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Environ. Sci. Technol.

1994, 28, 763-760

An ZmSitu ATR-FTIR Study: The Surface Coordination of Salicylic Acid on

Aluminum and Iron( II I)Oxides
Madeleine V. Blber' and Werner Stumm
Institute for Water Resources and Water Pollution Control (EAWAG), Dubendorf, Switzerland, and Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland

Information on the bonding of organic ligands to hydrous

metal oxide surfaces, necessary to gain insight into the
mechanisms of surface reactivity, was extracted using 15 T
attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy. Various ligands were investigated in-situ
on the surface of &A1203 in water. Keeping the study of
structure with respect to surface reactivity in the fore-
ground, we report here specifically on the model ligand
salicylate, which we also examined on the surfaces of other
oxides, including corundum, hematite, lepidocrocite, and
goethite. Because the direct ligand-metal bond vibrations
absorb in the same region as the metal-oxygen vibrations
in the bulk oxide, evidence of bonding was obtained by
0 A/ , *
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
observing changes in the spectrum of the ligand itself. qs[IO e moles m- 1'
Results show that salicylate does not bond identically on
Figure 1. Effect of salicylate on the dlssolutlon rate of b-AIpOa, pH 5.
all metal oxide surfaces. In the cases examined, the The rate is proportional to the surface concentrationof the sailcylate.
chemical composition of the metal oxide, as opposed to (Data from ref 4.) The horizontal line at 2 X 10-g mol m2h-' gives the
the morphology, determined the structure of the ligand dissolutionrate for the absence of salicylate at pH 5. Inset: Adsorption
surface complex. isotherm, surface density of salicylatevs free concentratlonof salicylate
in solution, pH 5. (data from ref 2.)

