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Environ. Sci. Technol.

2010, 44, 7613–7621

continues to pose a threat to organisms that encounter it.

Biodegradability of Lingering Crude Note: weathering is defined as all physical, chemical, and
Oil 19 Years after the Exxon Valdez biological processes that alter oil composition, properties,
and behavior in the environment. These processes include
Oil Spill spreading, evaporation, dissolution, photooxidation, disper-
sion, and emulsification. The residues were classified using
the standard descriptive terms adopted in PWS: LOR, MOR,
A L B E R T D . V E N O S A , * ,† P A B L O C A M P O , ‡
and HOR, representing light, moderate, and heavy oil residue,
respectively (1).
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Based on the 2001 survey, two follow-on surveys were
Ohio 45268, and Department of Civil and Environmental
conducted (2, 3). Oil was found on 14 of 32 beaches surveyed.
Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
The volume amounted to an estimated 0.43 ha covered by
surface oil and 1.52 ha containing subsurface oil. Thus, about
Received April 1, 2010. Revised manuscript received July half the oil was present in the biologically rich lower intertidal
19, 2010. Accepted August 18, 2010. zone where otters and ducks could be exposed to it during
For biodegradation of oil constituents to occur in the field,
several conditions must be met. First, a competent population
In 2001 and 2003, geospatial surveys of lingering oil were of oil degrading bacteria must be present at the oil-water
conducted in Prince William Sound (PWS) resulting in a prediction interface. In addition, an electron acceptor and nutrients
of significant acreage being contaminated with substantial must be available to the degrading bacteria. Limited avail-
subsurface oil from the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill (EVOS). In ability of any of these factors can lead to rate limitations.
2007, other researchers developed a mass weathering index (MWI) Limitations on biodegradation rates due to low nutrient
based on the degree of weathering of PAHs normalized to concentrations could have played a part in the oil lingering
conserved biomarkers: if the degree of weathering of oil is 70% for such a long time in the subsurface. Previous research has
or more, further attempts at bioremediation would be shown that nutrient concentrations between about 2-10 mg
unjustified. The objective of our study was to measure the N/L are required to support near-maximum oil biodegrada-
biodegradability of the 19-year lingering oil in laboratory tion rates (4-8), and a 1994 field study in Delaware Bay (9)
showed that nitrogen concentrations of 3-6 mg N/L in the
microcosms. Samples of beach substrate were collected from
interstitial pore water stimulated hydrocarbon biodegrada-
representative sites in PWS contaminated with oil residues tion by 2- to 3-fold over a moderately high natural attenuation
of varying weathering states according to the MWI model. Enough rate where the average interstitial nutrient concentrations
sacrificial microcosms were set up to accommodate two averaged 0.8 mg N/L. These reported minimum nitrogen
treatments for each site (natural attenuation and biostimulation). concentrations are far higher than the average concentrations
Results indicated that lingering oil is biodegradable. Nutrient of 0.2 mg/L observed in PWS pore water samples (10, 11).
additionstimulatedbiodegradationcomparedtonaturalattenuation Exxon-Mobil scientists also reported an increase in the
in all treatments regardless of the degree of weathering. The biodegradation rate of the Exxon Valdez oil in PWS beaches
most weathered oil according to the MWI was the most when the pore water nitrogen increased from about 0.2 mg
biodegradable. Substantial biodegradation occurred in the N/L to 1 mg N/L due to nutrient addition (10).
Another likely factor contributing to the persistence of
natural attenuation microcosms due to the high sediment Total
subsurface oil is armoring (12), which stabilizes beaches by
Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN), which served as a nitrogen source protecting the underlying sediments from wave energy
for biodegradation. Most of the observed biodegradation was reworking. Many of the PWS shorelines are unusual partly
due to the presence of dissolved oxygen. Nitrogen was a due to the uplift caused by the 1964 Alaska earthquake, which
limiting factor but oxygen was the predominant one. moved formerly subtidal sediments into the intertidal zone.
