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Moscow Physico-technical Institute
Submitted March 30, 1970
Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 59, 1254-1261 (October, 1970)

We here derive and study equations which describe the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a
Riemannian space with an arbitrary metric, as if in an anisotropic "medium." The character of
the anisotropy is determined by the metric tensor. An analysis of the equations shows that there is
never any double refraction of electromagnetic waves in an arbitrary gravitational field. A neces-
sary and sufficient condition for the absence of double refraction in an anisotropic medium is that
the tensors of dielectric and of magnetic permeability be proportional. A general expression is
found which permits determination of the change of the parameters characterizing the polarization
of an electromagnetic wave when it is propagated in a space with a given metric.

INTRODUCTION Fap;v + Fpy;a. + Fya;;P = 0, Ha.~;~ =0 (1)

THE problem indicated in our title was essentially where F atl and Hatl are respectively the covariant
formulated in papers by Mandel'shtamPl and by and the contravariant electromagnetic-field tensors.
Tamm, [2 l who generalized the Minkowski equations of Indices set off with a semicolon denote covariant de-
macroscopic electrodynamics to the case of an arbi- rivatives with respect to the corresponding coordinates
trary anisotropic medium in translational motion in an (here and in what follows Greek indices a, 13, 'Y, •••
inertial reference system. It was shown that the equa- run through the values 0, 1, 2, 3, and Latin indices i,
tions describing the propagation of electromagnetic j, k, ... through the values 1, 2, 3, and summation is
waves in an electrically and magnetically anisotropic taken over any repeated index).
(i.e., a bianisotropic) system without dispersion coin- In vacuum the components of the electromagnetic-
cide in form with the Maxwell equations written in co- field tensors F a/3 and HO!i3 are connected by the
variant form. Here the metric is characterized by an relations[ 3 • 4 l-
interval which always has a null value, and which in - - 1 -
1- g Ha.P = 1- g ga.vgfiVF.,. and Fa.p =-=..Ka.vKfiV "f- g H.,., (2)
the general case is biquadratic, 1-g
where g = det 11 gaf311 is the determinant of the covari-
ant metric tensor.
where the components of the fourth-rank tensor hatJyv Let us introduce electromagnetic-field vectors
are the components of the dielectric tensor E:ik and according to the schemer 3 • 5 l
the magnetic permeability tensor IJ.ik of the medium. F,~-+ (E, B), H"~-+ (-D, H).
In vacuum and in isotropic material media (in an
Writing Eqs. (1) in terms of vectors, we get a system
inertial system in the absence of gravitational fields)
of differential equations identical in form with the
the tensor haJ3yv breaks up into two identical tensors.
Maxwell equations for the electromagnetic field in a
In this case the metric is characterized by a quadratic
material medium:
interval. From this it was concluded in[ 1 ' 2 J that a bi-
1 iiB 1 iiD
quadratic interval is associated with double refraction rotE+--=0 rotH---=0
c ilt ' c ilt '
of light. This conclusion, however, is neither necessary
nor sufficient. divB = 0, divD = 0. (3)
In the present paper we derive and study equations
In this case the equations giving the connection between
which describe the propagation of electromagnetic
the "inductions" D, B and the field intensities E, H
waves in a Riemannian space with an arbitrary metric.
are determined by the relations (2) and are of the form
The Fresnel equation for the wave-vector surface is
derived. In addition it is shown that a necessary and D, = "f-g{g''y'mE, + g'(gE)-y'm[gB]m}',
sufficient condition for the absence of double refrac- H; = 1- g eiJ,gkylmEm + goo y;.JJm,
tion in an arbitrary anisotropic not optically active
medium is that the dielectric and magnetic permeabil-
ity tensors be proportional to each other. yim=-gim, 'Vim=-g;m+~,
g = ( -g0 \ -g02 , -g03 ), and eikm is the completely
2. THE FUNDAMENTAL EQUATIONS OF ELECTRO- antisymmetric pseudotensor of the third rank ( e 123
= 1).
It is convenient to write the relations (4) in the
In the absence of charges and currents the propaga- following form:
tion of electromagnetic waves in a Riemannian space D, = e,.E.- [GH],, B,=ll••H•+ [GE],. (5)
with a given metric is described by the covariant
Maxwell equations (see, e.g./ 3 • 4 1) *[gBJ =gx B.


