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(An Answer to Jeffrey DeBoob)

first read Jeffrey DeBoob's ·Naziism, Racism, and Satanism'"

in The Blaek Flame. journal of the Ghureh of Satan. Since then
it has been reprinted in other Satanic magazines more often
than pny other article I ean recalJ. DeBoob is editor of his
own jovrnal Pale Reflections, which he advertises as "Satanism
without fascist/racist/authoritarian nonsense.·
Church of Satan
Despite his anti-fascist, libertarian obsession, DeBoob
manages to hang on to the coat-tails of the Ghurch of Satan,
while declaring himself to be "independent", although the GOS
Magister Peter Gilmore, has written:
"ln as much as fascism stands for an embracing of the
natural order and a rejection of 'anything goes' attitudes
that have hindered our society, particularly since the 1960s
, then fascists we are. " (The Black Flame Vol 4 #1 & 2)

COS High Priest LaVey himself has stated:

" lf a neo-fascist look- or outlook- makes for men who look
like men and "omen who look /ike women, l'm all for it.w
~ (TBF Vol 4 43 &4)

l~~ But Del}oob has remai ned mute on these pieces of fasei sm
J1emanating from the top of the GOS.
>"'J'/:lndividualism. Collectivism. Personality
-~ Turning to DeBoob's anti-fascist epistle, he begins by quoting
-~Mein Kampf, where Hitler states that the creation of a culture
'~ is predicated on the willingness of individuals to subordinate
~ ~their selfish tendeneies to the wider interests of the folkish
!. communi ty.
~-,_:r DeBoob's "Satanism W
is the type of "hyper-individualism"
~ 1 Hitler condemns as having a weakening faetor in Germany during

_l!the Weimer regime. DeBoob states, "Hitler recognized that the
masses are sheep/ ike- but rather than depJoring this, he
applauds it ••. •
-- What's the use of deploring facts, rather than recognizing
-rt them when making State policy? It is communism that tried to
. overeome nature, ineluding human nature. Is not Satanism
1. supposed to be the ·carnal doctrine", recognizing the laws 07
f nature (as fascism did) rather than seeking to negate them with
t dogma? What of man as Wjust another animalw as LaVey puts it?
- Recognition of the herdlike nature of man is just a
realization that man is tribai like other species, and has
within that ·life collective· (as Nietzsehe put it) its natural
outstanding leaders, who must neeessarily be individuals.
National Socialism sought to harness the outstanding indi-
vidual to the service of the folk community (tribel. just as
the best is selected in a herd to lead, rather than let the out
standing individual waste and .r-o t; as democratic societies do.
To quote Hitler:·The progress and cu/ture of humanity are not
a product of the majority, but rest exclusively on the genius
and energy of the personality.·
lndeed it's the roottessness of America which has caused_its
great art1sts to exile themselves from the cultural sewer of
America. or die in rejection. While NS Germany was patronizing
its great artists. T.S El'liot, Ezra Pound, Hemingway and Scott
Fitzgerald Jeft those sterile shores, the latter returning to

die of alcoholic poisoning. Other literary figures suehas Hart

Crane a nd Thomas Heggen committed suicide b e f or-e their prime.
Pound was caged in Italy then returned to Ameriea for eommittal
in a lunatie asylurn for opposing the Roosevelt war-mongering
regillip, d?nie~ !iter~ry honours solelyon p0litic31 groundi.
t DeBoob
Ye t ifipo tn cabout
a e Germany killed 01'
s how NS i e x l e d

1ts c u Lt u r a l elite. \I,~~IO is heteferr:i'~~g t o e a b o nch o f Dad a Ls t

