Está en la página 1de 19

to get away

definition: to leave and go somewhere for a break

magyarul: elutazni valahova kikapcsolódni
example: I need to get away for a couple of days to take a break. - El kell utaznom
pár napra, hogy tartsak egy kis szünetet.

to get in
definition: arrive
magyarul: befutni
example:She got in really late so we were worried. - Nagyon későn futott be és már

to get out (of)

definition: to leave a vehicle
magyarul: járműből kiszállni
example: I want you to get out of my car. - Azt akarom, hogy szállj ki a kocsimból.

to get on
definition: to board a vehicle
magyarul: járműre szállni
example: The passengers couldn't get on the bus because it was so crowded. - Az
utasok nem tudtak felszállni a buszra, mert annyira zsúfolt volt.

to get off
definition: to end your travel at a certain stop
magyarul: ki/leszállni valamelyik megállónál
example:I would like to get off at the next stop. - A következő állomáson szeretnék

to drive off
definition: to drive away
magyarul: elhajtani
example: She drove off without saying good bye. - Köszönés nélkül elhajtott.

to run something/somebody over

definition: to crash into and drive over something or somebody
magyarul: beleütközni és átgázolni valamin
example: He didn't see the cat and ran it over. - Nem látta a macskát és átgázolt

to turn back
definition: to stop and go back to your starting point
magyarul: visszafordulni
example: I left my passport at home so I turned back. - Otthon hagytam az
útlevelemet ezért visszafordultam.

to pick somebody up
definition: to go for somebody somewhere and take them to another place
magyarul: elmenni valakiért valahova
example: I asked my mother to pick me up after school. - Megkértem édesanyámat,
hogy jöjjön el értem suli után.

to drop somebody off

definition: to take somebody somewhere
magyarul: elvinni valakit valahova
example: Could you drop me off at the bank? - El tudnál vinni a bankig?

to set out
definition: to start a journey
magyarul: útra kel valamerre
example: When do you plan to set out? - Mikor tervezel útra kelni?

to take off
definition: if an aircraft takes off, it rises into the air from the ground
magyarul: felszáll a repülő
example: The plane took off and we were in our way to Spain. - A repülőgép felszállt
és úton voltunk Spanyolországba.

to see somebody off

definition: to go to a place somebody is leaving from to say goodbye
magyarul: kikísérni valakit (az állomásra)
example: All of my friends saw me off at the train station. - Az összes barátom
kikísért a vonatállomásra.

to check in
definition: to register at a hotel
magyarul: bejelentkezni egy szállodába
example: We checked in and then went to our hotel room. - Bejelentkeztünk, majd
elmentünk a hotelszobánkba.

to check out
definition: to leave after your stay at a hotel
magyarul: kijelentkezni egy szállodából
example: We had to check out early in the morning because we didn't pay for the
extra day. - Korán reggel kellett kijelentkeznünk, mert nem fizettük ki a plusz napot.

to look around
definition: to see what there is to see
magyarul: szétnézni
example: We wanted to look around before we left the city. - Szétakartunk nézni
mielőtt elhagyjuk a várost.

to hurry up
definition: to be quick
magyarul: sietni
example: Hurry up or we'll miss the train! - Siess vagy lekéssük a vonatot!
BELLA: We're lucky in lots of ways, but... Surely that's worth a brownie.

MAX: Well, I don't know. Look at William. Very unsuccessful

professionally. Divorced. Used to be handsome, now kind of squidgy around the
edges -- and absolutely certain never to hear from Anna again after she's heard that
his nickname at school was Floppy.

WILLIAM: I did. I can’t believe it. Thanks very much. Thank you. So at least, I get the

MAX: I think you do, yes.

ANNA: Wait a minute. What about me?

MAX: I'm sorry? You think you deserve the brownie?

ANNA: Well... a shot at it.

WILLIAM: You'll have to prove it. This is a very, very good brownie and I'm going to
fight for it.

