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UNIT IV : ALGEBRA ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS Syllabus ; Fundamental concepts - Review of Class V! work; concept of degrees and coefficients; like and unlike terms; polynomials with rational coefficients. Fundamental operations — Addition, subtraction, muliiplication of 2 polynomial by a monomial, binomial and trinomial (upto degree 2 only); division of a polynomial, in one variable only, by a monomial and binomial in ons variable only. Using the rule : Dividend = Divisor times Qu« plus Remainder to check the result of division. Simplification, addition and subiraciion of algebraic expressions FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS There are two types of symbols in algebra : G) Constants : A symbol having a fixed numerical value is called a constant. 5 Thus, each of the symbols 3, -2, 9 0.6 is a constant. In fact, every number is a constant. (ii) Variables : Consider the following example. Example : We know that the perimeter of a square is given by the formula, p=4xs. Here 4 is a constant. When s = 3, then p = 4 x 3 = 12. When s = 5, then p = 4 x 5 = 20. Thus, the values of p and s are not fixed, they vary. A symbol which takes on various numerical values is called a variable or a literal. In the above example, s and p are literals or variables. Operations On Numbers and Literals We shall denote the literals by a, 6, ¢ x, y, 2, m, n, ete. 1, Addition : (i) The sum of x and 8 is x +8 (ii) The sum of x and y is x + y. (iii) For any literals, a, 6, ¢ we have : Latb=bta IL a+0=0+a IL (a+b)+e=at+(b+0e) 2, Subtraction : (i) 6 less than x is x - 6. (ii) y less than x is x — y. 3. Multiplication : Gi) 7 times x is 7 x x, written as 7x. Gi) The product of dy i (iii) For any literals, a, b, ¢ we have : oe 1. ab = ba Il ax0=0xa=0 Ill. (ab)e = abc) IV. a (6 +e) =ab+ac 4. Division : (®) 5 divided by x is written as (ii) x divided by 6 is written as G- (ii) x divided by y is written as Algebraic Expression : A combination of constants and variables, connected by the symbols +.- x and + is called an algebraic expression. Example : 5x + 6y + 2xy is an algebraic expression. Terms : The several parts of an expression separated by the sign + or - are called the terms of the expression. Examples : (j) The expression 2x ~ 5y + Saye has three terms, namely + 2x, -5y and + 3xyz. Gi) The expression a’b — 2ab* + 5b’a — 8 has four terms, namely + @ Yb, -2ab*, + 5b'a and -8. (iii) "The expression abc has only one term. ele Rte Various Types of Algebraic Expressions (i) Monomials : An algebraic expression which contains only one term is called a monomial. aoe , Examples : Each one of the expressions 5x, 9xy, 8a'be, -22", 6, > is a monomial. Gi) Binomials : An algebraic expression which contains two terms is called a binomial. 