble them : lifting Tugela, Theron soon mado a name
their bicycles with strong arms well out of the water, they
would swim across the widest streams. Wind, rain, heat, nothing for himself. General Joubert used
came amiss to them. At the word of command, taking no to call for Danie all day long.
heed of the British fire, they were ready to dash through the
British lines and back again. From early morn till late at
night, Theron was the saddle.
special duty was the covering of a His poor horse led a terribly fatiguing
retreat; and they alone were at all life with him, who was tougher than
times ready to attack. They combined any Boer pony. Many is the animal
in themselves all the innate fighting that dropped dead under him on his mar-
qualities of the Boer, without his over- vellous rides: one day there were three of
cautiousness. There was no room for them, but that was Danie's record. And,
cowards or blockheads in Theron's Scouts. very late at night, when it was time to
Danie wanted men on whom he could sleep, he would come back to laager
rely, and it was considered an honour and, with his cheeky, drawling voice, say:
to belong to his band. "Boys, I've got one more dispatch
The British officers were in despair: to take, right across the enemy's fire.
all attempts to outwit Danie failed! Two boys must go with me."
His scouts were hardly ever to be The "boys" would pretend to sleep:
captured, and to keep anything concealed they thought they had done enough
from them was quite as impossible. The for one day.

"All right, I'll go alone,' growled worn for the first time that day.
Danie to himself, not in the least upset, This incident is typical of Danie's
only a trifle indifferent. character. He was as good-natured as
But would think a bit
this his lads he was undaunted. Repeatedly he would
too bad, and three or four of them gallop back to a just abandoned position
would jump up together, crying: to fetch away a wounded comrade.
"I'll go with ye, Danie!" Shells might shriek and burst round
That pleased him. He was content him: Danie remained calm and imper-
with ever so turbable,speak-
little compli- ing words of
ance. He in- consolation to
variably kept the wounded
the most risky man.
and arduous No wonder
enterprises for that his men
himself; that idolized him,
was as it should were always
be, he thought: ready to follow
a command- him, and would
ant must do willingly have
his own hardest given their
work. lives for him.
And to the Yet he conti-
men under him nued the same
he behaved as cool and im-
none other did. mutable Danie,
On a certain who said so
day, one of little when the
them com- time for action
plained that his came. He was
riding-breeches always simple
were worn out and unaffected,
and that the however much
commissariat his superiors
would have no praised him,
new clothes and seemed
for a couple utterly blind
of days. Danie to his own
gave a glance merits. That
is why it was
legs, resplen- BOERS. South view. that he first

dent in a brand- became known

new pair, which he had bought for among all the commandoes when he
himself at Krugersdorp the day before had performed his famous ride with
he went on commando. Then he went secret dispatches to Cronjes invested
off to his tent, pulled an old pair of laager at Paardenberg (18-27 February
breeches out of his chest, which he had 1900).
really thrown aside as too bad for further Meanwhile, the British spying service,
wear, put them on, and gave his dispatch- combined with frequent treachery, had
rider the new pair, which Danie had taught General De Wet the value of

accurate information. In the council of saw that the man was too chicken-
war held at Poplar Grove on the 1st hearted or too slow-witted, explained to
of March 1900, Oom Chrisjan proposed him that he could not continue to use him.
to form a scouting-corps which would In this way, Theron gathered round him
be entrusted exclusively with the a corps of picked men, of whom lie
collection of necessary facts. Danie had every right to be proud. Not a
Theron's courage, intrepidity and daring, town was occupied by the English, but
of which he had given so many signs one or more scouts were left behind
during his ride to observe the
toPaardenberg, manner in
were so recent which the place
in their mem- was garrisoned.
ory that the No less than
council unani- eight of them
mously selected were standing
him as the in immediate
leader of the proximity to
corps, with Lord Roberts
the rank of when the
captain. The British Field
Government ap- Marshal made
proved fully of his speech in
the formation the market-
of the corps, square at Pre-
which was at toria, after his
first to number entry into the
one hundred Transvaal cap-
men, each of ital on the
whom was to r
.)th of June
have two horses 1900; nor was
at his disposal. it until some
The corps three days later
was complete that our friends
in a very short left the city
time, and the by ox-waggons,
leader assumed along the race-
command of course, amply
his hundred supplied with
followers. The valuable in-
work which NEAR LAING'S NEK WRECKED BY THI formation.
these scouts BOERS. North View.
And, not-
had undertaken w ithstanding
was, in the highest degree, dangerous, cunning, all this courage and in-
all this
and very soon the less mettlesome trepiditydisplayed by his subordinates,
amongst them withdrew and returned Danie continued to remain the craftiest,
to their commandoes. Danie tried his the most gallant, the most undaunted
men one by one. He took a different and the most enterprising of them all.
companion with him on each of his This gave him a natural ascendancy over
adventurous expeditions, watched his his men; for to order them about and
methods carefully, and, so soon as he "play the baas" was never his way.

always named in one breath; often most glorious feats-at-arms of the valiant De
unjustly. Wet, who could speak with pride of
When it was resolved that General Theron's "half Englishmen," as Oom
De Wet should remain in the Free Chrisjan used to call the scouting-corps,
State to harass the British lines of which consisted in the main of young
communication, Danie Theron was men, born in Cape Colony, who had
appointed to second him, and new become burghers through residence in
commanders were chosen for the several the Republic. Poor Theron was fated
divisions of the famous scouting-corps. not to see the end of the war. He
How splendidly Danie acquitted himself fellnear Krugersdorp (August 1901).
of his task and what brave assistance Captain Celliers succeeded him as
he lent his leader is shown by the commander of Theron's Scouts.

DANIE THERON'S SCOUTS: RESTING. Their repose is a well-earned one, for their
work has been heavy. They know no fear and sell their lives dearly. But they may take
their rest with perfect confidence in the vigilance of the sentry : they need fear no surprise
from the enemy.


little angular, but lithe and

A man of sterling character, an honest,
upright Africander, an indefatigable
shoulder, a
quick of movement. His dark com-
worker, a man of great capacity, of plexion, with the black beard and
rare swiftness in action and, to the last, moustache, point to a vehement tem-
of unimpaired faith in the triumph of perament. There is grit in his character.
the republican arms. The dark eyes flicker up suddenly
General though he were, he was long behind his glasses, and then it is time
addressed only by the title of Judge; to make one's self scarce, for he permits
no one thought of calling him anything nothing to frighten him: no display of
else. For that matter, he looked more strength no broad
, burly figure
, no ,

like a scholar than a soldier, with his bold attitude. The biggest burgher,
dark eyes beaming and glittering behind who stands a foot higher than he, was
his gold-rimmed spectacles. terrified, once "the judge" started, and
Those who knew him in Holland, many a Free Stater who had neglected
where he completed his legal training his duty felt the nervous muscular
in 1892, tell me that he used to be force of this slender man.
of a calm and placid temperament. I, "But he is therefore a banja fine
who have known him on commando, fellow," one and all agreed.
cannot readily picture him in that He deserved this estimate, for there
light. He must have changed greatly are few who did as much as he in
in these ten years. In Holland, too, this war. When itwas necessary, he
they pretend that he was tall and fought. When there
was no fighting to
massive. But, among the giants in be done, he was here, there and every-
South Africa, he is classed as a man where to settle the commissariat ar-
of middle height. He is straight of rangements. When he had finished this

task, he would take part in a council on all matters of importance when

of war, and his colleagues not only Mr. A. Fischer had left for Europe.
listened to him as a jurist: his opinions The Free State jurist was constantly
on strategy were of equal value; for, galloping or steaming to and fro be-
like so many Africanders, he is a born tween his commando and the seat of
strategist. His judgment always gave government, and, wherever he might
proofs of his clear insight into every be, he was the heart and soul of every-
matter, while the gigantic quantity of thing:
work which he performed bore witness "Is Judge Hertzog here?" would be
to his extraordinary and untiring dil- heard from morn till night.
igence. His advice was asked on every subject,
Despite his knowledge and training, from the weightiest questions of State
he was always prepared to listen to to the most trivial family matters of
the views of others, even if those were the burghers. A Boer would come
far from possessing his superior gifts. and complain to him with as great an
He strove to improve his knowledge in air of importance of the injustice of
every direction whether from one of
, the commissary in refusing to renew
the Boer commandants, or the military his pass as would a general of the
attaches, or the foreign officers fighting neglect of one of his subordinate
on the side of the Boers. commandants. Judge Hertzog was sure
All agree with one voice as to his to know of a solution of the difficulty,
personal charm, his extensive learning or, at least, it would be strange indeed
and his lofty principles, which latter he if the judge were unable find one. True,
so rigidly observes. he would sometimes fly into a terrible
Judge Hertzog was ubiquitous. With temper if a burgher came troubling
wonderful rapidity, he crossed the whole him about some trifle; but his temper
country on his splendid horses: when would go the instant the man had fled.
one steed needed rest, another was used. He declared that he had no time to
No harnessing o or saddling o was ever get angry. But it was no use coming
done fast enough to please him. His to him with excuses to obtain leave
Kaffir, who had acquired an uncommon from commando, and the burghers very
dexterity in this employment , was soon learnt to drop all such questions.
always being
urged to display still Any poor beggar however who was
, ,

greater speed, while the baas himself really in want of something was wel-
lent a hand. Then boy and baas leapt come and certain of assistance; if the
into cart or saddle with an agility aid could not be granted officially,
upon which no acrobat could have Judge Hertzog was never short of a
improved, and dashed on ahead at a couple of pounds to give it himself.
rate at which an}7 other would have It is astounding to think where he
stood aghast. obtained his knowledge of bread and
There was no great chance , there- local laws , of shoes and military
fore of Hertzog's
, falling into the positions. And none could settle a
British hands. He was the man of question so quickly as he. He is an
men for guerilla tactics in
, which uncommon mortal, who became furi-
swiftness of mobilization plays so great ously angry with sluggards or men
a part, and he knew how to communi- who wished, worked, held principles,
cate this love of rapid movement to did everything by halves.
his burghers without their perceiving He wr as as valiant as the bravest, but,
it themselves. when he thought it better for the cause
President Steijn consulted Hertzog of the country that he should not fight,

he feared no reproach of cowardice in He himself is an Africander and one of

order to do other work of a more useful the best type: a noble charact'T, who was
character. At Magersfontein on the
, as firmly determined as the President to
lltli of December 1899, throughout the fight to the bitter end. He belong ;•
great battle, lie rode about behind the the Fauresmith District, and his wife,
positions driving back the faint of
, who remained behind at Bloemfontein,
heart who were abandoning their posts. full of pride that her husband was still
He had learnt at Belmont, Rooilaagte under arms was taken
, , together with
(Graspan), and Two Rivers (Modder her eight-year-old son, to Port Elizabeth
River) how infectious flight is, and was and immured in the women's camp.
determined to ensure as far as possible where the child died of the privations
that every burgher should do his duty. which he endured.
The Battle of Magersfontein was won, I respect this judge, whose training

and the judge contributed more towards did not unfit him for the hard life
the victory than if he had lain all day of the battle-field. I respect this man.
in the trenches, Mauser in hand. The who cheerfully left wife and child,
cowards, of course, urged that it was hearth and home, to lead, in the service
easy for him to drive them back while of his country and his people an.

lie himself kept out of danger: he took existence of privations unknown to him,
no notice of their remarks and continued of wretchedness never imagined.
to act as he thought necessary. And how unbroken his spirit re-
Judge Hertzog accompanied the mained isproved by his admirable
expedition to Kenhardt, Prieska and inroad into Cape Colony in December
Upington. in November 1899, at the 1900, at the head of his commando,
express request of President Steijn, and and his operations there. As I have
was made judge of the districts occupied; already said, this nervous, pithy, dark-
but they had hardly started before he complexioned lawyer is a man of
returned as the British troops were
, sterling character.
threatening Magersfontein for the
second time. Together with General
W. Kolbe, in whose laager he found
himself, he was strongly opposed to
allowing a portion of the cavalry,
which had broken through at Ron-
Kimberley undis-
dafelsdrift, to enter
turbed. His example stimulated the
burghers to new and energetic efforts;
Kolbe's laager was hastily reinforced;
the British mounted troops were
beaten back; and General Du Toit
was enabled to bring his Long Tom,
which was erected near the Water
Works, into a position of safety.

