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Combined Effects of Tube

Projection, Initial Tube-Tubesheet

Clearance, and Tube Material
N. Merah
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Strain Hardening on Rolled Joint
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals,
Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
The tube-to-tubesheet joint strength is measured in terms of interfacial pressure between
the tube’s outer surface and tubesheet bore. The strength of a rolled joint is influenced by
A. Al-Aboodi several design parameters, including the type of tube and tubesheet materials, initial tube
Buraydah College of Technology, projection, and the initial radial clearance between the tube and tubesheet, among other
Buraidah, Al-Qassim 51432, Saudi Arabia factors. This paper uses finite element analysis (FEA) to evaluate the effect of several
parameters on the strength of rolled joints having large overtolerances, a situation that
applies to used equipment. An axisymmetric finite element model based on the sleeve
A. N. Shuaib diameter and rigid tube expanding roller concepts was used to analyze the effects of tube
projection, initial tube-tubesheet clearance, and tube material strain-hardening property
Y. Al-Nassar on the deformation behavior of the rolled tube and on the strength of the tube-tubesheet
joint. The FEA results show that for zero tube projection (flush) the initial clearance
Department of Mechanical Engineering, effect is dependent on the strain-hardening capability of the tube material. For low
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, strain-hardening tube material the interfacial pressure remains constant well above the
Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia Tubular Exchanger Manufacturer’s Association maximum overtolerance. A drastic reduc-
tion in joint strength is observed at high values of radial clearances. The cut-off clear-
ance (clearance at which the interfacial pressure starts to drop) is found to vary linearly
S. S. Al-Anizi with the tube material hardening level, and the contact stress increases slightly for
Department of Consulting Services, moderate strain-hardening tube materials but shows lower cut-off clearance levels. Fur-
Saudi Arabian Oil Company, thermore, with flush tubes the maximum contact pressure occurs close to the secondary
Dhahran 31311, Saudi Arabia face (at the end of rolling) while for joints with initial tube projection the contact pressure
shows two maxima occurring near the primary and the secondary faces. This is attributed
to the presence of two elbows in tube deformation near the primary and secondary faces.
The average interfacial pressure increased with increasing projection length for all clear-
ances. Tube material strain hardening enhances the interfacial pressure in a similar
fashion for all initial tube projection lengths considered in the analysis.
关DOI: 10.1115/1.3142387兴

Keywords: tube-tubesheet, joint strength, projection, initial clearance, finite element

1 Introduction tion. A number of researchers have shown that the complexity of

the tube-to-tubesheet roller expansion can be simplified by reduc-
During the rolling process the tube is projected from the pri-
ing it to an axisymmetric quasistatic problem. Aufaure 关3兴 em-
mary face of the tubesheet for many reasons, among them is to
ployed this approach in which the roller profile is used to intro-
weld the edge of the tubesheet to the tube and to prevent the tube duce a radial displacement to the inner surface of the tube.
from shortening inside the tubesheet during expansion. Tubular Displacements are applied in steps up to required expansion then
Exchanger Manufacturer’s Association 共TEMA兲 关1兴 specifies in the load is released such that the tube-to-tubesheet contact ensures
RCB-7.513 that tubes shall be flush with or extend by no more the strength of the connection joint after transmitting a large radial
than one-half of a tube diameter beyond the face of each stress to tube’s outer surface. Updike et al. 关4兴 showed that the
tubesheet. Yokell 关2兴 suggested projecting the tube from the sec- effect of the mechanical roller expansion process can be ad-
ondary face of the tubesheet rather than the front to eliminate a equately simulated with a two-dimensional axisymmetric math-
potential source of corrosion and fatigue failure. ematical model. Subsequently, other researchers 关5–10兴 have
Simulation of rolling expansion process coupled with high level adapted the use of axisymmetric FE model to simulate roller ex-
of initial tube-tubesheet clearances and tube projection by the fi- pansion. Furthermore, Williams 关5兴 showed that there was no ad-
nite element 共FE兲 method is associated with a number of difficul- ditional gain in accuracy of predicting the residual stresses
ties such as roller kinematics and the absence of loading axisym- through the use of a three-dimensional finite element model.
metry. In fact, the mechanical rolling process is actually an Existing finite element analyses that deal with clearance effects
example of periodical symmetry with respect to the load applica- on joint strength have mainly addressed hydraulic expansion of
tubes into tubesheets. Allam et al. 关6,9兴 and Merah et al. 关7兴 used
FE to study the effect of initial clearance and material strain hard-
Contributed by the Pressure Vessel and Piping Division of ASME for publication
in the JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received February 19,
ening on contact stress for hydraulic tube-to-tubesheet expansion.
2008; final manuscript received March 3, 2009; published online July 24, 2009. They found that the contact pressure decreases as the initial radial
Review conducted by Donald Mackenzie. Paper presented at the AMPT06, 2006. clearance and tangent modulus increase. Al-Aboodi et al. 关8兴 stud-

