Está en la página 1de 71

Son los que forman el pasado y participio pasado de manera irregular.

- Para el presente se comportan como los verbos regulares, añadiendo '-s' a la

tercera persona singular (excepto 'to be' y 'to have').
- Los verbos irregulares (como su nombre indica) no siguen ninguna norma
para formar el pasado, por lo que deben aprenderse "memorizando" o bien
practicando su uso a través de ejercicios específicos (al final de la lista de
verbos encontrarás también ejercicios para practicar) y por supuesto a
través de la práctica diaria del inglés ya que su uso es muy común.
Existen diversas técnicas para su aprendizaje, como reglas mnemotécnicas
(que se basan en asociar las palabras o los términos con rimas o con
imágenes) pero el mejor método para su aprendizaje es la práctica en su uso.


Arise Arose Arisen Surgir, Levantarse
Awake Awoke Awoken Despertarse
Be/ am, are, is Was / Were Been Ser / Estar
Bear Bore Borne / Born Soportar, dar a luz
Beat Beat Beaten Golpear
Become Became Become Llegar a Ser
Begin Began Begun Empezar
Bend Bent Bent Doblar
Bet Bet Bet Apostar
Bind Bound Bound Atar, encuadernar
Bid Bid Bid Pujar
Bite Bit Bitten Morder
Bleed Bled Bled Sangrar
Blow Blew Blown Soplar
Break Broke Broken Romper
Breed Bred Bred Criar
Bring Brought Brought Traer Llevar
Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Radiar
Build Built Built Edificar
Burn Burnt /Burned Burnt / Burned Quemar
Burst Burst Burst Reventar
Buy Bought Bought Comprar
Cast Cast Cast Arrojar
Catch Caught Caught Coger
Come Came Come Venir
Cost Cost Cost Costar
Cut Cut Cut Cortar
Choose Chose Chosen Elegir
Cling Clung Clung Agarrarse
Creep Crept Crept Arrastrarse
Deal Dealt Dealt Tratar
Dig Dug Dug Cavar
Do (Does) Did Done Hacer
Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar
Dream Dreamt / Dreamed Dreamt / Dreamed Soñar
Drink Drank Drunk Beber
Drive Drove Driven Conducir
Eat Ate Eaten Comer
Fall Fell Fallen Caer
Feed Fed Fed Alimentar
Feel Felt Felt Sentir
Fight Fought Fought Luchar
Find Found Found Encontrar
Flee Fled Fled Huir
Fly Flew Flown Volar
Forbid Forbade Forbidden Prohibir
Forget Forgot Forgotten Olvidar
Forgive Forgave Forgiven Perdonar
Freeze Froze Frozen Helar
Get Got Got / Gotten Obtener
Give Gave Given Dar
Go (Goes) Went Gone Ir
Grow Grew Grown Crecer
Grind Ground Ground Moler
Hang Hung Hung Colgar
Have Had Had Haber o Tener
Hear Heard Heard Oir
Hide Hid Hidden Ocultar
Hit Hit Hit Golpear
Hold Held Held Agarrar Celebrar
Hurt Hurt Hurt Herir
Keep Kept Kept Conservar
Know Knew Known Saber Conocer
Kneel Knelt Knelt Arrodillarse
Knit Knit Knit Hacer punto
Lay Laid Laid Poner
Lead Led Led Conducir
Lean Leant Leant Apoyarse
Leap Leapt Leapt Brincar
Learn Learnt / Learned Learnt / Learned Aprender
Leave Left Left Dejar
Lend Lent Lent Prestar
Let Let Let Permitir
Lie Lay Lain Echarse
Light Lit Lit Encender
Lose Lost Lost Perder
Make Made Made Hacer
Mean Meant Meant Significar
Meet Met Met Encontrar
Mistake Mistook Mistaken Equivocar
Overcome Overcame Overcome Vencer
Pay Paid Paid Pagar
Put Put Put Poner
Read Read Read Leer
Ride Rode Ridden Montar
Ring Rang Rung Llamar
Rise Rose Risen Levantarse
Run Ran Run Correr
Say Said Said Decir
See Saw Seen Ver
Seek Sought Sought Buscar
Sell Sold Sold Vender
Send Sent Sent Enviar
Set Set Set Poner(se)
Sew Sewed Sewed / Sewn Coser
Shake Shook Shaken Sacudir
Shear Shore Shorn Esquilar
Shine Shone Shone Brillar
Shoot Shot Shot Disparar
Show Showed Shown Mostrar
Shrink Shrank Shrunk Encogerse
Shut Shut Shut Cerrar
Sing Sang Sung Cantar
Sink Sank Sunk Hundir
Sit Sat Sat Sentarse
Sleep Slept Slept Dormir
Slide Slid Slid Resbalar
Smell Smelt Smelt Oler
Sow Sowed Sowed / Sown Sembrar
Speak Spoke Spoken Hablar
Speed Sped Sped Acelerar
Spell Spelt Spelt Deletrear
Spend Spent Spent Gastar
Spill Spilt / Spilled Spilt / Spilled Derramar
Spin Spun Spun Hilar
Spit Spat Spat Escupir
Split Split Split Hender / partir / rajar
Spoil Spoilt / Spoiled Spoilt / Spoiled Estropear
Spread Spread Spread Extender
Spring Sprang Sprung Saltar
Stand Stood Stood Estar en pie
Steal Stole Stolen Robar
Stick Stuck Stuck Pegar Engomar
Sting Stung Stung Picar
Stink Stank/Stunk Stunk Apestar
Stride Strode Stridden Dar zancadas
Strike Struck Struck Golpear
Swear Swore Sworn Jurar
Sweat Sweat Sweat Sudar
Sweep Swept Swept Barrer
Swell Swelled Swollen Hinchar
Swim Swam Swum Nadar
Swing Swung Swung Columpiarse
Take Took Taken Coger
Teach Taught Taught Enseñar
Tear Tore Torn Rasgar
Tell Told Told Decir
Think Thought Thought Pensar
Throw Threw Thrown Arrojar Tirar
Thrust Thrust Thrust Introducir
Tread Trod Trodden Pisar, hollar
Understand Understood Understood Entender
Undergo Underwent Undergone Sufrir
Undertake Undertook Undertaken Emprender
Wake Woke Woken Despertarse
Wear Wore Worn Llevar puesto
Weave Wove Woven Tejer
Weep Wept Wept Llorar
Wet Wet Wet Mojar
Win Won Won Ganar
Wind Wound Wound Enrollar
Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Retirarse
Wring Wrung Wrung Torcer
Write Wrote Written Escribir
Hello, I'm Craig
. What's your name?
- My name's Manoli

En inglés, para decir 'yo' se escribe siempre 'I' (con mayúscula),

independientemente del lugar que ocupe en la frase.

My name's Craig and I am a teacher Me llamo Craig y soy profesor.

Fíjate también en el ejemplo anterior que en inglés el pronombre personal (I) se utiliza
siempre, a diferencia del español, en que el pronombre personal (yo) no siempre es

I'm Luis. I'm Spanish (yo) Soy Luis. (yo) Soy español.

¿Has observado que en ocasiones se utiliza un apóstrofo (') para abreviar palabras?

I am I'm
My name is My name's

Esta forma gramatical se denomina contracción y es una característica del idioma

inglés. Aprenderás su uso progresivamente, aunque como norma general podemos
avanzarte que se utilizan habitualmente en el lenguaje hablado y en la forma escrita
informal. En escritos formales es más adecuado utilizar las formas no contraidas.

here's Manoli From?

¿De dónde es Manoli?

Existen palabras en inglés con una sola sílaba. Ejemplo: Spain, book, car...

Hay palabras con dos sílabas o más:

·football (2 sílabas) foot-ball
·sandwich (2 sílabas) sand-wich
·television (4 sílabas) te-le-vi-sion

Algunas sílabas se pronuncian más fuerte que las demás.

Where are they from?
¿De dónde son ellos?

Her name’s Maria. / Su nombre es Maria.

