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LDXXXX10.1177/0022219417711223Journal of Learning DisabilitiesKoen et al.

Journal of Learning Disabilities

The Location and Effects of Visual

© Hammill Institute on Disabilities 2017
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Hemisphere-Specific Stimulation on
DOI: 10.1177/0022219417711223

Reading Fluency in Children With

the Characteristics of Dyslexia

Bobbie Jean Koen, PhD1, Jacqueline Hawkins, EdD1,

Xi Zhu, PhD1, Ben Jansen, PhD1, Weihua Fan, PhD1,
and Sharon Johnson, PhD1

Fluency is used as an indicator of reading proficiency. Many students with reading disabilities are unable to benefit from
typical interventions. This study is designed to replicate Lorusso, Facoetti, Paganoni, Pezzani, and Molteni’s (2006) work
using FlashWord, a computer program that tachistoscopically presents words in the right or left visual hemi-field in
English and locates through fMRI imaging the processing areas involved in fluency development. Our participants were
15 students who were ages 8 to 19 years and had reading disabilities randomly assigned to Intervention (n = 9) and
Delayed Intervention (n = 6) groups. Functional imaging studies focused on analyzing activations in the left hemisphere (LH)
superior temporal gyrus, the inferior frontal gyrus, and the LH inferior occipito-temporal/fusiform area (visual-word form
area [VWFA]). Analysis of intervention data showed that 6 of the 9 Intervention group participants (67%) achieved levels
of automatic processing and increased their reading rate by an average of 20 words per minute after participating in the
FlashWord intervention. Analyses of fMRI group activation maps and mean activation levels in regions of interest document
processing changes in VWFA activations that could be related to the increase in reading speed and confirm these locations
as essential to developing fluency.

brain imaging, neuropsychology, phonological processing, response to intervention

As a persistent component of reading disability, the behav- orthographic regularities of letter combinations, the seman-
ioral and neurobiological mechanisms that influence flu- tic features of words, and the semantic-syntactic constraints
ency are not well understood. The neurobiological origins of word sequences, investigated first by Doehring (1976).
of fluency can be seen in the early work of physiologist Kame’enui, Simmons, Good, and Harn (2000) proposed
Donald Hebb, who proposed the concept of unitization in a developmental conceptualization of fluency that included
1949. LaBerge and Samuels (1974) went on to apply this the building of proficiency in underlying component skills
idea to more complex visual levels (familiar letter patterns) of reading, such as phoneme awareness, effectively merg-
and in other modalities such as phonological representa- ing the influences of skill development with processing
tions, focusing on the automaticity of processing that relates speed and accuracy into a continuum of reading proficiency.
to the neural efficiency hypothesis (Mrazik & Dombrowski, It is this continuum that Wolf and Katzir-Cohen (2001) refer
2010). Educators have long used fluency as a measure of to in their comprehensive definition of fluency that illus-
reading performance and a sign of superior comprehension trates the developing of automaticity including perceptual,
but have not been able to prescribe instructional practices phonological, orthographic, and morphological processes at
that improve reading speed for all children, especially those the letter, letter-pattern, and word levels as well as semantic
with specific reading disabilities. Students are expected to
read fluently as a function of instruction and maturity, and 1
University of Houston, TX, USA
the common preoccupation with measuring fluency as the
Corresponding Author:
rate and accuracy of oral reading ignores the multiple other Bobbie Jean Koen, Policy and Planning, University of Houston, 320K
dimensions of fluency, particularly the contributions of Student Service Center 1, Houston, TX 77204-5029, USA.
lower level subskills: graphological features of letters, Email:
2 Journal of Learning Disabilities 00(0)

and syntactic processes at the word level and the connected- 2 (ages 6–7 years). This was the first evidence of a long-
text level. Since the development of reading fluency suspected major change in brain regions for the develop-
depends on every process and skill used in reading, mental processing of written language.
Kame’enui (2007) proposes that it also requires an increase Shaywitz et al. (2002) found another naturally occurring
in accuracy and proficiency in every underlying compo- developmental shift in activation of the three cortical read-
nent. It would follow that failure to acquire these processes ing subsystems that occurs slightly later, around Grade 4
and skills could result in serious and persistent reading (age 10.5 years). They observed that younger nonimpaired
dysfunctions. readers showed stronger engagement of the dorsal temporo-
Although it is limited, scientific investigation of fast pro- parietal system—including the angular gyrus, supramarginal
cessing includes not only behavioral data but results from gyrus in the inferior parietal lobule, and posterior aspect of
many new technologies. The component-based definition the superior temporal gyrus (STG or Wernicke’s area)—and
of fluency provides the theoretical framework for investi- the anterior system—posterior aspect of the inferior frontal
gating how the relative contributions of letter-sound asso- gyrus (IFG)—but limited use of the ventral system—LH
ciation, phonological awareness, orthographic pattern inferior occipito-temporal/fusiform area, extending anteri-
recognition, comprehension, and rapid letter naming affect orly into the middle temporal gyrus (MTG) and inferior tem-
fluent word and connected-text reading in children with the poral gyrus. In contrast, nonimpaired readers older than 10.5
characteristics of dyslexia. Using multivariant analysis of years of age showed increased engagement of the ventral
the results of a battery of reading skills measures of 123 system, which is associated with increasingly skilled read-
second- and third-grade student with dyslexia, Katzir et al. ing, that is, positively correlated with higher reading scores.
(2006) found that rapid naming, orthographic pattern recog- These results would seem to support the suggestion offered
nition, and word reading fluency moderately predicted dif- by Pugh et al. (2001) and Sandak, Mencl, Frost, and Pugh
ferent dimensions of connected-text reading (i.e., rate, (2004) that this ventral system fails to develop in students
accuracy, and comprehension) whereas phonological with the characteristics of dyslexia, not because of impair-
awareness contributed only to the comprehension dimen- ment but as a result of lack of proper stimulation. This
sion of connected-text reading when controlling for the exploratory study intends to look for evidence of fluent pro-
children’s gender, age, socioeconomic status, and IQ. The cessing that could include both of these naturally occurring
unexpected finding that rapid naming was more related to processing shifts in reading development.
reading speed than was phonological awareness under-
scores the importance of these subskills.
Misra, Katzir, Wolf, and Poldrack (2004) used fMRI to
investigate this rapid naming phenomenon more closely by As the field of cognitive neuroscience becomes more pre-
looking at the activation patterns elicited by serial letter cise in the identification of the cortical subsystems that sup-
rapid automatized naming (RAN) tasks and object RAN port the development of reading, a central question involves
tasks. Results from both letter and object naming scans, the behavioral and neurobiological evidence in various sys-
when compared to fixation, indicated significant activations tems to brain-based intervention procedures. Shaywitz et al.
within all three systems of the reading network: the frontal (2004) found increasing LH activation in students with dys-
areas, bilaterally along the ventral visual pathway, and in lexia using fMRI as a result of explicit alphabetic principle
the left hemisphere (LH) dorsal posterior regions. However, and phonological awareness training. Also, studies using
areas that were differentially activated were more active visual hemisphere-specific stimulation (VHSS) have dem-
during the Letter Naming task, especially the angular gyrus onstrated surprising increases in fluency for reading-dis-
(important for the interpretation of orthographic symbols) abled readers.
and the superior parietal lobule. This finding underscores Bakker, Bouma, and Gardien (1990) identified children
the conclusion that RAN of letters activates many of the with dyslexia in light of the known hemispheric subservi-
same regions and pathways as used when reading words ence in learning to read as L-dyslexics or P-dyslexics, based
and is, therefore, of greater predictive ability to reading flu- on error analysis, distribution of brain responses, and
ency than are object RAN tasks. behavioral measures. They suggest that L-dyslexics pre-
Unexpected challenges arise from the documentation of dominately generate LH strategies from the very onset of
natural hemispheric and regional subsystem shifts in read- learning to read and therefore are relatively insensitive to
ing behavior that must be considered in evaluating neuro- the perceptual features of the text. L-dyslexics manifest a
biological data. Licht, Bakker, Kok, and Bouma (1988) hurried and inaccurate style of reading with many substan-
used event-related potentials related to word naming during tive errors. P-dyslexics are children who began the learn-
a 4-year longitudinal study and found that most children ing-to-read process in the RH but never progress from there
shift the processing of words from the right hemisphere and so are overly sensitive to perceptual features of the text
(RH) to the left by the end of Grade 1, beginning of Grade and read slowly with a fragmented style.
Koen et al. 3

