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Bringing the best of medical librarianship to the

patient team
By Barbara S. Shearer, M.S.L.S., AHIP*
Director of Public Services and External Relations

Scott Memorial Library

Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107

Anne Seymour, M.S.
Associate Director, Information Services

Biomedical Library
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6060

Cheryl Capitani, M.L.S., AHIP
Chief Librarian

PinnacleHealth at Harrisburg Hospital

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101-2099

This article introduces a series of articles examining the state of the

medical library profession as practiced in the clinical context. It is
widely understood that many changes across the spectrum of medical
librarianship practice have been brought about by both technological
advances and economic realities. These changes have created strains felt
by many in the profession. Discussions of evolving roles for medical
librarians that have gone on for years have taken on a new sense of
urgency, not just because support of library services is at stake, but also
because new opportunities, which many are eager to explore, await
librarians. In June 2000, an editorial appearing in a mainstream medical
journal proposed a reinvention of clinical librarianship that, if designed
as presented in the editorial, would have a dramatic effect on current
hospital-based library practice. This series of articles was developed in
an effort to provide thoughtful consideration of the ‘‘informationist’’
model and to present new ways to look at the core competencies that
define the profession.

THE INFORMATIONIST: A NEW HEALTH serted that this new credentialed professional, termed
PROFESSION? an informationist, would be so much a part of the
health care team that patients’ care would not be com-
In a June 2000 editorial in the Annals of Internal Medi- plete without their services. To take their place on the
cine, Davidoff and Florance presented for consideration health care team, informationists would possess the
a reinvention of clinical librarianship, which was first skills of librarians, as well as those of biostatisticians,
proposed in the 1960s and is still practiced in perhaps computer scientists, and medical professionals.
a few hundred hospitals. Davidoff and Florance as- Davidoff and Florance begin the editorial with the
statement: ‘‘physicians have always had a professional
* Barbara S. Shearer is now the director of the Medical Library, Flor- obligation to base their decisions on the best available
ida State University College of Medicine, Tallahassee, Florida 32306. information, an assumption now explicitly embodied

22 J Med Libr Assoc 90(1) January 2002

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in the concept of evidence-based medicine’’ [1]. While care teams who find ways to integrate technology into
the obligation to base decisions on credible informa- the delivery of core services provided by each member
tion is not unique to their profession, physicians feel of the team, new solutions can be found that represent
pressure as never before to prove to patients, health the best practices of each professional group.
insurance companies, managed care organizations, the ‘‘Crossing the Quality Chasm’’ provides a systems
federal government, and hospital administrators that approach and recommendations for meeting urgent
their decisions are based on solid evidence. Accessi- challenges facing all who deliver or receive health care
bility of high-quality, knowledge-based resources is in the twenty-first century. Termed ‘‘an agenda for
just one of the challenges. Systems must be in place crossing the chasm,’’ themes of special interest to
that link health care professionals to information about health information professionals reframe patients from
patients at precisely the right time and place in the objects to participants and call for a partnership ap-
process. When a system breaks down or is not well proach in the development of a best-practices knowl-
constructed in the first place, the results are miscom- edgebase.
munication, breaks in workflow, errors, and confusion. At present, patients are seen as individuals at a giv-
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) found precisely these en point in time, presenting for examination, consul-
conditions when reporting the causes of medical er- tation, admission, treatment, discharge, and payment.
rors. Though qualified professionals may treat patients
In 1999, the IOM’s Committee on Quality of Health compassionately throughout the process, a short-term
Care in America published a widely cited report called relationship is established at each encounter, with pa-
‘‘To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System.’’ tients’ learning left to chance. This lack of relationship
This report reviewed data from a number of studies paired with haphazard delivery of information to pa-
across the United States and concluded that anywhere tients does little to build confidence in their own abil-
from 44,000 to twice that number of people die an- ity to care for themselves. Through relationship build-
nually as a result of medical errors, including those ing over time, in a way that is reinforced continually
involving preventable adverse drug reactions. Report- as patients interface with the health care system, pa-
ed causes for errors were related to inefficiencies in the tients will gain the confidence required to assume re-
system and not to physician negligence or incompe- sponsibility for their own health [4].
tence. To address this issue the report suggested that The cultures of blame and fear are both described
everyone involved in the art, science, and business of and promulgated in a timely article in the March 2001
health care work together. In his preface, the chair of issue of The New Yorker. In the appropriately titled, ‘‘Fi-
the committee stated that ‘‘traditional clinical bound- nal Cut: Medical Arrogance and the Decline of the Au-
aries and a culture of blame must be broken down. topsy,’’ author Gawande points to several studies in
But most importantly, we must systematically design the medical literature, including one by Lundberg, the
safety into processes of care’’ [2]. former editor of the Journal of the American Medical As-
In a follow-up report, ‘‘Crossing the Quality sociation, in an attempt to provide evidence of wide-
Chasm,’’ published in March 2001, the committee rec- spread misdiagnoses by physicians. In addition to in-
ommends that the health care delivery system focus cluding Lundberg’s assertion that rates involving this
first on improving care for the most prevalent chronic type of error have not improved in the past sixty years,
conditions—such as heart disease, diabetes, and asth- Gawande reminds the reader that ‘‘a large review of
ma—in the United States. Because these and similar autopsy studies concluded that in about a third of the
disorders consume a significant amount of health care misdiagnoses the patients would have been expected
dollars and often contribute negatively to other health to live if proper treatment had been administered’’ [5].
conditions in the same patients, success in managing Several studies in the medical literature support Ga-
them could result in exponential improvements in the wande’s claim that autopsies could yield a considerable
status of the nation’s health. One of the central obser- amount of useful information. This information could
vations made by the IOM is that physician groups, hos- be analyzed and used for building an error-reporting
pitals, and health care organizations work so indepen- system, for teaching medical students and residents,
dently from one another that they often are unaware and for building a tool for practitioners seeking the
of all aspects of patients’ interactions with the rest of best information. The absence of such activities sup-
the system. Patients may be treated for one condition, ports the IOM conclusions and perhaps provides in-
while another condition is ignored or even made sight into the challenges that lie before physicians
worse. The committee states that ‘‘America’s health searching for evidence-based information.
system is a tangled, highly fragmented web that often An effective use of technology, an appreciation for
wastes resources by providing unnecessary services patients as customers, a talent and interest in learning
and duplicating efforts, leaving unaccountable gaps in more about patients’ real questions and needs, and an
care and failing to build on the strengths of all health understanding of knowledge systems as constructs of
professionals’’ [3]. By establishing collaborative health interrelated pieces of information are marked