Here Eik• JJ. ik• and Gi denote the quantities this purpose. By a spatial rotation of the coordinate
e.. = J.t,. = l'-g(goo)-'y'', G, = -go,(goo)-'. (6)
system one can always bring the metric tensor into a
form in which the only nonvanishing off-diagonal com-
The differential equations (3), in which D and H de- ponents are g 0 \ g 02 , g 03 • In a coordinate system
note the quantities (4), completely describe the propa- oriented in this way the tensor Eik = JJ. ik is diagonal.
gation of electromagnetic waves in a Riemannian Plane electromagnetic waves exactly satisfy the
space with an arbitrary metric. The relations (4) or Maxwell equations only in the case in which the com-
(5) play the role of the constitutive equations, and Eqs. ponents gaf:l do not depend on the coordinates. If, how-
(6) define the tensors of the effective electric and ever, the components gaf:l(x, y, z, t) of the metric
magnetic permeabilities. The electromagnetic proper- tensor change only slightly in a wavelength A and in
ties of the "medium" are determined by the metric an oscillation period T, i.e., if the conditions
tensor ga(:l(x, y, z, t). A I grad ga(:ll « 1 and T I a gaf:l I at l «
1 are satisfied
It must be pointed out that the equations (1 )- (2) and for the given values gaf:l• the idea of plane waves is
(3)-(5) are equivalent in any coordinate system, since entirely applicable in restricted regions of space-time.
they differ only in the forms in which they are written. In this approximation, equivalent to Rytov's first ap-
The covariant Maxwell equations (1) can always be proximation, [3 • 61 we have
written in the form of the Maxwell equations for a
E, D, B, H ~ exp {i(krn- wt) },
material medium. The peculiarities of the noninertial
reference system and of the geometry of the space in and the Maxwell equations (3) take the form
question affect only the form of the "constitutive" n[eE] = B, n[eH] = -D,
equations which give the connection between the field (7)
vectors E, B, D, and H. Equations (1)-(5) are written eB =0, eD= 0,
in the reference system in which the components of the where e = k/k is the unit vector in the direction of
metric tensor are defined. The differences between the propagation of the wave, and n is the effective index
metric defined by the gaf:l and the pseudoeuclidean of refraction.
metric are due both to the actual gravitational field It follows from Eqs. (5) and (7) that
produced by gravitating bodies and to the use of a ,e,,E, + [n- G, H], = 0,
noninertial reference system. J.t,.H.- [n-G, E),= 0, n = ne.
In our notation the components of the energy-
momentum tensor of the electromagnetic field Eliminating the vector H from these last equations,
we arrive at a system of three linear homogeneous
equations for the components of the vector E:
take the form {e,. + e,,,ekvm (n,- G,) !toP -t (nm- Gm) }E, = 0. (8)
- g To 0 =-{ED
1- 1 + BH}= W,
8n An analogous equation holds for the vector H.
- 1 1 - • 1 Equating the determinant of the system of homogen-
y-gT,'=-[EH],=-8;, y-gT, =-[DB],, eous equations (8) to zero and expanding it, we find the
4n c 4n
generalized Fresnel equation for the wave-vector sur-
- 1 {
1-gT('=- 1 [ED+BH]6;"} .
4n E;E,+H;,B,--.
2 _ face in the anisotropic "medium":
When we use the "constitutive" relations (5) the + +
~ (n1 - G1)4e1J.t1 ~(n 1 - G1)2(n 2 - G2)2 (e1J.t2 S,J.t,)
energy density of the electromagnetic field can be - ~(n 1 - G1)2e1J.t1 (e2J.ta BaJ.t,) e,f1,e,f12Baf1a = 0,
+ + (9)
easily put in the following form:
where Ei and JJ.i are the components of the diagonal
-- llil<
1- g To 0 = W =-{E,E,
+ H;H,}+ -GS.
tensors Eik and JJ.ik, and the sign ~ indicates summa-
tion of the three terms obtained by cyclic permutation
The additional term in this expression can be given a of the indices 1, 2, 3 in the expression following it.
simple physical interpretation. If G = c- 1 0 x r, then In the expansion of the determinant the terms of
for the integral quantity U = I W dv we find U = U0 sixth degree in the ni cancel each other. Equation (9)
+ON, where is of the fourth degree in ni. To the two positive values
Js;,(E;,E, + H;H11.)dv, of n there correspond two directions of polarization of
the electromagnetic waves. The connection between the
and N = I [ r x P] dv is the angular momentum of the components of the fields, and the character of the
electromagnetic field. As is well known, the expression polarization of the field, are determined by Eq. (8).
for U determines the law of transformation of the Equation (9) is a generalization of the Fresnel
energy on going over to a reference system rotating equation derived in Tamm 's paper, [2 1 and is identical
uniformly with the angular velocity 0. with it in the case G = 0. For given gaf:l Eq. (9) de-
termines the wave-vector surface.
In the general case of ordinary biaxial anisotropic
3. THE FRESNEL EQUATION material media at rest in an inertial reference system,
In order to find the equation which gives the relation the wave-vector surface and the ray surface are two-
between the effective index of refraction of the sheeted self-intersecting surfaces of fourth order.
"medium" and the quantities Eik and JJ.ik and the Plane waves propagated in an anisotropic medium are
direction of propagation of an electromagnetic wave, completely linearly polarized in definite planes (cf.,
we choose a coordinate system which is convenient for The Fresnel equation (9) for an arbitrary