Bakker et al. (1990) theorized that since L-type dyslex- processes that Wolf and Katzir-Cohen (2001) validated as
ics had difficulty using right-hemispheric strategies dur- critical influences on fluent reading of connected text in
ing initial reading, they might benefit from specific their comprehensive definition of fluency.
stimulation of the RH and that the opposite is true for
P-dyslexics: they had not shifted to LH processing and so
would profit from specific stimulation of the LH. In gen-
eral, specific stimulation of a hemisphere can be accom- The main goal of the present analysis is twofold. First, we
plished tactilely or visually, by the lateral presentation of begin with the reconceptualizations of the definition of flu-
reading material in the left visual field or to the fingers of ency and used fMRI technology to localize brain activity in
the left hand in L-dyslexics and in the right visual field or regions of interest (ROIs) before and after VHSS training in
to the fingers of the right hand in P-dyslexics. This study students with the characteristics of developmental dyslexia.
actually treated the children using a wooden tactile train- Using postintervention activation maps, we expect to iden-
ing box and plastic letters that are manipulated out of tify brain regions involved in the training of fast processing
sight. L-types were given easy-to-visualize concrete words in reading and determine the effects in these brain regions
to form and trace with the left hand to stimulate the RH, that signify the development of fluency. Comparing the
and P-types were given difficult-to-visualize abstract activation maps of the students with the characteristics of
words to form and trace with the right hand to stimulate dyslexia who participated in the FlashWord Intervention
the LH. While P-dyslexics showed a decrease in fragmen- condition with those of the students in the Delayed
tation errors on both word and text reading after interven- Intervention condition should reveal the specific effects of
tion, L-dyslexics decreased substantive errors only on text the VHSS training on the processing activities in the read-
reading. The authors identified several limitations in their ing core subsystems. Based on the three core reading sub-
methodology and intervention that may have contributed systems first documented by Shaywitz and Shaywitz
to the somewhat mixed results, but the positive effects of (1999)—the anterior processing subsystem located in the
even motor stimulation to the less activated hemisphere on IFG of mostly the LH, which facilitates phonological
reading performance are encouraging. Further, these encoding; the temporal-parietal subsystem found in the
results suggest that the dyslexia subtyping procedures inferior MTG and STG in both hemispheres, which pro-
appear to be valid techniques for matching interventions vides rule-based analysis and learning; and the occipital-
to processing systems. temporal subsystem found in extra striate areas located
Lorusso, Facoetti, Paganoni, Pezzani, and Molteni posterior to V1, which applies orthographic encoding, and
(2006) employed computer technology to achieve much the visual-word form area (VWFA), which supplies sight
stronger results in an Italian population of impaired readers words—statistical analyses should produce the relative
based on the strength of these theoretical and neurobiologi- influence of these regions on the development of fast
cal foundations. These researchers adopted the subtyping processing.
of students with the characteristics of dyslexia proposed by Second, we expected to quantify the extent to which
Bakker et al. (1990) and added M-type dyslexia: a mixed VHSS training increases fluency scores in students with the
type demonstrating both slow and inaccurate reading. They characteristics of dyslexia. We tested the hypothesis that
extended the theory to propose that M-dyslexia children subtyping students with the characteristics of dyslexia and
would benefit from stimulation of both hemispheres, alter- administering VHSS intervention based on those subtypes
nately. Their new technology included a modified version (FlashWord-modified and in English) would improve flu-
of a computerized system for VHSS, “FlashWord” (Masutto ency performance across dyslexia subtypes more effec-
& Fabbro, 1995). After 1,440 min (24 hours) of interven- tively than other currently used reading fluency programs.
tion in Italian, these researchers used only behavioral mea- By comparing the fluency scores from the beginning of the
sures and found that all students with the characteristics of semester and the end of the semester of the children with the
dyslexia, regardless of subtype, not only improved in accu- characteristics of dyslexia who completed the VHSS inter-
racy and fluency compared to nonimpaired controls but vention with those who did not, the difference was expected
also showed gains in spelling, memory, and general pro- to quantify the greater increases in fluency achieved by the
cessing speed. Additionally, the students with the charac- students with dyslexia who completed their assigned inter-
teristics of dyslexia gained 0.33 syllables per second more vention. This should demonstrate the efficacy of this inter-
in reading speed during the same period of time than their vention with this special population and within all dyslexia
nonimpaired controls. These remarkable results suggest subtypes: L, P, and M.
that putting pressure on the system by requiring very fast We investigated the following research questions:
processing of the presented stimuli may produce a greater
degree of automatization of the component processes. It is 1. Regarding postintervention activations, what effects
this automatization of the underlying lexical and sublexical in the ROIs signify the development of fluency? We
4 Journal of Learning Disabilities 00(0)

Table 1.  Study Participant Demographics.

Participant code Gender Age (years) Race Reading instructional grade level
Delayed Intervention group
CB F 8 African American 1
CC F 10 Anglo 4
PA F 11 African American 4
MG M 14 Anglo 5
MJ M 19 Anglo 8
ML F 16 Anglo 2
Group summary M=2 Range = 8–19 Anglo: 4 (67%) Range = 1–8
F=4 Mode: NA African American: 2 (33%) Mode: 4
M = 13 M=4
Intervention groupb
PC M 8 Anglo 2
PE M 10 African American 4
MA M 16 Anglo 7
MC M 16 Anglo 4
MD F 16 Anglo Primer-3
ME M 17 Anglo 3
MF M 15 Anglo 8
MI M 16 Anglo 6
MN M 19 Anglo 10
Group summary M=8 Range = 8–19 Anglo: 8 (89%) Range = Primary 3–10
F=1 Mode: 16 African American: 1 (11%) Mode: 4
M = 15 M=4
All participants summaryc M = 10 Range = 8–19 Anglo: 12 (80%) Range = Primary 3–10
F=5 Mode: 16 African American: 3 (20%) Mode: 4
M = 14 M=5

Note. F = female; M = male; NA = not available.

n = 6. bn = 9. cN = 15.