dabbJers 01' profit-driven pornographers?
DeBoob has visions (nightmares?) of HitleI' as "the jackbooted
pontiff whose mesmerising voiee holds his flock in his thrallV
~ith "no LaVey challenging each man to live for.himself ••• " Yet
what LaVey writes is of the Satanist eoming forth In splendour
"through b i e Satanic might" proclaiming "/ am a Satanist. Bow
down, Por I am the higbest embodiment o f human t s r«:»:«, Bible)
The Best
DeBoob then condemns racism in typical Jjbertarian terms as a
collectivism that coniers automatie superiority 01' inferiority
o n an individua.l accC\rding to r ece , regardJess of actual
ability. Eut It is precisely the rEc~g~ition of innate differ-
ences not on)y between races but within races that i5 the basis
of NS. However the NS regime saw as its duty the elevation of
the humblest citizen to the highest eultural level possible. 1t
also recognized that one cannot appreciate culture too weil
with an empty stornach. adestitute family and no secure incorne.
Hence the pioneering sDcial and economic reforms. This cultural
~ elevation It set about to achieve by providing subsidized
~-: -:)excursions to the humblest workeT who was given opportunities
:1 ':.'~;lto appreciate h ls nation's c u lt.ur-ewhieh had formely been
~- - j'!reserved for the wealthier c las ses , 'k'hat do you think "Strength
~j;through Joy" was DeBoob, compulsory weight-Jifting classes?
-~i/. DeBoobi 11ustrates hi s point:
YR "Fnde ed HitJer's fiT-st fol/owers, b i s Brownshirts .• were re-
t~~ cruited from the trash o I' Germeny , the Pei l ur e e and the
p-~ brawJers of the streets who resented the creat i ve and
"'- successfuJ peop/e in their own cDuntry.R
. ,l One wonders what episode of "Hogan's Heroes· DeBoob has been
_:. watchi ng. These •br-ownshir-ted scum' were for the most part war-
'iJveterans. many of whom had their l Lve l f hood s destroyed by the
\idi sastrousWeimer regime and the Versei lIes Di kta t and who
4fought back, rather than wimper as DeBoob would prefer.
h Let us take as an example the martyrs of the 1923 Munich
llPutsch to see what kind of "trash" DeBoob 15 referring to:
11 Allfarth (businessman). Bauriedl (hatter), Casella (bank \
t crk Eh.rI ich t ba nk
Le L, le r-k Faust (ba nk c r-k), Hechenberger
L, c Le

-i I loeksrnitht, Korner (businessman). Kuhn (headwaiter), Laforce

t:(student of engineering), Neubauer t va le t L, Pape (businessman) '\
.~Pfordten (Country Court CounsiJlor), Rickers eret. Calvary
ICaptain), Scheuber-Richter (Doctor of Engineering), Stransky
Cengineerl, Wolf{businessman).
Who ·is this worm DeBoob to cast aspersions upon these heroes?
;:Mer i tocracy
' DeBoob ne>:.tcompares Nazism with Medieval Christianity, both
being held as ftconformist· ideologies which killed 01' exiled
"the most creative and independent minds". "Nazism was arevolt
o F the street trash which Il'iped 01' drove ali1 ay the count ry I e
true elite", we are again reminded.
No, DeBoob, Communism was the revolt of street trash, against
which the evil Brownshlrts laid down theil' lives fighting.
The NS State instituted a meritocr-acy based o n talent rather·- 'I
than the selection of rulers by head counting, as in dernocracY.i
The Cabinet ineluded such~people as; Joseph Goebbels (doctor of
philosophy) as minister of propaganda; Dr Walter Darrre,
minister of agricuJture. whose advice as an agricu1tul'al ~xpert
had been widely sought by European governments prior to the
.Nazi advent; Dr Wilheim Frick. Minister of the Interior, widel
known throughout Europe as a patron of chamber music (the
street trash!); Hans Frank, president of the Law Academy,
doctor of jurisprudence; Bernard Rust, minister of science and
education, who had twice turned down offers of professorship in
favour of a humble teaching position which he considered amor
practical way to help youth.
Indeed, looking at the 1938 Reich Cabinet, of its 20 members,
9 held doctorates, with others such as Hess holding degrees and
diplomas of some type.
Cultural Elite
It was precisely because Germany was reconstructing its
cultural life that some of the greatest intellects and artists
in Europe backed her. They saw the possibilities of a general
European cultural renaissance.
Arno Breker's sculptures and other neo-clas~ical art and arch
itecture adorned public buildings and parks. Intellectuals of
lasting impact such as Heidegger, and writers of the stature 0
Pound and Knut Hamsen declared themselves supporters of the
The democrats' answer was to bomb a defenceless open city,
Dresden, primarily because it was a cultural centre; and
consign Europe's cultural elite to death, jail or cleaning the
streets as part of wdenazificationw• Brekers sculptures were
sledgehammered by American GI's.
Wotan Archetype
The significance of National Socialism for Satanists is more
specifically that it tapped the Shadow of the repressed
European collective unconscious, releasing a great Dionysian or
Wotanic creative urge, viewed favourably by Carl Jung.
__ DeBoob ends by praising LaVey for having always rejected "w i t.t:
l~contemptW overtures from ·neo-nazis·, thereby defending the
wintegrity of the Satanic philosophy.w But what can we make of
the association of Boyd Rice and Michael Moynihan (the former,
__,ii if not the latter, a cas priest) with the GOS. Or of LaVey's
-~ gift of an autographed copy of The Satanic Bible to NS

