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This was written out of the gratefulness of my soul,

believing that something great is possible for all of

us. Our conditions and circumstances can create
that possibility. Living is about where we are at the
moment. The feeling, believing, and finally
becoming. To continue to believe in my own path
allows me to unconditionally do so for others.

~ AnDré ~
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Being Through the Eyes of the


1. “Because i Need You”

i will bless you always, because i need you. In my

tears and in my joy do i need you, and search, like
the great mystery. In all seasons you are my
desire. You are my breath.

2. “For the Sake of Living”

We die. So many times, but only for the sake of

living. Tears that expire give birth to hope. To
possibilities. The strength is gained for the
actualities. When fears die, the doubts pass away
into the abyss. We are one of so many. God shall
grant this for the object of life.

3. “The Way Within Us”

You are the light. The way within us. We are

cleansed and redeemed; molded as clay and
sculpted by the hand of brightness. Divine
magnificence goes with the sun and moon. We are
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always under them. How could there ever be such

grave darkness; that it only passes as a shadow.

4. “Two Faiths’’

Two faiths: One in the Above and another within.

Remembering the one Above creates the strength
within to bring about change. How we yearn to be
as grand! As blessed! As beautiful! HE is both
above and within, for HE abounds everywhere. To
know of HIM is to truly be unto ourselves, that we
carry faith in each other. Those two are simply
one; as HE is one. We are one. As the veil is lifted
to see HIM, all is one.

5. “The Quiet Passion”

Beloved, peace finds me in solitude. The wisdom

of light stays in my home. There is only love to
abide. Nothing else, but the wealth of virtue; but I
am tested because of it all.

i desire a beauty without form. The quiet passion

of life and joy is the teacher of existence and
ecstasy. i turned from all that is created, for the

sake of being united with it. To be united with the

desired end.

6. “The Light of Your Beauty”

i am in the light of Your beauty. Washed over by

grace. There is no secret between us, though still
an incomprehensible mystery. All that i am is spirit
mired in flesh, and You are Eternity. As i grow, like
the flower in early spring, i become more, though
forever the seed planted in a strange land.

7. “Speak”

i yearn for You, in silence. my heart speaks of You,

greater than these lips. No, my mouth cannot fully
speak of You; of how You fill my vessel. You are
mystical light in my temple. The candle that burns
without end. You have invigorated my soul like the
greatest of all friends.
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8. “Between”

Between heart and heart, nothing exists; it lives. It

feels. It believes. We speak out of searching, and
out of longing. The true taste is what we desire.
That, which cannot be fully expressed, and perhaps
only understood, deeply, between the senses. The
one who tastes knows, and the one who tries to
explain often lies. How can one describe the true
form of what we still exist?

9. “If i Fear”

If i worship You, because i fear, then how am i to

love who is the very meaning of Love? If i love You,
then i am unafraid. i am not burned, neither am i
scorned. i desire peace. i seek beauty. i ache for
the Divine. If i fear, rather than love what is Love,
then how can i ever find what i search for? Do not
deny me what i desire out of Love, for it is You
whom enchants me.

10. “My Desired End”

My desired end is to unite with You. To be one

with what is one within me, and all around me. i
keep myself in the solace of solitude. That is my
rest, though my brethren do not understand. How
is there such comfort and light in the darkness?
The fire of my soul shines in the peaceful hours,
because there is nothing else. Yes, You burn
brightly in my mind like the risen sun. To be
awakened by You, even in the late hours of the
night, is the blessing of all things. i contemplate
Your beauty in the meditation of joy. Your image is
in Forever. In my moments, i am in Your embrace.

11. “Another”

Another night is fading into the light. The essence

of the faceless sun peers over the horizon. He
comes like the messenger in the night. Tell me that
i have spent these hours well. That there is peace
in the forthcoming embrace. All that i have
mourned in the loss has been an illusion. Speak
that my tears have dampened the Earth enough for
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a new garden to spring forth. What does Your kiss

hold for me, that i will not turn away? You have
come in this hour with what tidings? Sleep has
evaded me since You have called me; awakening
me to the news of Your companionship. All along,
You’ve not gone anywhere. i have sent myself
away, yet not to be driven from Your door. We
have not been separated, because You are alive in
my beating heart and breath filled spirit.

12. “Unity”

Oh Divine, Your lovers wait for grace. i am the

ocean, yet the ocean is in me. Into the river i have
fallen. You are everywhere. Beauty has filled my
lungs. Where are You that i cannot touch You as
You place Your hand on me? Remove Your veil,
please, but i know that Your image is everything
and i cannot see with my eyes.

13. “The Beloved’s Beauty”

The Beloved’s beauty is wherever i look. HE is in

the stranger. HIS beauty floats on the wind that

causes the flowers to dance. The streams carry HIS

shimmering image. When the sounds of the night
speak, HIS poetry is recited. The morning song of
the sparrow. The drums of the crickets. HIS beauty
is even when i close my eyes. The beauty of the
world is the Beloved’s beauty.

14. “Of This i am Sure”

A sinner, i am sure. Because of my sin, this much, i

am indeed sure. Broken hearted and bruised
souled, i am found in the street. Passers by and
familiar strangers alike speak out of their
perceptions. A sinner, when i speak of being
anything. Of this, i am sure. Grace, i yearn for. In
fact, in my poverty, i hunger for it with ached belly.
Your mercy is what fills the void in my womb. In
the eyes of humanity do i appear lost in the way of

15. “The Night”

Each night i am prayerful. Happiness is the object

of my beliefs, as i beseech my friend to be near.
That is all there is in those moments. How do i
preserve the light in the night hours? The absent
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sun outside this window hasn’t to do with me.

What is in my eyes? What is in my soul? i ask,
“What is in me?” Even in the night, my light comes
when it is time for prayer.

16. “The Day of Separation”

i long for the evening to be with You. It seems to

be endless, but i stay the course. Our union is all
there is for me. To ask of the wait only creates the
distance. You are yet with me now, though i still
desire You nearer. The day of separation gives
peace to the night of union. As the sun takes its
bow after the blessing we find each other.
Familiar, but anew.

17. “The Messenger”

The messenger of a friend comes. It is said that we

lose our light when the evening comes, but we are
light. We are the very things we often search for.
Behind and beyond our own veils and masks does it
all exist. That is where the meaning is. As long as
the messenger abides there is no sorrow. So long
as we live, He is the friend that comes in front of

us. There is only happiness, even in the existence

of pain and lament.