The resulting broad sediment grain size distribution was
Introduction poorly sorted, and wave action tended to transport smaller
In 2001, scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmo- particles either to landward gravel-cobble berms or seaward
spheric Administration (NOAA) conducted a geospatial where wave energy is low. This leads to “armoring” of the
Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Team (SCAT) survey of beach wherein larger cobbles and boulders on the surface
lingering oil in Prince William Sound (PWS) and estimated protect smaller-grained sediments beneath them where the
that about 11.3 ha of surface and subsurface oil remained on oil is sequestered (12).
the shoreline from the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill (1). Of that, Biodegradation of crude oil requires about 0.04 g N/g oil
7.8 ha were estimated to be contaminated with a subsurface (4) and about 3 g O2/g oil (5). Based on unpublished data
oil mass of approximately 56 000 kg. Much of the lingering from J. Short (personal communication, 2008), we calculated
oil was present in subsurface sediments in the middle to low average oil concentrations in HOR beaches of approximately
intertidal zone of the oiled beaches. Although substantial 15 ( 18 g oil/kg sediment. Despite the patchiness of the oil,
weathering had occurred, high concentrations of potentially approximately 0.6-1.3 g N/kg sediment and 45-99 g O2/kg
toxic and mutagenic contaminants remained (i.e., chrysenes sediment would be required to support complete biodeg-
and other high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hy- radation of oil. PWS seawater contains only about 0.2 mg
drocarbons or PAHs), suggesting that this lingering oil N/L (10, 13, 14) and about 8-9 mg O2/L. Therefore, at least
3 000-11 000 L of seawater must come into contact with
each kilogram of contaminated sediment to provide sufficient
* Corresponding author phone: 513-569-7668; fax: 513-569-7620;
e-mail: nutrients and oxygen to support complete biodegradation

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. of the initial oil. Since only about 0.2-0.3 L seawater/kg

University of Cincinnati. sediment is available in the pore water, assuming a porosity
10.1021/es101042h  2010 American Chemical Society VOL. 44, NO. 19, 2010 / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 9 7613
Published on Web 08/31/2010
of ∼20-30%, biodegradation requires continual exchange collected at each site, packed in individual drums, iced with
of pore water with the surrounding seawater. Incomplete glacial ice, and sent to UC. The glacial ice was still present
exchange of beach pore water with the surrounding seawater upon arrival.
during each tidal cycle would limit the extent of biodegradation. Setup of Microcosms. A total of 117 microcosms and
It has also been observed during the biodegradation of accompanying reservoirs were fabricated and deployed,
poorly soluble hydrocarbons that the microorganisms act at comprising triplicate sacrificial units per sampling event per
the oil-water interface (15-17). Thus, one needs to account treatment. The seven treatments included a natural attenu-
for the bioavailability of oil to the degrading microbial ation (NA) control treatment and a nutrient-amended
communities. That is, the biodegradation rate could be treatment for each of the three sites plus the nutrient-
limited by the mass-transfer rate of the biodegradable amended positive control. The NA treatment would provide
components of oil, such as the PAHs, to the oil-water an estimate of natural biodegradability in the presence of
interface (18, 19) where uptake by microorganisms occurs. nutrients naturally present in the seawater and/or sediment.
The bioavailability, and subsequently the biodegradation rate, Since the oil had been lingering in these sediments for 19+
can also be limited by the presence of an interfacial barrier, years, we assumed that little or no biodegradation would
such as a dense mineral coating on the oil surface or a high- occur in these microcosms.
viscosity layer at the oil-water interface (20). A schematic diagram of the 316-stainless steel microcosms
In 2007, researchers proposed an index designed to is shown in Supporting Information (SI) Figure S1. Two
estimate the degree to which oil that has undergone microcosms were arranged per wooden platform. Each
weathering is sufficient to determine whether or not to pursue microcosm had a separate reservoir situated above it and
further treatment of lingering oil (21). This index is based on open to the atmosphere. A two-head peristaltic pump
the biomarker-normalized total polycyclic aromatic hydro- withdrew seawater at a flow rate of 2 mL/min from the bottom
carbon (TPAH) concentration at time t divided by the of each microcosm to the overhead reservoir, which operated
biomarker-normalized TPAH concentration at time 0 and is via a siphon mechanism. As the seawater approached the
termed the mass weathering index (MWI). In this context, level of the exit pipe in the overhead reservoir, the siphon
the authors meant weathering by all means as defined earlier. broke, and the water flowed rapidly into the microcosm
However, since the lingering PAHs after 19 years are below. This occurred six times per day for each microcosm.
composed almost entirely of semivolatile organics that are The purpose was to simulate intertidal zone submergence
also poorly soluble in water, the context of weathering in of the oiled layer but not semidiurnal tidal inundations. It
this paper is limited almost exclusively to biodegradation. was also to provide gentle mixing and reaeration of the
The authors argued that, if the MWI is 70% or more, then seawater to preclude bulk anoxic or anaerobic conditions.