She’s from Argentina. / Ella es de Argentina

His name’s Alejandro. / Su nombre es Alejandro.

He’s from Brazil. / Él es de Brasil.

Rellena los espacios en blanco.

His name’s José

He’s Chile

name’s Ana
She’s from Peru

name’s Sonia He's = he is (él es)
I am She's = she is (ella es)
' from Mexico

His name’s Juan

He is
' from Venezuela

En inglés existen también algunas palabras que pueden escribirse igual o de

forma muy parecida al español, como has visto por ejemplo en el ejercicio
anterior ('Chile', 'Venezuela', etc.) aunque su pronunciación puede variar.
A diferencia del español, en inglés no existen los acentos ortográficos
(Perú 'Peru')
Hello. How are you?

Where’s he from?
He’s from Helsinki.

What’s her name?
Her name’s Helen.

What’s his name?
His name’s Harry

This is a hamburger.

Where are they from?

¿De dónde son ellos?

Her name’s Maria. / Su nombre es Maria.

She’s from Argentina. / Ella es de Argentina

His name’s Alejandro. / Su nombre es Alejandro.

He’s from Brazil. / Él es de Brasil

Lee, escucha y repite las siguientes preguntas y sus

What's her name? Her name's Ana Wh
ere = donde
What = qué
Where's = where is

Where's she from? She's from Peru

What's his ? name's Juan

Where's he ? He's Venezuela

What's name? ' Sonia

' she from? ' from Mexico

' name? ' José

' ? ' Chile

El posesivo español 'su' en inglés es distinto
dependiendo del género (masculino o femenino)

Se emplea 'Her' como posesivo 'su' (de ella) y 'His' como

posesivo 'su' (de él)

Su nombre es Ana Her name's Ana

Su nombre es Juan His name's Juan

Fíjate en la diferencia

Su nombre es Ana. Ella es de Perú Her name's Ana. She's from Peru
Su nombre es Juan. Él es de Venezuela His name's Juan. He's from Venezuela

What's your Job?

¿Cuál es tu trabajo?

Relaciona las profesiones con las imágenes.

a teacher / a bus driver / a doctor / a secretary / a student / a nurse

a shop assistant / a businessman / a housewife / a barman

a shop assistant a bus driver a nurse a shop assistant a teacher

a businessman a doctor a housew ife a student a secretary

Where's he from? He's from Peru

What's your name? My name's Manoli

How are you? Fine, thanks

Where are you from? I'm from Valencia

What's her name? Her name's Maria

Where's she from? She's from Brazil

La 's posesiva

Manoli's family = La familia de Manoli

's se usa normalmente para expresar posesión.

Manoli’s mother = La madre de Manoli

- ¡Cuidado!. No lo confundas con la contracción de 'is'.

His name's Rubén (name is) = Su nombre es Rubén.

He's 18 (he is 18) = (Él) Tiene 18 años.

- Pero:

Rubén’s university = La universidad de Rubén.

family = familia
husband = marido
son = hijo
student = estudiante
mother = madre
father = padre
parents = padres
have = tienen
has = tiene
house = casa

This is Manoli’s family. They are from Valencia, Spain.

Manoli has a husband and his name’s Luis. Their house is in Valencia. Luis and
Manoli have a son. His name’s Rubén and he’s 18. Rubén is a student at
university. Rubén’s university is in Valencia.

Manoli’s mother is Emilia. She’s 77. Manoli’s father is Felipe. He’s 78. Emilia
and Felipe are Manoli’s parents. They have a house in Valencia.

Yes, he is
1. Is Luis Manoli’s husband?
No, he isn't (he's a student
2. Is Rubén a teacher?
It's in Valencia
3. Where is Manoli’s house?
It's in Valencia
4. Where is Rubén’s university?
His name's Felipe
5. What’s Manoli’s father’s name?
Her name's Emilia
6. What’s her mother’s name?
He's 78
7. How old is Manoli’s father?
She's 77
8. How old is her mother?

Craig's family

This is Craig’s family. They are from London,

Craig has a sister. Her name’s Stephanie and big = grande
she’s 49. Craig’s mother is 73. Her name’s
Frances. His father’s 72. His name’s Harry.
They have a big house in Spain.

Completa la siguiente tabla con la información del texto anterior sobre la

familia de Craig.

Craig's mother Frances 73

Craig's father Harry 72

Craig's sister Stephanie 49

¿Has observado que el adjetivo (big) precede al nombre?
En inglés suele ser habitualmente así, mientras que en español es
generalmente al revés.

Big house Casa grande.

Red car Coche rojo
This is Craig’s family. They are from London, England.
Craig has a sister. Her name’s Stephanie and she’s 49. Craig’s mother is 73.
Her name’s Frances. His father’s 72. His name’s Harry. They have a big house
in Spain.

parents / children / brother / daughter / father / sister

mother / son / husband / wife

1. Frances is

2. Craig is

3. Terry is

4. Frances is

5. Craig is

6. Stephanie is

7. Stephanie and Craig are Frances and


8. Frances and Harry are Craig and


9. Stephanie is Frances and


10. Harry is
Escucha para comprobar tus respuestas

Escucha de nuevo y comprueba tus respuestas

I have
She has a house
You have

Escucha y escribe las siguientes frases. Sigue el ejemplo y utiliza el

botón de pausa en tu reproductor multimedia si necesitas tiempo para

I have a television








Escucha las frases o tra vez y repitelas.

Elige 'has' o 'have' en las siguientes frases siguiendo el ejemplo.

Manoli a son. His name's Rubén
1. My wife a good job.
2. I a computer.
3. We a house in the city.
4. They an American car.
5. My sister two dogs. the city = la ciudad
our = nuestro/a
6. Craig a sister. rooms = habitaciones
7. Our house five rooms. new = nuevo

8. They a book.

9. Her daughter three


10. We a new phone.

'Spell' tiene principalmente el sentido de 'deletrear'.

Como habrás visto, a diferencia del español, en inglés las palabras tienen
generalmente una pronunciación diferente a su forma escrita. Por ello suele emplearse
el recurso de deletrear las palabras (sobre todo apellidos, lugares geográficos y
términos que puedan resultar desconocidos) para identificarlas con certeza.

Escucha algunas palabras en inglés y escríbelas. Di las letras

mientras escribes las palabras. Usa la opción de pausa de tu reproductor si
necesitas más tiempo para escribir.










Escucha a Craig y Manoli.

Escucha de nuevo y repite con ellos.

Escribe el término equivalente en inglés de la siguiente relación de

palabras. La primera letra ya está escrita para ayudarte.

1. esposa, mujer w

2. hermano b

3. esposo, marido h

4. madre m

5. hijo s

6. hermana s

7. hijos c

8. padres p

9. hija d

10. padre f

Escucha y repite las palabras.

El plural en inglés generalmente se forma añadiendo una 's' al final de la palabra

brother brothers (hermano / hermanos)

daughter daughters (hija / hijas)

Pero no siempre es así. En inglés, algunas palabras tienen un plural irregular.

wife wives (esposa / esposas)
son children (hijo / hijos)

Do you speak Spanish?

¿Hablas español?

Escucha y repite los siguientes nombres de idiomas.

English German Portuguese

Spanish French Italian

Escucha a Craig preguntando a Manoli sobre distintos idiomas.

- Manoli, do you speak Portuguese?

- No, I don’t.
- Do you speak French?
- A little. To speak = hablar
- Do you speak German? Do you speak... ? = ¿hablas...?
- No, I don’t. A little = un poco
Don't = do not (negativo)
- Do you speak Spanish?
- Yes, I do.
- Do you speak English?
- Yes, a little.
Escucha a Manoli preguntando a Craig sobre distintos idiomas y
escribe los nombres de las distintas lenguas en los espacios en blanco.

- Craig, do you speak ?

- No, I don’t.

- Do you speak ?
- Yes, I do.

- Do you speak ?
- No, I don’t.

- Do you speak ?
- No, I don’t.

