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Hubungan Self Compassion dengan Stres Family Caregiver Orang Dengan Skizofrenia

(ODS) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Mumbulsari Kabupaten Jember (The Relationship

Between Self Compassion and Stress of Schizophrenia Family Caregiver in Public Health
Care Serving of Mumbulsari Jember)


Faculty of Nursing, University of Jember


Stress family caregiver is a stressful condition that causes negative psychology reaction.
Stress occurs beacause of unappropiate coping strategy which includes cognitive strategy
and stressor management of skizophrenia family caregiver. The purpose of this research to
identify the relationship between self compassion and stress of schizophrenia family
caregiver in public health care serving of mumbulsari jember. The research used correlation
with cross sectional approach. The sample used 35 family caregiver by total sampling. The
instrument used self compassion scale (α=0,89) and stres in family (α=0,977). The
research’s results showed that was no corralate between self compassion and stress of
schizophrenia family caregiver in public health care serving of Mumbulsari Jember with p-
value 0,152 (>0,05). The average self compassion of family caregiver was 71.31(26-104)
and stress of family caregiver was 18,74 (0-28). The bivariat analysis between characteristics
of respondents to stress the family caregiver showed that was not correlation between the sex
(p-value 0,666 ), age (p-value 0,178) , education (p-value 0,408) , work (p-value 0,203) , a
relationship with schizophenia patient ( p-value 0,099) and long tending ods (p-value 0,164)
with stress family caregiver. The family caregiver covered stress and showed a positive self
acceptance. Actually, family caregiver showed that decreasing motivation of seeking
treatment, noncompliance of treatment, and neglecting schizophenia patient. Counseling and
health promotion can be done to improve psychological health of family caregiver in
treating for schizophrenia patient in community through public health care serving.

Keywords: Schizophrenia, stress family caregiver, self compassion

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