further attempts at bioremediation would be futile since the Each microcosm contained 100 mL of 2 mm and 100 mL of
weathering is so severe that additional biostimulation effort 3 mm diameter glass beads at the bottom to prevent sediment
would not be justified. fines from exiting the unit and clogging the lines. Each
The objective of this research was to determine the microcosm contained an 800 mL volume of sediment
biodegradability of the lingering oil in PWS 19 years following (weighing approximately 1.5 kg) from one of the four field
the original spill under conditions where nutrients and oxygen sites placed atop the glass beads.
are not limiting factors. Three different sites in PWS were SI Table S1 summarizes the completely randomized
selected based on their calculated MWI values. This laboratory experimental design. The six sampling events were 0, 14, 28,
microcosm study was designed to provide evidence to 56, 112, and 168 days. All microcosms were housed in a
support a recommendation for or against bioremediation of constant temperature room set at 15 °C, which approximates
the remaining crude oil through addition of nutrients and/ the average daily temperature in PWS during the summer.
or oxygen at selected sites in PWS. The 117 microcosms were deployed and labeled randomly
throughout the room. After day 0, three microcosms per
Experimental Section treatment were sacrificed (total of 21 altogether) for oil
Site Selection and Sampling. Three sites were selected based analysis at each of the remaining five sampling events.
on their computed MWI, namely, KN114A (60° 29.09′, -147° Positive Control. The triplicate positive control micro-
43.41′) from Knight Island (MWI ) 76%), SM006B (60° 31.67′, cosms consisted of the same 800-mL volume of clean,
-147° 23.10′) from Smith Island (MWI of 60%), and EL107 uncontaminated sediment from the EL107 site. To each
(60° 32.95′, -147° 33.45′) from Eleanor Island (MWI ) 30%). positive control sediment, we added weathered crude oil
These MWI calculations were made by Short (personal known from prior experience to be biodegradable (Alaska
communication, 2008) from his first SCAT survey, using TPAH North Slope Crude previously distilled at 512 °F or 272 °C)
normalized to the sum of C2-3-chrysenes from 11-day old at a concentration of 5 g/kg. This crude oil mimics fresh ANS
tanker oil (see eq 1 in the Results and Discussion section). crude that has undergone approximately 10-14 days of
Samples of oil-contaminated subsurface sediment were weathering on the open sea as all the light-end hydrocarbons
collected in volumes of 50 L from each site. These 50 L samples had been removed by the heat of distillation. The purpose
were collected by digging five separate pits at each site to a of the positive control was to determine whether some other
depth that encompassed the oiled layer (typically around characteristic of the seawater, oil, or sediments would
10-40 cm below the surface), sieving them to remove preclude the growth of the bacteria, assuming a biodegrad-
sediment particles greater than 1 cm, and placing them in able hydrocarbon substrate was present. Examples might
60 L metal drums previously washed with Alconox and clean include lack of availability of oil or oil that is too weathered
seawater. The drums were placed into overpack drums, iced to support effective biodegradation.
with glacial ice, and shipped overnight to the University of Extraction and Analysis of Hydrocarbons. On a desig-
Cincinnati (UC) for the microcosm study. Once the oiled nated sampling day, specified microcosms were sacrificed
layer was reached, the oiled interval was collected. This for later chemical analysis. Approximately 600 of the 800 mL
process was repeated five times at each site or until the of sediment from each microcosm was placed in a separate
required volume of oiled sediment had been collected. At aluminum canister and frozen until extraction. On the day
EL107, an additional 20 L sample of uncontaminated of extraction, the canisters were thawed to room temperature,
sediment was collected and processed in the same manner. and four subsamples of 40 g each were removed for dry weight
This sample served as a positive control (described below). analysis. The sediment subsamples were dried in an oven
Seawater (50 L, 70 L at EL107) for use in the microcosms was overnight at 105 °C, then cooled in a desiccator and finally

weighed on an analytical balance. The cycle of heating,
cooling, desiccating, and weighing was repeated until a TABLE 1. Atlas-Bragg’s Mass Weathering Index (MWI) Computed
constant weight was obtained (22). Four more subsamples by NOAA Compared to MWI Computed in This Study
of 80 g each were first mixed with anhydrous Na2SO4 to
remove excess moisture and extracted for 18 h with 250 mL MWI computed MWI computed
by NOAAa in this studyb
dichloromethane (DCM) on a Soxhlet apparatus, concen-
trated to 10 mL by nitrogen blowdown, and then analyzed KN114A 76 67.9
by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) (23). SM006B 60 60.0
The GC/MS analysis was performed using a 6890 gas EL107 30 46.9
chromatograph coupled with a 5973 mass spectrometer from ANS521 46.3
Agilent (Palo Alto, CA). Chromatographic separation was a
Based on normalizing to C2-C4-chrysenes on 11-day
achieved on a J&W DB-5 MS column (30 m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 old tanker oil. b Based on normalizing to hopane on orig-
µm) (Palo Alto, CA). Analytes were detected in the selected inal fresh tanker oil.