ANNA: Well, I've been on a diet since I was nineteen, which basically means I've
been hungry for a decade. I've had a series of not-nice boyfriends -- one of whom hit
me: and every time I get my heart broken, the newspapers splashit about as though
it’s entertainment. And it’s taken two rather painfuloperations to get me looking like

HONEY: Really?

ANNA: Really - and one day, not long from now... my looks will go, they'll discover I
can't act and I'll become a sad middle-aged woman who looks a bit like someone
who was famous for a while.

MAX: Nah!!! Nice try, gorgeous -- but you don't fool anyone.

WILLIAM: Pathetic effort to hog the brownie.

unsuccessful- sikertelen
handsome - jóképű
squidgy - szottyos
to be certain - biztosnak lenni valamiben
nickname - becenév
to deserve sg - megérdemelni valamit
a shot - egy próbálkozás
basically - alapvetően
decade - évtized
to splash sg about - szétfröcskölni (itt átv.értelemben)
entertainment - szórakozás
painful - fájdalmas
gorgeous - gyönyörű
to fool sb - a bolondját járatni valakivel, lóvá tesz
pathetic - szánalmas
to hog sg - elhappol vmit

MAX: Come on in. Vague food crisis.

William and Anna move along the corridor to the kitchen.

BELLA: Hiya – sorry – the guinea fowl is proving more complicated than expected.

WILLIAM: He's cooking guinea fowl?

BELLA: Don't even ask.


BELLA: Hi. Good Lord – you're the spitting image of...

WILLIAM: Bella – this is Anna.

BELLA: Right. (pause)

MAX: Okay. Crisis over.

WILLIAM: Max. This is Anna.

MAX: Hello, Anna ahm... Scott – have some wine.

ANNA: Thank you.

Door bell goes. Max opens the door – it is Honey.

MAX: Hi.

She does a little pose, having worn a real party dress.

MAX: Yes, Happy Birthday. Look, your brother has brought this girl, and ahm...

HONEY: Hi guys. (sees Anna) Oh holy f***.

WILLIAM: Hun – this is Anna. Anna – this is Honey – she's my baby sister.

ANNA: Hiya.

HONEY: Oh God this is one of those key moments in life, when it's possible you can
be really, genuinely cool – and I'm going to fail a hundred percent. I absolutely and
totally and utterly adore you and I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world
and more importantly I genuinely believe and have believed for some time now that
we can be best friends. What do you think?

ANNA: Ahm... I think that sounds – you know – lucky me. Happy Birthday.

HONEY: Oh my God. You gave me a present. We're best friends already. Marry Will
– he's a really nice guy and then we can be sisters.

ANNA: I'll think about it.

vague - bizonytalan, homályos

corridor – folyosó
guinea fowl – gyöngytyúk
to prove (to be) - bizonyulni valamilyennek
the spitting image of - kiköpött mása valakinek
Crisis over. - A krízis elhárult.
key moment – kulcspillanat
to fail – elrontani
utterly – teljesen
to adore - imádni

She may be the face I can't forget

The trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay
She may be the song the summer sings
May be the chill the autumn brings
May be a hundred different things
Within the measure of a day

She may be the beauty or the beast

May be the famine or the feast
May turn each day into a heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams
The smile reflected in a stream
She may not be what she may seem inside her shell

She who always seems so happy in a crowd

Whose eyes can be so private and so proud
No one's allowed to see them when they cry
She may be the love that cannot hope to last
May come to me from shadows of the past
But I'll remember till the day I die

She may be the reason I survive

The why and wherefore I'm alive
The one I'll care for through the rough in many years
Me, I'll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I've got to be
The meaning of my life is she

She She

to forget – elfelejteni
trace - nyom
pleasure – élvezet
to regret – (meg)bánni
price - ár
chill – hűvös, hideg, fagy
within the measure of a day – egyetlen nap leforgása alatt
famine - éhinség
feast – lakoma, dőzsölés
heaven – menny(ország)
hell - pokol
to reflect – (vissza)tükrözni
stream – patak, folyó
to seem - tűnni
shell – kagyló(héj), (csiga)ház, burok, páncél
crowd - tömeg
proud - büszke
to be allowed – megengedett, engedélyezett
shadow - árnyék
reason - ok
to survive - túlélni
wherefore – ok, amiért
through the rough – (jóban) rosszban, göröngyös utakon
laughter - nevetés
tears - könnyek

It's amazing how you

Can speak right to my heart.
Without saying a word
You can light up the dark.