are especially interested in tracking the hemispheric Methodology

and systematic shift as a function of participation in
the intervention. Sample
2. To what extent does VHSS training increase flu- A total of 20 students, 5 females and 15 males, ranging in
ency scores in students with the characteristics of age from 8 to 19 years, were recruited from three private
dyslexia? Is it more effective than other commonly schools in a large urban setting. All of the families self-
used fluency instructional techniques? selected their students’ participation in the study by return-
ing a Release of Confidentiality and were interviewed by
Evidence suggests that there could also be a reduction the principal investigator to discuss in detail MRI safety
in activation in the ROIs as a result of the intervention. information and answer any questions about the research or
Haier and Benbow (1995) found that the people with the intervention. As a result of these visits, 2 students were
highest scores on a cognitive task used less brain energy found to be unsuitable for fMRI imaging (English as a sec-
and concluded that intelligence is associated with a more ond language and orthodontia), and they agreed to with-
efficient brain rather than a harder working brain (Haier draw from the study (see Table 1).
et al., 1988). This “neural efficiency hypothesis” implies Analysis of standardized test results showed that all of
that more efficient brains require less energy and hence the rest of the students, except for 2, qualified as students
demonstrate less overall cortical activation (Mrazik & with the characteristics of developmental dyslexia according
Dombrowski, 2010). The exploratory nature of this study to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases
must anticipate both higher and possibly lower activation and Related Health Problems, 10th revision (World Health
levels in these participants as a result of the intervention Organization, 1992) criterion, which was used by Lorusso
depending on the relative reading development of the et al. (2006) to identify their participants. This criterion was
participants. interpreted for this study as performance on a standardized
Koen et al. 5

Table 2.  Standardized Reading Testing and Intervention Program Assignment Justification.

Standardized test, grade level, Analysis of errors;

Participant year, subtest = scale score or Reading level, justification for program Dyslexia Recommended
code percentile ranking wpm, errors assignment subtype program
CB Stanford, 1, 2010, Primer, 50, no Slow processing; good Mixed LH/RH
Word Reading = 481 errors comprehension
CC Stanford, 4, 2010, 4, 128, no errors Reports using meaning to L-type RH
Reading Comprehension = 627 decode unknown words
PA Stanford, 4, 2010, Total Reading 2, 92, 2 errors Both errors were meaning L-type RH
= 581 based
PC Out of state, 2, 2010, Visual 3, 78, no errors General skill level and L-type RH
Processing/Reading (no personality type
scores available)
PE Stanford, 4, 2010, Total Reading 1, 40, 6 errors 5 errors were phonics based P-type LH
= 508
MA Stanford, 7, 2010, Reading 7, 53, 4 errors All errors were meaning Mixed RH/LH
Comprehension = 688 based; slow processing
MC Stanford, 4, 2010, Word Study 4, 69, 3 errors All errors were phonics P-type LH
= 578 based
MD Stanford, Primer-3, 2010, 3, 87, 8 errors 5 errors were phonics based; Mixed LH/RH
Reading Vocabulary = 45th 3 errors were meaning
percentile based
ME Stanford, 3, 2010, Word Study 2, 54, 6 errors All errors were meaning L-type RH
= 544 based
MF Stanford, 8, 2010, Reading 8, 102, no errors Slow processing P-type LH
Comprehension = 662
MG Stanford, 5, 2010, Spelling = 4, 48, 5 errors All errors were meaning L-type RH
<12th percentile based
MI Stanford, 6, 2010, Word Study 5, 106, 4 errors 3 errors were meaning based; Mixed RH/LH
= 605 1 error was phonics based
MJ Stanford, 8, 2010, Reading 8, 98, 3 errors Errors were different; L-type RH
Comprehension = <8th personality type
ML Stanford, 2, 2010, Word Study 1, 70, 5 errors 4 errors were meaning based L-type RH
= <6th percentile
MN Stanford, 10, 2010, Vocabulary 8, 115, 5 errors All errors were phonics P-type LH
= 703 based

Note. wpm = words per minute; LH = left hemisphere; RH = right hemisphere.

assessment of text reading that is reflected in a Stanford Intervention group, with the opposite in the Intervention
Achievement Test scale score of 600 or less in at least one of group. One student refused to participate in the interven-
the tests for speed and accuracy in reading and/or spelling, tion, so his data were excluded, bringing the total to 15
despite an average IQ, as ensured by each school administra- participants.
tor (“Beyond the Numbers,” 2012). When scale scores were Additionally, preintervention fluency assessment scores
not available, percentile measurements of 50 or less were were used to subtype the students with the characteristics of
used to show lack of reading proficiency. These scores, dyslexia. All participants were classified as having P-, L-,
taken with the reading level/age discrepancy of the student, or M-dyslexia on the basis of their reading speed and read-
were determined to qualify the remaining 16 students (see ing errors (“time-consuming errors” such as fragmentations
Table 2). and repetitions or “substantive errors” such as substitutions
The participating students represent a wide range of ages and omissions) according to the following formula based on
and reading grade levels. Both randomly chosen treatment Lorusso et al. (2006):
groups also show this range of functioning, but the
Intervention group has a higher average age and a greater 1. P-type if reading speed is at least 1 SD below age
reading grade level range than the Delayed Intervention mean (i.e., z < –1) and the proportion of time-con-
group. There were also more girls than boys in the Delayed suming errors over total errors is ≥ 60%.
6 Journal of Learning Disabilities 00(0)

2. L-type if reading speed is no more than 1 SD below

age mean (i.e., z ≥ –1) and the proportion of substan-
tive errors over total errors is ≥ 60%.
3. M-type in all other cases (prevalence of time-con-
suming errors but reading speed above −1 SD; prev-
alence of substantive errors but speed below −1 SD;
presence of an equivalent amount of both kinds of