- Do you speak ?
- Yes, I do.

Ahora intenta recordar el diálogo. Mira las siluetas de los distintos

países para ayudarte.
- Craig, do you speak ___________?
- No, I don’t.

- Do ___ ____ ___________?

- Yes, I do.

- __ ____ ____ ___________?

- No, I don’t.

- __ ____ ____ ___________?

- No, I don’t.

- __ ____ ____ ___________?

- Yes, I do.

Escucha otra vez y repite.

A diferencia del español, en inglés, los gentilicios (nombres que expresan el origen
geográfico) se escriben siempre con mayúscula.
Spain España I'm from Spain / Soy de España
Spanish español I'm Spanish / Soy español
Italy Italia You are from Italy / Eres de Italia
Italian italiano You speak Italian / Hablas italiano

Relaciona cada palabra con su imagen.

paella / tea / wine / beer / ice cream / swimming

dogs / rap music / chocolate (choklet) / football

sw imming dogs beer sw imming w ine

tea rap music paella football ice cream

Escucha y repite las palabras.

What do you like?

¿Qué te gusta?

Escucha y marca las cosas que oyes en la siguiente

conversación con Manoli.

paella tea wine beer ice cream

swimming dogs rap music chocolate football

Escribe las siguientes palabras en el grupo correcto siguiendo el

chips / classical / pizza / rap / chocolate / pop / ice cream /
swimming / beer
rock / tea / football / water / fruit / pasta / coffee / skiing / tango /
rugby / coke

jazz hamburger w ine tennis

chips = patatas fritas

ice cream = helado
wine = vino
beer = cerveza
water = agua
swimming = natación

Escucha las palabras y repitelas.

Escribe cinco frases con las cosas que te gustan y las que no te

Ej.) I like pizza, but I don't like pasta (*) but = pero

1- I like , but I don't like

2- I , but I

3- I ,

4- ,

5- ,

Present Simple - Presente de Indicativo (I, we, you, they)

Positivo Negativo

I speak Spanish. I don't speak French

I like football I don't like swimming
don't = do not

Pregunta Respuesta
Do you speak Spanish? Yes, I do / No, I don't
- El verbo es el mismo para I (yo), you (tú, vosotros, usted/es),
we (nosotros) y they (ellos)
- I speak / you speak / we speak / they speak
... etc.

Escucha y repite.
Escucha a Craig y escribe las palabras que faltan en

la trascripción.

Sports... Hmm... Well, I

like and , but I don’t
like .

Food? Definitely . I like ,

yes. I don’t like and I don’t
like . I don’t like food.

Erm… well I like

coffee. and cof
fee. I don’t like coffee and
I don’t like coffee eearhh!
Disgusting, but I like . Definitely = claramente
Mmm. I don’t like and I don’t disgusting = asqueroso
I really like = me gusta
like . mucho

And music? . I really like .

And music. I like music but
I don’t like music and I don’t
like . No not .

Meeting Rubén
Conoce a Rubén

Escucha a Rubén y elige la respuesta correcta.

1. Rubén is

2. Rubén is

3. Rubén

4. Manoli is Ruben's

Escucha a Rubén otra vez y lee el texto.

Hi! I’m Rubén and I’m Spanish. I live in Valencia, Spain.

I’m a student and I study communication technology in
Valencia. I’m 18 and I’m not married. I live with my I live = vivo
parents in a flat. We don’t have a house and I don’t have I study = estudio
any brothers and sisters. technology =telecomunicaciones
My mother’s name’s Manoli. She’s a housewife. a flat = un piso, apartamento

Se usa 'a' delante de una consonante /b/, /c/, /d/, /f/ etc.

Ej. a pizza, a coke, a flat

Se usa 'an' delante de una vocal /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/.

Ej. an ice cream, an animal, an apple

Cuando a un sonido de vocal le sigue un sonido de consonante, es usual

que ambos se junten.

Escucha y repite.

También se usa 'an' delante de los sonidos apple =
vocales. una manzana
Ej. an hour (la /h/ no se pronuncia) an orange = una naranja
a ship = un barco
Se usa 'a' delante del sonido (yoo) an hour = una hora
Ej. a university an engineer = un ingeniero
an accountant = un contable
'a' y 'an' se pone delante de los nombres de

a student
a teacher
a taxi driver
an engineer
an accountant Craig
etc. is a teacher

Elige 'a' o 'an'

Ej.) book

1. footb
6. phone
7. hour
2. acco
untant 8. busine
3. job
9. Americ
4. unive
an car
10. compu
5. hous

Escucha a y repite.

This is Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas. Melanie is

from the United States and Antonio is from Málaga in
In this photograph they are in Hollywood. They are
married. Antonio is an actor and Melanie is an actress.
Their houses are in Los Angeles, Aspen and Marbella, Spain

Photograph = foto, fotografía

They = ellos
Married = casados
Actress = actriz
Their = su(s) / de ellos
Houses = casas

Escribe 'is' o 'are' en las siguientes frases.

1. Melanie from the

United States.

2. They married.

3. Melanie an actress

and Antonio an actor.

4. Their houses in Los

Angeles, Aspen and Marbella, Spain.

5. Antonio from Málaga

in Spain.

Observa lo que ocurre con el orden de las palabras cuando hacemos

preguntas en inglés.

Ahora cambia el orden de las siguientes palabras para hacer preguntas

sobre Melanie y Antonio.

1. Melanie where is from? Where from?

2. married they are? married?
3. are houses their where? their houses?
4. From Antonio is where? from?

En inglés, los signos de interrogación '?' y exclamación '!' solamente se colocan al

final de la frase (a diferencia del español, en que se ubican al comienzo y al final de la

¿Cómo te llamas? What's your name?

¡Vaya día! What a day!


Di los números del 1 al 10

11 eleven 16 sixteen
12 twelve 17 seventeen
13 thirteen 18 eighteen
14 fourteen 19 nineteen
15 fifteen 20 twenty

Escucha y escribe los números que oyes. Sigue el ejemplo. Ej.)
a f
b g
c h
d i
e j

Ej.) 18

a 2 f 9
b 17 g 13
c 5 h 1
d 10 i 6
e 15 j 20

Las palabras que faltan

What’s her name?

What’s his name? Her name’s Marie What’s name?
His name’s Bob
Where’s he from? Where’s from? name’s Fernando
He’s from Australia. Where’s he from?
' from France. He’s from Colombia.
What’s name? What’s her name? ' name?

name’s Nadia ' Su Li name’s Marco

Where’s from? ' from? Where’s from?

She’s from Russia. She’s from China.
He’s Italy.

Pon las palabras en el orden correcto. Sigue el ejemplo.

My name's Manoli
Ej.) Manoli name's my

1. name your what’s ? ?

2. how you are ? ?

3. thanks well very.

4. from she where’s? ?

5. is Luis this.

6. from Spain I’m

7. You from where are? ?

8. old how she is? ?

Escucha y elige la respuesta correcta. Sigue el ejemplo.

Ej.) Penelope is from

1. Penelope


2. Her house is in

3. Penelope

4. She's
5. Her phone number

Escucha de nuevo y lee la transcripción.

Escribe frases que describan los dibujos siguiendo el ejemplo.

It's a television

Elige la preposición correcta ("with" "at", "in", o "on").

1. I'm usually bed before twelve o'clock.

2. We had drinks the balcony.

3. I'm going out for a drink after work Barry.

4. I'll meet you tomorrow eleven o’clock.

5. He got the bus and I waved goodbye.

6. Can you pass me my mobile. please? It's the


7. Buckingham Palace is London.

8. My mum's birthday’s August 21st.

9. I met my

wife Valencia 2001.

10. We arrived the airport an hour late and nearly

missed the flight.

Elige la palabra correcta para completar cada frase.

1. We cut food with a .

2. We put food in the to keep it cold.

3. When we eat food, we put it on a .

4. A is used to clean the dirty dishes.

5. Before we cook a meal we usually have to the

6. You can’t make an omelette if you don’t have

any .
Completa las frases con el verbo en la forma correcta. Sigue
el ejemplo.