1 Examples : Each one of the expressions 5 + 2x, 1 - 8xyz, x7 +.a’,a + 3s? binomial. Gii) Trinomials : An algebraic expression which contains three terms is called a trino- mial. Examples : Each one of the expressions 2x + 3y - 42, 5 - a ~ be, a’ + b” — Qab is a trinomial. (iv) Multinomials : An algebraic expression containing two or more terms is called a multinomial. Factors of a Term : When numbers and literals are multiplied to form a product, then each quantity multiplied is called a factor of the product. ‘A constant factor is called a numerical factor while a variable factor is called a literal factor. Examples : (i) In 7ab, the numerical factor is 7 and the literal factors are a, 6 and ab. Gi) Ip -9’y, the numerical factor is -9 and the literal factors are x, 2", y, xy and xy. Constant Term : A term of the expression having no literal factor is called the constant term. Examples : (i) In the expression 3x — 4y + 2, the constant term is 2. (i) In the expression a’ + 6’ — 3ab — 5, the constant term is —5, Coefficients : Any of the factors of a term is called the coefficient of the product of other factors. In particular, the constant part is called the numerical coefficient of the term and the remaining part is called the literal coefficient of the term. Examples : In the term — 2x2": numerical coefficient literal coefficient = 22%; coefficient of x = —2yz", coefficient of » *. coefficient of 2° = -2xy ete. Like Terms : Two terms having same literal factors are known as like termu, Otherwise, they are known as unlike terms. { Examples : (i) &xy, —Szy are like terms. (H) 20°, 206* are unlike terms (Hi) 605°, 9b"e are like terms [Since ab* = ba). Polynomials : An algebraic expression in which the powers of the variahlen involved are non- negative integers, is called a polynomial. Polynomials in One Variable and Their Degree An algebraic expression involving only one variable in which the powers of the variable are non-negative integers, is a polynomial in that variable. The highest power of the variable in a polynomial is called ite degree. Examples : (i) 3: +7 is 2 polynomial in x of degree 1. # Lis a polynomial in y of degree 2. 82 — 6 is a polynomial in z of degree 3. 1 1 Gv) x + = is not a polynomial, since > , Le., power of x is a negative integer. 1 Z Be binomial expression but it is not a polynomial. Note that x Polynomials in Two or More Variables An algebraic expression involving two or more variables with non-negative integral powers is called a polynomial in these variables. The degree of any term of 2 polynomial is the sum of the powers of all the variables in that term. The degree of the highest degree term in a polynomial is called the degree of the polynomial. Examples: (i) x + y + xy is a polynomial in x and y whose terms are of degree 1, { and 2 respectively. So, it is a polynomial of degree 2. (i) ab + ab” + Sab + 5 is a polynomial in a and b whose terms are of degree 3, 3, 2 and 0 respectively. So, it is a polynomial of degree 3. (ii) y +z is a polynomial in y and 2 whose terms are of degree 1 and 1 respectively So, it is a polynomial of degree 1. ‘i EXERCISE 164° Ee eee eae 1. Write the follawing using literals, numbere and signs of basic operations : @ The product of a and b added to their sum (i) The quotient of x by 8 is multiplied by 3 Gii) Thrice x added to y squared Gv) One-third of x multiplied by the sum of p and ¢ . Identify monomials, binomials and trinomials from the following algebraic expressions : ats eet @ a xa’d i) 5 + 3r'ye (iii) 3x" = Bat 2 ~5e : 2 iy A () ay #228 (vi) ax? + bx x9 3. Write down the numerical as