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Understanding AI

Accounting and Finance

Kurt Fanning

Abstract: This article provides a background on ­artificial

intelligence. The article, in addition to ­exploring ­artificial
intelligence in general, will focus on two a­ reas. First, is
the more current aspects such as robotic data a­ utomation
and digital virtual assistants. These ­current aspects are
the ones moving artificial intelligence into the fabric of
society. Second, is how artificial ­intelligence (AI) affects
the accounting and finance professions. Both account-
ing and finance are going through a revolution largely
because of AI affecting many of the facets of their

Keywords: artificial intelligence, digital virtual

assistants, expert systems, neural networks, robotic
data automation

The last year has been a banner year for artificial
­intelligence (AI), continuing this decade’s wave
of ­enthusiasm ­concerning the future of AI. The media
is ablaze with predictions of AI’s massive transformation
of the working place. While many of these media reports
try to s­ ensationalize AI with dire predictions of mass
­joblessness or AI replacing the human race, the ­reality is
quite different. In fact, surveys of business leaders r­ eport
Kurt Fanning, PhD, CPA, CMA, CIA,
CISA, is a professor at Grand Valley
that AI may lead to more jobs in their companies, not
State University. Kurt has written less. Furthermore, AI is achieving a record integration
articles for publication in scholarly into software and other AI-driven technologies. People
journals such as International Journal have begun to see the impact of AI-powered ­applications
of Intelligent Systems in Accounting,
on their everyday digital lives. Through combining the
Finance and Management, CPA Journal,
AIS Educators Journal, Journal of best of human and AI abilities, we can look forward to
Corporate Accounting & Finance, New a more advanced future.
Review of Applied Expert Systems and Predictions of future economic value of AI exceed
Emerging Technologies, and Financial a trillion dollars. Among the many areas where AI is
Studies Journal. His primary teaching
and research interests are in artificial
proliferating are digital virtual assistants, driverless
intelligence, management fraud, and cars, medical diagnoses, and robotic data automation of
accounting information systems. ­financial transactions. Alexa, Siri, and other digital virtual

© Business Expert Press 978-1-94858-020-5 (2018) Expert Insights

Understanding AI

assistants are aiding increasingly more History

homes and businesses. Driverless vehicles The development of ANNs begins in
are already working the streets in Arizona. the 1950s not long after the dawn of AI
Several medical sites are u ­ sing AI to help ­research. Much of the early work followed
physicians make diagnoses. ­ Automation the ­theoretical work of the 1940s describing
using AI in many portions of the auditing how the human neuron might work. The
process is occurring now (Britz 2017). It ­developments in computer hardware during
seems this might be the golden age of AI. the 1950s led researchers to a­ ttempt to build
Among the many beneficiaries of this viable ANNs during this period. H ­ owever,
golden age are the accounting and finance these early ANNs operated with a very lim-
professions. The accounting and finance ited number of neurons and only passed the
professions have always been involved data in a single direction. Given these limita-
with AI. The use of expert systems for tions, these early ANNs could not recognize
­decision-making in these professions was any patterns of great complexity or achieve
one of the driving forces for development any result of note. Thus, ANNs l­anguished
of ­ expert systems. Currently, accounting through the 1960s and 1970s.
and finance firms still drive much of the Starting in the early 1980s, researchers
growth of expert systems. Another main were able to achieve the task of ­ moving
form of AI that has a long history with the information flow in both directions. In
­accounting and finance is neural networks. ­addition, they were also able to move the
Neural networks have been successful data across multiple layers, each layer ­using
in deciding which financial characteris- a different problem-solving strategy. These
tics are best for deciding the possibility of achievements greatly increased the abilities
­bankruptcy, fraud, and the possible restate- of ANNs to the point where r­ esearchers b
­ egan
ment of annual report numbers. Other AI using ANNs again. Many of these ANNs came
such as genetic algorithms and robotic pro- to be under the umbrella of ­back-propagation
cess automation exist due to contributions networks. Back-propagation ­ indicates an
by accounting and finance. ANN that distributes the p ­attern recog-
The main advantages of the use of AI in nition e ­rrors throughout the network.
accounting and finance are that AI helps While b ­ ack-propagation networks are slow
businesses save time, cut mistakes, and learners, they have been able to achieve
allow the firm’s management to concen-
­ significant ­ pattern r­ecognition success
trate on the decision-making. AI will not in ­ several areas. Their success led to the
replace all humans, but rather enhance the ­revival of interest in ANNs during the 1980s
work of many users. The integration of AI and early 1990s.
in the accounting and finance processes However, back-propagation had its prob-
will lead to more efficient processes and lems such as being slow to train and requiring
workers that are more productive. the user to label the data before using in the
ANN. In addition, the raw computing power
Neural Networks needed by ANNs to both train themselves
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are com- and solve highly complex problems was not
puting systems inspired by the biological available yet. However, the major factor that
neural networks in animal and especially slowed research in ANNs during this period
human brains. In fact, the original goal of was simply the fact that other types of soft-
ANNs was for them to solve problems in a ware developed in other a­ rchitectures took
manner similar to how the human brain over the computing scene. If users were
solves problems (  Tanz 2017). ANNs have getting better results from the other soft-
had a long and varied history but due to ware, why would they use ANNs? Thus, once
deep learning are back at the forefront of AI. again, ANN research slowed down.