The process of using these subtypes to match the opti-

mal hemisphere-specific stimulation to each student for
remediation purposes required some modifications to
accommodate different kinds of reading errors found in Figure 1.  Sample Visual Stimuli.
English readers (see Table 2). In addition to the “substan-
tive” errors described by Bakker et al. (1990), some readers containing a letter or group of letters printed in a contrast-
of English tend to create meaning based on their experi- ing color, also presented visually, one above the other
ences and vocabulary. These fabrications tend to have little (see Figure 1). The child was directed to press the “Yes”
to do with what is printed on the page but make perfect button if the contrasting-color letter(s) in the top word
sense when lifted from the printed text. Students who com- could stand for the same sound as the contrasting-color
mitted these kinds of errors were considered L-type since letter(s) in the bottom word and to press a “No” button if
they were using the context of the sentence to produce the target letters stood for different sounds. All responses
meaningful, though wrong, substitutions and were given had to occur within the 12- to 18-s duration of a slide in
the RH intervention program. All students provided base- order to be recorded.
line fluency scores and end-of-study fluency scores through During the fMRI scanning, 116 total slides were ran-
their regular classroom assessments when possible. domly presented to each participant, 60% (69) showing
word pairs and 40% (47) showing letter matches. Slides
Experimental Design with the letter match stimulus appeared for 12 s, and slides
showing word pairs were presented for 18 s, for a total func-
This fMRI experiment used a mixed design in that the tional scanning time of 27 min per participant. One half of
events of interest were randomized with perceptual controls each of the task condition slides were yes. All words and
to provide robust event-related activation maps and esti- letters were presented at the center of the screen printed in
mates of hemodynamic response, modeled after one used 60-pica black (or pink) Calibri lower-case letters.
by Richards et al. (2006). The word pairs (phonological
analysis) and letter match (perceptual control) stimuli in
this study were randomly presented every 12 and 18 s, Procedures
respectively, within each run. Analysis of the brain activa- Scans were conducted at the Baylor College of Medicine
tion provided four contrasts—Word Pairs task, Letter Match Human Neuroimaging Lab. Before each scan, the students
task, Word Pairs greater than Letter Match, and Letter were thoroughly trained on the Word Pairs and Letter
Match greater than Word Pairs—and should isolate the pho- Matching tasks. Following the preintervention scanning
neme-mapping processes and the associated brain regions session, the students in the Intervention condition partici-
uniquely involved in phonological analysis apart from letter pated in the computerized VHSS program, FlashWord,
processing alone. modified according to their dyslexia subtype at their
The Letter Match task required the child to decide schools. Each school adopted its own schedule for interven-
whether two letter strings (e.g., szpy and sxpy) printed in tion, and volunteers generally administered the program
all black letters and presented simultaneously one above after training from the principal investigator. The principal
the other matched exactly. The length of the letter strings investigator maintained weekly communication with the
was comparable to the length of the pseudowords used in volunteers and students, updating and scoring each stu-
the phonological analysis task. This control task required dent’s Intervention binder and meeting with volunteers to
attention to all letter positions but did not involve assign- make sure that minimum competencies were being met as
ing speech sounds to letters. The child was directed to the processing time was being decreased. Finally, all of the
press a “Yes” button if the letter strings matched or to students with the characteristics of dyslexia returned for the
press a “No” button if the letter strings did not match. For postintervention scanning session using the exact same
the phonological task condition, Word Pairs, the word design, task, and procedures as before. Care was also taken
pairs were decodable nonwords printed in black, each to ensure that postintervention, the students were scanned
Koen et al. 7

using the same machine as they had been for the preinter- following sessions so as to keep pressure on the system of
vention scan. word recognition. The lists of 25 to 80 words/phrases
became increasingly difficult in terms of word length and
Intervention. FlashWord, version 2.2, written by Franco complexity so that final lists also included short sentences
Fabbro and Cristina Masutto (copyright 1995–2004 by Edi- selected according to familiarity and predictability. To fur-
trice TecnoScuola) and used for this research by permis- ther stimulate anticipation in P-types, there was progressive
sion, is a computer program that uses a game format to shortening of presentation times within the same session.
present words or phrases in the right or left visual hemi- Nine of the students in the Intervention condition com-
field at increasingly rapid rates. The ability to process words pleted 1,440 min (24 hours) of the recommended version of
and phrases at rates of 250 to 100 milliseconds is generally the FlashWord computer program during one semester of
considered to reflect “emerging fluency” (Bakker et al., school. Six students in the Delayed Intervention group par-
1990). The student sees the words or phrases projected on ticipated in the usual reading fluency program at their
either the right or left side of the computer screen, stimulat- schools and used the FlashWord computer program only
ing either the right or left visual field and the opposite brain after the second scan. All students participated in the two
hemisphere, according to his or her dyslexia subtype. Ocu- fMRI scans and statistical analysis, so the Delayed
lar fixation is monitored by asking the child to follow a Intervention group provides a true comparison of the VHSS
luminous dot oscillating up and down on the screen at an treatment effects on this target population.
adjustable speed. A word is flashed only if the child clicks
on the mouse at the exact moment the dot is crossing the Acquisition of MRI and fMRI scans.  Structural and functional
central target. The student’s task is to read the words as they MRIs were performed on one of two Siemens head-only 3T
are flashed on the screen. Allegra Magnetic Resonance scanners. Scanning included a
The word lists created for the English version of 192 transversial slice, high-resolution set of anatomical
FlashWord were modeled on the Italian word lists following images in plane with functional data (TR/TE 1200/2.93 mil-
general guidelines from the authors. The Left Hemisphere liseconds; fast spoiled gradient echo pulse sequence; 0.96 ×
Program word lists were structured to mirror traditional 0.96 × 0.89 millimeters; 256 × 208 matrix). This anatomical
reading instruction sequences: short vowel patterns, long series was followed by four fMRI series using two-dimen-
vowel silent “e” patterns, regular vowel and consonant pat- sional gradient echo planar pulse sequence (TR/TE 2000/50
terns, suffixes, irregular vowel and consonant patterns, milliseconds, 26 transversial slices; at 4 millimeters with
vowel-r patterns, diphthongs, final stable syllables, and pre- 0% overlap, 64 × 64 matrix). Children viewed the stimulus
fixes. The words themselves were generated from lists of on a rear-projection video display (NEC GT2150) using a
words for teachers like The Yellow Pages for Students and mirrored lens attached to the head coil. If a student required
Teachers (The Kid’s Stuff People, 1980) and Cypress- glasses to see the stimulus clearly, magnetic resonance–
Fairbank’s Dyslexia Handbook (an internally developed compatible frames with insertable polycarbonate lenses
resource for teachers in the Region IV Education Service (Solo Bambini) were created. Participants indicated their
Center in Texas). The phrases were found in Fry Instant responses on two 2-button optical response pads (Current
Phrases (Fry, n.d.-a) and the Dyslexia Handbook. To create Designs, Inc.), one held in each hand. Most of the students
the RH program, nonsense words and phrases were formed allowed the principal investigator to mark “Y” or “N” on
following the phonetic structure of the LH lists. Additional their thumbs to help them remember. They indicated a
lists of related words were original to this study, while high- “Yes” or “No” response by pressing a certain button within
image-value words (words that tend to be memorized the 12- to 18-s stimulus presentation in order to be counted
instead of phonologically decoded) were selected from as correct. These responses were monitored during scan-
Fry’s 600 (Fry, n.d.-b; see Appendix A). ning to ensure that the participant was awake and on task.
Before the beginning of each lesson with the student, cri- Total MRI scans lasted approximately 32 min, 10 s.
teria for word presentation (target speed and tolerance)
were set and recorded, and presentation times were recorded fMRI image and data analysis.  Initially the fMRI data were
in the student’s intervention binder. Students using the RH visually analyzed to assess the amount of movement and
program also chose the colors of the words and background its effect on the quality of the activation maps. Preprocess-
and the font displayed. The longest presentation times ing of the data included slice timing correction to mathe-
(1,000 milliseconds for words and 2,000 milliseconds for matically reconcile imaging differences, co-registration to
phrases) were used in the first sessions, initially so that the a standard brain to align the images, and correction of
child was able to read the word list with at least 70% accu- severe head motion to improve activation detection. Nor-
racy, and later when more complex stimuli were presented malization was used to create group data, spatial smooth-
for the first time. As the child’s reading performance ing was done using a 3-millimeter blurring filter, and
improved, presentation times were shortened in the temporal filtering was conducted. Due to a large amount
8 Journal of Learning Disabilities 00(0)

Table 3.  Fluency Summary.