Try as I may, I could never explain

What I hear when you don't say a thing.


The smile on your face

Let’s me know that you need me.
There's a truth in your eyes
Saying you'll never leave me.
[Album version:] The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall.
[Live version:] The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall.
You say it best when you say nothing at all.

All day long I can hear

People talking out loud (oooh).
But when you hold me near (you hold me near)
You drown out the crowd (the crowd, the crowd).

Try as they may, they can never define

What's been said between your heart and mine.


The smile on your face

Let’s me know that you need me.
There's a truth in your eyes
Saying you'll never leave me.

[Album version:] The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall.
[Live version:] The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall.
[Album version:] You say it best (you say it best) when you say nothing at all.
[Live version:] 'Cause you say it best (you say it best) when you say nothing at all.


The smile on your face

Lets me know that you need me.
There's a truth in your eyes
Saying you'll never leave me.

[Album version:] The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall.
[Live version:] The touch of your hand says you'll catch me whenever I fall.
[Album version:] You say it best (you say it best) when you say nothing at all.
[Live version:] 'Cause you say it best (you say it best) when you say nothing at all.

(You say it best when you say nothing at all.

You say it best when you say nothing at all.)

That smile on your face,

[Album version:] The truth in your eyes,

[Live version:] The look in your eyes,
The touch of your hand
Let’s me know that you need me.

(You say it best when you say nothing at all.

You say it best when you say nothing at all.)

[Live version additional ending:]

The smile on your face,
The look in your eyes,
The touch of your hand
Let’s me know that you need me.

amazing– csodálatos, lenyűgöző

without … –valami nélkül
to light up – felvillanyozni, megvilágosítani
to explain – elmagyarázni
truth – igazság
touch – érintés
whenever – bármikor is
to drown out – elfolytani, elnyomni

Dear Mike,

I am honored that you would ask for my advice regarding which college you should attend. I can
only tell you about my experience attending Trinity College in Hartford. I had a very good
experience there; the English department is the best in the state and the classes are small and
personal. It’s a liberal arts college with a very wide range of courses and excellent teachers.
Compared with other colleges, the cost of tuition is high, but it is really worth it. The social
life is fun it is very difficult to choose from the big selection of activities. If you are planning to
study literature, I think it would be a good choice. If you plan to study something else, I am not
the best person to give advice.

Of course, there are many personal factors you must consider, but Trinity College was certainly
a good choice for me. I wish you the best of luck and have every confidencethat you will make
the right decision for you. Please contact me again if I can be of further assistance.



If someone asks you for advice:

- Respond quickly but give yourself time to think your answer through carefully.

- Keep the tone of the letter respectful and helpful no matter how you may feel personally about
the subject.

- Be careful not to appear judgmental.

- Avoid direct or implied criticism.

- If you cannot give advice, express your regret.

- Give advice only on the subject you have been asked about.

- Keep your advice simple and to the point.

- Emphasize the reader's strengths, rather than the value of your advice.

Useful expressions:

I am honored that…… - Megtisztelő a számomra, hogy …

If I were in your place …. – Ha a helyedben lennék….

I think, you really should….. – Szerintem igazán ezt kellene (tenned stb.) …

It is usually a good idea to…. – Általában jó ötlet, ha ...

I would strongly suggest that …. – Erősen javasolnám, hogy ...

You’d better…. – Jobban tennéd, ha …

Have you thought of……..? – Gondoltál már arra, hogy …

My personal opinion is that…. – Az a személyes véleményem, hogy….

regarding - arra vonatkozóan, hogy….