Judge Hertzog is one of the few

persons in South Africa who have taken
degrees both in England and Holland. TBANSVAAL MAXIM GUN.



was after Dr. Leijds retired as State refused, the Transvaal Government really
Secretary and departed for Europe not did know whom to approach. Should
as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister they ask Dr. H. J. Coster, who had been
Plenipotentiary of the South African State Attorney in '96? They went to
Republic. The Volksraad and Govern- see him. He would not think of it. Some
ment were at their wits' end. A new suggested Danie Wolmarans, and the
State Secretary had to be appointed by Opposition immediately agreed to this
the First Volksraad; but those best suggestion; for then, at least, Danie.
fitted for Abra-
this position refused. with his prodigious influence would .

ham Fischer, of Bloemfontein, was the disappear from the Volksraad. But
favourite. The Transvaal people did their Danie was no lawyer and this was an
utmost to induce Fischer to accept the essential qualification, A few clever
candidature, and he would certainly have minds then turned to Jan Smuts,
been elected: "Who is Jan Smuts? most men asked.
"If he had any conditions, they could Well, Jan Smuts was a young
be granted; and, if any objections, they lawyer from Cape Colony, who was
could be removed." writing brilliant articles in Ons
The Free State people looked upon all Land on the crisis in the Supreme Court
this with regret and persuaded Fischer in the South African Republic, when
to remain. And he remained where Chief Justice Kotze had been relieved
he was, for the Free State and his from his duties. Jan Smuts was a true
position there were, in fact, too dear young Africander, extraordinarily clever,
to him that he should care to charge who had finished his legal training
himself with the ungrateful and dif'fi- in England brilliantly. He had set
cult office of State Secretary of the up as a lawyer in Johannesburg, but,
South African Republic. When Fischer in spite of his cleverness, the Eland

capitalistsdisliked him: he was too dum in which he sketched, in the form

much of a patriot for their taste. As of a report to his Government, the points
for his candidature for the position of of the conversation between himself and
State Secretary, his friends did what the British Agent and the course which
they could; but his youth was an it had assumed. He advised immediate
insuperable objection. He was only publication so soon as the evasive
twenty-eight years old and the con-
, answer of the British Government reached
stitution of the South African Republic Pretoria, on the 28th of August 1898.
required a State Secretary to be thirty The President however, who had grown
at least. Eventually, the Transvaal had old in diplomacy, warned the young
the good fortune to secure Judge Reitz, functionary to remain calm and drew
the former President of the Sister Re- his attention to the fact that the proposed
public of the Orange Free State, to fill publication might possibly induce the
that position; and Smuts became State British Government to break off all
Attorney. negociations.
Even the most importunate were Smuts was convinced by this
now reconciled. A Transvaaler, Pre- solid argument and postponed the
sident Kruger; a Free Stater, State publication of his memorandums. How-
Secretary Reitz; and a Cape Colonist, ever, his youthful blood boiled with
State Attorney Smuts: these were now indignation and he needed all his self-
the leaders of the Government. It is control to refrain from speaking his
true that the State Attorney was not mind on what had happened. The love
an immediate member of Government; for his country,which might be imperilled
but, as he was also an adviser in matters by any rash action on his part, over-
of State, his influence upon the Govern- came his indignation, and Smuts remained
ment was very considerable. Both the silent until his turn to speak came.
Cape Colonists and the people of the In the meantime, he set himself to work
Free State were much pleased with the on the Century of Wrong, the plan of
choice: a fact requiring no argument. which had been drafted by the State
Smuts performed his work with all Secretary, who also gave instructions as
the activity appertaining to his youth. to the tendency of the book. He worked
The of the different State At-
careers with indefatigable activity and devoted
torneys of the South African Republic his few hours of leisure to the compil-
have been rich in interesting experiences; ation of this pamphlet.
but that of the last State Attorney has The last English Blue-book that
excelled all others in this respect. He appeared before the war suddenly put
accompanied President Kruger on bis an end to the confidence which Smuts
journey to Bloemfontein, in June 1899, had hitherto entertained in the British
and took part in the conferences with Agent. The young State Attorney was
Sir Alfred Milner. It was he who had at least able to read, in this Blue-book,
the well-known conference with Mr. that even Mr. Conyngham Greene was
Conyngham Greene, the British Agent not always to be relied upon to give a
at Pretoria, from which Smuts, on his faithful rendering of a conversation, and,
side, understood that the British Govern- from that moment, he firmly refused to
ment would be satisfied if the Outlanders be present at any of the many visits
were granted full burgher rights after which the British Representative paid
five years' residence: an assurance that to Government Buildings at Pretoria.
raised expectations in official circles in State Attorney Smuts has undoubt-
the Transvaal which were never realized. edly done very much for the South
Smuts drew up the famous memoran- African Republic, and always with the

greatest devotion, strength of mind, in- most part to him. It cannot, however,
spiration and gladness. But
it be denied that the evil had assumed
therefore be said that all that he did such proportions at Johannesburg that
was well done: he was too much lacking a rigorous intervention had become a
in experience to be, as vet, a diplomatist. mutter of urgent necessity. And the
He still placed too much confidence in State Attorney of the South African
people; he had too eager a belief in Republic was certainly not the first
everybody's word. All the good and man to fail in finding the means by
bad qualities of youth were united in which this social evil was to be fought.
him: impetuous efficiency, an indefati- But. apart from all this, Smuts
gable delight in his work, a too hasty showed himself, in his official career, to
trust in success, and the noblest optimism. to be a young Africander of promising
But opposed to these stood his want talents. His intentions and endeavours
of practical experience. His official were of the most sacred character,

negociations with the British Agent the purest and the most sincerely Afric-
were certainly based upon the best ander; and his unstained loyalty to his
intentions, but whether they were exactly country, his immaculate and enthusiastic
formal is another question. patriotism were the inward forces that
His lack of official severity, which latter prompted him to great deeds. And,
is the characteristic of riper statesmen, had his career moved over a smoother
appears in a Century of Wrong, both path ,Smuts would have become an
in his chapter on the Cape of Good important figure in the midst of the
Hope and in his vigorous assertion that young Africander nation. His character,
Dingaan was instigated by the English, his knowledge, his clear brain, his un-
in 1838, to murder Piet Retief and his shaken will pointed to this with irref-
men: an assertion which is contradicted utable evidence. The office of State
by historians of standing, such as Theal Secretary of the South African Republic-
and Van Oordt, and which must natur- was waiting for him when once the
ally diminish the value of Smuts' argu- ripeness of years to come had brought
ments throughout the book in the eyes him experience. But the smoother path
of those who are enemies of his country. towards that height remained closed to
But patriotism and indignation seethed Smuts. He had to participate in the
within him. What he lacked, as yet, bitter sufferings and the tenacious
was quiet earnestness. He had not yet struggle of his compatriots. And, in
learnt how to retain his equanimity in these sufferings, in this struggle, dan
all circumstances nor how to work on Smuts showed
himself great. Amid
quietly when wrath filled his heart. all privations, hard trials, it was he

As State Attorney, it was also his again who excelled as the man predes-
business to draft projects of laws and tined to become one of the leaders of
to defend and explain those projects in his country. With enthusiasm he took
the Yolksraad. One of these laws, the up his Mauser, to defend the good right
so-calledLaw against Prostitution, bears of the Africanders, which he so often
witness to his lack of practice. By pleaded with the pen, and, if fate required,
this law, the accused had to prove his to seal it with his blood. His pa-
innocence, the prosecution was
while triotism it was that made him one of
called upon bring forward hardly
to the bravest and ablest generals of the
any proof of the offence. Even land- Transvaal, the great support of De la
lords were held responsible for the acts Rev.
of their tenants. Smuts drafted this And, as a general, Smuts certainly
law: the doubtful honour belongs for the retained that conscientiousness and
J. C. SMUTS. 171

joviality which marie him such a sym- District in the Transvaal across the
pathetic figure time of peace.
in The block-house lines of the British military
lean and slender stature denotes his posts, who pushed forward to the centre
force and his tenacity; the clear eyes of Cape Colony and there maintained
and the decisive knit of the brows are himself. There were other reasons thai
tokens of his energy and power of convinced Jan Smuts, and these are to
will. In appearance, he seems to be be found in the resolution in which
younger than he really is, with his the representatives of the commandoes
clean-shaven face, his fair complexion, at Vereeniging explain why they were
the adolescence made even more striking compelled to put an end to the war.
by his leanness. Jan Smuts, however, is too energetic,
But, even though Smuts the lawyer too diligent and assiduous a man to

was, for a time, dissolved in Smuts the remain inactive. His destiny, his
soldier, his incisive pen was not doomed influence amongst the Africanders, his
to inefficiency. His reports to Presidents thorough knowledge of persons and
Steijn and Kruger concerning the misery affairs have increased: Jan Smuts has
endured and the results inflicted by this been through a hard school, through
painful war proved in a marked manner which the ancestors of the Africanders
that that pen could still move the whole passed before him. 1 have no doubt but
world to rage against the execrable that he will make the best use of his
actions committed during the war. Jan knowledge for the sake of his people
Smuts taught us that a new Century and his country.
of Wrong had commenced for the
Africanders; but, from behind the heavy
wall of the British army, he shouted
to us,with austere emphasis:
•'We will endeavour to realize a
peace for the whole of South Africa
which will be worthy of the precious
sacrifices that have been made".
Truly, those were the words of a
young patriot, of a young hero of Young-
Africa. Such language, in such desperate
circumstances, marked the resolution
of his character and marked the man
he was.
To this young idealist, to him who
knew so well the sufferings of the
Africanders since the earliest days, it
must have been a bitter disillusionment
to draw up the protocol of peace, which
was signed on the 31st of May 1902.
Persuasive power and seizing arguments
must have been necessary to convince
him of the uselessness of further re-
sistance. Jan Smuts was not the man
to hesitate as long; as there were still
some thousands of men on the veldt:
Jan Smuts who, in August 1901, passed
with 200 Boers from the Potchefstroom COMMANDANT FOl'CHK OF THE COLONY.


