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William Cooper's Mystery Babylon: Part 04 Osiris and Isis part 2 (aired February

17th, 1993)
(audio link:
transcribed by frizshizzle (edited/formatted by wakingup72 @ http://www.waronyou

Welcome once again, folks, to the Hour of the Time. I'm your host, William Coope
r, and tonight we continue on our series on the origins, the history, the dogma
and the identity of Mystery Babylon, the secret organization that has infiltrate
d every level of our society, military and government, and are bringing about a
totalitarian world socialist government that they call the New World Order.
Tonight, part four.

(opening music: [i]Also sprach Zarathustra[/i] (theme song of [i]2001: A Space O

dyssey[/i]) by Richard Strauss, electronic/disco version)

[William Cooper does commercial for the Pilot Connection]

Well, folks, we left off with a great revelation, for those of you who were list
ening last night. For those of you who weren't, you need to order the tapes, beg
inning with the tape of February the 11th, Thursday night, February the 11th. Th
is was -- the name of the tape was, "The Dawn of Man." And this series actually
starts on Friday night, February the 12th, but you need the tape, "The Dawn of M
an." Order all the tapes in this series, because if you really want to know what
's going on, how it has been kept alive for thousands of years, and what the ult
imate goal is: their origins, their histories, their dogma and their absolute id
entity, then you need this whole series.
[William Cooper gives contact information to order tapes]
Well, let me continue. And I think tonight is really going to open your eyes, an
d remember, we're nowhere near even begun. We've got a lot of shows to do on thi
s, folks, and it's going to blow your mind if it hasn't already. I think some of
you out there already know that.

[Reading from [i]Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians[/i], by Manly Hall]:

