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An Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method

for the advection-diffusion equation

Michael A. Celia

Water Resources Program, Dept. of Civil Engineering and Operations Research, Princeton
Universio', Princeton, NJ 08544, U.S.A.

Thomas F. Russell

Department of Mathematics, University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, CO 80204-5300,


Ismael Herrera

Instituto de Geofi'sica, UNAM, Apdo. Postal 22-582, 14000 Mexico D.F., Mexico

Richard E. Ewing

Deparment of Mathematics, Universit3, of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071, U.S.A.

Many numerical methods use characteristic analysis to accommodate the advective component
of transport. Such characteristic methods include Eulerian-Lagrangian methods (ELM), modified
method of characteristics (MMOC), and operator splitting methods. A generalization of
characteristic methods can be developed using an approach that we refer to as an Eulerian-
Lagrangian localized adjoint method (ELLAM). This approach is a space-time extension of the
optimal test function (OTF) method. The method provides a consistent formulation by defining
test functions as specific solutions of the localized homogeneous adjoint equation. All relevant
boundary terms arise naturally in the ELLAM formulation, and a systematic and complete treat-
ment of boundary condition implementation results. This turns out to have significant implica-
tions for the calculation of boundary fluxes. An analysis of global mass conservation leads to
the final ELLAM approximation, which is shown to possess the conservative property. Numerical
calculations demonstrate the behaviour of the method with emphasis on treatment of boundary
conditions. Discussion of the method includes ideas on extensions to higher spatial dimensions,
reactive transport, and variable coefficient equations.

1. INTRODUCTION accurate solutions with reasonable computational effort.

Two general classes of approximations can be identified
Advection-diffusion transport equations are important in from the literature on modeling advection-dominated
many branches of engineering and applied science. These transport. The first is referred to herein as the class of
equations are characterized by a nondissipative (hyper- optimal spatial methods, while the second is referred to
bolic) advective transport component and a dissipative as the class of characteristic methods. Optimal spatial
(parabolic) diffusive component. When diffusion is the
methods (OSM's) employ an Eulerian approach that is
dominant process, virtually all numerical solution pro- rooted in a minimization of error in the approximation
cedures perform well. However, when advection is the
of the spatial derivatives. For example, in the pioneering
dominant transport process, most numerical procedures work of Allen and Southwell t, a finite difference
exhibit some combination of excessive nonphysical oscilla-
approximation was developed for the advection and dif-
tions and excessive numerical diffusion. While this
fusion terms that gives exact nodal values for the simplified
behaviour is easily explained using, for example, general
case of one-dimensional, steady state, constant coefficient
Fourier analysis 4~, the development of numerical
advective-diffusive transport without sources, sinks, or
schemes that overcome the problems is an ongoing
reaction terms. This philosophy has persisted in many
challenge. While extremely fine mesh refinement is one
other aproximations, including the finite element methods
possible solution, it is usually not a feasible alternative of Christie, et al. t~, Hughes and coworkers 32-35'46,
due to excessive computational requirements. Thus, alter- Carey 9, Barrett and Morton 2 , Demkowitcz and Oden 18,
native numerical formulations are sought that will allow Hemker-"~4, and Celia et al. 11- 13. All of the procedures
yield an upstream bias in the resulting approximation.
Paper accepted April 1990. Discussion closes June 1991. While the theoretical basis for many of these methods is
1990 Computational Mechanics Publications
Adv. Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4 187
An Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method." Michael A. Celia et al.

impressive, the approximations tend to be ineffective in 2. L O C A L I Z E D ADJOINT M E T H O D S

transient simulations because of the strong influence of
The general approach of localized adjoint methods (LAMs)
the time derivative. The salient features of this class of
is based on the philosophy of the algebraic theory of
approximations may be summarized as follows: (i) time
numerical methods presented by Herrera m'25-29. In
truncation error dominates the solutions (ii) solutions are
LAM, a ',,,'eight or test function, call it %(w), is used to
characterized by significant numerical diffusion and some
write a weak form of the governing differential equation
phase errors (iii) the Courant number (Cu - VAt~At) is
of interest. Let the governing differential operator be
generally restricted to be less than one, and sometimes
denoted symbolically by ~ , with the governing equation
much less than one. A general comparison of some of these
written as
methods is provided by Bouloutas and Celia 5.
Other Eulerian methods can be developed that perform £u(x) = f ( x ) , x EfL (1)
significantly better than OSM approximations. These
methods attempt to use a nonzero spatial truncation error where u is the dependent variable and x is the vector of
(thereby differing from OSM's) to cancel temporal errors independent variables. The weak form of equation (1) is
and thereby reduce the overall truncation error. The cubic written as
Petrov-Galerkin method of Bouloutas and Celia 6 and the
general N + 2 methods of Westerink and coworkers 848 (2)
are examples of such procedures. While improved
accuracy results from these formulations, they still suffer
from strict Courant number limitations. In the general LAM approach, the domain f~ is discretized
Because of the hyperbolic nature of advective transport, into a number of subintervals or elements f/e(e = 1, 2,
it is natural to look to characteristic analysis to aid in solv- . . . . E). Equation (2) is then written as a sum of elemental
ing the problem. This philosophy has led to many related boundary integrals and integrals over the interior of each
approximation techniques, which are called by a variety element. Depending on the continuity of u and wk, this
of names, including Eulerian-Lagrangian methods may be done using simple integration-by-parts, using the
(ELM) 3'37-39, transport diffusion method 4'31"42, method theory of distributions, or using the general Green's
of characteristics (MOC) 4°, modified method of formulas of Ref. 26. This point is discussed in detail in
characteristics (MMOC) ~9"23'44, and operator splitting the companion paper 3°. The resulting interior integrals
methods ~5'zt'49. These will be grouped herein under the involve an integrand that includes the adjoint of o£ acting
title of characteristic methods (CM's). Each of these on %, 2*%. The LAM procedure then defines as test
methods has in common the fact that the advective com- functions those which satisfy the homogeneous adjoint
ponent is treated by a characteristic tracking algorithm equation within each element, so that £ * w k = 0 .
(a Lagrangian frame of reference), and the diffusive step Therefore all interior elemental integrals are eliminated
is treated separately using a more standard (Eulerian) and only boundary integrals remain to be evaluated.
spatial approximation. These methods have the signifi- Evaluation of these boundary terms leads to the algebraic
cant advantage that Courant number restrictions of purely approximation of interest. The key to LAM algorithms
Eulerian methods are alleviated because of the Lagrangian is the choice of subintervals [f~e] and the definition of
nature of the advection step. Furthermore, because the test functions that locally satisfy the homogeneous adjoint
spatial and temporal dimensions are coupled through the operator. This latter point implies that the test functions
characteristic tracking, the influence of time truncation vary as the operator varies. In this way, the test functions
error present in OSM approximations is greatly reduced. reflect the physics inherent in the governing equation.
This paper and a companion one 3° provide a LAM approximations have been applied to ordinary dif-
generalization of characteristic methods using an approach ferential equations m.28,29and to the spatial dimensions of
that we refer to as a localized adjoint method (LAM). The partial differential equations t~-~3. For ordinary differen-
present paper begins by reviewing the LAM procedure, tial equations, optimal approximations can be obtained in
including discussion of the general approach as well as the sense that exact nodal values are achieved for the case
specific formulations that have been developed to date. of constant coefficients and approximations of an arbitrarily
This is followed by the specific space-time LAM formula- high order can be achieved for the case of variable coef-
tion that naturally leads to a generalized CM approxima- ficients. These results apply for arbitrary forcing func-
tion. This approach provides a consistent formulation that tions and arbitrary boundary conditions. Partial differential
does not rely on any operator splitting or equation decom- equations in multiple spatial dimensions have been solved
position. In addition, all relevant boundary terms arise by forming tensor product test functions ~t. For transient
naturally in the formulation, and a systematic and com- partial differential equations, the LAM approach has been
plete treatment of boundary condition implementation is applied in space to achieve a semi-discretization for the
presented. This turns out to have significant implications linear advection-diffusion equation ~2 as well as nonlinear
for the calculation of boundary fluxes. An analysis of advection-diffusion-reaction systems of transport equa-
global mass conservation then leads to the final ELLAM tions ~3. Standard time-marching algorithms were then used
approximation, which is shown to possess the conservative to solve the semi-discrete system. When applied to the
property. Example calculations are presented to illustrate advection-diffusion equation, the semi-discrete LAM
the method. Finally, a discussion of several additional forms an optimal spatial method. This method therefore
topics is presented, including extension to multiple dimen- suffers from the limitations of all optimal spatial methods,
sions, development of higher order methods, formulations as described in the previous section. However, there is
for reactive transport equations, and treatment of noncon- no reason for the LAM approach to be restricted to semi-
stant coefficients. The companion paper dwells more discrete formulations. Because the LAM approach is quite
thoroughly on the associated theoretical questions. general, LAM approximations can be applied to the full

188 Adv. Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4

An Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method." :~lichael A. Celia et al.