ion monitoring (SIM) mode. Total extractable hydrocarbons
(TEH) was quantified using a Hewlett-Packard 5890 GC Series Table 1 summarizes the MWI computed by NOAA for
II equipped with a flame ionization detector (Wilmington, 11-day old tanker oil compared to our computation for fresh
DE, USA) (24). tanker oil (kindly supplied by S. Miles, LSU). The calculation
The seawater of each microcosm (700-800 mL) was of MWI by NOAA differed from ours since NOAA used 11-
transferred to a separatory funnel and the corresponding day old EVOS cargo oil TPAH normalized to the sum of C2-4-
reservoir and tubing extracted with 40 and 10 mL of DCM, chrysenes for the denominator in eq 1, while we used hopane-
respectively. These solvent rinses were added to the funnel, normalized fresh EVOS cargo oil. Despite this computational
which was sealed and shaken vigorously for 1 min. The difference, the two estimations are in approximate agreement.
seawater was serially extracted two more times with 50 mL EL107 and ANS521 were almost identical in terms of
of fresh DCM. The three extracts were combined, concen- weathering as estimated by the MWI, suggesting that, in terms
trated to 10 mL, and analyzed by GC/MS and GC/FID. of TPAH, EL107 was weathered to the same degree as oil that
Nutrients. The phosphorus source was sodium tripoly- has been distilled at 272 °C to mimic oil that has weathered
phosphate (Na5P3O10). The P-source was added only once at for only 10-14 days on the open sea.
a concentration of 25 mg/L. The source of nitrogen for the Figure 1 is a comparison of GC/MS results (y-axis) for the
biodegradation experiments was potassium nitrate (KNO3). three sites and ANS521 to the fresh cargo oil (x-axis) used in
During the course of the experiment, nitrate-N was measured the positive control (all data hopane-normalized). Were there
in two randomly selected microcosms in each nutrient- exact agreement between these groups, the data would fall
amended treatment by ion exchange chromatography (25). on the dashed 45° line with a slope of 1, indicating an MWI
If the concentration of nitrate-N declined to <5 mg/L, KNO3 of 0. The KN114A TPAH data were more weathered than the
was added back to 10 mg/L in all nutrient-amended ANS 521 oil (linear regression slope of 0.67 with nine PAHs
microcosms to replenish the used up nitrogen. Shortly after below the 45° line), the SM006B TPAH were less so (linear
startup, we discovered that the microcosms required the regression slope of 0.81 with 7 PAHs below the 45° line),
addition of 50 mg/L nitrate-N to meet the unexpectedly high while the EL107 TPAH were close to ANS521 (linear regression
nitrogen demand. This demand slowly diminished during slope of 0.99, differing in Phe and C1- and C2-Phe). The
the course of the study. To replenish evaporated seawater, symbols falling below the 45° lines are labeled in each panel,
distilled water was added to prevent increases in salinity identifying the specific PAH corresponding to those symbols.
that could possibly inhibit further biodegradation. Total The five naphthalenes were not included in any of the panels
Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) in the sediment was measured in in Figure 1 as their volatility is greater than that of other
each microcosm at days 0, 14, 28, 56, 112, and 168 by the PAHs, and thus did not conform to the 45° line.