"[Now,] if we concede that Osiris is the positive pole of the universal life age
nt, [William Cooper: as the Mystery School does,] then Isis becomes the receptiv
e pole of that activity. He is the doctrine, she is the church. As in Christiani
ty it is customary to refer the church as the bride of Christ, so in Egypt the i
nstitution of the Mysteries was the great Mother, the consort of Heaven itself.
From this interpretation we gain a deeper insight into the symbolism of the whol
e of Osirian cycle. Isis [you see] becomes the temporal order of the priesthood,
the accumulative body of Initiates. She is personified as the temple; she is th
e mother of all good, the protectress of all right, and the patron of all improv
[William Cooper]: Now, remember, this is the belief of the Mystery Schools. I'm
not telling you what I believe. What you're learning on this program is what the
Mystery Religion really is: its origin, its history, its dogma, and its identit
y. So don't get confused, here...don't get confused.
"[According to the Mystery Schools] she insures nobility, inspires virtue and aw
akens the nobler passions of the soul. As Diana of Ephesus she is the multimammi
a who feeds all creatures from herself."
[William Cooper]: And many of you may have seen illustrations and books, or litt
le statues or portraits or pictures on someone's wall of Isis in the role of the
Multimammia where she has many breasts all over her torso, and on her legs and
her arms, all over her body. Well, that's what this represents.
"As Diana of Ephesus she is the Multimammia who feeds all creatures from herself
. Like the moon she shines only with the light of her sovereign sun [William Coo
per: spelled S-U-N] even as the temple can only be illumined by its indwelling t
[William Cooper]: So, Isis is the Moon. Osiris is the Sun. And remember, remembe
r what this means folks. He is the doctrine. She is the church. You see, the Osi
rian legend, the Osirian cycle, was never about real people, was never about god
s or goddesses, but it is the method by which the real object of worship and the
real mystery of the Mystery Religion of Babylon has been concealed. And it is o
nly one of the ways, as you will see.
"Typhon [according to the Mystery Schools] is the embodiment of every perversity
. He is the negative creation, the Ahriman of Zoroasterism."
[William Cooper]: And remember, we talked last Thursday about the movie [i]2001[
/i], and in the beginning of the movie, the musical score that you hear, the nam
e of it is [i]Also sprach Zarathustra[/i], which is a tribute to Zoroaster, whic
h is the androgynous god. The combination in one of the positive and negative, g
ood, evil, male, female, etc., etc., etc. It is the concept that Christ is also
Lucifer, or that they are twins, and that's what they teach in the Mormon church
"Typhon [according to Mystery Schools] is black magic and sorcery -- the Black B
rotherhood [William Cooper: also known as the Jesuit Order]. Nephthys, his wife,
is the institution through which it manifests. He is neither a single evil nor
even a sequence of ills, but an infinite diversity of them, indescribably insidi
ous, empowered to infect the fabric and state."
[William Cooper]: The enemy of the Mystery Schools are three: the church, the st
ate and the mob, and, of course, the mob is us.
"Typhon lured Osiris in to the ark of destruction at the time when the sun enter
s the house of the Scorpion, hence, we know him to be the eternal betrayer, [or
Judas,] that ageless Judas, who undoes all good things and inevitably presages r
uin. He is the power of the physical universe which is constantly seeking to des
troy the spiritual values locked within its substances."
[William Cooper]: You will see that they have a talent for turning things around
"He strikes in the eighth month, and now it is supposed that a child delivered i
n the eighth month of the prenatal epoch cannot live because of the curse of Typ
hon. Osiris was born in the seventh month and therefore it may be said of him th
at he was delivered prior to the rule of Typhon..."
[William Cooper]: ...and that's why our forefathers, all Freemasons, established
this country by the signing of the Declaration of Independence in the month of
July. And this will all become clearer to you as we go along.
"Of all good things Typhon is the opposer [according to the Mystery Schools], oc
cupying the position of the eternal negative. This evil monster made well be gen
eralized under the appellation of the Adversary. In the initiation rites he also
the tester or the tryer, 'the lord who is against us.' [According to the Myster
y Religion,] he is the personification of ambition, and ambition is the patron o
f ruin. It was ambition that set Typhon plotting for the throne of Egypt, design
ing how he could destroy the power of his brother. A learned Jesuit father sees
in Typhon, Cain, and his brother Osiris, Abel. If such a parallel actually exist
s, then the Biblical allegory is susceptible of the same interpretation."
[William Cooper]: But, you see, they have twisted everything around.
[William Cooper]: Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, was a Jesuit pr
iest and a professor at Ingolstadt University, which is a Jesuit university. The
Jesuit Order was founded by Ignatius Loyola. He was the head of the Alumbrados
in Spain, which is the order of Illuminati long before Adam Weishaupt even came
along. He was arrested by the Dominican Monks under the Inquisition and used his
power of association, of those who had influence and power, to beg an audience
with the pope. Now, nobody knows what occurred during this audience. But he emer
ged as the head of a new order called the Jesuits. Now, the Jesuits was just ano
ther name for the Alumbrado, for he took his organization that he already contro
lled and made it into the brotherhood of the Jesuits. The Jesuits went on to fom
ent rebellion everywhere that they went and the pope gave them incredible power
and made Ignatius Loyola immune to any prosecution from any source. And it was t
hey who trained Adam Weishaupt, and it was Adam Weishaupt who formed the branch
of what we all know as the Illumined Ones known as the Illuminati in Bavaria. Fo
r he sent out agents to infiltrate the lodges of the secret societies throughout
[William Cooper]: Now, you will begin to understand this even more, folks, as we
go along. Right now I understand how shocking some of this may be to some of yo
u out there. But just hang on, continue to listen because we have many, many mor
e hours of this to go before it will all come together for you. But I would sugg
est that you begin study on your own. Doesn't matter if you get ahead of us, bec
ause you'll always need some of the information that I'm putting out here no mat
ter how ahead you may get or what you already may know simply because I've done
well over 23 years of research into this and I must know something that you don'
t know. And if you know something that I don't please send it to me immediately
and if we can substantiate it, we will incorporate into this series. Now let me
"Typhus lured Osiris into the ark of destruction at the time when the sun enters
the house of the Scorpion. Hence, we know him to be the eternal betrayer or Jud
as, that ageless Judas who undoes all good things and inevitably presages ruin."

