Está en la página 1de 22


1 l M ir a d la p r im e r a p á g in a . Es u n a i ntroducc¡ón a l o que va a desarrol l arse en l a
u n id a d , y o s d a r á a co n o ce r a lg unas expresi ones i ngl esas que se uti l i zarán en
e lla .
2) En fa página Do you remember2 encontraréis algunas expresiones aprend¡das
e n la u n id a d p r e ce d e n te . M ir a d l a i l ustraci ón y l eed l as expresi ones.
3) Practicad las Language activities. Se componen de imágenes, rimas para la
p r o n u n cia ció n , r o m p e ca b e za s y j uegos; l as i nstrucci ones se encuentran en
ca d a p á g in a . M u ch o s d e e sto s ej erci ci os van acompañados de preguntas gra-
b a d a s e n la ca sse tte ; cu a n d o se dé este caso. mi rad l a pági na correspondi en-
te , e scu ch a d la ca sse tte y r e sp onded a l as preguntas. S egui damente, haced
p r á ctica s s¡ n la ca sse tte , r e sp o ndi endo a preguntas que pueden ser foP mul a-
d a s p o r u n co m p a ñ e r o .
4 ) Escu ch a d la ca n ció n g r a b a d a e n l a cassette, mi rad el texto y l a i l ustraci ón, y
a p r e n d e d a ca n ta r la ( si q u e r é is tocarl a a l a gui tarra, encontraréi s l a parti tura
e n la m ism a p á g in a ) . Vo lve r é is a oír l a mi sma canci ón en el comi c.
5) Seguid fas instrucciones de How to make it? y practicad las expresiones ingle-
sa s co n e l o b je to q u e h a b r é is c onstrui do.
6) Mirad la página de Words & Phrases y pract¡cad con ellas. Son palabras y ex-
p r e sio n e s q u e ya h a n sid o u tilizadas en l a uni dad.
7) En las páginas centrales hay otros rompecabezas, objetos para construir y
posters que podéis separar.


1) M ir a d fa p r im e r a p á g in a , le e d la s expresi ones de l a pági na D oyou remember?

y practicad las Language activities como en las unidades impares.
2 l M ir a d la s im á g e n e s d e l co m ic. D espués escuchad l a cassette si n mi rar l as
im á g e n e s: h a ce d lo p o sib le p a r a comprender l o que está¡s oyendo. S egui da-
m e n te , m ir a d e l co m ic y e scu ch ad, al mi smo ti empo, l a cassette. P odéi s can-
ta r la s ca n c¡ o n e s, r e p e t¡ r lo q u e l os personaj es di cen, hacer al gunos di buj os
r e fle ja n d o lo q u e h a su ce d id o e n el comi c y escri bi r al gunas frases en i ngl és.
3l Re a liza d lo s e je r cicio s d e e scr itura.
4l En la s p á g in a s ce n tr a le s e n co n traréi s un di cci onari o i l ustrado que podéi s se-
p a r a r y co le ccio n a r .

No ofvidéis que las páginas de Language activities os ayudan a ejercitar diversos

a sp e cto s d e la le n g u a in g le sa , y q u e di chos aspectos se repasan en l os comi cs de
l a s u n id a d e s p a r e s o yé n d o lo s r o d e ados de otras expresi ones. R ecordad tambi én
q ue , sie m p r e q u e o s se a p o sib le , d ebéi s practi car con vuestros fami l i ares y ami -
g os la s e xp r e sio n e s in g le sa s q u e aprendéi s.
ll¡ ffi

En esta unidad repasaréis el modo de utílízar el presente, el pasado y el futuro. También apren-
deréis algunas palabras utílizadas en los Juegos Olímpicos y podréis leer unos textos dedicados a
diferentes maneras de emplear eltiempo libre.
D@Y0t9 ffiR?@

Look at the prctures.The people are playing
differentsports,but somethingis wrong in each
picture.What is it? Say the missingwords.
1. Youdon'tplay. .. witha ...
2. You don't pl ay . .. on
3. Youdon'tplay. .. witha ...
4. You don't play . .. on
5. You don't .. on A nsw erson page1 6.
E ES=>
Look at the picture, read the words and listen to the
tape. Then listen again and say the sentences.