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strengths of medical librarianship. The ability to view the membership in a key MLA recognition program—
information as a component of a larger whole and as which includes, as part of the process, the identifica-
valuable based on being up to date, accessible, and au- tion of core competencies and maintenance of profes-
thoritative are inherent parts of the medical librarian sional development—is unimpressive.
profession. There is no question that medical librarians An informal email discussion list survey conducted
can participate in this call for health care restructuring by Shearer and Capitani prior to a Philadelphia Re-
and will contribute in ways that are unique to the pro- gional Chapter of MLA program in December 1997,
fession. In this context should a consideration of the generated some twenty responses and interesting an-
informationist be undertaken. ecdotal confirmation of the task force study. Several
academy members noted that one of the primary ben-
THE CALL TO CREDENTIAL efits of membership was institutional and peer recog-
nition. When pressed for thoughts about whether the
As might be expected, a call for a new professional, medical library profession supported the academy, one
especially one who would be credentialed to take a respondent noted that many ‘‘great’’ librarians were
place of equal status with other members of the health not academy members, and another commented that
care team, quickly captured the attention of the med- ‘‘many older librarians don’t want to bother with it.’’
ical librarian community. The presentation of a new It was further noted that JCAHO did not acknowledge
career path to deliver many core functions of medical the credential; procuring a medical library job did not
librarianship in a nationally renowned physician pub- require it; and MLA did not require it for membership
lication was dramatic. For years, the Bulletin of the Med- [7]. In short, the people and the organizations to which
ical Library Association (BMLA) has effectively related many in the profession look for leadership apparently
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Or- did not think the academy was of much practical val-
ganizations (JCAHO) and Integrated Advanced Infor- ue.
mation Management Systems (IAIMS) objectives to li- Plutchak, editor of the BMLA, in his October 2000
brary objectives and provided insights for medical li- response to the Annals of Internal Medicine editorial,
brarians seeking to position themselves for success in urged MLA members to play leadership roles in a na-
an increasingly performance-driven health care envi- tional discussion of the informationist concept [8]. Key
ronment. Yet, as much as librarians agreed that knowl- participants in a national forum would include the
edge-resources and professional staff trained to deliv- Medical Library Association, the National Library of
er them were essential to promoting quality medical Medicine, the American Hospital Association, the
care, there was still some disagreement regarding the American Association of Medical Colleges, and per-
importance of certification of professional staff. haps others such as the Healthcare Information and
What indicates to the broader health care commu- Management Systems Society and the American Med-
nity that medical librarians can, in fact, capably func- ical Informatics Association.
tion on a health care team? Is it membership in the
Academy of Health Information Professionals? A case PHILADELPHIA REGIONAL CHAPTER, OF THE
for this would be awkward, because many in the pro- MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION (MLA)
fession view it as a mere peer-recognition device. In HOSTS OCTOBER PANEL
fact, the Task Force to Review the Academy of Health
Information Professionals appointed by the Medical For its fall meeting held on October 17, 2000, the Phil-
Library Association (MLA) Board of Directors in 1995 adelphia Regional Chapter invited Frank Davidoff,
reported in the October 1997 BMLA that a survey of M.D., Valerie Florance, Ph.D., Ellen Detlefsen, D.L.S.,
MLA membership found that the academy did not and Julie McGowan, Ph.D., to present a panel discus-
serve ‘‘as a mechanism to certify the competency of sion, ‘‘The Medical Informationist and Other Roles for
MLA members,’’ nor did it have much ‘‘impact with the Librarian in the 21st Century.’’ A detailed tran-
employers, especially in terms of economic benefits.’’ scription and notes from this panel discussion, includ-
At the same time, it was agreed that the academy pro- ing comments from the audience, may be found on the
gram achieved its two intended purposes as a ‘‘pro- chapter’s Web page [9].
fessional development and career recognition pro- Florance defines an informationist as one who is
gram’’ and ‘‘reward [for] the personal investment of ‘‘cross-trained in medicine, computer science and in-
time and effort required for exemplary professional formation science’’ and, therefore, comfortable crossing
performance and contributions to the profession’’ [6]. interdisciplinary boundaries. Davidoff and Florance
MLA currently has 3,700 individual members, of both have previous positive experiences working in
which only 1,245 belong to the Academy of Health In- health care environments where this type of cross-
formation Professionals. This 33% rate has held steady training was incorporated into the delivery of direct
over the last three years with normal fluctuations in patient care. McGowan, a professor of knowledge in-
the MLA membership. Participation by one-third of formatics and member of the MLA Board of Directors,

