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Value Driven Education


3. Jingsi Aphorism:
大自然提供的「境教」 懂理的人,不一定懂事;
5. Early Childhood Events: 懂事的人,一定懂理。
Pelantikan Dokter Kecil Those who know principles
are not necessarily sensible.
6. Early Childhood Events: Those who are sensible
United Nations Day always understand principles.

7. Early Childhood Events:

8. Early Childhood Events:
General Assembly
10. Messages from Primary 19. Secondary School News:
11. Primary School News: Seamo Competition for
Cultural Week Mathematics
12. Primary School News: 20. Secondary School News:
PTA Fun Day Science Preparation for
13. Primary School News: Assessment
孝亲节暖身活动-保护蛋宝宝 20. Secondary School News:
15. Messages from Secondary Nature and It’s Beauty
17. Secondary School News: 21. Secondary School News:
Novels in English Class Our Latest Sports Achievements!
18. Secondary School News: 24 Secondary School News:

Some of illustration in this media are created by freepik

Mandarin Calligraphy Grade 9 Music

Please click our icons :





懂理的人,不一定懂事; 懂事的人,一定懂理。
Those who know principles are not necessarily sensible.
Those who are sensible always understand principles.



Pelantikan Dokter Kecil

Pada hari Selasa, Tanggal 9 Oktober yang lalu TK
Tzu Chi mengadakan pelantikan Dokter Kecil yang
diikuti oleh 35 siswa dari kelas TK B. Sebelum
diadakan pelantikan, seluruh peserta didik ini
mendapatkan pelatihan dan pembekalan dari
Puskesmas Kamal Muara yang dibimbing oleh
dr. Adam Razi Madakusuma.

Pelantikan dilakukan oleh bapak Dwi Pandji

Forkiantoro, S.STP, selaku Lurah Kamal Muara.
Bapak Lurah didampingi oleh dr. Roy Okto Maradona,
dokter dari Puskesmas Kamal Muara dan perawat,
Yunita Widya Ningrum, Amd.Kep serta dokter pem-
bimbing dokter kecil, yaitu dr. Adam.

Kegiatan pelantikan diawali dengan doa pembukaan,

menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya, dan dilanjutkan
dengan sambutan Kepala TK, Iing Felicia Joe.
Secara simbolis Pak Lurah mengenakan baju dokter
kecil kepada dua orang peserta didik, dilanjutkan
foto bersama. Dalam kegiatan sehari-hari dokter
kecil mendapatkan bimbingan dari suster Jusnita
Tobing, Amd. Kep. Kegiatan yang dilakukan antara
lain adalah kesiapan di kelas saat ada teman yang serta dapat mengajak teman-teman untuk turut
sakit, membantu perawat sekolah dalam mengukur mengembangkan berperilaku hidup sehat.
berat badan dan tinggi badan, serta menjadi asisten
petugas Puskesmas ketika datang ke sekolah untuk Kegiatan ini adalah wujud nyata dari Tri Program
imunisasi, dan menjadi juru pemantau jentik. UKS yaitu pendidikan, pelayanan, lingkungan bersih
dan sehat.
Pelantikan ini diharapkan meningkatkan semangat
dokter kecil untuk semakin berperilaku hidup sehat By Jusnita Tobing

United Nations Day
United Nations Day is celebrated on 24th October
every year. This year we celebrated it for the whole
week, from 22nd to 26th October 2018. The objectives
of this event was to provide basic knowledge about
UN Day and other countries to the students. Through
various activities, different countries were introduced
to the students. They learnt about the diversity of the
culture, customs, society and language, as well as folk
dances and their cuisines. The theme for this year’s
UN celebration was “Children of the World”.

On the first day, we had some fun traditional games from

the countries they represented. We also introduced
the country to the students, made hand-tree bulletins
and had a visit from foreigners to elaborate more about
their countries to the students.

On the next day, we visited classes of other levels.

The teachers explained about each country’s cultures,
traditional clothes, etc. On the third day, students were
introduced to the traditional food of the countries they
represented. Teachers and students cooked and ate

We hope that by exposing our students to the diversities of

cultures from all around the world, they learn to embrace
and respect differences!