space-time operator. The next section develops a space- poral part. Such a space-time split, defined on a rectangular
time LAM algorithm that produces a general characteristic discretization of f2~.,, leads to optimal spatial algorithms
method algorithm. involving exponential weightings in space. The result is
analogous to the semi-discretizations presented by Celia
et al. t2.~:,
To derive a general family of characteristic methods
3 . AN E U L E R I A N - L A G R A N G I A N L A M FOR (CM's). a different set of solutions to equation (6) must
ADVECTION-DIFFUSION T R A N S P O R T be used. In particular, consider solutions to equation (6)
EQUATIONS which satisfy the two homogeneous sub-equations that are
Consider the one-dimensional transient advection-diffusion grouped based on common order of derivatives, viz.
equation subject to appropriate initial and boundary (Ow/Ot) + V(Ow/Ox) = 0 and D(OZw/Ox2) 0. The =

conditions, second constraint implies linear functions of x, while the

first constraint implies w = constant along lines x - x 0 =
Ou Ou O"-u V(t - to). A natural choice for such a test function can
~ll = - -
+ V--- D = f ( x , t), be defined with respect to a rectangular array of nodes
Ot Ox O.r-"
in space-time as follows,
xE f~.~= [0, 11
tE f ~ , = [0, oo] x~ x~_t + V t "*t - t , ( x , t) E g , ~i,
Ar Ar
(x, t) E f~.... ---- f~.~ x ~2,, (3)
W;'+'(X, t) = .r,+l --X V t -" * l - --, t
(x, t) ~ fY,,
U(X, O) = UI(X) Ar Ar
u(O, t) = Uo(t) 0, all other (x, t),
Ou (7)
-- (l, t) = qM).
where subscript i denotes spatial location (xi = i(Ax) for
First- and second-type boundary conditions are chosen for constant spatial step At), superscript n denotes time level
demonstration purposes only; the following development (t" = n(-At) for constant time step _At), and the test func-
accommodates any combination of boundary conditions. tion w;"l(x, t) is associated with spatial location i and
The adjoint operator associated with the operator £ of temporal location n + 1. In writing equation (7), cons-
equation (3) is tant node spacing Ax has been assumed. The regions f21
and f~ are illustrated in Fig. 1, as is a typical test func-
£ * w - Ow V Oww _ D -Ozw
- (4) tion. The function w;'+~(x, t) has the properties that it is
Ot Ox Off- " (a)
The LAM approach is initiated by writing the weak form
of equation (3). Let w(x, t) refer to a test function (whose
precise form will be determined as part of the LAM ! I I

development), so that the weak form of equation (3) is
: n*l

i'= I`l ( £ u - f ) w ( x , t)d.r dt = 0 . (5) w, (x t)

0 J0

As discussed in the previous section, the test function t" . . . . . . . o - - - • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .

w(x, t) is chosen from the solution space of the homo- , ,, ', ,, ,,

geneous adjoint equation. In this case, the homogeneous >
adjoint equation is Xi. ~ Xi.2 Xi. ~ Xi X,.~ X
x~, x~" x,:,

£ * w = - a.ff_w_ v a w _ D --a-'w = o. (6) (b)

at ax off-
As opposed to the simple developments for ordinary dif-
ferential operators, the solution space of the partial dif- t~.
ferential equation (6) is infinite-dimensional. Because the
objective of the numerical procedure is derivation of a
finite number of algebraic equations, only a finite number
of test functions should be chosen. Different choices of :9/
test functions (solutions of equation (6)) lead to different
classes of approximations, including families of optimal t"
spatial methods and general characteristics methods. xZ, x: xL
By analogy to the tensor product approach of Celia et
Xi. 3 X,.~ Xl. 1 Xi Xi. ~ X
al. 11, a product solution of the form w(x, t) = ,~(x)r(t)
could be sought such that ~j(x) satisfies the homogeneous Fig. 1. (a) General interior test fimction wT+t(x, t), and
spatial operator of equation (6) while r(t) satisfies the tem- (b) associated geometric definitions

Adv. Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4 189

An Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method: Michael A. Celia et al.

C°[fix], C -~ [P.,], is nonzero over only one time step (t" tegrals involving u(x, t) are eliminated. Furthermore, the
to t " ~ ) with discontinuities aligned along t" and t "~t, spatial jump operators can be evaluated explicitly from
and the lines of spatial derivative discontinuities align with equation (7) as
the characteristics that intersect the nodes xg_t, x~. and
-ri_~ at time level t ~+~. [[ Owf-'-[] = ~-Owy']] _ 1
Given this test function definition, the weak form of
the equation can be evaluated by standard integration pro-
cedures. Let the spatial locations at time level t" that are ~ OwUt ]] _ -2.
on the characteristic curves that intersect points x~_t, xg,
.'t'i+~ at t "÷t be denoted as x*_~, x*, and x ' t , respectively, ax _L]zl,~ &v
as illustrated in Fig. 1. These points are often referred Equation (8) can therefore be simplified as
to as the 'foot of the characteristic' points. In addition,
let the characteristic curves that pass through points xi- ~,
xi, and xi+ t at time t n÷l be identified by xi(t), x/~(t), and t"i' +/ £l( X , t n~-I )~'V[14-I( X ~ t n-I) d.~
x¢(t), respectively, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The weak form
of equation (3) can be rewritten in an equivalent form by
applying integration by parts. If u(x, t) is assumed to be - t~'*' u(x, tn)w~'+'(x, t") dx
at least CLcontinuous in x and C°-continuous in t (cases
of less restrictive continuity are treated in the companion
paper3°), then the integrations of equation (5) can be writ-
ten equivalently as a sum of elemental integrals. Integra- -D[ (~) l'o,".... u(x](t), t) dt
tion by parts can then be applied element-by-element,
where 'elements' are defined as the regions f~i, f~, etc.
Evaluation of the weak form (5), with wT*t(x, t) used as
the test function, leads to the following expression.
_ 9
Ill u(x~(t), t) dt

+ i ), t) dt
) ~ I,tx, t ) d x d t = 0
ioo it ( £ u - jr'w"+ u(xr(t
, 0 ,) 0

o o 0, + V--
Ox 2
-fix, t) w~'+l(x, t)dx dt
= '
, ~', u p .
f(x, t )~
x ,v'~n+lz~x, t) dx dt. (9)

Equations (7) through (9) have been written under the

= i'~-'u(x, t,+.)w~+t(x, t"÷')dx assumptions of constant node spacing zSx and constant
coefficients in the governing equation, and for
characteristics that do not intersect the spatial boundaries.
For nonconstant spacing, the test functions change as
- i r,'-t U(X, t ~)w i,,+i (x, t")dx follows:
X -- Xi_ 1 t n+l -- t
- - + V , (x, t ) ~ 2 [ ,
- D u(x~(t), t) dt ~7x i ~7x i
t" ax .~;(t~
w,n + [ (x, t) = Xi÷ I -- X t "+1 -- t
v - - , (x, t) ~ f~
'"" FF aw .+l T1 Axi Ari
u(xc(t), t) 11 '--i
ax JJ.~:,,,
0, all other (x, t),
where Vxg -- x~ - x~_ I and Axi -= xi+~ - x~ are the usual
backward and forward difference operators. This modifica-
tion does not change equation (8), and equation (9) is
+ i u(x, t ) £ * w y +1 dx dt
., 9.4 modified only by a revised determination of the locations
x*_~, x* x*÷l, and by the evaluation of spatial jumps,
which are now
+ I~ u(x, t)~3*w~+l dx dt
H awT+'-~ _ 1 []-awF+']] _ 1

- i 9.',un',.f(x' t)w~+l(x, t)dx d t = 0, (8)

where the double bracket notation denotes a spatial jump

operator, [[-llx, = lim[(.)x,+ ~ - ( ' ) x , - ~ ] . Due to the
Ox llx:~,~ Gx/ z~,
special choice of test function given by equation (7), When the velocity coefficient in the governing equation
J2*w[ '+z = 0 in both [Yt and ft~, so that the interior in- is not constant, the characteristics are, in general, not

190 Adv. Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4

An Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method: Michael A. Celia et al.

parallel. The definition of the test function then must be approximated in many different ways. Different approx-
modified to reflect this fact. This case is discussed in some imations of these integrals lead to different CM algorithms
detail in Section 8 of this paper. One possibility for this reported in the literature. In all of these, the integrals are
case is to assume that the locations of characteristic lines approximated in terms of nodal values of u at the discrete
between the characteristics that pass through adjacent time levels t" and H +t, so that the unknowns in the equa-
nodes at t "+~ are determined by linear interpolation in tion ultimately include the nodal values at time t "+l,
space for all t"_< t < t ~+~. Then the appropriate test [U~ -t, U~'+1 . . . . . U~-t], where U~ +t is an approxi-
function is mation to tt(xi, tn+l). For example, piecewise linear
spatial interpolation of u at time levels t "+l and t ~,
X--Xi_ t t n - i -- / coupled with a one-point (at t = t n-t) fully implicit
Y~.(l) -- X](t)
+ v x<Ct) i- x] (t) ' '
(x, t) ~ f~[, approximation to the temporal integrals, leads to the
modified method of characteristics (MMOC) of Douglas
w;"~(.v,t)=[ Xi+ I -- X
t n*l -- t
(x, t ) ~ f / /
and Russell ~9 and others. Given the definition of the test
x~(t) - x~.(t) x~(t) - xi(t) ' function w,.+t (x, t), and the assumptions of constant
_/_4.vand V, the resulting discrete approximation is
0, all other (x, t).
(11) ,+, + -, +

For this case, the only change in the resulting numerical

approximation is again in the location of the feet of the
characteristics and in the spatial jumps. Now the jumps -(Av) [BiU'/-,vc-:+ & U ' / - N < - t
are functions of time, viz.,

~_ Ow['+l-[i = 1
--aT--x IIx~,,, .<.(t) - xi(t) '
[Un+l I -- 2U~ '+I --it- U/fil I ] ~--- F~'+I, (13)

~_ aw;'+'~
_LI.<;<,, x¢(t)
- x<((t) '
where Nc is the (truncated) integer value of the Courant