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology Copyright © 2009 by ASME OCTOBER 2009, Vol. 131 / 051201-1

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Fig. 1 Schematic representation of tube-tubesheet joint with
initial tube projection

ied the effect of clearance, material strain hardening, and percent

wall reduction on rolled tube-tubesheet joint strength. They
showed that for each amount of percent wall reduction and type of
tube material there exists a critical clearance value below which
the joint strength is not affected. Their numerical results were
validated by the experimental results reported by Shuaib et al.
The present paper presents results on the combined effects of
high clearances, material strain hardening, and tube projection on
the deformation behavior of roller expanded tube and on the re-
sulting contact pressure. The study was performed using an axi- Fig. 2 FE model geometry and dimensions in millimeters
symmetric finite element model based on the sleeve diameter and
rigid roller concepts to simulate the rolled overexpanded joints.

2 Finite Element Model increments until contact of the tube with the tubesheet is estab-
lished. The targeted percent wall reduction in the tube wall thick-
Figure 1 shows a schematic representation of the tube-tubesheet ness is reached by performing 50 substeps in the second loading
joint considered in the present study. To include ligament effect on step. The third step simulates the retraction of the roller after
joint strength, the equivalent sleeve diameter has been used in this achieving the required tube wall thickness reduction. The ex-
study as suggested by a number of researchers 关5–10兴. The panded length of the tube, which is equal to the roller length
equivalent sleeve is a single hole model that will produce contact shown in Fig. 2, was 47.25 mm 共1.872 in.兲; this represents about
pressure, stress distribution, or deflection, depending on the ob- 75% of the tubesheet thickness. The total radial displacement of
jective of the study, around the hole that is equivalent to the av- the roller was obtained from the values of the required percent
erage of those around the test hole on the real tubesheet configu- wall reduction %WR, tube thickness t, and initial clearance c
ration. Since this study concerns the same basic configuration of using the following equation:
the stabilizer feed/bottom exchanger used in the work of Merah et
al. 关7兴 and Shuaib et al. 关10兴, the sleeve dimensions will remain
unchanged. The geometry and dimensions of the axisymmetric
model are illustrated in Fig. 2. The tube inner and outer radii are
7.425 mm and 9.525 mm, respectively, and the tubesheet bore’s
inner and outer radii are 9.525+ c mm and 36 mm, respectively,
where c is the radial clearance, which will be varied here from 0
mm to 0.5 mm to cover the range of clearance levels under inves-
tigation. It should be mentioned that for this tube dimension the
TEMA allowable radial clearance is about 0.16 mm. The initial
tube projection beyond the primary face is varied between 0 and
1/2 the tube diameter 共about 10 mm兲 to evaluate the effect of tube
The tube and tubesheet areas are meshed using the 2D quadratic
element defined by eight nodes having two degrees of freedom, as
shown in Fig. 3. Because of the expected large deflections due to
the large overtolerances 共clearances兲 used in this study the geo-
metric nonlinearities are included in the model. CONTA172 and
TARGE169 elements 关11兴 are used to represent the 2D contacting
and deformable surfaces, respectively. These elements have the
same geometric characteristics as the solid element face to which
they are connected. Contact occurs when the element
共CONTA172兲 surface penetrates one of the target segment ele-
ments 共TARGE169兲 on a specified target surface.
The tube and tubesheet were constrained from translation in the
axial direction on the primary side of the tubesheet. The exact
tube expanding roller profile is represented by a rigid body line in
Fig. 2. Loading during the rolling process is performed in three
steps. The first step displaces the roller radially outward in small Fig. 3 Meshed axisymmetric model