By Miss Suyani


撰稿人 張齊尹
幼兒園 中文組

(Palu) 以北80公里处,震源深度10千米。随后引发大规模海
庆活动,但却遇上突如其来的地震和海啸。3米高的海浪造成了一 (图二)班导师透过新闻与学生讲述苏拉威西岛巴路(Palu)灾害

往苏拉威西岛。 爱心不落人后,印尼慈济幼儿园也发起了募捐行



General Assembly
Every third week of the month, the students of
Tzu Chi Kindergarten have a flag ceremony in the
morning. The Academic Year 2018-2019’s first flag
assembly on October 15, 2018 was attended by
K2 students and teachers in the waiting room from
8.30 am until 9 am.

These days, some children feel that flag ceremony is

a less fun activity as they have to stand for a long
time, not to mention that the outdoor weather is hot.
Teachers need to explain about this activity so that
students know the reason we do it and they will be
more willing.

By watching the flag raising and participating in

singing the national anthem, Indonesia Raya,
children are expected to develop their love for their
homeland. During the assembly, they also need to
stand properly and not to move around. They must
show a polite and respectful attitude. They are also
required to dress neatly, wear a hat, wear black
shoes (not colorful) when attending a flag ceremony.
Hence, the flag ceremony is very important to be
carried out, as it builds the children’s self-discipline
and self-respect. This is the duty of teachers in
delivering it to the students, so that as early as
possible they are invited to love this activity.

By Arafanie Kardiman



Dear Parents,

It is my pleasure to
welcome you to this
month’s Newsletter,
which keeps you Dear Parents,
informed of the
activities and Hello everyone. I am Ms Susie, Vice Principal of
events that kept Tzu Chi Primary School. This is my 8th year of
us up and about in Primary these past working here. I am happy to see how much
weeks. I am thrilled to announce that the school has grown from its first year and
Ms Triwanti Tan has joined our Senior am excited to see the changes that are still to
Management Team in early November. She is come. This would not have been possible
now the Vice Principal of Academic Affairs. without the continuous support from the
parents, donors, board of directors and the
Her presence will surely boost the capacity of whole administration and teaching staff. We
the current Senior Management Team. Together have truly gone a long way from having 250
with Ms Susie, our loyal and supportive Vice students and 10 classes in our first year to
Principal who has been with Tzu Chi School over 1300 students and 52 classes this year.
even before its inception, they create a dynamic Rest assured we will only work harder to
pair while each has a specific scope of build an even stronger school curriculum to
responsibilities. Ms Susie will concentrate give the best service we can to our students.
and be more hands-on in her role as the Vice We hope our graduates will become our
Principal of Student Affairs. future leaders with not only intelligence but
also solid moral values to make the right
I am thankful to have these wonderful ladies decisions in life. We
with Tzu Chi Primary School. I am sure that know we can count on
our collaborative effort with the coordinators, you to help us
heads of departments, teachers and parents, achieve this goal as
Tzu Chi Primary School will soar even higher you have been in the
in providing a balanced academic program past years. Let us
and student wellness with strong Tzu Chi make this year the
values. best one yet!

Regards, Regards,
Caroline Widjanarko Susie

Dear Parents,

Hope everything is well with you and your family. I am Triwanti and
I am joining Tzu Chi Primary School as the new Vice Principal in
Academic affairs. Tzu Chi has always been close to my heart and
2 years ago, I was also the Vice Principal in Tzu Chi Secondary
School. I am delighted to be back again and I look forward to
working with you as a team to help our children achieve their goals
and have a successful school year.

Triwanti Tan


Cultural Week
One of the major events in Tzu Chi Primary School showcasing different languages through songs and
this term is the Cultural Week. As the name implies, dances. Thereafter, students were introduced to
our objective is to raise students’ awareness towards different cultures through ‘Country Corners’ where
other cultures, thus appreciate the beauty which lies each class decorated a corner of their classroom
in diversities amongst them. with information regarding their assigned country.
Students also went through enjoyable food tour
On October 24 and 25, traditional games such as where they could taste traditional food from different
‘Snake and Ladder’ and ‘Bola Bekel’ were integrated countries.
into recess periods. Students were also educated
about the social effect of racial discriminations and It is our hope that with the success of this event,
ways to prevent them. there will be a deeper understanding within our
students which ultimately leads to an end to racial
The grand culminating event took place on October 26, discrimination.
when all members of primary school wore Batik
enthusiastically. The event started with a program By Mr. Ronnel

PTA Fun Day
Parents and teachers who work together are
unstoppable! To enhance the collaboration between
teachers and parents, PTA (Parent Teacher Association)
of Tzu Chi Primary School organized a fun - filled day
called PTA Fun Day last October 20, 2018.