[William Cooper]: Now, this may sound to you that we're talking about Satan or t
he Devil, but you see, in the Mystery Schools, they consider their god Lucifer t
o be the true good god, and they consider the God of Christianity to be the evil
[William Cooper]: Now if you listened on the night of the 10th you -- er, excuse
me, the 11th of February, Thursday, you already understand this concept. Becaus
e the Mystery Religion of Babylon believes that man was held prison, in the bond
s of ignorance in the Garden of Eden by an unjust, vindictive God. Lucifer throu
gh his agent Satan, and many believe them to be the same entity and that's okay,
Lucifer through his agent Satan released man from the bonds of ignorance with t
he gift of intellect and through use of that intellect, man himself will become
God. And that's the heart and soul of the dogma of the Mystery Religion of Babyl
[William Cooper]: Now, since I am taking the content of all these episodes direc
tly from their own teachings in their own writings so that's you'll know that th
is is exactly what they believe. Sometimes it may sound you like these are the g
ood guys. But remember, they are the ultimate perfection of deception, and they
have intentionally made it this way so that they can get people to join them and
stay with them until they are so deeply involved and committed that it's too la
te. And that is why the degrees of initiation. So stick it out and you'll find o
ut with these guys are the greatest liars, deceivers, manipulators and scum that
exist upon the face of the earth.
"Typhon [in their teachings] is the desire of the few pitted against the good of
the many. [William Cooper: Now if you understand what I just said, you understa
nd that these are communists, socialists. They believe Typhon] is the spirit of
dissension and discord that breaks up unity of purpose by setting factions again
st each other so that great issues lose the name of action. The desire for riche
s, pomp, power, and [listen to this, folks,] sovereignty by which this evil geni
us was obsessed, reveals the temptation by which humanity is deflected from its
ultimate goal and led into the byways of sorrow and despair. Typhon, the Queen o
f Ethiopia, and the seventy-two conspirators represent the three destructive pow
ers, preserved to modern Freemasonry as the murderers of the Master Builder..."
[William Cooper]: Hiram Abiff. You will see Hiram Abiff was never murdered. In f
act, in the Bible you will see that, when the Temple of Solomon was completed, h
e went back home to Tyre, but in the Freemason Legend, Hiram Abiff, the Master B
uilder, was killed and the temple was never completed. So everybody is blaming a
ll of this upon the Jews. It is not the Jews, folks, because all of this is a fr
ont. It's symbology for what they really, really mean. Hiram Abiff was really, f
olks, Jacques de Molay of the Knights Templar. And all of this will make much mo
re sense to you several shows down the road because we have lots and lots of inf
ormation to go through before you put it all together.
[William Cooper]: Now these three destructive powers preserved to the Modern Mys
tery School known as Freemasonry as the murderers of the Master Builder, Hiram A
biff, who was really Jacques de Molay, "are ignorance, superstition, and fear, [
what they call] the destroyers of all good things."
[William Cooper]: When you get even deeper into their teachings, you find out th
at ignorance, superstition and fear stand for the state, the church and the mob.
And those are the things that they have sworn to destroy and substitute themsel
ves as the ruler of the world in a benevolent despotism. A totalitarian socialis
t state because from the very beginning, these people have been pure, true commu
nists, socialists. They are the heart and soul and core of international sociali
"[They believe] the advent of greed and perversion marked the end of the Golden
Age -- the Osirian Age..."
[William Cooper]: ...which the Osirian Cycle is just a symbology of this and the
Golden Age, of course, golden, or [i]Oro[/i], always has stood for the sun. Osi
ris is representative of the sun and outwardly these people worship the sun, but
the sun is just another symbol for their god Lucifer, the light, the intellect.
" -- and when the good prince Osiris, the deeper truth, returned to his own land
, he became the victim of a hideous plot. [So,] what is this mysterious chest, s
o beautiful in its outer appearance but so fatal in its application? [Well, folk
s, Plato, who was] wise in the wisdom of the Egyptians [William Cooper: and who
was an initiate of the Mystery School] would have answered that it was the body
that lures the soul into the sorrows of generation. [Now] if this interpretation
be projected into the social sphere, the chest becomes symbolic of material org