ideologue James Mason, whose book SIEGE was edited and

published by Moynihan and heavily advertised in The Black
DeBoob ends with a warning that any association with ·Naziism"
·will derail the Satanist movement in to the junkyard of failed
ideas and missed opportunities.- Yet his own ideology, somehow
masquerading as ·Satanism·, is just a re-hash of 19th Century
.-Whig Liberal ism with the dash of inani ty that is typical of a
t member of Homo Boobus Americanus. DeBoob far from bei ng a
1: ·Satanic Adversary· of entrenched orthodoxy is just a- very low
grade promoter of the status quo, an ehoer of 50 year old
System cliches against one of the most heretical movements in
W. Grimwald
The Black Order
P.O Box 38-262

INTI-I[ -0 -LJ\ C~
Tbe Social Darwinist position stay at home to survive and
of most Satanists often seems thus to continue their lineage?
to produce an enthusiastic pro- - the least fit and able. -
War sentiment. Si nce the West Dysgenics in op~ration.
has been imbued with a sickly Let us quote a few biologists
pacifism, as part of the on the subject:
liberal package a pro-militir- ftln the GerlllanArmy about 10
istic attitude by the adver- million men were in the
saries nf the present System is fjeld; of thelll19% fell •..
in order. of the officers on the
However we shouldn't 1005e active list as many as 39.2
sight of perhaps the primary % fell, of the younger ones
philosophical foundation of over a haI f. A sacrifice of
Satanism; that of balance. This blood was made by the edu-
is something inherited by cated civilian class. Of
Satanism from its Pagan origins the students who went forth
:t was somethihg most evident , a good half must have
in the ethos of the ancient never come back; of those
Greek and Norse cultures. In who went into the field in
opposing theliberal-pacifist 1914, much more than half.
morality we should also be It is probably not tOD much
mindful that the-glorification to say that of that tenth
of War per se can produce as of the young men of Germany
much imbalance as the present which stood highest in
elevation of peace as a mo r-s! mental capacity, most are
absolute. no moreW-Fritz Lenz.
Pacifism is itself a sYlllpton
o f a Ci vi Iisa t i on i n .dec line. WThe losses by the French in
In countering the pacifist the the Great War (3.4% of the
Social Darwinist contends that population was killedJ mean,
War is an evolutionary mecha- as in other peoples who
nism. It is one of several fought in this war, a
instances where Darwinian terrible contra-selection
selection is misappl-ied to of the best blood ... •
society and history; a product -Hans Gunther.
of the English Whig Liberal Gunther went on to point out
credd of the 19th Gentury which that the population was being
-distorted Darwinist theories replenished by less desirable
to justify unrestrained
capital ism.
War per se is not evolutionary
lndeed, it is often dysgenic,
especially since the beginning
of the ·historical- period. It
has been a factor in the fall
of nations and entire Civil-
isations which were often cut

in their prime. Consider: who
are the first to die in war?-
1'it t~::,,~d bravest. ""'0
elements via im~jgration. despite trendyassertions to
Sparta, whose ethos and sociaJ the contrary by sociaJ anthro-
order were capable 6f breaking p%gists. When pacifism re-
the cycJe of cu/tural decline presses the agressive trait it
as few other societies have, simpJy breaks out in other ways
nevertheJess coJJapsed because It might find expression in
of the perpetua I sta te o.f war- thuggery or in sports; in
fare which drained her popu- either negative or positive re-
lation despite the eugenic adjustments.
poJicies and attempts at pop- The first duty of the State i e
ulation expansion enacted by to sec ure the protection of its
her statesmen. citizens. Therefore neither
perpetua/ war nor a suicidal
pacifism are desirable. Most
*** wars this century have been the
What is needed is areturn to resu/t of liberal-humanitarian
balance. Oswald Mos/ey and meddling in the name of ·world
other veterans who returned to peacew• No nation should sacri-
Eng/and from the First World fice its best blood in the
War founded the British Union service of a war that doesn't
of Fascists not to glorify War, serve its interests.
but to apply its lessons to I suggest the balanced view
peacefuJ reconstruction: the 1s: work for peace; prepare for
·socialism of the trenches"
they calJed it. Their slogan wurF GR I/'1WALV
expressed balance when they re- The BIsck Order
sisted the warÄmongers who P.O. Box 38-262
sought another war between
Europeans: Fight to live; not WclIW~M~
New Zealand. .
live to fight."
Agression is an inherent
Iuality of the human condition,

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wA Journal of the Kulturkampf
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