24 J Med Libr Assoc 90(1) January 2002

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also sees the medical librarian functioning most effec- use statistics to the larger-picture approach required
tively when these services are provided at the point of by the JCAHO. How does the information delivered by
need in the hospital, at morning report, or on rounds. the hospital librarian affect the level of care delivered
Detlefsen, who is on the faculty of the School of In- by the hospital’s information management plan over-
formation Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh and all? There is a desperate need for hospital librarians
coprincipal investigator on a 1996–1997 National Li- to be able to convey effectively that delivery of the best
brary of Medicine Planning Grant for the Education information results in the delivery of the best medical
and Training of Health Sciences Librarians, urged the care by the institution. This affects the bottom line by
group to think more broadly and to consider adding any hospital administrator’s definition.
informationists to administrative and research teams. While there may be uncertainty about the informa-
As discussed during the program, there was little tionist concept, there is certainly intense interest in the
disagreement inside the profession, as well as outside medical librarianship profession in growth and in
the profession, that active participation by medical li- ways to strengthen the profession in upcoming years.
brarians would result in better patient care. However, One librarian in the audience on October 17 was trou-
as Davidoff asserted, clinical librarianship programs, bled by the suggestion that librarians ‘‘teach physi-
by and large, have failed to take root. Of the approx- cians to do our jobs, giving away our best stuff so
imately 6,500 acute care hospitals in the United States, someone else can make a lot more money at it.’’ This
Davidoff estimated only a couple of hundred had im- is a good time for medical librarians to identify our
plemented a clinical librarianship program. One rea- ‘‘best stuff.’’ An editorial written by Rein, a University
son for this low number was similar to that cited by of Illinois Library and Information Science student,
the Institute of Medicine in its report detailing causes ‘‘The Culture of Medicine and the ‘New Information-
and cures for widespread medical errors: there was no ist,’’’ appeared in the National Network: Newsletter of the
financial incentive built into the system that acknowl- Hospital Libraries Section of the Medical Library Associa-
edged the need to, or facilitated, change in behavior. tion. Rein is a self-described observer of the medical
Several ideas for providing this financial incentive culture throughout a twenty-year career in biomedical
were presented, including writing informationists into research as a doctoral educated researcher. She has
grants; proving the value of information in reducing worked closely in basic medical science and clinical
costs and improving outcomes to the Health Care Fi- settings and offers some insight into the practicality of
nancing Administration (HCFA) who, in turn, would the informationist concept. Rein says it best:
reimburse hospitals for information, much as lab and
radiological tests are reimbursed; and writing knowl- The assumption is that if the knowledge needs of the phy-
edge-based information costs into telemedicine grants sician that arise at a single point in time are met, so will be
designed to deliver a wide spectrum of medical infor- the needs of the patient and of the medical field as a whole.
One does not necessarily follow the other . . . Just like phy-
mation to underserved areas. The Agency for Health- sicians, patients have other medical needs before, during and
care Research and Quality (AHRQ), as well as the Na- after, a point-of-care event . . . A successful knowledge-
tional Library of Medicine, were offered as potential based management system delivers both personnel and sys-
funders of research studies to demonstrate the effec- tems to the right place at the right time in the right format.
tiveness of having an informationist on staff.
Some problems were noted throughout the panel She echoes Davidoff’s statement about physicians’ ea-
discussion. For instance, large hospitals often turn to gerness for someone to provide relevant, quality-fil-
information brokers and not medical librarians, who tered information when she says,
are better suited and more familiar with a hospital’s
needs, for information required to meet quality-assur- although physicians tend to shun outside interference in the
ance objectives. Also, there is a lack of adequate career presence of their patients, they certainly are willing to deal
counseling for science and biology majors in under- with any professional who can bring better quality of med-
icine to their clinic . . . They certainly recognize value when
graduate colleges who may otherwise enter health sci- they see it, no matter how ambivalent they are to accept it.
ences librarianship programs; instead, Detlefsen notes More than ever, the culture of medicine needs an injection
that many of her advisees are uncertain of areas most of new ideas and methodologies to properly deal with their
suitable for specialization and seemed to focus mostly information needs. [10]
on eliminating areas they do not want to pursue. A
third problem noted is a failure in the medical library Davidoff and Florance, in their editorial, have joined
community to acknowledge and address the challenge hands to generate discussion on the meeting of the
of a few hospital librarians who do not want to be an cultures of medicine and librarianship. Davidoff sug-
active part of the health care team and who, instead, gested that to take the discussion into the next stage
focus on reporting library-use statistics as the primary required some understanding of the diffusion of in-
measure of quality. While use statistics are not trivial, novations. Davidoff deferred to Rogers as a key expert
hospital librarians must shift their focus from library- in this area and supported Rogers’ claim that, even if

