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Understanding Sympathy and Expert Opinion

Sympathy is Attitude to care, share feelings and give emotional support to people who
are suffering. According Soerjono Soekanto: Ø The process someone feels interested in others. In
order to take place, there needs to be understanding between the two parties. According to Max
Weber: Ø Feelings of sympathy can also be delivered to a person / group of people or a formal
institution at a special moment. For example if the feeling of sympathy arises from a virgin to a
girl / on the contrary will lead to feelings of love / affection. According to Gillin: Ø Is a process
in which a person feels interested in another party. The main thrust of sympathy is the desire to
understand the other side and to cooperate with it. According to Our Group (Group I): Ø Caring
attitude towards others based on feelings to share the pain of others with all their heart.

Background and Development of Sympathy

Sympathy is a psychological process whereby an individual individual feels attracted to
a person or group of people because of his or her attitude, appearance, authority or actions in
such a way. It is said in such a way, because for some people, attitude, appearance, dignity or
deeds are mediocre. This sympathy process has an important role in the continuity of social
interaction built by individuals and community groups. Sympathy is a feeling of one's attraction
to others. Understanding interest here is not an interest in the sense of romantic relationships, but
the allegations or opinions that the intended person is an interesting person. Simply, like saying,
"Well, interesting people." This sense may arise when you see someone who is capable of doing
certain things that are considered unique or great, or just a sense of physical interest only. For
example like, "Wow, that girl is pretty yes." Generally happens at a glance. Respect is respect for
others. Not just respect, but also respect that accompanied by a sense of admiration. You could
say this is the advanced level of Sympathy described above (not empathy; if empathy then we are
talking about other things). Respect is not just interested and amazed because things are seen at a
glance, but a sense of respect for a certain person just emerged after someone knows the person
or deed of the person who diperespek with more deeply. For example after meeting with a friend,
then within a certain time realize that he is expert in a field, may be aroused respect for the
The sense of intimacy, in this case, can be categorized as the most profound level. And
generally more common in the opposite sex. Sense of intimacy is more than respect; there is a
sense of possessiveness and romantic elements added in this feeling. For example the Andi who
had only just respect with the Anti because of smart, then after knowing the person of Anti
further and deeper, arises a sense of intimacy in question. Intimacy here is not a negative
connotation in terms of 'relationship' between men and women, but a sense of more interest. Or
some people prefer to call it love. Usually this process takes place over a longer period of time
than either sympathy or respect. Sometimes, for a man whose heart and feelings are so subjective
and subject to change depending on how he sees things, it is rather difficult to separate the parts
of the feelings described above. Prejudice and preconceived notions of what others are feeling
support this human attitude. This will be especially difficult when it happens to the opposite sex.
Sometimes the barrier between respect and intimacy looks so thin, and it is not impossible that
sometimes humans penetrate it without guessing what is really behind it. Sympathy is more
likely to feel compassion, but it is not expressed in a concrete attitude to help. Sympathy will be
developed if there is mutual understanding from both sides. Sympathy delivered to a person at
certain times, can be happy when it can also when sad. For example, when someone struck a
disaster. Sympathy can create feelings of affection.
Basically the human drive to interact with others one of them because people feel
attracted to the person. In a social interaction the most basic psychic effect is one's sympathy
towards another. Basically sympathy is an attitude attracted to others because something may be
because it attracts its appearance, perhaps because of its wisdom or because the mindset is in
accordance with the values adopted by people who sympathize. The word sympathy comes from
the Greek word, "sympatheia" which means having the same feeling. Sympathy contains the
ability to take part with the feelings of others who are suffering. This feeling is based on the
ability to pay attention to others. Sympathy has a relationship with social deviation that is as a
positive attitude in social deviation. The positive attitude is to fix all the perpetrators of social
deviation into a positive social aberrations.