Riemannian space with a given metric in vacuum also tensor J.l.ik coincide. We choose a coordinate system
determines a two-sheeted fourt-order surface. But for whose axes coincide with the principal axes of the
this "medium" we always have €ik = J.l.ik· The fourth- tensors €ik and J.l.ik· The Fresnel equation for such a
order equation (9) breaks up into two identical second- medium is the same as Eq. (10) with G = 0. In a
order equations: material medium €ik and J.l.ik have dispersion. If in
2 2
{ (n1-G1) +(n2-G2) +(na-Gs)
2 t}2 =O. (10) a certain range of frequencies of electromagnetic
waves €ik = K J.l.ik, then the two-sheeted wave-vector
E268 £163 8182
surface of the fourth order degenerates into two
Accordingly, in this case the wave-vector surface con-
equivalent second-order surfaces:
sists of two identical and coinciding triaxial ellipsoids,
the respective semiaxes being (€2€ 3 ) 112 , (€ 1€ 3 ) 1! 2,
( € 1€2)112 . With respect to both electromagnetic waves
(the "ordinary" and the "extraordinary") the Rie- - In such a frequency range the medium behaves in the
mannian space behaves like an anisotropic medium in same way with respect to the ordinary and extraordi-
which there is no double refraction. Consequently, in nary electromagnetic waves. The birefringence disap-
a gravitational field there is no double refraction of pears.
electromagnetic waves. The polarizations of the waves Accordingly, a necessary and sufficient condition
are superposed, giving in general an elliptically for the absence of birefringence in an anisotropic
polarized wave. medium (independent of the cause of the anisotropy) is
It is easily seen from Eq. (10) that the wave ellip- that the dielectric tensor €ik and the magnetic
soid is displaced relative to the origin of coordinates permeability tensor €ik be proportional to each other.
by the amounts Gi along the axes of ni. This means Consequently, by regulating the magnetic permeability
that the index of refraction of the gravitational J.l.ik of a medium one can eliminate the phenomenon of
"medium" (and also the wave vector and the speed of double refraction in an anisotropic medium.
propagation of light) is different not only for electro- The Fresnel equation (10) allows us to find the ef-
magnetic waves travelling along different lines, but fective index of refraction of a "medium" that imitates
also for waves propagated in opposite directions along a Riemannian space of arbitrary metric, as a function
the same line. In the general case the space (the of the direction of propagation of an electromagnetic
"medium") is nonreciprocal with respect to oppositely wave. In first approximation with respect to I G I we
directed plane wave trains. In this way the gravita- find
tional "medium" is essentially different from a 8!8283 ] .,,
n= [ +
material anisotropic medium which is at rest in an e, sin' Bcos' 'ljl + 8, sin' Bsin' 'ljl + 8, cos' 6 -
inertial reference system with no gravitational field.
81C1 sin 6 cos 'ljl + 82G2 sin 6 sin 'ljl + 8sGa cos 6
The wave ellipsoid (10) has six principal directions.
± 81 sin2 6 COS 2'ljl + 82 sin 2 6 sin2 'ljl + 83 COS 2 ij
The principal values of the index of refraction are
where ljJ and fJ are angles determining the direction of
(11) propagation of the wave relative to the axes of the
chosen coordinate system.
where the "+" sign corresponds to an electromag- If in a gravitational field G = 0, then the center of
netic wave propagated in one direction and the sign the wave-vector ellipsoid (10) coincides with the origin
"-"to a wave in the opposite direction. To get the of coordinates. The gravitational "medium" behaves
principal values ni!± ( n3±) one must replace the index like a material anisotropic medium at rest in an
1 by the index 2 (3) and the index 2 (3) by the index 1 inertial reference system and having no birefringence.
everywhere in (11). If €1 = €2 = € 3 = €, G.., 0, which is the case, for
We note that if we examine the shape of the sections example, for a rotating centrally symmetric gravitat-
of the ellipsoid (10) by the coordinate planes (for ex- ing mass[ 3 • 41 [€ = (-g) 112 (goot 1g 11, G = 2k[MR]/c 3R 3 ,
ample, by the xy plane), we get where M is the angular momentum of the body], then
(n,- G,)' + _....;..,._-::--:--:-
(n,- G,)' (12) the gravitational "medium" has a preferred direction
1 = 0,
B28a(1- Ga2/8I82) EI8a(1- Ga/8182) along the vector G. In this case the additional term
( GS)/ c in the expression for the energy density is
i.e., the section is an ellipse. The lengths of the semi-
equal to -2k(L ·M)/c 3R 3 , where L = R x P is the
axes of this ellipse are smaller than the correspond-
density of orbital angular momentum of the electro-
ing semiaxes of the ellipsoid (10). The explanation is
magnetic field. If L · M.., 0, the effect described in(sJ
that the coordinate plane making the intersection is
occurs. The wave-vector ellipsoid (10) degenerates
displaced relative to the center of the ellipsoid. The into a sphere of radius €, whose center is displaced
center of the intersection ellipse is displaced relative relative to the origin by the amount G. The index of
to the origin of coordinates by the amounts G1 and G2. refraction of such a "medium" has the value found
There is an analogous situation for the other coordi- in[ 9 l:
nate-plane intersections with the wave-vector surface. n ~ e+eG.
The results obtained above also allow us to draw
The phase velocity of a wave depends on the direction
more general conclusions. Let us consider an aniso-
of propagation:
tropic not optically active material medium which is
c c cG c c cG
at rest in an inertial reference system with no gravi- Vmax=-- ~
e: e:2'
Vmin= --~---
8+ G 82 '
tational field. Let the principal axes of the dielectric 8
constant tensor €ik and the magnetic permeability where G =I Gl.