well as literal coefficient of each of the following monomials : 2 () -2p°¢* Gi (i) - ae a am (iv) = w) (vi) ye 4. In -5 pg’, write down the o : Op (i) Bpq ii) pg? (iv) par @) -pq°? (vi) 5q°r 5. Identify like terms in the following : (i Bx, 4 5 y Gii) 2", iv) abe, acb’, cab, b'ac, a’be, cab” |. Identify which of the following expressions are polynomials. If so, write their degrees. + By 2 W Zxt— te 415 (i) Sx" - 8x + 6 Ve +1 Gi) be - 547 (iv) sy = Bxy” + Sr’y — Gx (v) Gp’ = p'g? + pg’ +q* — (vi) 4x” — Tx"y + xy" + By” 7 (wi) ab” ~ Tz + 5b" +6 OPERATIONS ON ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS ADDITION Addition of Like Terms : The sum of two or more like terms is the like term whose numerical coefficient is the sum of the numerical coefficients of the given terms. Examples : (i) 6x + 7x = (6 + Tx = 18x. (i) 8a + 9a - da = (8 + 9 ~ da = Ba. (iii) Bay — Quy + Gey = (6 - 2 + 6) xy = Sry. Addition of Polynomials Method : Step 1. Arrange the terms of each of the given polynomials either alphabetically or in descending powers of some variable. Step 2. Arrange the given polynomials in the form of rows in such a way that the like terms occur in the same column. Step 8. Combine the like terms columnwise. Example 1. Add : 5a + 6b - 3c, 4b + ¢ — 3a and a ~ 6e en expressions in the same order in the form of rows Solution : Writing the terms of the giv — 3b. with like terms below each other and adding columnwise, we get : ba + «(6b -32 + 4 + a - % - Example 2. Add : 8x" + 5x - 4, 2e + 3-2" and 8 - 3x + 72". Solution : Writing the given polynomials in descending 3c powers of x in the form of rows with like terms below each other and adding columnwise, we get : Bo +e eH -2 + & 3x ie - + + 4 3 8 ox + 4+ 7 Example 3. Add : Sax + Sby — cz, by - 6ax — 3cz and Sez ~ ax — by. Solution : Writing the given expressions in the same order in the form of rows with like terms below each other and adding columnwise, we get : Bax + Sby - -6ax + by - Saxe ny ss = 4x dby + cz 3ez Bez cz Example 4. Add : 5x” — Qry + 8°, Bry — Ty” — 2x" and y" + xy - 4x. Solution : Arranging the given polynomials in descending powers of x with like terms below each other and adding columnwise, we get : Si Ory + By? -2 + By - Ty? -4° 4 oxy ¥ =x + Qn aye Example 5. Simplify : 6a" + 3ab + 5b” — 2ab — b” + 2a” + dab + 26? — Solution : Arranging the like terms together, we have : 6a° + Bab + 5b” ~ 2ab — b* + 2a* + dab + 2b? — a = Ga’ + 2a” — a”) + (3ab — ab + dab) + (5b* — b + 26°) =6+2-Na'+(8-2+4)ab+(5-14+2) 6 = Ta’ + Bab + 66°, SUBTRACTION Subtraction of Polynomials Method : Step 1, Arrange the terms of the given polynomials in the s in such a way that the like terms are ame order, Step 2. Write the given expressions in two rows i + written one below the other, keeping the expression to be subtracted in the secon row. Step 3. Change the sign of each term in the lower row from + to ~ and ~ to +. Step 4. With new signs of the terms of lower row, add columnwise row Example 6. Subtract : 3a + 4b - 2c from 6a - 2b + 3c. Solution : We have : 6a - % + 8 +80 + ‘4 - 2% + 3a 6b 5c Example 7. Subtract ; 2x - 5x - 3 from 4 + x - 3x. Solution : We have : + x + 4 - & = 8 + & + 7 Example 8. What must be subtracted from 2x" ~ 8x + 1 to get x" +x - 2? Solution : Take the analogy : What must be subtracted from 5 to get 3? Clearly, the answer is 5 ~ 3. So, the required expression is the difference between the given expressions. af = Be + 1 +0 + xz - @ - - + vo. 4 + 8 -. The required expression = x" - 4x + 3. Example 9. What must be added to 2x — Sry + 5y* to get x" - xy — y"? Solution ; Take the analogy : What must be added to 7 to get 10? Clearly, the answer is 10 — 7. So, we have to subtract 2x" — 3xy + 5y" from x” - xy =. The required expression is - x” + 2ey - 6y". Second Method : Step 1. Write the nwo expressions in one row with the expression to be subtracted in a bracket with a minus sign before it. Step 2. Open the bracket by changing the sign of each term inisde the bracket from + to ~ and from ~ to +. Step 3. Add the like terms. Example 10. Subtract a° + 8a — a’ — 6 from 2a" + a — 2a" + 8 horizontally. Solution: We have: 2a +a ~ 20° +3-(a°+3a-a'-6) Qa +8-a-Ba+0°+6 2a — a*) + (20° + a*) + (a — 8a) + (3 + 6) 2-1 a +(2+1)a°+-3)a+9=- 8a + 30-20 +9. EXERCISE 16B Add the following expressions : as qe 3y (ii) 0-H + + 3c, b + 2c - 3a, 5c —- 4b + Ba (ix) 2x + Qy — Tz, By +2 — Bx, 22 — dy — x (v) 2ab + She — Sea, 4be — Sab + Ten, 2ea — ab - Soe. 2 — ~ 2-2-4, 1+ Oe a? - e Sn — 6,2? — Sn — Sn’, mn — - je 22° — Beye, Dy” — Bx” — Az” + aye, dx” — 9 + 22” — Daye ~ BF + Dpgr, q ~ 3p" +278 — Spar, 7° — pt = 2q° + par 2251-242, 3+x-2 pari eB et (itp parr rs sae ; 2 (i) 2~ 82! + Sy + 79? — 8 4 2? _ Gye — 99° + 1-22” — Bey” 1 1 1 2 1 3 ©) gm-gn4 grt gm+n-Zp-gm-4ntP 3. The two adjacent sides of a rectangle are 3a — 6 and 6b — a. Find its perimeter. 4. Find the perimeter of a triangle whose sides are 2y + 3z, 2 — y, 4¥ ~ 22. 5. Subtract : @ 8a,- 2 + de from Ba —3b-5e Ui) #-y - Be from 22 > By + 2x (ii) 2x? — Bx ~ 8 from 7 ~ 2x ~ 3x" (iv) 8 = By - By from y* + 2y —7 (v) 5x? — 8xy — Ty” from 3x” — xy - 2y” (vi) 3p, — 5p'q + 2° from g* + pq - Ap ii) ab, be = ca from Bab + 2be ~ dea (viti) a2 - 224 + 1e~ 8 from 8 2-2 (éx) 4x? — gy? from 10y" - 93” () 2abe = a, — 0° from 6° +4! - 2abe , 6. @) Subtract 6x° — 5x” + 4x — 8 from the sum of x + 2 — 3x and 2—2x' + Gx -2 (i) Subtract the sum of a + 2b - 3c and 2c ~ 3b ~ 4a from the sum of 5b — de + @ and 2c ~ 3b — 4a. Gii) Subtract the sum of x bay, + 2y® and y® — 2xy - 3x” from the sum of 6x” — &xy — y” and Qxy — 297 — x° 7. @ What should be subtracted from x t Ys - 32 to get 3x — 2y : 2? (ii) What should be subtracted from 2x” — 9” + 42 to get x” z ye (ii) What should be subtracted from 1+ x — x” to get 2x + x°? 8. (i) What should be added to 7a — 9b + 13c to get 9a + b — c? (ii) What should be added to 1 + 2x - 3x” to get x” - x - 1? (Gi) What should be added to m” — 2mn + 5n” to get n? + mn — m7? 9. Find the excess of 4p” ~ 2pq + 3q” over 2p — pq + 4g”. 10. By how much does 3x° — 5x” + 2x — 3 exceed 2x° - 3x° + x + 1? 11. How much is -x” + 7y” — 3xy less than 2x” — y” + xy? 12. How much is x° — 8x” + 5x — 2 less than 3 — 2x +x” — x"? 18. If x = 2a° + 3b” - Bab, y = b — 8a” + Tab and z = 6a” - b” + ab, find: @x+y-z Wi x-y 42 14. The perimeter of a triangle is 8 + 13a + 7a” and two of its sides are 2a” + 3a + 2 and 3a = da ~ 1. Find the third side of the triangle. 