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Unidad 04: Talking to

1.- First conditional
2.- Unless, provided, as long as
3.- Giving advice, suggestions, warnings

2 Curso de Inglés Técnico para Técnicos de Educación Infantil

1.- First conditional
La primera condicional (first conditional) se usa en inglés para expresar
algo que ocurrirá, con bastante probabilidad, si se cumple una condición dada. La
estructura general de estas oraciones subordinadas es:
if + present simple, will/won’t + infinitive.
Cualquiera de las dos proposiciones que forman la oración subordinada
condicional, puede ir en primer lugar. Si la condición va primero, debe ir seguida
de coma.
If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
If Tom comes home soon, he'll be able to help.
I'll watch TV more often if I get cable television.
Unless se puede emplear en lugar de if not, puede traducirse como "si no", "a
menos que", "a no ser que" y suele indicar una excepción a lo que se dice.
We'll go to her office if she doesn't come soon.
We'll go to her office unless she comes soon.

Más adelante se verán algunos ejemplos más de situaciones concretas.

Nota: Al igual que if, las siguientes expresiones temporales introducen oraciones
con sentido de futuro, pero deben llevar el verbo en presente.
after until as soon as when
by tne time whenever before till
as long as once the moment providing that

After you read this, you'll know what I'm taking about (no will read)
He'll be able to get a driving licence when he is 18 (no will be)

3 Curso de Inglés Técnico para Técnicos de Educación Infantil

2.- Unless, provided, as long as
2.1. Unless

Podemos usar unless en lugar de if... not en el sentido de “excepto si”,

especialmente si hablamos de situaciones en presente. La siguiente oración es un
buen ejemplo del uso adecuado de unless:

The poor man won’t be able to buy a new car unless he wins the lottery.
He won’t be able to pay all the tax he owes unless he robs a bank.

Unless está bien empleado porque resalta una excepción de lo que es

generalmente cierto. Funciona muy bien en los siguientes ejemplos también.
Obsérvense las diferencias:

I’ll be back by the weekend, unless there’s a train strike.

I’ll be back by the weekend, if the train drivers aren’t on strike.

We’ll play tennis on the outdoor courts on Friday, unless it rains in which case
we’ll play indoors.
We’ll play tennis on the outdoor courts on Friday, if it doesn’t rain. If it does rain,
we’ll play indoors.

2.2. As long as / provided

Podemos usar estas alternativas a if si queremos enfatizar las condiciones que

rodean la acción, es decir, una cosa ocurrirá sólo si la otra cosa ocurre. Podemos
también usar so long as y providing (that) como alternativas a as long
as y provided (that).

Provided / providing son formas más propias del lenguaje formal que as long as
/ so long as.

4 Curso de Inglés Técnico para Técnicos de Educación Infantil


We will lend you the money on condition that it is repaid within 12 months.
We will lend you the money provided (that) you can repay it within 12 months.
I don’t mind talking to the press, but only if my identity is protected.
You can have the day off today providing you agree to work a double shift
You can borrow my DVD player as long as you return it on Monday.

3.- Giving advice, suggestions, warnings.

Hay varias formas de dar consejo pero algunas de las más comunes, útiles e
importantes son las siguientes:

3.1. Why don't you ...?

Usa esta forma para dar sugerencias o consejos suaves.


I want to travel to an interesting place.

- Why don't you go to Cusco.

I need to buy a good and cheap car

- Why don't you buy a Toyota

3.2. If I were you I would ...

Esta estructura puede traducirse por si yo fuera tú + oración codicional. If I was

you también sería correcto pero es poco frecuente su uso.


My wife always treats me bad

- If I were you I would divorce her.

I have a Visa for the USA but I like my country

- If I were you, I would travel to USA and make money.

5 Curso de Inglés Técnico para Técnicos de Educación Infantil

3.3. Should / ought to

Usamos estas estructuras cuando nuestro consejo es ligero y poco imperativo.

should es más usado que ought to


Should (S + should +verb + complement)

I feel tired
- You should go to bed,
I do not understand English
- You should study online at
Maria does not love Fernando
- She should tell me what she feels.

ought to (S+ ought to + verb + complement)

I got a 70% on my test

- You ought to start studying more.
I am getting fat.
- You ought to eat less.
I need money.
-Well, you ought to find a job.

3.4. Have to and Must

Usamos have to y must para dar consejos y sugerencias importantes en tono

imperativo o grave.

I am bleeding.
- You must go to the hospital now.
I have lung problems
- You have to quit smoking
The bank sent me a letter and they might take my house
- You must pay the bank
I am driving without a license
- You have to get one before a police stops you

6 Curso de Inglés Técnico para Técnicos de Educación Infantil

3.5. Estructuras útiles para dar y pedir consejo

Pedir consejo (Asking for advice):

- Do you think I should…?

- Should I…?
- What do you think I should do?
- Do you have any idea about…?
- I was wondering if you…
- What would you advise me to..?

Dar consejo (Giving advice):

- If I were you, I would…

- If I were in your position, I wouldn’t…
- You should/shouldn’t…
- It would be a good idea (for you) to…
- I think the best thing would be to…
- Why don’t you…?
- Have you though of/about… (+ -ing)?
- Another good idea is to...

7 Curso de Inglés Técnico para Técnicos de Educación Infantil

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