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Sweet Pepper








Sweet Pepper
Land Preparation

1. Prepare the land thoroughly by plowing and harrowing. Apply lime 1 month before panting if soil pH is
below 5.6 at the rate of 3-5 tons per hectare.
2. Prepare 1.0m wide bed spaced 0.5m in between at 30cm high
3. Mix decomposed animal manure or compost at rate of 1.0kg/linear meter bed
4. pply basal fertilizer 2 bags 46-0-0, 2.5 bags 18-46-0, and 2.75 bags 0-0-60 per hectar
5. Cover with plastic mulch right after the fertilizer is applied; use bamboo staple sticks to fix the edges.
6. Make holes just before transplanting; 2 rows at around 50cm apart at 45cm between hills.

Seedling Production

1. Fill seedling trays with sowing medium. Sowing medium can either be peat moss or potting mix prepared
from garden soil, compost, washed coconut coir, rice hull and or sand. Be sure to have good water holding
capacity and good drainage.
2. Sow one seed per cell in seedling trays. One hectare needs 200g seeds.
3. Cover seedlings with insect proof net or place inside screen house
4. Water seedlings every morning or as needed (not too wet, not too dry) and use fine sprinkler
5. Drench with foliar fertilizer when two true leaves appear.
6. To prevent damping-off drench with propamocarb hydrochloride (Previcur-N)
7. Harden seedlings 4-5days prior to transplanting by decreasing the amount of water and gradually exposing
them to direct sunlight.


1. Under good condition, four weeks-old seedling with 4-5 true leaves is ready for transplanting. Transplant
late in the afternoon
2. Irrigate immediately to establish good root-soil contact
3. If there is intense heat, fill the hole with soil up to the level of plastic mulch


1. Sweet pepper is less tolerant to drought. Irrigate weekly during dry season. Closer interval when
evaporation is high or when crop is flowering and/or setting fruit.
2. Furrow or Drip irrigation is recommended. If overhead irrigation is used, avoid late afternoon or evening
3. On rainy season, drain fields quickly after heavy rain


Two weeks after transplanting

1.5 bag 46-0-0 or 3.25 bags 21-0-0 per hectare. Apply 10 grams in small hole near the base and cover with soil.

Four weeks after transplanting

Mix 0.5 bag 46-0-0, 2 bags 18-46-0, 2.5 bags 0-0-60 and apply 10 grams per hill. Dibble a hole 10 cm from the base
of the plant, place the fertilizer mix and cover with soil.

Six weeks after transplanting

apply 2 bags 46-0-0 or 4.5 bags 21-0-0 whatever fertilizer is available. Place in a hole 10cm from the base and cover
with soil
1. Repeat application if in 2 weeks interval if plants are still vigorous and healthy to prolong harvest period
2. Apply foliar fertilizer to boast plant and further increase yield.

Trellising & Weeding

1. Construct trellis using bamboo poles or stake at 2.5 meters apart on both sides of the bed.
2. Attach G.I. wire to bamboo post and tie sagging stems and branches on G.I. wire using twine or blue string.
3. Do hand weeding when needed. At vegetative stage canals between bed can be sprayed with herbicide.


Harvest in the morning. Depending on the market requirements, harvest green or breaker stage at 3-4 days interval.

 A heat tolerant bell pepper variety for lowland cropping.

 The fruits are small to medium size with a weight of 50 grams, bell shaped with a slightly tapered blossom end.
 All Season has low incidence of sunscald due to very good foliage cover.
 The first harvest starts at 60 DAT.


 Very prolific, gives high yield in every season.

 Bless is widely adapted and can be grown year round.
 The fruits are deep green, smooth, shiny and firm with tough skin allowing for good shipping quality.


 High-yielding sweet pepper with large fruits.

 Yields quality saleable fruits.
 Good adaptation in mid to high elevation planting.


 High-yielding sweet pepper with large fruits.

 Yields quality saleable fruits.
 Good adaptation in mid to high elevation planting.


 A new generation conical light green hybrid sweet pepper that gives superior yield and better quality fruits.
 Excellent fruit quality, big conical fruits (averaging 40-50 grams fruit weight) with better smoothness and color.
 This variety has an improved depth shoulder because the peduncle attachment is not deep. This minimizes fruit rot
and damaged fruits caused by rain.
 Its fruits are firm and with tough skin, an ideal trait for superior transportability and long shelf life.
 It has superior field performance, resistant to bacterial wilt and high tolerance to bacterial spot.
 This variety is highly adaptable and can be grown in low to mid-elevation planting areas. test jan 18


 Very productive plastic pepper recommended for year round cropping.

 The plants are very strong and can withstand high levels of bacterial wilt disease.
 Majesty develops very sturdy plants that perform well under high temperatures.
 The fruit bearing is very profuse, resulting in a very high yield per plant.
 The fruits are light green color in their mature stage and weigh 35 - 40 grams each.


 A high-yielding conical, dark green hybrid sweet pepper with a good year-round adaptation.
 Its large, smooth and thick flesh fruits are ideal for canning and processing.
 Fruits are a dark green color when mature and glossy red when ripe.
 Due to its rounded shoulder and peduncle attachment, there is less incidence of fruit rot and damaged fruits.
 Fruits have a long shelf life and are marketable up to 7 days after harvest. Also an excellent shipper with firm tough
skin fruits.
 This is an early maturing variety, harvestable at 55-60 days after transplanting.
 It has strong pest and disease tolerance to bacterial spot and bacterial wilt.


 A hybrid blocky sweet pepper with excellent heat tolerance compared to other blocky pepper varieties.
 Trinity is suitable for year round cropping in lowland conditions.
 The medium-sized fruits are glossy and deep green and weigh 65 grams on average.
 The plants are strong against leaf diseases.

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