15. The perimeter of a rectangle is 16x° - Gx" + 12x + 4. If one of its sides is 8x” + 3x, find th other side. MULTIPLICATION =———(ai‘COO;!W!O!O!O! The multiplication of algebraic expressions is based on the following simple rules : ( The product of two factors with like signs is positive, and the product of two factors with unlike signs is negative. (i) Tea is any variable and m, n_are positive integers, hen a" x a" = g™ 243 5 & s+ Thus, x’. =x ° =x, abe ae = Multiplication of Binomials Rule : The coefficient of the product of two monomidls is equal to the product of their coefficients, and the variable part in the product is equal to the product of the variables in the given monomials, Example 1. Multiply : @ 8x*, Qxy and 4xy" Gi) dx, - 8y and -2xy «i 2 By, 3 2 Gi) te°y2 and 3 ay? Civ) | abe! and 2 ab’ Solution : We have : (i) Bx? x Quy x day? = (8 x 2 x 4) x G2 x xy x ay) = 24x'y’, (ii) de x (By) x C2ay) = 4 x C8) x C2) x (ex y x ZY) = 249757 = 24x25? sees 14 (ii) C7x"yz) x =") S (73) x (xyz x ay") = -ey'e ney don) | Example 2. Multiply : (-5xy), (- av), (ee 2) and (i) 3 ) toe x ab’) Solution : We have : (-5*’ “y)(- 50 }*(ap" ied 2 3 Multiplication of a Polynomial and a Monomial Rule : Multiply each term of the given polynomial by the given monomial and simplify as shown. below. Example 3. Multiply : 4a + 36 — 5 by 2a. Solution : We have : 4a +3b—5 2a x (4a + 3b -—5) = 2a x 4a + 2a x 3b- 2a x5 x 2a = 8a’ + 6ab — 10a. 8a" + Gab — 10a Example 4. Simplify : (i) 2ab (8a + 5b) Gi) mn (m? - n’) Solution : We have : (@) 2ab (8a + 5b) = 2ab x Ba + Qab x 5b = 6a'b + 10ab”, (mn (mi! = n°) = mn xm? — mn x nb = min - mn’. Example 5. Multiply 3p"q ~ 4q°r + 2p ~ 5q by -Spqr. Solution : We have : (-8pqr) x (3p"q - 4q’r + 2p - Bq) = (-Bpqr) x 8p°q — (Bpqr) x 4q’r + (Bpqr) x 2p - Bpqr) x 5q = -9p'q’r + 12 pq’r’ — Gp’gr + 15pq'r. Multiplication of Two Polynomials Rule : Multiply each term of one polynomial by each term of another polynomial and then add the like terms. Example 6. Find the product of 2a + 8b and 3a + 4b. | Solution : Multiplying each term of one polynomial with each term of another polynomial and adding the like terms, we get : Qa + 8 Ba_+ 4 6a” + 9ab [Multiplying first expression by 8a) + 8ab + 126° [Multiplying second expression by 4b] 6a° + 17ab + ~=—-:126’ [Adding like terms] Alternative Method : (2a + 3b) x (8a + 4b) = 2a x (8a + 4b) + 3b x (Ba + 4b) = 2a x 3a + 2a x 4b + 3b x 3a + 3b x 4b = 6a” + 8ab + 9ba + 125" = 6a" + 17ab + 126”. Example 7. Find the product : (x - 2y) x (x” + Gxy - 9°). Solution : We have : (& - 2y) x ("+ 6xy - 9) =x x (x + Gry — 9") - 2y x (e+ Gxy — 9") xx tx x Gry —x xy? — By x2" — Dy x Gry — 2y x Cy") S 4 @xy — xy? — 2x’y — 12xy? + Dy? = x* + dx’y — 18xy" + 29°, Example 8. Find the product : (8a — 2b) x (9a° + 4b° + Gab). Solution : We have : (8a ~ 2b) x (Qa + 4b" + Gab) = 3a x (9a" + 46° + 6ab) ~ 2b x (9a" + 46° + Gab) = 3a x 9a’ + 3a x 4b” + 8a x Gab - 2b x 9a” — 2b x 4b” — 2b x Gab = 27a° + 12ab” + 18a’ — 18ba” — 8° - 12ab" = 270° - 8°. Example 9. Multiply (2x° - 5x + 4) by Ge + Tx - 8). Solution : By column method, we have : 2 [Since ba® = a’b] oo - Be + 4 oo+ i - 8 ee (Multiplying first expression by x'| + 14° - 35x” + 28x (Multiplying first expression