2 © Business Expert Press 978-1-94858-020-5 (2018) Expert Insights
Understanding AI

The next change occurred in the late When training a neural net, all of its
2000s, which was the beginning of the cur- weights and thresholds are initially set to
rent revival of interest in ANNs. The first random values. The data starts with b­ ottom
reason for this revival was that comput- layer and passes through the succeeding
ing power and storage capacity ­increased layers, until it ends at the output layer.
greatly over what was available in the While in ANN, the software manipulates
past. With this increase in computing the data with weights and thresholds by
power, ANNs could now run effectively continually adjusting them until the train-
and p ­ roduce results in a timely manner. ing data consistently yield similar outputs.
The second reason for the current revival There are many types of ANN other than
was the improvements in ANN’s software back-propagation. Among these are simple
by ­researchers. These improvements help competitive networks, adaptive resonance
make ANNs more effective. For example, theory networks, Kohonen s­ elf-organizing
programmers created an ANN where the maps, adaptive logic networks, and ­Hopfield
first layer learns primitive features, and networks (Hardesty 2017). Each has some
then the next layer trains itself to recog- benefits especially in certain ­conditions.
nize features that are more complex. Then However, the biggest change from standard
the process repeats in successive layers back-propagation was the development of
until the system can reliably perform the self-training ANNs.
task that it is working on. This was a ­major
improvement over the beginning ANNs.
­ Neural Networks in Accounting
Several similar techniques also help to and Finance
make ANNs more effective. The third rea- With the probable increase in the a­ doption
son for this revival is the fact that ANNs of ANNs in the accounting profession,
could now train themselves. The extra there will be a greater need for accoun-
computing power available now has made tants with the ability to understand how
deep learning an important reason for the ANNs work. For auditors, ANNs will have
growing influence of ANN. Deep learning an impact on their looking for relationships
is the main reason for the current explo- among variables for detecting items such
sion in ANN research. as bankruptcy and fraud. Thanks to the
­increase in computer power and the i­ mpact
How Neural Networks Work of deep learning, ANNs can now analyze
In the most popular ANN, back-propagation, entire ­
­ account populations for a­uditing
the program works by mapping out a set of purposes, such as looking for control risks.
virtual neurons and then assigning random The ability to work with large populations
numerical weights to connections between improves audit quality and reduces audit
them. These weights determine how each engagement risk. Tax individuals can use
simulated neuron responds with an ­output ANNs for fraud detection, worker classifi-
between 0 and 1. To each connection, a node cation, and other areas. Tax professionals
will assign a weight. When the network is are ­attempting to use ANNs to ­reengineer
active, the node receives a different num-
­ the internal revenue service (IRS) dis-
ber for each of its connections and multiplies criminate analysis used to select returns
it by the associated weight. It then adds the for audits. With deep learning, new uses
­resulting products together, yielding a single for ANNs will be increasing in the coming
­number. If that number is below a threshold few years. Therefore, it is highly likely that
value, the node passes no data to the next ANNs will be at the center of AI integration
layer. If the number exceeds the threshold in the ­accounting and finance profession.
value, the node sends the sum of the weighted Finally, the impact of ANNs on the
inputs along all its outgoing connections. workforce will be one where NNs will

© Business Expert Press 978-1-94858-020-5 (2018) Expert Insights


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