We also arrive at a result of this kind when a die- where dl = edl, and w is the frequency of the electro-
lectric medium is in translational motion relative to an magnetic wave.
inertial reference system in the absence of a gravita- Accordingly, it is always possible to reduce any
tional field. The constitutive relations for such a problem about the propagation of electromagnetic
medium [7 J are of the form waves in a space with a given metric to a problem of
the optics of moving anisotropic media. Our formulas
D++[vH]= e (E+~[vB]), (3), (5), (10), and (13) enable us to treat directly the
various effects associated with the propagation of light
B+~[Ev]= ~(H+~[Dv] )· in an arbitrary gravitational field and in noninertial
Here ~ and J-1. are the dielectric and magnetic permea- reference systems (for example, the rotation of the
bilities of the medium, and v is the velocity of motion plane of polarization, the curvature of the ray, the
of the medium relative to the inertial reference sys- changes of frequency and of phase of the wave travelling
tem. The wave-vector surface for an isotropic medium in a rotating ring laser, and other effects). The calcu-
moving along the x axis of an inertial reference sys- lations for some actual cases are presented in[ 3 • 11 • 12 l.
{( 8~ 1 )'+n.'+n,'-ef.l }'=0,
1 L. I. Mandel'shtam, Polnoe sobranie trudov
consists of two coincident spheres of radius ( ~J-1. ) 1 / 2 (Complete Collected Works), Vol. 1, Izd. AN SSSR,
with center displaced relative to the origin. The ef- 1948.
fective refractive index is 2 1. E. Tamm, Zh. Russk. Fiz.-Khim. Obshch.

