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IE: ORT OTE (ATR LE Oe TO SES AUTOR LIC. ALEXANDER VARGAS MIDDAGH Name: School:____ Address: Good Luck, dear student A... METAL PRESS CREANDO UN HORIZONTE DIFERENTE Alexander Vargas Middagh To my students and colleagues in Bolivia all for their positive comments and support BEYOND WORDS 2 COPYRIGHT 2016 ALEXANDER VARGAS MIDDAGH EDITORIAL METAL PRESS CORP. QUEDAN TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS DE ACUERDO A DEPOSITO LEGAL PROHIBIDA LA REPRODUCCION TOTAL O PARCIAL SIN AUTORIZACION POR ESCRITO DEL AUTOR EDITADO POR EDITORIAL METAL PRESS CORPORATION CARRETERA COTOCA KM 12 TELEF. 78082676 SANTA GRUZ BOLIVIA ACERCA DEL LIBRO El libro BEYOND WORDS 2 fue disefiado para estudiantes de secundaria. Su objetivo es mejorar la ‘ensefianza y aprendizaje del idioma inglés bajo los parametros de la nueva ley de educacién. Para lo cual sus objetivos son claros y concretos. El libro esta dividido en cuatro secciones: 4 SECCION DE INTRODUCCION. Esta secci6n explica: 1 Como esta organizado el libro, 11 Muestra los contenidos de cada leccién del libro (2 Muestra los objetivos de cada leccién de! libro 1 Da consejos de como estudiar el idioma inglés ( Muestra las instrucciones u érdenes de cada ejercicio del libro con su traduccién para que el alumno se guie y pueda entender que es lo que debe hacer en cada ejercicio de! libro. 2 SECCION DE LECCIONES. Esta seccién contiene 9 lecciones con tems que se graduaron segiin su dificultad. 3 SECCION DE GRAMATICA. Esta seccién es un resumen de loc os gramaticales de cada leccion del libro. 4 SECCION DE VOCABULARIO. Esta seccién esta dividida en cos p2 La primera muestra las palabras reunidas en grupos léxicos (la familia, los verbos, los sal. “9s, ‘Sada grupo de palabras exhibe a las palabras en inglés, su pronunciacién figurada y su sig ilicaic_ ca segunda parte muestra las palabras en orden alfabético; tal cual diccionario. De la misma manera se muestran las palabras en ingles, la pronunciacién figurada y el significado. Esta seccion ayuda al estudiante a estudiar las palabras en forma auténoma ya que cuenta con la pronunciacion. ACERCA DEL AUTOR ‘Alexander Vargas Middagh nacié en Santa Cruz, Bolivia el 10 de Julio de 1979. Estudié la carrera de idiomas en la universidad estatal Gabriel René Moreno. Se gradu por excelencia como licenciado en inglés. Luego hizo un curso de postgrado en la misma universidad; “Diplomado en ensefianza de ESP". Ademas ha parlicipado como tallerista en la convencién nacional para profesores de inglés en Bolivia, obteniendo mucho éxito por el dinamismo de sus talleres. En la actualidad se encuentra trabajando en la ciudad de Santa Cruz. Puede contactarse con él a través de su e-mail Ol —E———— BEYOND WORDS 2 - THE ENGLISH COURSE FOR BOLIVIAN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS CONSEJOS 1. Estudia las palabras todos los dias. 2. Aprende las palabras de verdad, no basta con recordarlas una vez. 3. Cuando veas una palabra nueva busca el significado en el vocabulario del libro o en un diccionario. 4. Aprende por lo menos veinte verbos para poder hacer oraciones. 5. Repasa las palabras que sabes para no olvidarlas. 