18. “The Goodness of Love”

My name is written in the Book of Life and the

Book of Love. They are as one. Because HE is
Goodness, i seek to be love. The kind of love that is
beyond the senses. The kind of love that is without
form. How divine is this freedom; this beauty.
That we all come from this place before we are
anything at all. Being within our own beings. Love
is but the reason for goodness. To be in the space
of the Divine and among the constellations of love.
We are as one, before and after anything.

19. “A Soul Burning”

A soul that burns with the fire of the Divine’s love

burns best. It is by the fire that it can give. It is by
the fire that there is a blessing. HIS wine is in our
cups; filled until Judgment Day. Yet, this life, the
experience of living, is filled with countless
judgment days. Something in us recognizes those
moments. Often, nearly before they find us.
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When HE came to me, i was hidden. My soul in

need of nourishment. So much so, that even my
belly ached. The fire in my soul was that of
yearning and impossibility. Do not cure me of my
Love, for i’d rather keep the pain. What is a
remedy, that it would merely rob me of this Love.
This pain is better than its cure. None hope to
know You in this life, but only seek You at the end.
It is nothing to seek the unknown ending, when
You are in the here-now. My soul is aflame
because the ego of it all has been ripped away like
flesh from the bone. The tears give rain to the
impoverished Spring.

20. “We Are Offered”

We are offered life and love without division.

Yesterday and tomorrow have become today. It
takes the light of a candle to separate one from the
other in the night. In the pain of love, all that we
see is one. What else is there to acknowledge?
Through this, pain is no more in existence to itself.
A month is no longer a month, and centuries have
passed by like pointless, captain-less ships in the
night fog. There is nothing, but yet all is one. No
division. We embark on the search for a friend, but
must burn in the fire. By patience are we scolded.

This pain is nothing else in the depth of everything.

That pain is the secret in the fire of life and love. It
is the reason for them.

21. “Allure”

Beloved, Your beauty has conquered the world’s

allure. You have overshadowed what only You
have made possible. Your pure image has erased
all intellect and notions of vanity. The desire to
know You comes like the great mysery under the
midnight sky. The truth is to know You. What is
such grand, and all consuming, yet liberating, truth
that we search it out in all hours? Are we that
deepest answer? Beloved, can we not see what it
is to know of ourselves, broken from these of
shackles of false imprisonment? Who am i to dare
be caged within the animal of myself? Who are
any of us, that there is no atonement for the
responsibilities of ourselves? Truth searches for us
more than we beseech of it.

22. “i Will Not Mourn”

My own despair i will not mourn. Ghosts of tears

of the slayings and harsh conditions have flooded
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my temple. It rots in the heat of the day. Stories of

the innocent bleed its walls. i will not mourn the
sun that sustains life and lie. The one who sees is
all telling. i will not mourn, because he who is
trapped in being is unseeing.

23. “My Sorrow Hidden”

My sorrow hidden, has been revealed to the world.

You have removed my veil. Without this false cloak
i am bare. i am afflicted with sorrow, but Your
fragrance fills the lungs of my soul like opium to
the wise mystic. Though it bleeds, it is not a
wound, but merely a joy lost in its own verse. Look
at me, and the secret of my heart that You play
with. Love of mine, i long to see You, yearning
through the day that wrestles with the very moon.
In the valley of the Eternal, i sojourn, for it is You
who can cure this ache.

24. “The River”

The reason for this separation has stricken me. i

wander through the sunset only to see a skewed
image in the ripples. The river has done this, as i
gaze across the divide to come to the knowledge

that it is indeed my soul. My home is conflicted in

the evening shadow. There is silence and now;
neither sun, nor moon, nor stars. i seek only the
one in the reflection of the river. My hair is dark
and my soul disheveled, but the messenger will
soon come.

25. “A Question”

What have You done? My soul is shaken, and

come upon tumultuous moments. What poison
have i ingested, that my breath is compromised?
This blood in my veins is not the same blood that i
dare bleed. These tears that stain my garments are
from other eyes. Who has been unto me? i am
stricken almost as if a stranger has been here.
There is yet the stench of death in me, though i
continue on in the way. Who has preyed upon me,
like i am lost in the wilderness?

26. “Eyes”

Your vision became clear when i shut my eyes.

There was no more, yet there was everything. i
was lost in the web of my own veil. The eyes of my
body were as those of the blind. Poisoned by the
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obstacle of ego, my soul wept with misunderstood

anguish. The candle of the spirit was lit, and its fire
gave the light of warmth to my being. In this, i was
no more. i had ceased, because i could see clearly
without these physical eyes. Though they are open
in us all, it is they which cause the precepts of
blindness. Where is the eye that can see the soul?
Where is the eye that can see Love? Where is the
eye that can see the Divine?

27. “Silence”

Love asks of silence. How can we listen otherwise?

The great teacher of peace. Silence challenges us,
because we must listen and engage with the
innermost dialogue. The language without words
is the most profoundly understood. Those
moments where nothing and everything are one.
We have passed away into the Beloved, and then
there is not life, but living. The active life. Do not
dare to remove the veil from Love, for it will be no
more. The silence that has been will be that which
causes you not to hear anything at all. We will be
as lost children in the wilderness. Even more so
than we already are. A friend is in my innermost

temple. HE has not forgotten me, and i lose sight

when i search for HIM. The secret of silence is
what asks for it.

28. “Until i Was Wounded”

It wasn’t until i was wounded that i could receive

You. On my deathbed i laid, unprepared and
uncertain of the moment. A distant memory in
time that doesn’t exist anymore. It’s simply an
image left from something that is different than a
dream. Almost as i wasn’t here yet. The Nile
floods my eyes. My soul is entranced, captivated
by You. Now, my heart stands in line, awaiting the
tidings of Your arrival. i am empty and certain of
Your love. Your grace comes like the morning song.
i was wounded for You.

29. “The Endless Path”

Love’s path is endless. To give your life is not only

to learn, but to gain a thousand in return. One is a
village, a country, and a civilization. When the
Beloved enters the heart, the words resonate like
the clarity of an echo in the night. If we do not
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know of the beginning or the end, then they cannot

be at all. Peace is restless until it surrenders to
itself. It is both bridge and obstacle. To come into
the Beloved is to know the endless path. The light
of love shines from the fire of the sun. All becomes
ashes and dust before it is anything.