English department - Angol tanszék
liberal arts - bölcsészet, bölcsészettudomány
wide range - nagy választék
cost of tuition - tandíj
it is really worth it - megéri
social life - közösségi élet
literature - irodalom
personal factors - személyes tényezők
to consider - figyelembe venni
I have every confidence - teljességgel bízom abban, hogy ...
if I can be of further assistance - ha a továbbiakban a segítségedre lehetek
carefully - gondosan, alaposan
respectful - tiszteletteljes, tisztelettudó
no matter - függetlenül attól, hogy ...
judgmental - ítélkező
to avoid - kerülni, elkerülni
implied - burkolt
regret - sajnálat, sajnálkozás
to the point - lényegre törő, releváns
to emphasize - hangsúlyozni


1. A te címed jön ide

2. Ide jön annak a személynek a neve/titulusa/cégnek a neve, akihez a levél szól

3. Dátum: nap, hónap, év

4. Bevezetés

5. Befejezés

6. A te aláírásod jön ide

Nézzük először a legfontosabb formai szabályokat:

 a megszólítás után nem kell semmilyen írásjel

 a nem hivatalos levéllel ellentétben, itt NEM LEHET összevont alakokat használni
(it's, we're, didn't, stb.), csak rendesen külön írva: DO NOT, IT IS, stb.
 ha nem ismered a személyt, akinek írsz, akkor a megszólítás: 'Dear Sir or Madam'
és a levelet a következőképpen fejezd be: 'Yours faithfully' (Amerikai angolban:
'Sincerely yours' vagy 'Truly yours')
 ha tudod a nevét a személynek, akihez írsz, akkor így szólítsd meg: 'Dear
Mr/Miss/Ms/Mrs Williams' és így fejezd be: 'Yours sincerely' (Amerikai angolban:
'Sincerely yours' vagy 'Truly yours')

Íme néhány hasznos kifejezés és mondat, amiket fel tudsz használni, ha

hivatalos levelet szeretnél írni:

Az eleje és a vége

Dear Sir/Madam - Tisztelt Uram/Hölgyem

Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss Jones - Tisztelt Jones úr/stb ...
Yours faithfully - Tisztelettel/Üdvözlettel
Yours sincerely - Tisztelettel/Üdvözlettel

Válasz egy hirdetésre

With reference to your advert in the current issue of ... - A ... aktuális számában
megjelent hirdetésére hivatkozva ...
I have read your advertisement in the July issue of ... - Olvastam hirdetését a ...
júliusi számában
In your advertisement you state that .... - A hirdetésében Ön azt állatja, hogy ...
Could you confirm that ... - Meg tudná erősíteni, hogy ...

Hivatkozás egy levélre

Thank you for your letter of December 3rd giving me information about ...-
Köszönöm a december 3-i levelét, amelyben tájékoztat a ...-ról/-ről

Részletek megerősítése

I am writing to confirm my telephone order of this morning. I would like to

order ... - Azért írok, hogy megerősítsem a reggeli telefonos rendelésem. Szeretnék
rendelni ...
I would like to confirm my booking of (one double room) for (three) nights,
arriving on (Thursday 15th July), and leaving on (Sunday 18th). - Szeretném
megerősíteni a szobafoglalásom, amely egy (két) ágyas szobára, (három) éjszakára
vonatkozik, július 15-i érkezéssel és 18-i (vasárnap indulással).

Ha kérünk valamit

I would be grateful if you would send me a ... - Hálás lennék, ha küldene nekem
egy ...
Could you possible send me ... - Esetleg tudna nekem küldeni egy ...