Preintervention: Program/ Reached fluency? Postintervention:

Participant wpm/grade lowest speed: (100–250 milliseconds) wpm/grade Difference
code reading level words-phrases or in DI group (Yes/No) reading level (wpm)
CB 24/2 LH DI 50/2.0 26
CC 128/4 RH DI 120/5.0 −8
PA 92/2 RH DI 116/3.0 14
PC 78/3 RH/75–125 Yes 120/4.0 42
PE 40/1 LH/150–200 Yes for words 51/1.5 11
MA 53/7 RH/250–700 No, yes 63/8.0 10
MC 69/4 LH/80–80 Yes 95/4.5 26
MD 87/3 LH/500–700 No, no 75/3.5 −12
ME 54/2 RH/400–1000 No 55/3.0 1
MF 102/8 LH/70–80 Yes 118/8.0 16
MG 48/4 RH DI 52/4.0 6
MI 106/5 RH/200–500 No, yes for words 103/6.0 −3
MJ 98/8 RH DI 103/8.0 5
ML 70/1 RH DI 71/1.0 1
MN 115/8 LH/40–80 Yes 131/8.0 16

Note. wpm = words per minute; DI = Delayed Intervention; LH = left hemisphere; RH = right hemisphere.

of movement during some of the scans, it was also neces- liberal alpha value (e.g., p < .1) for voxel-wise comparisons.
sary to remove from estimation those images that were For this study, we used a minimum of five voxels to define a
produced while parameters exceeded the acceptable range. cluster. These clusters were identified within the three core
In our final data analysis, there were no participants with reading subsystems: the anterior processing system in the
movement greater than 3 millimeters of translation or 3° IFG, the temporal-parietal system in the STG and MTG, and
of rotation. There were also no significant differences the occipital-temporal system in the VWFA. These regions
between the root mean square of absolute movement have already been identified as collaborative areas that pro-
(movement from this time point to a reference time point) duce particular reading behaviors.
or relative movement (movement from this time point to This experiment evaluated the influence of the core read-
next time point) across x, y, or z axes of translation or ing subsystems (the occipital-temporal, temporal-parietal,
three rotations between intervention group and delayed and anterior activation sites based on previous research)
group (p > .5). and other sources of variability (nuisance factors or error)
At the first level of analysis, the preprocessed fMRI on fluency and accuracy using multiple linear regression.
images, the stimulus onset times for each condition, and the Our analysis should have revealed the relative influence of
six movement parameters were correlated to create a design each of the core reading subsystems on the development of
matrix of the data. This model was estimated, and four con- fluency.
trasts were created: the Letter Match condition (showing
activation, a correlation coefficient at each voxel of the Results
brain, for only the letter match stimuli), the Word Pairs con-
dition (showing activation from only the word pairs stim- Behavioral Data
uli), Letter Match Greater than Word Pairs condition Preintervention fluency scores collected in January and pos-
(showing activation from the letter match stimuli that sur- tintervention fluency scores gathered in May or June were
passed the activation from the word pairs stimuli), and examined by participant and by group to determine ranges of
Word Pairs Greater than Letter Match condition (showing net gain and mean gain (see Table 3). Participants in the
activation from the word pairs stimuli that surpassed the Intervention group (n = 9) produced preintervention scores
activation from the letter match stimuli). ranging from 40 to 115 words per minute (wpm) (M = 78
The average activation of magnetic resonance signal for wpm) and postintervention scores ranging from 51 to 131
each ROI was determined using cluster-size thresholding, a wpm (M = 90 wpm). Participants in the Delayed Intervention
technique wherein data are analyzed using a relatively group (n = 6) had preintervention scores ranging from 24 to
Koen et al. 9

128 wpm (M = 77 wpm) and postintervention scores ranging (quantified in milliseconds and representing a change in
from 50 to 120 wpm (M = 85 wpm). The net gain during this speed of processing) was used as a measure of achieved
6-month period demonstrated by the Intervention group was fluency for the Intervention group only. This evidence of
11.9 wpm and by the Delayed Intervention group was 7.3 processing change was analyzed by means of a two-way
wpm. A total of 2 participants in the Intervention group and mixed-design ANOVA having two levels of reading flu-
1 in the Delayed Intervention group actually produced ency scores (pre- and postintervention) as a within-sub-
slower postintervention scores compared to their preinter- ject factor and two levels of fluency: those students (n =
vention assessment, so the averages mask substantial gains 6) who reached levels of emerging fluency, 100 millisec-
made by some students in both groups. onds or less, and those (n = 3) who did not, as a between-
A paired-samples t test compared preintervention flu- subjects factor. The between-subjects main effect of the
ency scores with postintervention scores for participants in fluency rate achieved during intervention was significant,
the Intervention and Delayed Intervention groups. The cor- F(1, 8) = 5.38, p = .05, indicating fluency differences
relation (.879) of these scores was significant (p < .001), between the students who achieved fast processing as
indicating a strong relationship between the scores. The t measured through the FlashWord intervention and those
test for the independent samples was also significant, t(14) who did not.
= −2.81, p < .05, indicating that there were differences Additionally, a postintervention correlational statis-
between the reading fluency scores of the students in both tical analysis was conducted to investigate relationships
groups. A very high significant correlation (.94, p < .01) between the achievement of fluent processing and spe-
was found between those participants in the Delayed cific ROI activation. We created scatterplots to illus-
Intervention group and their pre- and postintervention flu- trate active variations in individual student levels of
ency scores, but no significant difference was found activation in the selected ROIs and the student’s
between preintervention fluency (M = 76.67, SD = 37.32) achieved level of fluency in the FlashWord program.
and postintervention fluency (M = 85.33, SD = 31.68). We used data from the Intervention group only and
Examining the relationship of the Intervention group par- included those participants who did not produce mea-
ticipants and their pre- and postintervention fluency scores sureable activations for continuity. We analyzed the
revealed another high and significant correlation (.85, p < data separately for each ROI so comparisons would be
.01); again, no significant difference was found between possible (see Figure 3).
preintervention fluency (M = 78.22, SD = 26.31) and pos-
tintervention fluency (M = 90.11, SD = 30.12).
Data from fMRI Analysis
To determine whether there was any interaction effect
attributable to the intervention, pre- and postintervention These group activation maps represent the condition of
fluency scores were analyzed by means of a two-way brain activation resulting from the phonological analysis of
mixed-design ANOVA having two levels of fluency scores, word pairs over the activation resulting from a perceptual
the Intervention and the Delayed Intervention groups as the control, the visual matching of strings of nonpronounceable
between-subjects factor and the two assessment points— letters, in a sample of participants. The calibration maps
preintervention and postintervention—as the within-subject varied somewhat from scan to scan depending on the
factor. The interaction effect of Fluency Score × Group was robustness of the activation detected. The comparisons
found not to be statistically significant, F(1, 13) = .04, p > included all data from the Delayed Intervention group (pre–
.05, indicating comparability between the two groups’ Delayed Intervention and post–Delayed Intervention), and
scores (Intervention group: M = 84.17, SE = 9.98, and all data from the Intervention group (pre-Intervention and
Delayed Intervention group: M = 81.0, SE = 12.0). However, post-Intervention) and were analyzed separately. The p
the within-subject main effect of pre- and postintervention value for all equaled .01.
fluency scores was found to be statistically significant, F(1, The activation in the pre–Delayed Intervention group
13) = 6.68, p < .05, partial η2 = .31. Results showed that the (Word Pair > Letter Match contrast) maps showed more
pre- and postintervention fluency scores for the Intervention RH activation than LH (LH = 9, RH = 10; see Figure 2).
and Delayed Intervention groups differed significantly from The largest area of activation was found in the Lingual
each other. These data suggest that there was change in the Gyrus_R (t score = 15.68) but included only 112 voxels at
students’ reading speed over time, but this was not necessar- a peak coordinate of 20 –84 –12. This area includes activa-
ily attributed to the effects of the intervention. tions in the lingual gyrus, fusiform gyrus, and Brodmann
area 37, evidence of activity in word recognition and auto-
matic processing in multiple sections of the VWFA. The
Intervention Data second largest cluster, while only 63 voxels, involved the
To further examine the effects of fluent processing on same area in the LH with very high peak intensities
reading scores, the results of 1,440 min of intervention (10.8266 for the LH cluster).
10 Journal of Learning Disabilities 00(0)

Figure 2.  Selected Group Activation Maps—Delayed Intervention Group.