Ejemplo: We to Paris last weekend. (DRIVE)

1. I English for an hour and a half last night. (STUDY)

2. Where your parents born? (BE)

3. My sister can’t . (DRIVE)

4. We didn’t out at the weekend. (GO)

5. I usually dressed before I have breakfast. (GET)

6. My mum in a hospital. (WORK)

Elige la palabra correcta para completar cada frase.

1. What would you like for ?

2. I think I’ll have with my hamburger.

3. Excuse me, can we see the ?

4. Would you like to , sir?

5. I’ll have the fish and my wife would like the .

6. That was a lovely meal. Can we have the ,


Lee el texto y a continuación escribe la pregunta que corresponde

a cada respuesta.
Sam and his family
Sam Robinson is a 31 year old
accountant from Liverpool. He lives
in Manchester with his wife,
Tammy and their daughter Sue.
Sam works in a big office in the
centre of the city. His wife is a
hairdresser. Sam likes sport and in
his free time he plays rugby for a
local club. At the weekend he goes
walking in the countryside with
Tammy and Sue.

1. ? Sam is 31 years old.

2. ? He's an accountant.

3. ? Liverpool.

4. ? In Manchester

5. ? His wife.

6. ? Yes, a daughter.

7. ? Sue

8. ? sport

9. ? rugby

10. ? At the weekend.

Escribe la forma negativa de las siguientes frases. Sigue el


Ejemplo: I worked last weekend.

I didn't w ork last w eekend

1. My brother works for Telefonica.

2. Her children are at the tennis club.

3. Our children were born in Valencia.

4. The plane arrived at 11.30.

5. We had a drink together after work.

Elige la palabra que tenga el significado opuesto.

1. bright

2. quiet

3. more

4. wide

5. tight

Escribe la forma pasada de cada verbo. Sigue el ejemplo.

Ejemplo: fly (volar)

1. begin (empezar)

2. choose (elegir)

3. speak (hablar)

4. drink (beber)

5. give (dar)

6. leave (dejar)

7. sit (sentarse)

8. think (pensar)
Elige la palabra que tenga el significado opuesto.

1. sharp

2. upper

3. Deep

4. Wise
rested / refreshed
5. tired

Escribe la forma pasada de cada verbo. Sigue el ejemplo.

Ejemplo: speak (hablar) -
1. sleep (dormir)

2. come (venir)

3. lose (perder)

4. run (correr)

5. send (enviar)

6. win (ganar)

7. hear (oír)

8. know (saber, conocer)

1. sleep - slept (dormir)

2. come - came (venir)
3. lose - lost (perder)
4. run - ran (correr)
5. send - sent (enviar)
6. win - won (ganar)
7. hear - heard - (oír)
8. know - knew - (saber, conocer)

1. sharp – dull/blunt
2. upper – lower
3. deep – shallow
4. wise – foolish
5. tired – rested/refreshed
1. bright – dark/dull
2. quiet – noisy
3. more – less
4. wide – narrow
5. tight – loose
1 - Typewriter
Máquina de escribir (el teclado se llama "keyboard").
2 - Fax machine
Fax (máquina de fax).
3 - Desk lamp
Lámpara de escritorio ('flexo'). También llamada "anglepoise".
4- Filing cabinet
Archivador. La carpeta se llama "folder".
5 - Desk
Escritorio. (el pupitre escolar se llama "school desk").
6 - Photocopier
Fotocopiadora, también llamada "copier".

1 - Plane
Avión. (USA = 'Airplane')
2 - Lorry
Camión (USA = 'Truck').
3 - Train
Tren. Perder el tren = to miss the train (NOT to lost) .
4- Ship
Barco (cuando es un barco pequeño se llama 'boat').
5 - Bus
Autobús. Parada de autobús = bus stop.
6 - Helicopter
Helicóptero. El piloto se llama 'pilot'.
1 - Octopus
Pulpo. (pl = octopuses)
2 - Shark
3 - Starfish
Estrella de mar
4- Fish
Pez, pescado (to fish = 'pescar').
5 - Dolphin
6 - Crab
Cangrejo (crabby = 'malhumorado')

1 - Alligator
Caimán. (cocodrilo = crocodile)
2 - Tiger
Tigre. Tigress = tigresa
3 - Bear
Oso. 'Teddy bear' = oso de peluche
4- Turtle
5 - Bat
Murciélago (también bate de béisbol)
6 - Monkey
Mono (monkey business = 'trampas').
1 - Horse
Caballo. Horse race = carrera de caballos
2 - Pig
Cerdo. La carne se llama 'pork'
3 - Dog
Perro. Hot dog = salchicha Frankfurt (perrito caliente)
4- Bee
Abeja. La miel se llama 'honey'
5 - Snail
Caracol (el caracol marino se llama 'winkle').
6 - Sheep
Oveja. El cordero se llama 'lamb' y la cabra 'goat'.

1 - Bull
Toro. Bullfighter = Torero
2 - Chicken
Gallina, pollo. Chick = polluelo, cock = gallo
3 - Caterpillar
Oruga. El gusano se llama 'worm'
4- Duck
Pato (fem y masc). El macho se llama 'drake'
5 - Seal
Foca. (También se llama así a un precinto o sello de lacre)
6 - Elephant
Elefante. ('white elephant' = proyecto costoso o inútil).

. I try on this dress, please?

2. Can you a photo of us, please?

3. Where she from?

4. A: How do you eat out in restaurants?

B: About once or twice a month.

5. A: Nice to you.

B: How do you ?

6. A: How is that Sony camera?

B: It's 499 Euros.

7. A: did they leave early?

B: Because they have a long drive home.

8. A: What did you talk ?

B: Her job, my job and holidays.
Elige el pronombre correcto para cada frase.

1. Please give me phone.

2. Roses are my favourite flowers. I really

like .
3. We don’t know where the hotel is. Can you

help ?

4. This is bag.

5. Pepito is married. wife’s name is Inma.

6. She loves David but he doesn’t love .

7. Can you help with my shopping please?

8. That cat isn’t . They don’t have cat.

Escribe la forma femenina de las siguientes palabras. Sigue
el ejemplo.

1. husband

2. father

3. uncle

4. brother

5. son

Escribe la forma de pasado (pretérito) de los siguientes

verbos. Sigue el ejemplo.

Ej. speak

1. do (hacer)

2. fly (volar)

3. pay (pagar)

4. become (llegar a ser)

5. tell (decir)

6. put (poner)

7. forgive (perdonar)

8. take (tomar)
Escribe la palabra que corresponda para cada frase.

A: What did you at the weekend?

B: Nothing special. I stayed home and watched TV.

2. Did you a good time at in Barcelona?

3. What time the film start tonight?

4. A: did you go out with?

B: Steve, Jane and Sara.

5. A: did you get home?

B. We took a taxi.

6. they at the meeting yesterday?

7. your parents live here?

8. A: is this iPad?
B: It’s mine.

Escribe la forma de pasado (pretérito) de los siguientes

verbos. Sigue el ejemplo.

Ej. speak

1. have (haber o tener)

2. find (encontrar)

3. sell (vender)

4. make (hacer)

5. steal (robar)

6. teach (enseñar)

7. eat (comer)

8. feel (sentir)

Ejemplo: person (persona) – (gente)

1. man

2. child

3. woman

4. company
5. sheep

Escribe la forma de pasado (pretérito) de los

siguientes verbos. Sigue el ejemplo.

Ejemplo: speak (hablar) -

1. write (escribir)

2. forget (olvidar)

3. get (obtener)

4. break (romper)

5. catch (asir, coger)

6. read (leer)

7. say (decir)

8. understand (entender)
Escribe el tiempo pasado de los siguientes verbos. Sigue
el ejemplo.

Ejemplo: speak

1. go

2. meet

3. leave

4. wear

5. can

Escribe la palabra siguiente que continúe la secuencia

lógica. Sigue el ejemplo.