6. Practica la pronunciacion de las palabras leyéndolas en voz alta. 7. Practica las conversaciones en voz alta para mejorar tu pronunciacion. 8. No temas pronunciar una palabra, si lo haces mal recuerda que cometiendo. errores se aprende. El idioma inglés es un instrumento de comunicaci6n internacional. Por ejemplo si quieres viajar a China, Francia, y Alemania; no tienes que aprender tres idiomas diferentes, solo basta saber inglés pues en esos paises se habla inglés como segunda lengua. Asi mismo hoy en dia a los profesionales cada vez mas se les exige saber hablar inglés para desenvolverse en sus profesiones. Entonces tu, joven estudiante debes fijarte la meta de aprender inglés para ser un profesional mas completo. OBJETIVOS DE ESTE CURSO DE INGLES 1, Eseribir preguntas. 2. Aprender el vocabulario del curso. 3. Saludar en ingles. 4. Hacer preguntas sobre datos personales. 5. Identificar objetos u otros items. 6. Identificar y describer personas. 7. Describer ias actividades diarias. 8. Decribir actividades que ya se hicieron. . 9. Decir lo que esta pasando en el momento. 10. Decir lo que hay. 14. Describir habilidades. 12. Cambiar las palabras a la forma plural. 13. Escribir los verbos en forma presente, pasada o continua. ‘Alexander Vargas Middagh CONTENIDOS ‘seyngeooh ap soupen2 Kemosiedseiaae ‘rons seuensoduog sorperoue seuossed epupadi25aq sone ve seuaed opened sonjpumueseusjanid copra vasounadioeeg egy op sont) zoe isluese, 09 eavennio> ‘sergjepsdog | wed \9penp3 ‘ymunwoa pres opm &) wed upieanps suinapatie, sou oo Ye, som MNS ewesfoug un emuenou3 ‘seuoreD sajeayduny “empnpoud ug ine emia exo poy aeyou 9) uo> euBANLDD seipjapedes | eed upcearea “waunue pies unenuenaug 9) wed ugeonp ewaioug —souepnuosop0s Bug Sam Ue UDIeONES ‘en Bunyd ( empneu “pemypoeat ean opuepes we ono ssoopend nb oleae {pus cay rbsepepraceeat2eed pesado spequesed u savorsre we 212) ‘opened wenosscirtan pueden pesto ue saab 0299 fone ‘oye Asem ‘qos squnfand e224 apundse: soueynes ‘cue jo ua sevoreso 92 9qu283 {00} 0766 Une aUDEe feo uo} ue seunBeud eoey A splodsey : a ‘sopuosied samp sogan geuiy ondoeg soe, seit bounty ed uspenstien sexquouoid adoog ‘syuigpo04s9!en sartirjodues apseunsaideai0n siosserde aul sounorsgie)| sg ‘sopumsyndeg, tase nano nese vsyepon fA nah v6 szyeston A sounoeaen opera fe dus eyeneuny need Keussopesedocuey, pop mofP'E seuensedodus get ewey seunjuesaderiug _so}eninoKog 9 sage tauAseweujessuoreo evap wa wend eer ewuauesadaiug —popesen sus 9 sage soneuye — Ksmep sug swioequasedayduigoduel, fap hare 0427s. 6) ‘sousesodsouey pion ye, vo ang snosied ‘oyescuens _apssunedioseg Sonpteu ‘igeusyenqojeqen ——_jenues ue ou senssessod seuoed fundus epseunoduoseg egeuyjosules — 202 nosh, eqcjoqen osu HZ ‘oe uroveuL sjunouet, a evaysist enjsely ——_WouseR 0 mig BEYOND WORDS 2 « IH ENGLISH COURSE FOR BOLIVIAN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS EXERCISE 1. TRANSFORMA LOS SIGUIENTES NOMBRES A LA FORMA PLURAL. ESCRIBE EL SIGNIFICADO DE LAS PALABRAS. 7. CASO 1 DEL PLURAL.