30. “In Love We Are the Same”

In Love, we are all the same. Both young and old.

In Love, there is no time. It is all the same, so what
is a day or month that it has passed? Our truth is
in Love, as we are in its light and darkness. There is
no difference. But, by Love we see it differently.
How can this be, but other than our own eyes? In
Love, all is the same because it is a circle. Day and
night are as one. There is neither separation
between the Earth nor Heaven. The Beloved may
chastise and be inviting, but it is all the same,
because in Love, though our eyes are different, we
are the same.

31. “Hidden”

The evening conceals the beauty of the Beloved.

HIS mystery among the owls and guise of the

moon. HE speaks in both verse and parable. HE is

yet more the poet and teacher. The night
challenges us, removing the masks and images of
whomever and whatever we think we are. The
time to think and muse must give way to the hour
of feeling and desire. When our souls call forth like
the animals in the night, that is the time to listen.
The Divine reveals HIS petals to us in HIS sacred

32. “Pure Hearts and Minds”

Many pure hearts and minds become slaves. They

surrender out of habit. Drifting into the ocean, the
day does not compare. He does not sleep, nor
does sleep resound. An empty black pot waiting to
be filled by the Master. The season is long, and the
way is arduous.
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33. “Give me Joy”

Give me joy, Beloved, for i flood with sorrow. i

crest over like the rivers after the monsoon. My
sands scorch with the unrelenting sun. How i have
searched for You since the very first opening of the
eyes of my youth. Do not deny me. You are
perfect. How could You turn away from love. It is
my offering, and all that i dare to claim in my
poverty. i go through the night in search of You. In
this world, Your image is my desire. i long for Your
ways; the mysteries of Your language. How can
You speak what is only heard by the soul? My
heart hears You, though i know not where Your
face is.

34. “Bread”

i will not perish in my poverty. The belly of my soul

is in want. Dust consumes my pockets, as i sojourn
through this wilderness. My mind has been set
ablaze, despite the weariness of this vessel. Time
and distance aren’t of any consequence along the

way. Some moments i stumble; others i fall. All

that i have is a light within that seems to never lead
me astray. In the hour of despair comes a stranger
to give bread to my aching stomach, and yet, i am
all too familiar to HIM.

35. “The Evening Prayer”

To close my eyes, though at times they swell with

the warmth of tears, and think of You is my prayer.
If only for the possibility. My heart will not allow
these lips to speak it, but i hold this in the privacy
of my womb. One day it may perhaps spring forth.

36. “Rest”

Rest will come in these moments. i will be

awakened and redeemed in the day. Peace, i pray,
will flood my soul and the sunlight will warm me,
though its face will not show in the sky. All of
these rest within us, as we drift in the winds of life
only to regain ourselves. Solitude is my companion
in all seasons. There is peace and i am thankful
even in the aching moments.
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37. “Childhood”

HE followed me more than i believed at the time.

Since childhood, i’d heard the things said and read
the verses, never fully understanding them.
Passing by the sanctuary and knocking on the
doors, HE was around. i began to see and hear
HIM, as HE would more often than i realized extend
HIS hand. i could look at HIM just as coldly as HE
would return the warmth of compassion; and then,
in the air of the summer night HE called out my
name. We stood closely to each other in the
moment of peace.

38. “Each Night”

Each night i’ll want for You. Beloved, be closer

moment by moment. You are my greatest dream,
yet the destined reality i seek. To know of Your
mystery, knowing that You are my answer. Yes,
You are the way and bridge between all of my

desires. Simply to know that You are the one is as

the rising of the sun within me.

39. “The Possibility”

i desire You like the possibility of life. i only know

and comprehend humility. i accept You in all of
Your Beauty. Oh, how low and impossible am i! In
all of our differences let us be content, for they are
but the bridge to the common place.

40. “The Restless Night”

My heart is full of sickness. You are Beauty and I

shall forever take all of You. Beloved, i merely pray
to understand in these hours. i will not cause You
to feel the way that i feel; stricken with the illness
of ache. There will be no rest for me this night, as i
am longing for You. There is no light in my home,
and my soul wells with sorrow. You are my love,
and the endless night echoes in my heart.
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41. “A Light in Me”

You are a light in me. i must always uplift You. My

Love. My Beloved. Yet, most of all in these things,
You are my teacher. i carry You in my heart like a
great candle in the night; but this is no longer my
heart, for i have surrendered it to You. Take this
heart of mine, as i honor the one that You have

42. “Sacrifice”

i would be all manner of sickness to be healed by

Your medicine. Any potion i would receive. My
fever must not pass, and the aches never subside.
Just, that You would heal me and remain by my
side. i have been poisoned to illness, and only You
are my remedy.

43. “i Perish”

i walk this journey and climb the mountain,

becoming all things and then finally nothing. i
perish, fading into the light, at rest in the soul of all

Joy finds me, shaking and fulfilling my being. i am

like the flame of a great candle. i could light the
temple of the world or even fill the desert.

i have fallen like a lone drop of rain from the

evening skies in Heaven, believing that i will reach
the ground. From whence i came was divine and
beautiful. This plane is a space of ache, but i’ll
once again be freed from this.

In this realm of denial, incompletion, and

emptiness, i have found liberation and light in the
heart of absolute faithfulness.

My face turns to gold, in the loving balance of

grace. Mercy and love flow as the pureness of the
Nile, unto the lowest and the least. In humility do
tears wash over me as i long to be embraced by All.
Yet, there is not an Earthly doctor who can give
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remedy to the pain by which i seek to be healed.

There is only One.

44. “The Flower”

i bought a flower that had not yet bloomed, for the

way it opens is like the unveiling of a smile. The
blessing of its scented greeting shows the intent of
its heart, like a pearl in the depths of the oyster’s
spirit. That flower brings the entire space of life.
Remaining in the company of the Beloved keeps
you loved. No matter what we are, or were before,
we will become those flowers when we arrive at a
living spirit of heart. Love is planted within the
spirit. If there is no connection between us, then
love is but a mirage, as one who meanders through
the desert heat. We are lost in the drunkenness of
the sun. The heart will take you, though you oft
must lead it. Why stumble and relish in the
direction of darkness when suns exist even in the
night? The heart arrives at the temple of the
Beautiful One. Seek divinity only from those who
are divine, no matter where the body takes you.