Note. Activation maps are from random effects analysis for phonological processing of word pairs greater than perceptual control of letter match
condition for subjects in the Delayed Intervention group only at (A) preintervention and (B) postintervention. Activation slice A is a saggital view, slice
B is a coronal view, and slice C is the transverse view. The “glass brain” feature shows internal activations for each slice. The calibration bar indicates t
values for comparison at each area presented on the slice views.

Similarly, the activation in the post–Delayed Intervention second largest in the Fusiform Gyrus_L (38 voxels, peak
group (Word Pair > Letter Match contrast) maps continued coordinate −40 −56 −20, t score = 12.3386). Again, the lin-
to show more RH activation than LH (LH = 4 cluster, RH = gual gyrus, fusiform gyrus, and related Brodmann areas 18,
6 clusters, interhemisphere = 2 clusters) but fewer total 37, and 20 showed activation and relate to automatic pro-
areas of activation than the pre–Delayed Intervention map. cessing of phonological features in the VWFA, high-level
The peak intensity (t scores) for the post–Delayed visual processing and recognition memory.
Intervention group (3.3649) was less than the peak intensity The activation in the pre-Intervention group (Word Pair
for the pre-Intervention condition (3.7469). The largest area > Letter Match contrast) maps showed more LH activation
of activation was found in the Fusiform Gyrus_R (60 vox- than RGH (LH = 4, RH = 1), and only five clusters met the
els, peak coordinate = 44 −64 −20, t score = 7.2379) and the five-voxel minimum requirement (see Figure 4). The
Koen et al. 11

cuneus, lingual gyrus, and Brodmann area 30. These fea-

tures are responsible for basic visual processing, word rec-
ognition, and a default mode network. The second largest
area of activation was found in the Fusiform Gyrus_R and
included only 20 voxels at a peak coordinate of 40 –68 –20
(peak intensity = 3.6417). This cluster included the fusi-
form gyrus, Brodmann area 19, lingual gyrus, and Brodmann
area 18, which showed evidence of automatic processing
and word recognition, with visual cortex activation in areas
of feature extraction and attention.
The activation in the post-Intervention group (Word Pair
> Letter Match contrast) maps showed slightly more RH
activation than LH (LH = 6, RH = 8) and more clusters of
activation in the post-Intervention scans than the pre-Inter-
vention scans. The peak intensity (t scores) for both condi-
tions was nearly equal (2.998 for pre- and 2.8965 for
postintervention). However, there was much higher peak
intensity in comparable features in the post condition in the
Fusiform Gyrus_L and _R. The Fusiform Gyrus_L was 132
voxels around a peak coordinate of −40 −64 −20 (peak
intensity = 11.8261) and included middle occipital gyrus,
lingual gyrus, fusiform gyrus, and Brodmann area 18. These
areas are thought to involve change detection, word recog-
nition, automatic processing of phonological features, and
visual processing.
Further, the second largest cluster in this condition was
also located in the Fusiform Gyrus_R and also had a higher
intensity (9.137) than its preintervention counterpart
(3.6417). It encompassed 129 voxels at a peak coordinate of
40 –72 –20 and included middle occipital gyrus, fusiform
gyrus, Brodmann areas 19 and 37, lingual gyrus, and infe-
rior temporal gyrus. These areas represent change detec-
tion, automatic processing of phonological features, feature
extraction and attention, word recognition, and representa-
tion of complex features.

Statistical Analysis of fMRI data

The statistical parametric mapping program (SPM8) was
used to analyze the level of activation present measured by
t scores in the ROIs for each participant, using the Word
Pairs over Letter Match condition, which was expected to
focus on phonological analysis processing in these areas.
The creation of these ROIs was based initially on Talaraich
coordinates for the IFG, STG, and VWFA from relevant lit-
erature (Shaywitz & Shaywitz, 1999). Individual differ-
ences were accommodated by using the highest value from
with the identified area. These values were calculated from
the postintervention scans for the Intervention and Delayed
Figure 3.  Fluency Correlations With Region of Interest Intervention groups only (see Table 4).
An independent-samples t test compared the mean
activation level captured in t scores from voxels in the
largest cluster was found in the posterior cingulate with a IFG located generally at Talairach coordinates: −46, 35,
peak coordinate of 8 –60 12 (t score = 4.1414) and included 12 for the Word Pairs over the Letter Match condition in
12 Journal of Learning Disabilities 00(0)

Figure 4.  Selected Group Activation Maps—Intervention Group.

Note. Activation maps are from random effects analysis for phonological processing of word pairs greater than perceptual control of letter match
condition for participants in the Delayed Intervention group only at (A) preintervention and (B) postintervention. Activation slice A is a saggital view,
slice B is a coronal view, and slice C is the transverse view. The “glass brain” feature shows internal activations for each slice. The calibration bar
indicates t values for comparison at each area presented on the slice views.

the Intervention (M = 1.43, SD = 1.40) and Delayed (M = 1.20, SD = 1.31). In the VWFA, generally located at
Intervention (M = 1.29, SD = 1.41) groups. This compari- Talairach coordinates −42, −57, −6 for the same condition
son was not statistically significant, indicating that the no difference was found for the Intervention group
level of activation in this ROI was not different between (M = 1.37, SD = 1.30) and Delayed Intervention group (M
the two groups of students. Identical analysis of the STG = 1.70, SD = 1.32).
and the VWFA yielded similar results. In the STG, gener- The measured levels of activation in the ROIs—IFG,
ally located at Talairach coordinates −59, −21, 12 for the STG, and VWFA, located as previously noted—were ana-
Word Pairs over Letter Match condition, no difference lyzed by means of a two-way mixed design ANOVA having
was found for activation levels, for the Intervention group two levels of achieved fluency (fluent and not fluent). Neither
(M = 1.42, SD = 1.73) and Delayed Intervention group the main effect comparing the means of the brain regions nor
Koen et al. 13

Table 4.  Measured Region of Interest Activation Postintervention.