051201-2 / Vol. 131, OCTOBER 2009 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 4 Radial deformation profiles of the inner and outer surfaces of the tube expanded
in a joint with zero clearance

ur = 冉 %WRt
冊+c 共1兲
and tubesheet material strain hardening on contact stresses, Ett
values ranging from 0 GPa to 1.2 GPa are considered.

This radial displacement of the roller is used by industry during 3 Effect of Clearance and Tube Projection on Tube
roller expanding tube-to-tubesheet joints and the process is called
the interference fit method. Deformation
The tube and tubesheet material elastic-plastic behavior is rep- To evaluate the effect of projection on the strength of the rolled
resented by bilinear curves. Each of the tube and tubesheet mate- joint, tube projection values ranging between 0 mm and 10 mm
rial has a yield stress of 248 MPa, an elastic modulus of 207 GPa, were used in the investigation. These tube projection values fall
and Poisson’s ratio of 0.3. These properties were specified for the within and beyond those specified by TEMA. The effect of vary-
tube and tubesheet materials in the finite element analysis. ing the radial clearance values between 0 mm and 0.5 mm and the
Because of expected large plastic strains, the bilinear isotropic effect of varying the tube material strain-hardening parameter,
共BISO兲 hardening option was used in the model. The curve in the represented by the tangent modulus Ett between 0 GPa and 1.2
plastic region was approximated by a linear relationship. The GPa, were also studied. The combined effects of projection, tan-
slope of the approximated line 共or lines兲 in the plastic region of gent modulus, and clearance on the tube deformation behavior and
the true stress-strain diagram defines the tangent modulus. An the joint strength represented by the average contact stress are
elastic-perfectly-plastic material has a zero tangent modulus. The discussed in the following.
approximate value of the tangential modulus of plasticity Ett for Figure 4 shows the distributions of the residual radial displace-
the tube was 733 MPa. However, to investigate the effect of tube ment of the inner and outer surfaces of the tube, after unloading

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology OCTOBER 2009, Vol. 131 / 051201-3

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Fig. 5 Radial deformation profiles of the inner and outer surfaces of the
tube expanded in a joint with 0.127 mm clearance

the expanding roller, along the expanded length of the tube that deformation profile of the outer tube surface inside the tubesheet
has a tangential modulus of 800 MPa, which is a typical value of is similar to that of joint with zero projection shown in Fig. 4共a兲.
Ett for steel tubes used in the stabilizer feed/bottom exchanger. Figure 5共a兲 shows the radial deformation profiles of the inner
The residual radial deflection of the inner and outer surfaces of the and outer surfaces of the tube for a joint with flush tube and a
tube in Fig. 4共a兲 is for a joint with flush tube 共i.e., zero projection兲 typical TEMA clearance of 0.127 mm. It is noticed that, although
and with zero tube-tubesheet clearance, whereas the residual ra- the radial deformation of the tube is higher for the joint with 0.02
dial deflection of the inner and outer surfaces of the tube in Fig. mm clearance compared with that with zero initial tube-tubesheet
4共b兲 is for a joint with a tube projection of 2 mm and with zero clearance, the shape of the deformation profile is similar to that of
initial tube-tubesheet clearance. the zero initial tube-tubesheet clearance. Figure 5共b兲 shows that
Figure 4共a兲 shows that for zero tube projection the deformation when the initial clearance is increased to 0.127 mm, the size of the
of the inner tube surface remains quasiuniform at about 0.07 mm hump near the primary surface is insignificant even for an initial
from the primary face of the tube until the transition zone 共area tube projection of 4 mm. The presence of the initial clearance may
between expanded and unexpanded tubes on the secondary face have reduced the constraint on the outer tube wall and has thus
side of the tubesheet兲, where the inner surface deformation in- reduced the effect of projection.
creases rapidly to a peak value of 0.097 mm, before it drops
rapidly to 0.01 mm. The outer tube surface, however, exhibits a 4 Combined Effects of Tube Projection, Initial Clear-
quasiuniform deformation of about 0.055 mm along the deformed ance, and Strain Hardening on Joint Strength
length of the tube until the transition zone where the deformation
decays toward zero hence after; the outer surface does not show The effects of initial clearance and tube material strain harden-
an abrupt change in geometry like the inner surface. The differ- ing on the contact pressure for the case of a joint with a flush tube
ence in deformation between the inner and outer surfaces of the are depicted in Fig. 6. For elastic-perfectly-plastic material 共Ett
expanded tube is what creates the residual radial 共contact兲 stress at = 0 GPa兲, the increase in clearance produces a slight decrease in
the interface between the tube and tubesheet. For the case of 2 contact stress until the clearance reaches a critical value of 0.34
mm tube projection and zero initial clearance, the inner tube sur- mm 共about twice TEMA clearance limit, represented by the dotted
face radial deformation profile in Fig. 4共b兲 shows two humps; a line in the figure兲. The contact stress experiences a sudden drop
small one at the primary face, due to the presence of a projected after the critical clearance value. On the other hand, for strain-
length of the tube, and a large one in the transition zone. The hardening materials, the contact stress increases with the increase

