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Client Software Instructions for iphone

1. Search the “XMeye” in App Store; download the client software

“XMeye”. As below picture:

2.Installation after download.

3.Before running “XMeye”, it has to make sure that the DVR is

connected to network. Steps as listed below.
 Connect power and network cables.
 Access Main Menu-----System-----Network----select the DHCP mode
( As the pictures shown below):
4.Get into Main Menu--Info—Version, make sure Nat Stats is
Connected.(As picture shown below):

5.Click on the software icon to enter the login interface for remote

monitoring ( picture 1 ) . Enter the user name and password (need to

register first, picture 2),enter the system interface(picture 3)

Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3

6.Click on icon to add equipment (Picture 1) , Click on “Add

Device”(Picture 2), enter the Device Name and then click the QR Code
to add the DVR ID automatically or input
the ID manually
7.Default user name is admin. And there is no any password.

Picture 1 Picture2
8. The last step, click on OK button to save your account.
9.In the Device List interface, select and click on the picture which you
hope to view (Picture A). It will show you how many channels (Picture
B). Select any channel to view your vide (Picture C).

Picture A Picture B Picture C

10. Directory
Click on the icon , located in the top left corner as Picture A
1 Device List
2 Local Records
3 Screenshots saved
4 App version check in

11. Meanings of icons.

1.Interface of video viewing.

①:Full-Screen Previewing
②Pause viewing
1 Screenshot manually
⑤Main manul

Main Manual
Click on icon”⑤”to access the main manual.
①:Encode Configure
②:Video Configure
③:Alarm Configure ( not
support currently)
④:Remote Playback
⑥:Info of the DVR.

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