Ox - U . 4 ! , ,
"11- ,]
x~(t) - x~.(t)
number Cu

Cu - - - , c~ ~ 1 - [ C U - N c ] ,
Because these terms are functions of time, they cannot
be removed from the integrations of equation (8). The 1 c~ ~2 OL3
resulting approximation is thus of the form 31- + ,
6 2 2 6
2 c~3
i ["t' u(x,t ,,+1.)w~n+l (x, t,,+ I) dx f12 --
o~2 + - - ,
1 o~ C~ 2 Gt3
- <ix'*'' U(X, t n ) w i~*l (x, t")
dx ~3=--+--+
6 2 2 2
- D [ i/,[" [x~(t) - x~(t)]u(x~(t)' t) dt

,. x~(t) - x ~ ( t ) + x¢(t) x~(t) u(xi(t)' t) dt
The grouping of terms involving ~i corresponds to exact
+ 'i t .... [ ~ 1 ] i ] evaluation of the integral at t = t", namely
,,, ( t ) - x~.(t) u(x,(t), t) dt

= i"
fw? +t dx dt. i x,*.,u(x, t ~)w i"+ I(x, t")dx,
J:l*- l

(12) using piecewise linear interpolation for u(x, t n) and assum-

ing constant At. The usual MMOC approach approximates
In the developments that follow, V and ~ are held cons- this term using numerical integration, which is the most
tant. This allows the general ideas of the method to be practical option for nonconstant grid spacing and/or non-
demonstrated clearly. constant velocity fields. The exact integration is used here
Because of the special test functions chosen, this class for demonstration purposes only, and to indicate that it
of LAM is referred to as an Eulerian-Lagrangian LAM is a reasonable option when both Ax and V are constant.
(ELLAM). Notice that the unknown function u(x, t) has Baptista 3 has compared a variety of interpolation
not yet been approximated by any specific functional form. schemes for the integrals at time t n in the context of
The integrals that appear in this equation may in fact be Eulerian-Lagrangian Methods. These procedures are

Adv. Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4 191

An Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method: Michael A. Celia et al.

closely related to MMOC and are again a subset of the

general CM equations that result from ELLAM.
Traditional MMOC and ELM algorithms have a
substantial base of theoretical results ~'f19-3~ and com-
tn.~ I .....
putational experience 337-39~5. However, several pro-
blems remain unresolved. Chief among them are treat-
ment of boundary conditions and evaluation of spatial
integrals along t = t ". Significant experience has been (a)
gained in integral evaluation (see, for example, Ref. 3).
However, as discussed by Russell ~3, boundary condi-
tions have usually been dealt with in ad hoc ways. When
a characteristic line passing through points xi-~, xi, or
x,~, at time t ''÷~ crosses the boundary between times t"
and t "*t, call it time t*, the boundary information must
be incorporated into the approximating equation. Dirichlet
conditions are easiest to deal with, although most
algorithms fail to accommodate the reduced time inter- Xo X2 Xl
i .....
val t"*~ - t* associated with certain boundary terms (see
Section 4). Flux boundary conditions are usually ignored,
although some developments appear in the literature (e.g.,
Ref. 38). Based on the treatment of boundary conditions,
all MMOC and ELM approximations proposed in the
literature appear to be inherently non-mass-conservative.
In variable-velocity flow fields, failure to conserve mass
also results from inexact representations of the
The ELLAM approach outlined above overcomes the
boundary condition and mass conservation problems
inherent in other CM approaches. As the next section
demonstrates, the ELLAM approach provides a systematic (b)
and consistent methodology for proper incorporation of
boundary conditions. Correct treatment of boundary con- ,k
ditions leads to an overall approximation that can be shown tl
to possess the conservative property, thereby assuring con-
servation of mass in the numerical solution. Therefore, n
while ELLAM provides a general framework from which
many traditional ELM and MMOC approximations can
be derived, it also provides important additions to the l I I
methods by properly incorporating boundary information
X0 X 2 X 1 X 2 X
and by possessing demonstrable mass conservation. In Sec-
tion 8, conservation in the case of approximate Fig. 2. (a) Test function w~'+l(x, t), and (b) associated
characteristics dictated by variable velocity fields will be geometric definitions

of equation (3) with V > 0), let us consider an example
for which the Courant number Cu-= [V(At)/(Ax)] is
The general CM equation (12) must be modified when between 1 and 2. The general case of arbitrary Cu is
one or more of the characteristic curves x~(t), Xic(t), xir(t) treated in the appendix. For the case of 1 _< Cu < 2, the
intersects the spatial boundary. When this occurs, boun- characteristic curve that passes through node 1 (x = x~)
dary conditions are introduced into the approximating at time t ''+~ intersects the boundary at x = x0 = 0 at time
equations. Proper evaluation of the weak form (8) t* _> t". Therefore, equations that involve this charac-
inherently accommodates all relevant boundary informa- teristic will be influenced by boundary conditions. Con-
tion, and provides for proper incorporation of boundary sider the ELLAM equation associated with node 1. The
conditions at all boundaries. As the following derivation test function i+n+
,1 I~~,x, t), illustrated in Fig. 2, differs from
demonstrates, careful treatment of both inflow and outflow the general function w~'+~ of Fig. 1 because part of w~'+1
boundaries allows proper incorporation of boundary con- intersects the boundary at x = 0 with nonzero value.
ditions and provides a formulation that demonstrably con- Therefore, evaluation of the general ELLAM equation (7)
serves global mass. In addition, the ELLAM equations is modified by boundary influences. The ELLAM equa-
apply to both the advection-diffusion (D ;e 0) and pure tion associated with wn+lz ~ ~x, t) is derived in the same
advection (D = 0) cases with no modification of the equa- way as equations (8) and (9): elemental integration by parts
tions required as D -- 0. is applied to each term, the condition that ~*w~'+~ = 0
To demonstrate the incorporation of boundary condi- in each element is recognized, and the appropriate jumps
tions at the inflow boundary (x = Xo = 0 for the example in the spatial derivative [[(Ow/Ox)~ are evaluated to

192 Adv. Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4

An Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method: Michael A. Celia et al.

produce Similar terms arise in all equations for which the test
function is nonzero along a portion of the spatial boun-
dary. As illustrated in the development for arbitrary
l'~:u(x, t"-~)w~'~(x, t ''~) d_v Courant number presented in the appendix, equations
associated with all nodes to the left of node Nc + 2 will
have contributions from the inflow boundary (assuming
" u(x, t")w~"%r, t") dx constant Av and V), where Nc is the (truncated) integer
value of the Courant number Cu. For the present case of
1 < Cu < 2, Nc = 1 and equations associated with
t.,*l ] w6'-~ , wl'~-~, and w;'+ t will have boundary contributions.
V / u(0, t)wl"+~(0, t) dt
The relevant ELLAM equations for w~ -~ and w7 +~ are,

u(0, t) dt
/ i ~t~(X,/.tt--[)lle,(~+l(x' /t/+l)dx
- u(x~.(t), t) dt - Vt u(O, t)w~+l(O, t) dt

( 1 ~ ('""u(x)(t), t)dt] _D I -1 "'....

+ \ a ~ / 3 ," J

1't''~ Oil (0,

+D t)w~'+t(0, t) dt + ~ ~,*, u(x°(t), t) dt
.... l
+Ol Ou (0, t)wa+'(O, t) dt
+D/z)3 d' ,!,. Ox

= ~1' ~ f(x, t)wi'+~(x, t) dx dt. (14) i' fw;'* I dx dt (15a)

Examination of equation (14) indicates that the spatial
integration at time t" is modified by the boundary at
x = 0. While this integration spans a distance of 2 ~ r in
t' i; u ( x , t "+' )w
. . . .2 ~ix,
.... t ~) dx
equation (7), it spans (2 - Cu),Sx in equation (14). The
part that is cut off by the boundary, corresponding to the
distance Cu(Ar), is picked up by the third integral on the - l)w 2 ix, t n) dx
left side of equation (14), which involves the boundary
value u(0, t). The next three integrals in equation (14)
correspond to the three diffusive terms in equation (7), + V u(O, t)w 2~+~(0, t) dt
except that the left integral is evaluated along x = 0 and t

the integrand is the boundary value u(0, t). Finally, the

last two integrals on the left side of equation (14) are again
integrals that are evaluated along the boundary x = 0: the -D u(x~(t), t) dt
second of these involves the function u(0, t) but the first
involves the spatial gradient (Ou/Ox)(O, t). Notice that this
latter integral introduces an additional degree of freedom - u(x~(t), t) dt
at the boundary, so that both u(0, t) and (Ou/Ox)(O, t) are pre- t ,r

sent in this equation. Even when a first type boundary con-

dition is specified at x = 0, the flux at the boundary may
+ u(xT(t), t) dt
need to be determined due to the presence of this integral.
Therefore, an additional equation should be written, that
which corresponds to node 0, with test function w~'+~(x,
t) (see Fig. 3). This is in contrast to standard finite ele- +D -~x (0, t~w "+Ira t) dt
ment methods, wherein the boundary flux need not be
explicitly determined when first type boundary conditions
are prescribed. The reason that both boundary values
appear in the ELLAM formulation is that the space-time -D(~) iiiu(O,t) dt
LAM elements of Fig. 1 are not parallel to the time axis,
while standard semidiscrete finite elements correspond to
rectangular space-time elements with sides parallel to the = ( fw7. +i dx dt. (15b)
space-time coordinate axes.