anization. Witness the application of this thought to Christianity where the pom
p and glory of the outer show of a vast ecclesiastical mechanism has all but des
troyed the simplicity and dignity of the primitive revelation [of the Mysteries]
[William Cooper]: That is their exact words. See, I didn't make that up. Those a
ren't my words. Those are the words of the Mystery School and it is an indicatio
n, if you didn't think so yet, that Christianity is their enemy. They intend to
destroy Christianity and all Christians. The blood will flow when the New World
Order takes power in the world and if you sit back and say, "Well, I'm not worri
ed because I'm going to be raptured," I feel sorry for you because you are going
to suffer tremendously. Because in my research I have found that most of the th
eologians in the Protestant religion of all denominations who were responsible f
or this doctrine of the rapture are Freemasons and they are in control of the Wo
rld Council of Churches. They are responsible for the bringing together of the d
ifferent religions in the World Council of Churches to attempt to merge them all
into one and then change the doctrine to the New World Religion.
[William Cooper]: Now, if you don't believe that, you get off your little butts
and go out there and start looking instead of just listening and accepting. For
it is true, and their doctrine, folks, is Zionism. I can tell you right now, Jer
ry Falwell has admitted publicly that he is a Zionist, and we know that he is al
so a member of the Mystery Schools and many others that you follow blindly inste
ad reading the words of Jesus Christ. You're all split up. You know the original
teachings of Christ have been so perverted, that there are thousands of differe
nt sects of the Protestant religion and the Vatican is the original perversion o
f the Mysteries, established by a pagan Roman emperor, a worshiper of the sun.
[William Cooper]: I hope you're all beginning to open your mind. Now I know I'm
going to get a lot of letters from a lot of fanatics who don't believe this and
those are the people who will be hurt the most when they find out that it is all
true. When they find out that it is all true. Back to their doctrine...
"The murderers rushed from the palace with the lead-sealed casket and cast it an
d its kingly contents into the dark waters of the Nile. Thus are the ideals, whi
ch lead men into the paths of truth and righteousness, obscured, and with truth
no longer evident, [William Cooper: according to them] error [which is the Chris
tian church] can rule supreme. Typhon [William Cooper: by now you should know th
at Typhon is their designation for Christianity. Typhon] ascended the throne as
regent of the world, swinishly gloating over a dejected humanity he had led into
dark and devious byways. By the Nile may we not understand the river of generat
ion, in the current of which souls, imprisoned in mortal nature, move helplessly
on the never ceasing current?"
"[Now, they believe that truth is dead and according to their belief] with truth
dead, or at least exiled to the invisible world, material facts were superseded
by opinions; opinions bred hatreds, and men finally fought and died over notion
s both senseless and soulless."
[William Cooper]: And that is another deception and another lie, for in my resea
rch I found that in every instance of the most terrible things in wars that have
ever happened on the face of the earth, these men are the ones who have brought
it about...have brought it about.
"Greed became the dominating impulse, [they say] gain the all-absorbing end, and
ruthlessness the all-sufficient means. In the dark ages of uncertainty when rea
lity hid its face and no man dared to know, the leering Typhon ruled his ill-got
ten world, binding men to himself by breeding a thousand uncertainties to sap co
urage and weaken conviction. Men asked, 'Why seek to know? Knowledge does not ex
ist and life is a cruel jest, purposeless and of short duration.' Because the hu
man mind demanded intellectual expression, Typhon sowed the seeds of intellectua
l confusion so that numerous orders of learning appeared which were convincingly
plausible but untrue. These various order of thought survived by catering to th
e weaknesses and limitations of the flesh. Today our great industrial civilizati
on is feeling the heavy hand of an outraged destiny; the evil genius of our ambi
tions has again undone us and made our follies crumbled about us. Typhon rules t
he world, for earth today is the arena of the ambitious."
[William Cooper]: Remember, Typhoon is their symbol for Christianity. Don't go a
way, folks. I've got to take a short break. I'll be right back after this short
pause. I want you to have a pencil and paper with you. I'm going to give you som
e information. I shall return.