45. “Living Love”

Love for the worldly surroundings is only a great

sorrow. Its emptiness is worse than a desolate
wine glass. Kings die for their kingdoms only to
leave behind queens, and we die for what we do
not possess. To suffer needlessly for an illusion is
the calamity of vanity.

Elephants are reduced for their ivory and lions for

their skins. Blood has never lied in silence. One
moment it is the idle victim, and in the next it has
become the predator. Shadows reflect and
everything echoes from the greatest mountains of
life. To love what no longer exists is dead, because
it will never return. To live is to indeed be alive;
every instance of living love is fresher than the
scent of rain upon the bloomed flower and brighter
than the first moment the eyes and sun greet each
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46. “The Hidden Way”

If You send me away today, i pray that You will call

for me tomorrow. When the door is shut i will wait
with patience until it opens. i hope for Your place
of honor. If my ways are hindered and pass over
me now, then You will show me the hidden way. i
will see the wonderful places You take me just by
Your breath alone. Your generosity redeems and
enlightens, giving all to one heart. i wandered,
never realizing to find the One like You. How are
You possible? How are we like unto one another?
i drink of Your wine, though i am without a cup.

47. “Before Life Entered”

i was nothing before life entered me. Full of floods

of tears that became my songs of joy. i became
love’s student before i became its teacher, with
neither role ever changing. With a lion’s spirit and
ways, my soul strengthened after the great flood
on those countless nights. The darkness came
before the radiant light. Shackles bound me, but
also gave birth to freedom. With closed eyes, my

vision became clearer and shut lips gave me verse.

It was when i believed that i knew, realizing that i
was ignorant and did not, that i was able to
surrender all. Then, the possibility of knowledge
came. By You, i became a candle. i was nothing;
just a vessel that would never be full, though
always being filled. When they said i was
something; when they sought to crown me great, i
refused. We are not here for crowns. In love like
this i will not be divided. A sun has risen within me.
My soul permeates with the rays of light and
warmth. The flower of my heart blooms in its
garden. i am of black and purple satin, yet naked in
my spirit. Humility keeps my ways, for what i am
without beginning and just as that, my end is

48. “Thankfulness”

i am thankful to all things and learn the lessons of

being from them. Among all these Heavens have i
grown into the sun. Once, just a lost star in the
evening, then the great celestial presence, and now
the fullness of one. The moon is a lover, though
she burns and illuminates like the morning body.
i’ve blossomed into a garden from just being the
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dust of this place. Be silent a moment, that the

actions are the spoken volumes.

49. “My Heart Down for This World”

i am laying my heart down for this world. My body

is weary and i prepare to go to the one who needs
me. HE is in me, and HE is between us. i glance at
a life passed, giving faith as an offering. All is gone,
not as a memory, but as a well understood
mystery. What the image presents is a book
written in a language of the unspoken. HE waits
for me at door to another altar. The very moon
and stars are what guides us all to the sunlight.

50. “The Truest Mystery”

Our candle was lit from another. The One who is

perfect and beyond, yet we are after HIM;
connected by deepest spirit. Bound to the Eternal
One, we are unto all. Life unto life, seeing with the
eyes of the heart. It is to look upon the exceeding
tomorrow; the moments without time. The truest
mystery lies within; and so, we are never truly far
from anything.

51. “The Heartache and the Joy”

The heartache of my ways is that i will love You all

the days of my life, and still it will never compare to
You. All that i have is Yours. Though i try, and will
forevermore, all that i am doesn’t compare to You.
That is my heartache, but joy is knowing that i can
continue to try.

52. “A Song”

i will sing of You all the days of my life. Let there

be a song in my heart that my soul will sing.
Though i may not have much in my hands, fill my
heart with peace, so that i am able to carry on. Let
Your song be not far from me, for the love i have
will endure.
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53. “You are my Beloved”

You are my Beloved. i am but the dust of the Earth

beneath Your feet. i am nothing but the wind to
brush Your cheek. i am but the feeling of the ocean
upon Your skin.

54. “Long Before”

HE leads the way. A light from my heart shines

through to my soul. i go steadily, yet unknowingly;
but assured and purposefully. Born out of a seed
planted deep inside, long before i ever was to be.
Long before this heart had the strength to beat,
and these eyes of mine could see.

55. “Many”

You are not only one thing, but many; and surely
more than the eye can see. Within the conscious,
unconscious, and subconscious, still possibly

beyond those things, You are always

communicating with us. It is the great dialect of
the spirit.

In the rising of the sun and moon, the unique

electricity of the mind, You are the heart beating
life force in all things. It is Your poetry that
resonates deepest, for it is eternal. We are but
vessels filled with more than what we can

This temple is but mine to cultivate, as i am simply

on a journey back home. i see Your image
everywhere and in everything. You are my secret,
and yet not a secret to me at all.

56. “In You”

i’ve no need for wine when You intoxicate me.

Your sweetness grows through the day. Your soul
is my ganja, filling the lungs of my being with
delight. i bathe in You like the warm sun; the light
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of knowledge and depths of peace. It is the dawn

of near endless possibilities.

Now, we sing of each other in curious morning

song. Yes, that wanted poem of the
hummingbirds, that all of nature gets lost in. To be
at one with the Spirit of all things. From the
blowing of the wind to the familiar dance of the
lilies. You have enchanted me since my youth like
the lone orchid in the meadow. You take me,
because You are.

57. “The Traveler”

You have come to us from the most beautiful

place. It is told that You are only one thing, but my
heart and the seed planted within says that You are
all. Whatever i seek has indeed sought me, even in
the hours that i turned away from it. i am uplifted
in sorrow, and in the extended moments of
solitude. You fill the entire universe; the
constellations, wind, rivers, oceans, and all vessels.
The Eternal is the most blessed of the Divine. It is
the greatest temple.

58. “Love Like God”

To love like God is possible. Ask yourself if there is

one in your life who is there with you in prayer
throughout all seasons. No matter what, they cry
with you, knowing that tears are the deepest
prayers, and would do anything for you regardless
of your conditions. To stand by you when you
don’t want them there, because they believe in all
of you.

Faith in HIM means to have faith in ourselves;

which is to have faith in each of us, despite the
tests. They remain close, no matter the distance,
giving without want of a return. God is absolute
and we can never fully comprehend HIM, because
HE is eternally perfect. HE is the light within us
that flows like the river.