Adv. Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4 193

An Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method." Michael A. Celia et al.

is zero because w;';t(0, t n~) = 0 for all i > 0. There-

fore, while this diffusive type of boundary integral is pre-
i sent in all ELLAM equations that have characteristics that
intersect the inflow boundary, further approximation of
t . . . . . . . . . . . . the equations may eliminate this term. This point appears
i i
i to have significance for the resulting matrix structure, as
i i
(a) discussed in Section 5.
i I
Notice that, in general, when a characteristic crosses
, i i the boundary, some of the integrals that arise in the
i i ELLAM equations span a time less than At. In particular,
tI '
i ,
i i the integrals related to the diffusion term (for example,
the third and fourth integrals in equation (15a)) span the
time increment t n~ - t*, which is less than At. Thus the
diffusion part of the equation applies over a reduced time
Xo X 1 X2 X step. This effect, which was unnoticed by most CM
references in the literature (an exception being Douglas
et al.2°), arises naturally in the ELLAM formulation.
These issues about the one-point integration and time

l intervals less than At are discussed further, from a dif-

ferent point of view, by Russell 43. There, an equivalent

/ (b)
formulation is derived, in which the terms multiplied by
D in equations (14), (15a), and (15b) are obtained by
integrating the diffusive term in equation (8) by parts once
instead of twice. Russell's paper emphasizes the special
case of ELLAM with one-point integration as an exten-
t~ sion of MMOC.
Treatment of outflow boundary conditions is somewhat
tn more involved. We herein propose an approach that
inherently conserves global mass and directly accom-
i > modates the case of pure advection (D = 0), for which
no outflow boundary condition is specified. To begin, let
Xo X1 X

Fig. 3. (a) Test function w~+l(x, t), and (b) associated (a)
geometric definitions

Equations (14), (15a), and (15b) are the three equations to.~
(for Nc = 1) in which inflow boundary conditions appear.
If a first-type boundary condition is specified, then all
integrals involving u(0, t) are known and the integrals
involving the diffusive flux D(Ou/Ox)(O, t) are unknown. t E,1

Conversely, for a second-type boundary condition,

(3u/&O(O,t) is known and u(0, t) must be determined. t~ °

Finally, for a third-type boundary conditions, the gradient ,


(Ou/Ox)(O, t) may be written in terms of u(O, t), or vice i

versa. For all three scenarios, both u and (Ou/Ox) must Xo XE.3 XE.2 XE.1 X X
be determined at the inflow boundary, and equation (15a)
is therefore required. Notice that in all three equations
x;, x; xL,
((14), (15a), (15b)) the advective and diffusive fluxes may
be combined: in equation (15a), for example, the total
boundary flux term is

- Vu(O, t ) - D - (0, t) wg+l(O, t)dt. t~.

~t 3.r
This is convenient for implementation of third-type boun-
dary conditions and also makes it easier to see that the
t E,I
final set of equations possesses the conservative property
(see Section 5). In addition, if a one-point integration rule to
is used to approximate the boundary integrals, and the
integration point is t = t "÷~, then the flux term in, for
example, equation (14),
Xo XE.3 XE.2 XEd XE X

Ill ~-x (0, t)w~'+t(O, t)dt, Fig. 4. (a) Test function wE,+t (x, t), and (b) associated
geometric definitions

194 Adv. Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4

An Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method: Michael A. Celia et al.

the boundary condition of equation (3), namely (Ou/Ox)(l, case, let a node be added at location (xE, t~,,), call it
t) = q t ( t ) , pertain. Again, consider the case of node cq, with the associated discrete unknown denoted
1 < Cu < 2, so that Nc = 1. ELLAM equations would by U~. Because this adds another unknown to the
be written for nodes x o, x~, x,_. . . . , XE_~; equations system, another algebraic equation must be sought. To
(14), (15a), and (15b) provide expressions for i = 0, 1, achieve this, an ELLAM equation can be written for the
2, respectively, while equation (9) applies for i = 3, 4, test function ~E~'"+~'~tx,t), with only that portion of the
. . . . E - 1. If the only unknowns in these equations are test function within the domain fix., used for the approxi-
nodal values at the new time level, then these equations mation (see Fig. 5). Use of We+t(x,"+~ t) as the test func-
constitute a set of E equations in E + 2 unknowns tion leads to the following ELLAM equation:
(unknowns ~ rOrr"+'/Ox~
'-'o ~, U,o"+' , U~,~+l . . ~. .+. .' . [~Ct). One -f

additional equation is available from the inflow boundary

V u(l, t)w{~iI(l, t) d t - - u(x, t )~E-E
,,-I (x, t") dx
condition. If a first-type boundary condition were given at "

x = l, then U; ÷ ~ would also be known and, coupled with

the boundary condition at x = 0, the system could be O l t"'l
solved for all nodal unknowns listed above. However, if
a second-type boundary condition is prescribed, then
U~+t is not known and an additional equation must be
written, that associated with w"+'tx E \ t). The function
w~+~(x, t) is illustrated in Fig 4. Notice that this is the
first test function that has a nonzero region along
x = xs = l, t" <_ t <_ t "+~. Therefore boundary terms at
x = l will appear in this equation. Evaluation of the - D i t"t'*l O01~
(l, t~w "+Irt t) dt
1 E+ I k ~,
E L L A M equation for w~+~ leads to the following
+D u(l, t) dt

l XE-I
~:~ /g(X,
t n + º \)w E
(x, t "+~) dx

+ V u(l, t)w~+'(l, t) dt

= ! Jfw"+lE+=dx dr. (17)

I x~:~U(X,

t ) w ~ '1+1 (x, t") dx

- u(x~E.(t), t) dt

t° ..................... 4__~
- D f In*l Ou )-
,t-, Ox (l, t)w"E+l(l, t) dt ×o XE. 2 XE. ~ ×. ×


= f w ~ ~1 dx dt. (16) t~.,

For a second-type boundary condition, (Ou/Ox)(l, t) would

be prescribed as the outflow boundary condition while u(l,
t) is unknown for t " < t < t "+~. One possibility for

/°,/. E°I
evaluation of u(l, t), t" < t < t "+~, is a simple interpola-
tion between U~ and U~+ ~. Then, no additional unknown
is introduced in equation (16), and the system of equa- )
tions would be closed. Another option is to place an Xo XE. ~ XE. ~ XE X
additional node at the location (xE, t~+,), and to define Fig. 5. (a) Test function w"+t/E+z~x,t), and (b) associated
an additional nodal unknown at this point. For the latter geometric definitions

Adv. Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4 195

An Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method: Michael A. Celia et al.

Integrals along the boundary x = I can again be In equation (18), use was made of the fact that within any
approximated using discrete nodal values. Because space-time element f2~ = P..~-t and w~ "t + .~_~ = 1. In
~ .en ~+ ~I , ' !, t) is nonzero at t = t n , and all information is addition, E~=0wY+t(x, t 7~-I) = 1 (0 _< x _< l) and
assumed known for t _< t", it is this information at node re
,-,~=0~v~ ,,,- i,~
tu. t) = 1 (t" _< t_< t~+l). Examination of
E and time t" that effectively serves to close the system. equation (18) indicates that a global balance is almost
For this case of second-type outflow boundary conditions achieved, with boundary and interior regions associated
and Nc = 1. there are E + 2 ELLAM equations written, with space-time element 9.(-~ being responsible for the
corresponding to w~ +~, w't'+~ . . . . . ~ ....
e+l. These are lack of global balance. This can be explained as follows.
solved for the nodal unknowns (OU~+~/Ox), U[' ~ , U", "-~, Within any space-time element that is bounded by nodes
.... U~ -~, U~. The nodal values that are known are x~ and x~+t at time t "+t, two test functions will be
U~'+t (from the inflow boundary condition); (OU~*7Ox), nonzero, namely w~'*~ and %+t. ~+~ Because these func-
(OU~/Ox), and (OU'~/Ox) (from the outflow boundary tions sum to one within the element, and because of the
condition): and U2- (from the solution at the previous symmetries in the boundary integral terms, the sum of
time step). the two E L L A M equations associated with these two test
While these equations provide a solution for the functions preserves a global balance. Element f2( +~ suf-
unknowns of interest, they generally fail to conserve global fers from the lack of an ELLAM equation associated with
mass. The next section addresses the question of mass con- test function we÷,(x, ~*t_ t). In fact, we+2
"+~ is the only re-
servation and presents a modification to these equations maining test function that has a nonzero region in
so that the resulting set of E L L A M equations possesses [0, l] × It", t ''+t ] for which an ELLAM equation has
the conservative property. not been written. The ELLAM equation associated with
"+~ is not needed to solve for the nodal unknowns of
interest, because the known values from the previous time
5. G L O B A L MASS C O N S E R V A T I O N level at node E in effect supersede this equation. However,
this final equation can be used to enforce global mass
This section examines the global mass conservation pro- conservation.
perties of the E L L A M algorithm. As was done in the
The test function we+:tx, "+~" t) is illustrated in Fig. 6.
previous sections, the case of Nc = 1 will be used as an The E L L A M equation associated with test function
example. The general case is presented in the appendix. ~A/,n + I r
E+2tX, t) is
To analyze mass balance, consider summation of all
E L L A M equations. Summation of equations associated
with test functions w~+~ through w"+~e+~ results in the ~,L, [ Vu(l, t) - D &~ (l, "~]
, j j w"+lm
e+_'t~, t) dt
following expression. , t " 10)2

' u(x, t ''*~) 4 r - EI xo

u(x, r') dx - u(x, t ")we<(x,
"+ t t") dx

~tx, t") dx
+ u(x, t- n ~)We+

+o(1)[,!ii d,
-- Vu(O, t) -D -- (0, t) dt
,. Ox

+ t r{....
Vu(l, t) - D - - (l, t)
+++] dt
+ f rL, I Vu(l, t)
Summation of equations (18) and (18) yields
Ou (l, t)]
- - l, n+l~
~ f ~ l ~X ~ t) dt
-D Ox
u(x, t "+l) d x - u(x, t") dr
D 1 ,L,

+D (1)5 i+,n . ,~E+I (t), t) dt

i rl
,+ Vu(0, t ) - D Ou
Ox (0, t) 1 dt


fix, t) dx dt
S.... I
t ~
Vu(l, t) - D -
(l, t)

- f ~.~.,f(x, t ) [ l - wE+i~x,
,,+It t)] dx dt. (18) = 1~t'*l I xEf(x, t) dx dt, (20)
t" x

196 Adv. Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4

An Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method. Michael A. Celia et al.