Introduction evidence that ligands form surface complexes appears in

the form of adsorption isotherms. Investigations using
Substances adsorbed to metal (hydr)oxides are known magnetic resonance methods (5) have also supplied
to change the properties and reactivity of the surface. The additional information. Recently, however, new spectro-
interactions and chemical reactions occurring at the solid- scopic methods using extended X-ray absorption fine
water interface have major implications for the dissolution structure (EXAFS) have been of value (6). (For a general
kinetics of the metal oxides. In doing so, they provide review, see ref 7.) Many ligands alone, upon specific
important controlling mechanisms for corrosion and its adsorption, increase the otherwise very slow rate of
prevention, passivity, and for geochemical processes dissolution of metal (hydr)oxides at a particular pH value
such as weathering, sedimentation, and soil formation. of the solution. In systems where dissolution is fast due
The focus of this work is to elucidate the structure of to another ligand, on the other hand, their effects are
surface complexes on metal oxides in aqueous systems as varied. Some of the ligands are able to slow the dissolution
they relate t o the reactivity of the oxides toward considerably, whereas others are not. Previously, the
dissolution. Ligands such as complex-forming anions and structure of various complexes has often been suggested
weak acids have been shown to form surface complexes on indirectly on the basis of kinetic behavior. It is desirable,
hydrous oxides by replacing hydroxo groups on the surface however, that such structures, in particular inner-sphere
(1-3). It is generally assumed that the formation of inner- versus outer-sphere, be confirmed by direct evidence from
sphere surface complexes, especially in the chelated spectroscopic methods.
(mononuclear) form, facilitates the detachment of the
metal ion from the surface lattice ( 4 ) , whereas the There have been numerous studies done on the ad-
formation of outer-sphere complexes has little or no effect sorption of ligands onto mineral surfaces using conven-
on the dissolution rate of the oxide. It has been shown tional infrared spectroscopy, and the amount of data
that the enhancement of dissolution by various ligands available in the literature is quite copious. For the most
containing bidentate oxygen donor atoms is surface part, however, the methods used for obtaining these data
controlled. A relative inhibition of dissolution, on the other required dry samples, thus precluding the in-situ inves-
hand, has been demonstrated under suitable conditions tigation of surface interactions. The surface species and,
by ligands such as CrOP, phosphate, borate, and benzoate, consequently, their characteristic infrared absorption
which are believed to form binuclear surface complexes frequencies are affected by the presence of a surrounding
(see Figure 1). medium. Nonetheless, data from conventional IR tech-
The motivation for this study, therefore, comes from niques have still provided insight into adsorption mech-
previous work in the laboratory of the authors. Most anisms, and information on the possible surface structures
of phosphate, sulfate, and various organic ligands on iron
* Address correspondence to the author at her current address: and other (hydrloxides has been obtained through the
Dept. of Analytical Chemistry, University of Geneva, 30 quai works of Parfitt, Atkinson, Busca, Lorenzelli, Rochester,
E.-Ansermet, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland. McBride, and others (8-15).
0013-936X/94/0928-0763$04.50/0 0 1994 Amerlcan Chemical Society Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 5, lQ94 769
The introduction of attenuated total reflection-Fourier boat with a ZnSe crystal of square cross-section. A single-
transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), however, beam background spectrum of 2000 scans was recorded
broadened the possibilities for the investigation of sub- with the empty sample boat in place, and this spectrum
stances in aqueous environments. Tejedor-Tejedor and was stored in the background file. Reference and sample
Anderson (1) took advantage of this new technology to spectra were recorded in absorbance mode and were
develop a technique that allows the in-situ investigation automaticallyratioed to the single-beam background most
of interfacial species at the mineral oxide-water interface. recently entered in the background file. The absorbance
ATR-FTIR in its current form is best suited for simple spectrum is produced by computing the logarithm (base
chemical substances with distinctly different functional 10) of the ratio of the background spectrum to the sample
groups which give clear absorption spectra. Salicylate is spectrum: A = loglo(background/sample) Each reference
such a substance, as its two functionalgroups, a carboxylic and corresponding sample were scanned 2000 times.
and a phenolic OH group, are distinguishable in the IR Spectra. In order to facilitate peak identification,
spectrum. spectra of the ligand are first collected above and below
The purpose of the present study was to determine its pK1 value of 2.8. The species covered in this range are
