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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Bashayer abdul aziz

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)

Working in classroom management.

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)

Using classdojo

Tell the students ST they say OP and then they flip their arms.

3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)

Using classdojo

Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):

2 English 2LSP6 recognize and use –ing, -ink ending clusters in

words when reading and writing
Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)

I need to make sure that the tables prepared.

Video: ink words family ( Make sure that all materials prepared for each center.
Key vocabulary
Poster: table, pictures and ink cards.
Matching cards, words and pictures.
A4 paper for the high group to write sentences.
Small boards
Online game
ending-pattern-games/ink-grade- Slink
game.html#.WtIxu4iuw2x Wink

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher active engagement)

First the teacher will open the video, it shows some example of ink words family, and how to pronouns
them. For example, Think ,Drink ,Sink ,Ink ,Shrink ,Stink ,Slink

Teacher will ask the whole class “can you guess what we are going to learn today”. (“turn can talk”) to
your partner. She will give them time, so all the students will have an opportunity to think. Then the
teacher will pic student to answer.

Second, she will say today we are going to learn how to read and write some words end with ink. And
she will tell them’’ the ink words have something special, they are end with ink letters’’

Third, the teacher will shows them a table, it has some words from the video with missing letter. For
example, Think ,Drink ,Sink ,Ink ,Shrink ,Stink ,Slink and will handed out ink written in some pieces.
Teacher will asks the students to bring
their ink and place it in the right place
to complete the word. First she will
mode it by telling them ‘’as you can
see here this is th, so if we add ink to
it, it will be think’’ and then she will
ask the students to repeat the word
after. Teacher will explain the meaning
of the word by using TPR method
which is modeling by an actions, and
she will make a sentence to help the
students understand the words. For
example. (do you think about your
final grade?).

While the student come with their ink to put on the table, the teacher will scaffold them by pronounce
15 min

the words, so by listening to the pronunciation of each words, this will help the students to know the
words and how to make an action to describe them.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

High group:


First the teacher will give each students a kind of small story and A4 papers, the story called ink, its
contain 8 pages, each page has one picture and one sentence including one or two words end with ink

Second, the teacher will give each one a headphone to listen to the speaker when he is reading the
story. The teacher will asks the students to listen to speaker carefully and follow him with their finger on
the story.

Third, while the students are listening to

the story, they have to circle every
words end with ink. They can work in
pairs and share their answers.

Forth, the students have to discuss the

meaning of each word.

Finally, students have to choose 2 or 3

inks words from the story and write at
least 2or 3 sentences about them in A4

The teacher will model it. first she will

open the speaker and will when she see
ink word she will circle it. and then she
will let the student to do other.
Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

Middle group.


first the teacher will give the whole group a poster and some letters in the cards, in the poster there are
some sentences including one ink
word but some of the letters are
missing. For example, t….i….k,
w…n….., m… ….k. and b…in….

Second, the teacher will tell the

students to read the sentences
and try to figure out the missing
letter from ink words.

Third, the students have to take

the letter and put to on the poster
to complete the ink words.

Finally, the students should

discuss the meaning of each ink

The teacher will model the activity. first she will read the first sentence and will put the letters to
complete the words.
Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

Lower group:


First the teacher will give the students

14 card. Each card will have the
beginning sounds for an ink word. For
example:, th, dr, p, shr, s, w. 7 cards
will have ink and each card there is a
half picture that helps determine the
meaning of the word.

Second, the students will match these

cards with correct one cooperatively.
Then students will discuss together
and solve the puzzle to get all the ink
words with the pictures.

Third, the students have to discuss the

meaning of each word cooperatively and each one should say 2 sentences about 2 words.

The teacher will open an online game for whole class on the smart board, the game contains words but
some of the letters are missing, for example, dr, shr and p, there will be 4 options for the students.

The students will listen to the pronunciation of the words from the game, and will chose the correct
missing letters.

15 min


Tr: will give each student a white bards and will ask the students to write any word end with ink.

Ss: have to write the words.

Tr: will pic the student and will tell her to make 1 sentence about her word
MCT/MST Lesson Observation
Student teacher’s name: Bashayer AlMansouri H00329194 Grade Level: 2

Unit/Lesson: Date: Feb.22 2018

Al Shaheen MST Sumaya

Competency Area E G S M U

Please tick the boxes using the OVERALL ASSESSMENT LEVEL

DESCRIPTORS attached at end of document

(E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U =


Professionalism x

Planning for learning x

(Includes knowledge & understanding of content)

Implementing and Managing Learning x

(Includes behavior management, language and delivery)

Assessment x

Reflection on Practice

Overview of the lesson:

Bashayer planned and successfully implemented a literacy lesson about the root ink. She
introduced the lesson with a video asking ss to watch and then infer what the lesson would
be about. Then she showed target words on the interactive white board. Then she gave
some students papers with ink on them and ss had to put the papers behind the starter
letters to form words, think, drink, sink, ink shrink pink rink stink. She asked students to
repeat the words. After she explained the 3 activities, matching, reading and identifying and
writing sentences and finally writing ink to finish the word. She circulated and monitored the
students learning closely, giving praise where appropriate. Ss woked quietly and were
productive. She was firm with one boy who wasn’t doing his work, returning to his table
many times to keep him on task by asking him to work and using Class Dojo for incentive.
She announced the use of Class Dojo to the whole class, and he began to work. After this she
had the students play an interactive game with the white board involving dragging and
dropping letters to make ink words.