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Fig. 6 Contact stress versus clearance for flush tube and dif- Fig. 8 Combined effects of tube material strain hardening, Ett,
ferent Ett with WR= 5% and the length of tube projection for a joint with a clearance of
0.127 mm and 5% tube wall reduction

in radial clearance. As explained by Al-Aboodi et al. 关8兴 the in-

crease in interfacial stress is attributed to tube material strain hard- having two maxima peaks 共Fig. 7共b兲兲, which are located near the
ening resisting tubesheet material spring back. The sudden drop is primary face and in the transition zone, resulting in higher average
due to insufficient wall reduction as has been demonstrated in interfacial pressure.
earlier work by the same researchers 关8兴. The combined effects of tube material strain hardening and tube
The value of the cut-off 共critical兲 clearance at which the joint projection length for a radial clearance of 0.127 mm and 5% WR
strength experiences a sudden drop has been found to be inversely are illustrated in Fig. 8. These results show that the tube projection
proportional to Ett 关8兴. The relationship between critical clearance length has a similar effect on the contact pressure for all Ett values
and tangent modulus can be expressed by the following empirical considered in this study. Again higher tube strain hardening results
relation: in stronger joint for all investigated values of tube projection. The
figure shows that this strength is not affected by tube projection
ccr = − 0.05Ett + 0.34 共2兲 lengths higher than 3.5 mm 共about the 1/8 in. value prescribed by
The contact stress corresponding to the cut-off clearance is also TEMA for the joint geometry under investigation兲. The contact
linearly related to Ett: stress increased with tube projection length and reached a maxi-
mum value at a projection length of approximately 1/4 of the tube
␴cr = 9.766Ett + 53.633 共3兲 diameter for all investigated levels of Ett and clearance. This in-
The increase in contact stress with the increase in Ett is attributed crease in interfacial pressure is caused by the hump of the contact
to the tube material strain hardening resisting tubesheet material stress profile arising from the additional transition zone near the
spring back. Smaller cut-off clearances at higher Ett are due to primary face of the joint; this produced higher average contact
large strain difference upon spring back of strain-hardening tube stresses.
material. The combined effects of radial clearance and tube projection on
The contact pressure distribution profile shown in Fig. 7 fol- residual contact stress of the joint under investigation can be de-
lows a pattern similar to that of the tube surface deflection profiles duced from Fig. 9 where the tube having Ett = 0.8 GPa has been
in Figs. 4 and 5, with that of the joint with a tube projection case subjected to 5% wall reduction during roller expansion. For the

Fig. 7 Contact stress „in pascals… distributions for flush tube and tube initial projection

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology OCTOBER 2009, Vol. 131 / 051201-5

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The authors thankfully acknowledge the support of the King
Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals 共KFUPM兲 and Saudi
Arabian Oil Company. The support of Buraydah College of Tech-
nology provided to A. A. Al-Aboodi. is also acknowledged.

