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Embassy Youth Council -2016 Application Form

The U.S. Embassy Youth Council (USYC) was created in 2011 by the U.S. Embassy in Nepal to
interact directly with Nepali youth. The Youth Council has two primary objectives:
1) To inform the Embassy about the challenges young Nepalese face and what can be done to
address them.
2) To encourage participation by USYC members in their communities and civil society.

The incumbent USYC consists of 53 Nepalese from all regions of Nepal that represent various
backgrounds, castes, religions, and professions. The U.S. Embassy constantly engages with the
Youth Council through regularly offered discussion programs, training, outings and other events.
1. All Youth Council applicants must be between 18-27 years old.
2. All applications must include a recommendation from an educational institute where you are
currently studying or from your current place of work.
3. In submitting an application, all prospective Youth Council members are agreeing to be active
participants in Youth Council events for the full one-year term.
4. All Youth Council applicants should intend to reside in Nepal for the next year.

Deadline for Application is June 30, 2016, 17:00 NST. Please email the filled form to: AND Read the FAQ here (बारम्बार सोधिने
प्रश्नहरुको जवाफ):

Full Name:
Phone Number:
Date of Birth:
Permanent Address:
Temporary Address:
LinkedIn Profile URL:
Which of the fields are you interested in? (Education, Sports, Health, Environment, Social
Work, Development, Public Speaking, Arts, Media, Entrepreneurship, Others):
Instructions: Please answer all the questions from this section in less than 200 words and
be as specific as you can. (यस भागका सबै प्रश्नको उत्तर स्पष्टसँग २०० भन्दा कम शब्दमा

Why do you want to be a part of the US Embassy Youth Council? (तपाईं ककन यव
ु ा
पररषदको सदस्य बन्न चाहनुहुन्छ?) *

What skills or talents will you bring to the USYC? (युवापररषद्मा तपाईंले के शीप वा
दक्षता भभत्र्याउनह
ु ु नेछ?) *

Briefly describe one project or program that you worked on where you made a
difference. (संक्षक्षप्तमा तपाईंले पररवततन ल्याउन सकेको कुनै एक कायतक्रम या अभभयानका
बारे मा लेख्नह
ु ोस ्) *
You may attach an example of your work (an article, short video, or audio file) Please provide
the link to an article, Picture, short video, or audio file that highlights your work. You may use
YouTube, SoundCloud, Flickr to upload multimedia and paste the link here: तपाईंले आफुले
गरे को काम झल्ल्कने लेख, भभडियो, अडियो, अथवा तल्स्वरको भलंक संग्लन गनत सक्नुहुनेछ ।
भभडियो, अडियो, अथवा तल्स्वरका लागग तपाईं युट्युब, साउण्ि क्लाउि तथा फ्लीकरको भलंक
प्रयोग गनत सक्नुहुनेछ ।

What change do you hope to bring to your local community through your
involvement with the USYC? (युवा पररषद्मा संग्लग्न भएर तपाईंले आफ्नो समुदायमा के
पररवनत ल्याउने आशा गनुत भएको छ?) *
Where do you see yourself after five years? (अबको पाँच वषत पछछ तपाईं आफूलाई कहाँ
दे ख्नुहुन्छ?) *

Please attach the following two documents:

1. Updated CV
2. Recommendation Letter

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