Purpose, Function, and Sympathy Factors

The purpose of sympathy: To understand other people who are in the company Reduce
existing problems In order for mutual understanding between the two parties To declare a thing
to someone To express an opinion about a thing Simpati Function: Make someone able to
understand the views or situations of the perpetrators of irregularities social A person can support
a positive offender A person can encourage a negative offender to improve himself Can alleviate
the burden of the problem-affected person Can be an intermediary in declaring a matter
Sympathy Factors: Equality of views Equity of interest Equation of histois factors Racial
The Definition of Happiness Expression: Let us discuss about the notion of happiness
expression let my friend understand and can mengunkapkannya in English. Here I get a
definition of expression happiness that I copied from the site next door. Happiness expression is
an expression that is used to show that someone or people are glad and have excited feelings.
Expression happiness is used to express happiness feelings when we are successful to do
something. Lho kok pake english pack .. Yes yes. Okay. � this translation: Happiness expression
is an expression that is used to show that someone or people are glad have excited feelings.
Expression happiness is used to express happiness feelings when we are successful to do
something. How do you understand now buddy? Okay we just learn examples of his expression

Expression of happiness:
- I'm happy to hear that
(I am glad to hear it)
- I'm glad you think so
(I'm glad you think so)
- That would be great
(That's great)
- That sounds nice
(It sounds good)
- That sounds fine
(Sounds good)
- That sounds wonderful
(It sounds beautiful)
- Fantastic!
- I enjoy ...
(I am pleased …)


Example of the Expression of Happiness Dialogue Dialog 1 Tom: Did you see the
football match last night? Andy: No, I did not. I typed my paper. Who played? Aris: It was
between Barcelona and Real Madrid Tom: Then, Who won? Linda: Barcelona, of course.
Ronaldinho presented three goals. Tom: Fantastic !. I'm happy to hear that. Aris: Yeah, I'm very
impressed with him. Tom: Ronaldinho will play again tonight at champion league. Let's see
tonight. Linda: That's a good idea. Lets prepare! The translation. Tom: Did you see a football
game last night? Andy: No, I'm not. I typed my paper. Who's playing? Aris: That's between
Barcelona and Real Madrid Tom: Then, Who wins? Linda: Barcelona, of course. Ronaldinho
mamasukkan three goals. Tom: Fantastic! I am glad to hear it . Aris: Yes, I am very impressed
with him. Tom: Ronaldinho will be playing again tonight in the champion league. Let's see
tonight. Linda: That's a good idea. Let's get ready! Dialog 2 Mrs. Hans: How was your school
today, dear? Tasya: It was great, Mom. Mrs. Hans: That's good. By the way, Annie, your cousin,
is in Bandung now. Tasya: Annie? When did she come? How was her study in Singapore? Mrs.
Hans: She arrived here yesterday, and about her study, she is getting a semester holiday in
Indonesia.You know what, she has brought some books. Tasya: What books, Mom? Mrs. Hans:
Well, just have a look yourself. They are on the table in the reading room. Tasya: Horrey ..! Mrs.
Hans: Well, do not forget to find her to say thank you. Tasya: I will.

Affection is feeling of liking or loving sb / sth very much and caring about them.
(Affection is a feeling of love, deep affection, and caring to someone). So Expression of
Showing Affection is a phrase that shows a sense of love, affection and attention / caring to
someone. For example, "I really care about you / I really care about you", "what's wrong with
you? / What's wrong with you?", Etc. Maybe that's the picture of Expression of Showing
Affection. For more details, let's read the examples below.

Showing Affection (Giving Attention) - What should I do to cheer you up? (What should
I do to entertain you?) - I really care about you (I really care about you) - What's wrong with
you? (What's wrong with you?) - Do not worry. I'm with you. (Do not worry, I'm with you.) -
Hope you will be fi ne. (I hope you'll be fine) - Are you OK? (Are you okay?) Listed Contains
Showing Affection Word: "Because of you, my life has changed, thank you for the love and the
joy you bring ..." Mitha: What's wrong with you ??? Are you feeling sick? Word: no, no, no.
Actually, I'm falling in love with you. Please be mine. Mitha: Really ??? Word: Of course. Mitha:
I need your proving now. Word: Close your eyes! If you want to be mine, please take this ring.
But if you do not, throw it. Mitha: OK, I'm yours. Word: Oh I can not say how pleased I am.
Mitha: Um honey, I will take my money at the bank. Would you accompany me? Word: I have an
appointment with my business partner. I'm sorry sweat heart. Mitha: Oh never mind. Good bye.
Word: Good bye.


