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LUGAR: Universidad de Panama - Auditorio Jose Dolores Moscote - Fecha: Miércoles 22 de Agosto

8:00 am Registro

Salón 1 Salon 2

9:00 am Alexis Lopez Java Cloud Service, Application Container Markus Michalewicz Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) Best Practices
Oracle Ace
Service y Oracle Container Cloud Service (Oracle) For Oracle Database 18c

10:00 a.m. Aristides Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Jakarta EE con Ricardo Gonzalez Aprovisionamiento de datos de aplicacion y Bases de Datos en
NoSQL (Oracle) el contexto de Test y Desarrollo con Oracle 18c

11:00 a.m. Roy Salazar “The Good, The Bad and the Ugly”
(Oracle Ace
Associate) Comparing 5 methods of data replication
(GoldenGate, DBVisit, DBVisit Standby,
Oracle Physical & Logical Standbys)

1:00 p.m. A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Open Source Tuning Markus Michalewicz Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) in the Oracle Cloud
Douglas Hood
( Oracle Cloud Tools (Oracle)
Product Manager)

1:40 p.m. Tim Hall The rise of Javascript has made JSON Douglas Hood Tackling Time Troubles - how Oracle implemented datetime
(Oracle Developer ( Oracle Cloud Product Manager)
Champion, Oracle support an essential part of most systems. datatypes
Ace Director)

2:30 p.m. Mercedes What is Serverless, its principles, how it Ricardo Gonzalez Administracion Simple y Eficiente de Actualizacion, Patching
Wyss y Aprovisionamiento
relates to FaaS (Functions as a Service) (Oracle)
Oracle Developer

3:20 p.m Tim Hall Demonstrate some of the SQL and PL/SQL
(Oracle Developer
Champion, Oracle new features in 18c and 12c
Ace Director)

4:15 p.m. Gerald Venzl Oracle Database features every developer Roy Salazar Oracle Active Sessions History (ASH) combined with AWR
(Oracle Senior should know about! historic views and its Open Source version S-ASH

5:00 p.m Gerald Venzl Dockerizing Oracle Database

5:45 p.m Tim Hall Multitenant : What's new in Oracle

(Oracle Developer
Champion, Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2)
Ace Director)

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