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ANEXO 10 6 * Oficio Nro. MREMH-MREMH-2017-0001-M. Quito, 14 de di mbre de 2017 Asunto: REMITESE RESOLUCION DE NATURALIZACION Seitor Jorge Oss aldo Troy Fucrtes Director General DIRECCION. GENERAL DEL CEDULACION En su Despiti CION De mi considessetes Conforme a lo dispuess en ef articulo 13 del Acuerdo Ministerial No. 140 suyerito el 28 de novientlre del 2087 por el Viceministro de Movilidad Humana de este Ministerio, con su calidhid le Autorickad de Movilidad Humana, a fin de que se realice ta inseripeson Fespeetiva, comity «usted en fisico la Carta de Naturalizacion otorgada mediante Resolueion No, 001: MREMH-VMH-2017, suscrita el 12 de diciembre del 2017, oahu Ener VICEMINISTRO DE MOVILIDAD HUMANA 23-AUG-2012 18:25 FROM TO sa2a7sse2503 P.22/04 Embassy of Beiador i London : . 1 Note Number: 01 1/2012 The Foreign and Commonwealth Office presets its compliments to thie Embassy of Eeuador and has the honour to refer to Note No, 6020/SANE/2012-0f 17 Aujgust 2012 presented! to the British Embassy in Quito by the Ministry of Foreign Affvirs, Trade and litegratiori and the * letter ftom Foreign Minister Patino to the Foreign Sectetaty of 16 July (Note No. 6019/GM/SANE/2012). " As has been éommunicated to the Government of Eeuador in discussions over recent weeks betwen ofticials-of the two countries, the aithorities of the United Kingdom are under a legally binding obligation under the UK’ Extradition Act 2003 and under the terms of the European Arrest Warrant to extradite Mr Jilian‘dssddgélto Sweden to.answer allegations in respect of serious sexual offences. Regarding the decision by the Government of Beuadat 10 grant diplomatic asyhim to Mr Assange set-out in note No, SOII/GMISANE/2012, ‘the United Kingdom recognises that Ecuador is party to the Caracas Convention of Diplomate Asylum of 1954 and that that Convention provides the right, between its State patties, to grant diplornatic asylum in‘certain circumstances, However, the United Kingdoin is noi!party te that Convention and there is no legal basis for the-United Kirigdom to meet the request of the Govémment of Beuador, in its. note under reference, to grant safe passage for Mr.Assange out Of the United Kingdom. eee ete te igre a Ne eee Regarding the request by the Government of Ecuador in the same note to the Government of the United Kingdom to offer guarantees “pertinent to the! situation of the asylee”, the Foreign

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