Participant Intervention group/ LH inferior frontal LH superior temporal Visual-word form

code achieved fluency? gyrus (t score) gyrus (t score) area (t score)
CB DI/NA 0.00 0.00 2.37
CC DI/NA 2.56 2.40 2.46
PA DI/NA 0.00 0.00 0.00
PC I/Yes 0.00 0.00 0.00
PE I/Yes 2.39 2.39 2.39
MA I/Yes 2.48 3.36 2.57
MC I/Yes 2.34 3.90 2.33
MD I/No 2.34 0.00 0.00
ME I/No 0.00 0.00 0.00
MF I/Yes 0.00 0.00 2.50
MG DI/NA 0.00 0.00 2.65
MI I/No 3.38 3.10 2.52
MJ DI/NA 2.51 2.38 2.73
ML DI/NA 2.67 2.36 0.00
MN I/Yes 0.00 0.00 2.35

Note. LH = left hemisphere; DI = Delayed Intervention group; NA = not available; I = Intervention group.

the interaction effect of the participant’s fluency level on The hemodynamic response is the change in magnetic
brain activation in these areas was significant (F < 1.0). resonance signal on T2* images following local neuronal
Using a clustering threshold of five voxels, a sample of activity. Table 6 shows the peak activation levels that were
the activation locations was found postintervention in the processed from data taken from scans of fluent (A) and non-
condition of Word Pairs over Letter Match for a fluent par- fluent (B) participants focusing on the ROIs: IFG, STG, and
ticipant. Table 5 contains a partial list of LH activation sites, VWFA. The levels of normalized flow signal from voxels in
noting the location, relative size, and maximum recorded t the IFG, STG, and VWFA ROIs of a sample fluent partici-
score for this individual. pant showed different levels of activation. Analyses of the
These data show some expected activation areas with levels of activation indicated that the STG ROI activation
substantial groups of voxels involved and some surprising was the strongest (0.15), the IFG activation was next robust
lack of activation within the ROIs. The largest activated (0.135), and the VWFA was the least strong (0.083).
cluster in the IFG ROI was the IFG (1.52), but activation in As might be expected, the same activation assessments
the STG (3.10) as well as Brodmann areas 41 (3.17) and 42 in a sample nonfluent participant were lower in amplitude
(3.94) was much stronger. compared to the activation in the fluent sample. However,
The largest activated cluster in the STG ROI was the the order of magnitude was different for the nonfluent sam-
STG (2.56), but again, other areas showed stronger levels of ple: the STG ROI activation was the strongest (0.046), the
activation. The postcentral gyrus activation (3.87) was VWFA activation was next robust (0.033), and the IFG was
unusual in that this area is the primary somatosensory cor- the least strong (0.025).
tex receiving all sensory input, especially touch, and there The results from the scatterplot comparison of fluency and
was no variation in the motor demands of the task that selected ROI activation (see Figure 3) further support impor-
would explain activation in this area. The activation found tant variations in processing that promote automaticity in
in Brodmann areas 13 (3.08) and 40 (3.16) reflects refine- written word processing. The results from the comparison of
ment of sound/symbol associations and connective tissue fluency and IFG activation showed a weak correlation. Two
between lateral and medial layers. students did not achieve fluent processing even though they
The largest activation in the VWFA ROI was found in the demonstrated high levels of activation. Since the IFG is asso-
smallest clusters identified. Brodmann areas 21 (2.05) and ciated with phonological encoding and sound/symbol asso-
35 (2.01) appeared to support automatic processing through ciations, these activations may indicate more effort’s being
their connection to the MTG, thought to access word mean- applied to the decoding of words, interfering with fluent pro-
ing, and the perirhinal cortex, important to memory. The left cessing. The results from the comparison of fluency and STG
aspect of the fusiform gyrus showed the strongest activation activation showed a stronger correlation as well as higher
(3.06), as would be expected if automatic retrieval of letter levels of activation. However, this area of the brain is associ-
patterns was being used. ated with semantic encoding and word meanings, so this
14 Journal of Learning Disabilities 00(0)

Table 5.  Locations of Significant Activation in a Fluent activation in the VWFA. This was an expected outcome in
Participant. that even the level of activation here was less, overall, than
Cluster Maximum the activation levels in the IFG or STG.
Structure x y z size t score
ROI-IFG Discussion
  LH inferior frontal −48 24 12 523 1.52
gyrus This research was designed to test the hypothesis that sub-
  LH superior temporal −60 −28 12 352 3.10 typing students with the characteristics of dyslexia and
gyrus administering VHSS intervention based on those subtypes
  LH Brodmann area 41 −56 −20 12 147 3.71 (FlashWord-modified), would improve fluency perfor-
  LH Brodmann area 22 −64 −8 4 129 1.45 mance across dyslexia subtypes more effectively than other
  LH insula −36 −16 12 119 1.97 currently used reading fluency programs. It was expected
  LH Brodmann area 42 −60 −20 −12 114 3.94 that VHSS training, based on hemispheric processing dif-
  LH Brodmann area 13 −40 −16 12 73 1.93 ferences demonstrated through reading behaviors, would
  LH precentral gyrus −56 −8 12 67 1.66 increase fluency scores in students with the characteristics
ROI-STG of dyslexia who participated in the intervention signifi-
  LH superior temporal −40 −40 16 233 2.56 cantly more than those with dyslexia who did not partici-
gyrus pate. The evidence available to date indicates that this type
  LH angular gyrus −52 −64 36 86 2.46 of VHSS training does increase fluency in reading-disabled
  LH insula −42 −16 16 68 2.21 Italian students with reading disability (Lorusso et al., 2006;
  LH postcentral gyrus −52 −31 52 33 3.87
Tressoldi, Lorusso, Brenbati, & Donini, 2007). Further, it
  LH Brodmann area 13 −44 −16 16 29 3.08
was hypothesized that regarding postintervention activa-
  LH inferior parietal −52 −36 28 26 2.74
tion, brain regions that are critical to the training of fast pro-
  LH Brodmann area 40 −52 −24 16 11 3.16 cessing in reading would be identified, and the effects in the
  LH Brodmann area 39 −52 −68 28 10 2.42 brain that signify the development of fluency would be
  LH sub-gyral −48 −8 16 8 1.73 documented. One pattern of processing that has been previ-
ROI-VWFA ously identified shows the shifting of reading processes
  LH sub-gyral −36 −4 −32 30 1.54 from the anterior system located bilaterally to the LH ven-
  LH middle temporal −40 0 −32 19 1.42 tral system. Identification of the brain regions activated
gyrus postintervention was also expected to provide evidence for
  LH Brodmann area 20 −44 −8 −32 7 1.80 the shift from right to left hemispheric processing within the
  LH Brodmann area 21 −40 −4 −32 5 2.05 temporo-parietal system of developing readers and greater
  LH Brodmann area 35 −24 −16 −32 5 2.01 activation of the LH occipito-temporal/fusiform area sig-
  LH fusiform (aal) −28 −24 −32 5 3.06 naling the use of automatic word identification in the VWFA
Note. ROI = region of interest; IFG = inferior frontal gyrus; LH = left
(Licht et al., 1988; Shaywitz et al., 2002).
hemisphere; STG = superior temporal gyrus; VWFA = visual-word form Emerging automaticity was defined for this study as pro-
area. cessing in the 100 to 250 milliseconds range, and the results
from the Intervention group data set included data from par-
ticipants who achieved a fast level of word and phrase pro-
Table 6.  Hemodynamic Activation in Regions of Interest.
cessing through their interaction with FlashWord and data
Inferior Superior Visual-word from participants who, despite the same length of treatment,
Participant frontal gyrus temporal gyrus form area did not reach levels of automaticity. Of the 9 students in the
Fluent 0.135 0.150 0.083 Intervention group, 6 reached word fluency, and 5 of the 9
Nonfluent 0.025 0.046 0.033 also achieved phrase processing that reached this standard.
Those students who displayed only phonics-based errors in
reading connected text and worked for the entire intervention
activation without fluent processing might indicate a reliance time in the LH program made the most substantial increases
on word meanings to aid decoding. in both processing and reading speed (mean processing speed
The results from the comparison of fluency and VWFA = 80 milliseconds and mean reading speed = +14 wpm). Only
activation showed a clear relationship between strength of 1 student demonstrated only meaning-based errors, used
activation and automaticity in reading. This scatterplot the RH program exclusively, and showed the highest net
displayed all students who achieved very fast rates of pro- gain in fluency overall (processing speed = 75 milliseconds
cessing and also demonstrated relatively high rates of and reading speed = +42 wpm). Of the 3 students who
Koen et al. 15