(break music: none)

Well, that didn't take long, did it?

[William Cooper does commercial for the Pilot Connection and CAJI memberships]

[William Cooper]: Well let's get back to where we left off, folks.
"What, then, of Isis, the mother of the Mysteries? She who was so defiled and de
secrated by the profane that her sages and prophets were forced to flee into the
wilderness to escape the machinations of the evil one? Is she not the 'woman cl
othed with the sun' of Revelation who flees with her man-child into the wilderne
ss to escape the evil purposes of the great dragon?"
[William Cooper]: Well, folks, that's what the Mystery School believes, but I ca
n tell you that's not true. You see, the Mystery School was the original college
run by Nimrod in the city of Babylon, and the college was a college of priests
who practice the religion of the sun. The college, the adepts, the initiates, th
e priests were scattered all over the world when Seth, the son of Noah, came wit
h an army and defeated Nimrod, and this is where the legend really comes from be
cause Seth chopped Nimrod up into little pieces and scattered him all over the l
and. In the legend of the Osirian cycle, Osiris was chopped into fourteen pieces
. Isis came to put him back together again and bring him to life. She could find
all the pieces save one, the phallus, or the generative force. It is now known
as the Lost Word Freemasonry, and the phallus is represented by the obelisk, the
monolith. It is the penis of Osiris, the generative force. It represents Lost W
ord of Freemasonry, it represents the Luciferian philosophy. It represents the l
ight, the sun, Lucifer the intellect.
[William Cooper]: In Dealey Plaza, you will find an obelisk. In Washington D.C.,
you will find obelisk, known as the Washington Monument. In the courtyard of th
e Vatican, you will find an obelisk. Should I continue? The family in England, w
hose estates are called Syon House, has an obelisk on their lawns. Should I go o
n? I will, I will go on and on and on and on until you either wake up or I am de
ad one or the other. And if you don't wake up, I would rather be dead than live
in slavery in the New World Order with our Constitution destroyed, the family br
oken, the children taken from the homes to be raised by the state, Christians an
d patriots locked in prison camps, labor camps, until they are no longer useful
and then they will be executed. And the blood will run in the New World Order. I
f you don't believe me, look back at every single nation where international soc
ialism has triumphed over Christianity. And you will see that tens of millions p
erished or destroyed. Socialism, folks, sucks and I will not live under such a s
ystem and I hope you agree with me. If you don't like my language, that's tough.
I'm fighting a battle against people with no morals, no decency, no heart, no [
i]soul[/i] soul. They do not even believe in God. They do not even believe
in God.
"The glory of Egypt [according to these people] ceased with the death of Osiris.
The mighty temples still stood but the god who illuminated them had gone. The p
riests bowed helplessly before the dead embers of their altars. [And] one by one
the sanctuaries crumbled into ruin in the custodians of these ancient truths hi
d themselves in obscure corners of the earth lest they be hunted down and slain
for the sin of dreaming and hoping for better day. Isis, then, as the scattered
but still consecrated body of Initiates, began the great search for the secret t
hat was lost."
[William Cooper]: And this is all in reference to Seth's army scattering the col
lege of priests in the ancient city of Babylon. And later, it refers to the Knig
hts Templar who brought the Mysteries from the Middle East to Europe. In the beg
inning, folks, they were never a part of the Catholic Church, as you will learn.
And they still exist today irregardless [sic] of what you've ever been taught,
for they are the Mystery School today.
"In all parts of the world [according to their teachings] the virtuous raised th
eir hands to the heavens, pleading for the restoration of the reign of truth. Th
is congregation of those who prayed who labored and who waited, the great congre
gation of a world in anguish -- this is Isis in sackcloth and ashes, searching f
or the body of her lord.
