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What's a standardized test ?

A standardized test is a test that is administered and scored in a consistent, or "standard". Any test in
which the same test is given in the same manner to all test takers, and graded in the same manner
for everyone, is a standardized test.
Some examples of standardized test are SAT and ACP. Generally, these test are applicated in US

In US, the students who receive higher scores on the SAT and the ACT are considered to be more
intelligent and as a result are usually admitted to more selective schools than those who receive
lower scores.

These standardized tests might be good indicators of who will do well within a school system, but
they don’t necessarily predict one’s future success in life. And yet, colleges continue to give
considerable weight to test scores in their admissions process. But these scores aren’t a good
predictor of a student’s potential. Several SAT and ACT prep classes are offered from various
companies and individual tutors in the area, giving affluent students a better chance to improve their

Another way scores don’t accurately portray the natural capability of students is the fact that many
take ADD/ADHD medication before their test. Although it is not proven that taking these drugs
will increase a student’s score, the nature of the drug is to increase alertness, concentration, and
mental processing speed. For some students this is an easy alternative to preparation.

In addition, these tests aren’t able to show some of the skills and character traits that are a key part
to success. Creativity, perseverance, collaboration, vision and self-discipline are just a few basic
qualities that are useful in the professional world that aren’t measured by these tests. A high test
score tells you nothing about how a student will handle the vicissitudes of life or how well they will
adapt to their surroundings.

What universities should do is give more importance to the student's academic track., such as what
classes they took and how difficult they were, or what extra-curricular activities the student was
involved in over their standardized test scores. Without these tests colleges could focus more on the
student as an individual. These things don’t necessarily predict how the student will do in college,
but if the admissions would pay more attention to four years of hard work instead three hours of
filling in bubbles, they might get more successful and well-rounded group of graduates.

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