by Tx] 16x’_+ 40x - 32 [Multiplying first expression by -8] ax! + 9x° — 47x” + 68x — 32 [Adding like terms] (Qe = Ba + 4) x (3? + Tx — 8) = Ox! + Ox" — ATX? + 68x - 32, ——————— EXERCISE 16C | 1. Find the products : ‘ (i) 3a” x 8a" (ii) 8x" x Bx (iii) (Ary) * (-8x"yz) (iv) } Boo 2 yt las » Baye) wo (opemwn(t) a 5 1 ; 4 act \ye( 2 ate? ; (vii) (gare }«(-06%<{- (viii) (Sore (Fe jx cove ww) (-bey)e(-2oe)e( 2 2, Multiply : (i) 2a + 3b by 3a (ii) 3m - 2n by 4mn Wii) x2 ~y* by Qxy (iv) pg + pq? by - 8pq 9 3 <4 (v) 3x” — 5y by ~4x%y (i) 5 eye - GZ me" by 37 92 (vii) 0.01x + 0.001y by 0.1x 3. Find the following products : (@® (a + 9b) (7a - 4b) (ii) Ga + 7) (6a - 7) 2 2 ii) (4-39)(4 +3) (iv) (2x — By?) (+ 8y i 2 2 1 (v) (5<+27]| 3?) (vi) (G2-}9 }a0x-89 (vii) (8p” + q*) (2p” - 3q°) 4, Multiply + (i) 2x” + 8x - 6 by 5 + 3x (i) 5 - x + 8x" by 4x —5 (ii) 2- 8a + 4a” bya’ +3 (iv) 6x? ~ 2x” + 8x — 1 by 2x + 9 (v) 2° — 8244 by 5-27 (vi) 5m” — 6m + 8 by 2m? +1 (vii) y? - 8y + Bby y= 1 5. Find the following products : @ Gr + 2y-4)(x-y +2) Gi) (@ ~ Bx + 8) (2? + 2 — 3) (iii) (2x” + Bx - 7) (8x” - 5x + 4) (iv) Ox? ~ x + 15) G? — x — 1) 6. Simplify : @ (x - 8) (& + 4) ~ (2x + 5) (Bx — 4) (ii)? — Bx + 6) (2x - 8) - (Bx? + de — 5) (x — 2) DIVISION ‘The division of algebraic expressions is based on the following simple rules : (i) The quotient of two terms with like signs is positive, and the quotient of two terms with unlike signs is negative. 7 (ii) If a is any variable and m, n are positive integers, then a” + Dividing a Monomial By a Monomial Method : Step 1.’ Arrange them in fractional form, keeping the dividend as numerator and the divisor as denominator, Step 2. Divide numerical coefficients. Step 3. Divide literal coefficients. Step 4. Multiply the results. Thus, we have : Quotient of two monomials = (Quotient of their numerical coefficients) x (Quotient of their variables) Example 1. Divide : (i) 28a°b* by —7a°b? 14 2°y°z by -21 2y'z* Solution : We have : 2807s? — (28), (a*b* (i) 280°b° + 70°?) = eae 5 dates = 4x oy) tats = Commi . etre _ (4), (82 » (i) -1e'y*s = CBtay*s') = Pe oote Dividing a Polynomial By a Monomial Rule : Divide each term of the polynomial by the given monomial and combine the results. Example 2. Divide : (® Gx® + 18x" — 3x” by Bx* (ii) 12m’n — 18mn® + 24mn°* by 6m?n? (iii) 9x°y — 6xy + 12xy” by Solution : We have : 6x5 18x* 8x ; 5s 1a! ach « ae w OH 32 og, @ (Ge + 18x" — 3x) + ou = Set Se Fe = Oe + Ge 12m?n _18mn* | 24mn* @ (12m’n = 18mn* + 24mn’) Gm'n® Gm GmPn® 2_ 8 dn _2m~Sn+4n* nmm mn . (iii) (Ox?y — Gxy + 12xy°) + Division of Polynomials Example 3. Divide : 8x" - Tx + 2 by x - 2. 3x? 6x Solution : —— Step 1. Arrange the polynomials in descending powers of x. Step 2. Divide the first term of dividend by first term of divisor, giving the quotient 3x. Step 3. Multiply 3x with each term of the divisor and subtract the result from the dividend. Step 4. Bring down one or more terms as needed. Step 5. Now, use the remainder - x + 2 as new dividend and repeat steps 2 to 4. Step 6. Stop when the remainder is 0 or when there is no term in the remainder into which the first term of the divisor divides evenly. . Quotient = 8x — 1, Verification : The division algorithm for