Maritz began his career as a common

soldier. He at once distinguished
himself by his daring:
GENERAL S. G. MAEITZ. "Maritz says little, but does much,"'
his officers used to declare.
A ssistant Commandant General Smuts's In February 1901, he entered Cape
-£** late deputy-general is a young man, Colony under DeWet; but, with many
short of build, but powerful as a bull. other little bands, was cut off from the
His physical strength is something out main body and remained in the Colony
of the common. He is said, during under Commandant Malan, who, in April
the war, to have felled an enemy with 1901, in accordance with instructions from
a single blow of his fist, so that the the Free State, sent him to the north-
man died the following day. western districts. He started from Graaf
Maritz is young to have been a Reinet and travelled right across the
general: he is barely twenty-five; but Colony with eight men, galloping,
he does not lack seriousness. His com- crawling, creeping, feeling his way
rades say that he seldom laughs, that through the British but always
he is a taciturn man, but braver then o-ettinff through. He shrank from no
the bravest. Maritz was born in Cape obstacle and, at last, reached IVieska,
Colony, but had lived for many years where, for the first time, he was able
in the Transvaal, where he was a dis- to display his unequalled intrepidity.
tributor of passes to the natives and The eight men who had performed the
where he became a fully enfranchised whole journey with him formed the
burgher at the time of the Jameson nucleus of his commando. There w;i>
Raid. Like all young Boer officers, nothins that he dared not undertake
17 1

with them. They would never leave were jubilant. They were certain that
him in the lurchand they knew that this peace meant the preservation of
Maritz never hesitated to attack. At the independence of the two Republics.
Blauwijzer, on his way to the North- It fell to General Smuts to dispel this
West, he had ventured to engage 60 happy dream and many of the un-

English horsemen; at Brandvlei, with daunted fellows wept: Maritz among

ten men, he had fought a strong British them. He and some of his faithful
patrol: and be had nearly always left followers refused to lay down their
the Held a winner. His little commando arms: had they not nearly always been
constantly increased in size. He had the victors? And so they crossed the
no arms; but he obtained them from frontier of German South- West Africa
his English prisoners. The eight men and came to Europe.
grew into twenty and eventually into What will their future be? They
a hundred. They were all young fellows, do not know; they do not ask: time
who knew no fear. They included the will show. But it was too much to
five Free Staters who had escaped from ask of Maritz that he should own him-
Ceylon and returned to the commando self beaten: of Maritz, who was thrice
over Petersburg and Amsterdam;
St. wounded the war; of Maritz, the
they included Andries De Wet, who doughty knight without fear and with-
disliked the applause which he received out reproach.
in Germany when lecturing for the
Boer cause and who eventually returned
to Cape Colony to take up his rifle
again for his people. Among Maritz' II.

men was de Kersanson the French,

nobleman, a nephew of Count de Ville- THE LATE COMMANDANT

These were the men whom the silent,
brave Maritz had under him; and, with
75 of such men, he dared to pass through I met Scheepers at Bloem-
the whole of the North -West of Cape fontein inDecember 1899. It was a
Colony to Cape Town and join the scorching clay. The heat shimmered over
other commandoes in the neigbourhood. the sand in the broad market-place, which
It was he who captured the remount lay completely deserted. I was sitting
depot at Bergstad, at ten hours' ride out on the verandah of the Free State
from Table Bay. It was he who pene- Hotel, drowsily dozing with heat and
trated with his commando to within boredom. Then, suddenly, a young man
five hours of Cape Town and, on the came stepping across the square, soli-
1st of October 1901, captured the tary in the wide spaciousness of the
Cyclists' Corps. Nothing came, in the market-place. He came up to the hotel
end, of the attack on Cape Town; but and went past me with a short military
Maritz returned to the North- West of salute. A moment later, we were sitting
the Colony with an exceptionally rich talking on the verandah. The young
booty in horses, cattle and mules. man was Scheepers. He was a tele-
He was now a general: Assistant graphist in the Free State Artillery.
Commandant General Smuts had pro- I asked him if he did not find life

moted him. His first act in his new on commando difficult.

capacity was to lay siege to Ookiep, in "Difficult? That life is not difficult.
April 1902. The news of the conclusion I expect we shall get it banja more
of peace came soon after. Maritz' men difficult one of these days.''

Then saw that Scheepers did not

1 he now had 240 men under his orders.

belong to the optimists who were con- They never suffered want. All the
vinced that the days of Magersfontein, corn which the English had command-
Colons!) and Storm berg would last: eered and accummulated at Graaf Reinet,
-Our people are too fond of going Aberdeen and Willowmore was captured
home." by Scheepers in May 1901; and this
Scheepers grew excited. His large supply fed him and his men through
dark eyes flashed fire and he uttered the whole of the winter of that year.
words which one would not have ex- His report to De Wet, of the 31st
pected from this young fellow, with of August 1901, fell into the hands

the laughter -loving eyes and mouth, of the English. In this report he set
who gave so great an impression of forth his plan of campaign for the
the love and strength of life. And, coming summer. He intended to go
suddenly, our west, in the
talk was inter- direction of
rupted by the Oudshoorn and
arrival of Cape Town.
another young The enemy was,
man. therefore, duly
Scheepers warned, but
sprang up and was unable to
went to meet spoil his plans.
him. He be- No commando
came a differ- penetrated so
ent person. far into Cape
They both Colony as his.
laughed until And his
the market- commando was
place and the a picked corps.
houses rang THE LATE COMMANDANT G. J. SCHEEPERS. He maintained
again with iron discipline.
their merriment; and the clear, gay, There were so many who were eager
lusty voices sounded long in my ears. to join him that he was able to reject
Scheepers was right to pronounce all but the most active and resolute.
a bitter judgment on the leave-takers. His men were always well-dressed and
He himself remained in the field when well-fed and behaved in exemplary
adversity came and "life became banja fashion as each new village was occu-
difficult." As De Wet's adjutant, he pied. Eventually even the Capt Times
passed through Oom Chrisjan's famous was compelled to admit that the 750
military school, and with success; for men who in the end, fought under

he learnt, with cunning adroitness, al- Scheepers consisted in the main of well-
ways to escape the threatened surrounding to-do Cape Colonists, owners of landed
movements and to obtain advantages property.
against the enemy. Scheepers fell ill on commando and,
In December 1900, he invaded the at last, on the 10th of October 1901.

dony at the same time as Kretzinger and
!i was captured by the enemy at a farm-
Judge Hertzoy;. He soon received his own house near Kopjeskraal, where he had
commando. It numbered only 40 men; been left behind. Ill as he was, he
but he was able, on the 31st of Au- had led his commando till the last.
gust 1901, to report to De Wet that When the pursuing column was so close

upon his heels that there was a danger not prevent him from playing foot-ball
of his falling into the enemy's hands, or riding with the Colonial young
he sprang with his sick body from his ladies.
cart and escaped on horseback. At last, on the 15th of August
Scheepers' trial lasted long: it had 1901 General
, French drove him
to be constantly adjourned because he back across the Orange River and
was too ill to attend. He defended occupied all the drifts; but Kretzinger
himself personally against all the accu- made his way into the Colony again
sations brought against him. English in December 1901. He crossed the
soldiers gave evidence of his humane railway at De Aar and, on the 16th of
treatment. But Scheepers the poor , December 1901, when endeavouring to
sick Scheepers, was shot on the 18th of save a wounded comrade at Hanover
Januari 1902. He died as he had fought, Road, fell heavily wounded into the hands
a hero of the English. Like Scheepers, he was
nursed up in order to undergo his trial by
court-martial; but, more fortunate than
III. Scheepers, he was acquitted in April
GENERAL G. H. KRETZINGER. And yet the accusations against
Kretzinger were of a more serious cha-
Kretzinger also entered Cape Colony racter. In August 1901, he wrote to
on the 16th of December 1900, with General French that he would shoot
150 men. His commando was soon the any black who had served in the British
leading one and Army as a
he was promo- combatant or
ted to Assist- spy that fell

ant Chief Com- into his hands;

mandant in and, on the
the Colon}7 . 13th of July
Swiftly, one 1901, he had
after the other, issued a procla-
he inflicted a mation in which
number of he threatened
serious reverses all Kaffirs who
on the English. rendered ser-
Lord Kitchener vices to the
dispatched his British Army
best generals with condign
against the punishment, a
twenty - eight - threat which
year- old Afric- told heavily, in
ander. Now those days.
Kretzinger be- GENERAL KBETZINGEB. against a Boer
G. H.
gan to be officer: so hea-

"cornered," and "hard pressed," and vily that the British Colonial Secretary
''cut and 'surrounded," and so
off," expressed his indignation against it in
on. But he always escaped; nor did the House of Commons on the 8th of
he permit these military performances August 1901.
to interfere with the pleasures of daily Nevertheless, Kretzinger was acquitt-
life. All the English soldiers could ed; but he had felt the pistol at his breast.


THE influence of the South African husbands to remain at home, immediately

women in this war has been modest after the appearance of Lord Roberts'
and discreet. When the world's press firstproclamation of the 31st of May
spoke of the deeds of the Boers, but 1900, in which the Boers were called
few words were devoted to the mighty upon to lay down their arms, lest they
share taken by the African women in should be treated as rebels and lose
this gigantic struggle of the small Boer their homes and chattels. But in sharp
people against the most powerful nation contrast with these stood the cases in
that the world contains. which the women urged the men to
The call of some of them to their courage and perseverance when the

sisters to take over the men's duties latter were marching away with the
and perfom police service met with but knowledge that presently the enemy
little echo. Not that our women are would approach their houses, drive away
lacking in courage, but they felt that all their cattle, and rob their wives and

their strength lay elsewhere and that, children of roof and home!
when man and wife fulfilled their I will mention only one of many
respective duties, there was enough to striking instances of this heroism on
do for both, and each would have as the part of the women. It was on

great a share as the other in the the 11th of March 1900. The news
arduous struggle for the independence had penetrated to General Kolbe's farms,
so dear to them. about six hours' distance from Bloerafon-
Not every woman has shown herself tein, that the English were marching
a heroine in this war, as little as every on the capital and that our burghers
man has shown himself a hero. There had been forced after a stubborn

