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, — bbe. — - 3Poemas de Gonzalez Martinez I NOCTURNO DE LAS ROSAS (Nocturne of the Roses) Ree 2-372 ESCUELA BE mubfague! M- Ponce JAZ Poema de Enrique Gonzalez Martinez Andante (4-54) > CANTO Tres ro sae en el Three this plo- ray | PIANO cur. do, Oh, es. pe - ran 7 ta! mem. brance Oh. sk oe D snbite i biloteca Interamericana de Compositores, Publicacién N9 £3 EMA uM sane 2 SS SSS} o w+ a+ ery Bi per-fu-me dean- ta. fo menace . no. nau, GLue.goel do-lor no) ma The porfum of yer-ter-ay joi | some doesdeuthneaer come with sor «rom? 3S —S_ = SS SS a Ss . a — | — Ps a ae la ae = rit a tempo Agitato ed So-tlo-zusl sebol enlas ho. jay se -e28. io tree a. mindstioseeutunnteaces is sob bing ue es = S = SS a a penn at. e. - | be € JE igh =| +e : —————— f 4, ; 3 = be == ruseheen Is Lope = ras a = tiv bas por - De. stele the ra. da por = que xt hope = tess shy bin. ger thro: spu lin if thy wai ng Fa + == SSS » | gs ho nd dp td = ; molto agitato un p5 rubato " A ee tim & = a == =| teem, AQuien ex et gue gol tty de tat sm. doe? Hark xho may be latch ¥ hear tt Crt | malta yf col canto ar Ss Binileteca EMBAT lentamente 2 mI eo Ia no-ehe si - niles in the si -mis-ter might —= SS SS la pe-na quo sea. gran. da vice and the increasing sor - 10% i in.somnio viegi - lan-te de Ines - the weary, strepless — xatehingliere and =—. a Pp — Se ie = pe. Fa Tres to-sas en rl wai = ting. Taree ro.sea im this am plo ra of. ra. ried — van. f0-rae dy oma. =— Co =— {gual bo - lle - za, like in bean. ty. 4 II ‘ ONDA Poema de (Wave) C- 343 Enrique Gonzalez Martinez ESCUELA Bi MUSICA Manuel M. Poner 2, Allegretto vivo (d.=88) Jaz CANTO = PIANO naz que de. sen. su ocin st a. eure rib fon from yonder ba. a. tal es deta sock, ceasttees and a Biblletass cm que dis espe ran = mura fu. RR te come flee . ting hope, — fast Si tri. no de eris. Mts erys = tal trull once ceai = dad tal ora unarx.tea . fia vorsinsen.ti - ve ing = Less seemed a curious eoice in mys.te-ry shrow men crese'e animando pore rall tempo hoy sa-be lo que can now itkwmszhat if sings. dime rail Bikiletece FRAT mio. do de Ile.gar al is & . fratdtoreach the Y pre. sa - gia los and foretel . ts the seas of death Pp ° piri mosse —==— = Bibileteca EMBAL : ¥ m1 , LA DESPEDIDA Poema de (Fairwell) a Enrique Gonzalez Martinez Sostenuto espressivo P CANTO es a ° No ha de be-sur-me én Iaangus.. 5 T shall not. Brom. © ¥ = = = piano pees a er = J BEE geet = Rt PROF a a SS _ Ls S erase i = = SS oatene I =—— EE = === — rr —T I thanimantg — ——=———— or | Ie ea.ri-cia de tu oma. no con el a - fan con que In bug. eo theca ress of ker hand Tilseck it then; but at ill bee ed animando | tain ee and death «will seem. iLike te RBiklliatees EMHAZ perdi. dagn suo. iow amis) tie dre = an — dim. rail. poed calmo —= ole fie ial le sve 0. plo. deun sus. pi. roher ma . no ré cer . ea. noel the bro - ther . ly sigh near me, that fi Twill ful the faint breath of —2— ep ral _—— ro Su lial de . 50 - 1a chin que lo Bat gris and hear thovemmourn ful cries 2 a me Andante be . s0,- 10. la trdegiceas.maregu. ra do su ailtimo mi.rar not her iss the tragic B. Hermes of that... last lookin ker eves Bibiloteca EMDAZ en mi perdu. ra re main for @ > ver of ep eacda wea mis tecust al maysdeeper--- 17 mer vith 7 a = te: Pid lento pp _D molto express SS A que. tion 9 - jax de Her sad eyes like those of rho di se olla ron noun = ded sealed our su Ia su. pres ma dos preme fair~ well, with that por si nohny 9. tro shonld ther beng» ther — " == ———> val Sit | Jage no 0 = ther — a = eee pa _Lento = = SS =i via. je ni 9 .trupn . cuea Pom eS a BIbMatece EMBAR? aweewFwtEeweEewzE&w# ££ #S..-..4.. +> + 2. -a-

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