Bernard Green, the reporter, is on the moon'

He's watching the GalacticGames.
B. Green: Hallo, listeners! This is Bernard
Green, speaking from the moon.
It's the third day of the Galactic
Games here on the moon, and
the f¡rst race todaY is going to be
the 1000 metres. Standing next
to me is Mr. Barreü of Barett's
Circus. Mr. Barrett, who do you
t hink i s g o i n g to w i n th e 1 0 0 0
Mr. Barrett: I think Mike Mason is going to
win. Mike Mason from the Earth.
He won the 1000 metres and the
5000 metres in the OlYmPic
G am e s ,a n d s o I th i n k h e ' s g o i n g
to win today, too.
B. Green: Well. the Earth has won two
silver medals and one bronze
medal. So, if Mike Mason wins,
that will give the Earth its first
gold m e d a l . N o w , h e re ' s ... e r ...
Ah, here's Gertrude the giraffe.
Let's see what she thinks. Excuse
me, Gertrude, who do You think
is going to win the 1000 metres?
Gertrude: Me.
B. Green: A h . . . e r, w e l l , ... e r ... th a n k Y o u ,
Gertrude.And ... good luck.

the GalacticGames los Juegos Galácticos

the OfympicGames los Juegos Olímpicos
the 1000metres los 1000metros
a medal una medalla
gofd oro
silver plata
bronze bronce
' t 15/ 3


Look at thesetwo picturesand answerthe questionsin the box.

1. What are the woman and the baby 5 . What is the man going to do in the
doing in the first picture? first picture?
2. What is the girl doing in the first pic- 6. Look at the second picture. Did the
ture? woman and the baby get on the bus?
J. What are the boys doing in the first 7. Did the girl miss her bus?
picture? 8. Did the ball hit the girl?
4. What is the boy with the bat going to 9. Has the man posted his letter?
do in the first oicture? Answers on page 16.

1 1 5/ 4

?ú% sdhf Sfumovv


Ja¡va l'l u,rn,

Look at the list above. Can

you answer the questions
1. What did Peterdo today?
2. What did Sallydo?
3. What did Jane do?
Mum mother 4. What did Simon do?
Dad father 5. What did Andy do?
6. What did their mother do?
Answers on page 16. 7. What did their father do?
More rhymes.
Here are some more Englishrhymesfor you. Listento them on the tape. Then listenagain and say

1 . Seea pin and pickit up,

All theday you'llhavegoodluck.
La segunda rima se refiere a las urracas,
2 . Onefor a wish, aunque en ocasionesse aplica tambíén a
Two for a kiss, los cuervos.
Threefor a letter,
Fivefor silver, pick it up recógelo(a)
Sixfor gold, a wish un deseo
Seven for a secret that's never a kiss un beso
beentold. a secret un secreto
3 . lf you find a ladybird,you say: that's neverbeen gue no se ha dicho
'Ladybird,ladybird,fly away home. tofd nunca
Your houseis on fire,your children a ladybird una mariquita
aregone.' on fire incendiadoh)

! oa,Ñ.n^a
! ü[JNttr¡
Song. Alleqr o( J:152)

Ger-trudewon the com -!e ti -t¡on, and now ev -ery-ones stng-lng het s0ng

won the moon song

Ger-tfude com' pe - tl -tt0n,and now ev - ery-one
s sing-rngher song

Gertrude won
the competition. wrote it her - self- and she sung it ve - ry well, and now sln0-ing her
ev - ery'one's song


Gertrudewon the competit¡on,

And now everyone'ssinginghersong.
Gertrudewon the Moon Song Competition,
And now everyone'ssinginghersong.
Shewrote it herself,
And shesangit verywell,
And now everyone's singinghersong.



@ & )o @)

B. Green: I think they're going to start.

Yes! That was the gun! They're off ! And
Norman is runningwell. So are Gertrude
and Mike Mason. Oh, and Coco is
running the wrong way! ... And now
Gertrude the giraffe is in front. I think
it's going to be Gertrude Yes,
Gertrude the giraffe has won the 1000
metres! Norman is second and Mike
Mason is third And I think it must be a
record ... Yes, yes, it is! ... That was a
new Galactic record! So Gertrude the
Look at the picture,read the words and listento
giraffe'haswon the first gold medal for
the tape. Then listen again and say the sen-
the Earth and it's a new record. Well
done, Gertrude!Why is everyonelaugh-
ing? Oh yes, I see. lt's Coco. Coco is
a gun una pistola
still running the wrong way! COCOI
they're off! ¡han salido!
a record un récord (una marca)

1 1 5/ B
Where d¡d the tourists go?
Choosethe rightway for the busand answerthe questionat the top of the page.