are women, alas! who entreated their resistancp, to abandon their position:-

at Driepan. It was a rich homestead; be found in his tent; it was the El

the house was elegantly and tastefully Dorado of journalists, who were allowed
furnished; the fields were tilled with to see important letters or the latest
the aid of all the latest inventions English papers, all captured from Kaffirs
which this age of progress offers. The who had tried to smuggle these import-
oxen and horses were sleek and fat, and ant things into Kimberley in order
the whole place lay basking in the to provide Mr. Rhodes with a little
beaming rays of the sun, as though, distraction. The natives, however, fell
war and the enemy were far away. into the hands of the Boer pickets and
Soon fugitives from the different Boer Mr. Rhodes lost his reading, which was
homesteads began to hurry along the a pity for him and for the friends who
road, on horseback and in all sorts of had wished to cheer him with it.
conveyances. Now and again, one of When two thousand mounted men of
these would allow himself a moment the force which, at Rondafelsdrift, was
to "climb down" and relate to the four marching round the Magersfontein
women all the terrible things that he had position rode on to Kimberley, Cronje
heard on the way. These four women simply gave orders to allow the
were General Kolbe's mother-in-law, a colum to enter the town. This order,
doughty old woman; the gallant Boer's however, did not meet the views of
wife; his sister-in-law, the wife of Field Kolbe and Judge Hertzog, who resolved
Cornet Pretorius; and the latter's young to turn back the enemy. The encounter
unmarried sister. No pleadings, no tales took place, and ended to the advantage
of terror were able to persuade the of the Free Staaters. The enemy's
woman to leave the homestead. They cavalry was beaten back, and did not
were determined to remain, come what enter Kimberley: at least, not then.
might. Thanks to his vigorous action,
The stream of fugitives continued. General Du Toit of the Transvaal Army
Gradually, a few groups of armed had been enabled to bring his Long Tom
burghers began to mingle with the long from Ottoskopje and send it to Boshof.
array of Cape carts, and, towards evening, The general had not been home
General Willem Kolbe himself appeared since the beginning of the war, and
before his house. He was a comparative- even now his stay was to be but a
ly old man: his hair and beard were short one. But, when a burgher set
lavishly streaked with grey; but the out, he did so with the conviction
clear eye still glowed with youthful, that he would not see his wife and
fire, and the elasticity with which he child again before the end of the
sprang from his horse was a convincing fighting, and then only if God spared
proof of the vigour which, despite his his life. The old general knew that
years, he retained. the war could last long, very long yet,
General Kolbe had been in com- and that the parting would be painful
mand of the Free Staters who in- and bitter. He knew also that presently
vested Kimberley. His tent was in the the English would come and, in his
Bloemfontein laager, and, from the kop absence, rob his dear ones of all they
behind which this camp lay, many a possessed. He felt how cruel their
shell was sent which frustrated the sorties fatewould be, when they were driven
of the garrison. He was a kind-hearted to wander roofless shelterless.
, Yet,
man. His burghers loved their general, however great his love for his women-
who was always so friendly with them folk, duty called him away.
his His
and still kept his power over them. to his country and to leave
There was always something special to the protection of his nearest and dearest

to Almighty God. The few hours which for wife and child. Above all, however,
he was able to spend at home he had to rose the feeling for independence which
devote to putting together a few things alone made that parting possible.
which he would require on commando The general mounted his horse, his
and which could no longer be sent to Mauser slung over his shoulder, his
him from home. All busied themselves bandoleer newly filled. A linen sack
eagerly with the necessary packing, and, full of cartridges lay across the saddle.
although every heart was oppressed, The attendant carried a reserve Mauser.
no tears were shed. There was a A last pressure of the hand, a last
choking in the throat, it is true, but farewell, and soon the clatter of the horses'
all, with the greatest heroism, brought hoofs was lost in the stillness of the


the greatest sacrifice to bear that dear night. The women listened to the last
independence can exact. A couple of to the dying sound, and all they said
hours' sleep after the parting meal, to was:
which little honour was done, and, be- "If we only win!''
fore break of day, the general's horse and Only an hour or two elapsed before
that of his trusty little Kaffir attendant the British mounted troops trotted
stood saddled before the door. The briskly up to the house and surrounded
leave-taking was short. The kisses it on every side. Their commander
exchanged contained a world of sorrow, rode up to the front door, where the
of gratitude for life enjoyed, of love young girl appeared just at the moment


when he was preparing to enter the their homes. And so we are prepared
passage, horse and all. The girl's tall to expect every thing from you; and
figure rose up and, without faltering, yet we are not afraid."
she pushed the big Irish hunter back, Amoment later, General Tucker
so that it reared on its hind legs and and his staff rode up to the house, and
almost threw its rider. The soldiers his first question was whether there

stood dumfoundered at this coolness, were any arms there. General Kolbe
and their amazement increased when had taken the Mausers with him, but



ominously-glittering eyes, and thought the women refused to sit down witli their
the weapon safer in his own hands than arch-enemies. Chairs were brought
in the girl's. into the hall and a candle placed on
That day and the two next, General the table. Here the officers were allowed
Tucker and his ten thousand men to wait till the women had finished
bivouacked on Kolbe's farm. The their evening meal. The British general
soldiers were tired and hungry and and his officers spent an hour in this
begged for a piece of bread. What way in that inhospitable house. Then
the women had to give they gave to one of the women came to say that
the poor Tommies. When, however, the general's servant could lay the table,
later, the officers ordered them to bake and soon the warriors were seated at
bread against good payment, they roundly the board. Champagne and whisky
refused to work as servants for their flowed in abundance; and, in spite of
enemies, and no threats were able to the fact that they were in the thick
move them. of war, there was no lack of toothsome
The day was spent in pitching camp, dishes prepared by the general's cook.
and towards evening a storm broke with The hours passed, the general had
tropical violence. The wind howled over already retired to rest, but the other
the broad plains and made the canvas gentlemen seemed to have no idea of
flap again. The downpour soaked the rising. They could not be allowed to
ground the wretched sentries shivered in
; remain in the house for the night. But
the damp. who would have the courage to go to
A short, loud knocking was heard tell them so? The young girl stepped
at the door of the house.
front The bravely into the passage, but hesitated
general and his staff came to ask for at the dining-room door. Twice she laid
leave to take their dinner indoors. her hand on the knob. The laughter
The request could not be declined; but inside rose ever more loudly. Her heart

beat high in her breast. How would door, and a message was brought from
the officers receive her? Suddenly she the general ordering that all the milk
summoned all her courage, and, throw- from the cows was to be kept for him.
ing open the door, in a voice without Refusals and protests were of no avail;
a perceptible tremor, said, firmly: the order must be obeyed. On the
'•We are used to go to bed early; may third day, however, the news came from
I ask whether the gentlemen prefer one of the British ambulances that they
to go out by the front or back door, were short of milk for the sick and
so that I may lock one of the two?" wounded, and, without a moment's
Some of the officers would not hear hesitation, the mother sent out all that
morning's milk while the daughter

informed the general that he could have

no milk because the wounded needed it
more than he, who wanted for nothing.
Soon the bivouacking-time was over,
and the troops were ordered to march
for Bloemfontein, which had meanwhile,
on the 13th of March 1900, been
occupied by the English. One horse,
however, had to be obtained before
the march could be resumed. By
the general's command one of the

officers went to Kolbe's house to buy

a horse. Mrs. Pretorius, however, the old
mother, refused to part with the animal
to the enemy:
"I should look upon it as treachery
to sell a horse to assist the English in
continuing this unjust Avar."
"Then we shall have to command-
eer one."
"That I cannot prevent; but sell
it, never!" she proudly replied.
The answer was conveyed to the
MRS. LUCAS MRU K 11. She is only 25 years of age general and impressed him:
and was the brave general's second wife. "When Lady-
smitll was relieved, and the fortunes of war went against "Let the woman keep her horse,"
the Boers, Mrs Aleijer joined her husband, but he would
not allow her to enconter the fatigues and dangers of he ordered; and the troops marched
the war, and sent her home again. away full of admiration for so much
courage and patriotism.
of going away, but the generals aide- A few weeks later came the official
de-camp remarked: notice that all General Kolbe's property
"Gentlemen, if the ladies want to was confiscated, and, without a tear,
go to bed, we must not detain them." the women saw the cattle driven away
At the same time, he set the good that constituted their wealth and their
example of getting up; and the rest pride. An officer who assisted at the
followed the captain out into the scene asked if they were not sorrow-
inhospitable weather. stricken at their heavy loss:
Scarcely had the sun risen above "No," said Mrs. Kolbe, "we can get
the horizon on the following morning, back; but, if we lose our country,
all this
before a fresh knocking came at the we shall have lost it for ever."

"But if your husband had stayed us: God will care for you and inc. as
quietly at home, you would have kept He has done in the past."
all this." The women whom Lord Roberts sent
"Yes, and my child would have to the Boer lines along the Pretoria
reproached me in my old age with and Komati Poort Railway cried to their
selling my country lor a property that husbands when, broken with fatigue,
is worth less to us than our independence.'' they arrived in the laagers:
General Kolbe's house was long "Don't trouble about us; we'll look
guarded by the English, who stood in after ourselves. Yougo on fighting till the
admiring dread of the stout courage last Englishman has been driven out
of tbese unique women whose only
, of the country."
protection was undauntedness.
their Ask those who have been to the
They were proud to think that the Boer camps how steadfast the women were,
general was still in the field and the how firmly prepared to suffer all rather
young girl's affianced husband serving than lose their country.
under him as a common burgher. Many of them were ordered to
"You need not come home before persuade their husbands to lay down
we have won," were her parting words their arms. They refused, were hunted
to him. "And, if you do return before, from their houses for that reason, and
you need not show yourself in my saw their homes burnt before their
sight." eyes. Others had not seen their hus-
On a certain day in the early part bands, who were prisoners of war, for
of July 1900, Mrs. Kolbe and her sister a year or more. But, had the war
went to Bloemfontein; a British officer lasted a year, two years longer, you
had informed them that the general would not have heard them complain:
had been taken prisoner and that he "If we only win," they said to them-
would arrive at the capital the next selves.
day. Her coming was very sorrowful, And, in the camps, or in the
but her going much more cheerful, ruined homes, ill-protected by a few
for the news proved to be incorrect. sheets of zinc, where these brave women
Although she had not seen her husband dwelt, every evening the psalms resounded
since March, and although she longed solemnly, as the liberty- breathing night-
for his return with heart and soul, yet wind blew over the wide, still African veldt:
she was glad that he was able to go "For I shall yet praise the Lord
on fighting for liberty. for the help of his countenance."
What has become of Mrs. Kolbe That was the song of consolation
I do not know. But this I do know, of the Africander woman, her song of
that no misery, no privations, no life constant faith, which rang in the ear- of
in the camps would have been able to the British soldiers when they carried the
break her pride in her husband, who women to the camps, when the houses
remainded in the field, nor to kill her shot up in flames.
bright love of her country. President Steijn had more than
And women like Mrs. Kolbe abounded sufficient reason for saying, in a speech
in both Republics. General De la Key's delivered just before the second invasion
wife, when taking leave of her husband, of Cape Colony, in December 1900:
gave him a second son to take with "Our women have gone through
him on commando, instead of the eldest, the fire of patriotism and not been
who had fallen at Two Rivers (Modder found wanting. They will suffer patiently.
River) on the 28th of November 1899: if only we continue the sacred struggle
"Go," she said; "never mind about for independence."