spectroscopically if a ligand such as salicylate forms an the fully protonated form below the pK1 and the singly
inner-sphere surface complex (as opposed to an outer- deprotonated form in which the carboxylic group loses its
sphere complex, which hardly affects the surface reactiv- hydrogen. Appearance and disappearance of peaks, as
ity), to find out if the surface structure is the same on well as peak shifts, are the results of changes in bonding,
various hydrous metal oxides, and, if not, to further i.e., changes in speciation or the formation of a strong
determine whether it is the morphology or the chemical interaction with the surface. A spectrum was then
composition that is the critical factor in determining the obtained of the metal-ligand complex in homogeneous
type of surface complex formed. We have investigated solution, followed by the spectrum of the ligand at the
numerous carboxylicacid ligands on the surface of hydrous oxide-aqueous solution interface. Evidence of bonding is
6-A1203(16);however,here we report on salicylicacid only. found by observing changes in the spectrum of the ligand
itself, because the direct ligand-metal bond vibrations of
Experimental Section a surface complex absorb in the same region as the metal-
oxygen vibrations of the bulk oxide. The interpretation
Materials. All solutions and suspensionswere prepared and tentative peak assignments were carried out with the
using doubly-distilled deionized water and analytical-grade help of literature data (19-28), especially those of Yost et
reagents. The 6-A1203used in this study was the Degussa al. (26).
Type C aluminum oxide, found in other studies to have The spectra were generally dominated by the strong
a zero point of charge of 6.5 (17) and a BET surface area absorbance of water. In order to obtain a useful spectrum
of 100 m2/g (18). The goethite (a-FeOOH) and lepi- of the substance of interest, a reference spectrum must be
docrocite (7-FeOOH) had surface areas of 89 and 165 m2/ subtracted from the sample spectrum. The reference
g, respectively. The hematite, commercially available from contains everything the sample does except the substance
Fluka, AG, and designated as a-Fe203, had a surface area of interest. For example, to obtain a spectrum of salicylate
of 7.2 m2/g. The corundum (a-Ale03)was obtained from a t pH 5, the following procedure was used
Aldrich and had a surface area of 7.0 m2/g,while the Condea (1)A reference sample of 0.1 M NaC104 at pH 5 is
Puralox-230aluminum oxide was determined to be 7-A1203 prepared and scanned 2000 times.
with a surface area of 273 m2/g. (2) The solution is removed from the sample boat, leaving
Sample Preparation. The suspensions were prepared the boat in place.
by diluting a portion of a stock 1M solution of NaC104, (3) A sample of salicylic acid in 0.1 M NaC104 at pH 5
adding the appropriate ligand, and then adding the solid is prepared. This sample is also scanned 2000 times.
oxide. The pH was adjusted by the addition of 0.1 M (4) The reference spectrum is subtracted from the
HC104 or, if necessary, small amounts of 0.1 or 1M NaOH. sample spectrum using a subtraction factor of 1.000,which
The suspension was continuously stirred, and pH was for purposes of consistency was used in all cases. The
maintained with a pH stat system. A minimum of 2 h was resultant spectrum contains, in theory, only the peaks due
left for adsorption. Samples were prepared by centrifuging to the salicylate.
an aliquot of the suspension. Part of the supernatant was A similar procedure is used to obtain interfacial spectra
filtered through a 0.1-pm cellulosenitrate membrane filter of adsorbed species. Spectral subtraction of a supernatant
and then used as a reference. The remaining unfiltered from a suspension results in a spectrum of the solid phase
supernatant was then returned to the original aliquot to and the interfacial region. Futther subtraction of a
resuspend the solid. The resulting suspension had a spectrum of the solid phase (without adsorbate) yields a
concentration of 60-95 g/L solid oxide, with a few cases spectrum of the interfacial region only. This spectral
of 120 or 300 g/L. subtraction can be optimized by using similar hydration
Homogeneous solutions were also prepared at an ionic profiles of the solid with and without the ligand (sample
strength of 0.1 mol/L of NaC104. The pH was adjusted and reference). According to Yost et al. (26),the surface
with 0.1 or 1 M HC104 or NaOH. Reference samples hydration profiles can best be matched by using the same
without ligand were prepared and adjusted to the correct conditions of pH and ionic strength, because salicylate
pH in the same manner. adsorption has little effect on surface hydration. It should
ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy. The ATR-FTIR spectros- be noted that due to the extremely strong absorption of
copy was performed on a BioRad FTS-45 spectrometer water around 1640 cm-', the subtraction can still be
equipped with an internalTGS thermal detector, a purging difficult in this region. A slight difference in surface
molecular sieve air dryer and an auxiliary air supply. The hydration, for instance, may cause too much of this peak
ATR accessoryconsisted of a 3.2-mL stainless steel sample to be subtracted by the supernatant spectrum. In this

