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Deficits in attention, motor control and perception (DAMP) syndrome.

(Deficit de Aprestamiento
Motor y Percepción/DAMP)

Dr. Antonio Cordero

Recommendations for the Classroom:

To understand kids with DAMP: IQ is average, cognitive processes can be slow, decreased Work
memory, decreased visuoperception, tendency to Hyperfocus, Fine and gross motor skills are not
mature (dyspraxia), Internalizing problems (sometimes the child might suffer from depression or
anxiety even if he’s not being disruptive in class).

 The child needs to develop motor skills. He needs periodical activities that make him jump,
climb and involve physical movement (It is necessary to use the playground with swings,
handrails, sliders, etc. periodically).
 He needs games that make him crawl and do activities on the floor.
 Autonomy: Training in self-care habits should be reinforced in class and at home.
 The child needs periodical guided pauses when he can be allowed to walk in the classroom for
just a minute in various moments throughout the day. Use Sensory Snacks every time when
shifting from one class to another. Even if you are working on the same subject do not engage
in the same strategy for more than 10 minutes (Use different strategies to work on the same
subject / When working on a subject for an hour plan a short video, a song or dance, a game, a
worksheet, etc.)
 The child presents Internalizing problems: Always underline the right answers in the exams, do
not mark wrong answers or show low grades. Find activities he can excel at even if they are
small and give him credit for it.
 Use a lot of images along with kinesthetic learning strategies. (This can be very useful with a
dyslexic child as well, as we know they need to learn with his hands, by making and using play
dough letters for example)
 The kid tends to be Hyper-focused in irrelevant stimuli: Sometimes he may not be able to take
his attention off something he’s interested in. So getting his interest is very important, that
means we must seek to understand his likes or dislikes. Also, the classroom needs to reduce
the amount of unnecessary visual stimulus. (Keep only the signs, banners or billboards that
you’re using that specific day).
 Cut goals into small parts and give him credit every time he achieves one of the smaller parts.
 Instructions must be kept short, concise and clear.
 After you give the instruction you should get the kid to repeat it.
 Use audio-books. Kid needs lessons he can listen to as many times as he wants.


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