Ha megköszönünk valamit

Thank you once again for your help. - Még egyszer köszönöm a segítségét.
I would like to thank you for ... - Szeretném megköszönni a ...-t /hogy ...
Thank you for ... - Köszönöm a ...-t/hogy ...
Ha panaszt teszünk

I am writing to complain about ... - Azért írok, hogy panasz tegyek a ...-tal
Last week I bought a ... . It is not working and I would like to return it for a full
refund. - Múlt héten vásároltam egy ...-t. Nem működik és szeretném, ha a teljes árát

Hogyan fejezzük be a levelet

I hope you will give this matter immediate attention. - Remélem, hogy azonnal
figyelmet tud szentelni ennek az ügynek.
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. - Várom válaszát amilyen
hamar csak lehetséges.

Summer is fast approaching, and more and more people start booking their holidays
to get the best deals on vacations. Before I go on vacation, I always plan my trip.
First, I usually have a look at some travel websites and reviewthe
popular destinations. Of course, I also check the costs involved in travelling to the
place I like. If I want to fly, I compare the prices of differentairlines. If I travel by train,
I usually have a look at train passes and tickets. When looking for accommodation, I
usually search websites and read reviewsbefore choosing the right one. I don’t really
mind staying at economic hotels, but I’m really concerned about cleanliness and
comfort. When I’m not sure about a place, I usually call to ask more questions.

Receptionist:Good afternoon, Cyclops Hotel. Can I help you?

Man: Good afternoon! I’d like to book a room.
Receptionist: Certainly. When for?
Man: From the 15th of June.
Receptionist: For how many nights?
Man: Just for three nights.
Receptionist: What kind of room would you like, Sir?
Man: A double room with an ensuite bathroom. I’d appreciate if I could havea
room with a view over the sea.
Receptionist: Certainly, Sir. Let me check what is available. Yes, we have a room
on the 2nd floor with an excellent view.
Man: How much is it per night?
Receptionist: It’s 95 euros per night, including breakfast.
Man: Is wi-fi available in the room?
Receptionist: Yes, wi-fi is available in the entire hotel, and is free of charge.
Man: All right. I’ll take it.
Receptionist: Can I have your name, please?
Man: Yes, my name is John Carpenter. Can you confirm my booking via e-mail?
Receptionist: Of course. What is your e-mail account?
Receptionist: Thank you for choosing us, Mr Carpenter. Goodbye.
Man: Goodbye.
to approach – közeledni
deal – jó üzlet, jó fogás
to review – áttekinteni
destination – úticél
to involve – magával hozni, vele járni
to compare – összehasonlítani
airline – légitársaság
review – értékelés
to be concerned about – valamivel foglalkozni/törődni
cleanliness – tisztaság
ensuite bathroom – szobához tartozó fürdőszoba
I’d appreciate if – nagyra értékelném, ha
a room with a view – szoba kilátással
available – elérhető, szabad, megszerezhető
entire – teljes
free of charge – költségek nélkül, ingyen
to confirm – visszaigazolni


Guest: Hello. We have a reservation for tonight.

Receptionist: Can I have your name, please?
Guest: Maria and Luigi Rossi.
Receptionist: Right, Maria and Luigi Rossi. I’m sorry, but I can’t find it. When did you
book the room?
Guest: I booked it 2 weeks ago via Internet.
Receptionist: Let me check it again…. Yes, I found it. A double room for 3 nights.
Guest: Yes, that’s right. The price includes breakfast aswell, doesn’t it?
Receptionist: Of course. The restaurant is open from 7 am to 10 am for breakfast.
And here is your key, room 147.
Guest: Is it on the first floor?
Receptionist: Yes. The elevator is over there, next to the entrance.
Guest: Thank you.
Receptionist: I need your documents.
Guest: Are the passports all right?
Receptionist: Certainly.
Guest: … and we’d like a wake-up call tomorrow morning at 7.15.


We have a reservation for tonight. – Van ma éjszakára egy foglalásunk.

