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ariel /‘wrid/ adjective very dry and getting very little rain @-rise /9'raiz/ verb (arising, past tense arose, past participle arisen) ta happen or eppear: Several problems arose when { fost my job. a-rith-me-tic /a'r19ma,ttk/ noun the science of numbers, including addition, divi- sion etc. arm! /arm/ noun the part of your body between your shoulder and your hand arm? verb to give someone weapons armchair /‘armtJer/ noun a chair with sides on which to rest your arms. —see picture at CHAIR armed /armd/ adjective carrying 8 weapon, especially a gun: The prison had many armed guards. >> opposite UNARMED armed forces /,, '../ plural noun all the soldiers of a country armor /‘arme/ noun (U] a covering of metal worn as protection by soldiers in the past, armpit ‘arm, prt/ noun the place undar your arm where your arm joins your body arms /armz/ piuraf noun wespons such as guns and bombs: He was caught selling arms to the enemy. ar-my /armi/ noun (plural armies) the soldiers of a country that fight on land >> compare AIR FORCE, NAVY arose /2'rouz/ the PAST TENSE of the verb arise around /s'raund/ adverb, preposition 1 on all sides of something: We put a fence around the yard. —see color picture on page 194 2 in or to different places: They waked around the town, 3 in or near a particular place: /s there a bank around here? 4 not exactly; about: Come araund 10 o'clock. 5 in the opposite direction: Let me turn the ear around. 6 with a movement or shape like a circle: The Earth moves around the Sun. arrange /a'reind3/ verb (arranging, arranged) 4 to make plans for somethin @ meeting for tomorrow. 2 to put things in a particular order or posi- tion: She arranged the flowers in a vase. : [have arranged ar-range-ment /a'remnd3mant/ noun a plan of agreement that something will happen arrest? /o'rest/ verb to catch someone and take him or her away because he or she has done something wrong: Police arrested several people for fighting in the street. arrest? noun when a police officer arrests someone: The police made three arrests yesterday. ar-riv-al /o'rarvel/ noun when a person, airplane etc. gets to a place: After our arrival, we went to a hotel. >> com- para DEPARTURE ar-rive /o'ratv/ verb (arriving, arrived) to get to 8 place: Your letter arrived yesterday. | We arrived in Boston on Tuesday, >> opposite DEPART arrow /‘erou! noun 41a weapon like a sharp stick that is shot from a BOW? 2 a sign that shows direction or where something is art /art/ noun 4 [U] the skill of drawing and painting: He is studying art in school. 2 [U] paintings, drawings etc.: The museum has many works of art. 3 the skill used in making or doing something: book about the art of cooking 4 the arts [plural] painting, music, literature, movies etc. ar-ter-y /‘artari/ noun [plural arteries) one of the tubes that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body

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