Expressing Concern
– Is something the matter?
(Apakah ada masalah?)
– Is everything OK?
(Apakah semua baik-baik saja?)
– Are you all right?
(Apakah kamu baik-baik saja?)
– What’s the matter?
(Apa masalahnya?)
– Take care of yourself.
(Jaga dirimu.)
– I ‘m worried about all of you
(Aku mengkhawatirkan kalian semua)
– I’m concern about …
(Aku khawatir pada …)
– I care about you
(aku peduli kamu)
– I care about what you do
(Aku peduli apa yang Anda lakukan)

Asking for Care/Concern

– Does it really matter of you?
(Apakah itu benar-benar masalah buat anda?)
– What do you care?
(Apa yang kamu perdulikan)
– Do you really care?
(Apakah kau benar-benar peduli?)
– What does it matter to you?
(Apa itu masalah buat kamu?)
– Doesn’t anyone care about me?
(Tidak ada kah yang peduli padaku?)
– Nobody cares about me anymore.
(Tak ada yang peduli tentang aku lagi.)
– Do you care if I live or die?
(Apakah Anda peduli jika aku hidup atau mati?)

As ordinary human beings we sometimes feel happy, sad, lost self-assertiveness or
others. It is a natural thing as long as our feelings of pleasure or sadness are not excessive.
However, this time we will only discuss the feelings of sadness / sorrow that in English is called
the Expression of Sorrow.
If my friend feel sad what do my friend and expression what mate say? I'm sure
between my buddy all when feeling sad there is express with crying right? yes it is natural and
humane. Sometimes I do too, hehe. There are also expresses his sadness by telling stories or
talking to friends or family. This is also often done by many people. But sometimes there are also
problems that will be worse if told to others. At this time we are required to solve our own
problems. And do not worry my friend will find his own way out.

Understanding Expression of Sorrow

Expression of Sorrow is an expression of great emotional sadness associated with some mistakes
made or some disappointment)

The following are examples

Ekspresi Kesedihan
– Please, leave me alone.
(Tolong tinggalkan saya sendiri.)
– I can’t tell my pain and sorrow in words
(Saya tidak bisa mengatakan rasa sakit dan kesedihan saya dalam kata-kata)
– It brought me a lot of miseries
(Ini membawa saya banyak penderitaan)
– My heart is so burdened
(Hati saya begitu terbebani)
– I’m so sad to hear this
(Aku sangat sedih mendengar ini)
– I’m feeling bad at this time being
(Aku merasa buruk pada keadaan saat ini)
– I regret having to do this
(Aku menyesal harus melakukan ini)
– I’m so sad
(Aku sangat sedih)
Ekspresi Saat Sedang Berduka (Condolences) :
– I am so sorry to hear about your loss.
(Saya sangat sedih mendengar tentang hilangnya anda)
– I was heartbroken by this sad news.
(Saya patah hati oleh berita sedih ini.)
– I will never forget when he/she …
(Aku tidak akan pernah lupa ketika ia / dia …)
– You were such a dedicated friend/mother/sister to me. (If you can’t think of anything else to
say or write.)
(Kamu adalah teman/ibu/saudar yang berdedikasi buat saya. (Jiaka kamu tidak dapat berpikir
apapun untuk dikatakan/ditulis))
– If you need anything, please ask
(Jika Anda butuh sesuatu, silahkan bertanya)
– When you are feeling up to it, let’s have coffee together.
(Ketikia kamu sedang galau, mari kita ngopi bareng)
– I’m here for you if you need anything.
(Aku di sini untuk Anda jika Anda butuh sesuatu.)
– Thanks for taking the time to let me know about …
(Terima kasih telah meluangkan waktu untuk membiarkan saya tahu tentang …)
– Please accept my/our sincere condolences.
(Terimalah / belasungkawa kami saya yang tulus.)
– I would like to express my sincere condolences on the death of …. I’m sorry I could not
convey my condolences in person.
(Saya ingin menyampaikan belasungkawa yang tulus atas kematian dari ….. Maaf saya tidak
bisa menyampaikan belasungkawa saya secara pribadi.)