Parents and teachers were enthusiastic in joining

different activities prepared by the organizers. Each
activity allows us to know each other even better
while having fun. We got to know more of the parents
and parents also got to know more of the teachers
teaching their children. It was a meaningful fun day
for everyone.

By Miss Caroline




By Ms. Chen Pei Wen



We take our responsibilities seriously, The term has started well, and I am
and we act to ensure that we support sure that as we move towards reporting
and indeed recognize those students time students will ensure they are
who demonstrate an aptitude of prepared for their lessons, keep an
excellence. The Tzu Chi Secondary eye on their tasks and assignments,
school scholarship programme was and study for their tests.
initiated when the secondary school
was first opened, to recognize those Master Cheng Yen wishes “students
students who are exceptional in will cherish every moment and not
academics and character, students waste any time; that they will make
who demonstrate qualities that efforts to study extensively, enquire
deserve to be recognized and supported. thoroughly, reflect with deliberation,
differentiate clearly and practice
Dear parents and guardians, The Secondary Scholarship Programme is earnestly”. This is certainly evident
something we are proud of, it provides in our students and I encourage our
It was wonderful to start the school opportunities for our students, and students to continue to work hard.
term and see how everyone was encourages other students to reach
energized and enthusiastic. high as these students have done. It is also worth reminding parents to
check your child’s Managebac and
Enthusiasm is an important part of A good number of applicants from ensure your child is up to date on his/
a student’s life. It creates a force of Grade 6 primary as well as secondary her work. We will be having a parent
commitment and attitude and propels students applied for the scholarship teacher consultation day on
them to reach high. With enthusiasm, programme. Many students, both Wednesday December 12. I look
students can ask themselves ‘can I?’ internal and external to our school forward to seeing all parents at the
and ‘how high can I go’? allowing bravely applied to go through our school on the day!
them to be able to grow and develop as careful selection process. It was an
young people with an eye for the intensive time for the students and Dominic Robeau
future. I congratulate each one of them for Head of Tzu Chi Secondary School
their positive participation.
We ask of our students as they enter
our school not only to demonstrate I would like to take this opportunity to
enthusiasm but also character. Our thank the board for their unwavering
principles of gratitude, love and support of the scholarship programme,
respect, the cornerstones of how their commitment to recognizing and
we act and think, are both taught and assisting our students. They have
expected from all our students. faith in our students and in what they
hope our students will continue to do.
The ability to show gratitude towards
others, to respect those around them, During October we undertook the
and to act in ways which demonstrate first benchmarking testing of grades
a love for their community and beyond 7 and 10. This was the online CAT4
are all important aspects which we hope test which measured their abilities
will grow and unfold in our students as across a broad number of areas Dear Parents and Guardians,
a flower does with sunlight and watering. including numeracy, logic, reasoning
It is these three principles that we hope and language skills. This test will During the month of October, the
our students will develop and demonstrate provide teachers with the data they Pastoral Care team continued its
throughout their time in our school. need to ensure that students are Friendship Seminar and Campaign.
supported across their subject areas. We strongly emphasized the importance
These principles were certainly of having a healthy community to
demonstrated when our school On the last day of October, the support each other. The students of
community answered the call to help school held an earthquake and grade 7 and 8 were introduced to
the victims of Palu. Once again students evacuation drill for the entire student building and having good friendships.
and parents demonstrated their care population. Students had been This Friendship Seminar and Campaign
and generosity by donating to prepared by their Homeroom tutors on was closed by the great performance of
assisting the families affected by what to do in case of an earthquake Grade 9 with the topic of Friendship.
the earthquake. It was a humbling and evacuation routes were explained.
experience to see so many students I was pleased by the response of the Also during October, the Secondary
and staff solemnly line up and show students and the active participation school went through the process of
their love for others. Thank you to all of our staff. More drills will be held SPK Accreditation (Satuan Pendidikan
parents and guardians who supported during the year to ensure we can all Kerjasama). This is a national
this worthy event. leave the school quickly and efficiently. accreditation process that applies to