Hach method (26). Figure 2 summarizes the biodegradation results of all
Sulfide and Volatile Solids (VS). Sulfide in the sediments treatments. The best fit first-order equations are shown
was determined by EPA Method 9030B (27). Sediment VS adjacent to the corresponding legend symbols (data were fit
was measured as the difference between the weight of the with a common intercept). The y-intercepts for each of the
dry solids at 105 °C and the weight of those solids after ignition three sites show the differences in initial oil concentrations,
at 550 °C (28). with KN114A having the least amount of PAHs, EL107 the
Statistical Analysis. Nonlinear regression using a Wald- most, and SM006B an intermediate level. These results agree
based test statistic was used to fit the exponential model’s with the MWI for each site (Figure 1). The graphs indicate
slope parameters from each site and treatment group. For that the oil was biodegradable regardless of the degree of
between-treatment comparisons at a given site, a common weathering as measured by the MWI. In fact, the biodeg-
intercept was fit along with different slope terms. For radation rate coefficients were of the same magnitude as
between-site comparisons within a treatment (NA or nu- those measured for the NA treatments in the 1994 Delaware
trients), separate slope and intercept parameters were fit to field study (10), where the average temperature was ap-
the data. All analyses were performed using the subroutine proximately twice that of this study. Unexpectedly, in all
SAS PROC NLIN, generated with SAS/STAT software (29). cases the oil was biodegraded significantly even in the NA
treatments where no nutrients were added to the micro-
Results and Discussion cosms. As noted by the p-values in SI Table S2, the
Mass Weathering Index. The equation for the MWI (21, 30) biodegradation rate coefficient for the nutrient treatment
is shown below: was significantly higher than the NA treatment in all cases
(p ) 0.0081 for KN114A, 0.0006 for SM006B, and 0.0001 for
% loss of x ) [1 - (Cx/Cbiomarker)s/(Cx/Cbiomarker)evos] × 100 EL107). Thus, nutrients significantly stimulated biodegrada-
(1) tion rates compared to NA rates.
The positive control, depicted in panel d of Figure 2,
where x ) TPAH, Cx ) mass concentration of x (mg/kg behaved differently from the other treatments. The biodeg-
sediment), Cbiomarker ) mass concentration of conserved radation rates for TPAHs were low, similar to the NA
species (in this case, hopane), s ) sample, and evos ) EVOS treatments for the three sites. These results imply that the
cargo oil. microbial population was initially different from those found

FIGURE 1. Comparison of the hopane-normalized TPAH profile of the weathered oil samples from the three PWS sites and ANS 521
oil vs the fresh cargo oil (dashed lines signify theoretically perfect fit, while solid lines signify actual fit). Naphthalenes were not
included due to their high volatility. All data were hopane-normalized. Labels on the graph adjacent to symbols show the individual
PAHs in the oil that deviate from the concentrations of PAHs in the cargo oil. Unlabeled symbols are the concentrations of the
remaining PAHs that agree with their concentrations in the cargo oil.

FIGURE 2. Hopane-normalized TPAH biodegradation as a function of time in all treatments. In panels a-c, the symbol for the natural
attenuation treatment (NA) is an open circle, whereas the symbol for the nutrient treatment is a closed circle. In the positive control
(panel d), the total alkanes are shown as open circles while the TPAHs are shown as closed circles.

at oiled sites and that the oil-degrading population was biodegraded rather than breaking down or washing out as
possibly smaller (microbiological enumerations were not a result of another factor, we calculated the rate coefficients
performed). Upon acute exposure to 5 g of ANS 521/kg for each PAH constituent in all treatments. These rates are
sediment, the putative low numbers of these microbial presented in SI Table S3. Not only did first-order rate
communities may have been further lowered by the sudden coefficients decrease for most as the degree of alkylation
exposure to oil. Nonetheless, the results from the positive increased within the homologous PAH series, but the PAHs
control samples confirmed that the experimental system concerned also followed the order of biodegradation men-
successfully demonstrated active biodegradation taking tioned above. Rates were generally higher (p < 0.05) for
place. nutrient treatments compared to the corresponding NA
Differential Biodegradation Rates of Individual PAHs. treatment within a given site, further confirming that nutrient
To determine if the PAHs in this microcosm study were addition enhanced biodegradation. These observations

clearly indicate that the observed disappearance of PAHs
was due to biodegradation rather than unknown factors.
Paired comparisons of TPAH rate coefficients among the
three sites for each treatment (NA vs nutrients) in SI Table
S4 shows that the statistical ranking of the rate coefficients
was KN114A > EL107 > SM006B (p , 0.01 in all instances)
for both the NA and nutrient treatments. KN114A, the most
weathered site, had the highest TPAH biodegradation rate.
Another confirmation that biodegradation was the mecha-
nism responsible for disappearance of the PAH is that the
concentration of the biomarker hopane remained constant
throughout the study (data not shown).