"Searching in all parts of the earth and throughout innumerable ages, inspired m
en and women, the congregation of the just, at last rediscovered the lost arcana
and brought it back with rejoicing to the world over which it once ruled. Isis,
by magic -- for the initiated priests were all magicians -- [William Cooper: an
d they are magicians today] resurrected the dead god and through union with him
brought forth an order of priests under the collective title of Horus, the hawk,
the all-seeing bird [William Cooper: whose eye is on the reverse of the Great S
eal of the United States of America]. These were the Herj Seshta or the companio
ns of Horus, and the chief of these, called by Lewis Spence 'the Chief of the My
steries par excellence,' appears to have worn the dog-headed mask of Anubis. Anu
bis was the son of Osiris by Nephthys, the material world, therefore represents
the divine man or the mortal being who rose to enlightenment."
[William Cooper]: And those who rose to enlightenment were considered illumined.
Collectively they are known as the Illuminati, and of all of you who have falle
n in for the scam that Illuminati does not exist, they do, for the term Illumina
ti merely refers to the collective body of those who are illumined or enlightene
d. And they [i]are[/i] the Illuminati.
"Ambition, however, personified by Typhon, knowing that temporal power must die
if divine power, in the form of truth, be reestablished, put forth all its power
again to scatter the doctrine, this time so thoroughly that it should never be
rediscovered. If Typhon, as Plutarch has suggested, in one of his manifestations
represents the sea, then it appears that this second destruction of Osiris may
refer to the Atlantean deluge..."
[William Cooper]: There's Atlanta again. Atlantis, Atlanta, the same. Go to Atla
nta, Georgia, folks. Drive around in that city. You will see pyramids everywhere
. You will see 666 everywhere. You will see the symbols, the all-seeing eye.
"...Osiris may refer to the Atlantean deluge by which the doctrine was swallowed
or lost and its fragments scattered among all of the existing civilizations of
that time. [And] the story continues. The body of Osiris, the Secret Doctrine, i
s divided into fourteen parts..."
[William Cooper]: And remember, Osiris was chopped into fourteen parts. They fou
nd all, save one: the phallus or the penis of Osiris. Well, the body of Osiris r
epresents the Secret Doctrine. It's "divided into fourteen parts and divided...a
mong the parts of the world." And the Lost Word of Freemasonry is the generative
force, the lost part of Osiris, the lost part, the secret of the Secret Doctrin
"[So,] we must therefore understand that it was scattered through the seven divi
ne and seven infernal spheres, the lokas and talas of India, or by different sym
bolism, through the seven worlds which are without and the seven worlds which ar
e within [William Cooper: the Cabbala of the Jews]. Bacchus was torn into seven
pieces by the Titans and Osiris into fourteen pieces. To use the words of Faber,
'Both these stories are in substance the same, for the second number is merely
the reduplicate of the first. By a variation of much the same nature, the ancien
t mythologists added seven Titanides and seven Cabiri to the seven Titans.'
"The parts of Osiris were now scattered so hopelessly that ambitious Typhon [or
the Titans] felt his authority to be secure at last. But Wisdom is not thus easi
ly to be cheated. [William Cooper: Listen to this carefully, folks. This is thei
r own words.] In the dark retreats of Islam, the Sufi explored the depths of Nat
ure; among the Jews the learned Rabbins unravelled the intricate skein of Cabbal
ism; among the Greeks, Initiates rose to life through the nocturnal rituals of E
leusis; in Indian neophytes were brought to the contemplation of the triple-head
ed Brahma at Elphanta and Ellora. Through the Middle Ages the alchemist in their
retreats explored the infinite chemistry of existence, the Illuminati sought th
e pearl of great price, and Rosicrucian adepts sought to recast the molten sea.
All these together were but Isis, still searching for the members of her lord. A
t last, according to the tradition, all these parts were restored again but one;
but this one could not be returned."
[William Cooper]: Now you understand why I tell you it's not the Jews, folks. If