- PARA TRANSFORMAR UN NOMBRE A LA FORMA PLURAL POR LO GENERAL SE DEBE AUMENTAR UNA LETRA “S” AL NOMBRE. ‘SINGULAR Y PLURAL En el idioma ingles como en otros idiomas los nombres de objetos, animales y personas pueden aparecer en forma singular y plural. Sin embargo hay nombres que aparecen en forma singular solamente; y hay otros nombres que aparecen en forma plural eQué es singular? Singular es la nocién de cantidad que describe una sola unidad; una sola cosa, animal 0 persona. 2Qué es plural? Plural es la nocién de cantidad que describe dos o mas unidades; cosas, animales o personas. JOBS = TRABAJOS ORAL sit t TEACHERS TEACHER STUDENT ENGINEER LAWYER WORKER DOCTOR DENTIST POLICE OFFICER DRIVER SINGER MANAGER EXERCISE 2. TRANSFORMA LOS SIGUIENTES NOMBRES A LA FORMA PLURAL. ESCRIBE EL SIGNIFICADO DE LAS PALABRAS. 2, CASO 2 DEL PLURAL.- EN ALGUNOS CASOS PARA TRANSFORMAR UN NOMBRE A LA FORMA PLURAL EN VEZ DE AUMENTAR UNA LETRA S, SE DEBE AUMENTAR LAS LETRAS ES. ESTO SUCEDE CUANDO LOS NOMBRES TERMINAN EN LAS LETRAS; O, X, SH, SS, CH. [SINGULAR PLURAL POTATO. POTATOES TOMATO. BOX FOX WATCH kiss Miss CRASH ‘Alexander Vargas Middagh EXERCISE 3. TRANSFORMA LOS SIGUIENTES NOMBRES A LA FORMA PLURAL. ESCRIBE EL SIGNIFICADO DE LAS PALABRAS. 3. CASO 3 DEL PLURAL.- CUANDO LOS NOMBRES TERMINAN EN LA LETRA “Y” ANTECEDIDA DE CONSONANTE 0 SEA CONSONANTE + "Y". SE DEBE BORRAR LA “Y" Y LUEGO AUMENTAR LAS [LETRAS IES”EN VEZ DE AUMENTAR UNA LETRA ‘S" 0 “ES” CANDY PARTY BABY EXERCISE 4. TRANSFORMA LOS SIGUIENTES NOMBRES A LA FORMA PLURAL. ESCRIBE EL SIGNIFICADO DE LAS PALABRAS. CASO 4 DEL PLURAL... LAS PALABRAS QUE TERMINAN EN LAS LETRAS "F" 0 "FE" PARA TRANSEORMARSE EN PLURAL SE DEBE REEMPLAZAR LAF" O “FE” POR [WIFE LEAF FE EXERCISE 5. TRANSFORMA LOS SIGUIENTES NOMBRES A LA FORMA PLURAL. ESCRIBE EL SIGNIFICADO DE LAS PALABRAS. CASO 5 DEL PLURAL.- PLURALES IRREGULARES. ALGUNAS PALABRAS TIENEN SU PROPIA FORMA PLURAL, NO SIGUEN NINGUNA REGLA. ESTOS DEBEN SER APRENDIDOS DE MEMORIA. SINGULAR MAN WOMAN WOMEN CHILD CHILDREN FOOT FEET MOUSE, MICE LOUSE LICE PERSON PEOPLE EXERCISE 6. TRANSFORMA LAS SIGUIENTES PALABRAS A LA FORMA PLURAL. RECUERDA LOS CINCO CASOS. es Policewoman Loaf Porson Wott Foot BEYOND WORDS 2 - THE ENGLISH COURSE FOR BOLIMAN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS EXERCISE 7. ESCRIBE EL SINGULAR Y PLURAL DE LAS SIGUIENTES PALABRAS. ANIMALS = ANIMALES Perro Perro Gato Gatos Cuaderno Cuadernos. Caballo Caballos Lapicero Lapiceros Pajaro Paleros Lapiz Lapices | Vibora Viboras Mochita Mochilas | Vaca vVacas Borrador Borradores | Toro Toros Tajador Tajadores | Burro Burros Regia Reglas | Mono Monos Pizarra Pizarras | Lor Loros Televisor Televisores | Pez Peces Radio Radios | Oveja Ovejas Silla sillas | Chancho Ghanchos Escritorio Escritorios | EXERCISE 8. CORRIGE LA FORMA PLURAL DE LAS SIGUIENTES PALABRAS. FAMILY = FAMILIA a ae Padre Fathermen. Madre Mothermen Hijo Sones Hija Daughteres Hermano Brotheries. Hermana Sisteries Tio Uncleves Tia Auntves, Sobrino Nephewss Sobrina Niecess Primo (a) Cousinz Abuelo Grandfather Abuela ze Grandmotherz EXERCISE 9. TRANSFORMA ESTAS PALABRAS A LA FORMA SINGULAR. Bookstores Parks Bus stations Police stations Churches Restaurants Cinemas Rivers Cities Schools Countries Basketball courts Discos Soccer fields Drugstores. Squares Homes. Stores Hospitals Streets Hotels Supermarkets Houses Swimming pools Libraries Universities Offices Zoos ‘Alexander Vargas Middagh EXERCISE 