J Med Libr Assoc 90(1) January 2002 25

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an innovation is proven to be an improvement on cur- patients will ask this type of direct question about the
rent practice, it would not take root without an inten- evidence used to deliver treatment, unless their phy-
sive, social effort. Davidoff made a strong case for the sicians specifically encourage them to do so.
library community to lead this intensively social pro-
Kassirer, in ‘‘Patients, Physicians and the Internet’’
‘‘The patient as consumer’’ is a common phrase, but [16], notes that ‘‘many patients are beginning to use
as yet the extent of patient interest in obtaining and online communications and are dragging their doctors
using medical information has not been presented. In along.’’ Few physicians need to be told that the Inter-
1999, the Deloitte research group published two re- net revolution has arrived and that they need to make
ports in conjunction with its research partner, Cyber- more use of it to communicate with patients. However,
dialogue, ‘‘Emergence of the E-Health Consumer’’ and a few key forces appear to play a powerful role in the
‘‘Winning the Loyalty of the E-Health Consumer: slow adoption of the technology: lack of physician time
Building an E-Business Roadmap.’’ Based on survey to adopt it or even learn about it, concerns for privacy
results, the first report stated that ‘‘after visiting Inter- that may be addressed via HIPAA, lack of integrated
net health sites, 21% of respondents reported in- systems, and lack of financial incentive.
creased compliance with prescriptions; 30% said they The American College of Physicians-American So-
visited a doctor; 42% made a treatment decision; 43% ciety of Internal Medicine conducted a survey of its
asked their doctors about a prescription; and 47% membership in 1998 and found that ‘‘Less than 19%
urged a family member to visit a health care provider’’ of respondents had partial or complete electronic clin-
[11]. A Harris Poll reported that fifty-four million ical functions in their offices.’’ In addition, respon-
American adults had used the Internet for health in- dents wanted to ‘‘enhance their knowledge of com-
formation as of June/July 1998. By November 2000, puter-based information sources for patient care’’ [17].
this number had nearly doubled to 106 million [12]. Admittedly, physicians’ uses of computer technology
Deloitte asserts that the Health Insurance Portability and the Internet are on the increase. Still, there is little
and Accountability Act’s (HIPAA’s) derivative legisla- dispute that Internet use in an integrated, organized
tion will yield a ‘‘virtual voucher’’ system, in which way to deliver health care services or to communicate
consumers will demand more information to make with patients is limited.
better decisions in selecting health insurance coverage Even medical students, who have graduated during
options and in making decisions as partners in their a time when information has been at its most acces-
own health care. However, the survey also reveals a sible and who more or less grew up with the technol-
total lack of interest in paying for content. Rather, ‘‘ba- ogy to access the information, have a little trepidation
sic information is simply a welcome mat—the ante to when reporting their comfort levels with computer-
play in the game’’ [13]. Deloitte presents very con- based information sources. The Association of Ameri-
vincing evidence that health care systems and physi- can Medical Colleges (AAMC) administers a question-
cians are not stepping up to the plate, even though naire to medical school students upon graduation and
there could be negative financial consequences for not reports the data in an annual All Schools Report.
doing so quickly and before someone else does. It When asked if ‘‘students were expected to demon-
seems that not just anyone will do either: patients are strate use of current evidence-based information in pa-
loyal to their physicians and want information to come tient care,’’ 72% in 1999 and 74% in 2000 agreed or
from them. strongly agreed. The rest either had no opinion or dis-
How can physicians cope with this increasing desire agreed. Approximately 26% of the students believed
by patients to talk when they are already knee-deep that instruction in ‘‘literature reviews/critiques’’ was
in paperwork? Perhaps the bluntest article of its kind, inadequate in 1999, and more than 27% believed the
‘‘‘Internet-Positive Patients’ Driving You Crazy?’’ same in 2000. Almost all (over 92% for both 1999 and
warns against exhibiting paternalistic and dismissive 2000 graduates) agreed that they were ‘‘confident in
behaviors in responding to patients armed with med- carrying out reasonably sophisticated searches of the
ical information located from the Internet [14]. At the medical information’’ databases. Does this mean that
same time, Shalala, secretary of Health and Human graduates are confident that they can locate reviews of
Services during the Clinton administration, urges pa- the literature but do not feel that they learned how to
tients ‘‘to find and use reliable health care information. critique them, or does this mean that they entered
Ask your doctor or nurse, use your library, explore the medical school already possessing these skills? Only
Internet.’’ She advises patients to ‘‘Ask your doctor if 43% in 1999 and 48% in 2000 agreed or strongly
the treatments he or she recommends are based on the agreed that they understood ‘‘how information tech-
latest scientific evidence’’ [15]. It seems doubtful that nology can be used to develop, implement, and mon-