Ej. speak

1. have (haber o tener)

2. find (encontrar)

3. sell (vender)

4. make (hacer)
5. steal (robar)

6. teach (enseñar)

7. eat (comer)

8. feel (sentir)
Completa las frases con el verbo en la forma correcta.
Sigue el ejemplo.

Ejemplo: We drove to Paris last weekend. (DRIVE)

1. We dinner in a fantastic Japanese restaurant last

week. (HAVE)

2. Maria always breakfast at home. (HAVE)

3. I hate the housework. (DO)

4. Do you like ? (COOK)

5. Pepito usually work at 5.30. (FINISH)

6. I 26 years old. (BE)

Elige el término contrario (antónimo).

1. best

2. sweet

3. high

4. sick

5. round

6. fast

7. far

8. hungry

9. smooth

10. strange
Escribe la preposición correcta.

1. The café is the supermarket and the bike shop.

2. We didn’t go out Saturday night because we

were tired.
3. He is arguing his wife again!

4. My flat is the corner of Frank Street and Wells


5. I’m going Argentina holiday next


Elige el término contrario (antónimo).

1. heavy

2. stupid

3. wet

4. long

5. cloudy

6. front

7. soft

8. safe

9. used

Elige la respuesta correcta.

1. Today is than yesterday.

2. She answer her phone because she was in a


3. How many people at the meeting yesterday?

4. Why come for dinner on Saturday?

5. I think leave his wife!

6. What time ?

Elige el término contrario (antónimo).

1. future

2. adult

3. different

4. strong
5. tall

6. top

7. clean

8. fat

9. warm

Is that Juan and Cristina’s flat?

No, is the one on the top floor.

2. your parents born here?

3. What ?
She’s making dinner.
4. Do you like shopping?

5. How much coffee do you drink a day?

6. speak Spanish?
Yes, I can.

Elige el término contrario (antónimo).

1. interesting

2. left

3. north

4. early

5. easy

6. rich

7. male

8. first

9. pretty

Ej. What’s the film you have seen recently? (GOOD)

1. Which do you think is the television programme? (BAD)

2. What’s the place you know? (BEAUTIFUL)

3. Who is the person in your family? (TALL)

4. What’s the thing for you about learning English?

5. What’s the river in your country? (LONG)

6. Who is the person you know? (GENEROUS)

7. Who is the footballer in your country? (POPULAR)

8. What’s the you have travelled by plane? (FAR)

Escribe la palabra que falta para cada frase.

1. You pay to park your car here

2. On a restaurant menu, ice-cream, fruit, chocolate cake etc


3. You can buy medicine here

4. People usually put milk, eggs, and fresh food in the

5. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are the three of the day

6. You use this to take photos

Completa las preguntas con la forma "ing" del verbo (el gerundio).

1. Do you like video games? (jugar)

2. Do you like football on TV? (ver)

3. Do you like ? (estudiar)

4. Do you like camping? (ir)

5. Do you like books? (comprar)

6. Do you like detective books? (leer)

7. Do you like in the morning? (ducharte)

8. Do you like board games*? (jugar)

9. What time do you like during the week? (acostarte)

10.Do you like clothes? (comprar)

*board games = juegos de mesa

Escribe las palabras que faltan. Sigue los ejemplos.

1. short - tall / easy - / cheap -

2. football - play / work - / TV -

3. father - son / mother - / brother -

4. apples, oranges - fruit / shirts, socks - / chairs, tables -

5. 1st - first / 2nd - / 3rd -

1. Do you like golf? Yes, I love .

2. What do you think of Adele? I don’t like .

3. Do you like going to the beach? Of course, I love .

4. Shopping for food? I hate .

5. I like horror films?. Do you .

No, I don't. I hate them.

6. How do you feel about the summer? I love .

7. Dogs? I love , but I don't like cats.

Escribe el antónimo (la palabra con significado opuesto).

1. expensive

2. tall

3. young

4. empty

5. fat

6. happy

make a noise
2. take photos
3. ride a bike, a horse, a motorbike
4. wear glasses, a jacket, jeans
5. run for the bus
6. be lucky
7. say goodbye
8. stay in a hotel
9. book a hotel room, a table in a restaurant, tickets
10. send an e-mail
1. clothes
2. knife
3. seasons
4. cup
5. kitchen
6. bathroom
Elige el verbo correcto.

1. a noise

2. photos

3. a bike, a horse, a motorbike

4. glasses, a jacket, jeans

5. for the bus

6. lucky

7. goodbye

8. in a hotel

9. a hotel room, a table in a restaurant, tickets

10. an e-mail

Escribe la palabra que corresponda a cada frase.

1. Dress, skirt, trousers, shirt, socks are examples of

2. You cut your food with it

3. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the four

4. You drink tea and coffee from this

5. Part of the house where you cook

6. The room where you usually have a shower, clean your teeth or wash your

Completa las preguntas con la forma "___ing" del verbo (gerundio).

1. Do you like horror films? (ver)

2. Do you like to the radio in bed? (escuchar)

3. Do you like cards (las cartas)? (jugar)

4. What do you like in the summer? (hacer)

5. Do you like in the sea? (nadar)

6. Do you like at night? (salir)

7. Do you like by train? (viajar)

8. Do you like sport? (hacer)

9. Do you like early? (levantarte)

10.Do you like homework? (hacer)

1. watching
2. listening
3. playing
4. doing
5. swimming
6. going out
7. travelling
8. doing
9. getting up
10. doing
. 30 - thirty / 80 - eighty / 90 - ninety
2. teach - teacher / compose - composer / clean - cleaner
3. January - February / May - June / July - August
4. have - had / buy - bought / see - saw
5. Spain - Spanish / France - French / Italy – Italian

Cambia las siguientes frases a su forma negativa. Sigue el ejemplo.

Emma isn’t a teacher

Ej. Emma is a teacher.

1. Susana and Juan speak English very well.

2. Silvia smokes cigars.

3. Jimmy works in a hotel.

4. Ana has three jobs.

5. Peter goes to work by bus.

Escribe la palabra que tiene significado contrario. Sigue el ejemplo.

Ej. buy

1. win

2. lend
3. go

4. leave

5. miss (a bus)

6. learn

7. open
Asocia cada adverbio con su correspondiente traducción al español.

1. always

2. almost always

3. often

4. usually (normally)

5. sometimes

6. rarely (hardly ever)

7. never

Ahora elige el adverbio que más se corresponda a tu caso personal

para cada una de las siguientes expresiones.

I I ha
have tea for breakfast. ve a coffee after lunch.

I I us
have a shower in the morning. e public transport.

I I sp
go shopping by bus. eak English during the week.

I I sle
read in bed. ep more than eight hours.

I I ha
see films in original version. ve paella on Sundays.

I I cel
do physical exercise at the ebrate my birthday with friends.
I lea
I ve home before 9.00 on Monday
have lunch alone. mornings.

I I get
go to the cinema on Fridays. up before 8 o’clock on Sundays.
1. Susana and Juan don’t speak English very well.
2. Silvia doesn’t smoke cigars.
3. Jimmy doesn’t work in a hotel.
4. Ana doesn’t have three jobs.
5. Peter doesn't go to work by bus.
Escribe la palabra que tiene significado contrario. Sigue el ejemplo.

Ej. buy

1. win

2. lend

3. go

4. leave

5. miss (a bus)

6. learn

7. open
1. always = siempre
2. almost always = casi siempre
3. often = a menudo, frecuentemente
4. usually (normally) = generalmente, normalmente
5. sometimes = a veces
6. rarely (hardly ever) = pocas veces, casi nunca
7. never = nunca
2. Ahora elige el adverbio que más se corresponda a tu caso personal para
cada una de las siguientes expresiones.

I h I have
ave tea for breakfast. a coffee after lunch.

I h I use
ave a shower in the morning. public transport.

I g I speak
o shopping by bus. English during the week.

I re I sleep
ad in bed. more than eight hours.