SPK schools in Indonesia. In order to active inquiry over accumulated day our students are not only busy
prepare Tzu Chi Secondary School knowledge. Why is this? Many authors with their academics but are also
to be ready, all Indonesian teachers have written about the need for interacting with and embracing the IB
put a lot effort and time for this process students to be flexible, adaptable and learner profile. The IB learner profile
including working long hours and mobile ahead of an unpredictable is a set of attributes that define an IB
weekends. We are very grateful to employment future: a future that will student: Inquirers, Knowledgeable,
them for their hard work. On November require our students to do jobs that Thinkers, Communicators, Principled,
7 & 8, the accreditation team from do not currently exist. Open-Minded, Caring, Risk-Takers,
Indonesian Government came to Balanced and Reflective. These 10
clarify all documents that had been I first read about the need for students learning behaviors are the IB mission
submitted. They also used their time to be lifelong learners way back when statement in action and compliment
to meet some of our parent reading T. Friedman The World is and support Tzu Chi humanistic
representatives. We are confident Flat (2005). I am currently reading education.
that we will receive a good result Y.N. Harari 21 Lessons for the 21st
from this accreditation process. Century (2018) that provides an I would like to take this chance to talk
up to date analysis of the problems a little about the second attribute of
November is a month when the students our world faces today along with the Learner Profile...”Knowledgeable”
will face some formative and summative suggestions for solutions - invariably and what it means for us. Many may
assessments. Support from parents is these solutions rely on our students think that being knowledgeable
needed in order to prepare our being flexible, adaptable, and mobile means being able to recall and
students to face them with confidence. lifelong learners and problems solvers. recite information. For children today
though, being knowledgeable means
Henky Sasmita To promote and support inquiry in the so much more. They have inherited a
Deputy Head of Pastoral Care MYP at Tzu Chi Secondary School, much different world than many of us
teachers facilitate lessons and grew up with. Vice versa, we are
guide students to locate problems, preparing them for a world that will be
investigate necessary information, much different than the one we have
and consider solutions to problems. today. What I have seen here from
Teachers do not provide content our students and teachers though
knowledge; rather they structure units leaves me reassured and confident
and lessons to allow students to that we will pass the world on into
formulate their own questions and knowledgeable and competent
support them with the skills needed hands.
to investigate, analyze, synthesize,
and build new understandings. MYP Our students have shown themselves to
students are not passive receivers of not only be academically knowledgeable;
knowledge - they are active inquirers through activities in the classroom and
and problem solvers. Let us judge our external competitions. In addition,
students by their questions and not they have shown themselves to be
The Attributes of the IB Learner simply by their answers. knowledgeable in how they should
Profile in Action: Inquirer. A simple treat one another for a better world,
definition of inquirer, provided by Patrick O Sullivan knowledgeable in how they should
Collins English Dictionary, is a Deputy Head of Secondary School care for their environment and
‘person who asks for information for IB MYP Programme knowledgeable in how they may
about someone or something’. strive to make a positive difference.
This is knowledge that doesn’t come
The International Baccalaureate from a text book. Instead, this
further defines what it means to knowledge comes from positive role
be an inquirer as ‘We nurture our modeling, the culture of the community,
curiosity, developing skills for inquiry Tzu Chi values and the IB mission
and research. We know how to learn imbedded in the curriculum. It is
independently and with others. We knowledge that is lived and practiced
learn with enthusiasm and sustain each day as members of the Tzu Chi
our love of learning throughout life’. Secondary community.

A famous quote by the writer, historian Gan En.

and philosopher Voltaire encourages Scott M. Williams
society to ‘Judge a man by his questions Deputy Head of Secondary School
rather than by his answers’. for IB DP Programme
The IB Learner Profile
The first definition simply states what
an inquirer is. The second goes further It never ceases to surprise me just
and celebrates what it means to be how much is going on throughout
an inquirer. The quote, emphasizes Tzu Chi Secondary school. Each


Novels in
English Class
The month of October is truly an interesting month
for English students as they start studying new text
types and reading new novels.