764 Envlron. Scl. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 5, 1994

0 1M alumlnum perchlorate
0.025M BallCyllC BCld
0.1M NGD4
, ‘ Y

1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200

wavenumber (cm.’)

Flgure 3. Ai1l1-saIicylatecomplex in homogeneous solutlon at pH 2.

0.007M sallcyllc acid
30 gll € 4 1 *Os
0.1M NaCD

Flgure 2. Possiblesurface structuresfor salicylate inner-spheresurface


area, therefore, occasionally an inconsistency such as a

negative peak may appear. The reproducibility of the
other peak shifts and shapes between different runs of the t
same experiments, however, supports the validity of the 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200
spectra. wavenumber (cm ’ )

The spectral data were transferred and converted to be Figure 4. Spectrum of interfacial sallcylate-Al2O3 surface Complex
used on a Macintosh system. Using the Matlab program, at pH 5, compared to free salicylate in solutlon.
baseline corrections were carried out on all spectra so that
the average points in the spectral range of 2000-2010 and high pK2. The cause of this phenomenon is the intramo-
3910-3920 cm-l were set to zero. The individual ligand lecular hydrogen bond. The H of a hydroxy group involved
spectra were offset from each other so that they could be in a hydrogen bond is very strongly bound to the molecule,
easily distinguished. The interfacial spectra were generally making it more difficult to remove than in the nonchelated
multiplied by a factor between 5 and 10, so that peaks form. This H bond is present in salicylic acid, but is
were clearly visible and could be compared to the ligand stronger in the anionic salicylate (29). The spectra of
spectra. As a result, the absorption scales for the salicylate in the solid phase have been mentioned elsewhere
superimposed spectra are not the same; however, the (26). The spectra of salicylate in aqueous solution (see
qualitative interpretation is not affected by this procedure. Figure 3, spectra at pH = 2-5) at first glance appear to be
impervious to pH changes in the 2-5 range. A closer look,
Results and Discussion however, indicates that there are indeed changesoccurring
which correspond to deprotonation at the pK1. Specif-
This in-situ FTIR method has been used for the ically, one such change is visible at 1705 cm-l (Figure 4,
qualitative characterizationof adsorption reactions in the spectra at pH = 2-5). The absorption of a carbon-oxygen
interfacial region of aqueous goethite (a-FeOOH) suspen- double bond is expected at this wavenumber and, indeed,
sions (25-27). Salicylate in particular was investigated in can be found appearing as a shoulder shape at pH 2. This
the goethite-water interfacial region by Zeltner et al. (23, is especially obvious when compared to the other spectra
where a chelate surface structure was determined. In this at the higher pH values. In these other spectra, this
case each salicylate takes the place of two hydroxyl groups absorption is no longer expected because through the
attached to one surface iron atom (structure 2 of Figure deprotonation of the carboxyl group above the pK1, the
2). Further studies by Yost et al. confirmed the chelate C=O bond gives way to two more or less equivalent
formation, involving a carboxylic and a phenolic oxygen carbon-oxygen bonds.
bound to a surface iron, for low surface coverages. At The other specific change in the solution spectra with
higher surface coverages, this structure was found to coexist increasing pH, one of the peaks key to this study, is due
with salicylate ions that are weakly bound in the double to the phenolic functional group. In solution, this peak
layer. Tunesi and Anderson (28) studied the adsorption is at 1244 cm-l at pH 2 and shifts to approximately 1252
of salicylate on titanium dioxide ceramic membranes and cm-l at pH 5. As in Yost et al. (261, it is assigned to the
found the same surface configuration as found on goethite phenolic C-OH stretching vibration, although alternatively
by Yost et al. (26). one might argue that it is a C-0 stretching coupled with
Salicylate in Solution. Salicylate differs from other the in-plane deformation of the phenolic OH group. The
aromatic carboxylic acids in that it exhibits an anomalously slight shift with increasing pH may be due to the

Environ. Scl. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 5, 1994 765

intramolecular hydrogen bond, which is stronger in the
anion than in the acid. A stronger hydrogen bond to the
carboxylate group lengthens (weakens) the 0-H bond in
&AI 203
, PH 7
the phenolic group. This in turn leaves more negative
€ 4 1 ,03, p H 5
charge on the oxygen, creating a stronger phenolic C-0 al
bond, thereby causing the absorption band to shift to C goethite, PH 5