10. TRADUCE ESTAS PALABRAS. SIGUE EL EJEMPLO. ALGUNAS PALABRAS NO SE TRANSFORMAN A LA FORMA PLURAL. SOLO APARECEN EN FORMA ‘SINGULAR. OTRAS PALABRAS COMO LOS ADJETIVOS SOLO TIENEN LA FORMA SINGULAR Y ESTA ‘SE LA TOMA COMO FORMA PLURAL. Music Money Average weight Average height Bread old Young Tea New ugly Coffee Handsome Pretty Chocolate Beautiful ‘Smart Meat ‘Small Intelligent Interesting Shy Out going Blue Brown Green Grey Orange Pink Purple Red Sky blue White Yellow Light green Dark green EXERCISE 11. UNE LAS ORACIONES EN SINGULAR A LAS ORACIONES EN PLURAL. The car is blue. 1 2. This is a chair 3. That is a dog. 4. There is a nice book. 5. The house is big. 6. This is a play station 7. Thatis a person. 8 There is a computer. 9. The school isn't big. 10. This isn't a cell phone. 14. That isn’t a book. A) There are some computers. B) These are play stations. GC) Those are people. D) These are chairs. E) The cers are blue. F) There are -ome nice books. G) The houses are big. H) Those are dogs. 1) Those aren't books. J) The schools aren't big. \) These aren't cell phones. Alexander Vargas Midcagh EXERCISE 16. NAME THESE PICTURES. EXERCISE 17. COLOR THESE BOXES RED YELLOW GREEN ORANGE II PINK © PURPLE BROWN BLACK BLUE BEYOND WORDS 2 - THE ENGLISH COURSE FOR BOLIVIAN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENIS EXERCISE 12. TRANSFOMA ESTAS ORACIONES A LA FORMA PLURAL. The boy is tall. This is a new man. That is a fat kid, There is a nice baby. EXERCISE 13. COMPLETA Y PRACTICA LA CONVERSACION CON UN COMPANERO.. \__ Good morning, can I help you? a Good morning, yes, please. What's this? This is a What arethese? ery nice. Filtake them. A_ Okay, they are 150 Bolivianos. B__ There you have, thank you. A_ You're welcome, bye, bye. EXERCISE 14. RESPONDE ESTAS PREGUNTAS Y TRADUCELAS. 4. What's this? 2. What are these? 3. What's that? ‘4. What are those? EXERCISE 15. ESCRIBE ORACIONES CON LAS PALABRAS ENTRE PARENTESIS IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH. 1 . (this is) 2 . (this isn't) 3 . (these are) 4. : . (these aren't) 5. : . (that is) 6 7 8 9 - 2 . (that isn’t) O_o are) . : . (those aren't) . PERS ARG eee aay 10. 3 . (the isn’t) . (the are) . (the aren't) sae iota) 14. . (there isn't) 18. . . (there are) 16. ‘ . (there aren't) BEYOND WORDS 2 « THE ENGUSH COURSE FOR BOLIVIAN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS EXERCISE 18. JUEGA LUDO. DI ORACIONES O PREGUNTAS CON LAS PALABRAS DE LAS CASILLAS DEL LUDO Y LOS EJEMPLOS DE ORACIONES SIGUIENTES. EXAMPLES: WHAT'S THIS? WHAT ARE THESE? THATISA WHAT'S THAT? ‘THERE IS © ‘THERE ARE WHAT ARE THOSE? ‘Alexander Vargas Midcagh ae EXERCISE 1. IN YOUR NOTEBOOK WRITE THE NUMBERS IN ENGLISH FROM 1 TO 100. THE NUMBERS Twenty two (tuenti tu) Twenty three (uenti zi) (tuenti for) (tuentifaiv) (tuenti six) Twenty seven (tuenti seven) Twenty eight (tuenti cit) Twenty nine ({uenti nain) (Zirou— ou) (uan) (tu) (ri) Four (for) Five (faiv) Six {siks) Seven (seven) Eight (eit) Nine (rain) Ten (ten) Eleven {ileven) Twelve (tuelv) Thirteen (ertin) Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen (seventin) Eighteen (eitin) Nineteen —_(naintin) Twenty (twenti) Twenty one —(tuenti uan) One hundred (One hundred