Can I have your name, please? – Megkaphatnám a nevét kérem?
When did you book the room? – Mikor foglalta/foglalták le a szobát?
Let me check it again. – Hadd nézzem meg még egyszer.
A … room for … nights. – A … szoba … éjszakára.
The price includes …, doesn’t it? – Az ár tartalmazza a/az …, ugye?
Of course. – Természetesen.
Is it on the … floor? – A … emeleten van?
The elevator is over there. – Ott van a lift.
I need your documents. – Szükségem van az irataira/irataikra.
Are the … all right? – A/Az … jó lesz?
I’d like a wake-up call. – Szeretnék egy ébresztést kérni.
Enjoy your stay! – Kellemes itt tartózkodást!


reservation – foglalás
to book – lefoglal
via Internet – interneten keresztül
to check – ellenőriz
single/double/twin/triple room – egyágyas/franciaágyas/kétágyas/háromágyas
apartment/suite – apartman/lakosztály
to include – magába foglal, beleért
over there – (am)ott
next to … - … mellett
wake-up call – ébresztés
to enjoy – élvez


Receptionist: Good morning, Sir!

Mr Goodmann: Good morning!
Receptionist: May I help you?
Mr Goodmann: Yes. I’d like to check out.
Receptionist: Certainly. Can I have your name and room number, please?
Mr Goodmann: My name is Peter Goodman, and my room number is 404. Here is
the key.
Receptionist: Did you have anything from the minibar?
Mr Goodmann: Just a mineral water.
Receptionist: Here is your bill. Would you like to check it?
Mr Goodmann: Yes. What’s the 9 pounds for?
Receptionist: That’s for the phone calls you made from theroom.
Mr Goodmann: Can I pay by traveller’s cheques?
Receptionist: Of course. Can I have your passport, please?
Mr Goodmann: Here it is.
Receptionist: Could you sign the cheques for me?
Mr Goodmann: Sure.
Receptionist: Here is your receipt.
Mr Mann: Thank you. Good bye.
Receptionist: Good bye.


May I help you? – Segíthetek?

I’d like to check out. – Szeretnék kijelentkezni.
Certainly. – Természetesen.
Can I have your name a room number? – Megmondaná a nevét és a
Here is the key. – Itt van a kulcs.
Did you have anything from the minibar? – Fogyasztott valamit a minibárból?
Here is your bill. –Itt a számlája.
What’s the 9 pounds for? – Mi került 9 fontba?
I’ve nearly forgotten. – Majdnem elfelejtettem.
How would you like to pay? – Hogyan szeretne fizetni?
Here is your receipt. – Itt a számlája/blokkja.


to check out – kijelentkezni

to check in – bejelentkezni
room number – szobaszám
a packet of peanuts – egy csomag földimogyoró
a can of beer – egy doboz sör
bill – számla
to make a phone call – telefonálni
to forget – elfelejteni
to pay in cash – készpénzzel fizetni
to pay by credit card – bankkártyával fizetni
receipt – blokk, számla

Hallgasd meg a párbeszédet, majd válaszolj az alábbi kérdésekre!

1. Why did she call the reception?

a) She wanted to leave earlier.
b) She wanted to check out later.
c) She wanted to stay longer.

2. When is the check-out time at the hotel?

a) at 10 am
b) at 11 am
c) at noon

3. How did she go to the airport?

a) by taxi
b) by bus
c) on foot
4. What else did she ask for?
a) a pillow
b) a duvet
c) a blanket



Receptionist: Reception. Good morning. How can I help you?

Woman: Good morning. My name’s Amanda Cook. I’m calling form room 317. I
wonder if I can extend my stay for two more nights.
Receptionist: Just a moment, please, madam. All right. I´ll extend your reservation
until Wednesday.
Woman: When do I have to check out?
Receptionist: You have to check out till noon. Would you like me to arrange you an
airport-transfer for Wednesday?
Woman: No, thank you. I’ll get a taxi.
Receptionist: Anything else, madam?
Woman: Oh, yes. There are no clean towels in my room. Could you please have
them changed?
Receptionist: Certainly. I’ll send a maid up to your room right away.
Woman: … and one more thing. Can I ask for an extra blanket?
Receptionist: Certainly.
Woman: Thank you very much.
Receptionist: All right, madam. Enjoy your stay.
Amanda Cook: Thank you.
Receptionist: You´re welcome.