Grade 7 students are reading Chasing Vermeer,

a children’s art mystery novel by Blue Balliett.
Meanwhile, in Grade 8, students have started
studying different text types, and this term, their
unit on informational texts helps them acquire, not
only the knowledge, but more importantly, the skills
they will need to help them become better readers.
As we are also approaching the Christmas season,
the Grade 9 students are getting into the Christmas
Spirit, as they study one of Charles Dickens’ works,
A Christmas Carol. Through this unit of study, it is
very much hoped for that students appreciate the
true spirit of Christmas, as well as the true meaning
of sharing, happiness, and contentment.

Kite Runner is another novel that is being tackled
this term. This 2003 work by Afghan-American author
Khaled Hosseini is being studied by our Grade 10
students. In the Diploma Programme, the Grade 11
students in English A are studying how language
is used in mass communication, while the students
English B are currently doing a unit on how to write
instructions and deliver oral presentations. Finally,
in Grade 12, English A students are reading and
studying one of William Shakespeare’s classic
works, Macbeth, whereas English B students are
focusing on completing their written assignments.

Ms. Kate Siaron

Head of English Department

Mandarin Calligraphy
Popular music and other modern art forms have
great influence on teenagers. Our teacher made
use of modern dances and pop music to motivate
students to learn Mandarin. There is a very famous
dance theater, named Cloud Gate Dance Theater,
one of whose master works is a performance named
running - cursive writing trilogy. This dance demonstrates
the beauty of Chinese traditional calligraphy; the
teacher teaches the students about the evolution
of Chinese calligraphy, and then lets the students
write it in order to gain experience, which helps the
students to have further understanding of Chinese

Ms Wan Yan Ling

Head of Mandarin

Seamo Competition for Mathematics
SEAMO (Southeast Asian Mathematical Olympiad)
is probably the math competition programs with the
widest participation in South-East Asia region. The
most immediate value of these math contests is to
challenge the students’ interest in mathematics and
encourage them to value intellectual pursuits. Math
competitions like SEAMO inspires students to become
good at mathematics just like sports encourage
physical fitness. Those reasons strengthen us to join
and send some of our best students in math to join
SEAMO 2018 competition.

SEAMO 2018 was held in North Jakarta Intercultural

School at Saturday, 6 October 2018. We sent 25
students from Grade 7 up to Grade 12 in total. For
secondary level, this competition was divided into
3 categories, D, E and F. Category D is for students
Grade 7 and 8, category E is for students Grade 9
and 10, while category F is for students Grade 11
and 12.

To prepare our students for this competition, we held

a practice class a week before the competition start.
We hope by joining this competition, our students
can do their best to apply their math skill and
expose their understanding and interesting to solve
unfamiliar-challenging math problems.

Mr Bram
Mathematics Teacher

Science Preparation for
The TCS secondary school science department
activities on the month of October were focused on
preparing the students for the summative
assessments of the department particularly so
for Grades 7 -10.

The IBDP Science students are on the process of

completing their Internal Assessments (IA’s) as part
of the requirement to successfully complete the
course of study.

Grade 11 IBDP Biology students started doing the

prescribed practicals as part of the examination
component for Paper 3 Examination.

Mr Eliseo
Head of Science

Nature and Its Beauty

In this 21st century, it is easy for us who lives in
the big city of Jakarta to forget about nature and its
beauty. The grade 7 students are researching about
Matisse, an artist who uses organic shapes in his
art because he is moved by nature. Based on their
research, experiment with organic shapes to create
their own artwork inspired by Matisse.

Through the topic of space as one of the elements

of art, the grade 8 students are observing and
re-imagining elements of nature in the space we
daily encounter. The students use basic artistic
knowledge of creating space in a 2D work and
perspective drawing to make a drawing of the
school hallway.

Meanwhile, the grade 9 students are exploring

the shape and characteristics that are present in a
flower through observational drawing. Additionally,
through extensive research, they are discovering
the intention of artists using flowers as a subject
matter in art throughout history. The students are
learning the core intention behind artists’ work
in order to make the conceptual art for this unit.

We hope that through these lessons, students will

learn to be grateful, to respect and to love nature.

Mr Auriga
Head of Visual Arts and Design

Our Latest Sports Achievements!
On October our sports team Tzu Chi Secondary
School took part in some competitions.

The Boys Football team joined in Tunas Muda Cup

while our Girls Football team joined in Tunas Muda
Cup and National High Cup.