you're persecuting the Jews, you're making a big mistake. It is some of the Jew
s, it is some of the Catholics, it is some of the atheists, it is some of all th
e people of all of the nations and races and religions of the world. And outward
ly, if they attend a church in your neighborhood and profess to believe in that
religion, it is a lie. It is how they gain influence and power in that community
, for they worship one god and one god only in the temple without windows. The h
eadquarters of which, in this country, is exactly thirteen blocks from the White
"The Egyptian allegory tells us that the phallus of Osiris was swallowed by a fi
sh. [Now, folks,] this is most significant and we may even infer mankind itself
is the fish..."
[William Cooper]: But it even goes any further [sic], for this age has been know
n as the age of Pisces, the fish. The significant force and the power in the age
Pisces was Christianity, and the fish actually referrers to Christianity.
"...the phallus being the symbol of the vital power of the Mystery School and so
used in Egyptian hieroglyphics. The phallus, then, is the Lost Word [of Freemas
onry] which is not discovered but for which a golden replica is substituted. In
the Egyptian hieroglyphics the physical body, after the death of the soul or its
departure therefrom, is called the [i]khat[/i] [or K-H-A-T], and the hieroglyph
ic for this is a fish. Thus the physical body of man is definitely tied up in sy
mbolism with the creature which conceived son, Horus, a term concealing the coll
ective body of the perfected adepts who were born again out of the womb swallowe
d the triple phallus of Osiris -- the threefold generative power. This golden ph
allus is the three-lettered word of Freemasonry concealed under the letters A-U-
[William Cooper]: And all of those of you in the New Age movement, or all of tho
se of you who fell for all these gurus who came over here and taught you to sit
and meditate, and while you were meditating, hum this: AUMMMM. A-U-M. (laughs) T
he golden phallus is the three-lettered word of Freemasonry concealed under the
letters A-U-M. How do you feel sheeple? And why to do these things? Because some
body tells you to.
"Isis, by thus modeling and reproducing the missing member of Osiris, gives the
body of the god the appearance of completeness, but the life power [folks] is no
t there. Isis, the priesthood, with their initiatory process, had accomplished a
ll that could be accomplished by natural philosophy. Therefore recourse is again
had to magic. The golden phallus is rendered alive by the secret processes resc
ued from the lost [i]Book of Thoth[/i]. Thus the divine power of Osiris is resto
red through the regeneration of the man himself and the processes of initiation.
In the Greek system man was rendered divine because his composition contained t
he blood of Bacchus, [they believe] and in Egypt, because it contained the semin
al power of Osiris. The institutions raised in the world to perpetuate the deepe
r truths of life [according to them] labored on through the centuries seeking fo
r the lost key (the living Crux Ansata) which, if rediscovered, would enliven an
d impregnate the whole world and restore the good king Osiris to the throne left
empty by his cruel death.
"The purpose of the Isiac Rite, is therefore, revealed is twofold. The first mot
ive was the almost hopeless effort made by the bereaved Isis to restore her husb
and to life. She hovers above his corpse in the form of a bird, trying to restor
e his breath by the fluttering of her own wings. The ceremony is concealed in th
e [i]Book of the Respirations[/i]. The causing of Osiris to breathe again is the
great abstract ideal. The second and more imminent motive which actuated Isis w
as to avenge herself upon Typhon [William Cooper: Christianity] and destroy his
power over world. This she determined to accomplish through her immaculately con
ceived son, Horus, [which is] a term concealing the collective body of the perfe
cted adepts who were born again out of the womb of the Mother -- Isis, the Myste
ry School.
"[Now,] we can apply this analogy to a great modern system of initiation, [calle
d] Freemasonry, which has certainly perpetuated it at least the outer form of th
e ancient rites [William Cooper: to the profane or to the members on the lower r
