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PUBLIC DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. Pursuant to Section 17 of the Members" Conflict of Interest Act with Respect to the Assets, Liabilities, and Financial Interests, etc. of ‘Hon. SHANE SIMPSON, MLA and His Spouse ‘As at August 9, 2018, SOURCES OF INCOME From the Province of British Columbi (Member) MLA and Minister (Spouse) Nil lary and allowances From all Other Sources (Member) Nil (Spouse) Constituency Assistant to Janet Routledge, MLA - salary ASSETS Residential Properties (Member & Spouse) 1. Vancouver, BC 2: Victoria, BC (50% ownership) Bank and Other Deposits (Member & Spouse) (Member) Credential Asset Management (Vancity) - RRSP - Ethical fund (Spouse) CIBC Wood Gundy - RRSP Black Creek Global Leaders; Fidelity Canadian Opportunities; Fidelity Northstar; Mackenzie Universal Can Shield; Renaissance High Interest Savings Other Financial Assets (Member & Spouse) - Pension Rights LIABILITIES Mortgages (Member & Spouse) 1. On residential property in Vancouver, BC - Vancity 2. On residential property in Victoria, BC - Vancity Filed with the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly this 6" day of December, 2018. —— Paul D.K. Fraser, Q. Conflict of Interest Commissioner

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