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AVR Assembly
Nama : Gilang Satria Ajie
NIM : I0717017

1. Instal ATMEL Studio 7

2. Jalankan tutorial untuk upload kode assembly ke Arduino

3. Buat Program Sendiri
LED Blinking, tapi LED yang menyala 3 angka digit terakhir NIM, dengan delay ((NIM 3
digit)mod 7) detik
Menggunakan Sofware Simulasi Proteus 8.0

NIM = 017
Binary 00010001
port 0 dan port 4
Delay = 03 detik
Script Assembly
; AssemblerApplication1.asm
; Created: 5/9/2018 10:00:21 AM
; Author : Aimma

.ORG 0x0000 // Tells the next instruction to be written

RJMP main // State that the program begins at the main label

LDI r16, 0xFF // Load the immedate value 0xFF (all bits 1) into
register 16
OUT DDRB, r16 // Set Data Direction Register B to output for all pins

SBI PortB, 0 // Set the 0 bit in PortB. (i.e. turn on the LED)
SBI PortB, 1 // Set the 4th bit in PortB. (i.e. turn on the LED)
RCALL delay_03
CBI PortB, 0 // Clear the 0 bit in PortB. (i.e. turn off the LED)
CBI PortB, 1 // Clear the 4th bit in PortB. (i.e. turn off the LED)
RCALL delay_03
RJMP loop // Loop again

// Everything beneath is part of the delay loop

LDI r16, 8

LDI r23, low(3037)
LDI r24, high(3037)

ADIW r24, 1
BRNE delay_loop
DEC r16
BRNE outer_loop

Script C
* GccApplication1.c
* Created: 5/9/2018 10:08:47 AM
* Author : Aimmma

#define F_CPU 1000000UL

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>

int main(void)
DDRB = 0xFF;
PORTB = 0x00;
/* Replace with your application code */
while (1)
PINB = (1<<PB0);
PINB = (1<<PB1);

Script Disassembly
--- c:\users\aimma\Documents\Atmel
DDRB = 0xFF;
00000040 SER R24 Set Register
00000041 OUT 0x04,R24 Out to I/O location
PORTB = 0x00;
00000042 OUT 0x05,R1 Out to I/O location
PINB = (1<<PB0);
00000043 LDI R25,0x01 Load immediate
PINB = (1<<PB1);
00000044 LDI R24,0x02 Load immediate
PINB = (1<<PB0);
00000045 OUT 0x03,R25 Out to I/O location
PINB = (1<<PB1);
00000046 OUT 0x03,R24 Out to I/O location

4. Perbandingan jumlah instruksi

- jumlah instruksi assembly ada 24 perintah

- jumlah instruksi assembly yang dikonversi dari instruksi C ada 13 perintah

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