higher frequencies. According to Yost et al. (26),a phenol B goethlte, PH 7

peak found at 1240 cm-' will shift to 1270 cm-l when the a
phenolic group deprotonates.
Aluminum and Salicylate in Solution. Figure 3
shows the spectrum of the aluminum-salicylate complex
in homogeneous solution compared to the spectra of the
ligand only in solution. The low pH of 2 for the metal-
ligand complex was necessary to avoid precipitates. The 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200
log K1 for the aluminum-salicylate complex is given by wavenumber (cm")
Sillen and Martell (30)(for 20 "C and I = 0.1)to be 12.9. Figure 5. Comparison of surface salicylate complexes on &A1203 at
Considering the aluminum-salicylate concentration ratio pH 7 and pH 5 with those on goethite.
of 4:l in the system, the monosalicylate-A1 species is the
most likely complex to form. At pH 2,the salicylic acid's part of the carboxylicgroup, and a coupled C-0 stretching.
carboxyl group is deprotonated, whereas the phenolic Due to adsorption, this doublet is significantly narrower
group is not. and more intense than for salicylate in solution.
The general change in the overall spectrum of aluminum (0 The peak at 1381 cm-l is assigned to the u,(COO-)
and salicylate in homogeneous solution (monosalicylate- vibration.
Al"9 indicates that salicylate binds with aluminum in an (g) The band at 1259 cm-l is assigned, as in Yost et al.,
inner-sphere complex in solution. The presence of a band to the C-0 stretching of the phenolic OH group. This
assigned to the C=O vibration implies that only one of band has shifted slightly to higher wavenumbers from the
the oxygen atoms of the carboxyl group is involved in ligand spectrum, where it was near 1250 cm-l.
coordination. Accordingto Yost et al. (26),salicylate forms The interfacial spectrum of salicylate on 6-A1203at pH
a chelate structure with iron involving a carboxylic oxygen 7 fairly closely resembles that at pH 5 (see Figure 5). The
as well as the phenolic group. This is evident in their zero point of charge (zpc) of the aluminum oxide used was
infrared spectrum because the phenolic OH band shifts found by Ibric (17) to be 6.5. The similarity of the spectra
to lower frequencies. The shift to higher wavenumbers of at pH values of 5 and 7 confirms that the adsorption is
the phenolic OH vibration in our study with 6-Al203, on primarily the result of a chemicalreaction not electrostatics
the other hand, seems to indicate that, as opposed to the (i.e., inner-sphere, not outer-sphere).
iron system, this functional group is not directly involved Some of the possibilities for the structure of a salicylate
in the association with aluminum. The shift is probably surface complex are shown in Figure 2. According to Yost
not large enough to indicate deprotonation; however, it et al. (26),adsorption of salicylate changes the ?r-electron
could be caused by stronger hydrogen bonding. Based on density of the benzene ring, thus altering the absorption
these results, it is proposed that under the conditions of bands of its C-C vibrations. This explains the appearance
our experiment (pH = 2,a1uminum:salicylateratio = 4:1), of the large peak at 1604 cm-l, also found by Yost et al.
salicylate coordinates with aluminum in solution in a (26)for the adsorption of salicylate onto goethite. In fact,
configuration which is monodentate. the peaks found in the 1650-1400 cm-l range in their study
6-Al203. The interfacial spectrum of salicylic acid and are extremely close to those in this study. The only
6-A1203exhibits several peak shifts and changes compared difference found in this region is that the peak which is
to the spectra of the free ligand in solution (see Figure 4). found at 1534 cm-' for salicylate on aluminum oxide (this
The peaks in this spectrum at pH = 5 are tentatively study) is found at 1524cm-l on goethite (their study). The
assigned as follows: peaks found in the region below 1400cm-1, however, differ
(a) The peak at 1708 cm-1 is assigned to the C=O rather markedly. The u,(COO-) peak at 1381 cm-l on
stretching vibration. This mode appears as a shoulder at aluminum oxide does not shift from the ligand spectrum,
the same frequency for salicylic acid in solution. whereas it shifts down to 1369 cm-l on goethite. Also of
(b) The peak at 1604 cm-l may be due to a u(C-C) ring significance is the phenolic C-OH peak, which on adsorp-
vibration, as found at 1620 cm-1 in the ligand spectra. tion to aluminum oxide shifts to slightly higher wave-
(c) Yost et al. (26) found a peak at 1568 cm-1, as was numbers compared to the ligand spectrum, whereas on
found in this study, and assigned it to a u(C-C) ring goethite it shifts to lower wavenumbers. The shift of this
vibration which has shifted on adsorption. peak in the opposite direction on aluminum oxide from
(d) A peak appears at 1534 cm-l, which is present in goethite indicates that salicylate does not form the same
neither the ligand nor the metal-ligand spectra, is assigned surface complex on the two mineral surfaces. Thus the
to the vas (COO-). structures other than 2 of Figure 2 must be considered.
(e) The peaks at 1469 and 1454 cm-l were also found by Since on deprotonation this particular vibration shifts to
Yost et al. and assigned to C-C ring bands of the salicylate much higher wavenumbers,the shift to lower wavenumbers
surface complex (26). Kung and McBride assigned a band on goethite is indicative of coordination to the surface.
at a similar wavenumber to a C=C ring stretching for This group is not directly coordinated to 6-Al203. On
both mono- and disubstituted chlorophenols (11). 6-A1203the upward shift is not large enough to signify
Arguably, several other bands might be expected in this deprotonation; however, it could conceivably be caused
region, including a vas (COO-), an in-plane deformation of by an increase in the strength of the intramolecular