(a) +D t Z )' / ) t' t/d,

,A.r/~ r"

I -D u(@-t(t), t) dt
to+l ...................... ,___,__. t

_ I ': ;-' dt]

t E+I

tn A = t ,ynE_
z" .tl+] ~ d.r dt + // (x, t) d.r dr. (21)

I I > If equation (21) is used in place of equation (17), then
Xo XE.~ XE X the proper number of ELLAM equations results and these
equations possess the conservative property by summing
XE+I to equation (20) instead of equation (19).
The modifications presented above guarantee mass con-
servation for the system of equations that includes U,,,
(b) as an unknown. Recall that this was one of two options
presented in Section 4. the other being simple interpola-
tion between t" and t"-~ along the outflow boundary. If
this other option is chosen, global mass conservation can
to+ still be achieved. This is accomplished by using the
information contained in the ELLAM equations associated
with ~t~.
'"+~k and WE.,.
,*1 In this case, these two equations
(equations (17) and (19)) should be summed and then
added to the equation associated with w~--~ (equation
E+2 t E+I (16)) to obtain

,.~ il(.r, t,,+l .... i . t,,~-l)


Xo XE.~ XE X
+ V,t(l, t) - D
Fig. 6. (a) Test fimction WE+,IX,
,,+s, t), and (b) associated t: "

geometric definitions
- u(.r, t' . )wL-
. . . i (.~,
. t") d.r
,, x~' I
which represents a statement of global mass conservation.
Therefore, the set of all ELLAM equations, including that
,,--t¢,. t), possesses the conservative
associated with we+>.,,
property. However, use of all ELLAM equations over-
+ u(x. t") dr ]
specifies the system by one equation. Yet without equa-
tion (19), the ELLAM system does not, in general, possess
the conservative property. Therefore, add equation (19) -D u(xf(t), t) dt
to equation (17), noting that xt -t ) = x:+'(t), =
f~E-t, and ~e+

,"+il(x, t) + i,v ne+:tx,

+ Ir t) = 1 on f~+l (see Figs
5 and 6). This yields - u(x~(t), t) dt
Z~ • t"

Vu(l, t) -
°" ]
D - - (l, t) w e +"+~
l(l, t) dt , )
,L, Ox
9.¢ o,*- - ' c,.q ~ -"

"-° 4 Just as equation (19) modified equation (17) to provide

a conservative scheme when U<,, was included, now the
sum of equations (17) and (19) injects information into
- + i~( x , t") d.r
.1~ ~'u(x' t ") w e"+ equation (16) so that global mass conservation is
In general, ELLAM equations should be written for all
+ ,u(x' t") dx test functions that have nonzero values within [x0, xE] x
d XE*I
[t", t"+l]. For the case of Nc = 1, this means w~+~

Adv. Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4 197

An Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method." Michael A. Celia et al.

through w~2~. If a first-type boundary condition is given Similarly', the combination of equations (16), (17), and
at the outflow boundary, then the first E equations may (19) {which eliminates U,~) can be achieved using
be solved independently. If detailed information about ELLAM with test function w** - w~-I a_, ~ve_It,~+ W"+IE<.
(0u/0x) at the outflow boundary is desired, then the addi-
tional equations should be written and solved for nodal x -.re_~ + - - - - - -- . t (.r. t) ~ f~,e
values of (OU'~--IlO.v) and (OU~,/Ox), subject to the global .kr .kr
conservation constraint imposed by the equation associated
with wZZ!. If only a measure of the total flux crossing
the boundary is of interest, the additional equations may w**(x, t ) =
be summed to give a relationship between total outflux
and known information. For the case of Nc = 1, rearrange- (.r. t) ~ 9,,E or (x, t) ~ fLE+' .
ment of equation (22) yields
0 , all other (x, t).

'~ ....
[ Vu(l, t ) - D Ou
0.r (I, t)
] tdt fw~+ I cLrdt The redefined test functions still satisfy the homogeneous
adjoint equation within each element.
While the ELLAM procedure provides a variety of
choices for dealing with boundary conditions, the pro-
+ , 9.~~' c~-:
f(x, t) dr dt cedure can always incorporate all types of possible boun-
dary conditions and guarantee that a conservative scheme
will result. In general, when a first-type boundary condi-
+D '~r .,,, u(x((t), t) dt tion is given at the inflow boundary, equations associated
with w~{+~ and w;'+l (1 _< i < E) should be written. The
first Nc + 2 of these equations will include boundary
- ( ~u1( x "']e (('""
t,'.) ' \ A r / , I t)dt] values of both u and (Ou/Ox). When a one-point fully im-
plicit approximation is used for these boundary integrals,
the flux integral only appears in the first (wd +z) equa-
tion. so that it is not necessary to solve for the unknown
+ u(x, r-. )WE
. . . . . ' (x, t") ckr (OulOx) at t ''+~. The ELLAM equation associated with
, rk-~
w~* ~ is uncoupled from the others in this case, and only
needs to be used to calculate the inflow boundary flux,
+ / u(x, (9 ctr if desired. As in the outflow case just described, this may
be done by replacing I'V'I ' + l with the sum w0'+l + w'l'+l,
which is equal to one on f~z. When a second- or third-
' rr n'ix n*l tn+t) type boundary condition is specified at the inflow boun-
- u(x, t ~wE (x, cir. (23) dary, the equation associated with w6'+l must be used,
,| ~A i
independent of the boundary integration method chosen.
The outflow boundary is similar to the inflow boundary
All information on the right side of equation (23) is known
in that no boundary equations are required when a first-
from the previous solution of the first E ELLAM equa-
type condition is specified. Boundary equations, associated
tions, so that the total flux may be calculated.
with wZ-+~, w~-~. . . . . are required only to calculate
For a second- or third-type boundary condition at the
the associated outflow boundary flux. For flux boundary
outflow boundary, the equation associated with w~÷~
conditions, at least one outflow boundary equation must
must be written. Evaluation of the boundary flux terms
be written, that being the equation based on the summed
may then proceed by introduction of the additional
test functions. If more refined information is desired at
unknown U~,, as illustrated in Section 4, or by inter-
the outflow boundary, individual equations may be writ-
polation between time levels n and n + 1. If the latter case
ten for wE''+~, ,rE+,
,,+t~, . . . , with concomitant introduc-
is chosen, then equation (16) would be replaced by equa-
tion of additional unknowns analogous to Us. above.
tion (22). Otherwise, equation (19) is summed with equa-
These procedures yield Eulerian-Lagrangian schemes that
tion (17) as demonstrated in equation (21). In all of these
demonstrably possess the conservative property.
cases, global mass conservation is assured.
A final consideration in boundary condition implemen-
Notice that summation of equations produces a result
tation is the matrix structure of the resulting set of algebraic
that is equivalent to deriving the ELLAM equations using
equations. This depends on the choice of trial function,
a redefined test function. This redefined test function is
call it fi, that is used to approximate the unknown func-
equal to the sum of the original test functions. For
tion u. So far, the trial function has not been specified,
example, combination of equations (17) and (19) results
except in the MMOC example of equation (13). In view
in equation (21); equation (21) can also be obtained by
of the test functions, which have the chapeau form at
application of ELLAM using the modified test function
~tf + tZ ~- [ t = t ''*E, it is natural to define t~ to be piecewise linear
w* -- )rE+ I + we, e, which has the definition,
also. Interpolation between t = t" and t = t n+~ can be
taken to be linear along characteristic lines. For one-space-
.r - Xe + t ''+~ - t ( x , t) E flle + l dimensional problems, this gives rise to the general matrix
.'-Yv Ar structure illustrated in Fig. 7. The matrix is symmetric,
w*(x, t ) = tridiagonal except for the additional column of potentially
1 , ( x , t) ( Q ~ + I
nonzero entries associated with inflow boundary infor-
0, , all other (x, t). mation. This corresponds to the unknown at the inflow

198 Adv. Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4

An Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method: Michael A. Celia et al.

