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English Test for Spanish Speakers

A Translate these phrases.

1 No lo suficiente. ........................................................................
2 Últimamente no. ........................................................................
3 La pelí fue un poco lenta. ........................................................................
4 Chóvar es el lugar más bonito de Valencia ........................................................................
5 Estoy harto de la política. ........................................................................
6 Necesito dormir 9 horas. ........................................................................
7 El Ritz es el hotel más caro de Madrid. ........................................................................
8 Es el hotel más caro de Madrid. ........................................................................
9 Proveedor. ........................................................................
10 Lo mismo que antes. ........................................................................

B Correct these mistakes.

1 That house is the more expensive than this one. .....................................................................

2 How old does it have? ........................................................................
3 Do you got a DVD player? ........................................................................
4 How many TVs have you have? ........................................................................
5 Have she got a cat? ........................................................................
6 Do he have a dog? ........................................................................
7 The film was very well. ........................................................................
8 It's the more pretty place in England. ........................................................................

C Answer these questions.

1 Do you have any brothers or sisters? (Sí o no) ........................................................................

2 Has she got a new car? (Sí) .........................................................................
3 Has he got a new job? (No) .........................................................................
4 Do you have a microwave? (Sí o no) .........................................................................
5 How long have you had your present car? .........................................................................
6 Have you got any pets? (Sí o no) .........................................................................
7 How many radios do you have? ........................................................................
8 Who has the biggest feet in your family? ........................................................................
9 What was the last film you saw? ........................................................................
10 Which cinema did you see it in? ........................................................................
Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 2008

1. No lo suficiente. Not enough.

2. Últimamente no. Not recently.

3. La pelí fue un poco lenta. The film was a bit slow.

4. Chóvar es el lugar más bonito de Valencia. Chóvar is the prettiest place in Valencia.

5. Estoy harto de la política. I'm fed up with politics.

6. Necesito dormir 9 horas. I need to sleep (for) 9 hours.

7. El Ritz es el hotel más caro de Madrid.. The Ritz is the most expnsive hotel in Madrid.

8. Es el hotel más caro de Madrid. It's the most expensive hotel in Madrid.

9. Proveedor. Supplier.

10. Lo mismo que antes. The same as before.

1. That house is the more expensive than this one.
That house is the more expensive than this one.
2. How old does it have?
How old is it?
3. Do you got a DVD player?
Do you have/Have you got a DVD player ?
4. How many TVs have you have?
How many TVs/have you got/do you have?
5. Have she got a cat?
Has she got a cat ?
6. Do he have a dog?
Does he have a dog?
7. The film was very well.
The film was very good .
8. It's the more pretty place in England.
It's the prettiest place in England .
1. Do you have any brothers or sisters? (Sí o no) Yes, I do/No, I don't.
2. Has she got a new car? (Sí) Yes, she has.
3. Has he got a new job? (No) No, he hasn't.
4. Do you have a microwave? (Sí o no) Yes, I do/No, I don't.
5. How long have you had your present car? For ______months/years . or Since 19__.
6. Have you got any pets? (Sí o no) Yes, I have./No, I haven't.
7. How many radios do you have? I have _____.
8. Who has the biggest feet in your family? "My brother."
9. What was the last film you saw? "Castaway."
10. Which cinema did you see it in? "The Odeon."
Written by Bob Wilson ©Robert Clifford McNair Wilson 2008

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