26 J Med Libr Assoc 90(1) January 2002

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itor compliance with clinical pathways and other stitutions it accredits. When Medicare was initiated in
forms of patient care protocols’’ [18]. These data seem 1966, for instance, it was determined that JCAH stan-
to support a need to integrate medical informatics dards were so broad that compliance with JCAH stan-
more fully into the curricula. In other words, the train- dards automatically meant compliance with Medicare
ing that future internal medicine colleagues are inter- standards. JCAHO publishes results of its survey for
ested in receiving may or may not come from within the world and consumers to see.
the profession itself. Though information management is woven through-
The Medical Informatics Advisory Panel drafted the out the standards, patients can easily and quickly scan
Medical School Objectives Project: Medical Informatics the list of standards for a given hospital on the JCAHO
Objectives at the request of the AAMC. The advisory Website that reports accreditation results and learn
panel identifies five roles played by physicians—life- how it stacks up on ‘‘Patient and Family Education.’’
long learner, clinician, educator/communicator, re- The most obvious measure, though again not the only
searcher, and manager—and identifies medical infor- measure pertaining to information delivery, is called
matics learning objectives required to support each ‘‘Literature to Support Decision Making.’’ It is inter-
role. The objectives are insightful and comprehensive esting to note that this measure often receives high
and reflect some of the skills already incorporated in scores. However, owning the literature does not pro-
master’s level programs in library and information sci- vide much insight into how effectively the literature is
ence [19]. used to support decision making.
The early JCAH required a hospital library as a
THE VALUE OF STANDARDS physical entity with standards specific to writing pol-
icies, collecting core medical text and reference books,
A review of quality assurance standards is appropriate and employing master’s of library science–degreed li-
here, but a lengthy one is not practical. Librarians and brarians. Hospital administrators, who seldom crossed
patients alike have strong support in place when it the threshold of libraries, began visiting libraries in
comes to addressing and assessing standards of care earnest prior to JCAH visits, leaving as suddenly as
by hospitals and managed care organizations. The they had arrived, assured that the hospital libraries
well-known National Committee for Quality Assur- met the standards. JCAH visiting teams came and
ance (NCQA) evaluates and rates managed care plans went, after glancing quickly into libraries and at the
and publishes the results of surveys as the Health Plan librarians who had, by then, absorbed the collective
Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS) Health anxiety of the institution concerning the visit. At this
Plan Report Card. Incorporated in the NCQA survey point in the development of hospital librarianship, the
are some questions from the AHRQ Consumer As- JCAH was viewed favorably, as a proponent for the
sessment of Health Plans (CAHPS) questionnaire. Con- existence of hospital libraries.
sumers are asked about satisfaction levels related to Dalrymple and Scherrer provided a review and in-
locating and understanding information provided by sight into the 1994 JCAHO standards, developed as an
health plans, as well as about customer service expe- Agenda for Change. The Agenda for Change focused
riences with health plans and physicians. Though con- on mission and institution-wide functions versus in-
sumers are not asked directly about receiving and un- dividual department standards. The 1994 standards
derstanding medical information appropriate to meet- removed the requirement to have a physical library but
ing specific needs, interest in access to, use of, and were again modified in 1996, owing to the efforts of
communication of quality-filtered medical information MLA’s JCAHO Information Task Force. The modifica-
is implied throughout the NCQA survey. For instance, tion acknowledged the role of professional librarians
NCQA ‘‘looks for evidence that health plans’ decisions in achieving organizational objectives related to infor-
about medical treatment and service are based on ac- mation management. By then, some damage had been
ceptable standards for medical practice,’’ and the done, and, unfortunately, some librarians have not yet
CAHPS focuses some attention on the nature and qual- realized that rather than being shut out of the process,
ity of the patient-physician interaction [20, 21]. they are now, in fact, integral to many parts of it. As
The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health- Dalyrmple and Scherrer concluded, ‘‘rather than re-
care Organizations (JCAHO) accredits 20,000 health stricting his or her role to supporting the library as a
care organizations including acute care hospitals, clin- physical or organizational unit, accreditation reviews
ical labs, health care networks, ambulatory care orga- present the health sciences librarian with a variety of
nizations, and home health agencies. Started by the opportunities to bring professional expertise to ongo-
American Hospital Association, the American Medical ing assessment and the development of best practices’’
Association, and the American College of Physicians [22].
in 1951 as the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Schardt delivers a review of several sections of the
Hospitals (JCAH), JCAHO has grown in influence over JCAHO standards that pertain to delivery of knowl-
the years and wields considerable power over the in- edge-based resources. As a profession, librarians have