The ELLAM equations therefore inherently accommodate

0 XX a formal change of governing from a second-order
1 XXX parabolic equation in which boundary conditions are
specified at both inflo;v and outflow boundaries to a first-
3 X XXX © order hyperbolic equation in which boundary conditions
are given only' at inflow boundaries. No change is required
in the ELLAM algorithm.
4 X XX X

7. E X A M P L E C A L C U L A T I O N S
Nc+l X XXX This section reports on computations with ELLAM for
a simple test problem. As noted in Section 3, a backward
Euler approximation of the temporal integrals in interior
elements yields the MMOC procedure, given by equa-
tion (13). The benefit of E L L A M in this context is that
it shows how to treat boundary conditions (Section 4) and
conserve mass (Section 5). Numerical results applying
MMOC to equation (3) have appeared previously -~2, but
Fig. Z General matrix structure for ELLAM. Nc is the that work did not address boundary conditions, since the
truncated integer value of the Courant number computational boundaries were far from the advecfing
front. Hence, mass conservation, which did hold in the
earlier work, was not studied in a situation where boun-
boundary: (OU~+L/Ox) for Dirichlet problems and Ut~'+l daries were important.
for Neumann or Robin problems. This column (except With this background, the natural experiments to per-
for the entry in row one) may be eliminated in the Dirichlet form here are ones that include significant boundary
problem via judicious one-point approximations to the in- behaviour. We consider an advecting Gaussian hill that
tegrals involving (Ou/Ox)(O, t). Elimination of this col- may cross an inflow or outflow boundary. Specifically,
umn is more difficult in the other cases of second- or third- we solve equation (3) with f = 0 and initial condition
type boundary conditions because it appears that larger
errors are committed in achieving this, although quan- u/(x) = e x p ( - rex-') (24)
titative demonstration of this point remains to be done.
Notice that the matrix structure depends entirely on the chosen so that the initial peak value of u and total mass
chosen interpolation (integration) rule, which is dictated are both equal to 1. As a pure initial-value problem, this
by choice of trial function. For example, a space-time in- leads to the analytical solution
terpolation that does not follow characteristic lines will
in general lead to less sparseness in the matrix stucture,
exp ( - T r ( x -
accompanied by loss of symmetry. This is an important
consideration because the computational advantages in
u,,(.v, t ) -
",/1 + 4reDt
i+4+Vt) 2).(25)
maintaining a symmetric tridiagonal matrix are signifi-
cant, while the accuracy of the method depends heavily We obtain an initial-boundary-value problem with the same
on the chosen interpolation. Further analysis is required solution by cutting off the spatial domain and imposing
to adequately resolve this issue. Dirichlet or flux boundary' conditions from equation (25),

,(a, t ) = u,,(a, r)
The E L L A M equations presented in Sections 3 through
5 naturally accommodate the degenerate case of D = 0.
The approach incorporates all of the space-time domain +"' w ) ( ,,>, (26,
of interest and uses known information from the previous
time step (U~) to close the system of discrete equations.
u(b, t ) = uF,(b, t),
The E L L A M equations remain exactly as written in Sec-
tions 3, 4, and 5, with any terms multiplied by D simply or
set to zero. All terms involving spatial gradients (Ou/Ox)
disappear because they are all multiplied by D (actually (Vu- D ~-x)(b, Ott"\)( b , t) , (27)
art\ t)= (Vu,,- D ~-x
these terms never arise because the second-order diffusive
term is absent in the governing equation). Unknowns are
now { Uin + [ , U;n + I . . . . . U~n + l , U~,I (assummgNc

= 1). where f~ = [a, b] is the truncated spatial domain.
A first-type boundary condition is required at x = 0, since In the runs to be reported here, we used V = 10,
the governing equation is now formally first-order. D = 0.1, and Final time tf = 0.5, Thus, the peak traveled
Therefore U~ +~ will be known. Notice that the test func- from x = 0 to x = 5, over which distance the Peclet
tions continue to satisfy the homogeneous adjoint equa- number was 500. Some runs with D = 0.001, or Peclet
tion within each space-time element. This is why the number 50,000, were also made. The exact solutions in
ELLAM equations can be used directly as written above. these cases are shown in Fig. 8. We considered the

Adv, Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No, 4 199

An Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method: Michael A. Celia et al.

second integral in equation (9) uses tO(x) when n = 0.
lO For n > 0, as noted in Section 3, the integrals at t =t"
can be evaluated exactly, and this was done here. Integrals
0.8- such as the first in equation (9) were computed exactly,
I ;" ,
" ,=o,...
', :
and temporal integrals were replaced by backward Euler
approximations in order to obtain the MMOC procedure.
With these specifications, all calculations conserved mass
0.4-~ I I I i ;
to the level of machine roundoff.
0.2- I w' In the computations, we found it advantageous to con-
s# i ,
solidate the last two outflow-boundary elements described
0.0 in Section 4 into a single element. That is, instead of Nc
-2 0 2 4
trapezoids and one small triangle along the outflow boun-
dary, we have Nc - 1 trapezoids and one larger triangle.
D " 0.001 This corresponds to use of the function w** in Section
1.0 r'*
5, and avoids the possibility of anomalous answers on the
e small triangle. For a Dirichlet outflow condition, as noted
0.8 i
in Section 5, ELLAM solves for the outgoing flux as a
t=o.s; function of time; we considered piecewise-linear and
0.6 piecewise-constant representations of this function. For
full details of the implementation, see Ref. 43.
0.'~' i
t Results for the test runs are summarized in Table 1.
0.2- i All runs used D = 0.1 except for those designed by ' d ' ,
i which took D = 0.001. For the domains N and I, L 2
0.0 errors and peak values are given at the final time
-'2 0 2 4
t j = 0.5. For O, these are listed at t---0.25, at which

time the peak is leaving the domain. This time usually

Fig. 8. Exact solution for example problem (equation provided the least favorable (i.e., largest) ratio of the L 2
(25)) with (a) D = O. 1, and (b) D = O. 001 error of the numerical solution to that of the L 2 projec-
tion; this ratio is necessarily at least 1. In runs 25 through
30. the peak has left and the Dirichlet outflow condition
domains [21/3, 9], [ - 3 , 21/3], and [ - 3 , 9], with which, forces the numerical maximum to agree with the exact
respectively, the pulse crosses an inflow boundary, an one, rendering peak-value data meaningless.
outflow boundary, or neither; denote the domains by I, Runs 1 through 6 do not involve significant boundary
O, and N. For each domain, all relevant combinations of behaviour, so that the implemented ELLAM reduces to
boundary conditions were tried. The maximum slope of MMOC and we find results analogous to those reported
the initial pulse is ~ = 1.52, and at t = t f it is by Ewing and Russell 22. Comparing runs 5 and 6, we
x/(2rr/e)/(l + 4rrDtf) = 0.933 _(_D= 0.1) or 1.51 (D = see that temporal error is relatively unimportant, so that
0.001) with peak value 1/-41 +4rrDt = 0 . 7 8 4 (D we can conclude 0(Av z) convergence by relating run 1
0.1) or 0.997 (D = 0.001). to 5 or 2 to 6. Similarly, spatial error is unimportant in
Previous numerical studies of MMOC with linear trial runs 3 and 4 and we find a rate of 0(At). Runs 1 and 2,
functions have demonstrated that it produces accurate, with a spatial mesh of the size that one would want in
nonoscillatory results as long as at least three intervals practice, show that large Courant numbers are appropriate
discretize a front. In the context of a Gauss hill of peak with this scheme. The peak in excess of 1 in run 2d is
value 1, we take this to mean that zLr should be no larger not an instability; as the L: projection shows, it is a
than 1/3S, were S is the maximum slope; in our case this necessary result of accurate approximation of a peak by
is ,,/~18rr = 0.219. Our runs showed that we could do continuous piecewise-linear polynomials on a course grid.
slightly better than this, and ~,c = 4/15 = 0.267 was used By examining the difference between the numerical peak
as a base case. This corresponds to a grid Peclet number value and the L:-projection peak for fixed Ax and
Pe = VAr/D = 26L As a check on convergence rates, variable At, we see that time truncation is antidiffusive;
we also ran with the 5-fold refinement Ar = 4/75 with variable Av and fixed At, spatial error is found to
0.0533 [Pe = 51/5]. For Ar = 4/15, we used At = 0.25 be diffusive.
and 0.05 (Cu =93/8, 17/8); for A r = 4 / 7 5 , A t = 0 . 2 5 , Runs 7 through 18, with domain I, demonstrate that we
0.05, 0.01, and 0.002 (Cu = 467A, 93A, 1'/7, 3/8) were can move the peak through the inflow boundary about as
run. well as possible. Comparison of runs 7 through 12, as
In order to assess the effectiveness of E L L A M in the a group, to 13 through 18 shows that the type of boun-
absence of quadrature errors, we computed integrals dary condition makes virtually no difference. The L 2
involving initial and boundary conditions with high-order error tends to be slightly larger with a Dirichlet condi-
Lobatto rules. For example, in equation (14), the second tion, especially in the lower-diffusion run 8d. This is easily
integral involves initial conditions when n = 0, and the explained by noting that the essential condition is imposed
third and seventh integrals combine into a flux boundary exactly at the boundary node, while better L 2 accuracy
condition (for a Dirichlet condition, the third integral uses during the passage of the peak could be obtained if the
the boundary data, while the seventh becomes a spatial boundary value were free as in the flux-condition case.
integral at time level n + 1 under a backward Euler scheme For related reasons, runs 8 and 8d show miniscule oscilla-
detailed in Ref. 43). Similarly, in equation (17), the first, tions (of size about 0.0001 and 0.001, respectively) ahead
second, and fifth integrals are of these types, and the of the peak as it enters; diffusion subsequently eliminates

200 Adv. Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4

An Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method: Michael A. Celia et al.