We each have someone that loves us like God. All

they want for us is to be who we are, accepting us
with arms that never close unless we are in them.
They always believe in us, no matter the struggle.
No matter the hour.
35 35

59. “Tears”

The tears are the prayers. We pray deepest in

those moments of anguish. When we hurt too
much to speak with words. When we think no one
else is there to listen or understand. The sorrow of
my heart has shaken me to the core of my being,
yet i know the sun will return.

60. “My Heart’s Treasure”

You are the treasure in my heart. Greater than fine

riches Your name is sweeter than honey and the
scent of myrrh. My most blessed moments are
those spent with You. i cannot be without You,
recalling our time together in another world. How
can i endure this plane without Your portrait? Yet i
am merely a passer by, a familiar stranger in these
unfamiliar places. Lonely, this is the outré comfort
of my complaint, and the depth of my supplication.

61. “Among Us”

What if You walked among us all this time? What if

You just passed us all by, one by one, like the
comfortable stranger? Works unknown and kind
words unheard. You go from place to place, with
eyes the shade of the familiar. Gentle, yet full of
passion. A demeanor both quiet and purposeful.

All i’ve ever felt like is a familiar stranger,

beseeching to learn from HIM. Does HE feel the
heartache i feel? The depths of my profound
solitude? i invite HIM into my home, knowing that
i haven’t much to offer, other than what HE has
given me. The first thing i do is offer a cup of tea,
for we’ve much to talk about.

62. “Heaven Lost”

He ran away from Heaven, though just a small

child. Lost in this wilderness he sought to return,
and when he went to go back it wasn’t there
anymore. He wanted answers, but those questions
were buried within him. He would simply remain
37 37

alone, looking at the remnants and faced with the

reality of his decision. The questions were just as
lost as the answers.

63. “The Crimson Heart”

My heart is deep crimson, yet i am certain of Your

mercy. Day after day i am turned from in the street
by friends and strangers alike. The dust of sorrow
covers me like the strange cloak of humanity. i’ve
discarded myself in broken heartedness, in the
way of Love. My soul is rich, yet my deeds
impoverished. i helplessly yearn for the warm,
consuming glance of Your healing.

64. “Nourishment”

Beloved, You are the great nourishment of my soul.

My heart shall serve Your essence. You are both
honorable and selfless duty. The life of my spirit
has laid down for us, like a blanket before the fire.
Once whispered song of love still sings of itself with
a longing recollection.

65. “A Lit Rose”

In my sorrow i lit a rose, hoping it would ease the

pain. Maybe it could soothe the ache. Somehow,
day after day it didn’t get any easier, but i did so
out of faith. The outcome was unknown and
uncertain. i knew nothing else. Either way, i’d be
sad for a season, though i had to endure. How
could i not? Who was i to surrender? Faith is
always a teacher; even unto itself. i could never
teach it.

66. “Our Possession”

Though we come from the Greatest Creator, what

we are in this realm are indeed creators of our
own. We become precious, yet never forgetting
the root of our soul. We can no longer be as we
once were, even after the next breath. Surely, we
cannot be what we have become, for what we
have yet to be has not made us what we are. Our
possession, the greatest of soul, spirit, and being is
what we are, born out of what was and what is yet
to be.
39 39

67. “My Companion”

The Spirit has been my companion. We know not

the number of our days, but perhaps there is a
glimpse into their measure. Being is its own
religion, and maybe the best chosen. We search
for truth, but most recognize that the way is long
and often arduous. How am i calmed by this, and
yet moved, the way the breeze dances upon the
waves of the ocean.

68. “Just Before Sunrise”

i sit in a room just before sunrise. There is a light,

only one that shines during the moment of
reflection. i think of the Beloved in near
melancholy. Perhaps we are both familiar and
strangers to each other in a way that is uniquely
abstract. The conditions, complex and simple,
change from moment to moment. i never know of
the next, but it waits for me, as it awaits all of us.

69. “Open Door Soul”

The door is open within my soul. i feel a light well

before i see it. We knew each other before, as i
smile knowing that it was from the moment i
awakened. How could we be strangers now, when
we were already quite familiar? This light
understands long before i have posed many
questions to myself. It illuminates when i seek
solace in what others perceive as my own
darkness. We communicate most when i am silent
and most withdrawn from all others. Then, i am
able to listen; when i am a stranger to myself.

70. “Speak”

Speak no evil. Speak truth. Speak with light that

can yield greater light. Speak with the deeds of the
heart and soul more than the lips.
41 41

71. “Across”

i tried to find Him on a cross, but HE was not there.

i tried to find HIM on a cross, much to my despair.
i tried to find HIM on a cross, but HE just wasn’t
there. i did not find HIM on a cross, for seated at
my table i found HIM across.

72. “Shade of Life”

magenta shade of fate, the aura was honey

lavender. Eyes that spoke like the sun, and the soul
of the moon. Frankincense and myrrh recited a
poem, nearly scripture, to a part of me that could
only be felt.

The heart was a shade of warm burgundy. We

climbed a hill in the morning. A song rang out in
the echo of the wind driven trees. It seemed like
another space and time, but somehow i knew and
dreamt of this very day. All of these past lives have
just met the present. This was the last day of my

73. “No Recollection”

i couldn’t remember any more. Suddenly, all that

used to be was nothingness that had blown away
with the wind. My vision, no longer blurred by the
mirage of false conditions. My conscious has fallen
asleep, only to the awakening of my soul. The soul
is truly everything. The foundation by which all
things receive life; for the soul is always living.

74. “Without Remedy”

Leave me to my bed. Send the doctor away, for

who can cure faith and love. My veins are full. The
breath in my lungs may cease, but it will not be by
these. What cure is there of faith and devotion?
Ask me what love is, and i haven’t the words for
what consumes this part of me. Who would claim
to have a cure for what causes so many beauties of
life? If you think of my illness, then leave me here.
Leave me to myself. Leave me to life, as there isn’t
a remedy for its purpose.
43 43

75. “Long to See”

We search for the same friend. Longing to see a

face, an image so familiar. Where is the touch i
recall from so long ago. There has been no time,
despite these numerous seasons. A voice in the
night, and calling back to it gives a response
unspoken in words. Peace covers my body like the
evening chill, and i know who brings HIS hand; a
presence that knows each living spirit. Longing to
see the friend who has always known me.