J Med Libr Assoc 90(1) January 2002 27

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barely scratched the surface of fully integrating our Hospital Library Standards Committee—in conjunc-
services and functions within our institutions, and we tion with the Association of Hospital and Institution
are bound only by our own narrow assumptions of our Libraries, the Catholic Library Association, the Medi-
skills and roles within our institutions. In addition to cal Library Association, the Special Libraries Associa-
the rather cryptically reported ‘‘Literature to Support tion, and the American Library Association—devel-
Decision Making’’ JCAHO standard, there are oppor- oped and disseminated the Standards for Library Ser-
tunities for librarians to provide patient education, vices in Health Care Institutions in 1970. Standards of
hospital staff education, data and data analysis servic- this nature are essential to our profession, because
es for improving organizational performance, leader- they provide all practicing librarians, many working
ship through active participation as organizational as the only librarian on staff, with guidance and sup-
leaders or department heads, and many other oppor- port. These early documents formed a foundation
tunities if we look for them [23]. from which the 1984 and 1994 Standards for Hospital
Doyle in ‘‘IAIMS and JCAHO: Implications for Hos- Libraries were derived. Through these resources and
pital Librarians’’ links IAIMS and JCAHO frameworks, articles such as Topper et al.’s 1980 BMLA guide, we
noting that ‘‘IAIMS goals and JCAHO standards will can gain an understanding of the struggle, as well as
require a new set of skills, knowledge, interpersonal, the leadership that arose to meet the challenges, dur-
and informal network connections, even new job de- ing the relatively new age of electronic access to med-
scriptions and reporting structures for librarians’’ [24]. ical information [28].
This view is in line with Davidoff and Florance’s vision ‘‘Hospital Library Service and the Changes in Na-
for a new professional. tional Standards’’ reported an interesting set of data
The vast amounts of data generated by all of the from surveys conducted in both 1989 and 1994 relative
organizations, agencies, and institutions reporting or to compliance with both MLA and JCAHO standards.
working toward compliance with a variety of stan- Of particular interest was the perception by library
dards have provided remarkable opportunities for all. staff that compliance with JCAHO standards was low-
Consumers can search and sometimes even sort results er than was actually the case, when measured using
from Internet searches on JCAHO compliance, HEDIS criteria associated with the MLA standards [29].
surveys, and national or state data from the Nation- In his 1982 editorial in the Annals of Internal Medi-
wide Inpatient Sample (NIS) and State Inpatient Da- cine, ‘‘Do Hospitals Need Libraries,’’ Davies makes an
tabases (SID). Of special note is HCUPnet, standing impassioned case for maintaining medical library ser-
for Internet access to data from the AHRQ’s Health- vice, though the Department of Health and Human
care Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP). HCUPnet Services was considering eliminating it as a require-
provides access to NIS and SID data on morbidity, ment for receiving Medicare reimbursements. He
mortality, length of stay, and costs, further described points to the whopping number of 852 and growing
with demographic data on patients, information about MEDLARS terminals in community hospitals and
hospitals, and standardized codes. These standardized states, ‘‘Contrary to the belief of some short-sighted
codes include, but are not limited to, the ICD-9-CM hospital trustees, libraries are not shrines to culture.
codes for diagnoses and procedures. Some states have They are, in fact, necessary parts of any well-run mod-
customized search engine results from their SIDs to ern hospital committed to excellence in patient
deliver data specific to their states [25–27]. care. . . . All hospitals should be moving forward into
There are also datasets such as the National Hospital the new age of information, not backward into the
Discharge Survey from the National Center for Health nineteenth century’’ [30]. Shall we say now, that all
Statistics (NCHS) and the American Hospital Associ- hospitals should be moving forward into the new age
ation Annual Survey of Hospitals. Add to these the of the Internet and the electronic health consumer and
evidence-based databases and initiatives, and we can not backward into the twentieth century?
see why the word convergence is used so frequently In the October 1999 issue of the BMLA, medical li-
to capture the drama and energy of the electronic era. brarian Holtum reminds us that our central role may
For those of us who manage data and often look for not be to get busy clinicians to do their own literature
ways to mine it for maximum benefit, the time is ripe reviews, especially if they are not trained or comfort-
for looking at adding data elements that note use of able in doing so. Holtum points precisely to the same
knowledge-based evidence during the patient care argument Davidoff makes about physicians not nec-
process and for analyzing its use in avoiding errors, essarily being trained or having the time to read their
shortening hospital length of stay, and delivering bet- patients’ X rays. He reminds us that
ter outcomes for patients.
In 1978, MLA formed the Hospital Library Stan- though the clinician is certainly capable of learning and per-
dards and Practices Committee, which, in turn, devel- forming these tasks (though at considerable time and ex-
oped and published the Minimum Standards for Health pense), higher quality and greater cost-effectiveness are ob-
Science Libraries in Hospitals in 1984. Prior to this, the tained by using the skills of specialists instead. Can the same