Table 1 Numerical results on the domain [xo. xE]

Run Domain Boundary' .k~ at L: error* Peak Value*

In Out L: pr~ num sol L: proj hum sol exact

1 N D F 0.267 0.250 7.15E - 3 1.06E-2 0.802 0.813 0.784

2 N D F 0.267 0.050 7.15E-3 8.92E-3 0.802 0.795 0.784
2d N D F 0.267 0.050 1.37E-2 1.47E - 2 1.035 1.029 0.997
3 N D F 0.053 0.250 2.65E-4 1.49E-2 0.784 0.803 0.784
4 N D F 0.053 0.050 2.65E-4 3.1 IE - 3 0.784 0.788 0.784
5 N D F 0.053 0.010 2.65E- 4 4.51 E - 4 0.784 0.785 0.784
6 N D F 0.053 0.002 2.65E-4 4.20E - 4 0.784 0.784 0.784
7 I D F 0.267 0.250 7.15E-3 7.92E-3 0.802 0.806 0.784
8 I D F 0.267 0.050 7.15E-3 8.22E-3 0.802 0.797 0.784
8d I D F 0.267 0.050 1.37E-2 1.78E - 2 1.035 1.032 0.997
9 I D F 0.053 0.250 2.65E-4 6.95E-3 0.784 0.793 0.784
10 I D F 0.053 0.050 2.65E-4 1.63E - 3 0.784 0.786 0.784
I1 I D F 0.053 0.010 2.65E-4 3.23E-4 0.784 0.785 0.784
12 I D F 0.053 0.002 2.65E-4 3.04E - 4 0.784 0.784 0.784
13 I F F 0.267 0.250 7.15E - 3 7.82E- 3 0.802 0.807 0.784
14 I F F 0.267 0.050 7.15E-3 7.71E-3 0.802 0.798 0.784
14d I F F 0.267 0.050 1.37E-2 1.4OE-2 1.035 1.031 0.997
15 I F F 0.053 0.250 2.65E-4 6.90E-3 0.784 0.793 0.784
16 I F F 0.053 0.050 2.65E-4 1.63E-3 0.784 0.786 0.784
17 I F F 0.053 0.010 2.65E-4 3.29E-4 0.784 0.785 0.784
18 ! F F 0.053 0.002 2.65E-4 3.18E - 4 0.784 0.784 0.784
19 O D F 0.267 0.250 4.97E-3 7.16E-3 0.833 0.849 0.816
20 O D F 0.267 0.050 4.97E- 3 6.1 I E - 3 0.833 0.823 0.816
20d O D F 0.267 0.050 6.79E- 3 6.95E- 3 0.936 0.932 0.915
21 O D F 0.053 0.250 1.77E-4 7.88E-3 0.817 0.841 0.816
22 O D F 0.053 0.050 1.77E-4 2.17E-3 0.817 0.826 0.816
23 O D F 0.053 0.010 1.77E-4 3.70E-4 0.8t7 0.819 0.816
24 O D F 0.053 0.002 1.77E-4 4.39E-4 0.817 0.814 0.816
25 O D D 0.267 0.250 4.97E- 3 9.13E - 3
26 O D D 0.267 0.050 4.97E-3 7.15E-3
26d O D D 0.267 0.050 6.79E-3 8.98E-3
27 O D D 0.053 0.250 1.77E-4 5.89E-3
28 O D D 0.053 0.050 1.77E-4 1.19E-3
29 O D D 0.053 0.010 1.77E-4 2.48E- 4
30 O D D 0.053 0.002 1.77E- § 2.43E - 4

*At t = 0.5 for domain N or I, t = 0.25 for domain O

them in run 8, while they grow to size 0.002 in run 8d. t~+N,.-i], where OU/Ox is taken to be piecewise-linear,
These oscillations are attributable to the Dirichlet condi- in which case the known OU/Ox(xE, t") completes the
tion, as just noted, and the coarseness of the grid; they solution, or piecewise-constant, where OU/Ox(xE, t ) =
disappear in run I0 and in an analogous refinement of run OU/Ox(xE, t7) for t*÷t < t < t/*. When Cu >_ 2, we can
8d, and they are absent in runs 14 and 14d. Comparing examine the behaviour of the solution at x e as a function
7 - 1 2 and 1 3 - 1 8 to runs 1 through 6, it is interesting of t within a time step, while for Cu < 2 we can study
that the errors are generally smaller and the peak values the solution over multiple steps.
closer to those of the L- projection. This apparently hap- Runs 19 through 24, with a flux condition, were mostly
pens because the incoming peak is defined analytically well-behaved. At time 0.25, run 19 showed an oscilla-
by boundary data and has less time to accumulate errors tion of order 0.01 in the outflow values closest to t ", an
than in the N runs. The results support the contention that effect that disappeared with the smaller time step of run
ELLAM formulates the 'correct' approach to inflow boun- 20 or 20d. Run 21 experienced larger wiggles of order
daries in MMOC, and by extension, in ELM. 0.1 at time 0.25, which likewise were absent in runs 22,
Runs 19 through 30, with domain 0, also compare well 23, and 24. The L 2 errors indicate that the time step of
to runs 1 through 6 in the domain [x0, XE]. NO appre- run 21 is simply too large to lead to accurate results. In
ciable oscillations appeared in any of these runs. The only the runs with more than two time steps (20, 22, 23, and
case in which the U error is noticeably worse than in the 24), the outlet value was a smooth function of t across
N runs is run 26d, where the Dirichlet outflow condition multiple steps. We view these results positively, though
has an effect analogous to that of the inflow condition in better understanding of the causes of the oscillations in
run 8d. cases like run 19 is desirable.
We conclude this section with a discussion of the The Dirichlet condition of runs 25 through 30 gives rise
discretized outflow boundary, where the results raise some to greater difficulties. With piecewise-linear outlet flux,
questions. If we have a flux condition, we solve for runs 25, 27, and 28 oscillate badly within a time step,
U~ +1, U(XE, t*+O . . . . , U[x E, t~+u¢_t], regarding U as and run 26 does the same across multiple steps. The finely
piecewise-linear. With Dirichlet data, we solve instead discretized runs 29 and 30 yield good results. The situa-
for OU/Ox(x e, t"+l), OU/OX(XE, t*+.) . . . . . OU/Ox[xE, tion with piecewise-constant flux is considerably better,

Adv. Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4 201

An Eulerian-Lxzgrangian localized adjoint method: Michael A. Celia et al.

with all D = 0.1 runs producing reasonable answers. The necessarily' aligned with the characteristics 36. Benque
runs with two time steps (25 and 27) obtain a maximum and Ronat a use the idea of a locally vanishing adjoint to
U~ that is too large, possibly because of the antidiffusive define test functions, although they only consider the
nature of time truncation. Ahead of the peak, run 26 has advective component of the equation. In addition, a domain
a small oscillation in t over multiple time steps. Other- extension concept is used to treat inflow boundaries. It
wise. the results for D = 0.1 are qualitatively and quan- appears that this boundary treatment neglects the spatial
titatively accurate. In run 26d, with D = 0.001, the com- dependence of the effective time step over which diffu-
puted values of U~ had more pronounced oscillations sion acts, as discussed above in the context of general
than those in run 26. and the values were much too large. Eulerian Lagrangian methods. This also fails to give rise
The effects just described appear to arise from forms to a diffusive flux term at the physical boundary, thereby
of ill-conditioning in the discrete equations. If the outlet making enforcement of mass balance difficult in the
flux is peicewise-linear, a vector of alternating + l's and general advection-diffusion case. Later applications of the
- l's ahnost solves the associated homogeneous equations: method of Benque and Ronat (for example by
only in the first and last equations, which receive infor- Hervouet -~t) continue to focus only on advective trans-
mation fi'om the values at t"-~ and t", respectively, does port and therefore do not treat the general problem that
it fail. This vector corresponds to a net flux of zero from we have considered herein.
each boundary element, so it presents no problem in the Treatment of boundary conditions in other characteristic
piecewise-constant equations. The trouble with D = 0.001 methods can also be compared to ELLAM, insofar as the
is that the matrix entries for Dirichlet outflow elements other treatments can be interpreted. It appears that most
contain a factor of D. while the right-hand side involves methods are restricted to first-type inflow conditions, using
the difference between the Dirichlet data and the the boundary value at the characteristic intersection of the
approaching numerical solution, raising the possibility of boundary. No account it taken of the fact that the effec-
a numerical boundary layer in time at the outlet. Artifices tive time step is less than At (t ''÷~ - t * in Section 4),
such as temporal "upwinding" at the outflow boundary and except in the work of Douglas et al. ~-°, in which the
imposition of Dirichlet data via penalties may be necessary x-dependence at At is included. Neuman 38 and Neuman
to resolve these questions. The discretized outflow boun- and Sorek > present explicit procedures for incorporating
dary will be addressed more thoroughly in future work. boundary conditions into their split equations, but the
resulting equations do not appear to possess the conser-
vative property. The ELLAM formulation, which is based
on systematic space-time integration, appears to be the
8. DISCUSSION AND EXTENSIONS approach that is closest to the physical origins of the
The ELLAM approximations presented above provide a differential equation; individual terms can be interpreted
systematic framework for development of characteristic as interior changes in mass, boundary fluxes, and exter-
methods (CM's) for numerical approximation ofadvective- nal sources/sinks. All boundary conditions are naturally
diffusive transport equations. The LAM philosophy leads accommodated, in particular flux conditions. This
naturally to the definition of special space-time test func- systematic treatment of boundary conditions, which gives
tions that produce the generalized CM approximations. rise to a conservative numerical approximation, appears
The resulting set of approximating equations subsumes to be the first complete treatment of boundary conditions
many of the CM approximations proposed in the literature. for Eulerian-Lagrangian methods.
It therefore unifies these sometimes diverse methods. In There are many extensions that may be contemplated
addition, the development inherently provides a systematic for the LAM algorithms. For example, application of the
procedure for proper incorporation of all types of boun- procedures to transport problems in multiple spatial dimen-
dary conditions in a mass-conservative scheme. sions may be accomplished by using the same order-of-
Most previous work is based on the operator splitting derivative splitting concepts introduced above for the
concept inherent in ELM or MMOC. This is distinct from adjoint operator solutions. This leads to solutions (test
ELAM, which is based on a space-time finite element con- functions) that follow the multidimensional characteristic
cept. We are aware of several other uses of space-time curves in space-time, while simultaneously satisfying the
finite elements for advection-diffusion transport, including diffusive part of the operator. The latter (diffusion) solu-
the finite element method incorporating characteristics tion might naturally use the tensor product functions
(FEMIC) of Varoglu and Finn aT, the streamline diffu- employed by Celia et al. ~2. The resulting space-time
sion (SD) method of Brooks and Hughes;, and a ELLAM equations would be analogous to the one-
characteristic finite element method reported in Benque dimensional equations, including implementation of boun-
and Ronat a. FEMIC uses test functions that are dary conditions.
analogous to ELLAM in that the space-time elements align Development of higher-order approximations might
with the characteristics. However, FEMIC uses forward proceed along several lines. First, higher-order estimates
tracking, which gives rise to the usual difficulties of can be used to approximate the line integrals that appear
distorted grids, while ELLAM uses backward tracking. in the LAM equations. This may be achieved, for example,
In addition, the treatment of boundary conditions in by using high order interpolates for the function u(x, tn),
FEMIC employs one triangular space-time element at the many forms of which have been investigated by
boundary, which effectively limits the Courant number Baptista 3. Similarly, higher-order interpolates may be
to be of order 1. ELLAM has no such restrictions. Overall, used for u(x, t"+~), as well as the values of u along the
the ELLAM approach to boundary condition implemen- characteristics. A second approach might be to use test
tation is much more general than FEMIC. The SD scheme functions that are higher-order polynomials (higher than
is based on the addition of an optimal amount of artificial linear). While this is possible, it is somewhat contrary
diffusion. In addition, the space-time elements are not to the spirit of the LAM development in that the test func-