and one One hundred and two ‘One hundred and twenty five Five hundred and fifty One thousand ‘One thousand three hundred and sixty eight EXERCISE 2. SOLVE THE MATHEMATICS PROBLEMS. a) Four + Four = f) Six? = b) Fourteen x Five = 9) Three? = c) Eighty four|[Twelve = hy \fSixty four d) Ninety seven - Nine = i) Twenty two x Five = e)Ten2= j) One hundred fifty [Three = EXERCISE 3. WRITE THE NUMBERS NEXT TO THE WORDS. a__ Eleven e Fifteen j__ Eight o__ Ninety b__ Four f__ Forty k__ Twenty three p__ Sixty two c__ Fiftyone g__ Five 1__ Eighty q__ Fourteen d_ Nine h_ Sik m__ Forty nine 1t__ Thirty seven e_ Thirteen i__ Three = n__ ee Seventy four s____ One hundred BEYOND WORDS 2 - THE ENGIISH COURSE FOR BOLIVIAN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS EXERCISE 4. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH NUMBERS. A. In Bolivia there is president. _E. There are different nationalities. 8. There are departments. F. There is Christ of the Concorde. ©. There are lakes. G. There are professional soccer teams. D. There are people. H. There are provinces called Cercado. EXERCISE 5. IS THIS INFORMATION TRUE OR FALSE? CIRCLE “TRUE” OR “FALSE”. OUR BOLIVIA In Bolivia there aren't different languages and religions. TRUE FALSE In Bolivia there are Quechuas, Guaranies and Guarayos TRUE FALSE In Bolivia there are Aymaras, Chiquitanos and Mojefios. TRUE FALSE In Beni there are piranhas. TRUE FALSE In Santa Cruz there are amusement parks. TRUE FALSE . In Cochabamba there are two cable cars. TRUE FALSE In La Paz there is one palace of government. TRUE FALSE In Oruro there are elephants. TRUE FALSE In Potosi there is a flat of salt. TRUE FALSE 10, In Sucre there are two governors. TRUE FALSE 11. In Tarija there is a monument to Juan Pablo I TRUE FALSE 12. In Pando there is a port called Bolpebra. TRUE FALSE EXERCISE 6. WRITE SENTENCES WITH “THERE IS” OR “THERE ARE”. ENGLISH SPANISH (11 women) (1 girl) : (1 kid) : . (5 children) . (16 people) EXERCISE 7. WRITE THE MEANINGS OF THESE WORDS. THE GREETINGS Hi Good bye oe Thank you Hotlo Bye, (bye) a es ae Good morning Good night Thanks Good afternoon So long Good evening See you Please What's up? ‘Soe you later How are you? ‘See you tomorow | You're welcome How do you do? Vm fine How are you doing? Just fine Hey Very well Have a nice daylweekendiweck Alexander Vargas Middagh EXERCISE 8. ORDER AND COMPLETE THE DIALOGUES THEN PRACTICE IN PAIRS. a__A__Good moming, a_A__What's up, man? b__A__Howare you today? b__A__ See you at five. Graber thank you. c__B__ Okay, see you. d_ B__ Good morning, : d_ B__I'mfine, thanks. a__A__Good afternoon, Mr. Gomez. a__A__ Good bye, Ramon. b__A__How are you? b__A_ Have a nice weekend. c_B_ thank you. c__B_ Thank you, same to you. d_ B__ Good afternoon, Mrs. Soria d_B__Bye, bye Laura. EXERCISE 9. COPY THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT GROUP. l Father mother brother sister uncle engineer lawyer son grandfather grandmother Tall short teacher student fat thin pretty beavti Germany Italy intelligent strong Bolivia The United States daughter ugly handsome France Ergland Japan China Secretary Br razil aunt worker manager salesperson doctor dentist EXERCISE 10. WRITE THE MEANING OF