766 Envlron. Scl. Technol., VoI. 28, No. 5, 1994

pH 5
y-AI 203,

PH 7
t , ,
1800 1700 1800 1500 1400 1300 1200 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200
wavenumber (cm") wavenumber (cm" )

Figure 6, Comparison of surface sallcylate complexes on hematite Flgure 7. Comparison of surface salicylate complexes on y-AlpOs at
and corundum at pH 5. pH 7 and pH 5 with those on lepldocrocite.

hydrogen bond. This would lengthen the O-H bond, on the interfacial spectrum, the most plausible structure
thereby shortening the phenolic C-0. It could conceivably for this system is a monodentate coordination through a
be due to a free aluminum ion replacing the hydrogen carboxylate oxygen to a surface aluminum atom (i.e.,
bond between the oxygens of the phenolic and carboxyl possibly 1, 8,or 10 of Figure 2).
groups, as would be the case in 8 in Figure 2. Another yA1203. The salicylate-mineral interfacial region was
possibility is a complete breaking of the H bond, thereby also investigated for y-A1203at both pH 5 and pH 7 (see
making the OH group less constrained and freer to vibrate Figure 7). At pH 5, the region below 1650 cm-I shows
(which may occur in 1,5, or 6 of Figure 2). There may also clear peaks, located in the same positions as for 6-A1203.
be more than one type of interfacial salicylate. One might The peak assignments and interpretation therefore remain
be monodentate with respect to the carboxylgroup, thereby the same, and it is presumed that the same surface
accounting for the C=O vibration band (1 or 10 of Figure structure is formed by salicylate on both of these minerals
2), and the other might be bidentate with respect to this at pH 5.
group (as 5, 6, or 7 of Figure 2), thus decreasing the At pH 7, the peak positions are similar to those at pH
separation value between the antisymmetric and sym- 5. Again, the phenolic OH band has shifted to higher
metric stretching absorption frequencies compared to the wavenumbers (to 1261 cm-l) compared to the ligand
free ligand. Finally, a very likely structure is a mono- spectrum, presumably indicating that this group is not
dentate coordination with respect to the carboxyl group, directly coordinated to an aluminum surface atom. Based
with a hydrogen bond associating the phenolic OH group on the spectra, it is concluded that the same type of surface
with a deprotonated surface hydroxyl group. This hy- complex is formed on this mineral at both pH 5 and pH
drogen bond would thereby create a pseudochelate of the 7.
molecule on the surface as described by 10 in Figure 2. It Goethite. Our spectra of the 6-Al203-salicylate system
would, however, necessarily be weaker than the intra- differed from those of Yost et al. (26) on the goethite-
molecular hydrogen bond present in the anionic salicylate salicylate system. For purposes of comparison, therefore,
in solution. salicylate on goethite was also used in this study. The
If the various surface species present are the same at spectrum obtained (at pH 5 , using 0.007 M salicylate and
pH 7 as at pH 5, there is clearly a shift in their proportions. a final goethite concentration of approximately 90 g/L)
The more dominant species at pH 7 is most likely in a showed the same peak locations and shifts within spectral
monodentate configuration with respect to the carboxyl resolution as those reported by Yost et al. (26). The
group. If the interpretation of Yost et al. (26) for the spectrum clearly differs from that of the aluminum system
phenolic OH band is correct, then this hydroxyl functional (see Figure 5 ) .
group of salicylate is not directly involved in a chelating The interfacial spectrum of salicylate on goethite at pH
surface structure in this system. Based on these results, 7 was slightly different from that at pH 5. The deep valley
the dominant surface structure of salicylate on 6-Al203 at 1600-1650 cm-l is due to spectral subtraction of the
both at pH 5 and at pH 7 is not the same as that formed water, which absorbs very strongly in this region. The
on goethite. most obvious difference is the large shoulder which appears
cu-AlzO3. The interfacial spectrum of salicylate on near 1280 cm-l. There may be another interfacial species
corundum ((Y-Alz03) was recorded a t pH 5 in order to at this pH in addition to the chelating five-membered ring.
compare the adsorption on a mineral of the same chemical The species are clearly different from those formed on
composition but different morphological structure from &A1203 at pH 7 (see Figure 5 ) .
6-Alz03. Evidence of peaks is found in the same areas as For interpretation and band assignments of salicylate
for 6-A1203 at pH 5, with the phenolic OH peak at 1254 on goethite, the reader is referred to Yost et al. (26).The
cm-l (see Figure 6). The absence of a shift downwards structure inferred from the spectra at pH 5 is a chelating
compared to the ligand spectrum again indicates that the five-memberedring involvingone oxygen from the carboxyl
phenolic OH functional group is not involved in the surface group, the phenolic oxygen, and one surface iron atom (2
complex on this mineral surface in the same way as on of Figure 2).
goethite. Therefore in all likelihood salicylate on corun- Hematite and Lepidocrocite. The spectra of salicylate
dum does not form a chelating five-membered ring. Based on hematite (cu-FezO3)and lepidocrocite (y-FeOOH) were