Our Table tennis team joined in Saint Nicholas Cup

and Penabur Cup and our Badminton team joined
in Penabur Cup.

The Swimming team joined in National High Cup

and Sinarmas World Academy Cup.

Through entering competitions as led by the PE

department, IB students can acquire skills and infor-
mation, along with developing personal values and
self-esteem. It gives the students the opportunity to
compete with students from outside the school.

These experiences are a good learning process to

understand their strengths and weaknesses, and
also to support their learning and personal devel-
opment which is part of the Reflective aspect in IB
learning profile.

We hope through this program and competition we

can help a lot of students to develop their physical
and mental health to face the world as a successful
person from Tzu Chi School.

• Football 2nd Place Tunas Muda Cup.
(Angela Maria Tandun G8, Ashley Thio G8,
Avrill G8, Kayla Claresta G8, Tara Chloe G8,
Vania G8, Fenice Tanadi G9, Alena Felicia
G10, Valencia Astono G10, Evangeline G10).

• Football 2nd Place National High.

(Natasya Angela Wijaya G8, Maria Tandun
G8, Ashley Thio G 8, Avrill G8, Kayla
Claresta G8, Vania G8, Fenice Tanadi G9,
Alena Felicia G10, Valencia Astono G10,
Evangeline G10, Kartika Shan G10,
Meaghan Felicia G8, Elaine Hsu G9).

• Badminton 1st Place Double Male
Penabur Cup (Vincent Lawrencio G9 • Table Tennis 3rd Place Double Male Penabur
and Justin Kendrick G8) Cup (Jason Hugo G11 and Jason Kasan G9)
• Badminton 1st Place Single Male • Table tennis 2nd Place Single Male Penabur
Penabur Cup (Vincent Lawrencio G9) Cup. (Jason Hugo G11)
• Badminton 2nd Place Male Penabur • Table Tennis 1st Place Male Saint Nicholas
Cup (Justin Kendrick G8) Cup. (Jason Hugo G11)


• U-12 Freestyle Boys 50 m Silver Medal • Age 15-16 Breaststroke Boys Gold Medal
(Louie Kargito G7) (Darren Lee G10)
• U-12 Freestyle Boys 50 m Bronze Medal • Age 13-14 Freestyle Girls Silver Medal
(Freddy G7) (Naomi Mikhael Wu G9)
• U-12 Freestyle Boys 100m Silver Medal • Age 13 + Medley Girls 100 m Brone Medal
(Louie G7) (Jessy Huang G9)
• U-12 Freestyle Boys 100m Bronze Medal • Age 13 + Freestyle Relay Bronze Medal
(Louie G7) (Ryan, Matthew, Yuni, Naomi)
• U-16 50m Breast Stroke Boys Gold Medal • U 12 Freestyle Relay Bronze Medal
(Darren Lee G10) (Louie, Freddy, Jelina, Elaine)
• U-16 Freestyle Boys 50 m Gold Medal
(Matthew G8)
• U-16 Freestyle Boys 50 Gold Medal There are still some upcoming competition that we will
(Matthew G8) face such as: 7v7 International Soccer competition in
• U-16 Freestyle Girls 50 m Gold Medal JIS for football team boys, Methodist Cup for
(Elaine Putricia Tohbie G7) badminton team, and Australian Independent School
• U-16 Freestyle Girls 100 m Gold Medal Competition for football team girl.
(Elaine Putricia Tohbie G7)
• U-16 Freestyle Girls 100 m Silver Medal “Never lose courage, never lose faith. Nothing in
(Yuni Chyntia G10) this world is impossible when you are determined”
~ Master Cheng Yen

Mr Roberts
Head of PE Department

Grade 9 Music
This month, students in Grade 9 are learning the art
of ensemble performance. They are learning how
to communicate their ideas to the group, improving
their social skill learning how to agree and disagree
in a polite way. Collaboration is significant in group
performance. The use of gestures, nonverbal com-
munication helps them execute their plan.

In this unit, they learn how to plan, adjust their

performance by transposing the music piece into dif-
ferent key. They are challenged to learn how to play
new instrument, develop their musicianship skills
and singing with harmony, two voices.

They are expected to perform by the end of term 2.

Illuminada Tumbali
Head of Music Department


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