The women were hardened by the "Considering the visit was a source
miseries which they had been made of annoyance to me
and I prefer not to
to undergo. Hatred for the enemy be troubled by such persons (as have
waxed continually in their hearts. In sworn the oath of neutrality while their
the camps, they had time to tell one an- country is still waging war), I have the
other of their sufferings, and those honor to request you hereby that you'll
narratives stifled the last spark of fond please give notice to such-like persons
admiration for mighty England that to abstain in future from paying any
might still have lurked in their bosoms. further visits to me.
Their life of suffering and privation "I remain
was only endurable while they saw that "Your obedient servant.
their husbands remained unfaltering in (signed) "C. de Wet,
the fight to the last. "Wife of General Christian de Wet.
And no more significant proof of
the of the captive Boer women
can be given than that contained in the
I know that, alas, there were also
following letter:
women who spoke differently, thought
"58 Jut a Street, Braamfontein differently; but I am devoting this
'•(Johannesburg), chapter only to the brave noble, ,

"31 December 1900. patriotic wives and daughters of South

"To Military Police Officer, Africa , the heroines whose number,
"Johannesburg. fortunately, far exceeded that of the
"Dear Sir, few who betrayed their country and their
"On Thursday last, I was paid a visit people, while their husbands were still
by Mr. P. B. de Wet, late commander fighting without flinching like the

of the Federal troops of the Orange- heroes of Thermopylae, for the sacred
Free-State and lastly dwelling at Durban. ideal of libertv.




B A S. = Basutoland = Bechuanaland; B. B. — British Bechuanaland; C. = Cape Colony; G. = German
; BE.
South-West Africa: Gr.E. = Griqualand-East Gr. W. = Griqualand-West N. = Natal; O. = Orange Free State
; ;

P. = Portuguese East Africa; R. = Rhodesia; T. = Transvaal (South African Republic); = Zululand M. = ;

'/,. ;

Miles; n. = North; n.-w. = North- West; n.-o. = North-East; w. = West; = South s.-w. = South-West
s. ;

s.-e. = South-East = Kast R.-S. = Railway-station.

; e. ;

AAR (de). C. Railway- Junction, 65 M. BARKLEY-EAST. C. 48 M. n.-e. of
w. of Colesberg ... 177 Dordrecht.
ABERDEEN. 0. 25 M. s.-w. of Graaff- BARKLEY PASS. C. 20 M. s. of
Reinet 176 Barkley-East.
ABERDEEN ROAD. C. Railway-station, BATHURST. C. Railway-station, 8 M.
37 M. of Graaff-Reinet
s. 176 n. of Port Alfred.
ABRAHAMSKRAAL. 0. 37 M. n.-w. of BEACONSFIELD. C. In the neighbour-
Bloemfontein 146 hood of Kimberlev.
ADDO. C. Railway-station, 22 M. n.-e. BEAUFORT (Fort). C. 45 M. n.-w. of
of Uitenhage. King Williamstown.
ADENDORP. (J. Railway-station, 2 VaM. BEAUFORT- WEST. C. Railway-station,
s of Graaff-Reinet. 75 M. s.-w. of Victoria- West.
ALBERT JUNCTION. C. Railway - BEDFORT. C. About 36 M. n. of Fort
station, 4. M. Burghersdorp.
n. of Beaufort.
ALEXANDRIA. C. 27M.s.-w.of Bathurst. BEVERLEY. C. 40-50 M. s.-e.of Prieska.
ALICE. C. 32 M. n.-w. of King Williams- BELFAST. T. 37 M. e. of Middelburg,
town. on the Delagoa-Railway.
ALICEDALE. C. Railway-station, 26 M. BELL. C. 13 M. s.-e. of Peddie.
n. of Grahamstown. BELMONT. C. Railway-station, 18 M.
ALIWAL NORTH. C. Railway-station n. of Orange River Station 143. 145 . .

on the Orange-River. BENSON VILLE. C. 14 M. n.-e. of Lady-

ALKMAAR, T. On theDelagoaRailway, grey.
10 M. w. of Nelspruit-station. BEREA. BAS. 6 M. e. of Maseru.
AMALIENSTEIN. C. 12 M. e. of Lady- BERLIN. C. Railway-station, 21 M. n.-e.
smith. of East-London.
AMALINDA. C. Railway-station, 7 M. BETHANIE. O. Railway-station, 31. M.
n.-w. of East-London. s. of Bloemfontein.

AMANDELBOOM. C. 53 M. n.-w. of BETHEL. T. 32 M. w. of Ermelo.

Fraserburg. BETHESDA. C. 36 M. s.-w. of Middel-
AMATONG ALAND. On the east-coast, burg.
w. of Swasieland. BETHLEHEM. O. 44 M. e. ofSenekal.
AMERSFOORT. T. 46 M. s.-e. of BETHULIE. O. Railway-station, 22 M.
Standertuu. s.-e. of Springfontein.
AMSTERDAM. 31M.n.of PietRetief.
T. BIESJESPOORT. C. Railway-station,
ARUNDEL. C. Railway-station, 16 M. 22 M. s. of Victoria-West.
s. of Colesberg. BITTERFONTEIN. C. 48 M. n.-w. of
ASHTON. C. Railway-station, 14 M. e. van Rhynsdorp.
of Robertson. BLANCO. C 3 M. n. of George.
ATHERSTONE. Railway- station,
C. BLANCO DRIFT. C. In the neighbour-
8 M. n. of Grahamstown. hood of Blanco.
AVONTUUR. C. About 8 M. s. of BLANCY- J UNCTION. C. Railway-
Uniondale. M. n.-w. of East-London.
station, 27
JBAILY. C. Railway-station, 18 M. s.-e. BLAUWBANK. 0. 25 M. s.-e. of Kroon-
of Sterkstroom. stad 131
BALFOUR. C. 15M.n. of Fort Beaufort. BLINKLIP. Gr.W. 48 M. n. of Griqua-
BALMORAL. T. 31 M. w. of Middel- town.
burg, on the Delagoa Railway. BLINKWATEII. ( !. 26 M. e. of Bedford.
BARBERTON. T. Railway-station, 85 to BLOEMFONTEIN. Capital oftheOrange
90 M. n.-e. of Ermelo 68, 150 Free State. xxii, 3, 5, 11, 37, 38,

BARKLEY-WEST. C. 22 M. n.-w. of 40, 41, 51, 53, 55, 59, 73, 77, 78, 87.
Kimberley. 130, 132, 133, 146, 174, 186

BLOEMHOF. T. 31 M. n.-e. of Chri- CARXARVOX FARM. C. 10 M. s. of

stiana, on the Vaal River. Cala.
BLUECLIFF. C. Railway-station, 18 M. CAROLINA. T. 46 M.s.-e.ofMiddelburg.
n. of Uitenliage. CATHOART. C. 28 M. n.-w. of Bolo.
BOK FONTEIN. C. 30 M. n.-e. of Piquet- CATHKIN-PEAK. N. 20 M. n. of
berg. Eastcourt,
BOKSBFRG T. Railway-station, about CERES. C. 20 M. n.of Worcester.
13 or 14 M.
e. of Johannesburg. CHARLESTOWN. N. 24 M.n. of New-
BOLO. C. 28 M.s.-e. of (at heart. castle.
BOLOTWA. C. 12 M. n.-e. of St. Marks. CHIVELEY. N. Railway-station, about
BONAWA. C. 13 M. n. of Gala. 8 M.of Colenso.

BOOMPLAATS. O. 18 s.-e. of Jagers- CHRISTIANA. T. On the Vaal-River,

fontein xviii 31 M. s.-w. of Bloemhof.
BOSHOF. 0. 75 M. n -w. of Bloem- CLANW1LLIAM. C. About 60 M. s -w.
fontein 24, 106, 108 of Calvinia.
BOTERKLOOF. C.3-)M.s.-w.ofCalvinia. CLARKSON. C 21 M.w.ofHumansdorp.
BOTHA'S PAS. N.andO. border. In the CLEARWATER. C. 20 M. s.-e. of Lady-
Drakenberg, 22 M. s.-w. ofVolksrust. 124 grev.
BOTHAVILLE. O. 44 M. n.-w. of Kroon- COERNEY. C. Railway-station, 37 M.
stad 136 n.of Port Elizabeth.
BOVEN DOWNES. C. 35 M. s.-e. of COLESBERG. C. Railway-station, 22 M.
Calvinia. w. of Norvals Pont. ... 135, 142, 145
BRAKFONTEIN. C 30 M.e. of Victoria- COLENSO. N. About 14 M. s. of Ladv-
West, smith 29,116,117,118,120,122,127,176

BRANDEWIJNSKUIL. G. 45 M. n.-e. COMMADAGGA. C. 25 M. e. of Dar-

of Carnarvon. lington.
BRANDFORT. O. 36 M. of Bloem- COMMITTEEDRIFT. C. 21 M. n.-w. of
fontein, on the Railway. Grahamstown.
BRANDSVLEY. C. About 75 M. n.-e. CONCORDIA. O. 31 M. s. of Winburs.
of Calvinia 174 CONSTABLE. C. Railway-station, 17 M.
BRANDWACHT. C. 30 M.e. of Calvinia. w. of Matjesfontein.
BRAUNSCHWEG. C. 10 M. n. of COOKHOUSE. C 30 M. of Cradock. s.

King Williamstown. CRADOCK. C. Railway-station, 65 M.

BREAKFASTVLEY. C. 12 n.-w. of M e. of Graaff-Reinet.
Peddie. CROCODILEPOEL. B. 80 M n.of Mafe-
BREDASDORP. C. 40 M. n.-e. of king.
Swellendam. CROCODILEPOORT. T. Railway-
BREMERSDORP. T. About 40 M. e. of station on theDelagoa-Bay, Railway
Amsterdam. 21 M. n. of Barberton.
BRITSTOWN. C. 20 to26M.w.ofDeAar. CROCODILEPOORT. B. 32 M. n. of
BRONKHORSTSPRULT. T. Railway- Mafeking.
M. w. of Middelburg.
station, 43 xix CUFERGAT. C. Railway-station, 15 M.
BUFFELSKLIP. C. 33 M. s.-w. of Wil- of Stormberg-J unction.
li iwraore. DAMSLAAGTE. C. 33 M. s. of Suther-
BFLFOXTEIX. C. 35M.n.-w.ofPrieska. land.
BULTFOXTEIX. O. 58 M. n. of Bloem- DALMANUTA. T. Railway - station.
fontein. 44 M. Middelburg
e. of 92
BURGHERSDORP. C. Railwav-station, DANTELSKUIL. C, 85 M. n.-w. of
about 22 M. s. of Aliwal North. Kimberley.
BUSHMAXKOP. T. 22 M.n.-e.of Heidel- DARLING. C. 21 M. s. of Hopefield.
berg. DARLINGTON. C. 43 M.s.of Pearston.
CALA. C. 40 M. s. of Barklev-East. DEELFONTEIN. C Railway-station,
CALEDOX. C. 38 M. s.-e. of" Stellen- 31 M De Aar.
s.-w. of
bosch. DELAGOABAY. P. On the East coast
CALITSDORP. C. 25M.e.ofLadvsmith. of Africa xviii, xxi
CALVINIA. C. 70 M. w. of Fras'erburg. DERDEPOORT. T. 64M.n.-e ofZeerust 46
CAMPBELL. Gr.W. 40 M.e. of Griqua- DOORNBERGSFONTEIN. C. 28 M.
town. of Prieska.
CAPE TOWN. Capital of Cape Colony. DOORNDRAAI. O. 31 M. n.-e. of
xiv, xv. 4, 52, 88, 169, 174, 176 Kroonstad.
CARXARVOX. C. 75 M. n.-e. of Fraser- DORDRECHT. C. Railway-station, 46M.
burg. e. of Stormberg-Junction.