THESE WORDS. SENTENCES WiTH TH VERB TOBE tam fam not You are You are not He is He is not Sheis She is not Itis _ itis not We are _______ We are not You are You are not They are is They are not ‘THE NAME THE LAST NAME THE JOB THE AGE THE COUNTRY THE NATIONALITY ‘THE PERSONALITY THE APPEARANCE FAVORITE THINGS FAVORITE PEOPLE PHONE NUMBER WITH THE VERB TO BE YOU CAN SAY — 1am Javier. My last name is Azkargoria. iama coach 1am sixty years old. Tam from Spain. lam Spanish am tall and fat Lam intelligent and good. My favorite spoit i= «sccar. My favorite socce;’ >ayer is Martins, ‘My phone number is 777654 BEYOND WORDS 2 - THE ENGLISH COURSE FOR BOUVIAN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS EXERCISE 11. READ THE SENTENCES AND MATCH THEM WITH THE INFORMATION. 4. THE NAME a) My phone number is 6428 2, THE LAST NAME b) My favorite soccer player is Martins. 3. THE JOB ¢) My favorite sport is soccer. 4, THE AGE d) am intelligent and good. 5. THE COUNTRY e) lam Spanish. 6. THE NATIONALITY f) am from Spain. 7. THE PERSONALITY 9)! am tall and fat. 8. THE APPEARANCE h) 1am Javier. 9. FAVORITE THINGS i) |am sixty years old. 10. FAVORITE PEOPLE J) My last name is Azkargorta. 11. PHONE NUMBER k) lam a coach. EXERCISE 12. WRITE SENTENCES ABOUT YOU. 1. THE NAME 2. THE LAST NAME 3, THE JOB 4. THEAGE : 5. THE COUNTRY 6. THE NATIONALITY 7. THE PERSONALITY 8, THE APPEARANCE 9, FAVORITE THINGS 10. FAVORITE PEOPLE 11. PHONE NUMBER EXERCISE 13. READ THE INFORMATION AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES. Hi, guys. 1(1)___ Trinidad. My last name (2). Beni. 1 am (3). singer. | (4). twenty one years old. | am (5) Bolivia so | (6) Bolivian. (7). am very friendly. | am pretty and a little fat. My favorite music (8), Bolivian. My favorite singer (9) Miriam | Hernandez. (10) phone number is 3428. . EXERCISE 14. WRITE A SIMILAR DESCRIPTION ABOUT YOU IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. EXERCISE 15. PRACTICE THE CONVERSATION IN PAIRS. ‘A__Hi, what's your name? B__Hi, my name is Andrés, what about you? A_ My name is Carola B__ What's your last name? ‘A__ My last name is Banegas. What about you? B__ Jimenez. How old are you? A__| am thirteen years old. How old are you? B__|am twelve. Oh, what's your cell phone number? ‘A__ My number is seven seven three one one four, and how about you? B_ It's seven two six three eight. Where are you from? ‘A__ I'm from Sacaba. And you? B__| am from Concepcién. Nice to meet you, Carola. ‘A__ Nice to meet you too, Andrés. ‘Alexander Vargas Middagh : EXERCISE 16. COMPLETE THE DIALOGUE WITH YOUR INFORMATION. Bee What's your ‘name? ae ‘What's: your last name? ec Ba ‘/A__Where are you from?, 8 EXERCISE 17. WRITE THE NAMES OF THE JOBS. 7. — __ BEYOND WORDS 2 - THE ENGUSH COURSE FOR EDUMAN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS EXERCISE 19. ASK THE QUESTIONS IN GROUPS. _|PARTNER 1 NAME? WHAT'S YOUR LAST NAME? HOW OLD ARE YOU? WHAT'S YOUR PHONE NUMBER? | WHERE ARE YOU FROM? EXERCISE 20. COMPLETE THE CARDS OF BINGO WITH NUMBERS AND PLAY BINGO. 