Biodegradation of Hopane-Normalized TEH. Biodeg-
radation of hopane-normalized TEH is presented in SI Figure
S2 and paired rate coefficients compared in SI Table S2. Rates
were lower for TEH than for TPAH in all instances as TEH
includes unresolved compounds influencing the analytical
results. For all three cases, SI Table S2 shows that the TEH
rate coefficients for the nutrient treatment were higher than
the corresponding natural attenuation treatment, but in only
one case (KN114A) was the difference not significant (p )
FIGURE 3. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) concentrations in the
0.174). SI Table S4 summarizes the paired comparisons of
natural attenuation and nutrient-amended treatments for the
TEH biodegradation rates between the various sites for NA duration of the study (no NA treatment was run for the EL107
and for nutrients. The only significant difference observed clean sediment). Error bars represent (1 standard deviation
was between SM006B and EL107 for the NA treatment (p ) unit based on the three independent microcosm measurements
0.018). This is in marked contrast to the TPAH comparisons at each sampling event.
in which all paired comparisons were statistically significant
(p < 0.05). to nonpolar hydrocarbons, the rate of biodegradation of
Nitrogen Demand and TKN Measurements. That bio-
remaining oil in contact with nutrients is unlikely to be
degradation in the NA treatments was significant raised
nutrient limited. Our data suggest that addition of nitrate
concern for finding a possible mechanism of action. Within
and tripolyphosphate to our microcosms did indeed stimulate
2 days following startup, the nitrate-N demand in all
higher biodegradation rates than the already high natural
microcosms was high (nitrate-N was undetectable in the
attenuation rates, so in the field nutrients were limiting at
seawater despite our adding it to all nutrient-amended
least to some degree.
microcosms). These results required increasing the nitrate-N
The conditions in our microcosms were highly conducive
to 50 mg/L every 2-3 days during the first weeks of the
to bioremediation. We ensured that oxygen, which consis-
investigation. This nitrogen demand eventually plateaued
tently exceeded 4 mg/L in the recycled aqueous phase, was
during the course of the study. SI Figure S3 depicts the
not limiting in any of the treatments. Similarly, nitrogen was
cumulative consumption of nitrate-N over time for the three
nutrient-amended microcosms. The average cumulative not limiting in the nutrient-amended microcosms. The latter
nitrate-N consumed in the nutrient-amended KN114A, was of specific concern in determining the potential bio-
SM006B, and EL107 microcosms was 115, 516, and 324 mg/ degradability of the oil irrespective of any weathering that
kg sediment, respectively. it may have undergone. The sediment used in the microcosms
We measured the TKN in the sediments to determine if had been disrupted during excavation, sieving, and mixing,
this could explain these results. Figure 3 shows the TKN levels thus exposing the oil and increasing its bioavailability to the
in all microcosms at each of the sampling events. The initial degrading community. We agree with the authors’ conclu-
TKNs ranged from 350 to 540 mg/kg sediment. These sions (30) that the oil has been sequestered in a low
concentrations were unexpectedly high, indicating the pres- permeability layer in the subsurface below a higher perme-
ence of natural organic matter (NOM) in the sediments of ability layer, as found and confirmed more recently (31).
the beaches selected for this study. Consequently, since the However, since we found the oil to be highly biodegradable,
only source of nitrogen in those microcosms was the biogenic our data suggest the sequestered oil may be amenable to
NOM in the sediments, this would be the most likely bioremediation with disruption of the low permeability zone.
explanation for the observed PAH biodegradation. Another The rates of PAH biodegradation under conditions of
significant observation in Figure 3 is that the TKN declined excess nitrogen were 0.028 d-1 for KN114A, 0.0099 d-1 for
but only in the nutrient-amended microcosms (shown in SM006B, and 0.017 d-1 for EL107 (Figure 2 and SI Table S2).
the lower curve in each panel of Figure 3). This compares favorably with rates measured in a previous
In a recent article (30), the authors conducted detailed field study in Delaware (10) where we measured TPAH
surveys of subsurface oil at numerous locations in PWS and biodegradation at 0.029 d-1 in the nutrient-amended plots.