Answeron pageD. Northern lreland

Lo que ha sucedidoen el pasado Lo que sucede

ten minutes ) f morning Presente continuo aml"

two hours I yesterday I afternoon
threedays I
I eventng i are you
"go what I is lorrn ¡
six months
I night I arethe children ]
ten years )
wegk l' m(la m) ) ll¡ste
in 1972 month He's (He is) | | r."to
year They're(Theyare) J ( play

Pretérito did en las frases interrogativas y negativas

I arrivedlast Friday. Presente simple
Billwent homeyesterdayafternoon. doldoes en las

f you comeby bus? Yes,I did.

^,,n I Annetelephoneyou? No, shedidn't.
l/We I always I
You/They I often I
He/She sometimes
I fiever I
t )
Pretérito continuo was/were ...-ing
Do you
what | ::1",t^:1 | ooins,whenthetetephone
( was Jane ) -'
rang? DoesMary
I was I Iwatching television.
Wewe r e I ltatking.
She was J I workingin the garden.

Present Perfect have/has (arrived, seen, etc.)

I've (l have)lost my umbrella.
Haveyou ) - beento America? - No, I haven't.
ever I
HasJáck I lvisited India? Yes,he has.

Present Perfect en forma continua

have/has been ...-ing

jl fr¡yet. l o""n f Plr.n¡TgEnslish t:, tw.o^years.

She's (She has) livinghere
l I since1977.
| J I
How - - f haveyou ) Deen [ lea rn in g E n g lis h ?
- .,-long
--^ -
I haslohn I I liuinghóre?-
nte y Futuro
n el presente Lo que sucederáen el futuro

lare ¡ morning ( week on Friday

tomorrow I afternoon next I month in August
l ( n ow) ? I evenrng I year in 1 9 9 2
I (rt tn" moment)?

ng to the radio.
going to ...
rg a magazine.
rgtennis. f are you )
What I ü ffi- | ooins to do tomorrow?
I arethe children J
l'm (lam) ( stayat home.
ases interrogativas y negativas He's (He is) goingto I write someletters.
They're (They are) I nlavfootball.
play )
I football on Saturdays. Futuro simple will/shall ...
plays J
l'll be fourteen on my next birthday.
'ery day? Yes' I do' The Oueen will visit New York in July.
'ár" *""L2 No. she doesn't. -
tetYYeat( wiil Mr.smithbeheretornorro*? I::'*"#jh,
.. I I make some tea? (ofrecimiento)
{ *" go to the cinemathis evening?(sugerencia)
l'm thirsty.
-O.K., f'll makesometea. (decisión)
Answerto pageA.
The touristswent to Wales.
What's the puppy's name?

3WY h"qaf "

Poned las ilustraciones en el orden correc-

to y averiguad qué frases las describen.
Cuando las ilustraciones estén ordenadas,
las letras que hay en los ángulos de las
mismas formarán el nombre del cachorro.
Elegid entre estas frases:
The woman is frying meat balls.
The woman has made meat balls.
The woman is going to make meat balls.
The puppy has eatenthe meat balls.
The puppy is going to eat the meat balls.
The puppy is eatingthe meat balls.
A nsw ers on p ag e 16 . What's the puppy's name?
Readingab ou t h ob bie s.

