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P 10 Volume 1: Fashion Powershop 2 / Behind Retail Design P 11


The Store
< Photography: Petrovsky
& Ramone
Designed by Tejo Remy, this model
of the Rag Chair is made of denim
remnants supplied by fashion label

as Home
Kuyichi. The concept is completely
in line with the brand’s pursuit
of sustainable design.

of the Brand
Erica Bol

Creating a Sense of Identity ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

What people stand for and what they believe in used to be
issues which were largely defined by the culture in which
they were raised: family, local environment, education and
On e w ay t o d e f i n e y o u r s e l f
religion influenced the way they saw themselves. The lo- i s t o c o nn e c t t o a b r a nd
cal culture provided them with the symbolic tools needed to a nd i t s c u lt u r e
create a sense of identity. In the current global environment,
people are no longer limited to traditional choices offered
by local cultures. The world has opened up. The internet ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
and all its possibilities form a whole new digital world, while
the ease of travel makes physical distances appear shorter. Do you want to walk through life with a clear conscience?
For the European, talking with a Chinese friend through Kuyichi is a fashion brand that invites everyone to take a
Skype or visiting a sister who lives in the USA is possible peek behind the scenes. You can see that the clothes are
in the current day and age. Globalization is giving people all produced in an environmentally friendly way and that
the possibility to see what is ‘out there’, and one result is the brand takes human rights into account. Their unique
a broadening of interests among people (consumers). They track-and-trace system shows the journey made by jeans
have become more open to different cultures and are able or sweaters before they end up in your closet – from har-
to relate to various lifestyles. It has also resulted in a growth vesting the cotton to sewing the fabric to shipping the fin-
of cross-cultural contacts and in the realization of a global ished garment. Open and transparent, the message ensures
market. Experiences are no longer determined completely by respect for all parties involved. The brand’s conscious life-
local environments; the world is the playing field. Roots will style inspires and motivates lots of people. Kuyichi believes
From the moment Homo sapiens lit the first fire, continue to define people, but the exposure to new experi- in creating a positive change. Customers wear the products
ences will provide them with different perspectives. As part to inspire others – not only to look good, but also to do
p e o p l e h av e b e e n c o nc e rn e d w i t h t h e l a rg e r m e a n i ng of this process, traditional lifestyles start to lose authority good. DJ Tiësto, for example, made a deliberate choice to
o f l i f e – w h o a r e w e a nd w h y a r e w e h e r e ? T h i s i s n o t and choices enter the picture. wear Kuyichi for his appearance at Dance4Life in 2006.

a n e a s y q u e s t i o n t o a n s w e r , a nd e v e n i f o n e f i nd s a n Connecting to a Brand Functional and Emotional Brand Elements

The search for personal identity helps define what is im- Although the functional elements of a brand – the ‘what’
a n s w e r , h o w l o ng w i l l i t b e s at i s fy i ng ? L i v e s c h a ng e ; portant and what you need to know to gain self-esteem, – are important to its success, these elements are eas-
p e o p l e a r e i n a c o n t i n u o u s pr o c e s s o f d e f i n i ng a s e n s e approval and recognition. People like to belong, to be part of ily copied by competitors. A brand needs to find anoth-
something bigger than themselves. One way to define your- er way, therefore, to differentiate itself from the competi-
o f w h o t h e y a r e a nd w h at t h e y b e l i e v e i n . ‘ T h e y a r e self is to connect to a brand and its culture. Consumers no tion. It needs to connect with the consumer. This can be
longer buy products only because of their functional quali- done by creating emotional elements. The emotional side
c o n s ta n t ly b u i l d i ng a nd r e a rr a ng i ng t h e i r m o s a i c o f t h e ties; they like buying a brand that stands for something. of the brand, the personality – the ‘who’ – helps people
s e l f, ’ i s h o w D e nn i s H a h n a p t ly p u t s i t. 1 S o h o w d o e s Something to connect and relate to, something – or, even connect to the brand. The premise here is that brands
better, someone – they can be a part of. As Elliot and Davies can have personalities in much the same way as people
a p e r s o n , i n t h i s b i g m u lt i c u lt u r a l w o r l d w i t h a l l i t s point out, ‘In a consumer culture, people no longer consume do. It is the brand’s personality that defines a brand in
for merely functional satisfaction, but consumption becomes terms of human characteristics. It creates a basis for the
c h o i c e s , f i nd a n i d e n t i t y ? T h i s i s w h e r e b r a nd s c a n c o m e meaning-based . . . .’ 2 feeling that has to be transferred to the consumer if the
i n – a nd c a n ta k e o n a n e w a nd i n t r i g u i ng r o l e .
P 12 Volume 1: Fashion Powershop 2 / Behind Retail Design P 13