numbers Dividend = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder also holds good in algebra. ‘As such, it may be used to verify your answer. Thus, in the above example, we have ee Divisor x Quotient + Remainder = Te +2 Hence, the quotient obtained on division is correct. Example 4. Divide x° - 2x - 21 by x ~ 3. Verify your answer. Solution : Here, dividend = x° + 0. x’ ~ 2x — 21 and divisor = x-3)x (POLE Hl +a 47 x — Bx" + 3x7 2x21 3x*- 9x - os 7x21 Tx 21 - + + Quotient = x’ + 3x + 7. Verification : We have : Divisor x Quotient + Remainder (e- 3) @* + 3r4+7)+0 x) 4 8x" + Tx — 8x" — 9x - 21 =x) - 2-21 = Dividend. Hence, the quotient obtained is correct. Example 5. Divide 10x' + 17x" — 62x + 30x - 3 by 2x’ + Te — 1. Solution : 2x? + Tx —1) 10x" + 17x” — 62x" + 30x — 3( 5x*- 9x +3 10x* + 35x*— 5x* - - + — 18x" — 57x*+ B0x - 3 8x" — 63x" + 9x + Gx" + 21x-3 Gx? + 21x * Quotient = 5x” — 9x + 3. Example 6. Find the quotient and the remainder when 2x‘ - x° + 10x" + 8x - 5 is divided by x — x + 6, Verify your answer. Solution : Pex-1 «. Quotient = 2x” + x — 1 and Remainder = x + 1. Verification : We have : We Divisor x Quotient + Remainder = (x — x + 6) (2 +x-1)+@+1) = (Ox' 4x8 x? - ox’ a x + 12x” + Ge - 6) + (x + 1) = (Qe! — 2° + 10x” + Tx — 6) + (x + D = Ox —x° + 10x” + Be - 5 = Dividend. Hence, the answer is correct. 1. Divide : @) 18 Gi) 6a°d* by dab? (ii) 82m7n by 8) (iv) -28p°or° by ~Zpgr_— (@) pg by -12p0"" 2. Divide : , O , Sm" — 6mn by 2m (ii) 120% = 18ab" by 6ab ; 2 5 (iv) 15a" - 20ab - 35ab" by —F ab Gi) 48 — taxfy + 240° by 24 er, Write the quotient and remainder in each case : -liv+12byx-4 (iv) Bx" + 28r + 45 by Bx +5 Wi) 3+ 64 by 244 -ae+5 3. Divide Bnd ver @ x45 Gi) S-x+Sbyx42 (v) y° — 125 by y (vii) 102° — x7 + 4x + 35 (viii) Sx + 14x5 — 207 + Te — 8 by 4x7 + Bx - 2 SIMPLIFICATION OF ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS Use of Grouping Symbols When we make operations on two or more algebraic expressions, we separate them by the symbols of groupings namely, parentheses ( ), braces { } and brackets [ ]. In simplifying such expressions, we first remove the grouping symbols, using the laws given below : (@) If a‘ sign precedes a symbol of grouping, the grouping symbol may be removed without any chanee in the sign of the terms. Example. @ — 8ab — 5) + (3ab - 4a +8) = a" — Bab — 5 + Bab ~ 4a" +8 ? — 4a* — 8ab + Bab - 5 + 8 (-8 + 3) ab + (-5 + 8) —5ab + 3. (ii) Ifa \ sign precedes a symbol of grouping, the grouping symbol may be removed and the sign of each term is changed. Example. (a” +b” + 2ab) - (a” + ° — 2ab) =a" +> + 2ab—a° —b° + 2ab =a°—a°+b°—b" + 2ab + 2ab = dab. (ii) If more than one grouping symbol is present in an expression, we remove the innermost grouping symbol first and combine the like terms, if any. We continue the process outwards until all the grouping symbols have been removed. Example. 