Envlron. Scl. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 5, 7994 767

recorded with the purpose of finding out if it is the Acknowledgments
morphology or the chemical composition of a mineral
surface which determines the type of surface complex We are indebted to Dr. M. Isabel Tejedor-Tejedor and
formed. If the interfacial spectra for hematite are similar Prof. Marc Anderson for invaluable advice and to Dr.
Stephan Hug for assistance with the spectra.
to those for corundum, then the structural modification
of the mineraldetermines the type of inner-sphere complex Literature Cited
formed. If, however, the interfacial spectra for salicylate
on all the iron oxides are similar, yet different from those (1) Tejedor-Tejedor, M. I.; Anderson, M. Langmuir 1986, 2,
for all the aluminum oxides,then the chemical composition 203.
of the mineral phase is the important factor. (2) Kummert, R.; Stumm, W. J . Colloid Interface Sei. 1980,
75, 373.
The interfacial spectrum of hematite and salicylate at (3) Sigg, L.; Stumm, W. Colloids Surf. 1981, 2, 101.
pH 5 looks quite different from that of its structural (4) Stumm, W.; Furrer, G. In Aquatic Surface Chemistry;
counterpart, corundum (see Figure 6). Due to the Stumm, W., Ed.; J. Wiley & Sons: New York, 1987; p 197.
incomplete spectral subtraction of the water OH bending (5) Motschi, H. In Aquatic Surface Chemistry; Stumm, W.,
Ed.; J. Wiley & Sons: New York, 1987; p 111.
band, the region around 1600cm-l is difficult to interpret. (6) Hayes,K.;Roe,A.;Brown,G.;Hodgson,K.;Leckie, J.;Parks,
The usually clearly sharp doublet near 1455and 1470cm-1 G. Science 1987,238, 783.
is certainly present; however, its peak at 1470 cm-l has (7) Brown, G.;Calas,G.; Waychunas, G. A.; Petiau, J. In Reviews
split. The v,(COO-) band is at 1380 cm-l, where it was in in Mineralogy, Vol. 18, Spectroscopic Methods in Min-
solution. The most obvious difference lies again in the eralogy and Geology; Hawthorne, F., Ed.; Mineralogical
Society of America: Washington, DC, 1988;.p 431.
phenolic OH band. For the hematite system, contrary to (8) Parfitt, R.; Farmer, V.; Russell, J. J . Soil Scr. 1977,28, 29.
corundum, it has shifted to lower wavenumbers (1241 (9) Busca, G.; Lorenzelli, V. J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 1
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investigated at both pH values of 5 and 7 (see Figure 7). (12) Charlet, L.; Manceau, A. InEnvironmental Particles;Buffle,
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The importance of this work lies in its quest to examine
surface reactivity from a structural point of view. Although Received for review December 22, 1992. Revised manuscript
it has not provided the exact relationship between surface received June 7, 1993. Accepted January 25, 1994.'
complex structure and reactivity, it does provide a
necessary stepping stone in connecting the two. 'Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, March 1,1994.

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