- e~-1 (chast' fiz.), 56, 248 (1924); 57, 209 (1925).

n = l'e~- --ev.
c 3 G. V. Skrotskil, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 114, 73
The speed of light depends on the direction of its (1957) [Sov. Phys.-Dokl. 2, 226 (1957)].
propagation. A moving medium is equivalent to an 4 L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, The Classical

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in an inertial reference system with no gravitational 1951.
field. 5 A.M. Volkov and V. A. Kiselev, Zh. Eksp. Teor.

From the relations (3) derived here one can easily Fiz. 57, 1353 (1969) (Sov. Fiz.-JETP 30, 733 (1970)].
find the law of the change of the plane of polarization 6 S. M. Rytov, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 18, 263 (1938);

of an electromagnetic wave propagated in the stationary Tr. Fiz. Inst. Akad. Sci. 2, 49 (1940).
gravitational field of rotating masses[ 3 • 10l: 7 L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshits, Electrodynamics

!Up 1 1 of Continuous Media, Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley,

-=-+-TrotT, 1960.
ds TK 2
8 Y. B. Zel'dovich, ZhETF Pis. Red. 1, No.3, 40
where cp is the angle between the vector E and the
principal normal to the ray, s is arc length measured (1965) (JETP Lett. 1, 95 (1965)].
9 A.M. Volkov and V. A. Kiselev, ZhETF 58, 1857
along the ray direction T, and Tt is the radius of
torsion of the ray. The effective index of refraction of (1970) (Sov. Phys.-JETP 31, 996 (1970)].
10 G. V. Skrotski1 and A. A. Izmest'ev, Dokl. Akad.
the "medium" for right-circularly polarized electro-
magnetic waves is different from the effective index of Nauk SSSR 178, 77 (1968) (Sov. Phys.-Dokl. 13, 30
refraction for left-circularly polarized waves. By the 11 A.M. Volkov and G. V. Skrotski1, Optika i spek-
method given in[uJ we can easily determine the angle
troskopiya 29, 966 (1970).
of rotation of the plane of polarization of an electro- 12 N. M. Pomerantsev and G. V. Skrotski1, Usp. Fiz.
magnetic wave which is propagated along a given tra-
Nauk 100, 361 (1970) [Sov. Phys.-Usp. 13, 147 (1970)].
jectory from a point a in the space to a point b:

(13) Translated by W. H. Furry


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