I se I have
e films in original version. paella on Sundays.
I d I celebr
o physical exercise at the weekend. ate my birthday with friends.

I h I leave
ave lunch alone. home before 9.00 on Monday mornings.

I g I get up
o to the cinema on Fridays. before 8 o’clock on Sundays.

Las respuestas al presente ejercicio variarán para cada persona dependiendo de sus
preferencias o sus hábitos. No obstante, recuerda que:

always = siempre
almost always = casi siempre
often = a menudo, frecuentemente
usually (normally) = generalmente, normalmente
sometimes = a veces
rarely (hardly ever) = pocas veces, casi nunca
never = nunca

Hay muchos otros adverbios de frecuencia que suelen utilizarse habitualmente.

Por ejemplo:

constantly = constantemente
continually / continuosly = continuamente
daily = diariamente
frequently = frecuentemente
monthly = mensualmente
normally = normalmente
occasionally = ocasionalmente
weekly = semanalmente

Ejemplo: Emma is a teacher.

Emma isn’t a teacher

1. We like classical music.

2. They play tennis every Sunday.

3. Andrew is divorced.

4. Simon and Fiona are students.

5. Christina likes her photography classes.

Escribe la preposición correcta.

1. They sometimes go snowboarding December.

2. The Tourist Information Office closes five o’clock.

3. She was born May 12th.

4. I found my keys my coat pocket.

5. Where can I try this shirt?

They sometimes go snowboarding in December.
2. The Tourist Information Office closes at five o’clock.
3. She was born on May 12th.
4. I found my keys in my coat pocket.
5. Where can I try on this shirt?.

Alex late every day, at about 8.30.

He a shower but he breakfast

because he time. He to work by bike.

He to work at 8.55. He his computer

and work. At 11 o’clock he a coffee and

a sandwich in the local bar. He until 1.30 and then

he lunch. When Alex work

he to the gym. He home late and

he very tired. He dinner at about

8.30 and then he TV or a book.

Alex to bed at about 11 or11.30.

Ahora lee las siguientes respuestas y escribe las palabras que faltan
en las preguntas que se corresponden con las respectivas respuestas.

1. At about 8.30.

does Alex get up?

2. He has a shower

What he after he gets up?

3. By bike

How he to work?
4. 8.55

he get to work?
5. He has a coffee and a sandwich
What he at 11 o'clock?
6. He goes to the gym

he after work?
7. At about 8.30

he ?
8. At about 11 or11.30

he to ?
Escribe los verbos en el pasado simple para completar la conversación.
Sigue el ejemplo.

Did you have

A: Hi! a good holiday? (have)
B: Yes, great.

A: Where (you / go)?

B: We (go) to London. We (find) a wonderful hotel

in the city centre, and it (be / not) expensive.

A: (you / fly)?

B: No, we (not fly) because the flights (be) too

expensive. So we (drive) there. It (take) about 24

hours. We (stop) every five or six hours.

We (have) a great time and I (improve) my

English a lot. The only problem is we (spend) too much money.

What about you? What (you / do)?

A: We (not go) anywhere. We just (stay) here in


Elige el opuesto o contrario (antónimo) de cada término.

1. good

2. black

3. big

4. old

5. off

6. cold

7. true
8. expensive

9. wrong


Elige la respuesta correcta entre las siguientes frases.

1. How's it going? 6. I'm very sorry about that.

a) You plug it in. a) I'm afraid so, too.

b) It went last Friday. b) It's up to you.

c) Great! How are you doing? c) Never mind.

2. What did you do at the weekend? 7. What time is it, please?

a) Very well, thank you. a) I'm twenty-five.

b) Not much. What about you? b) I'm sorry, I don't have a watch.

c) I'm an architect. c) It's a beautiful dress.

3. Are you married? 8. Excuse me, where's the restroom?

a) No, I'm single. a) I'm alone.

b) No, I'm on a diet. b) I'll get it for you.

c) Yes, it costs 35 euros. c) It's the first on the left.

4. Sorry I'm late. 9. Can you help me. please?

a) I'm late either. a) How much will it cost?

b) That's OK. b) No I'm sorry, it's taken.

c) Very well, thank you. c) Of course! What can I do for you?

5. Hi, how are you today? 10. I can't do this.

a) Fine thanks, and you? a) What's the matter?

b) It looks like rain. b) How do you do?

c) It's Tuesday. c) It's a pleasure.

Completa las frases y preguntas con "him", "her" o "them"

1. I don’t like The Gypsy Kings. Do you like ?

2. I don’t know the new girl in the bar. Do you know ?

3. We like Robbie Williams. Do you like ?

4. He doesn’t want to speak to me but I want to speak to .

5. I want my DVD’s. Please give to me.

6. Penelope wants to see Pepito, but he doesn’t want to see .

7. I never eat tomatoes. I don’t like .

8. Where’s your sister? I’d like to speak to .

A: Hi! Did you have a good holiday? (have)

B: Yes, great.
A: Where did you go?
B: We went to London. We found a wonderful hotel in the city centre, and
it wasn't expensive.
A: Did you fly?
B: No, we didn't fly because the flights were too expensive. So we drove there.
It took about 24 hours.
We stopped every five or six hours. We had a great time and I improved my English
a lot. The only problem
is we spent too much money.
What about you? What did you do?
A: We didn't go anywhere. We just stayed here in Barcelona.

1. good – bad
2. black – white
3. big – small/little
4. old – new/young
5. off – on
6. cold – hot
7. true – false
8. expensive – cheap
9. wrong – right
10. married – single

1. c) Great! How are you doing?

2. b) Not much. What about you?
3. a) No, I'm single.
4. b) That's OK.
5. a) Fine thanks, and you?
6. c) Never mind.
7. b) I'm sorry, I don't have a watch.
8. c) It's the first on the left.
9. c) Of course! What can I do for you?
10.a) What's the matter?
1. them
2. her
3. him
4. him
5. them
6. her
7. them
8. her

Elige el verbo correcto. Sigue el ejemplo.

Example: abroad

1. souvenirs

2. an apartment

3. photos

4. for a walk

5. a good time

6. around the town

7. by car

8. in a hotel.

Completa las palabras.

Example: It’s cold.

1 Does it in winter?
2 It’s in here. Open the window.
3 It’s today. It’s 35 degrees.
4 It was very . We couldn’t see anything.
5 Did it this morning?
6 It’s a day. I’m going to the beach.
Completa las preguntas con la forma "" del verbo.

1. Do you like at night? (estudiar)

2. Do you like at night? (conducir)

3. Do you like ? (tomar el sol)

4. Do you like TV in bed? (ver)

5. Do you like to bars? (ir)

6. What do you like at the weekend? (hacer)

7. Do you like by plane? (viajar)

8. Do you like clothes? (comprar)

9. Do you like with a computer? (trabajar)

10.Do you like housework? (hacer)

Elige la traducción correcta para los siguientes nombres de

establecimientos comerciales.

1. panadería
2. supermercado
shoe shop
3. zapatería
4. óptica
5. frutería
6. peluquería
book shop
7. librería
shopping centre (UK) / shopping mall (US)
8. centro comercial
chemist's (UK) / drugstore (US)
9. farmacia
10. carnicería
1. studying
2. driving
3. sunbathing
4. watching
5. going
6. doing
7. travelling
8. buying
9. working
10. doing
1.panadería - baker's
2. supermercado - supermarket
3. zapatería - shoe shop
4. óptica - optician's
5. frutería - fruit shop
6. peluquería - hairdresser's
7. librería - book shop
8. centro comercial - shopping centre (UK) / shopping mall (US)
9. farmacia - chemist's (UK) / drugstore (US)
10. carnicería - butcher's

1. studying
2. driving
3. sunbathing
4. watching
5. going
6. doing
7. travelling
8. buying
9. working
10. Doing

1 snow
2 hot
3 boiling
4 foggy
5 rain
6 sunny

1. buy
2 rent
3 take
4 go
5 have
6 walk
7 go
8 stay
Elige el mejor verbo para cada frase.