Ekspresi untuk Memberikan Motivasi Bagi Orang yang Sedang Bersedih :

– Good luck!
(Semoga berhasil!)
– Good luck on your test!
(Semoga berhasil pada test anda)
– You can do it!
(Kamu bisa melakukannya!)
– Do your best!
(Lakukan yang terbaik!)
– Do the best you can!
(Lakukan yang terbaik yang Anda bisa!)
– Work hard!
(Bekerja keras lah)
– Keep up the good work!
(Terus bekerja baik!)
– You’re coming along well
(Kamu datang pada saat yang tepat)
– Keep up the good work
(Terus bekerja baik)
– That’s a good work
(Itu pekerjaan yang baik)
– That’s real improvement
(Itu perbaikan nyata)
– You’re on the right lines
(Anda berada di jalur yang tepat)
– Keep going
– Come on, you can do it
(Ayo, Anda bisa melakukannya)
– Give it your best shot
(Berikan tembakan terbaik Anda)

Contoh Dialog Berisi Expression of Sorrow

Dialog 2
Read aloud the following dialogue in pairs.
Mela : Hei, … Liana. What’s wrong with you. You look so sad.
Liana : Please, leave me alone.
Mela : What’s the problem? Tell me.
Liana : I can’t tell my pain and sorrow in words.
Mela : Oh, I guess. It must be about Andika. Am I right?
Liana : Yes. He broke my heart again.
Mela : Please. Come on girl. Don’t take it into your heart. There is not only one guys, right?
Liana : Yes, you are right. But I love him so much.
Mela : OK. Let’s go to Tawangmangu and make some refreshing there. It will open your mind
and heart.
Liana : OK. Let’s go


To understand Expression To Calm Someone maybe we need to know first what it means
"calm". Calm means calm. So Expression To Calm Someone is an idiom to calm someone down.
For example there is an angry friend, then we need to calm him down. "Calm down, man. Do not
be angry all the time. He is innocent ". For example like that. That word we say to calm our
friend is called Expression To Calm Someone. Or for example, there is one of your friends
crying because just broke up with his girlfriend. Then you try to make it more calm and comfort
it, "No sad ya ya, you have to be strong and can move on .. That's an example Expression To
Calm Someone.

Example Expression to Calm Down:

o Be calm
o Don’t worry
(Jangan khawatir)
o Don’t be afraid
(Jangan takut)
o Take it easy
o Don’t take it into your heart
(Jangan masukkan ke hati)
o Don’t be panic
(Jangan panik)
o I’m beside you, don’t cry
(Saya disampingmu, jangan menangis)
o I will accompany you don’t be afraid
(Saya akan menemanimu, jangan takut)

Sample Dialogs Contains Expression to Calm Down

Dialog 1
Dika : Hello, Mela. How are you?
Mela : Hi, Dika. I’m fine
Dika : What’s wrong with you ?
Mela : I really hate with my friend
Dika : Why ?
Mela : She make lost my homework in the school
Dika : Calm down, Mela. I will help you to find your homework
Mela : Thank before, Dika
Dika : That’s right. Don’t be frightened
Mela : Okay

Dialog 2
Rina : Oh, help me!
Andi : What’s the matter my sister?
Rina : There is a snake in my bed?
Andi : Take it easy. I‘ll kill it.
Rina : But, I am scared.
Andi : Don’t worry. Don’t worry. You can use my room if you still feel scared.
Rina : Thank you.

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