1 Profesor 2Chofer 3 Estudiante 4 Doctor 5 Dentista 6 Director 7 Abogado 8 Ingeniero ADJECTIVES DOWN 1 Alto 2 Bajo 3. Flaeo 4 Alexander Vargas Middagh EXERCISE 1. LOOK AT THE TABLES AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES. VERB TO BE AFFIRMATIVE FORM Tam Alex You are twenty years old. He is from England. She is English It is fast. We are good. You are dentists. They are in the house. Vm Alex You're twenty years old. He's from England, She's English. It's fast. We're good. You're dentists. They're in the house. VERB TO BE NEGATIVE FORM Tam not Tupac Catari You are not from Tarija. He is not thirteen. She is not beautiful It is not intelligent. We are not doctors. You are not Bolivian. They are not in the office. Tim not Tupac Catan. You're not from Tarija. He's not thirteen. She's not beautiful It's not intelligent. We're not doctors. You're not Bolivian. They're not in the office. You aren't from Tarija. He isn't thirteen. ‘She isn't beautiful It isn’t intelligent. We aren't doctors. You aren't Bolivian. They aren't in the office. VERB TO BE INTERROGATIVE FORM AND SHORT ANSWERS Am | Alex? ‘Yes, you are No, you're not No, you aren't Are you twenty years old? Yes, |am No, I'm not |s he from England? Yes, he is No, he’s not No, he isn't Is she English? Yes, she is No, she's not. No, she isn't |s it fast? Yes, itis No, itisn't Are we good? Yes, you are —_No, you're not No, you aren't Are you dentists? Yes, we are No, we're not No, we aren't Are they in the house? Yes, they are __No, they're not No, they aren't AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES i) He fifteen years old a)!___astudent. i) You fine b) You ___my friend. k)I Kevin. c) He the teacher. |) They in the park d) She my girlfriend. e)it hot. INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES f)We ___ students. g) They ___ my partners NEGATIVE SENTENCES h) She from Colombia m)____ you Hugo? n)____ she the English teacher? 0) __ he tall? p)__lold? q)___ they in the hospital? — ‘ ase Kou “8. hus tygneeg — Buno, ) ——————gyernog + snoues, ‘ewospueH pio | ————Snan Aibuy — snoueBueq AGN uous i peg Buntox3 Ayeid ne. | S's ‘AddeH — inwepuon, ews uu eus y BuloBino — Bujseequ} 6ig {loouds ayy 0} 06 nof op ewinyeUM (E Asepjeeig eney nok op awn yeUM (Z zdn je6 nok op awn eum (1 1 I It 1 I! 1 I I “SUSMSNV SHL AdO9 "HANLYVd V OL SNOILSAND SH SAVIN “2 ASIDYAXA e \ {doe|s 0) 08 nok op euin UM ‘OT e 1 {seuulp eney NOK op euin EUM 6 re | youn] aney nok op ew jeUM 8 e 1 EAL YoIeM NOK Op BUI IU “L OT pS Se ey Aeld nok op aun uM “9 So eee 1 @Homewoy ayy op nok op aun UM “s je 4904 24 0} OB NOK op ow eUM “Y re 1 aasepyeaiq eney nok op aun eum “€ e 1 {oMOYs e Oe} NOK Op OUI TUM “7 9079.0 N3AIS 1 dn 139 | dn je6 nof op ewin UM *L SSNAL LNASAYd 3 TdWIS NI SA3ONALNAS “NOLLYINYOANI Tae HLIM SYIMSNV SHL 313 7d NOD 9 ASIOUSXS SINGGIIS TOOHOS HOH NWIA‘IO8 HOH 32109 HSTONA HI *Z SCYOM ONOAIE Alexander Vargas Middagh EXERCISE 9. COPY THE PARTS OF THE SENTENCES IN THE CORRECT BOX. SENTENCES IN THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE In the park In the disco Inthe mornings In the afternoons 5. | watch TV in the afternoons. 4. I work in a company. 2. You ride a bike in the country. 6. You know the answer. 3. We go out to the swimming pool. 7. We go to the church. 4. They give food to the people. 8. They have a new house (SESUBJECT cad soe VER EXERCISE 11, COMPLETE THESE SENTENCES WITH VERBS. 