28 J Med Libr Assoc 90(1) January 2002

Medical librarianship

not be said for the expertise and experience that librarians patients, as together we strive to attain an awareness
bring to the health care enterprise? . . . From a purely cost- of the unique opportunities before us.
effective standpoint, does it make sense for a clinician to Wolf, Chastain-Warheit, Easterby-Gannett, Chayes,
spend half an hour formulating a strategy of questionable and Long present readers with an overview of hospital
validity, when a librarian could execute the entire search in librarianship. Entitled ‘‘Hospital Librarianship in the
ten minutes with better results? [31]
United States: At the Crossroads,’’ the article reviews
the historical progress and current practice of hospital-
We have a lot to think about and to debate as we based clinical librarianship. A number of case studies
enter an electronic era that has grown beyond even our and snapshots show that though hospital librarians
own ambitious expectations. Hospitals are required to are creatures of their environments, their environ-
integrate information management objectives that ments can be enriched dramatically by their presence.
must include librarians. Physicians are desperate to Why do some clinical libraries fade away and others
make use of technology but have little time and energy thrive? What are some common themes of people and
to devote to this pursuit, all the while being ‘‘dragged place that differentiate the survivors from those that
along’’ by their patients, who themselves are desperate lack the energy required to weather inevitable and reg-
for information. Electronic information is plentiful, ular budget crises? More important for the future, how
and the Internet does freely deliver some very credible, can we learn from our successes to achieve permanent
non-peer reviewed information. Much of the credible status as members of the patient-care team? As we
information, however, is costly, and publishers have us build on the best we have to offer, we must do so with
in the crosshairs, charging by the number of potential the confidence that our core competencies are un-
users, by the number of simultaneous users, and by equalled by related professions. The authors of this ar-
any measure that yields them the most profit. ticle argue passionately for reconsideration of the in-
This series of articles will present state-of-the-art re- formationist as a reconsideration of hospital-based
views of different aspects of medical librarianship and clinical librarianship.
will help set the stage for a national, interdisciplinary The third article in the series emphasizes the estab-
discussion. Before us is the opportunity to get to the lishment of a peer relationship that comes into play
heart of what medical librarians can contribute to the only when the information professional is an integral
patient care team by looking at the needs of patients, part of the health care team at the point of need. Flor-
needs of physicians and other members of the health ance, Giuse, and Ketchell, in ‘‘Information in Context:
care establishment, roles medical informationists may Integrating Information Specialists into Practice Set-
play in development of a post-IAIMS information tings,’’ present the idea of a practicum, not conducted
management infrastructure, current skills and work- in a library setting, but serving as a sort of appren-
force issues for medical librarians, and education and ticeship where students in a health care setting join
training solutions. their mentors as peers upon completion of their ap-
The first article in this series is designed to set the prenticeships. Both clinical and bioscientific case stud-
ies are described and presented as working prototypes
stage and to remind us that one of the primary reasons
for this new type of information specialist. The case
for our profession, and the reason most of us choose
studies are successful in bringing this concept to life,
the profession, is to serve patients. Calabretta in her
because they describe programs that have matured
article, ‘‘Consumer-Driven, Patient-Centered Health
and succeeded in their own rights. Benefits to the pro-
Care in the Age of Electronic Information,’’ calls atten- fession and to each participating institution are includ-
