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Arranged as Final Semester Exam of Law And Professional Ethics Course

Lecturer: Dr. Melyana Nurul W, S.Si.T.,M.Kes

Arranged by:

Diah Ulfa Hidayati

NIM P1337424718029



A. Principles of Ethical Research

1. Respect for Autonomy
Everyone has their autonomy. They have rights to make decision for their own life, based
on their thought, without interference from other parties. In this study, from 263
physicians, 250 physicians become the participant. Not all of them. Because they have
their right to choose to take part in the study or not. And the researcher have to respect
their decision. In the case, the physicians must give the authority to their patients to choose
what contraceptive method they want. Physician indeed advocate the use of IUD, because
it is an effective contraceptive method. However, the final decision depend on the patient.
whether they want to use IUD as recommended or choose another method. Physicians
have an obligation to provide information about contraceptives, so they must have good
knowledge. They also have to provide counseling in the right way so that patient can
understand the explanation. Thus, the patient can make a decision whether to use IUD or
other contraception.
2. Beneficence
Every action taken must provide benefits to others. A study must be able to produce
information or products that are useful for many people. This study provides information
about how the knowledge and attitudes of physician in providing recommendations for the
use of IUD to patients. The results of this study will be useful for improving services, so
the use of IUD is expected to increase. In the case, physicians must provide useful services
to patients. Physicians recommend the use of IUD. Physicians must consider the
usefulness of IUD for patients. They must assess the advantages and effectiveness of using
IUD. So, the use of IUD is beneficial for patients and worthy of being recommended.
3. Non-maleficence
The main concept of non-maleficence principle is “do not harm”. In a study, researchers
must ensure the safety of the research subject from harm, both the subject of research is
human or animal. This study was a descriptive cross sectional study, where the researcher
only provided questionnaires that contain questions about the subject's identity,
knowledge, and attitude in recommending IUD contraception. Researchers did not provide
treatment that could endanger the research subject. So, this study does not violate the
principle of non maleficence. In the case of research, physicians recommend the use of
IUD. Physicians must have good knowledge about IUD. The physicians must consider
whether the IUD can cause harm to the user or to certain groups. In giving a healthcare,
we can’t endanger our patients. Although the service is really needed and it gives benefit,
but if it can make patients in danger position, we have to think twice before do it. We must
consider other options that are not harmful for the patients.
4. Justice
Justice is something that is entitled to everyone. In a study, researchers have to treat all
research subjects fairly. In this study, researchers met with subjects with the same amount
of time. Each subject was also asked to fill out a questionnaire with the same questions.
In the case of research, physicians who recommend the use of IUD should provide patients
with the same opportunity to choose whether to use it or not. Before installation, each
patient is also entitled to get complete information about the IUD. Physician must be fair
to each patient, without discriminating with each other.

B. Informed Consent
Informed consent is an agreement signed by the patient after the patient has previously
explained about the action to be taken. Each action requires informed consent as evidence that
the patient agrees with the actions taken. In a study, research subjects must sign an informed
consent indicating that the subject is willing to take part in a series of research activities. This
study also made informed consent for the physicians who were willing to be the subject of the
study. The signing of the informed consent must be based on the subject's own decision,
without any pressure from other parties. In recommending IUD, if patients agree to use IUD,
patients also have to sign an informed consent before the installation procedure is carried out.
In addition, to being proof of patient agreement, informed consent can also protect the
physicians who provide services if one day there is a claim relating to the actions that had
C. Ethical Clearance
Ethical clearance is an agreement issued by a research ethics commission that shows that the
research does not conducted a danger action and violates research ethics. Every study that uses
humans, animals and plants as the subject must have ethical clearance. This study uses humans
as the subject. Although it does not provide treatment, only giving questionnaires, this
research still requires ethical clearance. In this study, the etichal clearance was obtained from
Ethical Review Committe of Assiut University and Family Planning Sector of Assiut
Governorate. This shows that this research does not have contradictory with research ethics.

D. Ethics and Law in Research

1. Verity
Each research must be based on verity. The researcher must be honest in collecting
materials, collecting data, implementing research procedures, publishing results, and other
matters relating to the research. Research aims is to find out the truth about something. If
the researcher does dishonesty, for example changing the research data to fit the desired
hypothesis, the purpose of finding the truth will not be achieved. Before the research was
conducted, researchers also had to provide information about research honestly to the
research subjects. Researchers are prohibited from telling lies with the intention that
prospective subjects want to take part in research. In this study, it was explained how the
research process took place so that the data obtained in the form of a distribution table
about the knowledge and attitudes of physicians in recommending IUD. In the process of
recommending an IUD, physicians must also be honest in providing information to
2. Objectivity
Research must be done as well as possible so that there is no bias. This research has
methods and research flow so that research activities can take place well and errors can be
minimized. In the case of this study, physicians must be objective in providing IUD
services. Physicians must be able to determine which patients may and may not use an
IUD. So that the IUD can be an effective and beneficial contraception for patients.
3. Integrity
Researchers must have integrity. In this study, researchers conducted a repeat meeting for
subjects who missed the previous meeting, so that research activities could run smoothly
and obtain useful results. In recommending an IUD, the physicians must also sincerely
provide recommendations with the aim of providing the best and most effective
contraceptive services for patients.
4. Accuracy
The researcher must be careful in conducting research so that the research results are not
biased. In this study, researchers used a Likert scale for each question in the questionnaire.
so that the doctor's knowledge and attitude in recommending an IUD can be calculated
more thoroughly. In the case of research, physicians must be careful in giving counseling
about IUDs. The physicians must explain in full without lacking anything. So that patients
can obtain complete information and be able to make informed decisions
5. Openness
In this study, researchers showed openness by showing research results in distribution
tables and publishing them widely. In the case, physicians who recommend the use of an
IUD should also be open for side effects and lack of IUD to patients. Physicians may not
cover up with the intention that patients want to use an IUD
6. Award for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
In this study, researchers wrote library resources in their scientific publications. The
researcher also expressed his gratitude to those who contributed to his research. This
shows that researchers do not commit plagiarism
7. Confidentiality
In this study, researchers have maintained the confidentiality of research subjects by
conducting anonymization. researchers maintain confidentiality regarding the identity of
the research subject. In providing contraceptive services, physicians must also maintain
the confidentiality of patient data from any party without the patient's permission.
8. Trusted publication
Researchers have conducted research publications on international journals so that they
are accessible and useful for many people
9. Constructive formation
The results of this study can be useful to encourage physicians as providers of
contraceptive services to improve their knowledge and improve their attitudes in providing
services, especially in recommending IUDs.
10. Appreciation for Colleagues
In this study, researchers have given awards to coworkers who helped in the research by
including the names of colleagues in scientific publications
11. Social Responsibility
This research is very useful for health workers who provide contraceptive services,
especially IUDs. The community can also feel the impact of better service
12. Do not do discrimination
The researcher must be honest with each respondent. This can be seen from the number of
meetings that are the same as each respondent and the similarity of the questions given
13. Competence
Researchers must continue to increase knowledge to develop their research. The
researcher must show the shortcomings of his research so that it can be input for further
14. Legality
Research must be in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and government
policies.So that conflicts occur and research results can be well received
15. Prioritizing human safety
Research must provide benefits to humans and do no harm. This research has fulfilled the
principle of beneficence and non-maleficence as previously explained.

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