1. Philip'shobby is making models. Last sewing. She usually makes her own
year he made model Planes,but this dresses,and knits her own jumPers.
year he is making model trains. Philip She has also knitted jumpers for her
is making the stations and the scenery family.
himself,too. 5 . Julian's hobby is gardening.He grows
2 . Michelle's hobby is acting. She be- flowers and vegetablesin the garden,
longs to a theatre club. The children and he readsa lot of books about gar-
act plays and make their own cos- dening. Last year he won a prize in a
tumes and scenery. Sometimes they gardeningcompetition:it was for the
write their own plays, too. Michelle biggesttomato!
wants to be an actress.
6 . Matthew and Robert like PoP music.
3. Paul likes drawing and painting pic- Matthew plays the drums and Robert
tures. He is very good at drawing peo- plays the electric guitar. They belong
ple. Paul wants to be an artist, and to a pop group and they practiseevery
next year he is going to go to evening evening after school. Robert also
classesat an art school. writes songs. They are going to make
4. Janet's hobbies are knitting and their first record soon.

a hobby una afición, un pasatiempo,

una distracción
a model un modelo
scenery paisaje,decorado
to act representar (una obra teatral),
actuar (en el teatro)
to belong pertenecer
a theatre un teatro
a cl ub un club
a play una obra teatral
a costume un traje
their own su(d propio(s) (de ellos)
an actress una actriz
to garden cultivar (un jardín)
an artist un(a) artista
art arte
to knít hacerpunto
to sew coser
electric eléctrico(a)(s)
a group un grupo
a record un disco

1 15/ 10
115/ 1 1
How to make fa-2ü cm-----fl

glove puppets and

a puppet theatre.
{ | l9ut ¡ere-

Acting playswith puppetsis a

good hobby. Here is how to
make an easy glove puppet.

1. Takeapieceof paper Q5x20 cmormore). Draw2 cmsquaresonitlikethis.Thendrawthe

lineson it.
Cut along the lines. Put the piece of paper on two pieces of material, Cut them out and
sew the edges. Draw a face on the head. Or you can make a neck and put a new head on
the neck.

2 . You can make a head from differentthings. For example:a) Take a piece of newspaper'Make
a ball with it. Put a nylon stocking over it. b) Or use a table-tennisball with a nylon stocking
over it. c) You can even use a potato or a piece of soapl You can cut the potato and the soap,
and make a face.

115/ 12
3. Draw eyes,a noseand a mouth. Or use but- 4. You could make Coco, Mr. Barrett and
tons or pins for eyes. Make hair from wool the others, Then you could act plays with
or strino. them.

a) You need a cardboardbox
- 40 cm long, 15 cm wide
and 28 cm high (o,' it can
be bigger).

b) Cut it like this:

c) Paint it or giue paper on d) Use it on your lap or on a table.

the outside. lt could be a
wall, for example. glove puppets marionetas de guante
material tejido, tela
a neck un cuello
a nylon stocking una media de nilón
soap jabón
wool lana
on your lap sobre vuestras rodíllas (regazo)

115/ 13
Palabrasrelativas a los dePortes: a group un grupo
the OlympicGames los Juegos Olímpicos a record un disco
a medal una medalla an electricguitar una guitarra eléctríca
gold oro
Palabras relativas a las aficiones:
silver plata
a hobby una afición,
bronze bronce
un pasatiempo
a gun una pistola
a model un modelo
they're off! ¡han salido! a modelplane un avión en miniatura
a record un récord, una marca
knit (past:knitted) hacerpunto
Palabrasrelatívasalteatro y a la música: sew (past:sewed) coser
a theatre un teatro art arte
a puppet una maríoneta
scenery paisaje,decorado Otraspalabras:
a play una obra teatral a wish un deseo
a costume un traje a kiss un beso
an actress una actriz a secret un secreto
act (past: acted) representar (una obra a ladybird una mariquita
teatral) on fire incendíadob)

g*N. -,.ri:r@:

they're off

i ;

' r :t- ' # {


rel Á
";*. -

Song. Allesro{J:152}

ev-ery-one'ssing-¡ng son¡_.

Ger-trudewtrthemootr 6m-pe-t¡-tion,andnü hsr song-,

Gertrude won
the competition.
Tfrrn [5'T-n
l_# l--]--i--H
ffi-n l||t i l i l tl

Indicacionespara padresy educadores Página 8. Revisiónde algunasformasverbalesy, además,de los ordina-