76. “The Beggar”

One of Beauty, look at me. Only You see the worth

of this beggar. In this poverty of flesh i desire the
wealth of spirit and virtue. You have spoken that in
my meek conditions i am able to purchase what
gold or silver cannot. Forgive the quietness of my
demeanor, but all i can give is the simple feeling of
deeds. Dust covers my skin and fills my pockets. i
am a beggar who goes in conviction, having seen
the plight of those who both have and have not.
They worry too much of the other. i am only here

and without the burden of the affliction. Men and

women have spoken lies. My mouth fails me and
words i no longer speak. Oh, One of Beauty, look
upon me as i do You, though others turn from me.

77. “The Illness of Saints”

Many try to be saints, when man cannot say. The

human hasn’t dominion over the spiritual. This the
poverty, false wealth, of the ego. An object in the
hands does not mean possession. What we grab
only will slip through our fingers the tighter we
squeeze. What do we take, other than what we’ve
done? We are guilty of something only by being.
The words of another cannot truly proclaim
anything. Whomever should call themselves a
saint, at that moment, has become the sinner. No
one can keep a heroic vow.

78. “The Resentment of Love”

Jealousy and possession are the fires of

destruction. Their flames go forth without
conscience. In them, all are equal, and we know
not the reasons. You are the great seal upon my
heart; etched forevermore. i will not refute, as
45 45

love holds the strength of death and the power

that gives life to life. We are all under it, trying to
control what has already become the ruler; trying
to educate the teacher.

Love can never be quenched or comprehended.

The Beloved is the guide. HE is infinite, and there
can be no other. The flawed cannot dictate to
perfection. We are always without, and
perpetually in search of. If i give all that i own for
love, then it is still despised and misunderstood.
We are as two lepers in the street, accosted by
those who will always search.

79. “The Birth of Freedom”

No one ever saw me again. i was freed from this

body, cast from this vessel. The simplest fact can
be the greatest truth; we change with each waking
moment. Sorrow can become joy. War can
become peace. There is nothing that is intended to
be ideal. In the hour of our darkest heartache
comes the blessed light of the new day. From all
things comes birth.

80. “A Thorn’s Blessing”

What of this rose in my garden? We fear the

thorn’s prick, seeking only the rose. Understand
that the way is to know the place where there is
neither thorn, nor rose petal. That is how to touch
it, so that we may give the flower to another who
perceives the same.

i realize that the thorns only harm those who don’t

understand. The thorns exist to protect the rose.
Quite often, we think of only ourselves and not the
other thing. There, truly exists wisdom and
knowledge of some sort from every side. Once
that is grasped then we have crossed the divide.
There becomes no separation. In that moment,
there is everything and nothing at once.
Understanding the rose in my garden is to know
that its root is the safest by which to obtain and
not simply give, but share.
47 47

81. “Searching”

We invent ways to search for God, not realizing

that we needn’t search at all. HE is in us already,
mired in the heart and woven into the spirit. We
are in the way. Nothing else. Removing the wall of
the ego and the conditional is the obstacle that
must be overcome for lasting beauty to exist. God
is behind the veil of these eyes reflected in the
mirror. HE is in the very living wind and sun that
shines forth always, even when masked by the

The growing flowers are HIS story. How the

running rivers are HIS parables. Another pair of
eyes that recognize the same of HIM, yet HE is
unique to all of us, as all things are. And so, there
is a God to, and for, all of us because though we
are born of HIM, HIS image is different to each.

The Divine is infinite; for perhaps there is not

beginning just as there is no end. Perhaps it isn’t
that we search for HIM, but we search, perilously,
to understand HIM.

82. “The Moment”

No more an idea of yesterday, and no idea of what

tomorrow really is. Just this moment, when we let
go and all things become one. We are this
moment, because of what was. What all things
used to be. We will be tomorrow, because of what
we are right now. The light from the darkness. The
light from the sky. The light from inside; when we
become one.

83. “The Night of my Soul”

The sun goes down and i embark towards the night

of my soul, as i do each day. It is silent, but that is
where the language of the truth speaks. My mind
has ceased and now i am able to listen; giving
myself the space to receive. How much of this
really matters when we gaze with our spiritual
eyes? Nothingness comes before understanding
anything. Even though it is the night of my soul,
there is anything but darkness.
49 49

84. “Light is Coming”

The light is coming. i can see it over the horizon. It

is the brilliance of God; the truth of life that will
always find us. It looks at us, knowingly, whether
we acknowledge it or not. Out of fearfulness, we
think that it has come to imprison us, but to the
contrary it is the greatest liberator and teacher.
We are being called to come out of the darkness,
because there is nothing more opaque than our
own self-imagined, self-imposed, and always self-
created shackles. Humanity entraps and the Spirit
gives freedom. It isn’t that we can’t get out the
darkness; it’s that we’ve not tried, with faith. It is
one thing to move, but yet another to do so with
purpose and conviction. There is nothing that is
achieved or attained without conviction. The
coming light is that of life and of living.

85. “A Drop”

Divine, i am alone in this temple. i have come this

day, for this moment in this hour and i look all
around at emptiness. In my own emptiness, and
want, i ask for a drop of Your honey to sustain me.

Don’t You know that my womb is barren, and i

yearn for Your nourishment? The journey has tired
me, and i’ve little else left to give. i stand here
almost depleted, my breath a labor. What is left
that i can expel, if it not be my very life that is given

Love, i ask for a drop of Your medicine to make me

whole once more. A drop to restore what i have
not. This illness of existence has been upon me like
a fever. i sweat in the night and hurt through the
day. How i cry in song of prayer, weeping and
wailing. i am shut inside myself, filled with tumult,
but speak of this sickness to no man. None can
give remedy to my plight. None can come to me in
this place, as i stand here in the emptiness of my
own shadow.

86. “No Peace”

It has been spoken that there shall be no peace for

me. It has been said that there is no peace here in
these strange places. Every breath a curse. Every
moment a foretelling of Hell. The absence of faith
gives way onto the presence of despair. Those who
51 51

speak these words and have the minds to think like

this are like locusts upon the harvest. One cannot
perceive to know the way of another, so how can
the truth of the impossible be claimed? Does flesh
know what is on the mind of the Spirit? There is
peace for one who doesn’t speak, for the words of
the hopeless are the bitter song of all of our days.
Peace rests in the womb of silence, like the child
unborn. To say that there is no peace is to say that
there is nothing for anyone. It is to proclaim that
there is no truth at all.