ung of the initiatory ladder. To the adepts of the priesthood, the higher initia
tes, then it is clear. You see, for] Freemasonry as an institution is Isis, the
Mother of Mysteries, form whose dark womb the Initiates are born in the mystery
of the second or philosophic birth. Thus all adepts, by virtue of their particip
ation in the rites, are figuratively, at least, the Sons of Isis. As Isis is the
widow, seeking to restore her lord, and to avenge his cruel murder, it follows
that all Master Masons or Master builders, are widow's sons. They are the offspr
ing of the institution widowed by the loss of the living Word, and theirs is the
eternal quest -- they discover by becoming.
"In the Egyptian rites Horus is the saviour-avenger, son of Isis, conceived by m
agic [or the ritual] after the brutal murder of Osiris. Hence, he is the posthum
ous redeemer. Freemasons are Hori, they are the eye of Osiris, whose body theref
ore, is made up of eyes. Each Initiate is a Horus, each is a hawk of the sun [sp
elled S-U-N], and for one reason is each raised and that is that he may join the
army which is to avenge the destruction of wisdom, and restore the reign of the
all-seeing lord [William Cooper: Lucifer]. Each one is dedicated to the over-th
rowing of the reign of Christianity [*note: book says Typhon]. The great battle,
in which the sons of the hawk rout out the hosts of darkness, is the mysterious
Armageddon of Revelation..."
[William Cooper]: You see, they believe Lucifer is the god of light and Jehovah,
or Yahweh, is the god of darkness.
"[They believe that the Armageddon of Revelation is] the Kurukshetra of the Maha
bharata and the Ragnarok of the Eddas. In this battle the host of the Adversary
shall be routed forever.
"The great purposes of the Osirian rite are thus revealed in an unsuspected clar
ity. The Hershesti are philosophically opposed to the reign of ambition. It is t
heir duty to reestablish that Golden Age when wisdom, personified as Osiris -- a
nd not selfishness, personified by Typhon -- shall dictate the whole course of h
uman procedure. The day must ultimately come when the Hori, by virtue of their r
oyal purpose, (laughs) accomplish the consummation of the Great Work."
[William Cooper]: The Great Work, folks, is the elevation of man to the illumine
d man, or 666, in the establishment of a one-world totalitarian socialist Utopia
on earth.
"The missing Word will be found and the golden substitute will be replaced as pr
omised in the ancient rite. Osiris will rise in splendor from the dead and rule
the world through those sages and philosophers with whom wisdom has been has bec
ome incarnate.
"It should be particularly noted that the Egyptians do not regard Osiris as whol
ly dead, but viewing him as continuing to live in the underworld where he superi
ntends the ceremony of the psychostasia. The underworld is not the sphere of the
dead alone; it is the world of the Mysteries. [William Cooper: Lucifer] is ther
efore god of the hidden fane, the temple which is beneath the earth, the house o
f the low celling, the crypts into which the Initiates go in search of truth. He
is the Dweller who abides in the darkness of the innermost. His throne is not i
n the objective world but in that subjective sphere which is the inner life of m
an. [They believe that] thus is it arcanely intimated that while truth may peris
h from society, it cannot die from a heart which preserves the sacred tradition
through that natural inspiration by which all men are gradually moved to truth.
"In the meantime the widow Isis, the Mystery School, continues to produce out of
herself the host of potential redeemers. Spiritual education continues from age
to age [in secret], and though temporarily obscured in this generation or in th
at, its onward process [they believe] is inevitable. Out of the Hidden House, gu
arded by the silent god, must some day issue the glorious and illumined Horus, [
William Cooper: 666 is the number of that man] the very incarnation of his own f
ather [Osiris or Lucifer], the personification of the lord of Abydos, the avenge
r of all...and the just god in whom there is no death."
[William Cooper does commercial for the Pilot Connection]
Good night, and God bless you all.

(closing music: brief orchestral instrumental - unknown)

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