les first/second/third. En primerlugar,los niñosescuchanel
La presenteunidady la siguienteconstituyenla segundade las cuatro l l o3l l
l]-t texto grabadoen la cinta; luego, lo escuchande nuevo y re-
seriesde ejerciciosde revisióniniciadasen el fascículo113. Estasegunda pitenlasfrases.
seriese centra en las distintasformasverbales,así como en los t¡empos Pági na 9. Ejercicio que permiterepasarel presentecontinuo,el futuroex-
pasado,presentey futuro,que los n¡ñoshan aprendidoa lo largodel curso. presadocon la forma verbalgo¡ng to y el Present perfect.
Introduceasimismoalgunaspalabrasrelacionadas con los Juegos Olím-
Los niños ordenancorrectamentelas ilustracionesy repiten
picos y con diversospasatiempos. las frasesrelacionadas con cada una de ellas.Las letrasque
aparecenen un ángulo de los dibujosforman el nombredel
Indicacionesreferentesa las páginasde la presenteunidad cacnorro.
P á g i n a1 . Páginade ¡ntroducc¡ónque presentael tema de los Juegos Páginas10-11. Ejerciciode lecturaque presentaun texto basadoen dí-
Olímpicos. lÉl versos pasatiempos.Se introducenvarias palabrasnuevas
Página2. Revisióndel vocabulario relativo a los deportes, que ha sido l:r-fl (parasabercómo se p¡onuncian,los niñosescuchanla c¡nta).
aorendidoen la unidad113. así como de la forma verbalnega- Páginas12-'13. PáginasHow to mak6 it que muestrana los niñoscómo
t¡va del presentesimple(don't). Los niñosaveriguanqué ano- confeccionarmar¡onetas de guantey un teatro para mar¡one-
malíahay en cadadibujoy completanlasfrases. tas. Si reproducenlos personajesdel Circo Barrett,podrán
Página 3 Diálogoque permite repasaralgunasformas verbales;intro- representar los diálogosde las unidadesimparesy las h¡stor¡as
duce, además,algunaspalabrasrelacionadas con los Juegos de lasunidadesoares..
i t ú tl
li---J Olímpicos.Los niñosescuchanel diálogoen la cinta;después, Páginas14-15. Lashabituales páginasde vocabulario.
lo escuchande nuevoy rep¡tenlasfrases.
Pág¡na4. Revisióndel presentecontinuo y del futuro expresadopor
medio de la forma verbalgoing to, así como del pretéritoy del
Present perfect. Los niños observan las dos ilustracionesy ANSWERS TO PAGE 2: 1. Yor¡ don't play tennis with a football'
las comparan.Después,respondena laspreguntasque figuran 2. You don't play baseballon skateboards.3.You don't play table
en la página. tennis with a baseball bat. 4. You don't play football on skates'
Página5. Revisióndel pretér¡tode varios verbos. Los niños leen la l¡sta 5. You don't ski on tennis rackets.
de las tareas domésticasque ha tenido que realizarcada ANSWEBS TO PAGE 4: 1. They are waiüng for a/the bus' 2' She
miembrode una familiay respondena las preguntas.Después, b running. 3. They are playing baseball.4. He is going to hir the
. puede usted preguntarlesDid you make your bed today?' ball. 5. He is going to post a letter. 6. YG6'they d¡d.7' Yes, she did'
etc., o también,empleandoel presentesimplepara expresar 8. No, it didn't. lt hit tha man. 9. No, he hasn't.
una costumbre,Do you wash the dishosT,etc. ANSWERSTO PAGE5: 1. He washedthe dishes.2' She made the
Página 6. Elerciciode pronunciación basadoen unaspopularesrimasin- be&.3. She cleanedth€ car.4. He went shoppirq.5. He didn't do
glesasque permilen pract¡carel ritmo de las frases. Los niños anything. lHe is a babyll 6. She made b'reakfast.7, He made lunch'
ll a:r ll
l---1-l escuchan Drimeroestas rimas completas;a continuac¡ón,las ANSWERS TO PAGE 9: The correct order is: S: The woman is
escuchande nuevoy lasrep¡tenversoa verso. going to make meat balls. l: The woman is frying meat balls' L:
Página 7. Canción que presenta algunos ejemplos de verbos en preté- The woman has made meat balls' V: The puppy is gcing to eat the
a::r r¡to y en presentecontinuo. Apareceráde nuevo en la h¡stor¡a meat balls. E: The puppy is eating the meat balls. R: The puppy has
| de la unidad116. Su partiturase encuentraen lo alto de esta eaten the meat balls.So the puppy's name is SILVER.

115/ ' t 6

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