demonstrated mixed processing deficits, 2 were assigned to scores suggest that before the intervention more effort was
both the RH and the LH programs and reached automaticity focused on trying to recognize the nonwords and compar-
in the LH program but not the RH program. The students ing the letters accurately than on automatic retrieval of
who split their time between programs made the least amount phonological features in the VWFA. However, postinter-
of progress. These students showed mixed results: 1 demon- vention, their activation patterns suggest a high level of
strated a net gain of 10 wpm and the other a net loss of 3 wpm automatic processing in both hemispheres: in the cerebel-
in fluency. It is suggested that continued work with the inter- lum posterior lobe and the lingual gyrus itself. The stu-
vention program could achieve the desired level of automa- dents in this group were initially evaluated to have a mix
ticity and that strengthening processing in the RH is inherently of processing weaknesses, based on reading behaviors,
more difficult than strengthening in the LH. This is perhaps with 2 students demonstrating RH weaknesses, 4 showing
because older RH readers have established these inefficient LH weaknesses, and 3 exhibiting weaknesses in both
connections over time, and these must be abandoned (extin- hemispheres. These students could be considered more
guished) in order to create more effective ones. disabled in reading; yet as a result of the intervention, they
We also found differences in the pre- and postinterven- achieved processing levels that exceeded the Delayed
tion fluency scores, which varied by group, in spite of a Intervention group in number of active clusters (8 for the
small sample size and unequal samples. The average differ- post–Delayed Intervention group and 14 for the post-
ence between preintervention and postintervention fluency Intervention group) and intensity of activation (3.3649 for
scores for the Intervention group was 11.9 wpm, and the the post–Delayed Intervention and 11.8261 for the post-
average difference for the Delayed Intervention group was Intervention groups). This evidence supports the develop-
7.3 wpm. As the Delayed Intervention participants demon- ment of the ventral processing system over the anterior
strated little or no change in their reading speed during the processing system as shown in literature.
study, Intervention participants showed change approach- We also found evidence indicative of the expected
ing statistical significance. Data showing that the pre- and changes in neural processing from the effects of the inter-
postscores for both groups differed from each other signifi- vention in the comparison of data from selected ROIs.
cantly from the beginning of the study to the end could be There were consistently higher amplitudes of activation in
attributed to the effects of the intervention. However, many all explored ROIs in the fluent group (Intervention sub-
of the Delayed Intervention students also made gains with- group) compared to the amplitude of activation seen in the
out it. It would be difficult to assess the exact cause of such nonfluent group (all of the Delayed Intervention group).
reading increases without understanding a myriad of poten- Higher levels of activation in the STG (sound/symbol asso-
tial factors affecting each participant. ciations), IFG (encoding phonological features), and
The group activation maps offer interesting evidence for VWFA (automatic word retrieval) for the Intervention
hemispheric processing changes in this population. The results group could be the direct result of the selective hemispheric
from the pre– and post–Delayed Intervention conditions con- stimulation provided by the intervention and therefore rep-
firm that, even without the intervention, many of these stu- resented most definitively the expected differences in pro-
dents were using LH features to process phonological cessing. Higher levels of activation of the STG could
information and later showed enhanced LH processing of indicate that most of the processing in the IFG ROI
phonological features in areas known for automaticity, per- involved sound/symbol associations with support in the
haps as a result of age and reading instruction as described by primary and auditory association cortex. In other words,
Shaywitz et al. (2002) in nonimpaired older readers. Even less effort was required to accomplish the phonological
though these students were already processing phonological analysis task by this participant, which may provide evi-
information in these areas of automaticity, they did not achieve dence for the neural efficiency hypothesis. The postcentral
enhanced processing in terms of activation areas and intensity, activation found in the STG ROI could be evidence of
suggesting a static condition from the pre- to the postinterven- compensatory systems being used for phonological analy-
tion scan for these students. It is interesting to note that 5 of sis in immature processing systems. Further, the correla-
the 6 students in the Delayed Intervention group were evalu- tion of fluent processing with decreasing levels of activation
ated to have RH weaknesses based on their reading behaviors in the IFG, STG, and VWFA may indicate that higher acti-
that were not addressed during the course of the study. Clearly, vations in these ROIs contributed to faster processing and
there were changes in processing in the RH that these students offer evidence for the “neural efficiency hypothesis.” Thus,
experienced without the benefit of the intervention, although taken together, the activation locations identified for this
increases in functioning were more diffuse and less intense fluent participant generally followed activation patterns
than in the pre- to post-Intervention group data. found in the literature that are thought to support fluent
The activation data from the Intervention group, pre processing (Goswami, 2008; Pugh et al., 2001; Simos,
and post, show a different outcome. The peak intensity Breier, Fletcher, Bergman, & Papanicolaou, 2005).
16 Journal of Learning Disabilities 00(0)

Most striking is the lack of activation in the ROIs in the processing only, or the addition of a third scanner task
nonfluent students, when compared to the average t scores requiring the automatic recall of sight words, could improve
of students who achieved fluency. These extremely low lev- the statistical analysis outcomes.
els of measured activation reflect virtually no significant It remains to be seen whether the human brain reaches
activation and make this a potentially important finding. some level of development that decreases the plasticity of
The current literature on amplitude of signals in fMRI has neural processes to respond to neurobiological training.
revealed that these measurements are often the focus of Similar to this study’s results, Tressoldi et al. (2007) found
resting state versus focused activation studies and are not robust increases in teenage Italian students’ reading speed
commonly used in educational research (Steffener, Tabert, after the intervention comparable to those achieved by their
Reuben, & Stern, 2009). These results would seem, how- younger colleagues. Until that level of diminishing plastic-
ever, to provide further evidence of hypoactivation of key ity is determined, the potential for VHSS to effect positive
brain regions required for reading by nonfluent participants. change for nonfluent readers of every age is unknown but
These findings underscore the effects of the forced process- extremely promising.
ing from the FlashWord intervention program on the devel-
opment of automaticity. Authors’ Note
The results of this study show that students do not
This study was approved by the University of Houston Institutional
achieve at the same rate using FlashWord; individual differ- Research Board and consent/assent was given through the
ences in processing strengths and weaknesses seemed to University of Houston Informed Consent form.
influence student proficiency within the given intervention
time constraint. However, the high rate of success for those
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
in the Intervention group, both in achieving a level of
automatized processing and in increasing reading speed of The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
connected text, provides validation of the benefits of accu-
rate subtyping and VHSS. All but 2 participants in the
Intervention group achieved emerging fluency in either
word or phrase processing components of their assigned Funding
program. Even though statistical analysis was not possible The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
due to the extremely small samples, it is clear that the suc- authorship, and/or publication of this article.
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