87. “Reflection”

We wonder so much of God’s image. Simply look

around, starting with behind the eyes in the mirror.
HE’s there when that second of truth comes. That
instance where something touches us to the point
that our eyes water and feel as if they are
preparing to flood over. Where we cease to think,
lost, yet found looking into ourselves. The
unreleased emotion that causes blurred physical
vision is a glimpse of HIM. No, we don’t recognize
it at the time, but there HE is.

Listen to the sounds of the Earth. They are the

music of the spiritual. Those very sounds of the

breeze upon the sea. HE sings in the symphony of

simplicity, and that is why it is so easy to overlook.
We don’t even notice the flowers that bloom
around us, let alone spend a moment in thanks for
our own being. With acknowledgement comes
existence, and with that comes life. We look every
day, perhaps not seeing anything.

88. “The Last Dream”

Unconsciousness had finally taken hold of me. As i

closed my eyes, the dream found me again. It was
as if we continued this great conversation. My lips
remained silent, and i felt the words spoken to me.
There was no lament, only understanding. This
angel, with her warm hand, touched mine and we
walked together. The bridge had been there
before, and the closer we came she relinquished
my hand. i was the one leading her now. We were
weightless, but i could feel the steps along the way.
And at that precise time, there was nothing. i was
53 53

89. “An Emptied Heart”

i have emptied my heart. Closed my eyes to

release this flood. Nothing of me remains in the
space of this vessel. It seems as though something
again has given birth to the child of my soul.
Though my eyes remain shut, i see with a clarity
and purity that would cause another storm should i
dare to open them. Like a weaned child is my soul
unto me. All things are as such an infant. The
liberated emptiness has now created the possibility
of fulfillment.

90. “Only You”

There is only You. In Your Strength. In Your Grace.

In Your Goodness. All things are of You. i am only
this simplicity, surrounded by what i cannot
understand. i am only this and You are everything.
My hurt is in a way that only the tears of my heart
can barely explain.

91. “In This Hour”

A memory drowns me under. Another night like

this, and there have been so many; too many. i’ve
nowhere to go, because the offering is left only to
return to me. Another moment passed is just one
more closer. It doesn’t fade into the star filled sky,
as i surrender something grave that will not be
taken. In this hour, my sickness has not subsided.

92. “Depths of the Heart”

How deep is the soul? i am but one. i’ve no glory.

i constantly search the depths of my heart,
engaging in dialogue with both, the self and the
Beloved. All that will remain is the truth, because
there is nothing else. My heart, when it is relieved
of this body goes to a place that is of greater
beauty than my imagination can fathom.

Somehow the dust is cleansed from me, my eyes

no longer stare with remorse or contemplation.
Peace lives within this soul. Except for it and the
55 55

companions of love and faith, nothing that i see

will ever remain.

In the depths of the heart rests everything. We

must choose what belongs in it and what does not.
Always will we know the answer to those things,
because something else already has heard our
questions before we’ve even found the courage to
ask them.

93. “Plans”

We constantly plan, unaware of what exactly is

being planned. Whatever our plans entail cannot
alter what the Beloved has planned. One thinks,
and though it may seem clear to them, the
thoughts of HIM to us are in the haze of the
morning fog.

Take a few steps forward, and the direction HE will

take you is unknown. Don’t dispute, but look for
and embrace the sovereignty of love. It is what
keeps the living from death.

Desire without wisdom’s light can only lead to a

brokenhearted disappointment. One minute we
are the hunter and the next, we become the
hunted. This is yet another dance of life. We are
always either the lost or the found.

We return to the womb after this journey from this

world of existence. Let the soul lead the body. For
after all, it was here first.

94. “A Prophet”

i was a child in search of an answer. All of my life,

no matter how diligently i worked and tried to
improve, i felt as though i was always last or behind
everyone else. All that i’d done never seemed like
enough. My eyes couldn’t see my own truth. My
ears were deaf to the words, nor could i lift my
head. When i looked around i never saw anyone
else. It was as if the ocean had taken me away to
die in its center. In the complaint of my restless
soul, i came upon a prophet. Without telling him
57 57

my story, he already knew of my despair. He

looked at me, placing his hand on my burdened left
shoulder, and said knowingly that i wasn’t behind
at all. The despair of isolation was because i was
ahead of the very people i thought were in front of
me. That was the cause of my worry. i always had
to work like that, because all of us are where we
are supposed to be. Our questions often answer
themselves when we stop to listen to our souls.

95. “Along One Path”

Hand in hand in this space of timeless time. At last,

we are one again. One soul, we stumble and
struggle through the dust of this multi-pathed
desert, like drunkards weary from the heat of the
sun. Let us choose Love, for there is nothing more
worth adoring. Our souls no longer feel the
bitterness and angst of separation, because now
we are free from it. The soul is but a window.
Open it and let a ray of light in. It will raise us with
dignity, now matter how low we are at the time.
The sunlight will never withhold its radiance. In
fact, it is there waiting for us to recognize it. It
waits for us to take its hand in life’s great dance.

96. “An Image”

There rests an image in the peace of the heart.

Worries have subsided. The sorrows of the yester-
moments and the apprehension of the uncertain
next second have faded into their shadows. Now,
we are in the presence of the Beauty.

Why trouble ourselves as needlessly as we do?

What we fear to see has become our close
companions. The evening sky is a rose garden filled
with delightful constellations. Perhaps the Earth is
nothing but a simple pendulum to hypnotize us.
What are we that all existence became this way
because of us?

But there is this divine image in us. The Beloved

rests in the comfort of our hearts. The darkness
became the opening for light and the rope that
imprisoned us became what pulled us out. We
look for HIM and HE has been waiting right beside
us all this time.
59 59

97. “The Contrary Garden”

The fragrance of the garden comes with the

greeting of a Friend. HE brings light and good
tidings; HIS bag filled with pearls. The scents of the
roses, lilies, and lavender fill the air. The dirt feels
like silk on my skin. The sun is absent, but the sky
is light and the breeze wafts all of the smells like a
great feast for the spirit.

Bring only one act of faithfulness as a seed to plant

here and a thousand more will be ready. From
such as this, such as that will continue to grow. We
perish before HIS beauty and we awaken again in
the light of HIS face. Life is giving up so that it can
be gained.