concluded that the MWI they measured was too high (>70% The temperature in our microcosm study was 15 °C, whereas
relative to the original cargo oil) at the sites to support 30 °C was the average temperature during the Delaware field
biostimulation (nutrient addition) to remove lingering oil, a study. While others have reported decreases in the overall
conclusion that is clearly refuted by the data presented here. rates of biodegradation over time (30, 32, 33), such observa-
The oil at the three sites was highly biodegradable regardless tions are consistent with first-order reactions. First order
of the degree of weathering as estimated by the MWI. In fact, connotes rates of biodegradation that are dependent on the
the biodegradation rate coefficient was highest for KN114A, concentration of the substrate (“substrate” in this sense is
which had the highest MWI (most weathered) of all three the sum total of all hydrocarbons in the oil). Consequently,
sites. This suggests that the MWI is an oversimplification if the substrate concentration decreases, the biodegradation
that is not predictive of potential in situ bioremediation rate does the same. When the data showed that higher
success of treating the lingering oil. The authors further molecular weight compounds degrade more slowly than
concluded that, based on the relatively high ratio of nitrate-N lower molecular weight compounds (SI Table S3), this

The biomass of the PWS sediments as measured by volatile
solids (VS) was 37.4 g/kg sediment for KN114A, 24.8 g/kg for
SM006B, and 33.7 g/kg for EL107. Biomass will decay even
in an anaerobic or anoxic environment with the release of
CO2 and ammonia. In the undisturbed sediments of PWS,
significant biodegradation of PAHs would be unlikely as PAHs
do not biodegrade rapidly under anaerobic or anoxic
conditions, especially if nitrate is the electron acceptor
(36-39). However, in our microcosms not only did we observe
substantial PAH biodegradation in the absence of exogenous
nitrogen addition (NA treatments, Figure 2), but we also
observed significant consumption of TKN when excess nitrate
was added (Figure 3, solid lines). The VS measured in our
microcosm sediments and its associated TKN would normally
provide an additional demand for the available oxygen in
the seawater. However, the addition of nitrate to the nutrient-
amended microcosms supplied sufficient additional oxygen
from the nitrate to satisfy the extra competition for an electron
acceptor. We propose that the disappearance of TKN in the
FIGURE 4. Biodegradation of hopane-normalized total chrysenes presence of exogenously added nitrate-N may be explained
for each site (dashed lines signify natural attenuation microcosms, by denitrification mechanisms occurring within anoxic
solid lines signify nutrient-treated microcosms, and error bars microenvironments in the microcosms.
represent (1 standard deviation unit based on the three To provide further evidence for this hypothesis, we plotted
independent microcosm measurements at each sampling event). the oxygen content of the nitrate consumed in each treatment
as a function of the difference between the total PAH degraded
indicated that such compounds are more difficult for in the nutrient and NA treatments (Figure 5). The slope of
microorganisms to degrade. the linear regression line for the three points, which refer to
The results of an ecologically relevant study that used the three PWS study sites (labeled on the graph), is 58.2 mg
semipermeable membrane devices (SPMD) to evaluate the nitrate-oxygen consumed per mg PAH biodegraded beyond
P450 1A (CYP1A) induction potential of various potential what was degraded in the NA microcosms. The theoretical
PWS hydrocarbon sources in juvenile rainbow trout were oxygen demand (ThOD) of PAH is 3 mg oxygen/mg PAH (5),
recently published (34, 35). The investigators reported that so the 58.2 mg oxygen measured as the slope of the regression
increased CYP1A activity was strongly associated with PAHs line in Figure 5 is substantially in excess of this theoretical
from EVOS oil, especially the 4-ring planar chrysene ho- demand. This oxygen can only be used for the breakdown
mologues. One of the sites monitored was KN114A, which, of the organic matter in the sediments, since PAHs do not
according to the MWI, was the site with the most weathered degrade substantially under denitrifying conditions. Thus,
oil in our study. Figure 4 summarizes the biodegradability the conclusion from this is that nitrate in our microcosms
of the hopane-normalized total chrysenes plotted as a was acting not only as a nitrogen source for biodegradation
function of time. The figure shows that the chrysene of PAHS but also as an electron acceptor for the degradation
homologues were most heavily biodegraded in the nutrient- of the natural organic matter in the sediments during
treated KN114A site (73.4%) compared to the same treatment denitrification. Even though denitrification only occurs under
for the other sites (35.1% for SM006B and 41.1% for EL107) anoxic conditions, it is plausible that pockets of anoxic
where the oil was less weathered according to the index. microenvironments existed within the sediments of the
This is further evidence that the weathering of EVOS oil microcosms. It is also plausible that the absence of oxygen
predicted by the MWI not only is an inadequate indicator of within the layers of organic matter and oil covering the
biodegradability but also does not account for potential sediments facilitated the utilization of nitrate by facultative
CYP1A induction activity (and thus ecotoxicity exposure) 19 microorganisms and led to the consumption of organic
years after the spill. matter, as evidenced by the decline in TKN.