DOUGLAS. C. 65 M.s.-w.of Kimberley. FRERE. N. Railway-station, 12 M. b.

DRAGHOENDER. C. 60M.e ofKenhart. of Colenso.
DRAKENBERG. Mountains, between UABERONES. B. B. 65 M.n.of Zeerust.
Natal and the Orange FreeState xvii, GARIES. C. 83M.ii -w.ofvan Rhynsdorp
xviii, 96, 125 GOUD1VI. C. Railway-station, 8 M. w.
URIVERSDRIFT. C. 13 M. n.-e. of of Worcester.
Queenstown. GEORGE. C. 29 M.s.-e. ofoiidtshooni.
DROMELVLEY. C. 20 M. n.-w. of GLEN-SU)L\(i. O. Railway -station,
Piquetberg. 13 M. n.-e. of Bloemfontein.
DRONFIELDSTATION. C. Railway- GLENCAIRN. C. 36M.s.ofQueei.stown.
station, 10 M. of Kimberley.
n. GLENCOE. N. Railway-station, 31 M.
DURBAN. N. Seaport on the coast of ii -e. of Ladysmith 9<i, 1 HI
Natal 188 GLEN CONNOR. C. Railway -station,
DUNDEE. N. 34 M. s.-e. of Newcastle. about 40 M. n.-w. of Port Elizabeth.
Railway-station 96, 115, 116 GONG-GONG. C. 30 M. n.-w. of Kim-
DIJSSELDORP. C. 14 M. e. of Oudts- berley.
hoorn. GOEDVERWACHT. C. 14 M. w. of
DYNAMITE FACTORY (Modderfon- Piquetberg.
tein). T. About 12 M. n.-e. of GORDONIA (District). Gr.W., w. of
Johannesburg. Griqualand-West.
EASTCOURT. N. Railway-station, 31 M. GRAAFF-REINET. C. R.-S., 56 M. s.-w.
s.of Ladysmith 99 of Middelbnrg .... xiv, xv, 173, 176
EAST-LONDON. C. About 100 M. s.-e. GRAHAMSTOWN. C. 31 M. n.-w. of
of Queenstown, on the coast. Port Prince Alfred.
EBENEZER. C. 26 M. w. of van Rhyns- GRASPAN. C. Railway-station, 26 M.
dorp. n.of Orange-River Station 143
EDENBURG. O. Railway-station, 43M. GREAT WINTERBERG. O. 28 M. s.
s.-w. of Bloenifontein. of Tarkastad.
ELANDSBERG. C. 20 M. s.- w. of Cath- GREYLINGSTAD. T. Railway-station,
cart. 29 M. s.-e. of Heidelberg/
ELANDSDRIFT. C 20 M e.of Cradock. GREYTON. C. 30 M. s.-w. of Worcester.
ELANDSFONTEIN. T. Railway-station, GREYTOWN. N. 26 M. n. of King
8 M. of Johannesburg.
e. Williamstown.
ELANDSLAAGTE. N. Railway-station, GRIQUATOWN. Gr.W. 44 M. w. of
16 M. n.-e. of Ladysmith 24, 25, 40, Kimberley.
42, 84, 85, 100, 151 GROOTE DOORN PAN. C. 20 M. s.

of Calviuia. s. of Prieska.
ELEBI. R. 120 M. n.-w. of Palla. GROOTE VLAKTE. C. 14 M. n.-w. of
ELIM. C. 17 M. s.-w. of Bredasdorp. Somerset-East.
EMPANDHLEMI. Z. 30 M. n.-w. of GROOT WINTERHOEK. C. 28 M. s.-e.
Eshowe. of Piquetberg.
ENON. C 40 M. n. of Port Elizabeth. HAARLEM. M. s.-e of Uniondale.
C. 13
ENSLIN (Graspan). C. Railway-station, HAKNEY. C. 30 M. s.-e. of Tarkastad.
26 M. n. of Orange -River Station HANKEY. C. 31 M. w. of Uitenhage.
ERMELO. T. 53 M, n.-e. of Standerton. HANOVER. C. 44 M. s.-e. of DeAar.
ESHOWE. Z. About78M.n.-e.of Durban. HANOVER ROAD. C Railway-stat.,
FAURESMITH. O. 37 M. w.ofEdenburg 142 38 M. s-e. of De Aar 177
FICKSBURG. O. On the Caledon river, BARRYSMITH. Terminus of rail-
40 M. n.-e. of Ladybrand. way, 52 M. e. of Bethlehem.
FLOOWKRAAL. C. 22 M. n.-e. of HARTEBEESTKUIL. C. 13 M s.-w.
Jamestown. of Aberdeen.
FOURIESBURG. O. 28 M. s. of Beth- HEBRON. C. 31 M. n. of Kimberley.
lehem. BEIDELBERG. T. About 30 M. s.-e.
FRANKFORT. O. 83M e of Heilbron. of Johannesburg 39,
FRANKFORT. C. 11 M. n. of King HEIDELBERG. C. 31 M.e.ofSwellen-
Williamstown. daiii.
FRASERBURG. C. 70 M. n.-w. of Beau- HEILBRON. o. Railway-station, 53 M.
fort-West. of Kroonstad.
FRASERBURG ROAD O. Railwav-stat., HEKPOORT. T. 38 M. s -w. of Pretoria.
45 M. s.-w. of Beaufort-West. HELVETIA. T. 7 to 8 M.n.-e.of Macha-
FRENCHHOEK. O. 25 M. s.-w. of Wor- dodorp
cester. EELVETIA. <>. 20 M. n. of Smithfield.

HEMON C. Railway-station, 13 M. n. KAHNEMELKSPRUIT. C. 20 M. n.-w.

of Wellington. of Barkley-East.
HERSCHEL. C. 30M.e. ofAliwal North. KATKOP. O. 15 M. s.-e. of Heilbron.
HERTZOG. C. lOM.n. of Fort Beaufort. KEISKAMAHOEK. C. 20 M. n.-w. of
BEUVELKRAAL. C 32 M. e. of Wil- King Williamstown.
low mo re. KENDREW. C. Railway-station, 20 M.
HERBERTSDALE. C. 24 M. n.-w. of of Graatt-Reinet.

Mosselbav. KENHART. C. About 100 M. w. of

HLANGWANE BILL. N. 3 M. e. of Prieska 165
Colenso. KHEIS. C. 70 M. w. of Griquatown.
HOOP(de). C. 5 M. n. of Malmesbury. KIMBERLEY. C. 33 M. s.-w. of Boshof
HOXIXGSPRU1T. O. Railway-station, xviii, xxi, 73, 105, 106, 107, 109,
18 M. n -e. of Kroonstad 134, 156
. . . 139, 141, 143, 145, 181
HOPEFIELD. C. 25 M. s.-w of Piquet- KING WILLIAMSTOWN. C. R.-S.,
berg. about 40 M. n.-w. of East-London.
HOPETOWX. C. 9 M. n.-w. of Orange- KLAARSTROOM. C. 56 M. n. of Wil-
River Station. lowmore.
HOOPSTAD. O. 65 M. n.-e. of Boshof. KLEINPOORT. C. Railway-station, 43M.
HOUTKRAAL. C. Railway-station, 19M. n.-w. of Uitenhage.
n. of De Aar. KLERKSDORP. T. Railway -station,
HOUWHOEK. C. 8 M. w. of Caledon. 30 M. s.-w. of Potchefstroom ... 59
HOUWATER. G. 55 M. s.-e. of Prieska. KLIPDRIFT. O. 20 M.s.-e.of Bethlehem.
HO WICK. X. HM.n.ofPietermaritzburg. KLIPHEUVEL. C. Railway -station,
HUMANSDORP. C. 41 M. s.-w.of Uiten- 16 M. of Malmesbury.

hage. KLIPPLAAT C. Railway-station, about

IXDWE. C. 20 M. e. of Dordrecht. 50 M. s. of Graaff-Reinet.
IRENE. T. Railway-station, 11 M. s. KLIPRIVIER. T. Railway-station, 13 M.
of Pretoria. s. of p:iandsfontein .... 29, 101, 152
ISAXDHLWAXA. Z. 32 M. s.-e. of KXAPDAAR. C. Railway-station, 33 M.
Dundee. n. of Aliwal-Xorth.
ISEPIXGO.N. 20 M. s.-w. of Durban. KXYSXA. C. 27 M. s. of Uniondale.
IXOPO. X. 60 M. s.-w. of Durban. KOEKEMOER. T Railway-station, 9 M.
JACOBSDAL. O. 26 M.s.of Kimberley e. of Klerksdorp.
108 129 KOEBERG. C. 40 M. e. of Ookiep.
JAGERSFOXTEIX. 0. 31 M. w. of KOFFIEFOXTEIX. O. 26 M. s.-e. of
Edenburg. Jacobsdal 131
JAGERSFOXTEIX. T. 25 M. n. of KOKSTAD. C. 70 M. n.-e. of Maclear.
Mafeking. KOMASTOXE. C. 14M.s.-e.of Tarkastad.
JAGERSBOSCH. C. 36 M. w. of Hu- KOMATIPOORT. T. 61 M. n.-e. of
mansdorp. Barberton, on the Delagoabav-
JAKHALSFONTEIN. C. 6M. n.-e. of Railway 30, 34, 187
Sutherland. KOMGHA. C. 30M. n. of East-London.
JAKHALSKUTLEX. C. ISM. s.-w. of KOEDOESDRIFT. O. 39 M. e of Mod-
De Aar. der-River Station.
JAMESTOWN. C. 23 M. n.-w. of Dord- KRAAIPAN. C. Railwav-station, 30 M.
recht. s.-w. of Mafeking 142, 143
. .

JAXSEXVILLE. C. 42 to 44 M. s. of KROOXSTAD. O. Railway-station, 63M.

Graaff-Reinet. n. of Winburg 11, 38, 41, 59, 136
. . .