In this space, another world, more beautiful than

this one, keeps coming into this one. Timelessness
becomes the only time, and love becomes the only
intellect. A heart that thinks and feels is the wealth
of all, if it is the lover of the soul.

98. “The Ripped Moon”

The moon was torn for my garment. i hadn’t any

other place to go. People cast glances of illness
upon by the day. They sought out heartache and
to bring about the storm of my discontent. My skin
was not unclean, nor were my clothes dirty. A wise
passer by once said that it is only best to appear as
such. Because i chose to live with a closed mouth,
they thought i could not speak at all. i had listened
to so much, that the only words that mattered
were deeds.

You are with me always, but it seems to me that

we can safely speak in the night. The moon is
wrapped around me like a robe after a bath.
Maybe it is that i bathe in the light of the sun,
before putting on the moon. i am only a student,
even when sharing with others. Who am i to teach
another, when my way has been most
61 61

99. “A Prayer is Ok”

Some days we can pray and hope for the blessing

of a Friend. That is my prayer today. When the
sun found me there was an ache within. i simply
pray for the blessing of kindness from someone i
know. Whatever i would pray for my own life i
pray the same for all life.

100. "We Have a Destiny"

For quite some time we have faced issues of fears,

doubts, and conditions. We have given into them,
and given up, because of them. There is a light that
created us and a light that flows within us. This is
the connection to all things. It seems to be as
radiant and life giving as the sun, moon, and stars
that shine as one. We hinder and harm others,
because we do the same to ourselves; claiming to
be one thing when in the truths of our thoughts
and deeds we are anything but such. In fact, we
languish in the corners within ourselves, almost in
self imposed exile. How many of us have asked the
question of who we are? What is the purpose of

life? What is our purpose for being? What, and

whom, do we want to be? How do we want to live?
Furthermore, what do i stand for? What do i
believe in?

We go through this journey not realizing that this is

indeed a journey. Never being fully aware of this
magnificent experience of living. All of the
possibilities. All of the actualities. Worrying about
the past and the future, never allowing for the
powerful gift of the present. How many can
actually recall the last time they were grateful, and
let themselves think of the depths of those

It isn't that we fall into the harmless trap and habit

of making promises to ourselves, but it we do it to
ourselves. This exacts false conditions. One should
avoid this kind of obligation. Our actions, no matter
what, are often our convictions and truths. Thus,
we become default on these empty, though
perhaps well intentioned, promises.

The soul and spirit are journeys that must seriously

and sincerely be embarked upon. What is destiny in
comparison to a dream? A dream comes from the
mind, which is a mirror influenced by numerous
factors. In a sense, it is an illusion, and perhaps the
63 63

greatest one, for there are good and bad dreams,

but have we ever heard of a bad destiny?

It is fatal to overlook our current conditions. At the

very least, it is poisonous and grossly detrimental.
This is both the sweltering summer and bitter chill
of winter. We can no longer endure, because we
can surely overcome. If we succumb to the
obstacles, and our misconceptions, placed upon us
by others, then we merely validate our continued
plight. In that truth which rests inside us all is a
reflection of beauty comparable to that of the sun.
A reflection where the bumps, bruises, scars, and
wounds of life are no more. They are healed,
because we have been pulled through the fire. We
have stepped into the freedom of the inner light.
So, how can there be any more darkness? The
things which bind us are really those that can
liberate us. In that great cup at the fountain of life
is light. The belief, faith, and hope of destiny fills
our lungs and nourishes our souls. It is more than a
possibility or passing fancy. It takes courage to walk
towards that fountain. Certainly, it takes even
more to grab that cup, and still an unimaginable
fortitude to take that first sip. This is all because of
what we've heard from others who have not, and
what we have only seen with the eyes of the soul in
those deepest moments of heartache; and yes,

even the anguish of the soul. But, recall those who

haven't tried, and spoken in numerous vehicles
that we can't; because in that example, something
greater has shown us that we can.

Destiny is tied up with us. When we find ourselves

seemingly alone, it is there. Close your hand and
you will feel its grip. Its touch to be your
companion. No, we do not walk alone, even if in
the solitary confinement of our fears, doubts and
worries. There is always something, and even
someone with us. A friend we may have thought
has forgotten about us, who said that they would
always be unto us. No matter how we've treated
them, they have loved and believed in us
unconditionally. Those truths, prayers, and
meditations, void of time and distance, reach us as
companions, as well.

The rights of spirit and soul to ourselves are the

most important rights that we can have. We must
be in possession of them. The are not granted by
man, but GOD. We can be at peace, but never
satisfied until we get beyond this. Until there are
neither walls within nor between us.
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No matter what, we will all have moments, and

perhaps even seasons, of struggle, but this is about
recognizing and accepting both responsibility and
accountability for overcoming. The fact is that we
can, because that is our destiny. There is no use in
believing in a better way of anything for ourselves
if we do not pursue it. When you are in hunger or
thirst, do you not seek to be nourished? Do you not
seek to put clothes on your body to cover your
nakedness? Perhaps view destiny in the same light,
realizing that it is more than a dream.

But understand this about it: the foundation of it is

to be better to others. To truly see them in the
beauty that we can see ourselves. To want for the
self is the same desire for the child, partner and
neighbor, regardless of any condition. We are all as
one, for a moment can prove that we all have a
destiny. i believe in this, because i've felt the same
for myself. We have a destiny to be without
conditions, because that is the only way to
overcome any sort of condition. We have the
destiny to be within the soul. To deal with the
present so that we have a future. We have the
destiny that what can be for one can be for all. The
destiny is progress. That each moment a seed can
be planted for the tomorrow that is not only

believed, but sought after with diligence and


i believe in the same destiny for all of us. The same

greatness for the starving children in the huts of
countless African villages. The children without
shoes in Central and South America. The families
on small, impoverished farms in remote places in
Europe. The families who walk miles to the water
wells; just as well as those of us who can do as
easily as getting up and walking to our kitchen
sinks. The same destiny for those who are in
houses and apartments, and those who dwell in
shelters night after night. That very same destiny
for the woman with eyes swollen because of a fist;
the mother with swollen eyes because she sheds
endless tears for her children. That same destiny
than can turn a victim into a survivor. It is our
destiny to be more than who and what we are at
this very moment.
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