Areas for development:

1. more choral work with the whole class especially words that are generally difficult - ink

2. Class Management:

* some students had not put their work away but the game began. Be sure to complete the

* choose only children who are sitting properly.

3. Turn and talk at the end of the lesson – ss could have made sentences together with a


Ss enter class quietly. B waits for them to be quiet

Greetings – ss stand

Now I’m going to open a video you have to focus on it and I have one question for you

Miss molly Learning Ink word family.

(need to prompt children to say the words as they show on the video.)

Shows many words. Think, stink, link, sink, rink,…

So after you watch the video what do you think we are going to learn about today. Talk to your
partner. I will give you one minute

Everybody’s ready one boy says rink

B: what are the special things about these words.

A girl says ink words.

B. exactly good girl.

Today we are going to learn about these ink words

First I will show you

Can someone say these words. (drink)

Can you make it in a sentence

The girl says I go to drink water.

Ink do you know he meaning of ink – difficult for them to see my pencil she’s finished she’s ink

Shrink do you know the

My shirt srink


Need choral work. Everyone say stink

Reviews all words and the meaning Clearly knows all the meanings



LC1 Finish and write ink after the starter letters.

LC2. Match word with picture. Drink with picture of someone drinking – the word is split.

LC3 little book : read the sentence and circle the words with ink then write sentences with ink.
Attention grabber T says Everybody say ST, children say OP and listen.

B circulates and helps children .

12:07 B announces they have about 2 min to finish.

Everybody collect their activity and put it in the small bag. Collect your colours and put your
paper in the box.

Everybody ST…. OP

Cross your arms, Now we will play a game but if yo udo not sit quietly I will not give you a
chandce to play.

Interactive game . ss hear the word drink and they have to drag and drop the dr to the ink to
make the word drink.

Ss were very happy to play this game.

Two students were still colouring their books

Class management – choose a student who is sitting well


Now I’m going to write some sentences and you have to tell me which word has ink. Everybody
look at the board.

My father drink water. (drinks)

My pin has ink. (pen)

I am think about my future. (I think about my future.)

Who can come here and underline the words with ink and then you have to tell me about

It would be better to have turn and talk – ss say a sentence to their partners.

One boy circled ‘has’ and then when given another chance, circled ‘ink’ but didn’t know the
meaning to put it in a sentence.
Especially points that are difficult – recognize the majority of ss have difficulty with one part of
the lesson, focus on it and help the others focus


Gives extra point

AAWC Lesson Reflection (Completed after EVERY lesson taught)

Select (S): Bashayer Abdul Aziz

Identify a lesson and what standards are you addressing

The lesson was recognize the ink sounds when they are reading and writing.

Describe (D):

Who is the lesson for? The lesson was for grade 2

Where did the lesson take place? It took place in AL Saheen school

What were you trying to achieve in your lesson? I was trying to explain the ink sounds with
several words and the students supposed to recognize the ink sounds.

What did the students do? They were engaged and demonstrated the ink sounds when they are
reading and writing.

Analyze (A):

Why do you think the students responded the way that they did? The student responded the way
that I taught. First I introduce the words and asking them to identify the ink sounds, then I gave
them an activities to do it by them self and finally they had an online game. So it was step by
step, this helping them to responded to me.

How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding? Before the students had
background about these which is end with ink like think, drink or pink, then by teaching them
what are the feature with these words and how to recognize them when they are reading and

How well did you engage the students? I saw that most of the students were engaged and
motivate because I was trying to make the best environment in the class, most of the students
were sitting quietly and there aren’t bad behaviors except for matter, but I was focusing in his
group and I told him couple of times that if he doesn’t sit quietly he will lose his Dojo points.

The students were listening to me and they did their own work nicely.
Appraise (A):

Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective

Did your lesson meet your teaching goals? Yes, at the end of the lesson most of the students
were able to identify the ink sounds when they read and write. Moreover, in the closing and
formative assessment I had check their understanding I saw they were able to do it.

Transform (T):

How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future? when I ask them a question
its better if I give them a time to talk to the partner rather than answering by them self.

After the students finish they activity I have to collect each one activity .

What are the implications for your professional practice?

Using classdojo helps to motivate the students.

Tr: Say to the students ST and ss OP and every one site quietly.

Tr: tell the students if you are not sitting quietly I will not give a chance to play the online game.

Tr: tell the students I will take off your classdojo pints.

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