JOHANNESBURG. T. 34 M. s. of Pre- KRUGERSDORP. T. Railway-station,

toria . . xxi, 16, 18, 24, 27, 28, 32, about 18 M. n.-w. of Johannes-
40, 46, 78, 90, 91, 92, 133, 139, 150 burg .... xxi, 42, 117, 149, 158, 160
KAAPMUIDEX. T. Railway-station, KRUGERSPOST. T. About 13 M. n.-e.
38 M. of Komatipoort.
n. of Lijdenburg.
KAKAMAX. C. About 130 M. n.-w. of KWELEGHA. C 14M.n. of East-Lond.
Prieska, on the Orange-River. L.ADYBRAXD. O. 77 M. e. of Bloem-
KAKAMANSDRIFT. 0. 44 M. s.-w. of fontein 131
Upington. LADYFRERE. C. 25 M. n.-e. of Queens-
KALABASKRAAL. C. Railway-station, town.
10 M.
of Malmesbury.
s. LADYSMITH. N. About 56 M. s. of
KAMAGGAS. C. 27 M. s.-w- of Ookiep. Newcastle . . 7, 29, 57, 84, 96, 97,
KAMIESBERG. s. of Ookiep in Na- 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 107, 115,
maqualand. 151, 152, 153, 156, 186

LADYSMITH. C. 54M.w.ofOudtshoorn. M1DDELWATER. (
' About 40 M. s. of
LADYGREY. C. 32M.e.ofAliwal North. Pearston.
LAINGSBURG. C. Railway-station, MODDERFONTEIN. ( ). 30 M. s.-e. of
30 M. n.-w. of Ladysmith. Kroonstad.
LAING'S-NEK. N. 5M.ofVolksrust, in M( JDDERFONTEIN. C. 25 M. n.-e. of
the north of Natal xx, 152, 158, 159
. . . Piquetberg.
LESSEYTOWN. C. 6 M.n.ofQueenstown. 22 M. s. of Kimberley.
LETJESBOSCH. C. Railway -station, MODDERSPRUIT. N. 9. M. n.-e. of
23 M. of Beaufort-West.
s.-w. Ladysmith 121
LEIJDS. T. 80 M. n.-w. of Pretoria. MOHALLES HOEK. BAS. 28 M. s. of
LEIJDSDORP. T. About 70 M. w. of Mafeteng.
Pietersburg. 3IOLTENO. C. 17M.n.-w.ofSterkstroom.
LICHTENBURG. T. 78 M. s.-w. of MOUNT-AUX-SOURCES. N. 52M.s.-w.
Rustenburg 140, 147 of Ladysmith.
LELYFONTEIN. C. About 60 M. s. of MONTAGUE. C. 25 M. n.-w. of Swellen-
Ookiep. dam.
LINDLEY. O. 45 M. s.-e. of Kroonstad 134 MORTIMER. C. R.-S., 1 7 M.s. of Cradock.
LOBATSI.BE. R.-S., 50 M.n.ofMaf eking. MORYA. BAS. 22 M. n.-e. of Mafeteng.
LORENZO MARQUEZ. P. On the De- MOSSEL BAY. O Seaport, 215 M. e.
lagoa-Bay. of Capetown.
LOWRY PASS. C. Railway - station, MUISKRAAL. C. 18 to 23 M. n.-w. of
13 M.
of Stellenbosch.
s. Riversdale.
LUCKHOFF. 32 M.w.ofFauresmith. MURRAYSBURG. C. 52M.w.ofGraaff-
LIJDENBURG. T. 42 M. n.-e. of Ma- Reinet.
chadodorp xviii, 85 NAAUWPOORT. C. Railway-station,
ST. LUCIA BAY. Z. On the coast of 32 M.
of Colesberg.

the Indian Ocean. NAUWPOORT. O. lOM.n.-e.ofVrede.

ST. LUCIA CAPE. Z. On the coast of NAPIER. C. 40 M. s.-e. of Swellendam.
the Indian Ocean. NELSPRUIT. C. Railway-station, 32 M.
MACHADODORP. T. 50M.e.ofMiddel- n.-e.of Beaufort-West.
burg, on the Delagoa-Railway. NELSPRUIT. T. Railway-station, 60M.
MACLEAR. Gr.E. 48 M. e. of Barkley- w. of Komatipoort.
East. NEW -CASTLE. N. Railway -station,
MAFEKING. B.B. R.-S., about 95 M. 26 M. of Volksrust
s. 96, 102, . . . 125
n.-e. of Vryburg xxi, 142, 143, 145
. . . NEW BETHESDA. C. 36 M. s.-w. of
MAFETENG. Bas. 13 M. e. of Wepener. Middelburg.
MAGERSFONTEIN. O. About 15 M. s. NIEKERKS HOPE. C. 14 M. w. of
ofKimberley 7,8, 23, 24. 27, 100, 105, Alexandria.
108, 109, 112, 129, 131, 141, 143, 145, NORVALSPONT. C. Railway-station,
146, 165, 176, 181 on the Orange-River, 30 M. s.-w. of
MAJUBAHILL. N. 41 M.e.ofVrede xx, 100 Springfontein.
MALAGAS. C. 20 M. s.-e. of Swellendam. NIJLSTROOM. T. R.-S., 72 M. n. of
MALMESBURY. C. 36 M. n.-e. of Pretoria, on the Pietersburg-Railway.
Capetown. OCKERTSKRAAL. C. 15 M. s.-w. of
MARAISBURG. C. 38M.n. of Cradock. Ladysmith.
MARICO. T. About 95 M. n.-w. of ODENDAALSTROOM. C. 18 M. n.-w.
Rustenburg. of Aliwal North.
MATJESFONTEIN. C. 73 M. n.-e. of < >LIFANTSHOEK. T. 13 M. s. of
W oropsfcpr Rustenburg.
MEIRINGSPOORT. C. 21 M. n.-e. of OLIFANTSVLEY. C. 72 M. s.-e. of
Oudtshoorn. Kenhart.
MELMOTH. Z. 68 M. s.-e. of Vrijheid. ONDERSTE DOORNS. C. 70 M. s. of
MIDDELBURG. T. About 78 M. e. of Kenhart.
Pretoria, on the Delagoa Railway 126 OORLOGSKLOOF. C. 27 M. n.-e. of
MIDDELBURG. C. Railway-stat., about van Rhvnsdorp.
24 M. s. of Naauwpoort-Junction. OOKIEP. C. About 140 M. n. of van
MIDDELBURG ROAD.C. Railway-stat. Rhvnsdorp 174
at Middelburg. ORANGE-RIVER STATION. C. R.-S.,
MIDDELPOST. C. 36M.s.-e.ofCalvinia. 9 M. s.-e. of Hopetown.
MIDDELTON. C. Railway-station, 31 M. OTTOSKOPJE. Gr. W. 4 M. n.-e. of
n. of Alice Dale. Kimberley 107

OTTOSHOOP. T. 16 M. s. of Zeerust. PORT SHEPSTON. N. Seaport, 70

ori>TSH<M>HN.C. 54M.w.ofUniondale 176 M. s.-w. of Durban.
OUT3PAN. C. 20 M. n.-e. of Uniondale. POSTRETIEF. C 16 M.w. of Seymour.
<>I TIIINC HAS. 30M.n.-w.oflh-rschol. POTCHEFSTROOM. T. Railway-station,
PAARDEKRAAL. T. 3M.n.ofKrugers- 54 M. w. of Vereeniging 138, 171 . . .

dorp. POTFONTEIN. T. 23M.e.ofStanderton.

PAARDEKRAAL. O. 9 M.s.-w.of Heil- POTSDAM. C. Railway-station, 17 M.
bron xix, 42, 43 n.-w. of East-London.
I'VARDENBERG. O. 28M.s.of Boshof PRETORIA. Capital of the South-
23, 32, 73, 108, 110, 131, 144, 158, 159 African Republic xix,
xxi, 4, 13,
PAARL. C. 33 M. u.-e. <>( Capetown. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 30, 40, 42, 48, 49,
PAKHUIS. C. 10 M e. of Clan william. 62, 63, 64, 65, 69, 70, 71, 75, 87, 90,
PAL A P YE. M. w. of Fort Tuli.
R, 145 93, 96, 100, 102, 121, 133, 131, 159
PALLA. BE. 82 M. s. of Palapve. PRIESKA. C 78 M. w. of Hopetown
PELLA. C. 125 M. w. of Kenhart. 165, 173
PALMIETFONTEIN. T. 23 M. n.-e. of PRINCE ALBERT. C. 29 M. n.-w. of
Staiiderton. Oudtshoorn.
narvon. station, 25 M. n.-w. of Prince Albert.
PAN. T. M. e. of Middelburg.
R.-S., 15 PRINCE ALFRED. C. 6 M. n. of Ceres.
PARIJS. 55 M. n. of Kroonstad, on
O. PUFF ADDER WATER. C. 21 M. s.-e.
the Vaal-River. of Pella.
PEARSTON. C. 45 M. s.-e. of Graaff- PUTFONTEIN. C. 30 M.s. of Aberdeen.
Reinet PUTTERSKRAAL. C. Railway-station,
PEDDIE. C 35 M. w. of Grahamstown. 6 M. s.-e. of Sterkstroom.
PETERSBURG. C. w. of Graaff-Reinet QUEENSTOWN. C. Railway-station,
PETRUSVILLE. C. 25 M. n.-e. of 30 M. s.-e. of Sterkstroom.
Philippstown. RAM ATH LAB AM
A. BE. Railway-stat,,
PHILADELPHIA. C. 20 M. n. of 18 M. n. of Mafeking.
Capetown. RAMOUTSA. BE. Railway-station, 72 M.
PHILIPSTOWN. C. 32 M. n.-e. of n. of Mafeking.
De Aar. RAWSONVILLE. 0. 20 M. w. of Wel-
PHIZANTEFONTEIN. C. 38 M. s. of lington.
Carnarvon. RAYNER. C. Railway-station, 7 M. n.
PHILIPPOLIS. O. 24 M. w. of Spring- of Stormberg-Junction.
fontein. REENEN'S PAS (van). N. 20 M. e. of
PIENAARSSTAT[ONT . T. Railway-stat., Harrvsmith (Drakenberg) 125
38 M. n. of Pretoria. REDDERSBURG. O. 32 M. s.of Bloem-
PIETERSHILL. N. 4 to 6 M. n. of Colenso, fontein 133
s. of Ladvsmith .... 100, 152 REITZ. O. 34 M. e. of Lindley.
PIETERMARITZBURG. N. Capital of REITZBURG. O. 42 M.n. of Kroonstad.
Natal, 45 M. n.-w. of Durban xviii, 96 RENSBURG. C. R.-S., 9 Ms ofColesberg.
PIETRETIEF. T. 62 M. n.-e. of Volks- REST (de). C. 22 M. n. of Piquetberg.
rust. RHODES. C. 20M.n.-e.ofBarklev-East.
PILGRIMSRUST. T. 23 M. n.-e. of RHODESIA, n. of Transvaal.
Lijdenburg. RHODESDRIFT. T. 30 M.s.-w.of Fort-
PIQUETBERG. C. 51 M. s. of Clan- Tuli.
william. RHYNSDORP (van). C. 41 M. n. of
PITSANI. BE. R.-S.,32M.n.ofMafeking. Clan william.
PITSANI. BE. 35 M. w. of Mafeking. RICHMOND. C. 53 M. s. of De Aar.
PIETERSBURG. T. Terminus of rail wav, RICHMOND ROAD. C. Railway-stat.,
about 150 M. n.-e. of Pretoria ... 64 24 M. n.-w. of Richmond.
POPLAR GROVE. O. 30 M. s.-e. of RICHTERSVELD. C. 50 M. n. of Port
Boshof 133, 159 Nolloth
PORT ALFRED. C. Seaport, 70 M. RIEBEEK. C. 30 M. n.-w. of Grahams- •

s.-w. of East-London. town.