1 soccer in the momings. | in afternoons. | in the evening. | at seven am. 1 atone pm. | at seven thirty. 1 to the school at 1 o'clock. | TVateight PM. PEN> “i 5 z 3 a Alexander Vargas Middagh EXERCISE 13. PRACTICE THE CONVERSATION. ‘A__Well, Sonia. What do you do in the mornings? B__1go to the school and | study until 1 pm. ‘A__ And what do you do in the afternoon? B__ | listen to music and I do my homework. ‘A__ What about the evening? B__| watch TV and | talk with my parents. ‘A_Wow, Talk to your parents? That's incredible. EXERCISE 14. ORDER THE WORDS TO MAKE SENTENCES. SUBJECT VERB COMPLEMENT . Ito play want basketball. . You like to listen to music. . comic We read books. talk to my friends They by phone. Ilive my parents with. sleep You early. get up at seven We o'clock. They morning study in the SNe@areNs EXERCISE15. WRITE SENTENCES WITH THESE WORDS. [PRONOUNS | VERBS EXPRESSIONS OF TIME OR PLACE OR OTHER: ook eNs EXERCISE 16. READ THE STORY AND COMPLETE IT WITH THE CORRECT VERBS. HAVE LIKE PLAY HAS Is WATCH AM jllazon, in Potosi. 'm a studentsin. high. “Hi, Liam Jaime Mendoza. | (1) fram English because’ in. | school. | am thirteen years old, My favorite ‘subject (2) Potosi there are a lot of tourists, spécially Americans. | (3) to travel with my father on'the weekends. My father is a driver. He (4)___a taxi. We take tourists to ‘Uyuniand to other places in ‘Potosi like School. It is very funny. (6 “good friends in my school. We (6) = ’soccer in the afternoons. ‘In the evenings | do my. nother is very beautiful. She is a housewife: well. Je|QPH “LL JeuS808N “91 IH “Sb 388 “bh gene eb AINA “Zh se0e} “LI. ese “OL 4yquos 01691002“ JEWOL eudsoH yeuiog °g | 181A, epualy 4804 ae | NMoa elollod “Sb seueg “pl siuuiog “eb PepisioAUn “ZL | 218018) “LL ejanosa ‘O) anbiey ‘Bug 22120 Jee yauloD sue], afonpued, dIUaA, “UANLUVd YNOA HLIM HOOL HOVL HOLL AVTd "Lb SIOUX SINSGNIS TOOHOS HOTH NVIATO# 04 3547100 HSTONS SHI ~@ SQHOM GNOME Alexander Vargas Middagh EXERCISE 1. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE OF THESE SENTENCES? AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES NEGATIVE SENTENCES: like peanut “chicha”. You play basketball. We drink soda. You like music. They play the guitar. bl arg He likes fish. ‘She plays soccer. It drinks water. ND I don't like peanut chicha. You don't play basketball. We don't drink soda. You don't like music. They don't play the guitar. He doesn't like fish. ‘She doesn't play soccer. It doesn't drink water. SND TENS EXERCISE 2. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE CORRECT FORM OF THE VERB. eal messages in my cell phone. 2. You an e-mail. 3. He in the soccer field. 4. She the homework. 5. It four legs and a tail. 6. We dogs. 7. You English in an institute, 8. They abig family. 9. Susana to work with her mother. 40. Nelson very hard. 11. The students. 12. The student. to the bus station to the school every day. EXERCISE 3. COMPLETE THE CHART. CHECK THE EXAMPLES. 3 Es ies = TYOU WE THEY _HE SHE IT TYOU WE THEY HE SHE IT TYOU WE THEY HE SHE IT Drive Drives Do ‘Does ‘Study Studies Talk Go Ty Walk Kiss cy Eat Wash Drink Watch Work Box Sleep Fix

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