How can I help you? – Miben segíthetek?
I’m calling from … . - A …-ból/-ből telefonálok.
I wonder if I can extend my stay. – Szeretném tudni, hogy meghosszabbíthatom-e
a tartózkodásomat.
Just a moment, please. – Egy pillanatot kérek.
I’ll extend your reservation until … . – Meghosszabbítom a foglalását …-ig.
When do I have to check out? – Mikor kell kijelentkeznem?
You have to check out till … . - …-ig kell kijelentkeznie.
Would you like me to arrange you … ? – Szeretné, ha intéznék Önnek …?
I’ll get a taxi. – Fogok majd egy taxit.
There is/are no … in my room. – Nincs … a szobámban.
Could you have it/them changed? – Ki tudná cseréltetni?
I’ll send a maid up to your room right away. – Felküldök egy szobalányt azonnal a
Can I ask for an extra … ? – Kérhetnék még egy …?
Certainly. – Természetesen.
Enjoy your stay! – Kellemes itt tartózkodást!
You’re welcome. – Szívesen.


to call – hív, telefonál

I wonder if … - Szeretném tudni, hogy …
to extend – meghosszabbít, kiterjeszt
to check in – bejelentkezik
to check out – kijelentkezik
to arrange – szervez, elrendez, intéz
towel – törölköző
to have something changed – kicseréltetni valamit
maid – szobalány
right away – azonnal
blanket/pillow/sheet/duvet – takaró/párna/lepedő/paplan

- Who are you?

- I'm Zero, sir. The new Lobby Boy.
- Zero, you say?
- Yes, sir.
- I've never heard of you, never laid eyes on you. Who hired you?
- Mr. Mosher, sir.
- Mr. Mosher!
-Yes, Monsieur Gustave?
- Am I to understand you've surreptitiously hired this young man in the position of a
Lobby Boy?
- He's been engaged for a trial period, pending your approval, of course.

- Perhaps, yes. Thank you, Mr. Mosher

- You're most welcome, Monsieur Gustave.
- You're now going to be officially interviewed.
- Should I go and light the candle first, sir?
- What? No. Experience?
- Hotel Kinski, Kitchen Boy, six months. Hotel Berlitz, Mop and Broom Boy, three
months. Before that I was a Skillet Scrubber...
- Experience, zero.
- Thank you again, Monsieur Gustave.
- Straighten that cap, Anatole. The pleasure's mine, Herr Schneider.

- These are not acceptable.

- I fully agree.
- Education?
- I studied reading and spelling. I started my primary school. I almost...
- Education, zero.
- Now it's exploded.
- Good morning, Cicero. Call the goddamn plumber!
- This afternoon, Monsieur Gustave?
- Without fail, Frau Liebling.
- What in hell is this?
- Not now. Family?
- Zero.
- Six, Igor.


lobby boy- londiner

to lay eyes on sg/sb- szemet vet, ránéz valakire, valamire
surreptitiously- alattomosan, lopva, titokban
trial period- próbaidő
pending -valamire várva, valamitől függően
approval- jóváhagyás, beleegyezés
to mop- feltöröl, felmos
broom - seprű, partvis
skillet scrubber- serpenyő sikáló
to straighten sg- kiegyenesít valamit
acceptable- elfogadható
goddamn- átkozott, istenverte


Watch the scene once again and decide if the following statements are true,
false or not stated in the scene.

1. Zero is shy and not self-confident that’s why he doesn’t want to say his
real name.

2. Gustave hasn’t noticed Zero before.

3. Zero wants to light candle for the interview to lighten the mood.

4. Zero was a chef at Hotel Kinski.

5. Gustave only behaves politely and nicely with the guests.

6. Zero had a traumatic childhood so he doesn’t want to talk about his family.


1. not stated

2. true

3. false

4. false

5. true

6. not stated

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