As presented earlier, the sediments from the three study Lending further credence to the denitrification argument
sites in PWS had a high TKN content (540 mg/kg sediment was the sulfide content measured in the sediments. Sulfide
for KN114A, 350 mg/kg for SM006B, and 480 mg/kg for was present at 10.4 ( 1.1 mg/kg sediment in KN114A, 11.1
PSW3A4). On average, this amount of TKN provides ( 0.2 mg/kg in SM006B, 13.1 ( 8.1 mg/kg in EL107, and 11.2
sufficient nitrogen for PAH biodegradation to occur, ( 2.7 mg/kg in the clean EL107 sediment. The presence of
assuming oxygen is sufficient to support aerobic PAH sulfide in all four sediments, from the anaerobic reduction
degradation. However, as little to moderate TPAH bio- of sulfate to sulfide by sulfate reducing bacteria (40), suggests
degradation has occurred in these sediments since the that the sediments used in the microcosm study were in a
input of oil, it is likely that oxygen failed to reach the oiled reduced state (anaerobic or anoxic) when collected and sent
subsurface layer except at the interface between the higher to the laboratory.
permeability zone and the low permeability oiled zone. One additional issue merits discussion. The ThOD of the
This was not a concern in our aerobic microcosms, which organic matter in the three sediments is assumed to be ∼1.4
contained disturbed sediment that had been excavated, mg oxygen/mg VSoxidized (41). Based on the total TKN removed
sieved, and mixed. The TKN naturally present in the in each treatment and assuming that VS and TKN degrade
sediments provided the nitrogen necessary for the partial proportionately, the ThOD of the biodegraded VS in the
degradation of PAHs in the NA treatments (84.6% depletion sediments was calculated to be 16.1 g oxygen/kg sediment
of hopane-normalized TPAH for KN114A, 48.6% for for KN114A; 15.7 g oxygen/kg sediment for SM006B; and
SM006B, and 71.0% for EL107 in the 168 day duration of 12.9 g oxygen/kg sediment for EL107, all of which are much
the study). In addition, a further depletion of TPAH higher than the ThODs for the TPAH in those same sedi-
occurred in all microcosms when excess nitrate-N was ments (49 mg oxygen/kg sediment for KN114A, 193 mg
supplied (total of 95.3% for KN114A, 81.1% for SM006B, oxygen/kg sediment for SM006B, and 299 mg oxygen/kg
and 91.8% for EL107). sediment for EL107). This suggests that nitrate supplied

FIGURE 5. Nitrate-oxygen consumed as a function of the difference in TPAH biodegraded between natural attenuation and nutrient
treated sediments (error bars represent (1 standard deviation unit based on the three independent microcosm measurements at
each sampling event).

FIGURE 6. Cumulative Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) consumed as a function of cumulative nitrate-N consumed.

oxygen for the oxidation of the NOM in the sediments. This hypothesis. If research shows that addition of nitrate alone
is supported by Figure 6, which shows total TKN consumed does not enhance biodegradation, then perhaps some
as a function of total nitrate-N consumed for each of the physical disruption of the low permeability zone may be
three sites. Although the relationships are not perfect, in all appropriate to achieve the accelerated treatment. Research
instances, consumption of TKN increased in conjunction is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of pumping seawater
with nitrate-N consumption. Since ammonia-N is the below the oiled layer at sufficient velocity to perturb this
preferred nitrogen source for microbial growth (42), and as zone and allow channels to form in the oiled layer. Delivery
ammonia-N is released when TKN is consumed, the most of electron acceptor in the pumped seawater in the form
likely explanation for both nitrate and TKN consumption of hydrogen peroxide and nitrate should also be evaluated.
increasing concurrently is that nitrate is being used both as This may be possible with minimal ecological impact of
a nitrogen source for the oil degraders and as an electron the affected areas. The nitrate would serve the dual purpose
acceptor for the heterotrophic microorganisms growing on of providing nitrogen for oil degradation and electron
the organic matter in the sediments. acceptor for the breakdown of the sediment organic carbon,
Even though the above hypothesis is plausible, it was as our study showed. To our knowledge, this approach has
not considered by Atlas and Bragg (21, 30) in their not been put forth in the literature.
discussion of the implications of nutrient limitations in
Prince William Sound. Yet substantial surface and sub- Acknowledgments
surface plant biomass exists throughout PWS, and the Funding for this project was provided by the Exxon Valdez
decay of this biomass adds additional organic matter to Oil Spill Trustee Council. We thank Mr. Joseph Holmes of
the extant sediment annually. Thus the addition of excess Research Planning, Inc. (RPI), who led the field crew in the
nitrate to the sediments in PWS could accelerate the collection of the samples from the three sites in Prince
breakdown of the organic matter under denitrifying William Sound and shipped them to the laboratory in
conditions, resulting in greater porosity (which is equiva- Cincinnati. Dr. Jacqueline Michel, President of RPI, helped
lent to mild disruption of the low permeability oiled zone) develop the sampling plan. Mr. David Janka was the captain
and thus increased contact of the sequestered oil with of charter vessel Auklet that was used by the field crew.
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