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Analysis of Student Learning

Math 3.NBT.2 Day #1 Day #2 Day #3/4/5/6 Day #3/4/5/6 Day #7

Assignment Pre-Test Pre-Test Teacher Table At your Seat WS Post Test


Learning Goals LG1, LG2 LG1 ​LG1, LG2, LG3 LG2, LG3 LG1, LG2


Student LMc M M M M M

Student JS M M M E E

Student LM M M M M E

Student JC M E E E E

Student PM M M E E E





Student ES PM PM PM M M

Student IL PM PM PM M E

Student CM PM PM PM M M

Student LW PM PM PM M M

Student AP PM PM PM M M

Student IH PM PM PM PM M

Student KM M M M M E

Student MC M PM PM PM PM

E= Exceeds M= Meets PM= Partially Meets NY= Not Yet

This chart shows the students proficiency with the standard and with the learning goals.

Each type of assessment met a different combination of their learning goals. Many of the

students had already met the standard on their pre assessment. This is where the LG3 came in.

Many of these students went on to exceed the standard by meeting the third learning goal.

Almost every student made progress with the standard and with the learning goals.

There were a few that were making progress but did not demonstrate this on their pos

assessment, causing them to go backwards on their rating scale. A few students made

exceptional progress. For example, student IL went from a “partially meets” on her pre

assessment to an “exceeds” on her post assessment. This was absolutely amazing!

The pre assessment was the only data I really had to go on to create groups with these

students. Even though it was just one assessment, there were a few students who stood out on

each end of the spectrum. There were a couple that impressed me with their knowledge if the

standard, and there were also some who jumped out immediately as priority students.

The MATH rotations had already been established with my mentor teacher and a large

majority of the students, so I decided to work my materials into this structure. These rotations

allow the students to move every 20 minutes or so, and they also meet multiple learning styles.

This style of work block seems to work very well with this group of students. Many students, as

is common at their age, struggle to hold their on any single task for long. These shorter work

blocks with a transition and time for movement appear to be beneficial. The only downside is

that students often need two rotations to finish their work from a station. This made collecting

evidence much more difficult. The students struggled to hold onto any unfinished work until the

next math block.

Stations do require students to take responsibility for their learning, because they are

often working independently or with a partner. The students had to take ownership to stay

focused and on task.

Fist to Five Self Assessment

Student Self Assessment (Fist to Five) (before/after)

LM 2/5

RM 1/3

DD 5/5

IL 3/4

CM 2/4

JC 5/5

AP 3/5

AD 4/4


ES 3/4

PM 2/5

MC 4/5

ZT 4/5

KM 2/4

IH 3/5

LMc 3/4

LW 3/4

JS 4/5

0 1 2 3 4 5

I am lost/I I don’t I think I’m I am I’ve got this, I I know this so

don’t even understand starting to definitely on feel good well that I
know what understand the right could teach it
we are but I need track, feeling to a friend
working on help/more okay

This self assessment piece was extremely important to me and also very intriguing. I

wanted to know if students felt like they had made growth personally, whether or not they

actually had according to the data. I love hearing that students feel confident with something, or

that they feel they could teach it to a friend. There were a few students who I really felt sold

themselves short. There were also some friends who surprised me when they told me how

confident they were, but they went on to nail their post assessment.

There were definitely a few students who didn’t seem to grasp the self assessment

concept, but they still took it seriously. Each student willingly came up and shared their fist to

five self rating with me. I saw some students take a second to really think about it, which

showed some growth as well. The students also were chatting about it after they were called up.

They were being secretive about the information they shared with me, but they were very

engaged by the assessment. This is definitely something I would use with this group again.

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