1. Santa Claus many languages including French,

German and Japanese.

2. Santa Claus also the piano.

3. Santa's son his English homework.

4. Santa's workers rice dishes.

5. Please your name, address, passport number

and Christmas list here.

6. Santa Claus Facebook and Twitter to send


7. Santa Claus skiing after work.

8. Santa's girlfriend translation at Valencia

9. Santa socks and sandals in the summer!

10.When Santa isn't working he a blue Ford Focus.

Relaciona las siguientes palabras con expresiones navideñas.

1. Christmas

2. Boxing

3. Wrapping

4. Santa

5. North
Elige el verbo correcto.

1. dressed

2. the dog for a walk

3. a shower

4. your homework

5. shopping

Elige entre las frases del ejercicio anterior la más adecuada para cada
uno de los espacios siguientes a completar.

1. I can't help you to because I'm making dinner. Why

don't you ask dad. He's in the lounge watching the football. He'll be happy to
help you.

2. I usually after I have a shower in the morning and

before I have breakfast.

3. It's my responsibility to twice a day and I go along the

street in the morning and to the park in the evening. It's nice for her to have a
good run in an open space.

4. My wife and I together on Friday evening after work.

We usually go to the supermarket, but we sometimes go to the street market in
the city centre to buy fresh fruit and vegetables.

5. I need to and wash my hair before I go out.

1. Santa Claus speaks many languages including French, German and Japanese.
2. Santa Claus also plays the piano.
3. Santa's son does his English homework.
4. Santa's workers like rice dishes.
5. Please write your name, address, passport number and Christmas list here.
6. Santa Claus uses Facebook and Twitter to send messages.
7. Santa Claus goes skiing after work.
8. Santa's girlfriend studies translation at Valencia University.
9. Santa wears socks and sandals in the summer!
10. When Santa isn't working he drives a blue Ford Focus.

1. Christmas tree
2. Boxing Day
3. wrapping paper
4. Santa Claus
5. North Pole

Boxing Day = el 26 de diciembre, día festivo en Gran Bretaña
Wrapping paper = Papel de envolver/papel de regalo
North Pole = Polo Norte

1. I can't help you to do your homework because I'm making

dinner. Why don't you ask dad. He's in the lounge
watching the football. He'll be happy to help you.
2. I usually get dressed after I have a shower in the morning and
before I have breakfast.
3. It's my responsibility to take the dog for a walk twice a day
and I go along the street in the morning and to
the park in the evening. It's nice for her to have a good run in an
open space.
4. My wife and I go shopping together on Friday evening after
work. We usually go to the supermarket, but we
sometimes go to the street market in the city centre to buy fresh
fruit and vegetables.
5. I need to have a shower and wash my hair before I go out.

Traduce al inglés las siguientes expresiones relacionadas con la

actividad diaria.


ir de compras

ir en coche al trabajo

ir a clase

ir a casa
llegar a casa

hacer la cena


ir a la cama/acostarse

Cambia el orden de las palabras para hacer preguntas. Sigue el


Ejemplo: time /you/What/get/do/up

What time do you get up

1. you/time/dinner/do/What/have

2. after/do/What/do/you/lunch

3. lunch/Who/have/you/do/with

4. time /you/What/go/do/bed/to

5. time/get/What/you/home/do/after/work

Elige la respuesta correcta.

1. The film at 1am.

2. Pepito usually on
Saturday mornings.

3. His parents near the

shopping centre.

4. We to the gym three

times a week.

5. My dad work now.

He’s retired. The film ... at 1am
6. That
restaurant open on shopping centre = centro comercial / retired =
Mondays. jubilado-a
7. My cook = cocinar / wear= llevar puesto / suit =
friends football
every Saturday.
8. Sandra her homework
in the evenings.

9. My mum very

10. My brother a suit

for work.

Escribe las preguntas para formar las frases siguientes. Sigue el


Ejemplo: I get up at ____?_____.

What time ?
do you get up
What time ?

1. Franz is from ___??___

Where ?
2. The shops open at _____???___

What time ?
3. His email address is ___???____

What ?
4. On Saturday mornings Pepito _____???____

What ?
5. My husband is a __???___

What ?
6. My doctor's appointment is on __???___

When ?

omer - to have lunch *

ir de compras - to go shopping
ir en coche al trabajo - to go to work by car
ir a clase - to go to class
ir a casa - to go home
llegar a casa - to get home
hacer la cena - to make dinner
cenar - to have dinner
ir a la cama/acostarse - to go to bed.

*Con el significado de tomar la comida a medio día. "To eat" significa comer en el
más general de "alimentarse".

1. What time do you have dinner?

2. What do you do after lunch?
3. Who do you have lunch with?
4. What time do you go to bed?
5. What time do you get home after work?

1. The film finishes at 1am.

2. Pepito usually works on Saturday mornings.
3. His parents live near the shopping centre.
4. We go to the gym three times a week.
5. My dad doesn't work now. He’s retired.
6. That restaurant doesn't open on Mondays.
7. My friends play football every Saturday.
8. Sandra does her homework in the evenings.
9. My mum doesn't cook very well.
10. My brother wears a suit for work.

1. Where is Franz from?

2. What time do the shops open?
3. What is (What's) his email address?
4. What does Pepito do on Saturday mornings?
5. What does your husband do? / What does your
husband do for a living? / What's your husband's job?
6. When is (When's) your doctor's appointment?






ir al trabajo

llegar al trabajo

empezar el trabajo

tomar un café

Cambia el orden de las palabras para formular las

preguntas. Sigue el ejemplo.
Ejemplo: time /you/What/get/do/up
What time do you get up
1. for/What/have/you/breakfast/do

2. time/you/up/do/on/What/get/Saturdays

3. have/do/Where/lunch/you

4. the/have/Do/morning/you/shower/a/in

5. What time do you get

despertarse - to wake up
levantarse - to get up
desayunar - to have breakfast
ducharse - to have a shower
vestirse - to get dressed
ir al trabajo - to go to work
llegar al trabajo - to get to work
empezar el trabajo - to start work
tomar un café - to have a coffee

1. What do you have for breakfast?

2. What time do you get up on Saturdays?
3. Where do you have lunch?
4. Do you have a shower in the morning?
5. When do you study with La Mansión del Inglés?

1. My sister glasses.
2. Alejandro law.
3. My brother two children.
4. In Britain, the shops usually at 5.30.
5. I the housework in the afternoon.
6. Laura works in ICT. She computers.
7. In Spain people on the right.
8. Many British people to Spain for their holidays.
9. Pepito coffee for breakfast.
10. Martin and Maria ? with La Mansión del Inglés.

Ejemplo: I get up at (.....).

What time ?
What time do you get up?

1. Pepito and Ana do the shopping on (.....) morning.

When ?
2. The film starts at (.....)

When ?
3. Julia works in (.....)

Where ?
4. Juan works (.....) hours a day.

How many ? - I get up at...

5. My wife likes (.....) food - What time do you get up?

What food ?
6. I go to work by (.....)

How ?

My sister wears glasses.

2. Alejandro studies law.
3. My brother has two children.
4. In Britain, the shops usually close at 5.30.
5. I don't do the housework in the afternoon.
6. Laura works in ICT. She loves computers.
7. In Spain people drive on the right.
8. Many British people go to Spain for their holidays.
9. Pepito doesn't have coffee for breakfast.
10. Martin and Maria study with La Mansión del Inglés

1. When do Pepito and Ana do the shopping?

2. When does the film start?
3. Where does Julia work?
4. How many hours a day does Juan work?
5. What food does your wife like?
6. How do you go to work?

Elige la respuesta correcta.

1. I saw Sofia last week. She her arm while

she .

2. I bought a beer and over to the table to join in the

conversation. They about football when I sat down.

3. It’s difficult to believe that his time last week we along 5th

Avenue in New York a hot dog.

4. It was a beautiful day yesterday. When I left home the

sun and the birds .