21)2 Adv. Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4

An Eulerian-Lagrangian localized adjoint method: Michael A. Celia et al.

tions may no longer satisfy the homogeneous adjoint These concepts have already been used with some suc-
operator. Examination of equation (8) reveals that the cess by Espedal and Ewing :t and by Dahle et al. ~5.~6.
interior integrations involving £ * w would then need to Analogous arguments apply for ELLAM approximations
be evaluated, since £*w ~ 0. This is computationally to nonlinear equations. The choice of linearization method
straightforward, so that implementation of this option is will be important, as it is for all numerical approxima-
computationally viable. The relative merits of these and tions to nonlinear equations. However, once a lineariza-
other options remain to be fully explored. tion has been applied, the resulting equation is analogous
ELLAM developments for reactive transport problems to a nonconstant-coefficient problem. The discussions
may also be derived. If equation (1) is modified to include presented above are therefore directly pertinent for
a first order reaction term, viz. ELLAM approximations to nonlinear equations. In addi-
tion, recent experience in aplication of MMOC to
0u 0u 0:u nonlinear equations (see, for example, Refs 16 and 21)
--+ V---D +ku=f(x, t), provides a basis for ELLAM derivations. We are currently
Ot Ox Ox'-
investigating ELLAM approximations for several
then treatment of the reaction term in the adjoint solution nonlinear problems.
becomes necessary. In the context of ELLAM, the term
Ku may be included with the first order terms or it may
be included with the diffusive term. If included with the
diffusive term, then the spatial part of the solution will 9. CONCLUSION
be modified to satisfy the equation This paper has presented a space-time localized adjoint
method (LAM) approximation for the advection-diffusion
D d"W_Kw=O transport equation. The formulation is based on a space-
ckr'- time discretization in which specialized test functions are
defined. These functions locally satisfy the homogeneous
so that w = [+(K/D)~/'-x]. The advective portion
adjoint equation within each element. The formulation
remains unchanged. Conversely, inclusion of the reac-
leads to a general approximation that subsumes many
tion term with the first order terms requires the test func-
specific methods based on combined Lagrangian and
tion to satisfy Eulerian approaches, so-called characteristic methods
0w Ow (CM's). We refer to this method as an Eulerian-
-- + V - K w = O, Lagrangian localized adjoint method (ELLAM). The
at Ox ELLAM approach not only provides a unification of CM
methods, but also provides a systematic framework for
which leads to a solution that changes exponentially along
the characteristics. We expect that the latter approach will incorporation of boundary conditions in CM approxima-
tions. Any type of boundary conditions can be accom-
provide the better approximation, although this remains
modated, and the resulting ELLAM equations are
to be explored.
demonstrably mass conservative. This appears to be the
Finally, we recognize that ELLAM will not develop
first complete treatment of boundary conditions in
into a general tool unless the case of variable coefficients
Eulerian-Lagrangian Methods that leads to a conservative
is adequately addressed. We are in the initial stages of
scheme for the general transport equation.
investigation, and offer the following observations. One
Example calculations were presented to demonstrate that
of the significant problems in solving variable coefficient
the ELLAM procedure can in fact handle all types of boun-
equations is accurate backtracking along characteristics.
dary conditions. Inflow boundary conditions were easily
This problem is common to all ELM and MMOC methods,
handled, but a few of the test cases indicate that additional
so that ELLAM can build upon the experiences reported
analysis is required to fully understand the treatment of
in the literature (e.g., Refs 3 and 45). However, we feel
that LAM procedures can offer additional advantages in outflow boundaries. The ELLAM approach appears to
have enormous potential in that it subsumes ELM and
that ideas from ELLAM can be combined with earlier
MMOC formulations, and can therefore draw on the vast
Eulerian developments based on LAM, namely the optimal
test function (OTF) concepts of Celia et al. 12.13. For experiences reported using these metods to formulate
example, the advection term may be broken into two parts, approximations. However, it opens many new possibilities
by providing a systematic treatment of the entire space-
one of which is an 'average' velocity over [t", t"+l], the
time equation. While much remains to be done, it appears
other being the deviation from this average. The average
advection term could be treated using ELLAM, with the that extensions such as incorporation of reaction terms
remaining velocity component incorporated into the spatial and treatment of nonconstant coefficients fit naturally into
(diffusive) part of the test function, thereby imparting a the formulation. In addition, combination of the ELLAM
directional spatial bias to the test functions. In this way, concepts with the optimal test function (OTF) method may
simpler backtracking techniques can be employed, based offer further advantages in solving complex transport
on the average value of velocity, with the spatial asym-
metry in the test function acting as a corrector for the less
accurate tracking. An important advantage of this approach
is that the residual advection would remain as part of the
Eulerian equations, so that inaccuracies in tracking would AC KNOWLEDGEMENTS
not result in failure to conserve mass. Similar techniques, This work was supported in part by the National Science
involving spatial asymmetries in the test function, can also Foundation under Grants 8657419-CES and
be used to deal with nonconstant diffusion coefficients. DMS-8821330, by the Institute for Scientific Computing

Adv. Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4 203

An Eulerian-Lagrangian l o c a l i z e d a d j o i n t method." M i c h a e l A. C e l i a et al.

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+ u(x, t")w~+l(x, t") dx .

Case 2: wT+t(x, t), 1 <_ i <_ Nc (Note: I f N c = 0 or I, no
This appendix presents the ELLAM approximating equa- equations are written)•
tions for the case of general Courant number. Let
Cu----(V(At)/Ar) denote the Courant number, with
Nc <_ Cu < Nc + 1, Nc integer. Let constant spacing be
assumed, so that X i = i(Ar). Also let ft., = [0, l ] , with •
' ~'" tl(X, [~r-II, v n + l / ix. t "-~) dx
.L ;

Xo = 0, xE = I. Equations are presented below for the

following test functions: (1) w~*t(x, t); (2) wj'+~(x, t), t ~ ;

1 <- - i < N c ; (3) }VNc

t), Nc + 1 < i < E ;
,,+1.tX, . t);. (4). W,W+I(X, t); (5) Wi,,+ I(X,
(6) w**(x, t) = ~g+Nc~t/'+l(~,
i=e i t,, t )
- V

i t'. I
u(O, t)w~"-I(O, t) dt

(See Section 5). Only equations associated with test func- ....

tions of class (5) are devoid of boundary influences; all - u(xl(t), t) dt

others are influenced by either inflow or outflow boun-
daries. Fig. A. 1 illustrates the characteristics of interest.
The equations that follow are written under the assump-
tion that Nc < E - 1. _ 9 u(.r,((t), t) dt

Case 1" w/~'t(x, t)

-b .i
u(&(t), t) dt
L, t ,*-
/ ~'u(x, t ''+l")wo"+ ~(x, t ,,+l) dx " : , au
+ D

t t'_ I
~ (0. t)w~+l(0, t) dt

- VI u(0, t)w;'+l(0, t) dt
~r U(0, t) dt
_ DI -1 ~' .... dt

- i u(0, t) dt

= i" f ( x . - ' ~)vi "+"tx. t) d x d r

+ ~l,t Ox (0, tlw~+I(O, t) dt
+ i ' 9 . f (x' t ) w T ~ l ( x ' t) d x d t (A.2)

= f f(x, t)w~*l(x, t) d.r dt. (A. 1)

9.~ where t~'= t "*l

Adv. Water Resources, 1990, Vol. 13, No. 4 205



_,}_ ~------'--.
+ ~ i + I .= I I + -F I I + I
~i-- ~l ~ . . . . , / .

_ _~ ~___...._

• I-, ~.~ ~.~

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..c ~"
3 3 -.,
,,., 3

p., 3


I1 .o
+ B
~ + I I I Ill
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- " J " + i f I

~'--~ ~ III ,

- L~
~ _ p. ,-7
+ z ¢ ~
-" ~ A

+ *_ + A

c. = =

p- ,,.._,,
,,,,, O


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