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~Basic GunBound Commands~

/h /help /guide : Shows the command List (this)

/kick : Kick out a user from your room (Key only)
/key : Show the list of all shortcut keys
/go : Go to a specific room number without joining
/mute : Deny messages from a specific person
/loud : Accept messages from a specific person
/mutelist : Show all the users who are currently muted
/loudall : Show messages from all users who were muted

~GunBound Shortcut Key List~

TAB : Scroll weapons between Shot 1, Shot 2, and SS
HOME : Move your screen to your mobile while in game. You can also do this
by double right clicking
F1-F6 : Use an in-game item
F7 : Change mobile (Tag only)
F8 : Skip your turn
F9 : Swap between all and team chat
F10 : Open/Close Buddy List
F11 : Take a screenshot
F12 : Open report window (currently not working, please use /report)

~Unique Server Commands~

/server : Display Server Information where you are
/myinfo : Display Information about your account
/time : Display the server time
/botstats : Display your mobile Winning Rates
/limits : Display enabled/disabled server features
/w <nick> <message> : Message/Whisper a person
/gw <message> : Message all the current online Guild Members in one server
/report <nick> <why> : Report a specific user to staff
/room <room number> : Display specific room information
/where <nick> : Find a user on the same server
/watch <room> : Get status updates for a room currently in-game

~Unique in-room Commands~

/passkey <nick> : Pass your room key to a fellow player (key only)
/randomab : Change your room random map mode to include A+B side
/only <mobile> : Limit your room to only one specific mobile
/nopass : Remove your room password if it has one
/myroom : Display Information of your room
/normal : Turn off all the modified room options
/only mirror: los bots de un team se repiten en el otro
/shrduatlwkr o /s: comenzar partida

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