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9/20/2010 Integrate Reporting Services with Silverli…

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Web Development » Silverlight » HowTo
First Posted 28 Jul 2010

Integrate Reporting Services with Views

27 times
Silverlight and RIA Services Licence C POL

By Ernesto Herrera | 28 Jul 2010 ASP.NET, Windows, Dev, WC F,

Intermediate, Silverlight,
C #4.0
Integrate Reporting Services with your Silverlight Line-of-
Business applications.

Download sourc e - 801 KB

One of the most wanted future features in Silverlight is the possibility to c reate business reports using
Reporting Servic es. In this artic le, I will show how to use the existing Reporting Servic es tec hnology
with Silverlight and RIA Servic es c ombination.

I assume that the reader has some basic to intermediate level knowledge in Silverlight and RIA Servic es
and C#, also some knowledge about WCF and the Entity Framework.

Using the Code

T he first thing to do is c reate a Silverlight Applic ation in Visual Studio 2010. I used the Silverlight
Business Applic ation template.…/SLReporting.asp… 1/17
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In the ASP.NET projec t, I added an Entity Framework Model.…/SLReporting.asp… 2/17
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In this demo, I'm using the AdventureWorksLT database.…/SLReporting.asp… 3/17
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T hese are the entities we will use in this demo:…/SLReporting.asp… 5/17
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Build the projec t and add a Domain Servic e Class:…/SLReporting.asp… 6/17
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Here are all the entities selec ted to be added to the domain servic e:…/SLReporting.asp… 7/17
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Now we c an add a new Report. In this c ase, we are using Reporting Servic es in Loc al mode.…/SLReporting.asp… 8/17
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In the report, when a T ablix c omponent is added, a dataset is requested. In this c ase, the Choose the
Dataset Wizard sees the domain c ontext that we added before.

For this demo, I c reated a new c lass that I will use to bind to the report. T here are c ases in whic h that
is preferable to do bec ause we may need to do some extra proc essing before the data c an be bound to
the report:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;…/SLReporting.asp… 9/17
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using System.Linq;
using System.Web;

using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

namespace ReportingServicesDemo.Web
public class Orders
public Orders()
{ }

public int OrderDetailsID

public int OrderID


public string Product


public int Quantity


public decimal UnitPrice


public decimal UnitPriceDiscount


public decimal LineTotal

}…/SLReporting.asp… 10/17
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In this c lass, I made a referenc e to the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespac e
that allows me to add a Key attributte to the OrderDetailsID property - that is a requirement for
the c lass so the domain servic e c an rec ognize it as an entity.

If we dive into the domain servic e c ode, we find this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.EntityFramework;
using System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Hosting;
using System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Server;

//// Implements application logic using the AdventureWorksLT2008Entities context.

//// TODO: Add your application logic to these methods or in additional methods.
//// TODO: Wire up authentication (Windows/ASP.NET Forms)
/// and uncomment the following to disable anonymous access
//// Also consider adding roles to restrict access as appropriate.
// [RequiresAuthentication]
public class ADWLTDomainService :

Now I c reate a domain operation that exposes the Orders entity I just c reated in my c ustom c lass:

public IQueryable<Orders> GetOrderDetails(int OrderID)

AdventureWorksLT2008Entities adw = new AdventureWorksLT2008Entities();

var query = from c in adw.SalesOrderDetail.Include("Product")

c.SalesOrderID == OrderID
select new Orders { OrderID = OrderID,
OrderDetailsID = c.SalesOrderDetailID, Product = c.Product.Name,
Quantity = c.OrderQty, UnitPrice =
c.UnitPrice, UnitPriceDiscount = c.UnitPriceDiscount,
LineTotal = c.LineTotal };
return query;

Here are some remarks. In this method, I'm using the Entity Framework c ontext instead of the objec t
c ontext that the domain servic e dec lares, and exposing like the other selec t methods as IQueryable.

If we build the projec t again, the "Choose the DataSet Wizard" sees our c ustom method and all the
fields exposed by the entity ready for our report.…/SLReporting.asp… 11/17
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Here is the report design together with the dataset available:

Now we add a WebForm to the web projec t in order to plac e the report using the ReportViewer
c ontrol:…/SLReporting.asp… 12/17
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When we add the ReportViewer c ontrol, it c reates an ObjectDataSource c ontrol.

Looking at the ObjectDataSource's properties, we c an see the Selec t property of our c ustom
method.…/SLReporting.asp… 13/17
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Looking at the SelectParameters c ollec tion, we see our c ustom method parameter.

Now in the Silverlight projec t, we add a DataGrid bound to the Sales Orders entity.…/SLReporting.asp… 14/17
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Eac h field in the Sales Order ID c olumn is represented as a button just for this demo in order to pass
the c ontent value as a parameter on the c lic k event. T he idea is to c all a popup window using the
HtmlPage objec t, with HtmlPopup options from the System.Windows.Browser namespac e.

HtmlPopupWindowOptions options = new HtmlPopupWindowOptions();

options.Left = 0;
options.Top = 0;
options.Width = 930;
options.Height = 800;
options.Menubar = false;
options.Toolbar = false;
options.Directories = false;
options.Status = false;

Button btn = sender as Button;

int OrderID =int.Parse(btn.Content.ToString());

string address = Application.Current.Host.Source.AbsoluteUri;

int i = address.IndexOf("/ClientBin/", 1);
string url = address.Substring(0, i);
url = url + "/RpDemoWebForm.aspx?OrderID=" + OrderID;

if (true == HtmlPage.IsPopupWindowAllowed)
HtmlPage.PopupWindow(new Uri(url), "new", options);

We c an obtain the c urrent web address were the Silverlight XAP applic ation is running, using the
Application.Current.Host.Source.AbsoluteUri property. Later, we c an c reate the URI
assoc iated with the ReportViewer's Web Form.…/SLReporting.asp… 15/17
assoc iated with the ReportViewer's Integrate
Web Form.Reporting Services with Silverli…

Finally, we c an see our Order Details report.

Points of Interest
I hope this artic le c an be helpful while we wait for the next Silverlight releases, and also c an explore
more options in business reporting.

07- 26- 2010: Submitted to CodeProjec t.

T his artic le, along with any assoc iated sourc e c ode and files, is lic ensed under T he Code Projec t Open
Lic ense (CPOL)

About the Author

Ernesto Herrera Ernesto Herrera is a Senior Developer, Arc hitec t with more than 12 years
experienc e, ac tually working with Silverlight Line- of- Bussiness Applic ations, he
holds a MCT S Web Applic ation 2.0 Certific ation, and have a wide experienc e
Web Developer with sql server sinc e the 6.5 version, on his free time he likes to play tennis
Sigo S.A. with his wife,kids and friends, also enjoy playing Wii with his sons, he works at
Venezuela Sigo S.A., a retail business loc ated at Margarita Island, Venezuela.

Member…/SLReporting.asp… 16/17
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