tion to patients, senior citizens, friends, and family ed, along with lessons learned along the way. Academ-
members concerned for the health of loved ones, par- ic health sciences centers are presented as natural
ents, and children of adult parents, who find an un- homes for contextual learning and as possessing both
precedented amount of health information at their fin- the infrastructure and culture required for supporting
gertips via the Web. At the same time, these newly rich a developing health informationist program.
possessors of health information yearn for contact Next, Detlefsen provides a review and summary of
with physicians who will answer their emails and offer health sciences librarianship education in the United
them refuge when lost in an overwhelming amount of States in ‘‘The Education of Informationists, from the
data and medical advice. Health information consum- Perspective of a Library and Information Sciences Ed-
ers are even in a position to add to the knowledgebase ucator.’’ Understanding the objectives behind recent
on disease therapies as they share information with efforts by the National Library of Medicine, library and
one another in chat rooms and as they create health information sciences programs, and medical informat-
Websites. It seems that everyone can be a consumer, a ics programs to train professionals needed to fill a vac-
mentor, a publisher, and a knowledge worker. Cala- uum helps put the recent informationist proposal into
bretta speaks of partnerships between public librari- perspective. Five case studies are presented to bring
ans and medical librarians, between physicians and to life several career paths open to professionals pos-

J Med Libr Assoc 90(1) January 2002 29

Shearer et al.

sessing health care and library and information science profession adds enough to the mix to be in a position
backgrounds. Detlefsen offers several ideas for plan- to offer viable career paths to the same new profession.
ning, among them a joint effort by the Medical Library The concluding article by Homan and McGowan re-
Association, the American Medical Informatics Asso- minds us that the objective of delivering quality infor-
ciation, and the Association of American Medical Col- mation is the cornerstone of our profession, as we enter
leges to accredit informationist programs or a joint the second century of MLA’s existence. Though an
board of national examiners for certifying informa- awareness of and urgency to reinvent ourselves is un-
tionists. deniable, we must do this by mindfully building on
Byrd, in his contribution, ‘‘Can the Profession of traditional strengths that helped define our profession
Pharmacy Serve as a Model for Health Informationist during the first one hundred years. These strengths
Professionals?’’ provides a fresh insight into what he revolve around our ability to acquire, organize, and
terms ‘‘health information care’’ by drawing a parallel access knowledge-based resources. With these core
with a recent migration by pharmacists into a ‘‘phar- competencies at the center of our profession, addition-
maceutical care’’ model. In response to a need by the al skill sets may be added that will allow for move-
health care team for a professional peer capable of set- ment by our members into a rich and diverse assort-
ting or changing the course of drug therapy, the phar- ment of career paths. This may involve some retooling
macy profession planned and successfully implement- by practicing librarians and restructuring of profes-
ed the pharmaceutical care model. Byrd compares the sional degree programs, as well as taking a coura-
professional training, work environments, practice geous new look at credentialing. We have many chal-
roles, and philosophies of pharmacists to those of the lenges before us. We are prepared to participate fully
newly created doctors of pharmacy, alongside a simi- in the national dialog proposed by the Institute of
lar treatment for librarians and informationists, in a Medicine, so that we might all cross the ‘‘quality
most credible and practical way. The description of the chasm’’ together.
pharmaceutical care movement, requiring new and
practicing pharmacists to take on expanded clinical REFERENCES
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