PORT ELIZABETH. C. Seaport, on RIETFONTEIN. T. 16 M. s.-w. of Pre-
the south coast of Cape Colonv. toria.
PORTERVELLE. C. 15 M. s.-e. of RIETFONTEIN. C. 17 M. n.-e. of
Piquetberg. Maraisburg.
PORT NOLLOTH. C. Seaport on the W.- RIETFONTEIN. T. 6 M. s. of Middel-
coast, about 72 M. n.-w. of Ookiep. burg.

RIETFONTEIN. T. 10 M. s. of Lichten- SPRINGE* >NTHIN. Railway-Junc-

burg. tion, 40 M. Edcnburg.
s.-w. of
EIETVLEY. T. 16 M. s.-e. of Lichten- SPRINGS. T. Railway-Terminus, 25 M.
burg. w. of Johannesburg.
RIVERSDALE. O. 1 M. n. of Lindley. 1 SPYTFONTEIN.Gr.W. Railway-station,
ROBERTSON. C. Railway-station, 27 M. 12 M. s. of Kimberley.
s.-e. of Worcester. STANDERTOX. T. Railway-station.
RONDEGAT. C. 7 M. s.of Chuiwilliam. s.-e. of Johannesburg 117
R< )( )DE AAR. C. 32 U. n.-w. of Piquet- STANGER. N. Railway-station, 40 M.
berg. n.-e. of Durban.
ROODE HOOGTE. C. Railway-station, ST. ALBANS. C. 30 M. s.-e. of Cala.
10 M. Middelburg.
s.-w. of STELLENBOSCH. C. 25 M. e. of Cape-
ROODEKOP. C. North of Carnarvon. town.
ROODEPOORT. T. Railway -station, STEINKOPF. C. 55M.e.ofPortNolloth.
7 M. s.-e. of Krugersdorp 149 STERKSTROOM. C. 25 M. s -e. of
RORKESDRIFT. N. 24 M.s.-e.of Dundee. Stormberg- Junction.
ROSME AD -JUNCTION. C. Railway- STEYNSBURG. C. Railway -station,
station, 28 M. s.-e. of Naauwpoort- 42 M. e. of Rosmead-Junction.
Junction. STEIJNSDORP. T. 25 M. s.of Barberton.
ROUXVILLE. O. 47M.s.-w.ofWepener. STEIJTTERVILLE. C. About 70 M.
RUSTENBURG. T. 60 M.w of Pretoria 46 n.-e. of Uniondale
SANDFLATS. C. 15 M. s.-w. of Alice- ST. MARKS. C. 31 M. s.-e. of Queens-
dale. town.
SALEM. C. 11 M. s. of Grahamstown. STORMBERG. C. Railway-station, 20 M.
SANNA'S POST. O. 25 to 27 M. s.-e. s. of Burghersdorp 132, 133, 176
. . . .

of Bloemfontein 133, 137 STOLZENFELS. G. 60 M.n.-e.of Pella.

SARON. C. 10 M. n.-w. of Tulbagh. STUTTERHEIM. C. 21 M. n. of King
SCHMIDTSDRIFT. C On the Vaal, Williamstown.
40 M. w. of Kimberley. SUTHERLAND. C. 60 M. s.-w. of
SCHWEIZER REINEKE. T. 38 M. n. ' Fraserburg.
of Bloemhof. SWANEPOELSPOORT. C. 26 M. n.-e.
SENEKAL. O. 40 M. n.-e. of Winburg. of Willowmore.
n.-e. of Ladysmith. Ladysmith.
SEYMOUR. 0. 17M.n.of KingWilliams- TAAIBOSCHFONTEIN. C. Railway-
town. station, 30 M. s.-e. of De Aar.
SHILOH. C. 25 M.
of Cala. s.-e. TAFELBERG. O. 55 M. s.-e. of Kroon-
SHOSHONG. BE. 70M.s -w.of Palapye. stad
SIDBURY. C. 22 M. s.-e. of Grahams- tamboersfontp:in. C. 40 M. w.
town. of Beaufort- West.
SIMONSTOWN. O. Railway -station, TARKASTAD C. Railway-station, 38 M.
18 to 20 M. s. of Capetown. e. of Cradock.

SLANGFONTEIN. O. 40 M. n.-e. of TAUNGS. C. R.-S., 40 M. s. of Vryburg.

Kroonstad. THABA BOSIGO. BAS. 43 M. u.-e. of
SMALDEEL. O Railway-station, 61 M. Mafeteng.
n.-e. of Bloemfontein 58 THABANCHU. O. 48 M. e. of Bloem-
SMITHFIELD. O. 42 M. s.-w. of De fontein.
Wetsdorp THORNHILL. C. 7M.s.ofQueenstown.
SOMERSET. C. Railway-station, 27 M. TROE TROE. C. 3M.s.ofvanRbvnsdorp.
s.-e. of Capetown. TSOMA. C. 33 M. n.-e. of Cathcart.
SOMERSET-EAST. C. Railway-station, TULBAGH. C. 13 M. n.-w. of Ceres..
90 M. n. of Port Elisabeth. TULI (Fort). R. About 150 M. n. of
SOUTHEYV1LLE. C. 35 M.e. of Queens- Pietersburg.
town. TWEE BOSCH. T. 42 M. s.-w. of
SPEKTAKEL. C. 17 M. s.-w.of Ookiep. Lichtenburg.
SPIONKOP. N. 21 M. n.-w. of Colenso TWEEFONTEIN. O. 25 M. w. of
30, 123, 127, 151, 184 Harrysmith.
SPITSKOP. C. About 40 M. w. of TWEEWATERS. C. 17 M. s.-e. of
Barkley-East. Stcvtterville.
SPITSKOP. O. 35 M.e. of Kroonstad. TYLDEN. C. R.-S., 14 M. n. of Cathcart.
SPRINGBOKFONTEIN. C. A little s. CITENHAGE. C Railway-station, 20
of Ookiep. to 22 M. n.-e. of Port Elisabeth.

UTKI.ik. T. Railway-station, 5 M.w. WASCHBANK. N. Railway - station,
of Middclburg. about 10 M. s. of Glencoe 119
I MZLNTO. N. 42 M. s.-w. of Durban. WATERBERG. T. n. of Pretoria.
II.UNDI. Z. 83 M. n. of Eshowe. WATERFORD. C. 35 M. of Pearston. s.
I AIONDALE. C. 32 M. s.-w. of Wil- WATERVAL-BOVEN. T. Railway-
lowmore. station, 5 or 6 M.e. of Machadodorp.
1 PINGTON. 0. About 60 M. n. of Ken- WATER VAL-ONDER. T. Railway-stat.,
hurt 165 8 or 9 M. e. of Machadodorp.
UTRECHT. T. 31 M. s.-e. of Volksrust 116 WEENEN. N. 15 M. n -e. of Eastcourt xvii
VAALKOP. C. In then, of Cape Colony. WELLINGTON. C. Railway -station,
\ A.M. KUANS. N. On the Tugela, about 38 M. of Capetown.
15 M. n.-w. of Colenso 127, 150, 151 . WELVERDIEND. T. n. of Potchef-
VALSCH RIVER, 0. Tributary of the stroom.
Vaal River, n.-w. of Kroonstad . . 11 WEPENER. O. 60 M. s.-e. of Bloem-
VENTERSSTAD. C. 21 M. s.-e. of Nor- fontein.
vals-Pont. WESTON. N. 33 M. n.of Pietermaritzbg.
VENTERSDORP. T. 32 M. n.-w. of Pot- WETSDORP(de). O. 42M.s.-e.ofBloem-
chefstroom. fontein.
VENTERSBURG. O. 31 M. s. of Kroon- WHITTLESEA. C. 22 M. s. of Queens-
stad. town.
YEREENIGING. T. Railway-station, WITKLIP. C. 18 M. n.-e. of Murrays-
30 M. s. of Johannesburg. burg.
VERULAM. N. Railway-station, 15 M. WILLOWMORE. C. Railway-station,
n. of Durban. 65 M. s.-w. of Aberdeen 176
VICTORIA-WEST. C. 45 M. n. of Rich- WIMBLEDON. C. Railway-station, 8M.
mond. s.of Kimberley.
VICTORIA-WEST. ROAD. C. Railway- WLNBURG. O. 68 M. n.-e. of Bloem-
station, 9 M.
s. of Victoria-West. fontein 181
VIERFONTEIN. O. Railway-Terminus WINDSORTON. C. 30 M. n.-w. of Kim-
23 M. n. of Bothaville. berley.
VILJOENS DRIFT. T. On the Vaal WITMOS. C. R.-S.,27M.s. ofCradock.
River, near Vereeniging .... 38, 79 WITWATER. C. Railway-station, 9 M.
VILLIERSDORP. C. 26 M. e. of Stellen- n. of Orange-River Station.
bosch. WITWATERSRAND. T. Mountains xx,
VILLIERSDORP. O. 18 M. n. of Frank- 46, 148
fort. WITTEWATER. C. Near Piquetberg.
VLAKFONTEIN. T. Railway-station, WOLMARANSSTAD. T. 48 M. s.-w. of
17 M. of Heidelberg.
s.-w. Klerksdorp.
Klerksdorp. way-station, 23 M. s.-w. of Darlington.
VREDE. O. About 60M.from Harrysmith. WORCESTER. C. Railway-station, 63 M.
VREDENDAL. C. 14 M. s.-w. of van n.-e. of Capetown
Rhynsdorp. WUPPERTHAL. C. 18 M. s.-e. of Clan-
VREDEFORT. 0. 47 M.n. of Kroonstad. will i am.
VOLKSRUST. T. 53 M. s.-e. of Standerton 11 WYKSVLEY (van) C. 45 M. n.-w. of
VRYBURG. B.B. Railway-station, 95 M. Carnarvon.
s.-w. of Mafeking. ZASTRON. O. 39 M. s. of Wepener.
VRIJHEID. T. 61 M. s.-e. of Volksrust ZEEKOEGAT. C. About 35 M. n.-e. of
114, 115, 127 Prince Albert.
WAGEXAARSKRAAL. C. 40 M. n. of ZEERUST. T. 39 M. n. of Lichtenburg.
Beaufort-West. ZOUTPAN. T. 65 M. n. of Pieters-
AVAKKERSTROOM T. 18 M. w. of burg.
Volksrust 115 ZOUTPANSBERG. T. District in the
WALLEKRAAL. C. 21 M. w. of Garies. north of Transvaal .... xviii, 2, 117
WARMBAD. G. 48 M. n. of Pella. ZUURBERG. C. 5M. s. of Willowmore.
WARM HAD. T. About 60 M. n. of Pre- ZUURBRAAK. C. 14 M. n.-e. of Swel-
on the Pietersburg-Railway.
toria, lendam.
WARREXTON. C. Railway - station, ZWAGERSHOEK. C. 30 M. s.-w. of
46 M. n. of Kimberlev. Cradock.

Hesse & Becker, printers, Leipsic.

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