> Photog ra phy : Ros m i n a h Brow n
and Th i n k Ta n k C reat ive
(Jack i S i l va n )
The a i m at Dea n & DeLuc a ,
a gou r m e t - fo o d ch a i n , i s to of fe r
the b e st fo o d se lec ted f ro m
source s wo r ld wide . Su pp o r t i n g
this goa l i s t h e b ra n d ’ s st y le of
prese n t at io n : fo o d i s d i s pl ayed
in a n at u ra l co n tex t , wi t h o u t
plast ic pa c kag i n g . Th e p ro d uc t
Photography: Erica B ol and

itself i s w h at i t ’ s a l l a b o u t .
Sachit Butail
-------------------- Display window of Victoria’s Secret,
a fashion label whose identity
gradually evolved into something
desired – and valuable – emotional connection is to be made.
Three specific points must be kept in mind when developing
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| sexier than the original intention,
a brand personality strong enough to forge this vital link. thanks to the way in which the
On i t s o wn , a n i c e i m a g e i s P e o p l e l i k e t o b e l o ng , t o brand image was communicated
1. Metaphorically speaking, a brand personality suggests to the public.
a certain type of relationship. This relationship is modelled
n o t g o i ng t o c u t i t a ny m o r e b e pa r t o f s o m e t h i ng b i gg e r --------------------
after person-to-person contact and thus provides a quick t h a n t h e m s e lv e s
and effective indication of what can be expected of the ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. A brand personality provides a vehicle for the expression stores does not match its message. The brand has
of a customer’s personal identity. Self-expression is usually become too sexy for its own good. ‘Lusty mannequins’ in the
principle ‘form follows function’. Like the products for sale,
more vivid in the case of a brand with a strong personality stores and massage oil on the shelves do not match the
materials used in the store are natural and of high quality.
3. A successful brand personality conveys functional ben- ultra-feminine message of hiding sexuality as a woman’s
The store is a place where people come together and want
efits and product attributes effectively. little secret. This disconnect has also been acknowledged
to be seen, a place where they can express their love for
by the chief executive of Victoria’s Secret, Sharen Turney. 3
the beauty of food. When one Dean & DeLuca customer was
In brief, a brand personality makes a brand more interesting Victoria, a proper ‘to-the-manor-born Londoner’ whose
asked why he walked an additional four blocks to have cof-
and memorable for the consumer. It forms the foundation of ‘lacey underthings’ were her little secret, gradually turned
fee at the store, the answer was, ‘It’s my family here. This is
the complete culture around a brand, to which people can into the lusty Vicky, who has ‘no qualms about flaunting her
where I belong.’
connect in order to identify themselves. sex appeal’.
Finding an Identity
Holistic Branding Concepts Matching the Store to the Message
In search of a personal identity, people look for ways to
Branding is a holistic concept. In his explanation of holism in Your store should be seen as the home of your brand. It
define themselves. Connecting with a brand and its culture
the Metaphysics , Aristotle writes that ‘the whole is more than should be aesthetically appealing while also conveying the
is one way of doing this. Only brands with personalities can
the sum of its parts’. If all pieces of the puzzle match, the im- message behind your brand personality. Dean & DeLuca,
create a culture and a meaning to which consumers can
age is complete. Branding is about total appearance. Every a USA-based gourmet-food store, is a good example of a
relate. A brand culture and all it involves should be
step taken needs to be authentic and consistent. Develop- retailer that matches the design of the store to its message.
authentic and consistent – only then can a true belief sys-
ing a brand has to do with the way people act, smell, taste, Dean & DeLuca opened its first store on a busy corner in
tem emerge. And the design of the store, which is the home
sound, feel and look. Only by being aware of how to commu- SoHo, New York. The store is an inspiration for people who
of the brand, should transcend aesthetics to convey, in a
nicate the brand inside and outside the company in ques- want to be identified as creative and knowledgeable when
clearly visual way, a personality that matches the culture of
tion can brand-makers be truly successful. One key part of it comes to the attributes of quality food. Dean & DeLuca’s
the brand. True fusion of portfolio, brand and design inten-
the puzzle – and one often overlooked during the assess- aim is to serve organic food from all over the world to a
sifies the brand culture and reinforces the visual impact of
ment of the consistency of the various elements of brand creative audience. The brand offers customers a sumptu-
the brand and everything it stands for.
culture – is design. If brand-related design is to be func- ous celebration of food and a place to experience all of
tional and successful, it has to be based on brand person- the pleasures that cooking and eating can bring. Food is 1
Dennis Hahn, ‘Give Them Something to Believe In:
ality. It should not only be aesthetically appealing, but also prepared on the spot so that people can see how to use the The Value of Brand Culture’, iD Branding ,
correspond to the overall brand culture. On its own, a nice products and can taste the results. Vegetables are sprayed, 2008 (accessed 23 December 2008).
image is not going to cut it any more. If there is a disconnect to keep them fresh. And, as much as possible, food is 2
Richard Elliot and Andrea Davies, ‘Symbolic brands and authenticity
between the image and the message, people get confused. shown in its natural context (without boxes and plastic) and of identity performance’, Brand Culture , Routledge, New York, 2006.
Victoria’s Secret, a lingerie brand, is a good example of a stacked in an artisanal way. The merchandizing and design,
Ylan Q. Mui, ‘Victoria’s Revelation’, Washington Post ,
label currently dealing with a disconnect. The design of its both distinctive and elegant, are based on the minimalist Business Section, 29 February 2008, D01.

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