2x ~ [3y ~ (2x - (y - 9] ox? — [By - Qe —y + aI] — [By - (8x ~ yl] — By - ax +4] ~ [dy — 8x] = 2x - dy + 8x = Be — dy, ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Simplify : 3a (a? — 2a + 6) - 2a” (5a — 8) - 7 (2a" - 5a - 9) Example 1. Solution : We have : Ba (a° — 2a + 5) — 2a" (6a ~ 3) ~ 7 (2a" - 5a ~ 9) = Sa° - 6a" + 15a ~ 100° + 6a” ~ 14a" + 35a + 63 = 8a" 10a’ ~ 6a” + 6a° - 14a” + 15a + 35a + 63 (8 - 10) a’ + (— 6 + 6 — 14) a’ + (15 + 35) a + 63 = —Ta" — 14a” + 50a + 63. Example 2. Simplify : 5x — [x" — {2x (1 — x + 4x”) — Bx (x — Gx — 3) Solution : We have : Br — [x — (2x (1 — x + dx’) ~ 3x "5x - 3))] = Bx — Ix? = (2x — 2x? + Bx° - Bx" + 152° + Ox] = Bx — [2* — (Qe + Ox — 2x" + 15x" + 8x” — 3x')) Be — [x” — (11x + 18x” + 52°] Ba ~ fx” — 11x ~ 13x” — 6x") = Bx — 5x" + x” — 18x" - 11x] Bx — [-5x° — 12x" 11x] Bx + Gx? + 12k” + Ly = Sx’ + 12x" + 16x. EXERCISE 16& © |~--—2-—-—_______ Simplify : 1, 3 (a +b) + 4 (2a - 36) - (2a - b) 2-2-9" +4y) - 30" +9" -2y) 3. Bx (x” = Bx + 2) — Ta” (2x — 8) ~ 3 (2x” - Be - 2) . 2a — 8b — [8a - 2b - (a - c - (a — 26)H) 86 — [15x — 7 (6x — 9) — 2 {10x — 5 (2 — 3x)}] Bx — [4y — {Tx — (82 - 2y) + 42 - 3 (& + By -22))] THINGS TO REMEMBER (i) A symbol having a fixed numerical value is called a constant. Gi) A symbol which takes on various numerical values is called a variable or a literal. A combination of constants and variables, connected by the symbols +, —, x and + is called an algebraic expression. Several parts of an algebraic expression separated by + or — sign are called terms of the expression. The terms having the same literal factors are called like terms. Otherwise they are called unlike terms. . Algebraic expressions containing one, two, three terms are called monomial, binomial and trinomial respectively. An algebraic expression in which the powers of the variables involved are non-negative integers, is called a polynomial. .. Two or more polynomials can b . For subtract: 12, 13. 14. 15. In polynomials, we have . The highest power of the variable in a polynomi . In case of polynomials in more than one variable, al is called its degree. the sum of the powers of the variables in each term is taken and the highest sum so obtained is called the degree of the polynomial. ; 4 .¢ added by arranging their terms and combining the like terms. yange their terms putting like terms under each | Sof eech term of the polynomial to be subtracted, and add the zesulting polynomial with the giver polynomial. , Product of twe monemials | = (Froduct of theix numerical coefficients) x (Product of their variables) For multiplying two polynomials, multiply each term of the multiplicand by each term of the multiplier and take the algebraic sum of these products. Quotient of two monomials | = (Quotient of their numerical coefficients) x (Quotient of variables) For dividing a polynomial by another polynomial, proceed according to the following steps : (i) Arrange the terms of the dividend and divisor in descending order of their degrees. (ii) Divide the first term of the dividend by the first term of the divisor to obtain the first term of the quotient. (ii) Multiply all the terms of the divisor by the first term of the quotient and subtract, the result from the dividend. (iv) Consider the remainder (if any) as a new dividend and proceed as before. (v) Repeat the process till we obtain a remainder which is either 0 or a polynomial of degree less than that of the divisor. other, change the sj Dividend = (Divisor x Quotient) + Remainder.

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