c ⫽ initial radial clearance between tube and
ccr ⫽ critical clearance
E ⫽ modulus of elasticity
Ett ⫽ tube material tangent modulus
t ⫽ tube thickness
ur ⫽ radial displacement
Fig. 9 Combined effects of clearance and tube projection
length for a plastic tangent modulus of 0.8 GPa and 5% WR
WR ⫽ tube thickness wall reduction percentage
␴cr ⫽ contact stress corresponding to critical
levels of radial clearance shown in the figure, the contact stress
shows gradual increase within the initial tube projection range of References
0 mm and 3.5 mm and then stays at the same level beyond the 3.5 关1兴 1988, Standard of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturer Association, 7th ed.,
TEMA, New York.
mm projection level. Figure 9 also shows that contact stress ver- 关2兴 Yokell, S., 1992, “Expanded, and Welded-and-Expanded Tube-to-Tubesheet
sus projection curves are crowded together in the 0.1–0.3 mm Joints,” ASME J. Pressure Vessel Technol., 114, pp. 157–165.
clearance range. However, for 0.4 mm clearance the contact stress 关3兴 Aufaure, M., 1987, “Analysis of Residual Stresses Due to Roll-Expansion
for a flush tube falls from an average of 61 MPa, which corre- Process: Finite Element Computation and Validation by Experimental Tests,”
Transaction of the Ninth International Conference of SMIRT, pp. 499–503.
sponds to the 0.1–0.3 mm clearance range, to 42 MPa. This is 关4兴 Updike, D. P., Kalnins, A., and Caldwell, S. M., 1992, “Residual Stresses in
because this clearance level exceeds the critical value for the 5% Transition Zone of Heat Exchanger Tubes,” ASME J. Pressure Vessel Tech-
wall reduction. nol., 114, pp. 149–156.
关5兴 Williams, D. K., 1997, “Prediction of Residual Stresses in the Mechanically
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5 Conclusion tion,” PVP 共Am. Soc. Mech. Eng.兲, 354, pp. 17–28.
关6兴 Allam, M., and Bazergui, A., 2002, “Axial Strength of Tube-to-Tubesheet
An axisymmetric finite element model based on the sleeve di- Joints: Finite Element and Experimental Evaluations,” ASME J. Pressure Ves-
ameter and rigid tube expanding roller concepts was used to ana- sel Technol., 124, pp. 22–31.
lyze the effects of tube projection, initial tube-tubesheet clearance, 关7兴 Merah, N., Al-Zayer, A., Shuaib, A., and Arif, A., 2003, “Finite Element
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and tube material strain-hardening property on the deformation Pressure Vessels Piping, 80, pp. 879–885.
behavior of the rolled tube and on the strength of the tube- 关8兴 Al-Aboodi, A., Merah, N., Shuaib, A. R., Al-Nassar, Y., and Al-Anizi, S. S.,
tubesheet joint. The results showed that the presence of initial tube 2008, “Modeling the Effects of Initial Tube-Tubesheet Clearance, Wall Reduc-
projection introduced a second transition zone at the primary face. tion and Material Strain Hardening on Rolled Joint Strength,” ASME J. Pres-
sure Vessel Technol., 130, p. 041204.
This transition zone is less important at larger clearances. This has 关9兴 Allam, M., Chaaban, A., and Bazergui, A., 1998, “Estimation of Residual
resulted in enhancing the average contact stress between the tube Stresses in Hydraulically Expanded Tube-to-Tubesheet Joints,” ASME J. Pres-
and tubesheet. The enhancement of joint strength is limited to a sure Vessel Technol., 120, pp. 129–137.
projection length of 1/4 of the tube diameter. Higher tube strain- 关10兴 Shuaib, A. N., Merah, N., Khraisheh, M. K., Allam, I. M., and Al-Anizi, S. S.,
2003, “Experimental Investigation of Heat Exchanger Tubesheet Hole En-
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clearance below the critical clearance value. Documentations.

051201-6 / Vol. 131, OCTOBER 2009 Transactions of the ASME

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