It good to be alive.

5. Suddenly, I out of the car window and

I that we past Big Ben and the Houses of


6. When I Sandra in the pub last night

she Guinness!

7. I my girlfriend while I around


8. Yesterday, I home to find that my 14-year-old

son my best single malt whisky.

9. Simon me that his wife an affair with her

Karate instructor. I him to do nothing.

10. While I for the train, someone their

hand in my pocket and my iPod.

Elige la palabra correcta.

A Day in the Life of an English Teacher

I at 7.30 or 8 o'clock and I have breakfast.

I usually have cereal for breakfast and a cup

of coffee.

I have breakfast I look at the news and

weather on my phone.

At 8.30 I at my desk and start working.

I my email and write messages on

Facebook and Twitter.
Then I work on my lessons and correct my student's

At 11 o'clock I have a and at 12 I go

to the gym for an hour to some exercise.
I have lunch at 2pm and I usually have

a siesta for 15 minutes.

I usually have class in the afternoon and

I until 9.30 or 10 o'clock at night. I

always . My school

is about 15 or 20 minutes from my flat.

I have something to eat when I and

I watch TV to relax for an hour before I go to bed. Sometimes

I read in bed until asleep.

I saw Sofia last week. She broke her arm while she was skiing.
2. I bought a beer and walked over to the table to join in the
conversation. They were talking about football when I sat down.
3. It’s difficult to believe that his time last week we were
walking along 5th Avenue in New York eating a hot dog.
4. It was a beautiful day yesterday. When I left home the sun was
shining and the birds were singing. It felt good to be alive.
5. Suddenly, I looked out of the car window and I saw that
we were driving past Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament.
6. When I saw Sandra in the pub last night she was
drinking Guinness!
7. I met my girlfriend while I was travelling around Australia.
8. Yesterday, I came home to find that my 14-year-old son was
drinking my best single malt whisky.
9. Simon told me that his wife was having an affair with her Karate
instructor. I advised him to do nothing.
10. While I was waiting for the train, someone put their hand in my
pocket and stole my iPod.

1. She speak English very well.

2. - Do you like shopping?
3. Why come shopping with us tomorrow?
4. France, Italy and Germany are European .
5. - Is that Juan and Cristina's car?
- No, is the Ford Fiesta.
6. Sara work yesterday because she was ill.
7. - What ?
- He’s having a shower.
8. How many people at the meeting yesterday?
9. Pepito usually to work
10. I think leave her husband!

Emma isn't a teacher

Ej. Emma is a teacher.

1. I like Japanese food.

2. She's married.

3. I like vegetables.

4. Pepito likes video games.

5. They live near the beach.

6. My parents smoke.

7. Today is Tuesday.

8. I like horror films.

9. David swims very well.

10. Maria is a doctor.

1. can't
2. Yes, I love it
3. aren't you going to
4. countries
5. theirs
6. didn't
7. is he doing
8. were there
9. walks
10. she's going to

1. I don’t like Japanese food.

2. She's not married / She isn't married.
3. I don’t like vegetables.
4. Pepito doesn’t like video games.
5. They don’t live near the beach.
6. My parents don't smoke.
7. Today isn’t Tuesday.
8. I don’t like horror films.
9. David doesn't swim very well.
10. Maria isn't a doctor.
1. make - made / speak - spoke / buy -

2. teach - teacher / science - scientist / act -

3. oranges - fruit / tennis - sport / tables -

4. 40 - forty / 60 - sixty / 80 -

5. Spain - Spanish / France - French / Italy -

6. Father - son / mother - daughter / grandfather -

7. 1st - first / 2nd - second / 3rd -

8. old - new / cheap - expensive / easy -

9. January - February / August - September / May -

10.Football - play / love - make / exercise -

Elige el verbo correcto.

1. a noise

2. in a hotel

3. photos

4. a hotel room, a table in a restaurant

5. an e-mail

6. a bike, a horse, a motorbike

7. glasses, a jacket, jeans

8. goodbye

1. Where from?

2. - What’s
- It’s an iPod.

3. My wife and I to the cinema every Saturday.

4. your dad born in Madrid?

5. Is Juan ?

6. Today is than yesterday.

7. - What ?
- They’re office workers.

8. I really like .

9. My girlfriend is angry because .

10. - How much coffee do you drink?
- .

Escribe la palabra que falta para completar correctamente las frases.

1. your parents drive?

2. is that boy over there?

- He’s Gema's son.

3. My husband plays golf, but he hates it on TV.

4. is this mobile phone?

- It’s mine.

5. I’m on a diet. I don’t want cake thank you.

6. My dad 65 years old.

7. I’m very healthy. I’m hardly ill.

8. Waiter - What you like to drink, madam?

- a glass of red wine please.

9. Paris is more expensive Lisbon.

10. What did you last Saturday night?

- Nothing. I stayed at home.
1. bought
2. actor/actress
3. furniture
4. eighty
5. Italian
6. grandson
7. third
8. difficult
9. June
10. do
1. make a noise
2. stay in a hotel
3. take photos
4. reserve a hotel room, a table in a
5. send an e-mail
6. ride a bike, a horse, a motorbike
7. put on glasses, a jacket, jeans
8. say goodbye

1. Do
2. Who
3. watching
5. any
1. is he
2. that
3. go
4. Was
5. Maria's husband
6. hotter
7. do they do?
8. Reggae music
9. I'm always late
10. quite a lot

6. is
7. ever
8. would
9. than
10. do

Los adverbios de frecuencia (y las expresiones de frecuencia) indican

la reiteración con que se produce una acción.

1. siempre

2. casi siempre

3. normalmente

4. a menudo

5. a veces

6. raramente

7. casi nunca

8. nunca

Elige la traducción para cada expresión de frecuencia.

Expresiones de frecuencia - Expressions of frequency

1. una vez a la semana

2. dos veces al día

3. tres o cuatro veces al mes

4. todos los viernes

5. cada dos horas

6. todos los días

1. siempre - always
2. casi siempre - almost always
3. normalmente - usually, normally
4. a menudo - often
5. a veces - sometimes
6. raremente - rarely
7. casi nunca - hardly ever
8. nunca - never

1. una vez a la semana - once a week

2. dos veces al día - twice a day
3. tres o cuatro veces al mes - three or four times a month
4. todos los viernes - every Friday
5. cada dos horas - every two hours
6. todos los días - every day

Elige el verbo más adecuado para cada frase.

1. My friend Jimmy French, German and Japanese.

2. Paula the piano.

3. Roberto his English homework.

4. Spanish people rice dishes.

5. Please your name, address and passport

number here.

6. Pepito Facebook and Twitter to practise English.

7. Dave swimming after work.

8. My girlfriend translation at Valencia University.

9. My dad socks and sandals in the summer!

10. I think Gary a blue Ford Focus.

Escribe las palabras que faltan.

1. Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, , ,

2. May, June , ,

3. First, second, , , .

4. Summer, , , spring.

5. England-English, Spain-Spanish, Germany- , France-

, Italy- .

6. go-went-gone, speak-spoke, spoken, fly- - , see-

- , have- - , drive-

1. una vez a la semana - once a week

2. dos veces al día - twice a day
3. tres o cuatro veces al mes - three or four times a month
4. todos los viernes - every Friday
5. cada dos horas - every two hours
6. todos los días - every day

1. My friend Jimmy speaks French, German and Japanese.

2. Paula plays the piano.
3. Roberto does his English homework.
4. Spanish people like rice dishes.
5. Please write your name, address and passport number here.
6. Pepito uses Facebook and Twitter to practise English.
7. Dave goes swimming after work.
8. My girlfriend studies translation at Valencia University.
9. My dad wears socks and sandals in the summer!
10. I think Gary drives a blue Ford Focus.

1. Thursday, Friday. Saturday

2. July, August, September
3. third, fourth, fifth
4. autumn (UK) / fall (US), winter
5.German, French, Italian
6. flew-flown, saw-seen, had-had, drove-driven


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